@ngdoc overview
@name Working With CSS
@sortOrder 510
AngularJS sets these CSS classes. It is up to your application to provide useful styling.
# CSS classes used by AngularJS
* `ng-scope`
- **Usage:** AngularJS applies this class to any element for which a new {@link $rootScope scope}
is defined. (see {@link guide/scope scope} guide for more information about scopes)
* `ng-isolate-scope`
- **Usage:** AngularJS applies this class to any element for which a new
{@link guide/directive#isolating-the-scope-of-a-directive isolate scope} is defined.
* `ng-binding`
- **Usage:** AngularJS applies this class to any element that is attached to a data binding, via `ng-bind` or
`{{}}` curly braces, for example. (see {@link guide/databinding databinding} guide)
* `ng-invalid`, `ng-valid`
- **Usage:** AngularJS applies this class to a form control widget element if that element's input does
not pass validation. (see {@link ng.directive:input input} directive)
* `ng-pristine`, `ng-dirty`
- **Usage:** AngularJS {@link ng.directive:ngModel ngModel} directive applies `ng-pristine` class
to a new form control widget which did not have user interaction. Once the user interacts with
the form control, the class is changed to `ng-dirty`.
* `ng-touched`, `ng-untouched`
- **Usage:** AngularJS {@link ng.directive:ngModel ngModel} directive applies `ng-untouched` class
to a new form control widget which has not been blurred. Once the user blurs the form control,
the class is changed to `ng-touched`.
## Related Topics
* {@link guide/templates AngularJS Templates}
* {@link guide/forms AngularJS Forms}