'use strict';
* @this
* @description
* Private service to sanitize uris for links and images. Used by $compile and $sanitize.
function $$SanitizeUriProvider() {
var aHrefSanitizationTrustedUrlList = /^\s*(https?|s?ftp|mailto|tel|file):/,
imgSrcSanitizationTrustedUrlList = /^\s*((https?|ftp|file|blob):|data:image\/)/;
* @description
* Retrieves or overrides the default regular expression that is used for determining trusted safe
* urls during a[href] sanitization.
* The sanitization is a security measure aimed at prevent XSS attacks via HTML anchor links.
* Any url due to be assigned to an `a[href]` attribute via interpolation is marked as requiring
* the $sce.URL security context. When interpolation occurs a call is made to `$sce.trustAsUrl(url)`
* which in turn may call `$$sanitizeUri(url, isMedia)` to sanitize the potentially malicious URL.
* If the URL matches the `aHrefSanitizationTrustedUrlList` regular expression, it is returned unchanged.
* If there is no match the URL is returned prefixed with `'unsafe:'` to ensure that when it is written
* to the DOM it is inactive and potentially malicious code will not be executed.
* @param {RegExp=} regexp New regexp to trust urls with.
* @returns {RegExp|ng.$compileProvider} Current RegExp if called without value or self for
* chaining otherwise.
this.aHrefSanitizationTrustedUrlList = function(regexp) {
if (isDefined(regexp)) {
aHrefSanitizationTrustedUrlList = regexp;
return this;
return aHrefSanitizationTrustedUrlList;
* @description
* Retrieves or overrides the default regular expression that is used for determining trusted safe
* urls during img[src] sanitization.
* The sanitization is a security measure aimed at prevent XSS attacks via HTML image src links.
* Any URL due to be assigned to an `img[src]` attribute via interpolation is marked as requiring
* the $sce.MEDIA_URL security context. When interpolation occurs a call is made to
* `$sce.trustAsMediaUrl(url)` which in turn may call `$$sanitizeUri(url, isMedia)` to sanitize
* the potentially malicious URL.
* If the URL matches the `imgSrcSanitizationTrustedUrlList` regular expression, it is returned
* unchanged.
* If there is no match the URL is returned prefixed with `'unsafe:'` to ensure that when it is written
* to the DOM it is inactive and potentially malicious code will not be executed.
* @param {RegExp=} regexp New regexp to trust urls with.
* @returns {RegExp|ng.$compileProvider} Current RegExp if called without value or self for
* chaining otherwise.
this.imgSrcSanitizationTrustedUrlList = function(regexp) {
if (isDefined(regexp)) {
imgSrcSanitizationTrustedUrlList = regexp;
return this;
return imgSrcSanitizationTrustedUrlList;
this.$get = function() {
return function sanitizeUri(uri, isMediaUrl) {
// if (!uri) return uri;
var regex = isMediaUrl ? imgSrcSanitizationTrustedUrlList : aHrefSanitizationTrustedUrlList;
var normalizedVal = urlResolve(uri && uri.trim()).href;
if (normalizedVal !== '' && !normalizedVal.match(regex)) {
return 'unsafe:' + normalizedVal;
return uri;