'use strict';
var NG_ANIMATE_ATTR_NAME = 'data-ng-animate';
var NG_ANIMATE_PIN_DATA = '$ngAnimatePin';
var $$AnimateQueueProvider = ['$animateProvider', /** @this */ function($animateProvider) {
var ONE_SPACE = ' ';
var rules = this.rules = {
skip: [],
cancel: [],
join: []
function getEventData(options) {
return {
addClass: options.addClass,
removeClass: options.removeClass,
from: options.from,
function makeTruthyCssClassMap(classString) {
if (!classString) {
return null;
var keys = classString.split(ONE_SPACE);
var map = Object.create(null);
forEach(keys, function(key) {
map[key] = true;
return map;
function hasMatchingClasses(newClassString, currentClassString) {
if (newClassString && currentClassString) {
var currentClassMap = makeTruthyCssClassMap(currentClassString);
return newClassString.split(ONE_SPACE).some(function(className) {
return currentClassMap[className];
function isAllowed(ruleType, currentAnimation, previousAnimation) {
return rules[ruleType].some(function(fn) {
return fn(currentAnimation, previousAnimation);
function hasAnimationClasses(animation, and) {
var a = (animation.addClass || '').length > 0;
var b = (animation.removeClass || '').length > 0;
return and ? a && b : a || b;
rules.join.push(function(newAnimation, currentAnimation) {
// if the new animation is class-based then we can just tack that on
return !newAnimation.structural && hasAnimationClasses(newAnimation);
rules.skip.push(function(newAnimation, currentAnimation) {
// there is no need to animate anything if no classes are being added and
// there is no structural animation that will be triggered
return !newAnimation.structural && !hasAnimationClasses(newAnimation);
rules.skip.push(function(newAnimation, currentAnimation) {
// why should we trigger a new structural animation if the element will
// be removed from the DOM anyway?
return currentAnimation.event === 'leave' && newAnimation.structural;
rules.skip.push(function(newAnimation, currentAnimation) {
// if there is an ongoing current animation then don't even bother running the class-based animation
return currentAnimation.structural && currentAnimation.state === RUNNING_STATE && !newAnimation.structural;
rules.cancel.push(function(newAnimation, currentAnimation) {
// there can never be two structural animations running at the same time
return currentAnimation.structural && newAnimation.structural;
rules.cancel.push(function(newAnimation, currentAnimation) {
// if the previous animation is already running, but the new animation will
// be triggered, but the new animation is structural
return currentAnimation.state === RUNNING_STATE && newAnimation.structural;
rules.cancel.push(function(newAnimation, currentAnimation) {
// cancel the animation if classes added / removed in both animation cancel each other out,
// but only if the current animation isn't structural
if (currentAnimation.structural) return false;
var nA = newAnimation.addClass;
var nR = newAnimation.removeClass;
var cA = currentAnimation.addClass;
var cR = currentAnimation.removeClass;
// early detection to save the global CPU shortage :)
if ((isUndefined(nA) && isUndefined(nR)) || (isUndefined(cA) && isUndefined(cR))) {
return false;
return hasMatchingClasses(nA, cR) || hasMatchingClasses(nR, cA);
this.$get = ['$$rAF', '$rootScope', '$rootElement', '$document', '$$Map',
'$$animation', '$$AnimateRunner', '$templateRequest', '$$jqLite', '$$forceReflow',
function($$rAF, $rootScope, $rootElement, $document, $$Map,
$$animation, $$AnimateRunner, $templateRequest, $$jqLite, $$forceReflow,
$$isDocumentHidden) {
var activeAnimationsLookup = new $$Map();
var disabledElementsLookup = new $$Map();
var animationsEnabled = null;
function removeFromDisabledElementsLookup(evt) {
function postDigestTaskFactory() {
var postDigestCalled = false;
return function(fn) {
// we only issue a call to postDigest before
// it has first passed. This prevents any callbacks
// from not firing once the animation has completed
// since it will be out of the digest cycle.
if (postDigestCalled) {
} else {
$rootScope.$$postDigest(function() {
postDigestCalled = true;
// Wait until all directive and route-related templates are downloaded and
// compiled. The $templateRequest.totalPendingRequests variable keeps track of
// all of the remote templates being currently downloaded. If there are no
// templates currently downloading then the watcher will still fire anyway.
var deregisterWatch = $rootScope.$watch(
function() { return $templateRequest.totalPendingRequests === 0; },
function(isEmpty) {
if (!isEmpty) return;
// Now that all templates have been downloaded, $animate will wait until
// the post digest queue is empty before enabling animations. By having two
// calls to $postDigest calls we can ensure that the flag is enabled at the
// very end of the post digest queue. Since all of the animations in $animate
// use $postDigest, it's important that the code below executes at the end.
// This basically means that the page is fully downloaded and compiled before
// any animations are triggered.
$rootScope.$$postDigest(function() {
$rootScope.$$postDigest(function() {
// we check for null directly in the event that the application already called
// .enabled() with whatever arguments that it provided it with
if (animationsEnabled === null) {
animationsEnabled = true;
var callbackRegistry = Object.create(null);
// remember that the `customFilter`/`classNameFilter` are set during the
// provider/config stage therefore we can optimize here and setup helper functions
var customFilter = $animateProvider.customFilter();
var classNameFilter = $animateProvider.classNameFilter();
var returnTrue = function() { return true; };
var isAnimatableByFilter = customFilter || returnTrue;
var isAnimatableClassName = !classNameFilter ? returnTrue : function(node, options) {
var className = [node.getAttribute('class'), options.addClass, options.removeClass].join(' ');
return classNameFilter.test(className);
var applyAnimationClasses = applyAnimationClassesFactory($$jqLite);
function normalizeAnimationDetails(element, animation) {
return mergeAnimationDetails(element, animation, {});
// IE9-11 has no method "contains" in SVG element and in Node.prototype. Bug #10259.
var contains = window.Node.prototype.contains || /** @this */ function(arg) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
return this === arg || !!(this.compareDocumentPosition(arg) & 16);
function findCallbacks(targetParentNode, targetNode, event) {
var matches = [];
var entries = callbackRegistry[event];
if (entries) {
forEach(entries, function(entry) {
if (, targetNode)) {
} else if (event === 'leave' &&, targetParentNode)) {
return matches;
function filterFromRegistry(list, matchContainer, matchCallback) {
var containerNode = extractElementNode(matchContainer);
return list.filter(function(entry) {
var isMatch = entry.node === containerNode &&
(!matchCallback || entry.callback === matchCallback);
return !isMatch;
function cleanupEventListeners(phase, node) {
if (phase === 'close' && !node.parentNode) {
// If the element is not attached to a parentNode, it has been removed by
// the domOperation, and we can safely remove the event callbacks
var $animate = {
on: function(event, container, callback) {
var node = extractElementNode(container);
callbackRegistry[event] = callbackRegistry[event] || [];
node: node,
callback: callback
// Remove the callback when the element is removed from the DOM
jqLite(container).on('$destroy', function() {
var animationDetails = activeAnimationsLookup.get(node);
if (!animationDetails) {
// If there's an animation ongoing, the callback calling code will remove
// the event listeners. If we'd remove here, the callbacks would be removed
// before the animation ends
$, container, callback);
off: function(event, container, callback) {
if (arguments.length === 1 && !isString(arguments[0])) {
container = arguments[0];
for (var eventType in callbackRegistry) {
callbackRegistry[eventType] = filterFromRegistry(callbackRegistry[eventType], container);
var entries = callbackRegistry[event];
if (!entries) return;
callbackRegistry[event] = arguments.length === 1
? null
: filterFromRegistry(entries, container, callback);
pin: function(element, parentElement) {
assertArg(isElement(element), 'element', 'not an element');
assertArg(isElement(parentElement), 'parentElement', 'not an element');, parentElement);
push: function(element, event, options, domOperation) {
options = options || {};
options.domOperation = domOperation;
return queueAnimation(element, event, options);
// this method has four signatures:
// () - global getter
// (bool) - global setter
// (element) - element getter
// (element, bool) - element setter<F37>
enabled: function(element, bool) {
var argCount = arguments.length;
if (argCount === 0) {
// () - Global getter
bool = !!animationsEnabled;
} else {
var hasElement = isElement(element);
if (!hasElement) {
// (bool) - Global setter
bool = animationsEnabled = !!element;
} else {
var node = getDomNode(element);
if (argCount === 1) {
// (element) - Element getter
bool = !disabledElementsLookup.get(node);
} else {
// (element, bool) - Element setter
if (!disabledElementsLookup.has(node)) {
// The element is added to the map for the first time.
// Create a listener to remove it on `$destroy` (to avoid memory leak).
jqLite(element).on('$destroy', removeFromDisabledElementsLookup);
disabledElementsLookup.set(node, !bool);
return bool;
return $animate;
function queueAnimation(originalElement, event, initialOptions) {
// we always make a copy of the options since
// there should never be any side effects on
// the input data when running `$animateCss`.
var options = copy(initialOptions);
var element = stripCommentsFromElement(originalElement);
var node = getDomNode(element);
var parentNode = node && node.parentNode;
options = prepareAnimationOptions(options);
// we create a fake runner with a working promise.
// These methods will become available after the digest has passed
var runner = new $$AnimateRunner();
// this is used to trigger callbacks in postDigest mode
var runInNextPostDigestOrNow = postDigestTaskFactory();
if (isArray(options.addClass)) {
options.addClass = options.addClass.join(' ');
if (options.addClass && !isString(options.addClass)) {
options.addClass = null;
if (isArray(options.removeClass)) {
options.removeClass = options.removeClass.join(' ');
if (options.removeClass && !isString(options.removeClass)) {
options.removeClass = null;
if (options.from && !isObject(options.from)) {
options.from = null;
if ( && !isObject( { = null;
// If animations are hard-disabled for the whole application there is no need to continue.
// There are also situations where a directive issues an animation for a jqLite wrapper that
// contains only comment nodes. In this case, there is no way we can perform an animation.
if (!animationsEnabled ||
!node ||
!isAnimatableByFilter(node, event, initialOptions) ||
!isAnimatableClassName(node, options)) {
return runner;
var isStructural = ['enter', 'move', 'leave'].indexOf(event) >= 0;
var documentHidden = $$isDocumentHidden();
// This is a hard disable of all animations the element itself, therefore there is no need to
// continue further past this point if not enabled
// Animations are also disabled if the document is currently hidden (page is not visible
// to the user), because browsers slow down or do not flush calls to requestAnimationFrame
var skipAnimations = documentHidden || disabledElementsLookup.get(node);
var existingAnimation = (!skipAnimations && activeAnimationsLookup.get(node)) || {};
var hasExistingAnimation = !!existingAnimation.state;
// there is no point in traversing the same collection of parent ancestors if a followup
// animation will be run on the same element that already did all that checking work
if (!skipAnimations && (!hasExistingAnimation || existingAnimation.state !== PRE_DIGEST_STATE)) {
skipAnimations = !areAnimationsAllowed(node, parentNode, event);
if (skipAnimations) {
// Callbacks should fire even if the document is hidden (regression fix for issue #14120)
if (documentHidden) notifyProgress(runner, event, 'start', getEventData(options));
if (documentHidden) notifyProgress(runner, event, 'close', getEventData(options));
return runner;
if (isStructural) {
var newAnimation = {
structural: isStructural,
element: element,
event: event,
addClass: options.addClass,
removeClass: options.removeClass,
close: close,
options: options,
runner: runner
if (hasExistingAnimation) {
var skipAnimationFlag = isAllowed('skip', newAnimation, existingAnimation);
if (skipAnimationFlag) {
if (existingAnimation.state === RUNNING_STATE) {
return runner;
} else {
mergeAnimationDetails(element, existingAnimation, newAnimation);
return existingAnimation.runner;
var cancelAnimationFlag = isAllowed('cancel', newAnimation, existingAnimation);
if (cancelAnimationFlag) {
if (existingAnimation.state === RUNNING_STATE) {
// this will end the animation right away and it is safe
// to do so since the animation is already running and the
// runner callback code will run in async
} else if (existingAnimation.structural) {
// this means that the animation is queued into a digest, but
// hasn't started yet. Therefore it is safe to run the close
// method which will call the runner methods in async.
} else {
// this will merge the new animation options into existing animation options
mergeAnimationDetails(element, existingAnimation, newAnimation);
return existingAnimation.runner;
} else {
// a joined animation means that this animation will take over the existing one
// so an example would involve a leave animation taking over an enter. Then when
// the postDigest kicks in the enter will be ignored.
var joinAnimationFlag = isAllowed('join', newAnimation, existingAnimation);
if (joinAnimationFlag) {
if (existingAnimation.state === RUNNING_STATE) {
normalizeAnimationDetails(element, newAnimation);
} else {
applyGeneratedPreparationClasses($$jqLite, element, isStructural ? event : null, options);
event = newAnimation.event = existingAnimation.event;
options = mergeAnimationDetails(element, existingAnimation, newAnimation);
//we return the same runner since only the option values of this animation will
//be fed into the `existingAnimation`.
return existingAnimation.runner;
} else {
// normalization in this case means that it removes redundant CSS classes that
// already exist (addClass) or do not exist (removeClass) on the element
normalizeAnimationDetails(element, newAnimation);
// when the options are merged and cleaned up we may end up not having to do
// an animation at all, therefore we should check this before issuing a post
// digest callback. Structural animations will always run no matter what.
var isValidAnimation = newAnimation.structural;
if (!isValidAnimation) {
// animate (from/to) can be quickly checked first, otherwise we check if any classes are present
isValidAnimation = (newAnimation.event === 'animate' && Object.keys( || {}).length > 0)
|| hasAnimationClasses(newAnimation);
if (!isValidAnimation) {
return runner;
// the counter keeps track of cancelled animations
var counter = (existingAnimation.counter || 0) + 1;
newAnimation.counter = counter;
markElementAnimationState(node, PRE_DIGEST_STATE, newAnimation);
$rootScope.$$postDigest(function() {
// It is possible that the DOM nodes inside `originalElement` have been replaced. This can
// happen if the animated element is a transcluded clone and also has a `templateUrl`
// directive on it. Therefore, we must recreate `element` in order to interact with the
// actual DOM nodes.
// Note: We still need to use the old `node` for certain things, such as looking up in
// HashMaps where it was used as the key.
element = stripCommentsFromElement(originalElement);
var animationDetails = activeAnimationsLookup.get(node);
var animationCancelled = !animationDetails;
animationDetails = animationDetails || {};
// if addClass/removeClass is called before something like enter then the
// registered parent element may not be present. The code below will ensure
// that a final value for parent element is obtained
var parentElement = element.parent() || [];
// animate/structural/class-based animations all have requirements. Otherwise there
// is no point in performing an animation. The parent node must also be set.
var isValidAnimation = parentElement.length > 0
&& (animationDetails.event === 'animate'
|| animationDetails.structural
|| hasAnimationClasses(animationDetails));
// this means that the previous animation was cancelled
// even if the follow-up animation is the same event
if (animationCancelled || animationDetails.counter !== counter || !isValidAnimation) {
// if another animation did not take over then we need
// to make sure that the domOperation and options are
// handled accordingly
if (animationCancelled) {
applyAnimationClasses(element, options);
applyAnimationStyles(element, options);
// if the event changed from something like enter to leave then we do
// it, otherwise if it's the same then the end result will be the same too
if (animationCancelled || (isStructural && animationDetails.event !== event)) {
// in the event that the element animation was not cancelled or a follow-up animation
// isn't allowed to animate from here then we need to clear the state of the element
// so that any future animations won't read the expired animation data.
if (!isValidAnimation) {
// this combined multiple class to addClass / removeClass into a setClass event
// so long as a structural event did not take over the animation
event = !animationDetails.structural && hasAnimationClasses(animationDetails, true)
? 'setClass'
: animationDetails.event;
markElementAnimationState(node, RUNNING_STATE);
var realRunner = $$animation(element, event, animationDetails.options);
// this will update the runner's flow-control events based on
// the `realRunner` object.
notifyProgress(runner, event, 'start', getEventData(options));
realRunner.done(function(status) {
var animationDetails = activeAnimationsLookup.get(node);
if (animationDetails && animationDetails.counter === counter) {
notifyProgress(runner, event, 'close', getEventData(options));
return runner;
function notifyProgress(runner, event, phase, data) {
runInNextPostDigestOrNow(function() {
var callbacks = findCallbacks(parentNode, node, event);
if (callbacks.length) {
// do not optimize this call here to RAF because
// we don't know how heavy the callback code here will
// be and if this code is buffered then this can
// lead to a performance regression.
$$rAF(function() {
forEach(callbacks, function(callback) {
callback(element, phase, data);
cleanupEventListeners(phase, node);
} else {
cleanupEventListeners(phase, node);
runner.progress(event, phase, data);
function close(reject) {
clearGeneratedClasses(element, options);
applyAnimationClasses(element, options);
applyAnimationStyles(element, options);
function closeChildAnimations(node) {
var children = node.querySelectorAll('[' + NG_ANIMATE_ATTR_NAME + ']');
forEach(children, function(child) {
var state = parseInt(child.getAttribute(NG_ANIMATE_ATTR_NAME), 10);
var animationDetails = activeAnimationsLookup.get(child);
if (animationDetails) {
switch (state) {
/* falls through */
function clearElementAnimationState(node) {
* This fn returns false if any of the following is true:
* a) animations on any parent element are disabled, and animations on the element aren't explicitly allowed
* b) a parent element has an ongoing structural animation, and animateChildren is false
* c) the element is not a child of the body
* d) the element is not a child of the $rootElement
function areAnimationsAllowed(node, parentNode, event) {
var bodyNode = $document[0].body;
var rootNode = getDomNode($rootElement);
var bodyNodeDetected = (node === bodyNode) || node.nodeName === 'HTML';
var rootNodeDetected = (node === rootNode);
var parentAnimationDetected = false;
var elementDisabled = disabledElementsLookup.get(node);
var animateChildren;
var parentHost =, NG_ANIMATE_PIN_DATA);
if (parentHost) {
parentNode = getDomNode(parentHost);
while (parentNode) {
if (!rootNodeDetected) {
// AngularJS doesn't want to attempt to animate elements outside of the application
// therefore we need to ensure that the rootElement is an ancestor of the current element
rootNodeDetected = (parentNode === rootNode);
if (parentNode.nodeType !== ELEMENT_NODE) {
// no point in inspecting the #document element
var details = activeAnimationsLookup.get(parentNode) || {};
// either an enter, leave or move animation will commence
// therefore we can't allow any animations to take place
// but if a parent animation is class-based then that's ok
if (!parentAnimationDetected) {
var parentNodeDisabled = disabledElementsLookup.get(parentNode);
if (parentNodeDisabled === true && elementDisabled !== false) {
// disable animations if the user hasn't explicitly enabled animations on the
// current element
elementDisabled = true;
// element is disabled via parent element, no need to check anything else
} else if (parentNodeDisabled === false) {
elementDisabled = false;
parentAnimationDetected = details.structural;
if (isUndefined(animateChildren) || animateChildren === true) {
if (isDefined(value)) {
animateChildren = value;
// there is no need to continue traversing at this point
if (parentAnimationDetected && animateChildren === false) break;
if (!bodyNodeDetected) {
// we also need to ensure that the element is or will be a part of the body element
// otherwise it is pointless to even issue an animation to be rendered
bodyNodeDetected = (parentNode === bodyNode);
if (bodyNodeDetected && rootNodeDetected) {
// If both body and root have been found, any other checks are pointless,
// as no animation data should live outside the application
if (!rootNodeDetected) {
// If `rootNode` is not detected, check if `parentNode` is pinned to another element
parentHost =, NG_ANIMATE_PIN_DATA);
if (parentHost) {
// The pin target element becomes the next parent element
parentNode = getDomNode(parentHost);
parentNode = parentNode.parentNode;
var allowAnimation = (!parentAnimationDetected || animateChildren) && elementDisabled !== true;
return allowAnimation && rootNodeDetected && bodyNodeDetected;
function markElementAnimationState(node, state, details) {
details = details || {};
details.state = state;
node.setAttribute(NG_ANIMATE_ATTR_NAME, state);
var oldValue = activeAnimationsLookup.get(node);
var newValue = oldValue
? extend(oldValue, details)
: details;
activeAnimationsLookup.set(node, newValue);