* @ngdoc module
* @name ngComponentRouter
* @deprecated
* In an effort to keep synchronized with router changes in the new Angular, this implementation of the Component Router (ngComponentRouter module)
* has been deprecated and will not receive further updates.
* We are investigating backporting the Router for the new Angular to AngularJS, but alternatively, use the {@link ngRoute} module or community developed
* projects (e.g. [ui-router](
* @installation
* Currently, the **Component Router** module must be installed via `npm`/`yarn`, it is not available
* on Bower or the Google CDN.
* ```bash
* yarn add @angular/router@0.2.0
* ```
* Include `angular_1_router.js` in your HTML:
* ```html
* <script src="/node_modules/@angular/router/angular1/angular_1_router.js"></script>
* You also need to include ES6 shims for browsers that do not support ES6 code (Internet Explorer,
iOs < 8, Android < 5.0, Windows Mobile < 10):
* ```html
* <!-- IE required polyfills, in this exact order -->
* <script src=""></script>
* <script src=""></script>
* <script src=""></script>
* ```
* Then load the module in your application by adding it as a dependent module:
* ```js
* angular.module('app', ['ngComponentRouter']);
* ```
* @description
* @ngdoc type
* @name Router
* @description
* A `Router` is responsible for mapping URLs to components.
* * Routers and "Routing Component" instances have a 1:1 correspondence.
* * The Router holds reference to one or more of Outlets.
* * There are two kinds of Router: {@link RootRouter} and {@link ChildRouter}.
* You can see the state of a router by inspecting the read-only field `router.navigating`.
* This may be useful for showing a spinner, for instance.
* @deprecated
* In an effort to keep synchronized with router changes in the new Angular, this implementation of the Component Router (ngComponentRouter module)
* has been deprecated and will not receive further updates.
* We are investigating backporting the Router for the new Angular to AngularJS, but alternatively, use the {@link ngRoute} module or community developed
* projects (e.g. [ui-router](
* @ngdoc type
* @name ChildRouter
* @description
* This type extends the {@link Router}.
* Apart from the **Top Level Component** ({@link $routerRootComponent}) which is associated with
* the {@link $rootRouter}, every **Routing Component** is associated with a `ChildRouter`,
* which manages the routing for that **Routing Component**.
* @deprecated
* In an effort to keep synchronized with router changes in the new Angular, this implementation of the Component Router (ngComponentRouter module)
* has been deprecated and will not receive further updates.
* We are investigating backporting the Router for the new Angular to AngularJS, but alternatively, use the {@link ngRoute} module or community developed
* projects (e.g. [ui-router](
* @ngdoc type
* @name RootRouter
* @description
* This type extends the {@link Router}.
* There is only one instance of this type in a Component Router application injectable as the
* {@link $rootRouter} service. This **Router** is associate with the **Top Level Component**
* ({@link $routerRootComponent}). It acts as the connection between the **Routers** and the **Location**.
* @deprecated
* In an effort to keep synchronized with router changes in the new Angular, this implementation of the Component Router (ngComponentRouter module)
* has been deprecated and will not receive further updates.
* We are investigating backporting the Router for the new Angular to AngularJS, but alternatively, use the {@link ngRoute} module or community developed
* projects (e.g. [ui-router](
* @ngdoc type
* @name ComponentInstruction
* @description
* A `ComponentInstruction` represents the route state for a single component. An `Instruction` is
* composed of a tree of these `ComponentInstruction`s.
* `ComponentInstructions` is a public API. Instances of `ComponentInstruction` are passed
* to route lifecycle hooks, like `$routerCanActivate`.
* You should not modify this object. It should be treated as immutable.
* @deprecated
* In an effort to keep synchronized with router changes in the new Angular, this implementation of the Component Router (ngComponentRouter module)
* has been deprecated and will not receive further updates.
* We are investigating backporting the Router for the new Angular to AngularJS, but alternatively, use the {@link ngRoute} module or community developed
* projects (e.g. [ui-router](
* @ngdoc type
* @name RouteDefinition
* @description
* Each item in the **RouteConfig** for a **Routing Component** is an instance of
* this type. It can have the following properties:
* * `path` or (`regex` and `serializer`) - defines how to recognize and generate this route
* * `component`, `loader`, `redirectTo` (requires exactly one of these)
* * `name` - the name used to identify the **Route Definition** when generating links
* * `data` (optional)
* @deprecated
* In an effort to keep synchronized with router changes in the new Angular, this implementation of the Component Router (ngComponentRouter module)
* has been deprecated and will not receive further updates.
* We are investigating backporting the Router for the new Angular to AngularJS, but alternatively, use the {@link ngRoute} module or community developed
* projects (e.g. [ui-router](
* @ngdoc type
* @name RouteParams
* @description
* A map of parameters for a given route, passed as part of the {@link ComponentInstruction} to
* the Lifecycle Hooks, such as `$routerOnActivate` and `$routerOnDeactivate`.
* @deprecated
* In an effort to keep synchronized with router changes in the new Angular, this implementation of the Component Router (ngComponentRouter module)
* has been deprecated and will not receive further updates.
* We are investigating backporting the Router for the new Angular to AngularJS, but alternatively, use the {@link ngRoute} module or community developed
* projects (e.g. [ui-router](
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ngOutlet
* @priority 400
* restrict: AE
* @description
* The directive that identifies where the {@link Router} should render its **Components**.
* @deprecated
* In an effort to keep synchronized with router changes in the new Angular, this implementation of the Component Router (ngComponentRouter module)
* has been deprecated and will not receive further updates.
* We are investigating backporting the Router for the new Angular to AngularJS, but alternatively, use the {@link ngRoute} module or community developed
* projects (e.g. [ui-router](
* @name ngLink
* @description
* Lets you create links to different views, automatically generating the `href`.
* ## Use
* Provide an array of {@link RouteDefinition} names and extra parameter objects:
* ```html
* <a ng-link="['Parent', {param: 1}, 'Child']">Link to Child View</a>
* ````
* @deprecated
* In an effort to keep synchronized with router changes in the new Angular, this implementation of the Component Router (ngComponentRouter module)
* has been deprecated and will not receive further updates.
* We are investigating backporting the Router for the new Angular to AngularJS, but alternatively, use the {@link ngRoute} module or community developed
* projects (e.g. [ui-router](
* @ngdoc service
* @name $rootRouter
* @description
* The singleton instance of the {@link RootRouter} type, which is associated
* with the top level {@link $routerRootComponent}.
* @deprecated
* In an effort to keep synchronized with router changes in the new Angular, this implementation of the Component Router (ngComponentRouter module)
* has been deprecated and will not receive further updates.
* We are investigating backporting the Router for the new Angular to AngularJS, but alternatively, use the {@link ngRoute} module or community developed
* projects (e.g. [ui-router](
* @ngdoc service
* @name $routerRootComponent
* @description
* The top level **Routing Component** associated with the {@link $rootRouter}.
* @deprecated
* In an effort to keep synchronized with router changes in the new Angular, this implementation of the Component Router (ngComponentRouter module)
* has been deprecated and will not receive further updates.
* We are investigating backporting the Router for the new Angular to AngularJS, but alternatively, use the {@link ngRoute} module or community developed
* projects (e.g. [ui-router](