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# \<fancy-carousel\>

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Carousel which gives you options for multiple fancy transistions and different ways to include images.

## Example

    <img src="">
    <img src="">
    <img src="">
    <img src="">

| Properties      | Type    | Comment                                                                                  |
| --------------- |:-------:| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| apiKey          | String  | API key for Google image search                                                          |
| imageTopic      | String  | The topic for image search                                                               |
| noControls      | Boolean | Do not display control buttons for left/right (Default: false)                           |
| searchEngineCx  | String  | CX key for Google                                                                        |
| transitionTimer | Number  | Timer for transitioning to the next slide                                                |
| transitionType  | String  | Type of transition animation (Currently available types: spread, paint, shift, collapse) |

## Running 
Use the 'polymer-cli' to test/demo component

### To Demo/Test Component
polymer serve
Then go to 'localhost:8080/components/fancy-carousel' to view component

### To run tests:
polymer test