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# Dirigible

A Ruby wrapper for the Urban Airship v3 API

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## Documentation

You can view detailed documentation of this library at We try to make sure that our documentation is up-to-date and thorough. However, we do recommend keeping the Urban Airship v3 API documentation handy.

If you find any discrepency in our documentation please [file an issue](

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

    gem 'dirigible'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install dirigible

## tl;dr

Configure dirigible...

Dirigible.configure do |config|
  config.app_key = YOUR_APP_KEY
  config.master_secret = YOUR_MASTER_SECRET

Make an API request...

  response = Dirigible::Push.create({
    audience: { device_token: "998BAD77A8347EFE7920F5367A4811C4385D526AE42C598A629A73B94EEDBAC8" },
    notification: { alert: "Hello!" },
    device_types: "all"
  puts "YAY!" if response[:ok] == true # All JSON responses are converted to hash's
rescue Dirigible::Error => e
  puts "BUSTED!!! #{e.message}"

## Configuration

In order to make any requests you must first configure your app key and master secret...

Dirigible.configure do |config|
  config.app_key = YOUR_APP_KEY
  config.master_secret = YOUR_MASTER_SECRET

Change the HTTP library used for making requests to Urban Airship. Since we use [Faraday]( you can use any supported adapter...

Dirigible.configure do |config|

  config.http_adapter = :excon

## Supported Endpoints

### Push

* [Send a push notification](
* [Validate a push notification](

### Schedule

* [Schedule a notification](
* [List schedules](
* [List a specific schedule](
* [Update a schedule](
* [Delete a schedule](

### Tag

* [List tags](
* [Create a tag](
* [Adding and removing devices from a tag](
* [Delete a tag](
* [Batch modification of tags](

### Feed

* [Create a feed](
* [Get feed details](
* [Update a feed](
* [Delete a feed](

### Device Information

* [Get Android APID device information](
* [Get Backberry PIN device information](
* [Get iOS device token information](
* [List Android APID's registered to an application](
* [List Blackberry PIN's registered to an application](
* [Count iOS device tokens registered to an application](
* [List iOS device tokens registered to an application](
* [List iOS device tokens that can't recieve messages](

### Device Registration

* [Register an Android APID](
* [Register a Blackberry PIN device](
* [Register an iOS device token](
* [Delete a Blackberry PIN device](
* [Delete an iOS device token](

### Segment

* [List all segments for an application](
* [Create a segment](
* [Get a specific segment](
* [Update a segment](
* [Delete a segment](

### Location

* [Retrieve cutoff dates](
* [Look up location boundary information](
* [Search for locations using a bounding box](
* [Search for a location by latitude and longitude](
* [Search for a location boundary by name](

## Contributing

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request

## Credits

Dirigible is maintained and funded by [Sticksnleaves](

Thanks to all of our [contributors](