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Test Coverage
- provide :title, 'Notification settings'
    %h1 Notification settings

        %b How email notifications work
            Be careful with these settings, email is the only means of notifying 
            you of new activity when not online. 
            You will not receive any email notifications while your 
            status is online.
            You will receive 1 email notification when all your notifications 
            are marked as read and your status is offline.
            If you have unread notification messages, 
            you will not receive another email until your
            [Send after] setting, times out.

    = form_with model: @receive_mail, url: notifications_path, 
    data: { turbo: false } do |f|
      = render 'notifications/error_messages', object: f.object
          How often would you like to receive an email notification even if 
          you have unread notification messages?
          %em Be careful, if set too high, you might be missing out.
              = f.label :send_after_amount, "Send after", class: "input-group-text"
              = f.number_field :send_after_amount, class: "form-control"
              = :send_after_unit, 
              options_for_select([["Hour(s)", "hours"] , ["Day(s)", "days"]], 
              f.object.send_after_unit), {}, class: "form-select"
      .mb-1 Receive email notifications when users you follow:
        = f.check_box :for_new_posts, id: 'cb_posts'
        = f.label :for_new_posts, 'create a new Post', for: 'cb_posts'
        = f.check_box :for_new_events, id: 'cb_events'
        = f.label :for_new_events, 'create a new Event', for: 'cb_events'
        = f.check_box :for_new_comments, id: 'cb_comments'
        = f.label :for_new_comments,
        'Comment on something you have posted or commented on', for: 'cb_comments'
        = f.check_box :for_new_relationships, id: 'cb_relationships'
        = f.label :for_new_relationships, 'start Following you', for: 'cb_relationships'
        = f.check_box :for_new_likes, id: 'cb_likes'
        = f.label :for_new_likes, 'Likes your content', for: 'cb_likes'
        = f.check_box :for_new_messages, id: 'cb_messages'
        = f.label :for_new_likes, 'Direct Messages you', for: 'cb_messages'
        = f.submit 'Update Notification settings', class: 'btn btn-primary'