# credebug
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Strange things happen sometimes. Imagine, you're using a tool that relies on environment variables and cred arguments, but doesn't assert them, and falls apart for no reason. This snippet helps to debug misconfiguration.
> #### ⚠️ Warning
> Do not use this tool in production. It's just a proof of concept.
> Write your own implementation and put it in a repository you can trust.
## Usage
npx credebug --test='t' foo bar --baz --qux=quux --oopsIputMyPass0rdHere='t' --asv00124 --a --b --c=c --d d
test: ***
baz: <empty>
qux: ***
***: ***
***: <empty>
a: <empty>
b: <empty>
c: ***
d: ***
The script works like assert: if some target option is `<empty>` it returns error code `1`.
If no option is provided, it will check all environment variables.
npx credebug
PATH: ***
npm_package_json: ***
_: ***
npm_config_userconfig: ***
npm_config_init_module: ***
npm_command: ***
A slightly safer usage way. At least you can see the script code before running.
node -e 'let,e,s)=>{if(!t.startsWith("--"))return;const[r,n]=t.slice(2).split("=");return[r,n||s[e+1]&&!s[e+1]?.startsWith("--")]})).filter(Boolean);entries.length||(entries=Object.entries(process.env));let status=0;const result=entries.reduce(((t,[e,s])=>{const r=s?"***":"<empty>",n=/^[a-zA-Z_]+$/.test(e)?e:"***";return s||(status=1),`${t}\n${n}: ${r}`}),"");console.log(result),process.exit(status);' -- --test='t' foo bar --baz --qux=quux --oopsIputMyPass0rdHere='t' --asv00124 --a --b --c=c --d d
## License