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# @antongolub/git-root
Find the closest .git containing path — the git root.

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## Motivation
It's known for certain the best way to find git root:
git rev-parse --show-toplevel
However, if `git` executable or `child_process.exec` are not available for some (security?) reasons, it's  advisable to use tools like this one.
Inspired by [pkg-dir](

## Features
* Searches for `.git` up the dir tree
* Handles `gitdir: </some/path.git>` redirects 
* TS and Flow typings out of box
* Sync/async methods

## Install
yarn add @antongolub/git-root

## Usage
import { gitRoot, gitRootSync } from '@antongolub/git-root'

// async
const gitRoot1 = await gitRoot('/optional/cwd/path/')

// sync
const gitRoot2 = gitRoot('/defaults/to/process/cwd/', true)

// sync too
const gitRoot3 = gitRoot.sync()

// `gitRootSync` is an alias for `gitRoot.sync`
const gitRoot4 = gitRootSync()

## Alternatives

* [find-git-root](
* [git-root](
* [git-toplevel](
* [git-root-path](

## License