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Test Coverage
## Issue type
* [ ] bug report
* [ ] idea
* [ ] question
* [ ] other

## Expected behavior
<!-- Tell us how it should work. Code snipped would be perfect -->

## Actual behavior
<!-- Show or describe what's wrong. Code is preferred -->

<!-- Please read the docs attentively, especially the `troubleshooting notes` if exists. 
Your case may be a known design limitation. -->
* [ ] I've read the docs. This case is not mentioned
* [ ] Similar issue does not exist

<!-- The rest sections are required for bug reports only -->
## Steps to reproduce
<!-- Code example or demo repo / commit reference would be great. 
We always appreciate it, it truly saves time -->

## Specifications
<!-- Mention the lib version, OS version, node -v, npm -v and ci spec -->
- version:
- platform:
- ci: