import { useEffect, useReducer, useState } from "react";
import * as Crop from "../../types/Crop";
import * as Images from "../../types/Images";
function focalPoint(state: Crop.State): Crop.Position {
if (state.crop_gravity_x === null || state.crop_gravity_y === null) {
return null;
} else {
return {
x: ((state.crop_gravity_x - state.crop_start_x) / state.crop_width) * 100,
y: ((state.crop_gravity_y - state.crop_start_y) / state.crop_height) * 100
function applyAspect(state: Crop.State, aspect: number | null) {
const crop = cropSize(state);
const image = state.image;
const imageAspect = image.real_width / image.real_height;
// Maximize and center crop area
if (aspect) {
crop.aspect = aspect;
crop.width = 100;
crop.height = (100 / aspect) * imageAspect;
if (crop.height > 100) {
crop.height = 100;
crop.width = (100 * aspect) / imageAspect;
crop.x = (100 - crop.width) / 2;
crop.y = (100 - crop.height) / 2;
} else {
delete crop.aspect;
return applyCrop(state, crop);
function applyCrop(state: Crop.State, crop: Crop.CropSize) {
const { image } = state;
// Don't crop if dimensions are below the threshold
if (crop.width < 5 || crop.height < 5) {
crop = { x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100 };
if (crop.aspect === null) {
delete crop.aspect;
return {
aspect: crop.aspect,
crop_start_x: image.real_width * (crop.x / 100),
crop_start_y: image.real_height * (crop.y / 100),
crop_width: image.real_width * (crop.width / 100),
crop_height: image.real_height * (crop.height / 100)
function setFocal(state: Crop.State, position: Crop.Position) {
return {
crop_gravity_x: state.crop_width * (position.x / 100) + state.crop_start_x,
crop_gravity_y: state.crop_height * (position.y / 100) + state.crop_start_y
function reducer(state: Crop.State, action: Crop.Action): Crop.State {
const {
} = state;
switch (action.type) {
case "completeCrop":
// Disable focal point if it's out of bounds.
if (
crop_gravity_x < crop_start_x ||
crop_gravity_x > crop_start_x + crop_width ||
crop_gravity_y < crop_start_y ||
crop_gravity_y > crop_start_y + crop_height
) {
return {
cropping: false,
crop_gravity_x: null,
crop_gravity_y: null
} else {
return { ...state, cropping: false };
case "setCrop":
return { ...state, ...applyCrop(state, action.payload) };
case "setAspect":
return { ...state, ...applyAspect(state, action.payload) };
case "setFocal":
return { ...state, ...setFocal(state, action.payload) };
case "startCrop":
return { ...state, cropping: true };
case "toggleFocal":
if (crop_gravity_x === null) {
return reducer(state, {
type: "setFocal",
payload: { x: 50, y: 50 }
} else {
return { ...state, crop_gravity_x: null, crop_gravity_y: null };
return state;
function croppedImageCanvas(
img: HTMLImageElement,
crop: Crop.CropSize
): [HTMLCanvasElement, CanvasRenderingContext2D] {
const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = img.naturalWidth * (crop.width / 100);
canvas.height = img.naturalHeight * (crop.height / 100);
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
img.naturalWidth * (crop.x / 100),
img.naturalHeight * (crop.y / 100),
img.naturalWidth * (crop.width / 100),
img.naturalHeight * (crop.height / 100),
img.naturalWidth * (crop.width / 100),
img.naturalHeight * (crop.height / 100)
return [canvas, ctx];
function imageDataUrl(
canvas: HTMLCanvasElement,
ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D
): string {
const pixels = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height).data;
for (let i = 0; i < pixels.length / 4; i++) {
if (pixels[i * 4 + 3] !== 255) {
return canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
return canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg");
export function cropParams(state: Crop.State): Crop.Params {
const maybe = (func: (number) => number) => (val: number | null) =>
val === null ? val : func(val);
const maybeRound = maybe(Math.round);
const maybeCeil = maybe(Math.ceil);
const crop: Crop.Params = {
crop_start_x: maybeRound(state.crop_start_x),
crop_start_y: maybeRound(state.crop_start_y),
crop_width: maybeCeil(state.crop_width),
crop_height: maybeCeil(state.crop_height),
crop_gravity_x: maybeRound(state.crop_gravity_x),
crop_gravity_y: maybeRound(state.crop_gravity_y)
if (crop.crop_start_x + crop.crop_width > state.image.real_width) {
crop.crop_width = state.image.real_width - crop.crop_start_x;
if (crop.crop_start_y + crop.crop_height > state.image.real_height) {
crop.crop_height = state.image.real_height - crop.crop_start_y;
return crop;
export function cropSize(state: Crop.State): Crop.CropSize {
const { image, aspect, crop_start_x, crop_start_y, crop_width, crop_height } =
const imageAspect = image.real_width / image.real_height;
const x = (crop_start_x / image.real_width) * 100;
const y = (crop_start_y / image.real_height) * 100;
let width = (crop_width / image.real_width) * 100;
let height = (crop_height / image.real_height) * 100;
if (aspect && width) {
height = (width / aspect) * imageAspect;
} else if (aspect && height) {
width = (height * aspect) / imageAspect;
if (aspect === null) {
return { x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height };
} else {
return { x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height, aspect: aspect };
function derivedState(state: Crop.State): Crop.State {
return { ...state, focalPoint: focalPoint(state) };
export default function useCrop(
image: Images.Resource
): [Crop.State, (action: Crop.Action) => void, string] {
const initialState: Crop.State = {
aspect: null,
cropping: false,
crop_start_x: image.crop_start_x || 0,
crop_start_y: image.crop_start_y || 0,
crop_width: image.crop_width || image.real_width,
crop_height: image.crop_height || image.real_height,
crop_gravity_x: image.crop_gravity_x,
crop_gravity_y: image.crop_gravity_y,
image: image
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState);
const [croppedImage, setCroppedImage] = useState<string | null>(null);
useEffect(() => {
async function updateCroppedImage() {
const img: HTMLImageElement = new Image();
img.src = state.image.uncropped_url;
await img.decode();
const [canvas, ctx] = croppedImageCanvas(img, cropSize(state));
setCroppedImage(imageDataUrl(canvas, ctx));
if (!state.cropping) {
void updateCroppedImage();
}, [state]);
return [derivedState(state), dispatch, croppedImage];