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Test Coverage
<h4>Please try one of the following options:</h4>
  <li>Check the Web address you’ve entered to make sure if it’s correct.</li>
  <li>Go back to the <%= link_to "Home page", "/" %> and try finding the information you are looking for.</li>
  <li>Click the Back button to try another link.</li>
  <li>Try searching this site using <%= link_to "Google", "" %> for the information you want:</li>

<form action="" method="get" onSubmit="googleSearch( this );">
  <input name="q" type="hidden" />
  <input name="qinput" type="text" class="text with_button" />
  <button type="submit" class="clean-gray">Search</button>

<script type="text/javascript">
  function googleSearch( form ) {
    var domainroot = "<%= request.env['HTTP_HOST'] %>";
    var query = "site:" + domainroot + " " + form.qinput.value
    form.q.value = query;