

1 hr
Test Coverage
   Copyright (C) 2012 STFC

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at


   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.

   @author: Lisa Zangrando, Will Rogers
from apel.common import parse_time
from apel.db.records.event import EventRecord
from apel.parsers import Parser

import time
import datetime
import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def parse_local_timestamp(datetime_string):
    Parse a timestamp without TZ information, assuming that it is
    referring to system time.  Return a datetime converted to UTC.

    SLURM timestamps are in the form '2013-06-01T10:00:00'.
    unix_time = time.mktime(time.strptime(datetime_string, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))
    return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(unix_time)

class SlurmParser(Parser):
    First implementation of the APEL parser for SLURM
    def __init__(self, site, machine_name, mpi):
        Parser.__init__(self, site, machine_name, mpi)
        log.info('Site: %s; batch system: %s', self.site_name, self.machine_name)

    def parse(self, line):
        """Parse single line from accounting log file."""
        # Some sites will use TotalCPU rather than CPUTimeRAW

        # sacct -P -n --format=JobID,JobName,User,Group,Start,End,Elapsed,
        # CPUTimeRAW,Partition,NCPUS,NNodes,NodeList,MaxRSS,MaxVMSize,State -j
        #  $JOBID >> /var/log/apel/slurm_acc.20130311

        # 1007|cream_612883006|dteam005|dteam|2013-03-27T17:13:41|2013-03-27T17:13:44|00:00:03|3|prod|1|1|cert-40|||COMPLETED

        # log.info('line: %s' % (line));
        values = line.strip().split('|')

        # These statuses indicate the job has stopped and resources were used.
        if values[14] not in ('CANCELLED', 'COMPLETED', 'FAILED',
                              'NODE_FAIL', 'PREEMPTED', 'TIMEOUT'):
            return None

        # Select CPU time parsing function based on field used.
        if ':' not in values[7]:
            # CPUTimeRAW used which is a plain integer (as a string).
            cput_function = int
            # TotalCPU used which has the form d-h:m:s, h:m:s or m:s.s.
            cput_function = parse_time

        rmem = self._normalise_memory(values[12])

        vmem = self._normalise_memory(values[13])

        mapping = {'Site'            : lambda x: self.site_name,
                   'MachineName'     : lambda x: self.machine_name,
                   'Infrastructure'  : lambda x: "APEL-CREAM-SLURM",
                   'JobName'         : lambda x: x[0],
                   'LocalUserID'     : lambda x: x[2],
                   'LocalUserGroup'  : lambda x: x[3],
                   'WallDuration'    : lambda x: parse_time(x[6]),
                   'CpuDuration'     : lambda x: cput_function(x[7]),
                   # SLURM gives timestamps which are in system time.
                   'StartTime'       : lambda x: parse_local_timestamp(x[4]),
                   'StopTime'        : lambda x: parse_local_timestamp(x[5]),
                   'Queue'           : lambda x: x[8],
                   'MemoryReal'      : lambda x: rmem,  # KB
                   'MemoryVirtual'   : lambda x: vmem,  # KB
                   'Processors'      : lambda x: int(x[9]),
                   'NodeCount'       : lambda x: int(x[10])

        rc = {}

        for key in mapping:
            rc[key] = mapping[key](values)

        # Delete the Queue key if empty and let the Record class handle it
        # (usually by inserting the string 'None').
        if rc['Queue'] == '':
            del rc['Queue']

        # Input checking
        if rc['CpuDuration'] < 0:
            raise ValueError('Negative CpuDuration value')
        # No negative WallDuration test as parse_time prevents that.

        if rc['StopTime'] < rc['StartTime']:
            raise ValueError('StopTime less than StartTime')

        record = EventRecord()
        return record

    def _normalise_memory(self, mem):
        """Strip unit prefix and return memory size as int in KB."""

        # Accepted prefixes and their power of 1024 relative to KB.
        unit_prefixes = {'K': 0, 'M': 1, 'G': 2, 'T': 3, 'P': 4}

        if mem:
            if mem[-1:] in unit_prefixes:
                mem = int(float(mem[:-1]) * 1024**unit_prefixes[mem[-1:]])
            elif mem == '0':
                raise ValueError("Incorrect memory value of 0. Should be blank or non-zero.")
                raise ValueError("Unsupported unit prefix '%s'. Expected one of [KMGTP]." % mem[-1:])
            mem = None

        return mem