

Test Coverage
# Information about the apel client database
hostname = localhost
port = 3306
name = apelclient
username = apel
password =

enabled = true
# The GOCDB site name
site_name =
ldap_host =
ldap_port = 2170

## The following information is necessary for
## local jobs only.  Provide an average value for
## machines which your batch system uses.
## Supported specs are HEPSPEC and Si2k
## Provide also a hostname for your batch system.
## This does not need to be a definitive hostname,
## but it should uniquely identify the batch system.
## Example:
#lrms_server =
#spec_type = HEPSPEC
#spec_value = 1.0

## To manually set specs for all jobs (not just local ones), configure lines
## like the following named "manual_spec" followed by consecutive integers for
## however many batch systems are relevant. The value should be a unique name
## for the system, then the spec type ('HEPscore23', 'HEPSPEC' or 'Si2k') and the spec value.
# manual_spec1 =,HEPSPEC,10.0
# manual_spec2 =,HEPSPEC,15.0
# manual_spec3 =,HEPSPEC,15.0

enabled = true
local_jobs = false

enabled = true
dir_location = /var/spool/apel/

# You may send only summaries of your data to the APEL server,
# rather than individual job records.
# This reduces the network load.
send_summaries = false

# You may send 'withheld' instead of the user's DN in the
# GlobalUserName field.  This is only valid for individual
# job records.
withhold_dns = false

# Optional: send ONLY these VOs to the APEL server.
# This overrides exclude_vos.
#include_vos = atlas,cms,lhcb

# Optional: do not send these VOs to the APEL server.
# This does not take effect if include_vos is set.
#exclude_vos = atlas,cms

# Which records to send:
# latest - just send the new records to the server
# gap    - send records from between the specified dates (inclusive)
#          this is only for individual job records
# all    - send all records to the server.  Don't do this for individual
#          job records without talking to the apel team!
interval = latest
## only used if interval = gap
#gap_start = 2012-01-01
#gap_end = 2012-01-31

# Send CAR-format records - only for job records
send_ur = false

enabled = true

logfile = /var/log/apel/client.log
level = INFO
console = true