

Test Coverage
# Either 'STOMP' for STOMP message brokers or 'AMS' for Argo Messaging Service
protocol: AMS


# The SSM will query a BDII to find brokers available.  These details are for the
# EGI production broker network
#bdii: ldap://
#network: PROD
# Alternatively, 'host' and 'port' can be set manually (with 'bdii' and
# 'network' commented out). The 'host' option MUST be used for AMS.

# broker authentication.  If use_ssl is set, the certificates configured
# in the mandatory [certificates] section will be used.
use_ssl: true

certificate: /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem
key: /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem
capath: /etc/grid-security/certificates

# If supplied, outgoing messages will be encrypted using this certificate.
# May be used in addition to 'use_ssl'. If used, it MUST be the certificate of
# the final server that's receiving your messages; not your own, nor the broker.
#server_cert: /etc/grid-security/servercert.pem

# If using AMS this is the project that SSM will connect to. Ignored for STOMP.
ams_project: accounting

# Queue to which SSM will send messages
destination: gLite-APEL

# Only use direct token auth with AMS if you've been provided with a token to use.

# Outgoing messages will be read and removed from this directory.
path: /var/spool/apel/outgoing
# If 'path_type' is set to 'dirq' (or if 'path_type' is omitted), the supplied
# 'path' will be treated as a Python dirq (a directory based queue, which is a
# port of the Perl module Directory::Queue).
# If 'path_type' is set to 'directory', the supplied 'path' will be treated
# as if it is a directory rather than a dirq.
# As a result, 'path' cannot contain subdirectories.
path_type: dirq

logfile: /var/log/apel/ssmsend.log
# Available logging levels:
level: INFO
console: true