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## Extended providers ❤
Atom-path-intellisense is not only based on default providers. 
Decoupling path suggestions mechanism from autocomplete-plus provider API gives the advantage of writing extended providers that cover more specific contexts and can be formatted in their own way.

> We refer as extended providers to providers targeted to a specific language or more specific scope selectors and context.

An extended provider has to be in compliance with the following:
- Extend base class `BasePathProvider`.  
- Implement following methods:
  - `canResolve()`
  - `resolve()`
  - `activate`. (optional)
  - `deactivate`. (optional)
- Optionally use a custom formatter. Eg. to trim file extensions.
  Custom formatters have to be in compliance with the following:  
  - Extend base class `BaseFormatter`.  
  - Implement `format` method in order to format raw suggestions.

### Node.js path provider _`Extended`_
[Node.js](nodejs.org/) path provider gives suggestions for Node.js module imports.  
##### :muscle: **_Features_**
- It's enabled on `JavaScript`, `CoffeeScript` and `TypeScript` files at `.string.quoted` scope selector.
- Supports both `require()` and ES6 module `import` statements.
- Provides suggestions for Node.js built-in modules, local modules (_on project_ `node_modules` _directory_) and modules relative to current file.
- Filters JavaScript files by `.js` extension.
- Removes file extension at selecting any suggestion.
- Is complemented by _Default path providers_ for path suggestions on broader scopes.
