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'use strict';
const path = require('path'),
  fs = require('fs'),
  os = require('os'),
  winston = require('winston'),
  logger = require('../util/logger'),
  paths = require('../util/paths-utils'),
  stringUtils = require('../util/string-utils'),
  config = require('../config/config'),
  consts = require('../config/consts'),
  SearchPathDTO = require('../dto/search-path.dto'),
  SuggestionsDTO = require('../dto/suggestions.dto');

 * @class
 * @Classdesc Base path provider.
 * @author
 *  [{@link https://github.com/apercova|github@apercova}],
 *  [{@link https://twitter.com/apercova|twitter@apercova}],
 *  [{@link https://www.npmjs.com/~apercova|npmjs/~apercova}]
 * @since 1.2.0
class BasePathProvider {
   * @return {BasePathProvider}  BasePathProvider instance.
  constructor() {
    this.id = 'BasePathProvider';
    this.priority = 999999999;
    this.scopeSelector = '*';
    this.fileExtFilter = null;
    this._logger = logger.getLogger(this.id);

   * canResolve - Determines whether this provider can resolve suggestions based on context.
   * @return {boolean}  true if this provider can resolve suggestions. false otherwise.
  canResolve() {
    return false;

   * resolve - Resolve suggestions.
   * @return {Promise} Promise for resolving path suggestions.
  resolve() {
    return Promise.resolve([]);

   * activate - Provides a mechanism to initialize provider dependencies.
   * @return {Promise} A promise for provider activation.
  activate() {
    const self = this;
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      self._logger.debug(`Activated provider ${self.id || ''}`);

   * dispose - Provides a mechanism to release provider resources.
   *  @return {Promise}  A promise for provider disposition.
  dispose() {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      try {
        this.formatter = null;
      } catch (e) {
          'error': e,
          'provider': this

   * $resolveSearchPathSync - Resolves search path in a sync way.
   * @param  {object} req    Request options.
   * @return {SearchPathDTO} Search path.
  $resolveSearchPathSync(req) {
    const filePath = this.$getCurrentFilePath(req);
    this._logger.debug(`$resolveRelativeSearchPathSync: search path resolved as ${filePath}`);
    return new SearchPathDTO(filePath, filePath, '');

   * $resolveRelativeSearchPathSync - Resolves search path comparing testpath against
   * basePath in a sync way.
   * @param  {type} req      Request options.
   * @param  {type} basePath Base path for search.
   * @param  {type} testPath Test path.
   * @return {SearchPathDTO} Search path.
  $resolveRelativeSearchPathSync(req, basePath, testPath) {
    let fullPath = this.$normalizeRelativePath(basePath, testPath);
    this._logger.debug(`trying path: ${testPath}`);
    this._logger.debug(`base path resolved as: ${basePath}`);
    this._logger.debug(`full path resolved as: ${fullPath}`);
    let searchPath = '';
    /* Validating existence as file or directory */
    if (paths.pathDoesExistSync(fullPath)) {
      this._logger.debug(`${fullPath} does exist`);
      /*If path is a dir, return it, otherwise, return parent dir*/
      searchPath = paths.pathIsDirectory(fullPath) ? fullPath : path.parse(fullPath).dir;
    } else {
      /* testPath neither exists as file nor directory
       * Validating existence of parent directory */
      this._logger.debug(`${fullPath} does not exist`);
      if (testPath.endsWith('/')) {
        /* No path exists at all, return fullPath*/
        this._logger.debug('No path exists at all');
        searchPath = fullPath;
      } else {
        /* Prevents searching on parent directory if test path is a directory
         * If path parent dir exists, resolve it., otherwise resolve full path */
        searchPath = path.parse(fullPath).dir;
        searchPath = paths.pathDoesExistSync(searchPath) ? searchPath : fullPath;
    this._logger.debug(`$resolveRelativeSearchPathSync: search path resolved as ${searchPath}`);
    return new SearchPathDTO(basePath, searchPath, testPath);

   * $resolveSuggestions - Resolve suggestions for a possible path.
   * @param  {object}        req    Request options.
   * @param  {SearchPathDTO} search Search path info.
   * @return {SuggestionsDTO}       Suggestions.
  $resolveSuggestions(req, search) {
    const self = this;
    const promize = new Promise(resolve => {
      let result = new SuggestionsDTO();
      if (!(search instanceof SearchPathDTO)) {
      } else {
        /*Adjust path params*/
        result.prefix = self.$getPrefix(req, search) || result.prefix;
        result.searchPath = search.searchPath || result.searchPath;
        result.testPath = search.testPath || result.testPath;
        try {
          fs.readdir(result.searchPath, (err, entries) => {
            if (err) {
            if (Array.isArray(entries)) {
                'type': 'dir',
                'entry': '..'
              entries.forEach(entry => {
                try {
                  let entryStats = fs.statSync(path.resolve(result.searchPath, entry));
                  if (entryStats) {
                    if (entryStats.isFile()) {
                        'type': 'file',
                        'entry': entry
                    if (entryStats.isDirectory()) {
                        'type': 'dir',
                        'entry': entry
                } catch (e) {
                  self._logger.debug(`Could not stat entry: ${entry}`);

              if (Array.isArray(self.fileExtFilter)) {
                self._logger.debug('Filtering files by extension.');
                result.suggestions = result.suggestions.filter(s => {
                  return s.type === 'file' ? self.fileExtFilter.some(ext => ext === path.parse(s.entry).ext) : true;
        } catch (err) {
    return promize;

   * $getPrefix - Return replacement prefix for suggestions.
   * @param  {object}        req    Request options.
   * @param  {SearchPathDTO} search Search path info.
   * @return {string}               Replacement prefix.
  $getPrefix(req, search) {
    const prefixRegex = /([^/]+?)$/;
    const match = search.testPath.match(prefixRegex);
    let prefix = match ? match[0] : '';
    this._logger.debug(`Prefix resolved as: ${prefix}`);
    return prefix;

   * $getTestPath - Resolve testPath from given text line.
   * @param  {object} req  Request options.
   * @param  {string} line Text line.
   * @return {string}      Test path.
  $getTestPath(req, line) {
    const testPathRegex = /([^/]+?)$/;
    let match = line.match(testPathRegex);
    let testPath = match ? match[0] : '';
    this._logger.debug(`Test path resolved as: ${testPath}`);
    return testPath;

   * $getCurrentLine - Return current buffer line.
   * @param  {object}  req      Request options.
   * @param  {boolean} unescape Indicates whether unescape buffer line.
   * @return {string}           Current buffer line.
  $getCurrentLine(req, unescape) {
    let line = req ? req.editor.getLastCursor().getCurrentBufferLine() : '';
    line = unescape ? stringUtils.unescapeStringQuote(line) : line;
    line = line ? unescape ? stringUtils.unescapeStringQuote(line) : line : line;
    this._logger.debug(`Current line resolved as: ${line}`);
    return line;

   * $getCurrentLineUpCursor - Return current buffer line up to cursor position.
   * @param  {object}  req      Request options.
   * @param  {boolean} unescape Indicates whether unescape buffer line.
   * @return {string}           Current buffer line up to cursor position.
  $getCurrentLineUpCursor(req, unescape) {
    let line = req ? req.editor.getTextInRange([[req.bufferPosition.row, 0], req.bufferPosition]) : '';
    line = line ? unescape ? stringUtils.unescapeStringQuote(line) : line : line;
    this._logger.debug(`Current line up to cursor resolved as: ${line}`);
    return line;

   * $getCurrentFilePath - Return current file path.
   * @param  {object}  req      Request options.
   * @param  {boolean} unescape Indicates whether unescape buffer line.
   * @return {string}           Current file path.
  $getCurrentFilePath(req, unescape) {
    let filePath = req.editor.getPath();
    filePath = filePath ? path.parse(req.editor.getPath()).dir : this.$getHomedir();
    filePath = filePath ? unescape ? stringUtils.unescapeStringQuote(filePath) : filePath : filePath;
    this._logger.debug(`Current file path resolved as: ${filePath}`);
    return filePath;

   * $getCurrentProjectPath - Return current project path.
   * Fallbacks to homedir for not found project path.
   * @param  {object}  req      Request options.
   * @param  {boolean} unescape Indicates whether unescape buffer line.
   * @param  {boolean} home     Indicates whether or not to fallback to homedir.
   * @return {string}           Current project path.
  $getCurrentProjectPath(req, unescape, home) {
    const filePath = req.editor.getPath() || '';
    let projectPath = atom.project
      .filter(testpath => filePath.indexOf(testpath.path) > -1)
      .reduce((found, testpath) => found ? found : testpath.path, '');
    projectPath = projectPath
      ? unescape
        ? stringUtils.unescapeStringQuote(projectPath)
        : projectPath
      : home === true
        ? this.$getHomedir()
        : this.$getRootFsPath();
    this._logger.debug(`Current project path resolved as: ${projectPath}`);
    return projectPath;

   * $getHomedir - Returns user's home dir.
   * @return {string}  user's home dir.
  $getHomedir() {
    let home = os.homedir();
    this._logger.debug(`Homedir path resolved as: ${home}`);
    return home;

   * $getRootFsPath - Returns filesystem root dir.
   * @return {string}  filesystem root dir.
  $getRootFsPath() {
    let fsRoot = path.parse('/').root;
    this._logger.debug(`FileSystem root path resolved as: ${fsRoot}`);
    return fsRoot;

   * $normalizeRelativePath - Normalize a relative path against a base path.
   * @param  {type} basePath description
   * @param  {type} testPath description
   * @return {type}          description
  $normalizeRelativePath(basePath, testPath) {
    return testPath.startsWith('~/')
      ? path.normalize(path.join(basePath, testPath.replace(/^~\//, '')))
      : path.normalize(path.join(basePath, testPath));

   * $resolveRelativeBasePath - Resolves relative basePath based on testPath.
   * @param  {object} req      Request options.
   * @param  {string} testPath Test path.
   * @return {string}          Base path.
  $resolveRelativeBasePath(req, testPath) {
    return testPath.startsWith('/')
      ? config.getDefaultRootDir() === consts.FILE_SYSTEM_ROOT
        ? this.$getRootFsPath()
        : config.getDefaultRootDir() === consts.PROJECT_ROOT
          ? this.$getCurrentProjectPath(req, true)
          : config.getDefaultRootDir() || this.$getCurrentProjectPath(req, true)
      : testPath.startsWith('~/')
        ? this.$getHomedir()
        : this.$getCurrentFilePath(req, true);
BasePathProvider.id = 'BasePathProvider';
module.exports = BasePathProvider;