namespace CoreInterfaces\Core\Request;
use InvalidArgumentException;
interface ParamInterface
* Pick current parameter's value from a collected parameters array,
* if key is not found then use the given default value
public function extract(string $key, $defaultValue = null);
public function required();
* To perform validation and serialization for un unusual types.
public function serializeBy(callable $serializerMethod);
* @param string $strictType Strict single type i.e. string, ModelName, etc. or group of types
* in string format i.e. oneof(...), anyof(...)
* @param string[] $serializerMethods Methods required for the serialization of specific types in
* in the provided strict types/type, should be an array in the format:
* ['path/to/method argumentType', ...]. Default: []
public function strictType(string $strictType, array $serializerMethods = []);
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
public function validate(TypeValidatorInterface $validator): void;
public function apply(RequestSetterInterface $request): void;