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Test Coverage
  "version": 3,
  "sources": ["../../node_modules/@apollo/client/node_modules/tslib/tslib.js", "../../node_modules/@apollo/client/node_modules/tslib/modules/index.js", "../../node_modules/tslib/tslib.js", "../../node_modules/tslib/modules/index.js", "../../node_modules/ts-invariant/src/invariant.ts", "../../node_modules/graphql/jsutils/isObjectLike.mjs", "../../node_modules/graphql/polyfills/symbols.mjs", "../../node_modules/graphql/language/location.mjs", "../../node_modules/graphql/language/printLocation.mjs", "../../node_modules/graphql/error/GraphQLError.mjs", "../../node_modules/graphql/error/syntaxError.mjs", "../../node_modules/graphql/language/kinds.mjs", "../../node_modules/graphql/jsutils/invariant.mjs", "../../node_modules/graphql/jsutils/nodejsCustomInspectSymbol.mjs", "../../node_modules/graphql/jsutils/defineInspect.mjs", "../../node_modules/graphql/language/ast.mjs", "../../node_modules/graphql/language/tokenKind.mjs", "../../node_modules/graphql/jsutils/inspect.mjs", "../../node_modules/graphql/jsutils/devAssert.mjs", "../../node_modules/graphql/jsutils/instanceOf.mjs", "../../node_modules/graphql/language/source.mjs", "../../node_modules/graphql/language/directiveLocation.mjs", "../../node_modules/graphql/language/blockString.mjs", "../../node_modules/graphql/language/lexer.mjs", "../../node_modules/graphql/language/parser.mjs", "../../node_modules/graphql/language/visitor.mjs", "../../node_modules/graphql/language/printer.mjs", "../../node_modules/graphql/language/index.mjs", "../../node_modules/graphql/index.mjs", "../../node_modules/@apollo/src/utilities/graphql/directives.ts", "../../node_modules/@apollo/src/utilities/graphql/fragments.ts", "../../node_modules/fast-json-stable-stringify/index.js", "../../node_modules/@apollo/src/utilities/graphql/storeUtils.ts", "../../node_modules/@apollo/src/utilities/graphql/getFromAST.ts", "../../node_modules/@apollo/src/utilities/common/filterInPlace.ts", "../../node_modules/@apollo/src/utilities/graphql/transform.ts", "../../node_modules/@apollo/src/utilities/common/mergeDeep.ts", "../../node_modules/@apollo/src/utilities/policies/pagination.ts", "../../node_modules/zen-observable/lib/Observable.js", "../../node_modules/zen-observable/index.js", "../../node_modules/symbol-observable/es/ponyfill.js", "../../node_modules/symbol-observable/es/index.js", "../../node_modules/@apollo/src/utilities/observables/Observable.ts", "../../node_modules/@apollo/src/utilities/common/cloneDeep.ts", "../../node_modules/@apollo/src/utilities/common/environment.ts", "../../node_modules/@apollo/src/utilities/common/maybeDeepFreeze.ts", "../../node_modules/@apollo/src/utilities/observables/iteration.ts", "../../node_modules/@apollo/src/utilities/observables/asyncMap.ts", "../../node_modules/@apollo/src/utilities/observables/subclassing.ts", "../../node_modules/@apollo/src/utilities/observables/Concast.ts", 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  "sourcesContent": ["/*! *****************************************************************************\r\nCopyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\r\n\r\nPermission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any\r\npurpose with or without fee is hereby granted.\r\n\r\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH\r\nREGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY\r\nAND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT,\r\nINDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM\r\nLOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR\r\nOTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR\r\nPERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE.\r\n***************************************************************************** */\r\n\r\n/* global global, define, System, Reflect, Promise */\r\nvar __extends;\r\nvar __assign;\r\nvar __rest;\r\nvar __decorate;\r\nvar __param;\r\nvar __metadata;\r\nvar __awaiter;\r\nvar __generator;\r\nvar __exportStar;\r\nvar __values;\r\nvar __read;\r\nvar __spread;\r\nvar __spreadArrays;\r\nvar __await;\r\nvar __asyncGenerator;\r\nvar __asyncDelegator;\r\nvar __asyncValues;\r\nvar __makeTemplateObject;\r\nvar __importStar;\r\nvar __importDefault;\r\nvar __classPrivateFieldGet;\r\nvar __classPrivateFieldSet;\r\nvar __createBinding;\r\n(function (factory) {\r\n    var root = typeof global === \"object\" ? global : typeof self === \"object\" ? self : typeof this === \"object\" ? this : {};\r\n    if (typeof define === \"function\" && define.amd) {\r\n        define(\"tslib\", [\"exports\"], function (exports) { factory(createExporter(root, createExporter(exports))); });\r\n    }\r\n    else if (typeof module === \"object\" && typeof module.exports === \"object\") {\r\n        factory(createExporter(root, createExporter(module.exports)));\r\n    }\r\n    else {\r\n        factory(createExporter(root));\r\n    }\r\n    function createExporter(exports, previous) {\r\n        if (exports !== root) {\r\n            if (typeof Object.create === \"function\") {\r\n                Object.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\n            }\r\n            else {\r\n                exports.__esModule = true;\r\n            }\r\n        }\r\n        return function (id, v) { return exports[id] = previous ? previous(id, v) : v; };\r\n    }\r\n})\r\n(function (exporter) {\r\n    var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||\r\n        ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||\r\n        function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };\r\n\r\n    __extends = function (d, b) {\r\n        extendStatics(d, b);\r\n        function __() { this.constructor = d; }\r\n        d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {\r\n        for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {\r\n            s = arguments[i];\r\n            for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];\r\n        }\r\n        return t;\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __rest = function (s, e) {\r\n        var t = {};\r\n        for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)\r\n            t[p] = s[p];\r\n        if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === \"function\")\r\n            for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {\r\n                if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, p[i]))\r\n                    t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];\r\n            }\r\n        return t;\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __decorate = function (decorators, target, key, desc) {\r\n        var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;\r\n        if (typeof Reflect === \"object\" && typeof Reflect.decorate === \"function\") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);\r\n        else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;\r\n        return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __param = function (paramIndex, decorator) {\r\n        return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); }\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __metadata = function (metadataKey, metadataValue) {\r\n        if (typeof Reflect === \"object\" && typeof Reflect.metadata === \"function\") return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue);\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __awaiter = function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n        function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n        return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n            function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n            function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n            function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n            step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n        });\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __generator = function (thisArg, body) {\r\n        var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g;\r\n        return g = { next: verb(0), \"throw\": verb(1), \"return\": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === \"function\" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g;\r\n        function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; }\r\n        function step(op) {\r\n            if (f) throw new TypeError(\"Generator is already executing.\");\r\n            while (_) try {\r\n                if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y[\"return\"] : op[0] ? y[\"throw\"] || ((t = y[\"return\"]) && t.call(y), 0) : y.next) && !(t = t.call(y, op[1])).done) return t;\r\n                if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];\r\n                switch (op[0]) {\r\n                    case 0: case 1: t = op; break;\r\n                    case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false };\r\n                    case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue;\r\n                    case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue;\r\n                    default:\r\n                        if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; }\r\n                        if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; }\r\n                        if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; }\r\n                        if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; }\r\n                        if (t[2]) _.ops.pop();\r\n                        _.trys.pop(); continue;\r\n                }\r\n                op = body.call(thisArg, _);\r\n            } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; }\r\n            if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };\r\n        }\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __createBinding = function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n        if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n        o[k2] = m[k];\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __exportStar = function (m, exports) {\r\n        for (var p in m) if (p !== \"default\" && !exports.hasOwnProperty(p)) exports[p] = m[p];\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __values = function (o) {\r\n        var s = typeof Symbol === \"function\" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0;\r\n        if (m) return m.call(o);\r\n        if (o && typeof o.length === \"number\") return {\r\n            next: function () {\r\n                if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;\r\n                return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };\r\n            }\r\n        };\r\n        throw new TypeError(s ? \"Object is not iterable.\" : \"Symbol.iterator is not defined.\");\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __read = function (o, n) {\r\n        var m = typeof Symbol === \"function\" && o[Symbol.iterator];\r\n        if (!m) return o;\r\n        var i = m.call(o), r, ar = [], e;\r\n        try {\r\n            while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) ar.push(r.value);\r\n        }\r\n        catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }\r\n        finally {\r\n            try {\r\n                if (r && !r.done && (m = i[\"return\"])) m.call(i);\r\n            }\r\n            finally { if (e) throw e.error; }\r\n        }\r\n        return ar;\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __spread = function () {\r\n        for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)\r\n            ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));\r\n        return ar;\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __spreadArrays = function () {\r\n        for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length;\r\n        for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++)\r\n            for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++)\r\n                r[k] = a[j];\r\n        return r;\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __await = function (v) {\r\n        return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = v, this) : new __await(v);\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __asyncGenerator = function (thisArg, _arguments, generator) {\r\n        if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError(\"Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.\");\r\n        var g = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || []), i, q = [];\r\n        return i = {}, verb(\"next\"), verb(\"throw\"), verb(\"return\"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i;\r\n        function verb(n) { if (g[n]) i[n] = function (v) { return new Promise(function (a, b) { q.push([n, v, a, b]) > 1 || resume(n, v); }); }; }\r\n        function resume(n, v) { try { step(g[n](v)); } catch (e) { settle(q[0][3], e); } }\r\n        function step(r) { r.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(fulfill, reject) : settle(q[0][2], r);  }\r\n        function fulfill(value) { resume(\"next\", value); }\r\n        function reject(value) { resume(\"throw\", value); }\r\n        function settle(f, v) { if (f(v), q.shift(), q.length) resume(q[0][0], q[0][1]); }\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __asyncDelegator = function (o) {\r\n        var i, p;\r\n        return i = {}, verb(\"next\"), verb(\"throw\", function (e) { throw e; }), verb(\"return\"), i[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }, i;\r\n        function verb(n, f) { i[n] = o[n] ? function (v) { return (p = !p) ? { value: __await(o[n](v)), done: n === \"return\" } : f ? f(v) : v; } : f; }\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __asyncValues = function (o) {\r\n        if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError(\"Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.\");\r\n        var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i;\r\n        return m ? m.call(o) : (o = typeof __values === \"function\" ? __values(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb(\"next\"), verb(\"throw\"), verb(\"return\"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i);\r\n        function verb(n) { i[n] = o[n] && function (v) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); }); }; }\r\n        function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { Promise.resolve(v).then(function(v) { resolve({ value: v, done: d }); }, reject); }\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __makeTemplateObject = function (cooked, raw) {\r\n        if (Object.defineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(cooked, \"raw\", { value: raw }); } else { cooked.raw = raw; }\r\n        return cooked;\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __importStar = function (mod) {\r\n        if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n        var result = {};\r\n        if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) result[k] = mod[k];\r\n        result[\"default\"] = mod;\r\n        return result;\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __importDefault = function (mod) {\r\n        return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __classPrivateFieldGet = function (receiver, privateMap) {\r\n        if (!privateMap.has(receiver)) {\r\n            throw new TypeError(\"attempted to get private field on non-instance\");\r\n        }\r\n        return privateMap.get(receiver);\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __classPrivateFieldSet = function (receiver, privateMap, value) {\r\n        if (!privateMap.has(receiver)) {\r\n            throw new TypeError(\"attempted to set private field on non-instance\");\r\n        }\r\n        privateMap.set(receiver, value);\r\n        return value;\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    exporter(\"__extends\", __extends);\r\n    exporter(\"__assign\", __assign);\r\n    exporter(\"__rest\", __rest);\r\n    exporter(\"__decorate\", __decorate);\r\n    exporter(\"__param\", __param);\r\n    exporter(\"__metadata\", __metadata);\r\n    exporter(\"__awaiter\", __awaiter);\r\n    exporter(\"__generator\", __generator);\r\n    exporter(\"__exportStar\", __exportStar);\r\n    exporter(\"__createBinding\", __createBinding);\r\n    exporter(\"__values\", __values);\r\n    exporter(\"__read\", __read);\r\n    exporter(\"__spread\", __spread);\r\n    exporter(\"__spreadArrays\", __spreadArrays);\r\n    exporter(\"__await\", __await);\r\n    exporter(\"__asyncGenerator\", __asyncGenerator);\r\n    exporter(\"__asyncDelegator\", __asyncDelegator);\r\n    exporter(\"__asyncValues\", __asyncValues);\r\n    exporter(\"__makeTemplateObject\", __makeTemplateObject);\r\n    exporter(\"__importStar\", __importStar);\r\n    exporter(\"__importDefault\", __importDefault);\r\n    exporter(\"__classPrivateFieldGet\", __classPrivateFieldGet);\r\n    exporter(\"__classPrivateFieldSet\", __classPrivateFieldSet);\r\n});\r\n", "import tslib from '../tslib.js';\r\nconst {\r\n    __extends,\r\n    __assign,\r\n    __rest,\r\n    __decorate,\r\n    __param,\r\n    __metadata,\r\n    __awaiter,\r\n    __generator,\r\n    __exportStar,\r\n    __createBinding,\r\n    __values,\r\n    __read,\r\n    __spread,\r\n    __spreadArrays,\r\n    __await,\r\n    __asyncGenerator,\r\n    __asyncDelegator,\r\n    __asyncValues,\r\n    __makeTemplateObject,\r\n    __importStar,\r\n    __importDefault,\r\n    __classPrivateFieldGet,\r\n    __classPrivateFieldSet,\r\n} = tslib;\r\nexport {\r\n    __extends,\r\n    __assign,\r\n    __rest,\r\n    __decorate,\r\n    __param,\r\n    __metadata,\r\n    __awaiter,\r\n    __generator,\r\n    __exportStar,\r\n    __createBinding,\r\n    __values,\r\n    __read,\r\n    __spread,\r\n    __spreadArrays,\r\n    __await,\r\n    __asyncGenerator,\r\n    __asyncDelegator,\r\n    __asyncValues,\r\n    __makeTemplateObject,\r\n    __importStar,\r\n    __importDefault,\r\n    __classPrivateFieldGet,\r\n    __classPrivateFieldSet,\r\n};\r\n", "/*! *****************************************************************************\r\nCopyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\r\n\r\nPermission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any\r\npurpose with or without fee is hereby granted.\r\n\r\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH\r\nREGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY\r\nAND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT,\r\nINDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM\r\nLOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR\r\nOTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR\r\nPERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE.\r\n***************************************************************************** */\r\n/* global global, define, System, Reflect, Promise */\r\nvar __extends;\r\nvar __assign;\r\nvar __rest;\r\nvar __decorate;\r\nvar __param;\r\nvar __metadata;\r\nvar __awaiter;\r\nvar __generator;\r\nvar __exportStar;\r\nvar __values;\r\nvar __read;\r\nvar __spread;\r\nvar __spreadArrays;\r\nvar __spreadArray;\r\nvar __await;\r\nvar __asyncGenerator;\r\nvar __asyncDelegator;\r\nvar __asyncValues;\r\nvar __makeTemplateObject;\r\nvar __importStar;\r\nvar __importDefault;\r\nvar __classPrivateFieldGet;\r\nvar __classPrivateFieldSet;\r\nvar __createBinding;\r\n(function (factory) {\r\n    var root = typeof global === \"object\" ? global : typeof self === \"object\" ? self : typeof this === \"object\" ? this : {};\r\n    if (typeof define === \"function\" && define.amd) {\r\n        define(\"tslib\", [\"exports\"], function (exports) { factory(createExporter(root, createExporter(exports))); });\r\n    }\r\n    else if (typeof module === \"object\" && typeof module.exports === \"object\") {\r\n        factory(createExporter(root, createExporter(module.exports)));\r\n    }\r\n    else {\r\n        factory(createExporter(root));\r\n    }\r\n    function createExporter(exports, previous) {\r\n        if (exports !== root) {\r\n            if (typeof Object.create === \"function\") {\r\n                Object.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\n            }\r\n            else {\r\n                exports.__esModule = true;\r\n            }\r\n        }\r\n        return function (id, v) { return exports[id] = previous ? previous(id, v) : v; };\r\n    }\r\n})\r\n(function (exporter) {\r\n    var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||\r\n        ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||\r\n        function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, p)) d[p] = b[p]; };\r\n\r\n    __extends = function (d, b) {\r\n        if (typeof b !== \"function\" && b !== null)\r\n            throw new TypeError(\"Class extends value \" + String(b) + \" is not a constructor or null\");\r\n        extendStatics(d, b);\r\n        function __() { this.constructor = d; }\r\n        d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {\r\n        for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {\r\n            s = arguments[i];\r\n            for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];\r\n        }\r\n        return t;\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __rest = function (s, e) {\r\n        var t = {};\r\n        for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)\r\n            t[p] = s[p];\r\n        if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === \"function\")\r\n            for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {\r\n                if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, p[i]))\r\n                    t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];\r\n            }\r\n        return t;\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __decorate = function (decorators, target, key, desc) {\r\n        var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;\r\n        if (typeof Reflect === \"object\" && typeof Reflect.decorate === \"function\") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);\r\n        else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;\r\n        return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __param = function (paramIndex, decorator) {\r\n        return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); }\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __metadata = function (metadataKey, metadataValue) {\r\n        if (typeof Reflect === \"object\" && typeof Reflect.metadata === \"function\") return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue);\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __awaiter = function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n        function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n        return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n            function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n            function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n            function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n            step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n        });\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __generator = function (thisArg, body) {\r\n        var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g;\r\n        return g = { next: verb(0), \"throw\": verb(1), \"return\": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === \"function\" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g;\r\n        function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; }\r\n        function step(op) {\r\n            if (f) throw new TypeError(\"Generator is already executing.\");\r\n            while (_) try {\r\n                if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y[\"return\"] : op[0] ? y[\"throw\"] || ((t = y[\"return\"]) && t.call(y), 0) : y.next) && !(t = t.call(y, op[1])).done) return t;\r\n                if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];\r\n                switch (op[0]) {\r\n                    case 0: case 1: t = op; break;\r\n                    case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false };\r\n                    case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue;\r\n                    case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue;\r\n                    default:\r\n                        if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; }\r\n                        if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; }\r\n                        if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; }\r\n                        if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; }\r\n                        if (t[2]) _.ops.pop();\r\n                        _.trys.pop(); continue;\r\n                }\r\n                op = body.call(thisArg, _);\r\n            } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; }\r\n            if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };\r\n        }\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __exportStar = function(m, o) {\r\n        for (var p in m) if (p !== \"default\" && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, p)) __createBinding(o, m, p);\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __createBinding = Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n        if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n        Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n    }) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n        if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n        o[k2] = m[k];\r\n    });\r\n\r\n    __values = function (o) {\r\n        var s = typeof Symbol === \"function\" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0;\r\n        if (m) return m.call(o);\r\n        if (o && typeof o.length === \"number\") return {\r\n            next: function () {\r\n                if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;\r\n                return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };\r\n            }\r\n        };\r\n        throw new TypeError(s ? \"Object is not iterable.\" : \"Symbol.iterator is not defined.\");\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __read = function (o, n) {\r\n        var m = typeof Symbol === \"function\" && o[Symbol.iterator];\r\n        if (!m) return o;\r\n        var i = m.call(o), r, ar = [], e;\r\n        try {\r\n            while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) ar.push(r.value);\r\n        }\r\n        catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }\r\n        finally {\r\n            try {\r\n                if (r && !r.done && (m = i[\"return\"])) m.call(i);\r\n            }\r\n            finally { if (e) throw e.error; }\r\n        }\r\n        return ar;\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    /** @deprecated */\r\n    __spread = function () {\r\n        for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)\r\n            ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));\r\n        return ar;\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    /** @deprecated */\r\n    __spreadArrays = function () {\r\n        for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length;\r\n        for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++)\r\n            for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++)\r\n                r[k] = a[j];\r\n        return r;\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __spreadArray = function (to, from) {\r\n        for (var i = 0, il = from.length, j = to.length; i < il; i++, j++)\r\n            to[j] = from[i];\r\n        return to;\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __await = function (v) {\r\n        return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = v, this) : new __await(v);\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __asyncGenerator = function (thisArg, _arguments, generator) {\r\n        if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError(\"Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.\");\r\n        var g = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || []), i, q = [];\r\n        return i = {}, verb(\"next\"), verb(\"throw\"), verb(\"return\"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i;\r\n        function verb(n) { if (g[n]) i[n] = function (v) { return new Promise(function (a, b) { q.push([n, v, a, b]) > 1 || resume(n, v); }); }; }\r\n        function resume(n, v) { try { step(g[n](v)); } catch (e) { settle(q[0][3], e); } }\r\n        function step(r) { r.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(fulfill, reject) : settle(q[0][2], r);  }\r\n        function fulfill(value) { resume(\"next\", value); }\r\n        function reject(value) { resume(\"throw\", value); }\r\n        function settle(f, v) { if (f(v), q.shift(), q.length) resume(q[0][0], q[0][1]); }\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __asyncDelegator = function (o) {\r\n        var i, p;\r\n        return i = {}, verb(\"next\"), verb(\"throw\", function (e) { throw e; }), verb(\"return\"), i[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }, i;\r\n        function verb(n, f) { i[n] = o[n] ? function (v) { return (p = !p) ? { value: __await(o[n](v)), done: n === \"return\" } : f ? f(v) : v; } : f; }\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __asyncValues = function (o) {\r\n        if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError(\"Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.\");\r\n        var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i;\r\n        return m ? m.call(o) : (o = typeof __values === \"function\" ? __values(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb(\"next\"), verb(\"throw\"), verb(\"return\"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i);\r\n        function verb(n) { i[n] = o[n] && function (v) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); }); }; }\r\n        function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { Promise.resolve(v).then(function(v) { resolve({ value: v, done: d }); }, reject); }\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __makeTemplateObject = function (cooked, raw) {\r\n        if (Object.defineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(cooked, \"raw\", { value: raw }); } else { cooked.raw = raw; }\r\n        return cooked;\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    var __setModuleDefault = Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n        Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n    }) : function(o, v) {\r\n        o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __importStar = function (mod) {\r\n        if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n        var result = {};\r\n        if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== \"default\" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n        __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n        return result;\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __importDefault = function (mod) {\r\n        return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __classPrivateFieldGet = function (receiver, state, kind, f) {\r\n        if (kind === \"a\" && !f) throw new TypeError(\"Private accessor was defined without a getter\");\r\n        if (typeof state === \"function\" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError(\"Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it\");\r\n        return kind === \"m\" ? f : kind === \"a\" ? f.call(receiver) : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver);\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __classPrivateFieldSet = function (receiver, state, value, kind, f) {\r\n        if (kind === \"m\") throw new TypeError(\"Private method is not writable\");\r\n        if (kind === \"a\" && !f) throw new TypeError(\"Private accessor was defined without a setter\");\r\n        if (typeof state === \"function\" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError(\"Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it\");\r\n        return (kind === \"a\" ? f.call(receiver, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value)), value;\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    exporter(\"__extends\", __extends);\r\n    exporter(\"__assign\", __assign);\r\n    exporter(\"__rest\", __rest);\r\n    exporter(\"__decorate\", __decorate);\r\n    exporter(\"__param\", __param);\r\n    exporter(\"__metadata\", __metadata);\r\n    exporter(\"__awaiter\", __awaiter);\r\n    exporter(\"__generator\", __generator);\r\n    exporter(\"__exportStar\", __exportStar);\r\n    exporter(\"__createBinding\", __createBinding);\r\n    exporter(\"__values\", __values);\r\n    exporter(\"__read\", __read);\r\n    exporter(\"__spread\", __spread);\r\n    exporter(\"__spreadArrays\", __spreadArrays);\r\n    exporter(\"__spreadArray\", __spreadArray);\r\n    exporter(\"__await\", __await);\r\n    exporter(\"__asyncGenerator\", __asyncGenerator);\r\n    exporter(\"__asyncDelegator\", __asyncDelegator);\r\n    exporter(\"__asyncValues\", __asyncValues);\r\n    exporter(\"__makeTemplateObject\", __makeTemplateObject);\r\n    exporter(\"__importStar\", __importStar);\r\n    exporter(\"__importDefault\", __importDefault);\r\n    exporter(\"__classPrivateFieldGet\", __classPrivateFieldGet);\r\n    exporter(\"__classPrivateFieldSet\", __classPrivateFieldSet);\r\n});\r\n", "import tslib from '../tslib.js';\r\nconst {\r\n    __extends,\r\n    __assign,\r\n    __rest,\r\n    __decorate,\r\n    __param,\r\n    __metadata,\r\n    __awaiter,\r\n    __generator,\r\n    __exportStar,\r\n    __createBinding,\r\n    __values,\r\n    __read,\r\n    __spread,\r\n    __spreadArrays,\r\n    __spreadArray,\r\n    __await,\r\n    __asyncGenerator,\r\n    __asyncDelegator,\r\n    __asyncValues,\r\n    __makeTemplateObject,\r\n    __importStar,\r\n    __importDefault,\r\n    __classPrivateFieldGet,\r\n    __classPrivateFieldSet,\r\n} = tslib;\r\nexport {\r\n    __extends,\r\n    __assign,\r\n    __rest,\r\n    __decorate,\r\n    __param,\r\n    __metadata,\r\n    __awaiter,\r\n    __generator,\r\n    __exportStar,\r\n    __createBinding,\r\n    __values,\r\n    __read,\r\n    __spread,\r\n    __spreadArrays,\r\n    __spreadArray,\r\n    __await,\r\n    __asyncGenerator,\r\n    __asyncDelegator,\r\n    __asyncValues,\r\n    __makeTemplateObject,\r\n    __importStar,\r\n    __importDefault,\r\n    __classPrivateFieldGet,\r\n    __classPrivateFieldSet,\r\n};\r\n", "const genericMessage = \"Invariant Violation\";\nconst {\n  setPrototypeOf = function (obj: any, proto: any) {\n    obj.__proto__ = proto;\n    return obj;\n  },\n} = Object as any;\n\nexport class InvariantError extends Error {\n  framesToPop = 1;\n  name = genericMessage;\n  constructor(message: string | number = genericMessage) {\n    super(\n      typeof message === \"number\"\n        ? `${genericMessage}: ${message} (see https://github.com/apollographql/invariant-packages)`\n        : message\n    );\n    setPrototypeOf(this, InvariantError.prototype);\n  }\n}\n\nexport function invariant(\n  condition: any,\n  message?: string | number,\n): asserts condition {\n  if (!condition) {\n    throw new InvariantError(message);\n  }\n}\n\nconst verbosityLevels = [\"log\", \"warn\", \"error\", \"silent\"] as const;\ntype VerbosityLevel = (typeof verbosityLevels)[number];\ntype ConsoleMethodName = Exclude<VerbosityLevel, \"silent\">;\nlet verbosityLevel = verbosityLevels.indexOf(\"log\");\n\nfunction wrapConsoleMethod<M extends ConsoleMethodName>(method: M) {\n  return function () {\n    if (verbosityLevels.indexOf(method) >= verbosityLevel) {\n      return console[method].apply(console, arguments as any);\n    }\n  } as (typeof console)[M];\n}\n\nexport namespace invariant {\n  export const log = wrapConsoleMethod(\"log\");\n  export const warn = wrapConsoleMethod(\"warn\");\n  export const error = wrapConsoleMethod(\"error\");\n}\n\nexport function setVerbosity(level: VerbosityLevel): VerbosityLevel {\n  const old = verbosityLevels[verbosityLevel];\n  verbosityLevel = Math.max(0, verbosityLevels.indexOf(level));\n  return old;\n}\n\n// Code that uses ts-invariant with rollup-plugin-invariant may want to\n// import this process stub to avoid errors evaluating process.env.NODE_ENV.\n// However, because most ESM-to-CJS compilers will rewrite the process import\n// as tsInvariant.process, which prevents proper replacement by minifiers, we\n// also export processStub, so you can import { invariant, processStub } from\n// \"ts-invariant\" and assign processStub to a local variable named process.\nexport const processStub: {\n  env: Record<string, any>;\n  [key: string]: any;\n} = (\n  typeof process === \"object\" &&\n  typeof process.env === \"object\"\n) ? process : { env: {} };\n\nexport { processStub as process };\n\nexport default invariant;\n", "function _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; if (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }\n\n/**\n * Return true if `value` is object-like. A value is object-like if it's not\n * `null` and has a `typeof` result of \"object\".\n */\nexport default function isObjectLike(value) {\n  return _typeof(value) == 'object' && value !== null;\n}\n", "// In ES2015 (or a polyfilled) environment, this will be Symbol.iterator\n// istanbul ignore next (See: 'https://github.com/graphql/graphql-js/issues/2317')\nexport var SYMBOL_ITERATOR = typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.iterator != null ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator'; // In ES2017 (or a polyfilled) environment, this will be Symbol.asyncIterator\n// istanbul ignore next (See: 'https://github.com/graphql/graphql-js/issues/2317')\n\nexport var SYMBOL_ASYNC_ITERATOR = typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.asyncIterator != null ? Symbol.asyncIterator : '@@asyncIterator'; // istanbul ignore next (See: 'https://github.com/graphql/graphql-js/issues/2317')\n\nexport var SYMBOL_TO_STRING_TAG = typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.toStringTag != null ? Symbol.toStringTag : '@@toStringTag';\n", "/**\n * Represents a location in a Source.\n */\n\n/**\n * Takes a Source and a UTF-8 character offset, and returns the corresponding\n * line and column as a SourceLocation.\n */\nexport function getLocation(source, position) {\n  var lineRegexp = /\\r\\n|[\\n\\r]/g;\n  var line = 1;\n  var column = position + 1;\n  var match;\n\n  while ((match = lineRegexp.exec(source.body)) && match.index < position) {\n    line += 1;\n    column = position + 1 - (match.index + match[0].length);\n  }\n\n  return {\n    line: line,\n    column: column\n  };\n}\n", "import { getLocation } from \"./location.mjs\";\n/**\n * Render a helpful description of the location in the GraphQL Source document.\n */\n\nexport function printLocation(location) {\n  return printSourceLocation(location.source, getLocation(location.source, location.start));\n}\n/**\n * Render a helpful description of the location in the GraphQL Source document.\n */\n\nexport function printSourceLocation(source, sourceLocation) {\n  var firstLineColumnOffset = source.locationOffset.column - 1;\n  var body = whitespace(firstLineColumnOffset) + source.body;\n  var lineIndex = sourceLocation.line - 1;\n  var lineOffset = source.locationOffset.line - 1;\n  var lineNum = sourceLocation.line + lineOffset;\n  var columnOffset = sourceLocation.line === 1 ? firstLineColumnOffset : 0;\n  var columnNum = sourceLocation.column + columnOffset;\n  var locationStr = \"\".concat(source.name, \":\").concat(lineNum, \":\").concat(columnNum, \"\\n\");\n  var lines = body.split(/\\r\\n|[\\n\\r]/g);\n  var locationLine = lines[lineIndex]; // Special case for minified documents\n\n  if (locationLine.length > 120) {\n    var subLineIndex = Math.floor(columnNum / 80);\n    var subLineColumnNum = columnNum % 80;\n    var subLines = [];\n\n    for (var i = 0; i < locationLine.length; i += 80) {\n      subLines.push(locationLine.slice(i, i + 80));\n    }\n\n    return locationStr + printPrefixedLines([[\"\".concat(lineNum), subLines[0]]].concat(subLines.slice(1, subLineIndex + 1).map(function (subLine) {\n      return ['', subLine];\n    }), [[' ', whitespace(subLineColumnNum - 1) + '^'], ['', subLines[subLineIndex + 1]]]));\n  }\n\n  return locationStr + printPrefixedLines([// Lines specified like this: [\"prefix\", \"string\"],\n  [\"\".concat(lineNum - 1), lines[lineIndex - 1]], [\"\".concat(lineNum), locationLine], ['', whitespace(columnNum - 1) + '^'], [\"\".concat(lineNum + 1), lines[lineIndex + 1]]]);\n}\n\nfunction printPrefixedLines(lines) {\n  var existingLines = lines.filter(function (_ref) {\n    var _ = _ref[0],\n        line = _ref[1];\n    return line !== undefined;\n  });\n  var padLen = Math.max.apply(Math, existingLines.map(function (_ref2) {\n    var prefix = _ref2[0];\n    return prefix.length;\n  }));\n  return existingLines.map(function (_ref3) {\n    var prefix = _ref3[0],\n        line = _ref3[1];\n    return leftPad(padLen, prefix) + (line ? ' | ' + line : ' |');\n  }).join('\\n');\n}\n\nfunction whitespace(len) {\n  return Array(len + 1).join(' ');\n}\n\nfunction leftPad(len, str) {\n  return whitespace(len - str.length) + str;\n}\n", "function _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; if (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }\n\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\n\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }\n\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }\n\nfunction _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== \"function\" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError(\"Super expression must either be null or a function\"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }\n\nfunction _createSuper(Derived) { var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct(); return function _createSuperInternal() { var Super = _getPrototypeOf(Derived), result; if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor; result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); } else { result = Super.apply(this, arguments); } return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, result); }; }\n\nfunction _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === \"object\" || typeof call === \"function\")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }\n\nfunction _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError(\"this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called\"); } return self; }\n\nfunction _wrapNativeSuper(Class) { var _cache = typeof Map === \"function\" ? new Map() : undefined; _wrapNativeSuper = function _wrapNativeSuper(Class) { if (Class === null || !_isNativeFunction(Class)) return Class; if (typeof Class !== \"function\") { throw new TypeError(\"Super expression must either be null or a function\"); } if (typeof _cache !== \"undefined\") { if (_cache.has(Class)) return _cache.get(Class); _cache.set(Class, Wrapper); } function Wrapper() { return _construct(Class, arguments, _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor); } Wrapper.prototype = Object.create(Class.prototype, { constructor: { value: Wrapper, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); return _setPrototypeOf(Wrapper, Class); }; return _wrapNativeSuper(Class); }\n\nfunction _construct(Parent, args, Class) { if (_isNativeReflectConstruct()) { _construct = Reflect.construct; } else { _construct = function _construct(Parent, args, Class) { var a = [null]; a.push.apply(a, args); var Constructor = Function.bind.apply(Parent, a); var instance = new Constructor(); if (Class) _setPrototypeOf(instance, Class.prototype); return instance; }; } return _construct.apply(null, arguments); }\n\nfunction _isNativeReflectConstruct() { if (typeof Reflect === \"undefined\" || !Reflect.construct) return false; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; if (typeof Proxy === \"function\") return true; try { Date.prototype.toString.call(Reflect.construct(Date, [], function () {})); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }\n\nfunction _isNativeFunction(fn) { return Function.toString.call(fn).indexOf(\"[native code]\") !== -1; }\n\nfunction _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }\n\nfunction _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }\n\n// FIXME:\n// flowlint uninitialized-instance-property:off\nimport isObjectLike from \"../jsutils/isObjectLike.mjs\";\nimport { SYMBOL_TO_STRING_TAG } from \"../polyfills/symbols.mjs\";\nimport { getLocation } from \"../language/location.mjs\";\nimport { printLocation, printSourceLocation } from \"../language/printLocation.mjs\";\n/**\n * A GraphQLError describes an Error found during the parse, validate, or\n * execute phases of performing a GraphQL operation. In addition to a message\n * and stack trace, it also includes information about the locations in a\n * GraphQL document and/or execution result that correspond to the Error.\n */\n\nexport var GraphQLError = /*#__PURE__*/function (_Error) {\n  _inherits(GraphQLError, _Error);\n\n  var _super = _createSuper(GraphQLError);\n\n  /**\n   * A message describing the Error for debugging purposes.\n   *\n   * Enumerable, and appears in the result of JSON.stringify().\n   *\n   * Note: should be treated as readonly, despite invariant usage.\n   */\n\n  /**\n   * An array of { line, column } locations within the source GraphQL document\n   * which correspond to this error.\n   *\n   * Errors during validation often contain multiple locations, for example to\n   * point out two things with the same name. Errors during execution include a\n   * single location, the field which produced the error.\n   *\n   * Enumerable, and appears in the result of JSON.stringify().\n   */\n\n  /**\n   * An array describing the JSON-path into the execution response which\n   * corresponds to this error. Only included for errors during execution.\n   *\n   * Enumerable, and appears in the result of JSON.stringify().\n   */\n\n  /**\n   * An array of GraphQL AST Nodes corresponding to this error.\n   */\n\n  /**\n   * The source GraphQL document for the first location of this error.\n   *\n   * Note that if this Error represents more than one node, the source may not\n   * represent nodes after the first node.\n   */\n\n  /**\n   * An array of character offsets within the source GraphQL document\n   * which correspond to this error.\n   */\n\n  /**\n   * The original error thrown from a field resolver during execution.\n   */\n\n  /**\n   * Extension fields to add to the formatted error.\n   */\n  function GraphQLError(message, nodes, source, positions, path, originalError, extensions) {\n    var _locations2, _source2, _positions2, _extensions2;\n\n    var _this;\n\n    _classCallCheck(this, GraphQLError);\n\n    _this = _super.call(this, message); // Compute list of blame nodes.\n\n    var _nodes = Array.isArray(nodes) ? nodes.length !== 0 ? nodes : undefined : nodes ? [nodes] : undefined; // Compute locations in the source for the given nodes/positions.\n\n\n    var _source = source;\n\n    if (!_source && _nodes) {\n      var _nodes$0$loc;\n\n      _source = (_nodes$0$loc = _nodes[0].loc) === null || _nodes$0$loc === void 0 ? void 0 : _nodes$0$loc.source;\n    }\n\n    var _positions = positions;\n\n    if (!_positions && _nodes) {\n      _positions = _nodes.reduce(function (list, node) {\n        if (node.loc) {\n          list.push(node.loc.start);\n        }\n\n        return list;\n      }, []);\n    }\n\n    if (_positions && _positions.length === 0) {\n      _positions = undefined;\n    }\n\n    var _locations;\n\n    if (positions && source) {\n      _locations = positions.map(function (pos) {\n        return getLocation(source, pos);\n      });\n    } else if (_nodes) {\n      _locations = _nodes.reduce(function (list, node) {\n        if (node.loc) {\n          list.push(getLocation(node.loc.source, node.loc.start));\n        }\n\n        return list;\n      }, []);\n    }\n\n    var _extensions = extensions;\n\n    if (_extensions == null && originalError != null) {\n      var originalExtensions = originalError.extensions;\n\n      if (isObjectLike(originalExtensions)) {\n        _extensions = originalExtensions;\n      }\n    }\n\n    Object.defineProperties(_assertThisInitialized(_this), {\n      name: {\n        value: 'GraphQLError'\n      },\n      message: {\n        value: message,\n        // By being enumerable, JSON.stringify will include `message` in the\n        // resulting output. This ensures that the simplest possible GraphQL\n        // service adheres to the spec.\n        enumerable: true,\n        writable: true\n      },\n      locations: {\n        // Coercing falsy values to undefined ensures they will not be included\n        // in JSON.stringify() when not provided.\n        value: (_locations2 = _locations) !== null && _locations2 !== void 0 ? _locations2 : undefined,\n        // By being enumerable, JSON.stringify will include `locations` in the\n        // resulting output. This ensures that the simplest possible GraphQL\n        // service adheres to the spec.\n        enumerable: _locations != null\n      },\n      path: {\n        // Coercing falsy values to undefined ensures they will not be included\n        // in JSON.stringify() when not provided.\n        value: path !== null && path !== void 0 ? path : undefined,\n        // By being enumerable, JSON.stringify will include `path` in the\n        // resulting output. This ensures that the simplest possible GraphQL\n        // service adheres to the spec.\n        enumerable: path != null\n      },\n      nodes: {\n        value: _nodes !== null && _nodes !== void 0 ? _nodes : undefined\n      },\n      source: {\n        value: (_source2 = _source) !== null && _source2 !== void 0 ? _source2 : undefined\n      },\n      positions: {\n        value: (_positions2 = _positions) !== null && _positions2 !== void 0 ? _positions2 : undefined\n      },\n      originalError: {\n        value: originalError\n      },\n      extensions: {\n        // Coercing falsy values to undefined ensures they will not be included\n        // in JSON.stringify() when not provided.\n        value: (_extensions2 = _extensions) !== null && _extensions2 !== void 0 ? _extensions2 : undefined,\n        // By being enumerable, JSON.stringify will include `path` in the\n        // resulting output. This ensures that the simplest possible GraphQL\n        // service adheres to the spec.\n        enumerable: _extensions != null\n      }\n    }); // Include (non-enumerable) stack trace.\n\n    if (originalError !== null && originalError !== void 0 && originalError.stack) {\n      Object.defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), 'stack', {\n        value: originalError.stack,\n        writable: true,\n        configurable: true\n      });\n      return _possibleConstructorReturn(_this);\n    } // istanbul ignore next (See: 'https://github.com/graphql/graphql-js/issues/2317')\n\n\n    if (Error.captureStackTrace) {\n      Error.captureStackTrace(_assertThisInitialized(_this), GraphQLError);\n    } else {\n      Object.defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), 'stack', {\n        value: Error().stack,\n        writable: true,\n        configurable: true\n      });\n    }\n\n    return _this;\n  }\n\n  _createClass(GraphQLError, [{\n    key: \"toString\",\n    value: function toString() {\n      return printError(this);\n    } // FIXME: workaround to not break chai comparisons, should be remove in v16\n    // $FlowFixMe[unsupported-syntax] Flow doesn't support computed properties yet\n\n  }, {\n    key: SYMBOL_TO_STRING_TAG,\n    get: function get() {\n      return 'Object';\n    }\n  }]);\n\n  return GraphQLError;\n}( /*#__PURE__*/_wrapNativeSuper(Error));\n/**\n * Prints a GraphQLError to a string, representing useful location information\n * about the error's position in the source.\n */\n\nexport function printError(error) {\n  var output = error.message;\n\n  if (error.nodes) {\n    for (var _i2 = 0, _error$nodes2 = error.nodes; _i2 < _error$nodes2.length; _i2++) {\n      var node = _error$nodes2[_i2];\n\n      if (node.loc) {\n        output += '\\n\\n' + printLocation(node.loc);\n      }\n    }\n  } else if (error.source && error.locations) {\n    for (var _i4 = 0, _error$locations2 = error.locations; _i4 < _error$locations2.length; _i4++) {\n      var location = _error$locations2[_i4];\n      output += '\\n\\n' + printSourceLocation(error.source, location);\n    }\n  }\n\n  return output;\n}\n", "import { GraphQLError } from \"./GraphQLError.mjs\";\n/**\n * Produces a GraphQLError representing a syntax error, containing useful\n * descriptive information about the syntax error's position in the source.\n */\n\nexport function syntaxError(source, position, description) {\n  return new GraphQLError(\"Syntax Error: \".concat(description), undefined, source, [position]);\n}\n", "/**\n * The set of allowed kind values for AST nodes.\n */\nexport var Kind = Object.freeze({\n  // Name\n  NAME: 'Name',\n  // Document\n  DOCUMENT: 'Document',\n  OPERATION_DEFINITION: 'OperationDefinition',\n  VARIABLE_DEFINITION: 'VariableDefinition',\n  SELECTION_SET: 'SelectionSet',\n  FIELD: 'Field',\n  ARGUMENT: 'Argument',\n  // Fragments\n  FRAGMENT_SPREAD: 'FragmentSpread',\n  INLINE_FRAGMENT: 'InlineFragment',\n  FRAGMENT_DEFINITION: 'FragmentDefinition',\n  // Values\n  VARIABLE: 'Variable',\n  INT: 'IntValue',\n  FLOAT: 'FloatValue',\n  STRING: 'StringValue',\n  BOOLEAN: 'BooleanValue',\n  NULL: 'NullValue',\n  ENUM: 'EnumValue',\n  LIST: 'ListValue',\n  OBJECT: 'ObjectValue',\n  OBJECT_FIELD: 'ObjectField',\n  // Directives\n  DIRECTIVE: 'Directive',\n  // Types\n  NAMED_TYPE: 'NamedType',\n  LIST_TYPE: 'ListType',\n  NON_NULL_TYPE: 'NonNullType',\n  // Type System Definitions\n  SCHEMA_DEFINITION: 'SchemaDefinition',\n  OPERATION_TYPE_DEFINITION: 'OperationTypeDefinition',\n  // Type Definitions\n  SCALAR_TYPE_DEFINITION: 'ScalarTypeDefinition',\n  OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION: 'ObjectTypeDefinition',\n  FIELD_DEFINITION: 'FieldDefinition',\n  INPUT_VALUE_DEFINITION: 'InputValueDefinition',\n  INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION: 'InterfaceTypeDefinition',\n  UNION_TYPE_DEFINITION: 'UnionTypeDefinition',\n  ENUM_TYPE_DEFINITION: 'EnumTypeDefinition',\n  ENUM_VALUE_DEFINITION: 'EnumValueDefinition',\n  INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION: 'InputObjectTypeDefinition',\n  // Directive Definitions\n  DIRECTIVE_DEFINITION: 'DirectiveDefinition',\n  // Type System Extensions\n  SCHEMA_EXTENSION: 'SchemaExtension',\n  // Type Extensions\n  SCALAR_TYPE_EXTENSION: 'ScalarTypeExtension',\n  OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION: 'ObjectTypeExtension',\n  INTERFACE_TYPE_EXTENSION: 'InterfaceTypeExtension',\n  UNION_TYPE_EXTENSION: 'UnionTypeExtension',\n  ENUM_TYPE_EXTENSION: 'EnumTypeExtension',\n  INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION: 'InputObjectTypeExtension'\n});\n/**\n * The enum type representing the possible kind values of AST nodes.\n */\n", "export default function invariant(condition, message) {\n  var booleanCondition = Boolean(condition); // istanbul ignore else (See transformation done in './resources/inlineInvariant.js')\n\n  if (!booleanCondition) {\n    throw new Error(message != null ? message : 'Unexpected invariant triggered.');\n  }\n}\n", "// istanbul ignore next (See: 'https://github.com/graphql/graphql-js/issues/2317')\nvar nodejsCustomInspectSymbol = typeof Symbol === 'function' && typeof Symbol.for === 'function' ? Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom') : undefined;\nexport default nodejsCustomInspectSymbol;\n", "import invariant from \"./invariant.mjs\";\nimport nodejsCustomInspectSymbol from \"./nodejsCustomInspectSymbol.mjs\";\n/**\n * The `defineInspect()` function defines `inspect()` prototype method as alias of `toJSON`\n */\n\nexport default function defineInspect(classObject) {\n  var fn = classObject.prototype.toJSON;\n  typeof fn === 'function' || invariant(0);\n  classObject.prototype.inspect = fn; // istanbul ignore else (See: 'https://github.com/graphql/graphql-js/issues/2317')\n\n  if (nodejsCustomInspectSymbol) {\n    classObject.prototype[nodejsCustomInspectSymbol] = fn;\n  }\n}\n", "import defineInspect from \"../jsutils/defineInspect.mjs\";\n\n/**\n * Contains a range of UTF-8 character offsets and token references that\n * identify the region of the source from which the AST derived.\n */\nexport var Location = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n  /**\n   * The character offset at which this Node begins.\n   */\n\n  /**\n   * The character offset at which this Node ends.\n   */\n\n  /**\n   * The Token at which this Node begins.\n   */\n\n  /**\n   * The Token at which this Node ends.\n   */\n\n  /**\n   * The Source document the AST represents.\n   */\n  function Location(startToken, endToken, source) {\n    this.start = startToken.start;\n    this.end = endToken.end;\n    this.startToken = startToken;\n    this.endToken = endToken;\n    this.source = source;\n  }\n\n  var _proto = Location.prototype;\n\n  _proto.toJSON = function toJSON() {\n    return {\n      start: this.start,\n      end: this.end\n    };\n  };\n\n  return Location;\n}(); // Print a simplified form when appearing in `inspect` and `util.inspect`.\n\ndefineInspect(Location);\n/**\n * Represents a range of characters represented by a lexical token\n * within a Source.\n */\n\nexport var Token = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n  /**\n   * The kind of Token.\n   */\n\n  /**\n   * The character offset at which this Node begins.\n   */\n\n  /**\n   * The character offset at which this Node ends.\n   */\n\n  /**\n   * The 1-indexed line number on which this Token appears.\n   */\n\n  /**\n   * The 1-indexed column number at which this Token begins.\n   */\n\n  /**\n   * For non-punctuation tokens, represents the interpreted value of the token.\n   */\n\n  /**\n   * Tokens exist as nodes in a double-linked-list amongst all tokens\n   * including ignored tokens. <SOF> is always the first node and <EOF>\n   * the last.\n   */\n  function Token(kind, start, end, line, column, prev, value) {\n    this.kind = kind;\n    this.start = start;\n    this.end = end;\n    this.line = line;\n    this.column = column;\n    this.value = value;\n    this.prev = prev;\n    this.next = null;\n  }\n\n  var _proto2 = Token.prototype;\n\n  _proto2.toJSON = function toJSON() {\n    return {\n      kind: this.kind,\n      value: this.value,\n      line: this.line,\n      column: this.column\n    };\n  };\n\n  return Token;\n}(); // Print a simplified form when appearing in `inspect` and `util.inspect`.\n\ndefineInspect(Token);\n/**\n * @internal\n */\n\nexport function isNode(maybeNode) {\n  return maybeNode != null && typeof maybeNode.kind === 'string';\n}\n/**\n * The list of all possible AST node types.\n */\n", "/**\n * An exported enum describing the different kinds of tokens that the\n * lexer emits.\n */\nexport var TokenKind = Object.freeze({\n  SOF: '<SOF>',\n  EOF: '<EOF>',\n  BANG: '!',\n  DOLLAR: '$',\n  AMP: '&',\n  PAREN_L: '(',\n  PAREN_R: ')',\n  SPREAD: '...',\n  COLON: ':',\n  EQUALS: '=',\n  AT: '@',\n  BRACKET_L: '[',\n  BRACKET_R: ']',\n  BRACE_L: '{',\n  PIPE: '|',\n  BRACE_R: '}',\n  NAME: 'Name',\n  INT: 'Int',\n  FLOAT: 'Float',\n  STRING: 'String',\n  BLOCK_STRING: 'BlockString',\n  COMMENT: 'Comment'\n});\n/**\n * The enum type representing the token kinds values.\n */\n", "function _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; if (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }\n\n/* eslint-disable flowtype/no-weak-types */\nimport nodejsCustomInspectSymbol from \"./nodejsCustomInspectSymbol.mjs\";\nvar MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH = 10;\nvar MAX_RECURSIVE_DEPTH = 2;\n/**\n * Used to print values in error messages.\n */\n\nexport default function inspect(value) {\n  return formatValue(value, []);\n}\n\nfunction formatValue(value, seenValues) {\n  switch (_typeof(value)) {\n    case 'string':\n      return JSON.stringify(value);\n\n    case 'function':\n      return value.name ? \"[function \".concat(value.name, \"]\") : '[function]';\n\n    case 'object':\n      if (value === null) {\n        return 'null';\n      }\n\n      return formatObjectValue(value, seenValues);\n\n    default:\n      return String(value);\n  }\n}\n\nfunction formatObjectValue(value, previouslySeenValues) {\n  if (previouslySeenValues.indexOf(value) !== -1) {\n    return '[Circular]';\n  }\n\n  var seenValues = [].concat(previouslySeenValues, [value]);\n  var customInspectFn = getCustomFn(value);\n\n  if (customInspectFn !== undefined) {\n    var customValue = customInspectFn.call(value); // check for infinite recursion\n\n    if (customValue !== value) {\n      return typeof customValue === 'string' ? customValue : formatValue(customValue, seenValues);\n    }\n  } else if (Array.isArray(value)) {\n    return formatArray(value, seenValues);\n  }\n\n  return formatObject(value, seenValues);\n}\n\nfunction formatObject(object, seenValues) {\n  var keys = Object.keys(object);\n\n  if (keys.length === 0) {\n    return '{}';\n  }\n\n  if (seenValues.length > MAX_RECURSIVE_DEPTH) {\n    return '[' + getObjectTag(object) + ']';\n  }\n\n  var properties = keys.map(function (key) {\n    var value = formatValue(object[key], seenValues);\n    return key + ': ' + value;\n  });\n  return '{ ' + properties.join(', ') + ' }';\n}\n\nfunction formatArray(array, seenValues) {\n  if (array.length === 0) {\n    return '[]';\n  }\n\n  if (seenValues.length > MAX_RECURSIVE_DEPTH) {\n    return '[Array]';\n  }\n\n  var len = Math.min(MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH, array.length);\n  var remaining = array.length - len;\n  var items = [];\n\n  for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {\n    items.push(formatValue(array[i], seenValues));\n  }\n\n  if (remaining === 1) {\n    items.push('... 1 more item');\n  } else if (remaining > 1) {\n    items.push(\"... \".concat(remaining, \" more items\"));\n  }\n\n  return '[' + items.join(', ') + ']';\n}\n\nfunction getCustomFn(object) {\n  var customInspectFn = object[String(nodejsCustomInspectSymbol)];\n\n  if (typeof customInspectFn === 'function') {\n    return customInspectFn;\n  }\n\n  if (typeof object.inspect === 'function') {\n    return object.inspect;\n  }\n}\n\nfunction getObjectTag(object) {\n  var tag = Object.prototype.toString.call(object).replace(/^\\[object /, '').replace(/]$/, '');\n\n  if (tag === 'Object' && typeof object.constructor === 'function') {\n    var name = object.constructor.name;\n\n    if (typeof name === 'string' && name !== '') {\n      return name;\n    }\n  }\n\n  return tag;\n}\n", "export default function devAssert(condition, message) {\n  var booleanCondition = Boolean(condition); // istanbul ignore else (See transformation done in './resources/inlineInvariant.js')\n\n  if (!booleanCondition) {\n    throw new Error(message);\n  }\n}\n", "/**\n * A replacement for instanceof which includes an error warning when multi-realm\n * constructors are detected.\n */\n// See: https://expressjs.com/en/advanced/best-practice-performance.html#set-node_env-to-production\n// See: https://webpack.js.org/guides/production/\nexport default process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? // istanbul ignore next (See: 'https://github.com/graphql/graphql-js/issues/2317')\n// eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow\nfunction instanceOf(value, constructor) {\n  return value instanceof constructor;\n} : // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow\nfunction instanceOf(value, constructor) {\n  if (value instanceof constructor) {\n    return true;\n  }\n\n  if (value) {\n    var valueClass = value.constructor;\n    var className = constructor.name;\n\n    if (className && valueClass && valueClass.name === className) {\n      throw new Error(\"Cannot use \".concat(className, \" \\\"\").concat(value, \"\\\" from another module or realm.\\n\\nEnsure that there is only one instance of \\\"graphql\\\" in the node_modules\\ndirectory. If different versions of \\\"graphql\\\" are the dependencies of other\\nrelied on modules, use \\\"resolutions\\\" to ensure only one version is installed.\\n\\nhttps://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/selective-version-resolutions\\n\\nDuplicate \\\"graphql\\\" modules cannot be used at the same time since different\\nversions may have different capabilities and behavior. The data from one\\nversion used in the function from another could produce confusing and\\nspurious results.\"));\n    }\n  }\n\n  return false;\n};\n", "function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }\n\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }\n\nimport { SYMBOL_TO_STRING_TAG } from \"../polyfills/symbols.mjs\";\nimport inspect from \"../jsutils/inspect.mjs\";\nimport devAssert from \"../jsutils/devAssert.mjs\";\nimport instanceOf from \"../jsutils/instanceOf.mjs\";\n\n/**\n * A representation of source input to GraphQL. The `name` and `locationOffset` parameters are\n * optional, but they are useful for clients who store GraphQL documents in source files.\n * For example, if the GraphQL input starts at line 40 in a file named `Foo.graphql`, it might\n * be useful for `name` to be `\"Foo.graphql\"` and location to be `{ line: 40, column: 1 }`.\n * The `line` and `column` properties in `locationOffset` are 1-indexed.\n */\nexport var Source = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n  function Source(body) {\n    var name = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 'GraphQL request';\n    var locationOffset = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {\n      line: 1,\n      column: 1\n    };\n    typeof body === 'string' || devAssert(0, \"Body must be a string. Received: \".concat(inspect(body), \".\"));\n    this.body = body;\n    this.name = name;\n    this.locationOffset = locationOffset;\n    this.locationOffset.line > 0 || devAssert(0, 'line in locationOffset is 1-indexed and must be positive.');\n    this.locationOffset.column > 0 || devAssert(0, 'column in locationOffset is 1-indexed and must be positive.');\n  } // $FlowFixMe[unsupported-syntax] Flow doesn't support computed properties yet\n\n\n  _createClass(Source, [{\n    key: SYMBOL_TO_STRING_TAG,\n    get: function get() {\n      return 'Source';\n    }\n  }]);\n\n  return Source;\n}();\n/**\n * Test if the given value is a Source object.\n *\n * @internal\n */\n\n// eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare\nexport function isSource(source) {\n  return instanceOf(source, Source);\n}\n", "/**\n * The set of allowed directive location values.\n */\nexport var DirectiveLocation = Object.freeze({\n  // Request Definitions\n  QUERY: 'QUERY',\n  MUTATION: 'MUTATION',\n  SUBSCRIPTION: 'SUBSCRIPTION',\n  FIELD: 'FIELD',\n  FRAGMENT_DEFINITION: 'FRAGMENT_DEFINITION',\n  FRAGMENT_SPREAD: 'FRAGMENT_SPREAD',\n  INLINE_FRAGMENT: 'INLINE_FRAGMENT',\n  VARIABLE_DEFINITION: 'VARIABLE_DEFINITION',\n  // Type System Definitions\n  SCHEMA: 'SCHEMA',\n  SCALAR: 'SCALAR',\n  OBJECT: 'OBJECT',\n  FIELD_DEFINITION: 'FIELD_DEFINITION',\n  ARGUMENT_DEFINITION: 'ARGUMENT_DEFINITION',\n  INTERFACE: 'INTERFACE',\n  UNION: 'UNION',\n  ENUM: 'ENUM',\n  ENUM_VALUE: 'ENUM_VALUE',\n  INPUT_OBJECT: 'INPUT_OBJECT',\n  INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION: 'INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION'\n});\n/**\n * The enum type representing the directive location values.\n */\n", "/**\n * Produces the value of a block string from its parsed raw value, similar to\n * CoffeeScript's block string, Python's docstring trim or Ruby's strip_heredoc.\n *\n * This implements the GraphQL spec's BlockStringValue() static algorithm.\n *\n * @internal\n */\nexport function dedentBlockStringValue(rawString) {\n  // Expand a block string's raw value into independent lines.\n  var lines = rawString.split(/\\r\\n|[\\n\\r]/g); // Remove common indentation from all lines but first.\n\n  var commonIndent = getBlockStringIndentation(rawString);\n\n  if (commonIndent !== 0) {\n    for (var i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) {\n      lines[i] = lines[i].slice(commonIndent);\n    }\n  } // Remove leading and trailing blank lines.\n\n\n  var startLine = 0;\n\n  while (startLine < lines.length && isBlank(lines[startLine])) {\n    ++startLine;\n  }\n\n  var endLine = lines.length;\n\n  while (endLine > startLine && isBlank(lines[endLine - 1])) {\n    --endLine;\n  } // Return a string of the lines joined with U+000A.\n\n\n  return lines.slice(startLine, endLine).join('\\n');\n}\n\nfunction isBlank(str) {\n  for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {\n    if (str[i] !== ' ' && str[i] !== '\\t') {\n      return false;\n    }\n  }\n\n  return true;\n}\n/**\n * @internal\n */\n\n\nexport function getBlockStringIndentation(value) {\n  var _commonIndent;\n\n  var isFirstLine = true;\n  var isEmptyLine = true;\n  var indent = 0;\n  var commonIndent = null;\n\n  for (var i = 0; i < value.length; ++i) {\n    switch (value.charCodeAt(i)) {\n      case 13:\n        //  \\r\n        if (value.charCodeAt(i + 1) === 10) {\n          ++i; // skip \\r\\n as one symbol\n        }\n\n      // falls through\n\n      case 10:\n        //  \\n\n        isFirstLine = false;\n        isEmptyLine = true;\n        indent = 0;\n        break;\n\n      case 9: //   \\t\n\n      case 32:\n        //  <space>\n        ++indent;\n        break;\n\n      default:\n        if (isEmptyLine && !isFirstLine && (commonIndent === null || indent < commonIndent)) {\n          commonIndent = indent;\n        }\n\n        isEmptyLine = false;\n    }\n  }\n\n  return (_commonIndent = commonIndent) !== null && _commonIndent !== void 0 ? _commonIndent : 0;\n}\n/**\n * Print a block string in the indented block form by adding a leading and\n * trailing blank line. However, if a block string starts with whitespace and is\n * a single-line, adding a leading blank line would strip that whitespace.\n *\n * @internal\n */\n\nexport function printBlockString(value) {\n  var indentation = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : '';\n  var preferMultipleLines = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false;\n  var isSingleLine = value.indexOf('\\n') === -1;\n  var hasLeadingSpace = value[0] === ' ' || value[0] === '\\t';\n  var hasTrailingQuote = value[value.length - 1] === '\"';\n  var hasTrailingSlash = value[value.length - 1] === '\\\\';\n  var printAsMultipleLines = !isSingleLine || hasTrailingQuote || hasTrailingSlash || preferMultipleLines;\n  var result = ''; // Format a multi-line block quote to account for leading space.\n\n  if (printAsMultipleLines && !(isSingleLine && hasLeadingSpace)) {\n    result += '\\n' + indentation;\n  }\n\n  result += indentation ? value.replace(/\\n/g, '\\n' + indentation) : value;\n\n  if (printAsMultipleLines) {\n    result += '\\n';\n  }\n\n  return '\"\"\"' + result.replace(/\"\"\"/g, '\\\\\"\"\"') + '\"\"\"';\n}\n", "import { syntaxError } from \"../error/syntaxError.mjs\";\nimport { Token } from \"./ast.mjs\";\nimport { TokenKind } from \"./tokenKind.mjs\";\nimport { dedentBlockStringValue } from \"./blockString.mjs\";\n/**\n * Given a Source object, creates a Lexer for that source.\n * A Lexer is a stateful stream generator in that every time\n * it is advanced, it returns the next token in the Source. Assuming the\n * source lexes, the final Token emitted by the lexer will be of kind\n * EOF, after which the lexer will repeatedly return the same EOF token\n * whenever called.\n */\n\nexport var Lexer = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n  /**\n   * The previously focused non-ignored token.\n   */\n\n  /**\n   * The currently focused non-ignored token.\n   */\n\n  /**\n   * The (1-indexed) line containing the current token.\n   */\n\n  /**\n   * The character offset at which the current line begins.\n   */\n  function Lexer(source) {\n    var startOfFileToken = new Token(TokenKind.SOF, 0, 0, 0, 0, null);\n    this.source = source;\n    this.lastToken = startOfFileToken;\n    this.token = startOfFileToken;\n    this.line = 1;\n    this.lineStart = 0;\n  }\n  /**\n   * Advances the token stream to the next non-ignored token.\n   */\n\n\n  var _proto = Lexer.prototype;\n\n  _proto.advance = function advance() {\n    this.lastToken = this.token;\n    var token = this.token = this.lookahead();\n    return token;\n  }\n  /**\n   * Looks ahead and returns the next non-ignored token, but does not change\n   * the state of Lexer.\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.lookahead = function lookahead() {\n    var token = this.token;\n\n    if (token.kind !== TokenKind.EOF) {\n      do {\n        var _token$next;\n\n        // Note: next is only mutable during parsing, so we cast to allow this.\n        token = (_token$next = token.next) !== null && _token$next !== void 0 ? _token$next : token.next = readToken(this, token);\n      } while (token.kind === TokenKind.COMMENT);\n    }\n\n    return token;\n  };\n\n  return Lexer;\n}();\n/**\n * @internal\n */\n\nexport function isPunctuatorTokenKind(kind) {\n  return kind === TokenKind.BANG || kind === TokenKind.DOLLAR || kind === TokenKind.AMP || kind === TokenKind.PAREN_L || kind === TokenKind.PAREN_R || kind === TokenKind.SPREAD || kind === TokenKind.COLON || kind === TokenKind.EQUALS || kind === TokenKind.AT || kind === TokenKind.BRACKET_L || kind === TokenKind.BRACKET_R || kind === TokenKind.BRACE_L || kind === TokenKind.PIPE || kind === TokenKind.BRACE_R;\n}\n\nfunction printCharCode(code) {\n  return (// NaN/undefined represents access beyond the end of the file.\n    isNaN(code) ? TokenKind.EOF : // Trust JSON for ASCII.\n    code < 0x007f ? JSON.stringify(String.fromCharCode(code)) : // Otherwise print the escaped form.\n    \"\\\"\\\\u\".concat(('00' + code.toString(16).toUpperCase()).slice(-4), \"\\\"\")\n  );\n}\n/**\n * Gets the next token from the source starting at the given position.\n *\n * This skips over whitespace until it finds the next lexable token, then lexes\n * punctuators immediately or calls the appropriate helper function for more\n * complicated tokens.\n */\n\n\nfunction readToken(lexer, prev) {\n  var source = lexer.source;\n  var body = source.body;\n  var bodyLength = body.length;\n  var pos = prev.end;\n\n  while (pos < bodyLength) {\n    var code = body.charCodeAt(pos);\n    var _line = lexer.line;\n\n    var _col = 1 + pos - lexer.lineStart; // SourceCharacter\n\n\n    switch (code) {\n      case 0xfeff: // <BOM>\n\n      case 9: //   \\t\n\n      case 32: //  <space>\n\n      case 44:\n        //  ,\n        ++pos;\n        continue;\n\n      case 10:\n        //  \\n\n        ++pos;\n        ++lexer.line;\n        lexer.lineStart = pos;\n        continue;\n\n      case 13:\n        //  \\r\n        if (body.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 10) {\n          pos += 2;\n        } else {\n          ++pos;\n        }\n\n        ++lexer.line;\n        lexer.lineStart = pos;\n        continue;\n\n      case 33:\n        //  !\n        return new Token(TokenKind.BANG, pos, pos + 1, _line, _col, prev);\n\n      case 35:\n        //  #\n        return readComment(source, pos, _line, _col, prev);\n\n      case 36:\n        //  $\n        return new Token(TokenKind.DOLLAR, pos, pos + 1, _line, _col, prev);\n\n      case 38:\n        //  &\n        return new Token(TokenKind.AMP, pos, pos + 1, _line, _col, prev);\n\n      case 40:\n        //  (\n        return new Token(TokenKind.PAREN_L, pos, pos + 1, _line, _col, prev);\n\n      case 41:\n        //  )\n        return new Token(TokenKind.PAREN_R, pos, pos + 1, _line, _col, prev);\n\n      case 46:\n        //  .\n        if (body.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 46 && body.charCodeAt(pos + 2) === 46) {\n          return new Token(TokenKind.SPREAD, pos, pos + 3, _line, _col, prev);\n        }\n\n        break;\n\n      case 58:\n        //  :\n        return new Token(TokenKind.COLON, pos, pos + 1, _line, _col, prev);\n\n      case 61:\n        //  =\n        return new Token(TokenKind.EQUALS, pos, pos + 1, _line, _col, prev);\n\n      case 64:\n        //  @\n        return new Token(TokenKind.AT, pos, pos + 1, _line, _col, prev);\n\n      case 91:\n        //  [\n        return new Token(TokenKind.BRACKET_L, pos, pos + 1, _line, _col, prev);\n\n      case 93:\n        //  ]\n        return new Token(TokenKind.BRACKET_R, pos, pos + 1, _line, _col, prev);\n\n      case 123:\n        // {\n        return new Token(TokenKind.BRACE_L, pos, pos + 1, _line, _col, prev);\n\n      case 124:\n        // |\n        return new Token(TokenKind.PIPE, pos, pos + 1, _line, _col, prev);\n\n      case 125:\n        // }\n        return new Token(TokenKind.BRACE_R, pos, pos + 1, _line, _col, prev);\n\n      case 34:\n        //  \"\n        if (body.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 34 && body.charCodeAt(pos + 2) === 34) {\n          return readBlockString(source, pos, _line, _col, prev, lexer);\n        }\n\n        return readString(source, pos, _line, _col, prev);\n\n      case 45: //  -\n\n      case 48: //  0\n\n      case 49: //  1\n\n      case 50: //  2\n\n      case 51: //  3\n\n      case 52: //  4\n\n      case 53: //  5\n\n      case 54: //  6\n\n      case 55: //  7\n\n      case 56: //  8\n\n      case 57:\n        //  9\n        return readNumber(source, pos, code, _line, _col, prev);\n\n      case 65: //  A\n\n      case 66: //  B\n\n      case 67: //  C\n\n      case 68: //  D\n\n      case 69: //  E\n\n      case 70: //  F\n\n      case 71: //  G\n\n      case 72: //  H\n\n      case 73: //  I\n\n      case 74: //  J\n\n      case 75: //  K\n\n      case 76: //  L\n\n      case 77: //  M\n\n      case 78: //  N\n\n      case 79: //  O\n\n      case 80: //  P\n\n      case 81: //  Q\n\n      case 82: //  R\n\n      case 83: //  S\n\n      case 84: //  T\n\n      case 85: //  U\n\n      case 86: //  V\n\n      case 87: //  W\n\n      case 88: //  X\n\n      case 89: //  Y\n\n      case 90: //  Z\n\n      case 95: //  _\n\n      case 97: //  a\n\n      case 98: //  b\n\n      case 99: //  c\n\n      case 100: // d\n\n      case 101: // e\n\n      case 102: // f\n\n      case 103: // g\n\n      case 104: // h\n\n      case 105: // i\n\n      case 106: // j\n\n      case 107: // k\n\n      case 108: // l\n\n      case 109: // m\n\n      case 110: // n\n\n      case 111: // o\n\n      case 112: // p\n\n      case 113: // q\n\n      case 114: // r\n\n      case 115: // s\n\n      case 116: // t\n\n      case 117: // u\n\n      case 118: // v\n\n      case 119: // w\n\n      case 120: // x\n\n      case 121: // y\n\n      case 122:\n        // z\n        return readName(source, pos, _line, _col, prev);\n    }\n\n    throw syntaxError(source, pos, unexpectedCharacterMessage(code));\n  }\n\n  var line = lexer.line;\n  var col = 1 + pos - lexer.lineStart;\n  return new Token(TokenKind.EOF, bodyLength, bodyLength, line, col, prev);\n}\n/**\n * Report a message that an unexpected character was encountered.\n */\n\n\nfunction unexpectedCharacterMessage(code) {\n  if (code < 0x0020 && code !== 0x0009 && code !== 0x000a && code !== 0x000d) {\n    return \"Cannot contain the invalid character \".concat(printCharCode(code), \".\");\n  }\n\n  if (code === 39) {\n    // '\n    return 'Unexpected single quote character (\\'), did you mean to use a double quote (\")?';\n  }\n\n  return \"Cannot parse the unexpected character \".concat(printCharCode(code), \".\");\n}\n/**\n * Reads a comment token from the source file.\n *\n * #[\\u0009\\u0020-\\uFFFF]*\n */\n\n\nfunction readComment(source, start, line, col, prev) {\n  var body = source.body;\n  var code;\n  var position = start;\n\n  do {\n    code = body.charCodeAt(++position);\n  } while (!isNaN(code) && ( // SourceCharacter but not LineTerminator\n  code > 0x001f || code === 0x0009));\n\n  return new Token(TokenKind.COMMENT, start, position, line, col, prev, body.slice(start + 1, position));\n}\n/**\n * Reads a number token from the source file, either a float\n * or an int depending on whether a decimal point appears.\n *\n * Int:   -?(0|[1-9][0-9]*)\n * Float: -?(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\\.[0-9]+)?((E|e)(+|-)?[0-9]+)?\n */\n\n\nfunction readNumber(source, start, firstCode, line, col, prev) {\n  var body = source.body;\n  var code = firstCode;\n  var position = start;\n  var isFloat = false;\n\n  if (code === 45) {\n    // -\n    code = body.charCodeAt(++position);\n  }\n\n  if (code === 48) {\n    // 0\n    code = body.charCodeAt(++position);\n\n    if (code >= 48 && code <= 57) {\n      throw syntaxError(source, position, \"Invalid number, unexpected digit after 0: \".concat(printCharCode(code), \".\"));\n    }\n  } else {\n    position = readDigits(source, position, code);\n    code = body.charCodeAt(position);\n  }\n\n  if (code === 46) {\n    // .\n    isFloat = true;\n    code = body.charCodeAt(++position);\n    position = readDigits(source, position, code);\n    code = body.charCodeAt(position);\n  }\n\n  if (code === 69 || code === 101) {\n    // E e\n    isFloat = true;\n    code = body.charCodeAt(++position);\n\n    if (code === 43 || code === 45) {\n      // + -\n      code = body.charCodeAt(++position);\n    }\n\n    position = readDigits(source, position, code);\n    code = body.charCodeAt(position);\n  } // Numbers cannot be followed by . or NameStart\n\n\n  if (code === 46 || isNameStart(code)) {\n    throw syntaxError(source, position, \"Invalid number, expected digit but got: \".concat(printCharCode(code), \".\"));\n  }\n\n  return new Token(isFloat ? TokenKind.FLOAT : TokenKind.INT, start, position, line, col, prev, body.slice(start, position));\n}\n/**\n * Returns the new position in the source after reading digits.\n */\n\n\nfunction readDigits(source, start, firstCode) {\n  var body = source.body;\n  var position = start;\n  var code = firstCode;\n\n  if (code >= 48 && code <= 57) {\n    // 0 - 9\n    do {\n      code = body.charCodeAt(++position);\n    } while (code >= 48 && code <= 57); // 0 - 9\n\n\n    return position;\n  }\n\n  throw syntaxError(source, position, \"Invalid number, expected digit but got: \".concat(printCharCode(code), \".\"));\n}\n/**\n * Reads a string token from the source file.\n *\n * \"([^\"\\\\\\u000A\\u000D]|(\\\\(u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|[\"\\\\/bfnrt])))*\"\n */\n\n\nfunction readString(source, start, line, col, prev) {\n  var body = source.body;\n  var position = start + 1;\n  var chunkStart = position;\n  var code = 0;\n  var value = '';\n\n  while (position < body.length && !isNaN(code = body.charCodeAt(position)) && // not LineTerminator\n  code !== 0x000a && code !== 0x000d) {\n    // Closing Quote (\")\n    if (code === 34) {\n      value += body.slice(chunkStart, position);\n      return new Token(TokenKind.STRING, start, position + 1, line, col, prev, value);\n    } // SourceCharacter\n\n\n    if (code < 0x0020 && code !== 0x0009) {\n      throw syntaxError(source, position, \"Invalid character within String: \".concat(printCharCode(code), \".\"));\n    }\n\n    ++position;\n\n    if (code === 92) {\n      // \\\n      value += body.slice(chunkStart, position - 1);\n      code = body.charCodeAt(position);\n\n      switch (code) {\n        case 34:\n          value += '\"';\n          break;\n\n        case 47:\n          value += '/';\n          break;\n\n        case 92:\n          value += '\\\\';\n          break;\n\n        case 98:\n          value += '\\b';\n          break;\n\n        case 102:\n          value += '\\f';\n          break;\n\n        case 110:\n          value += '\\n';\n          break;\n\n        case 114:\n          value += '\\r';\n          break;\n\n        case 116:\n          value += '\\t';\n          break;\n\n        case 117:\n          {\n            // uXXXX\n            var charCode = uniCharCode(body.charCodeAt(position + 1), body.charCodeAt(position + 2), body.charCodeAt(position + 3), body.charCodeAt(position + 4));\n\n            if (charCode < 0) {\n              var invalidSequence = body.slice(position + 1, position + 5);\n              throw syntaxError(source, position, \"Invalid character escape sequence: \\\\u\".concat(invalidSequence, \".\"));\n            }\n\n            value += String.fromCharCode(charCode);\n            position += 4;\n            break;\n          }\n\n        default:\n          throw syntaxError(source, position, \"Invalid character escape sequence: \\\\\".concat(String.fromCharCode(code), \".\"));\n      }\n\n      ++position;\n      chunkStart = position;\n    }\n  }\n\n  throw syntaxError(source, position, 'Unterminated string.');\n}\n/**\n * Reads a block string token from the source file.\n *\n * \"\"\"(\"?\"?(\\\\\"\"\"|\\\\(?!=\"\"\")|[^\"\\\\]))*\"\"\"\n */\n\n\nfunction readBlockString(source, start, line, col, prev, lexer) {\n  var body = source.body;\n  var position = start + 3;\n  var chunkStart = position;\n  var code = 0;\n  var rawValue = '';\n\n  while (position < body.length && !isNaN(code = body.charCodeAt(position))) {\n    // Closing Triple-Quote (\"\"\")\n    if (code === 34 && body.charCodeAt(position + 1) === 34 && body.charCodeAt(position + 2) === 34) {\n      rawValue += body.slice(chunkStart, position);\n      return new Token(TokenKind.BLOCK_STRING, start, position + 3, line, col, prev, dedentBlockStringValue(rawValue));\n    } // SourceCharacter\n\n\n    if (code < 0x0020 && code !== 0x0009 && code !== 0x000a && code !== 0x000d) {\n      throw syntaxError(source, position, \"Invalid character within String: \".concat(printCharCode(code), \".\"));\n    }\n\n    if (code === 10) {\n      // new line\n      ++position;\n      ++lexer.line;\n      lexer.lineStart = position;\n    } else if (code === 13) {\n      // carriage return\n      if (body.charCodeAt(position + 1) === 10) {\n        position += 2;\n      } else {\n        ++position;\n      }\n\n      ++lexer.line;\n      lexer.lineStart = position;\n    } else if ( // Escape Triple-Quote (\\\"\"\")\n    code === 92 && body.charCodeAt(position + 1) === 34 && body.charCodeAt(position + 2) === 34 && body.charCodeAt(position + 3) === 34) {\n      rawValue += body.slice(chunkStart, position) + '\"\"\"';\n      position += 4;\n      chunkStart = position;\n    } else {\n      ++position;\n    }\n  }\n\n  throw syntaxError(source, position, 'Unterminated string.');\n}\n/**\n * Converts four hexadecimal chars to the integer that the\n * string represents. For example, uniCharCode('0','0','0','f')\n * will return 15, and uniCharCode('0','0','f','f') returns 255.\n *\n * Returns a negative number on error, if a char was invalid.\n *\n * This is implemented by noting that char2hex() returns -1 on error,\n * which means the result of ORing the char2hex() will also be negative.\n */\n\n\nfunction uniCharCode(a, b, c, d) {\n  return char2hex(a) << 12 | char2hex(b) << 8 | char2hex(c) << 4 | char2hex(d);\n}\n/**\n * Converts a hex character to its integer value.\n * '0' becomes 0, '9' becomes 9\n * 'A' becomes 10, 'F' becomes 15\n * 'a' becomes 10, 'f' becomes 15\n *\n * Returns -1 on error.\n */\n\n\nfunction char2hex(a) {\n  return a >= 48 && a <= 57 ? a - 48 // 0-9\n  : a >= 65 && a <= 70 ? a - 55 // A-F\n  : a >= 97 && a <= 102 ? a - 87 // a-f\n  : -1;\n}\n/**\n * Reads an alphanumeric + underscore name from the source.\n *\n * [_A-Za-z][_0-9A-Za-z]*\n */\n\n\nfunction readName(source, start, line, col, prev) {\n  var body = source.body;\n  var bodyLength = body.length;\n  var position = start + 1;\n  var code = 0;\n\n  while (position !== bodyLength && !isNaN(code = body.charCodeAt(position)) && (code === 95 || // _\n  code >= 48 && code <= 57 || // 0-9\n  code >= 65 && code <= 90 || // A-Z\n  code >= 97 && code <= 122) // a-z\n  ) {\n    ++position;\n  }\n\n  return new Token(TokenKind.NAME, start, position, line, col, prev, body.slice(start, position));\n} // _ A-Z a-z\n\n\nfunction isNameStart(code) {\n  return code === 95 || code >= 65 && code <= 90 || code >= 97 && code <= 122;\n}\n", "import { syntaxError } from \"../error/syntaxError.mjs\";\nimport { Kind } from \"./kinds.mjs\";\nimport { Location } from \"./ast.mjs\";\nimport { TokenKind } from \"./tokenKind.mjs\";\nimport { Source, isSource } from \"./source.mjs\";\nimport { DirectiveLocation } from \"./directiveLocation.mjs\";\nimport { Lexer, isPunctuatorTokenKind } from \"./lexer.mjs\";\n/**\n * Configuration options to control parser behavior\n */\n\n/**\n * Given a GraphQL source, parses it into a Document.\n * Throws GraphQLError if a syntax error is encountered.\n */\nexport function parse(source, options) {\n  var parser = new Parser(source, options);\n  return parser.parseDocument();\n}\n/**\n * Given a string containing a GraphQL value (ex. `[42]`), parse the AST for\n * that value.\n * Throws GraphQLError if a syntax error is encountered.\n *\n * This is useful within tools that operate upon GraphQL Values directly and\n * in isolation of complete GraphQL documents.\n *\n * Consider providing the results to the utility function: valueFromAST().\n */\n\nexport function parseValue(source, options) {\n  var parser = new Parser(source, options);\n  parser.expectToken(TokenKind.SOF);\n  var value = parser.parseValueLiteral(false);\n  parser.expectToken(TokenKind.EOF);\n  return value;\n}\n/**\n * Given a string containing a GraphQL Type (ex. `[Int!]`), parse the AST for\n * that type.\n * Throws GraphQLError if a syntax error is encountered.\n *\n * This is useful within tools that operate upon GraphQL Types directly and\n * in isolation of complete GraphQL documents.\n *\n * Consider providing the results to the utility function: typeFromAST().\n */\n\nexport function parseType(source, options) {\n  var parser = new Parser(source, options);\n  parser.expectToken(TokenKind.SOF);\n  var type = parser.parseTypeReference();\n  parser.expectToken(TokenKind.EOF);\n  return type;\n}\n/**\n * This class is exported only to assist people in implementing their own parsers\n * without duplicating too much code and should be used only as last resort for cases\n * such as experimental syntax or if certain features could not be contributed upstream.\n *\n * It is still part of the internal API and is versioned, so any changes to it are never\n * considered breaking changes. If you still need to support multiple versions of the\n * library, please use the `versionInfo` variable for version detection.\n *\n * @internal\n */\n\nexport var Parser = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n  function Parser(source, options) {\n    var sourceObj = isSource(source) ? source : new Source(source);\n    this._lexer = new Lexer(sourceObj);\n    this._options = options;\n  }\n  /**\n   * Converts a name lex token into a name parse node.\n   */\n\n\n  var _proto = Parser.prototype;\n\n  _proto.parseName = function parseName() {\n    var token = this.expectToken(TokenKind.NAME);\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.NAME,\n      value: token.value,\n      loc: this.loc(token)\n    };\n  } // Implements the parsing rules in the Document section.\n\n  /**\n   * Document : Definition+\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseDocument = function parseDocument() {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.DOCUMENT,\n      definitions: this.many(TokenKind.SOF, this.parseDefinition, TokenKind.EOF),\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  }\n  /**\n   * Definition :\n   *   - ExecutableDefinition\n   *   - TypeSystemDefinition\n   *   - TypeSystemExtension\n   *\n   * ExecutableDefinition :\n   *   - OperationDefinition\n   *   - FragmentDefinition\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseDefinition = function parseDefinition() {\n    if (this.peek(TokenKind.NAME)) {\n      switch (this._lexer.token.value) {\n        case 'query':\n        case 'mutation':\n        case 'subscription':\n          return this.parseOperationDefinition();\n\n        case 'fragment':\n          return this.parseFragmentDefinition();\n\n        case 'schema':\n        case 'scalar':\n        case 'type':\n        case 'interface':\n        case 'union':\n        case 'enum':\n        case 'input':\n        case 'directive':\n          return this.parseTypeSystemDefinition();\n\n        case 'extend':\n          return this.parseTypeSystemExtension();\n      }\n    } else if (this.peek(TokenKind.BRACE_L)) {\n      return this.parseOperationDefinition();\n    } else if (this.peekDescription()) {\n      return this.parseTypeSystemDefinition();\n    }\n\n    throw this.unexpected();\n  } // Implements the parsing rules in the Operations section.\n\n  /**\n   * OperationDefinition :\n   *  - SelectionSet\n   *  - OperationType Name? VariableDefinitions? Directives? SelectionSet\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseOperationDefinition = function parseOperationDefinition() {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n\n    if (this.peek(TokenKind.BRACE_L)) {\n      return {\n        kind: Kind.OPERATION_DEFINITION,\n        operation: 'query',\n        name: undefined,\n        variableDefinitions: [],\n        directives: [],\n        selectionSet: this.parseSelectionSet(),\n        loc: this.loc(start)\n      };\n    }\n\n    var operation = this.parseOperationType();\n    var name;\n\n    if (this.peek(TokenKind.NAME)) {\n      name = this.parseName();\n    }\n\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.OPERATION_DEFINITION,\n      operation: operation,\n      name: name,\n      variableDefinitions: this.parseVariableDefinitions(),\n      directives: this.parseDirectives(false),\n      selectionSet: this.parseSelectionSet(),\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  }\n  /**\n   * OperationType : one of query mutation subscription\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseOperationType = function parseOperationType() {\n    var operationToken = this.expectToken(TokenKind.NAME);\n\n    switch (operationToken.value) {\n      case 'query':\n        return 'query';\n\n      case 'mutation':\n        return 'mutation';\n\n      case 'subscription':\n        return 'subscription';\n    }\n\n    throw this.unexpected(operationToken);\n  }\n  /**\n   * VariableDefinitions : ( VariableDefinition+ )\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseVariableDefinitions = function parseVariableDefinitions() {\n    return this.optionalMany(TokenKind.PAREN_L, this.parseVariableDefinition, TokenKind.PAREN_R);\n  }\n  /**\n   * VariableDefinition : Variable : Type DefaultValue? Directives[Const]?\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseVariableDefinition = function parseVariableDefinition() {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.VARIABLE_DEFINITION,\n      variable: this.parseVariable(),\n      type: (this.expectToken(TokenKind.COLON), this.parseTypeReference()),\n      defaultValue: this.expectOptionalToken(TokenKind.EQUALS) ? this.parseValueLiteral(true) : undefined,\n      directives: this.parseDirectives(true),\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  }\n  /**\n   * Variable : $ Name\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseVariable = function parseVariable() {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    this.expectToken(TokenKind.DOLLAR);\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.VARIABLE,\n      name: this.parseName(),\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  }\n  /**\n   * SelectionSet : { Selection+ }\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseSelectionSet = function parseSelectionSet() {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.SELECTION_SET,\n      selections: this.many(TokenKind.BRACE_L, this.parseSelection, TokenKind.BRACE_R),\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  }\n  /**\n   * Selection :\n   *   - Field\n   *   - FragmentSpread\n   *   - InlineFragment\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseSelection = function parseSelection() {\n    return this.peek(TokenKind.SPREAD) ? this.parseFragment() : this.parseField();\n  }\n  /**\n   * Field : Alias? Name Arguments? Directives? SelectionSet?\n   *\n   * Alias : Name :\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseField = function parseField() {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    var nameOrAlias = this.parseName();\n    var alias;\n    var name;\n\n    if (this.expectOptionalToken(TokenKind.COLON)) {\n      alias = nameOrAlias;\n      name = this.parseName();\n    } else {\n      name = nameOrAlias;\n    }\n\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.FIELD,\n      alias: alias,\n      name: name,\n      arguments: this.parseArguments(false),\n      directives: this.parseDirectives(false),\n      selectionSet: this.peek(TokenKind.BRACE_L) ? this.parseSelectionSet() : undefined,\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  }\n  /**\n   * Arguments[Const] : ( Argument[?Const]+ )\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseArguments = function parseArguments(isConst) {\n    var item = isConst ? this.parseConstArgument : this.parseArgument;\n    return this.optionalMany(TokenKind.PAREN_L, item, TokenKind.PAREN_R);\n  }\n  /**\n   * Argument[Const] : Name : Value[?Const]\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseArgument = function parseArgument() {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    var name = this.parseName();\n    this.expectToken(TokenKind.COLON);\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.ARGUMENT,\n      name: name,\n      value: this.parseValueLiteral(false),\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  };\n\n  _proto.parseConstArgument = function parseConstArgument() {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.ARGUMENT,\n      name: this.parseName(),\n      value: (this.expectToken(TokenKind.COLON), this.parseValueLiteral(true)),\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  } // Implements the parsing rules in the Fragments section.\n\n  /**\n   * Corresponds to both FragmentSpread and InlineFragment in the spec.\n   *\n   * FragmentSpread : ... FragmentName Directives?\n   *\n   * InlineFragment : ... TypeCondition? Directives? SelectionSet\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseFragment = function parseFragment() {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    this.expectToken(TokenKind.SPREAD);\n    var hasTypeCondition = this.expectOptionalKeyword('on');\n\n    if (!hasTypeCondition && this.peek(TokenKind.NAME)) {\n      return {\n        kind: Kind.FRAGMENT_SPREAD,\n        name: this.parseFragmentName(),\n        directives: this.parseDirectives(false),\n        loc: this.loc(start)\n      };\n    }\n\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.INLINE_FRAGMENT,\n      typeCondition: hasTypeCondition ? this.parseNamedType() : undefined,\n      directives: this.parseDirectives(false),\n      selectionSet: this.parseSelectionSet(),\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  }\n  /**\n   * FragmentDefinition :\n   *   - fragment FragmentName on TypeCondition Directives? SelectionSet\n   *\n   * TypeCondition : NamedType\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseFragmentDefinition = function parseFragmentDefinition() {\n    var _this$_options;\n\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    this.expectKeyword('fragment'); // Experimental support for defining variables within fragments changes\n    // the grammar of FragmentDefinition:\n    //   - fragment FragmentName VariableDefinitions? on TypeCondition Directives? SelectionSet\n\n    if (((_this$_options = this._options) === null || _this$_options === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$_options.experimentalFragmentVariables) === true) {\n      return {\n        kind: Kind.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION,\n        name: this.parseFragmentName(),\n        variableDefinitions: this.parseVariableDefinitions(),\n        typeCondition: (this.expectKeyword('on'), this.parseNamedType()),\n        directives: this.parseDirectives(false),\n        selectionSet: this.parseSelectionSet(),\n        loc: this.loc(start)\n      };\n    }\n\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION,\n      name: this.parseFragmentName(),\n      typeCondition: (this.expectKeyword('on'), this.parseNamedType()),\n      directives: this.parseDirectives(false),\n      selectionSet: this.parseSelectionSet(),\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  }\n  /**\n   * FragmentName : Name but not `on`\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseFragmentName = function parseFragmentName() {\n    if (this._lexer.token.value === 'on') {\n      throw this.unexpected();\n    }\n\n    return this.parseName();\n  } // Implements the parsing rules in the Values section.\n\n  /**\n   * Value[Const] :\n   *   - [~Const] Variable\n   *   - IntValue\n   *   - FloatValue\n   *   - StringValue\n   *   - BooleanValue\n   *   - NullValue\n   *   - EnumValue\n   *   - ListValue[?Const]\n   *   - ObjectValue[?Const]\n   *\n   * BooleanValue : one of `true` `false`\n   *\n   * NullValue : `null`\n   *\n   * EnumValue : Name but not `true`, `false` or `null`\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseValueLiteral = function parseValueLiteral(isConst) {\n    var token = this._lexer.token;\n\n    switch (token.kind) {\n      case TokenKind.BRACKET_L:\n        return this.parseList(isConst);\n\n      case TokenKind.BRACE_L:\n        return this.parseObject(isConst);\n\n      case TokenKind.INT:\n        this._lexer.advance();\n\n        return {\n          kind: Kind.INT,\n          value: token.value,\n          loc: this.loc(token)\n        };\n\n      case TokenKind.FLOAT:\n        this._lexer.advance();\n\n        return {\n          kind: Kind.FLOAT,\n          value: token.value,\n          loc: this.loc(token)\n        };\n\n      case TokenKind.STRING:\n      case TokenKind.BLOCK_STRING:\n        return this.parseStringLiteral();\n\n      case TokenKind.NAME:\n        this._lexer.advance();\n\n        switch (token.value) {\n          case 'true':\n            return {\n              kind: Kind.BOOLEAN,\n              value: true,\n              loc: this.loc(token)\n            };\n\n          case 'false':\n            return {\n              kind: Kind.BOOLEAN,\n              value: false,\n              loc: this.loc(token)\n            };\n\n          case 'null':\n            return {\n              kind: Kind.NULL,\n              loc: this.loc(token)\n            };\n\n          default:\n            return {\n              kind: Kind.ENUM,\n              value: token.value,\n              loc: this.loc(token)\n            };\n        }\n\n      case TokenKind.DOLLAR:\n        if (!isConst) {\n          return this.parseVariable();\n        }\n\n        break;\n    }\n\n    throw this.unexpected();\n  };\n\n  _proto.parseStringLiteral = function parseStringLiteral() {\n    var token = this._lexer.token;\n\n    this._lexer.advance();\n\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.STRING,\n      value: token.value,\n      block: token.kind === TokenKind.BLOCK_STRING,\n      loc: this.loc(token)\n    };\n  }\n  /**\n   * ListValue[Const] :\n   *   - [ ]\n   *   - [ Value[?Const]+ ]\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseList = function parseList(isConst) {\n    var _this = this;\n\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n\n    var item = function item() {\n      return _this.parseValueLiteral(isConst);\n    };\n\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.LIST,\n      values: this.any(TokenKind.BRACKET_L, item, TokenKind.BRACKET_R),\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  }\n  /**\n   * ObjectValue[Const] :\n   *   - { }\n   *   - { ObjectField[?Const]+ }\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseObject = function parseObject(isConst) {\n    var _this2 = this;\n\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n\n    var item = function item() {\n      return _this2.parseObjectField(isConst);\n    };\n\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.OBJECT,\n      fields: this.any(TokenKind.BRACE_L, item, TokenKind.BRACE_R),\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  }\n  /**\n   * ObjectField[Const] : Name : Value[?Const]\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseObjectField = function parseObjectField(isConst) {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    var name = this.parseName();\n    this.expectToken(TokenKind.COLON);\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.OBJECT_FIELD,\n      name: name,\n      value: this.parseValueLiteral(isConst),\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  } // Implements the parsing rules in the Directives section.\n\n  /**\n   * Directives[Const] : Directive[?Const]+\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseDirectives = function parseDirectives(isConst) {\n    var directives = [];\n\n    while (this.peek(TokenKind.AT)) {\n      directives.push(this.parseDirective(isConst));\n    }\n\n    return directives;\n  }\n  /**\n   * Directive[Const] : @ Name Arguments[?Const]?\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseDirective = function parseDirective(isConst) {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    this.expectToken(TokenKind.AT);\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.DIRECTIVE,\n      name: this.parseName(),\n      arguments: this.parseArguments(isConst),\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  } // Implements the parsing rules in the Types section.\n\n  /**\n   * Type :\n   *   - NamedType\n   *   - ListType\n   *   - NonNullType\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseTypeReference = function parseTypeReference() {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    var type;\n\n    if (this.expectOptionalToken(TokenKind.BRACKET_L)) {\n      type = this.parseTypeReference();\n      this.expectToken(TokenKind.BRACKET_R);\n      type = {\n        kind: Kind.LIST_TYPE,\n        type: type,\n        loc: this.loc(start)\n      };\n    } else {\n      type = this.parseNamedType();\n    }\n\n    if (this.expectOptionalToken(TokenKind.BANG)) {\n      return {\n        kind: Kind.NON_NULL_TYPE,\n        type: type,\n        loc: this.loc(start)\n      };\n    }\n\n    return type;\n  }\n  /**\n   * NamedType : Name\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseNamedType = function parseNamedType() {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.NAMED_TYPE,\n      name: this.parseName(),\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  } // Implements the parsing rules in the Type Definition section.\n\n  /**\n   * TypeSystemDefinition :\n   *   - SchemaDefinition\n   *   - TypeDefinition\n   *   - DirectiveDefinition\n   *\n   * TypeDefinition :\n   *   - ScalarTypeDefinition\n   *   - ObjectTypeDefinition\n   *   - InterfaceTypeDefinition\n   *   - UnionTypeDefinition\n   *   - EnumTypeDefinition\n   *   - InputObjectTypeDefinition\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseTypeSystemDefinition = function parseTypeSystemDefinition() {\n    // Many definitions begin with a description and require a lookahead.\n    var keywordToken = this.peekDescription() ? this._lexer.lookahead() : this._lexer.token;\n\n    if (keywordToken.kind === TokenKind.NAME) {\n      switch (keywordToken.value) {\n        case 'schema':\n          return this.parseSchemaDefinition();\n\n        case 'scalar':\n          return this.parseScalarTypeDefinition();\n\n        case 'type':\n          return this.parseObjectTypeDefinition();\n\n        case 'interface':\n          return this.parseInterfaceTypeDefinition();\n\n        case 'union':\n          return this.parseUnionTypeDefinition();\n\n        case 'enum':\n          return this.parseEnumTypeDefinition();\n\n        case 'input':\n          return this.parseInputObjectTypeDefinition();\n\n        case 'directive':\n          return this.parseDirectiveDefinition();\n      }\n    }\n\n    throw this.unexpected(keywordToken);\n  };\n\n  _proto.peekDescription = function peekDescription() {\n    return this.peek(TokenKind.STRING) || this.peek(TokenKind.BLOCK_STRING);\n  }\n  /**\n   * Description : StringValue\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseDescription = function parseDescription() {\n    if (this.peekDescription()) {\n      return this.parseStringLiteral();\n    }\n  }\n  /**\n   * SchemaDefinition : Description? schema Directives[Const]? { OperationTypeDefinition+ }\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseSchemaDefinition = function parseSchemaDefinition() {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    var description = this.parseDescription();\n    this.expectKeyword('schema');\n    var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);\n    var operationTypes = this.many(TokenKind.BRACE_L, this.parseOperationTypeDefinition, TokenKind.BRACE_R);\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.SCHEMA_DEFINITION,\n      description: description,\n      directives: directives,\n      operationTypes: operationTypes,\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  }\n  /**\n   * OperationTypeDefinition : OperationType : NamedType\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseOperationTypeDefinition = function parseOperationTypeDefinition() {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    var operation = this.parseOperationType();\n    this.expectToken(TokenKind.COLON);\n    var type = this.parseNamedType();\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.OPERATION_TYPE_DEFINITION,\n      operation: operation,\n      type: type,\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  }\n  /**\n   * ScalarTypeDefinition : Description? scalar Name Directives[Const]?\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseScalarTypeDefinition = function parseScalarTypeDefinition() {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    var description = this.parseDescription();\n    this.expectKeyword('scalar');\n    var name = this.parseName();\n    var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.SCALAR_TYPE_DEFINITION,\n      description: description,\n      name: name,\n      directives: directives,\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  }\n  /**\n   * ObjectTypeDefinition :\n   *   Description?\n   *   type Name ImplementsInterfaces? Directives[Const]? FieldsDefinition?\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseObjectTypeDefinition = function parseObjectTypeDefinition() {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    var description = this.parseDescription();\n    this.expectKeyword('type');\n    var name = this.parseName();\n    var interfaces = this.parseImplementsInterfaces();\n    var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);\n    var fields = this.parseFieldsDefinition();\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION,\n      description: description,\n      name: name,\n      interfaces: interfaces,\n      directives: directives,\n      fields: fields,\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  }\n  /**\n   * ImplementsInterfaces :\n   *   - implements `&`? NamedType\n   *   - ImplementsInterfaces & NamedType\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseImplementsInterfaces = function parseImplementsInterfaces() {\n    var _this$_options2;\n\n    if (!this.expectOptionalKeyword('implements')) {\n      return [];\n    }\n\n    if (((_this$_options2 = this._options) === null || _this$_options2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$_options2.allowLegacySDLImplementsInterfaces) === true) {\n      var types = []; // Optional leading ampersand\n\n      this.expectOptionalToken(TokenKind.AMP);\n\n      do {\n        types.push(this.parseNamedType());\n      } while (this.expectOptionalToken(TokenKind.AMP) || this.peek(TokenKind.NAME));\n\n      return types;\n    }\n\n    return this.delimitedMany(TokenKind.AMP, this.parseNamedType);\n  }\n  /**\n   * FieldsDefinition : { FieldDefinition+ }\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseFieldsDefinition = function parseFieldsDefinition() {\n    var _this$_options3;\n\n    // Legacy support for the SDL?\n    if (((_this$_options3 = this._options) === null || _this$_options3 === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$_options3.allowLegacySDLEmptyFields) === true && this.peek(TokenKind.BRACE_L) && this._lexer.lookahead().kind === TokenKind.BRACE_R) {\n      this._lexer.advance();\n\n      this._lexer.advance();\n\n      return [];\n    }\n\n    return this.optionalMany(TokenKind.BRACE_L, this.parseFieldDefinition, TokenKind.BRACE_R);\n  }\n  /**\n   * FieldDefinition :\n   *   - Description? Name ArgumentsDefinition? : Type Directives[Const]?\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseFieldDefinition = function parseFieldDefinition() {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    var description = this.parseDescription();\n    var name = this.parseName();\n    var args = this.parseArgumentDefs();\n    this.expectToken(TokenKind.COLON);\n    var type = this.parseTypeReference();\n    var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.FIELD_DEFINITION,\n      description: description,\n      name: name,\n      arguments: args,\n      type: type,\n      directives: directives,\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  }\n  /**\n   * ArgumentsDefinition : ( InputValueDefinition+ )\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseArgumentDefs = function parseArgumentDefs() {\n    return this.optionalMany(TokenKind.PAREN_L, this.parseInputValueDef, TokenKind.PAREN_R);\n  }\n  /**\n   * InputValueDefinition :\n   *   - Description? Name : Type DefaultValue? Directives[Const]?\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseInputValueDef = function parseInputValueDef() {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    var description = this.parseDescription();\n    var name = this.parseName();\n    this.expectToken(TokenKind.COLON);\n    var type = this.parseTypeReference();\n    var defaultValue;\n\n    if (this.expectOptionalToken(TokenKind.EQUALS)) {\n      defaultValue = this.parseValueLiteral(true);\n    }\n\n    var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.INPUT_VALUE_DEFINITION,\n      description: description,\n      name: name,\n      type: type,\n      defaultValue: defaultValue,\n      directives: directives,\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  }\n  /**\n   * InterfaceTypeDefinition :\n   *   - Description? interface Name Directives[Const]? FieldsDefinition?\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseInterfaceTypeDefinition = function parseInterfaceTypeDefinition() {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    var description = this.parseDescription();\n    this.expectKeyword('interface');\n    var name = this.parseName();\n    var interfaces = this.parseImplementsInterfaces();\n    var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);\n    var fields = this.parseFieldsDefinition();\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION,\n      description: description,\n      name: name,\n      interfaces: interfaces,\n      directives: directives,\n      fields: fields,\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  }\n  /**\n   * UnionTypeDefinition :\n   *   - Description? union Name Directives[Const]? UnionMemberTypes?\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseUnionTypeDefinition = function parseUnionTypeDefinition() {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    var description = this.parseDescription();\n    this.expectKeyword('union');\n    var name = this.parseName();\n    var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);\n    var types = this.parseUnionMemberTypes();\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.UNION_TYPE_DEFINITION,\n      description: description,\n      name: name,\n      directives: directives,\n      types: types,\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  }\n  /**\n   * UnionMemberTypes :\n   *   - = `|`? NamedType\n   *   - UnionMemberTypes | NamedType\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseUnionMemberTypes = function parseUnionMemberTypes() {\n    return this.expectOptionalToken(TokenKind.EQUALS) ? this.delimitedMany(TokenKind.PIPE, this.parseNamedType) : [];\n  }\n  /**\n   * EnumTypeDefinition :\n   *   - Description? enum Name Directives[Const]? EnumValuesDefinition?\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseEnumTypeDefinition = function parseEnumTypeDefinition() {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    var description = this.parseDescription();\n    this.expectKeyword('enum');\n    var name = this.parseName();\n    var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);\n    var values = this.parseEnumValuesDefinition();\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.ENUM_TYPE_DEFINITION,\n      description: description,\n      name: name,\n      directives: directives,\n      values: values,\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  }\n  /**\n   * EnumValuesDefinition : { EnumValueDefinition+ }\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseEnumValuesDefinition = function parseEnumValuesDefinition() {\n    return this.optionalMany(TokenKind.BRACE_L, this.parseEnumValueDefinition, TokenKind.BRACE_R);\n  }\n  /**\n   * EnumValueDefinition : Description? EnumValue Directives[Const]?\n   *\n   * EnumValue : Name\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseEnumValueDefinition = function parseEnumValueDefinition() {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    var description = this.parseDescription();\n    var name = this.parseName();\n    var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.ENUM_VALUE_DEFINITION,\n      description: description,\n      name: name,\n      directives: directives,\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  }\n  /**\n   * InputObjectTypeDefinition :\n   *   - Description? input Name Directives[Const]? InputFieldsDefinition?\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseInputObjectTypeDefinition = function parseInputObjectTypeDefinition() {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    var description = this.parseDescription();\n    this.expectKeyword('input');\n    var name = this.parseName();\n    var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);\n    var fields = this.parseInputFieldsDefinition();\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION,\n      description: description,\n      name: name,\n      directives: directives,\n      fields: fields,\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  }\n  /**\n   * InputFieldsDefinition : { InputValueDefinition+ }\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseInputFieldsDefinition = function parseInputFieldsDefinition() {\n    return this.optionalMany(TokenKind.BRACE_L, this.parseInputValueDef, TokenKind.BRACE_R);\n  }\n  /**\n   * TypeSystemExtension :\n   *   - SchemaExtension\n   *   - TypeExtension\n   *\n   * TypeExtension :\n   *   - ScalarTypeExtension\n   *   - ObjectTypeExtension\n   *   - InterfaceTypeExtension\n   *   - UnionTypeExtension\n   *   - EnumTypeExtension\n   *   - InputObjectTypeDefinition\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseTypeSystemExtension = function parseTypeSystemExtension() {\n    var keywordToken = this._lexer.lookahead();\n\n    if (keywordToken.kind === TokenKind.NAME) {\n      switch (keywordToken.value) {\n        case 'schema':\n          return this.parseSchemaExtension();\n\n        case 'scalar':\n          return this.parseScalarTypeExtension();\n\n        case 'type':\n          return this.parseObjectTypeExtension();\n\n        case 'interface':\n          return this.parseInterfaceTypeExtension();\n\n        case 'union':\n          return this.parseUnionTypeExtension();\n\n        case 'enum':\n          return this.parseEnumTypeExtension();\n\n        case 'input':\n          return this.parseInputObjectTypeExtension();\n      }\n    }\n\n    throw this.unexpected(keywordToken);\n  }\n  /**\n   * SchemaExtension :\n   *  - extend schema Directives[Const]? { OperationTypeDefinition+ }\n   *  - extend schema Directives[Const]\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseSchemaExtension = function parseSchemaExtension() {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    this.expectKeyword('extend');\n    this.expectKeyword('schema');\n    var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);\n    var operationTypes = this.optionalMany(TokenKind.BRACE_L, this.parseOperationTypeDefinition, TokenKind.BRACE_R);\n\n    if (directives.length === 0 && operationTypes.length === 0) {\n      throw this.unexpected();\n    }\n\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.SCHEMA_EXTENSION,\n      directives: directives,\n      operationTypes: operationTypes,\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  }\n  /**\n   * ScalarTypeExtension :\n   *   - extend scalar Name Directives[Const]\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseScalarTypeExtension = function parseScalarTypeExtension() {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    this.expectKeyword('extend');\n    this.expectKeyword('scalar');\n    var name = this.parseName();\n    var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);\n\n    if (directives.length === 0) {\n      throw this.unexpected();\n    }\n\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.SCALAR_TYPE_EXTENSION,\n      name: name,\n      directives: directives,\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  }\n  /**\n   * ObjectTypeExtension :\n   *  - extend type Name ImplementsInterfaces? Directives[Const]? FieldsDefinition\n   *  - extend type Name ImplementsInterfaces? Directives[Const]\n   *  - extend type Name ImplementsInterfaces\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseObjectTypeExtension = function parseObjectTypeExtension() {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    this.expectKeyword('extend');\n    this.expectKeyword('type');\n    var name = this.parseName();\n    var interfaces = this.parseImplementsInterfaces();\n    var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);\n    var fields = this.parseFieldsDefinition();\n\n    if (interfaces.length === 0 && directives.length === 0 && fields.length === 0) {\n      throw this.unexpected();\n    }\n\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION,\n      name: name,\n      interfaces: interfaces,\n      directives: directives,\n      fields: fields,\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  }\n  /**\n   * InterfaceTypeExtension :\n   *  - extend interface Name ImplementsInterfaces? Directives[Const]? FieldsDefinition\n   *  - extend interface Name ImplementsInterfaces? Directives[Const]\n   *  - extend interface Name ImplementsInterfaces\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseInterfaceTypeExtension = function parseInterfaceTypeExtension() {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    this.expectKeyword('extend');\n    this.expectKeyword('interface');\n    var name = this.parseName();\n    var interfaces = this.parseImplementsInterfaces();\n    var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);\n    var fields = this.parseFieldsDefinition();\n\n    if (interfaces.length === 0 && directives.length === 0 && fields.length === 0) {\n      throw this.unexpected();\n    }\n\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.INTERFACE_TYPE_EXTENSION,\n      name: name,\n      interfaces: interfaces,\n      directives: directives,\n      fields: fields,\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  }\n  /**\n   * UnionTypeExtension :\n   *   - extend union Name Directives[Const]? UnionMemberTypes\n   *   - extend union Name Directives[Const]\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseUnionTypeExtension = function parseUnionTypeExtension() {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    this.expectKeyword('extend');\n    this.expectKeyword('union');\n    var name = this.parseName();\n    var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);\n    var types = this.parseUnionMemberTypes();\n\n    if (directives.length === 0 && types.length === 0) {\n      throw this.unexpected();\n    }\n\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.UNION_TYPE_EXTENSION,\n      name: name,\n      directives: directives,\n      types: types,\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  }\n  /**\n   * EnumTypeExtension :\n   *   - extend enum Name Directives[Const]? EnumValuesDefinition\n   *   - extend enum Name Directives[Const]\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseEnumTypeExtension = function parseEnumTypeExtension() {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    this.expectKeyword('extend');\n    this.expectKeyword('enum');\n    var name = this.parseName();\n    var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);\n    var values = this.parseEnumValuesDefinition();\n\n    if (directives.length === 0 && values.length === 0) {\n      throw this.unexpected();\n    }\n\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.ENUM_TYPE_EXTENSION,\n      name: name,\n      directives: directives,\n      values: values,\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  }\n  /**\n   * InputObjectTypeExtension :\n   *   - extend input Name Directives[Const]? InputFieldsDefinition\n   *   - extend input Name Directives[Const]\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseInputObjectTypeExtension = function parseInputObjectTypeExtension() {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    this.expectKeyword('extend');\n    this.expectKeyword('input');\n    var name = this.parseName();\n    var directives = this.parseDirectives(true);\n    var fields = this.parseInputFieldsDefinition();\n\n    if (directives.length === 0 && fields.length === 0) {\n      throw this.unexpected();\n    }\n\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION,\n      name: name,\n      directives: directives,\n      fields: fields,\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  }\n  /**\n   * DirectiveDefinition :\n   *   - Description? directive @ Name ArgumentsDefinition? `repeatable`? on DirectiveLocations\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseDirectiveDefinition = function parseDirectiveDefinition() {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    var description = this.parseDescription();\n    this.expectKeyword('directive');\n    this.expectToken(TokenKind.AT);\n    var name = this.parseName();\n    var args = this.parseArgumentDefs();\n    var repeatable = this.expectOptionalKeyword('repeatable');\n    this.expectKeyword('on');\n    var locations = this.parseDirectiveLocations();\n    return {\n      kind: Kind.DIRECTIVE_DEFINITION,\n      description: description,\n      name: name,\n      arguments: args,\n      repeatable: repeatable,\n      locations: locations,\n      loc: this.loc(start)\n    };\n  }\n  /**\n   * DirectiveLocations :\n   *   - `|`? DirectiveLocation\n   *   - DirectiveLocations | DirectiveLocation\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseDirectiveLocations = function parseDirectiveLocations() {\n    return this.delimitedMany(TokenKind.PIPE, this.parseDirectiveLocation);\n  }\n  /*\n   * DirectiveLocation :\n   *   - ExecutableDirectiveLocation\n   *   - TypeSystemDirectiveLocation\n   *\n   * ExecutableDirectiveLocation : one of\n   *   `QUERY`\n   *   `MUTATION`\n   *   `SUBSCRIPTION`\n   *   `FIELD`\n   *   `FRAGMENT_DEFINITION`\n   *   `FRAGMENT_SPREAD`\n   *   `INLINE_FRAGMENT`\n   *\n   * TypeSystemDirectiveLocation : one of\n   *   `SCHEMA`\n   *   `SCALAR`\n   *   `OBJECT`\n   *   `FIELD_DEFINITION`\n   *   `ARGUMENT_DEFINITION`\n   *   `INTERFACE`\n   *   `UNION`\n   *   `ENUM`\n   *   `ENUM_VALUE`\n   *   `INPUT_OBJECT`\n   *   `INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION`\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.parseDirectiveLocation = function parseDirectiveLocation() {\n    var start = this._lexer.token;\n    var name = this.parseName();\n\n    if (DirectiveLocation[name.value] !== undefined) {\n      return name;\n    }\n\n    throw this.unexpected(start);\n  } // Core parsing utility functions\n\n  /**\n   * Returns a location object, used to identify the place in the source that created a given parsed object.\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.loc = function loc(startToken) {\n    var _this$_options4;\n\n    if (((_this$_options4 = this._options) === null || _this$_options4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$_options4.noLocation) !== true) {\n      return new Location(startToken, this._lexer.lastToken, this._lexer.source);\n    }\n  }\n  /**\n   * Determines if the next token is of a given kind\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.peek = function peek(kind) {\n    return this._lexer.token.kind === kind;\n  }\n  /**\n   * If the next token is of the given kind, return that token after advancing the lexer.\n   * Otherwise, do not change the parser state and throw an error.\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.expectToken = function expectToken(kind) {\n    var token = this._lexer.token;\n\n    if (token.kind === kind) {\n      this._lexer.advance();\n\n      return token;\n    }\n\n    throw syntaxError(this._lexer.source, token.start, \"Expected \".concat(getTokenKindDesc(kind), \", found \").concat(getTokenDesc(token), \".\"));\n  }\n  /**\n   * If the next token is of the given kind, return that token after advancing the lexer.\n   * Otherwise, do not change the parser state and return undefined.\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.expectOptionalToken = function expectOptionalToken(kind) {\n    var token = this._lexer.token;\n\n    if (token.kind === kind) {\n      this._lexer.advance();\n\n      return token;\n    }\n\n    return undefined;\n  }\n  /**\n   * If the next token is a given keyword, advance the lexer.\n   * Otherwise, do not change the parser state and throw an error.\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.expectKeyword = function expectKeyword(value) {\n    var token = this._lexer.token;\n\n    if (token.kind === TokenKind.NAME && token.value === value) {\n      this._lexer.advance();\n    } else {\n      throw syntaxError(this._lexer.source, token.start, \"Expected \\\"\".concat(value, \"\\\", found \").concat(getTokenDesc(token), \".\"));\n    }\n  }\n  /**\n   * If the next token is a given keyword, return \"true\" after advancing the lexer.\n   * Otherwise, do not change the parser state and return \"false\".\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.expectOptionalKeyword = function expectOptionalKeyword(value) {\n    var token = this._lexer.token;\n\n    if (token.kind === TokenKind.NAME && token.value === value) {\n      this._lexer.advance();\n\n      return true;\n    }\n\n    return false;\n  }\n  /**\n   * Helper function for creating an error when an unexpected lexed token is encountered.\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.unexpected = function unexpected(atToken) {\n    var token = atToken !== null && atToken !== void 0 ? atToken : this._lexer.token;\n    return syntaxError(this._lexer.source, token.start, \"Unexpected \".concat(getTokenDesc(token), \".\"));\n  }\n  /**\n   * Returns a possibly empty list of parse nodes, determined by the parseFn.\n   * This list begins with a lex token of openKind and ends with a lex token of closeKind.\n   * Advances the parser to the next lex token after the closing token.\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.any = function any(openKind, parseFn, closeKind) {\n    this.expectToken(openKind);\n    var nodes = [];\n\n    while (!this.expectOptionalToken(closeKind)) {\n      nodes.push(parseFn.call(this));\n    }\n\n    return nodes;\n  }\n  /**\n   * Returns a list of parse nodes, determined by the parseFn.\n   * It can be empty only if open token is missing otherwise it will always return non-empty list\n   * that begins with a lex token of openKind and ends with a lex token of closeKind.\n   * Advances the parser to the next lex token after the closing token.\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.optionalMany = function optionalMany(openKind, parseFn, closeKind) {\n    if (this.expectOptionalToken(openKind)) {\n      var nodes = [];\n\n      do {\n        nodes.push(parseFn.call(this));\n      } while (!this.expectOptionalToken(closeKind));\n\n      return nodes;\n    }\n\n    return [];\n  }\n  /**\n   * Returns a non-empty list of parse nodes, determined by the parseFn.\n   * This list begins with a lex token of openKind and ends with a lex token of closeKind.\n   * Advances the parser to the next lex token after the closing token.\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.many = function many(openKind, parseFn, closeKind) {\n    this.expectToken(openKind);\n    var nodes = [];\n\n    do {\n      nodes.push(parseFn.call(this));\n    } while (!this.expectOptionalToken(closeKind));\n\n    return nodes;\n  }\n  /**\n   * Returns a non-empty list of parse nodes, determined by the parseFn.\n   * This list may begin with a lex token of delimiterKind followed by items separated by lex tokens of tokenKind.\n   * Advances the parser to the next lex token after last item in the list.\n   */\n  ;\n\n  _proto.delimitedMany = function delimitedMany(delimiterKind, parseFn) {\n    this.expectOptionalToken(delimiterKind);\n    var nodes = [];\n\n    do {\n      nodes.push(parseFn.call(this));\n    } while (this.expectOptionalToken(delimiterKind));\n\n    return nodes;\n  };\n\n  return Parser;\n}();\n/**\n * A helper function to describe a token as a string for debugging.\n */\n\nfunction getTokenDesc(token) {\n  var value = token.value;\n  return getTokenKindDesc(token.kind) + (value != null ? \" \\\"\".concat(value, \"\\\"\") : '');\n}\n/**\n * A helper function to describe a token kind as a string for debugging.\n */\n\n\nfunction getTokenKindDesc(kind) {\n  return isPunctuatorTokenKind(kind) ? \"\\\"\".concat(kind, \"\\\"\") : kind;\n}\n", "import inspect from \"../jsutils/inspect.mjs\";\nimport { isNode } from \"./ast.mjs\";\n/**\n * A visitor is provided to visit, it contains the collection of\n * relevant functions to be called during the visitor's traversal.\n */\n\nexport var QueryDocumentKeys = {\n  Name: [],\n  Document: ['definitions'],\n  OperationDefinition: ['name', 'variableDefinitions', 'directives', 'selectionSet'],\n  VariableDefinition: ['variable', 'type', 'defaultValue', 'directives'],\n  Variable: ['name'],\n  SelectionSet: ['selections'],\n  Field: ['alias', 'name', 'arguments', 'directives', 'selectionSet'],\n  Argument: ['name', 'value'],\n  FragmentSpread: ['name', 'directives'],\n  InlineFragment: ['typeCondition', 'directives', 'selectionSet'],\n  FragmentDefinition: ['name', // Note: fragment variable definitions are experimental and may be changed\n  // or removed in the future.\n  'variableDefinitions', 'typeCondition', 'directives', 'selectionSet'],\n  IntValue: [],\n  FloatValue: [],\n  StringValue: [],\n  BooleanValue: [],\n  NullValue: [],\n  EnumValue: [],\n  ListValue: ['values'],\n  ObjectValue: ['fields'],\n  ObjectField: ['name', 'value'],\n  Directive: ['name', 'arguments'],\n  NamedType: ['name'],\n  ListType: ['type'],\n  NonNullType: ['type'],\n  SchemaDefinition: ['description', 'directives', 'operationTypes'],\n  OperationTypeDefinition: ['type'],\n  ScalarTypeDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'directives'],\n  ObjectTypeDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'interfaces', 'directives', 'fields'],\n  FieldDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'arguments', 'type', 'directives'],\n  InputValueDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'type', 'defaultValue', 'directives'],\n  InterfaceTypeDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'interfaces', 'directives', 'fields'],\n  UnionTypeDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'directives', 'types'],\n  EnumTypeDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'directives', 'values'],\n  EnumValueDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'directives'],\n  InputObjectTypeDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'directives', 'fields'],\n  DirectiveDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'arguments', 'locations'],\n  SchemaExtension: ['directives', 'operationTypes'],\n  ScalarTypeExtension: ['name', 'directives'],\n  ObjectTypeExtension: ['name', 'interfaces', 'directives', 'fields'],\n  InterfaceTypeExtension: ['name', 'interfaces', 'directives', 'fields'],\n  UnionTypeExtension: ['name', 'directives', 'types'],\n  EnumTypeExtension: ['name', 'directives', 'values'],\n  InputObjectTypeExtension: ['name', 'directives', 'fields']\n};\nexport var BREAK = Object.freeze({});\n/**\n * visit() will walk through an AST using a depth-first traversal, calling\n * the visitor's enter function at each node in the traversal, and calling the\n * leave function after visiting that node and all of its child nodes.\n *\n * By returning different values from the enter and leave functions, the\n * behavior of the visitor can be altered, including skipping over a sub-tree of\n * the AST (by returning false), editing the AST by returning a value or null\n * to remove the value, or to stop the whole traversal by returning BREAK.\n *\n * When using visit() to edit an AST, the original AST will not be modified, and\n * a new version of the AST with the changes applied will be returned from the\n * visit function.\n *\n *     const editedAST = visit(ast, {\n *       enter(node, key, parent, path, ancestors) {\n *         // @return\n *         //   undefined: no action\n *         //   false: skip visiting this node\n *         //   visitor.BREAK: stop visiting altogether\n *         //   null: delete this node\n *         //   any value: replace this node with the returned value\n *       },\n *       leave(node, key, parent, path, ancestors) {\n *         // @return\n *         //   undefined: no action\n *         //   false: no action\n *         //   visitor.BREAK: stop visiting altogether\n *         //   null: delete this node\n *         //   any value: replace this node with the returned value\n *       }\n *     });\n *\n * Alternatively to providing enter() and leave() functions, a visitor can\n * instead provide functions named the same as the kinds of AST nodes, or\n * enter/leave visitors at a named key, leading to four permutations of the\n * visitor API:\n *\n * 1) Named visitors triggered when entering a node of a specific kind.\n *\n *     visit(ast, {\n *       Kind(node) {\n *         // enter the \"Kind\" node\n *       }\n *     })\n *\n * 2) Named visitors that trigger upon entering and leaving a node of\n *    a specific kind.\n *\n *     visit(ast, {\n *       Kind: {\n *         enter(node) {\n *           // enter the \"Kind\" node\n *         }\n *         leave(node) {\n *           // leave the \"Kind\" node\n *         }\n *       }\n *     })\n *\n * 3) Generic visitors that trigger upon entering and leaving any node.\n *\n *     visit(ast, {\n *       enter(node) {\n *         // enter any node\n *       },\n *       leave(node) {\n *         // leave any node\n *       }\n *     })\n *\n * 4) Parallel visitors for entering and leaving nodes of a specific kind.\n *\n *     visit(ast, {\n *       enter: {\n *         Kind(node) {\n *           // enter the \"Kind\" node\n *         }\n *       },\n *       leave: {\n *         Kind(node) {\n *           // leave the \"Kind\" node\n *         }\n *       }\n *     })\n */\n\nexport function visit(root, visitor) {\n  var visitorKeys = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : QueryDocumentKeys;\n\n  /* eslint-disable no-undef-init */\n  var stack = undefined;\n  var inArray = Array.isArray(root);\n  var keys = [root];\n  var index = -1;\n  var edits = [];\n  var node = undefined;\n  var key = undefined;\n  var parent = undefined;\n  var path = [];\n  var ancestors = [];\n  var newRoot = root;\n  /* eslint-enable no-undef-init */\n\n  do {\n    index++;\n    var isLeaving = index === keys.length;\n    var isEdited = isLeaving && edits.length !== 0;\n\n    if (isLeaving) {\n      key = ancestors.length === 0 ? undefined : path[path.length - 1];\n      node = parent;\n      parent = ancestors.pop();\n\n      if (isEdited) {\n        if (inArray) {\n          node = node.slice();\n        } else {\n          var clone = {};\n\n          for (var _i2 = 0, _Object$keys2 = Object.keys(node); _i2 < _Object$keys2.length; _i2++) {\n            var k = _Object$keys2[_i2];\n            clone[k] = node[k];\n          }\n\n          node = clone;\n        }\n\n        var editOffset = 0;\n\n        for (var ii = 0; ii < edits.length; ii++) {\n          var editKey = edits[ii][0];\n          var editValue = edits[ii][1];\n\n          if (inArray) {\n            editKey -= editOffset;\n          }\n\n          if (inArray && editValue === null) {\n            node.splice(editKey, 1);\n            editOffset++;\n          } else {\n            node[editKey] = editValue;\n          }\n        }\n      }\n\n      index = stack.index;\n      keys = stack.keys;\n      edits = stack.edits;\n      inArray = stack.inArray;\n      stack = stack.prev;\n    } else {\n      key = parent ? inArray ? index : keys[index] : undefined;\n      node = parent ? parent[key] : newRoot;\n\n      if (node === null || node === undefined) {\n        continue;\n      }\n\n      if (parent) {\n        path.push(key);\n      }\n    }\n\n    var result = void 0;\n\n    if (!Array.isArray(node)) {\n      if (!isNode(node)) {\n        throw new Error(\"Invalid AST Node: \".concat(inspect(node), \".\"));\n      }\n\n      var visitFn = getVisitFn(visitor, node.kind, isLeaving);\n\n      if (visitFn) {\n        result = visitFn.call(visitor, node, key, parent, path, ancestors);\n\n        if (result === BREAK) {\n          break;\n        }\n\n        if (result === false) {\n          if (!isLeaving) {\n            path.pop();\n            continue;\n          }\n        } else if (result !== undefined) {\n          edits.push([key, result]);\n\n          if (!isLeaving) {\n            if (isNode(result)) {\n              node = result;\n            } else {\n              path.pop();\n              continue;\n            }\n          }\n        }\n      }\n    }\n\n    if (result === undefined && isEdited) {\n      edits.push([key, node]);\n    }\n\n    if (isLeaving) {\n      path.pop();\n    } else {\n      var _visitorKeys$node$kin;\n\n      stack = {\n        inArray: inArray,\n        index: index,\n        keys: keys,\n        edits: edits,\n        prev: stack\n      };\n      inArray = Array.isArray(node);\n      keys = inArray ? node : (_visitorKeys$node$kin = visitorKeys[node.kind]) !== null && _visitorKeys$node$kin !== void 0 ? _visitorKeys$node$kin : [];\n      index = -1;\n      edits = [];\n\n      if (parent) {\n        ancestors.push(parent);\n      }\n\n      parent = node;\n    }\n  } while (stack !== undefined);\n\n  if (edits.length !== 0) {\n    newRoot = edits[edits.length - 1][1];\n  }\n\n  return newRoot;\n}\n/**\n * Creates a new visitor instance which delegates to many visitors to run in\n * parallel. Each visitor will be visited for each node before moving on.\n *\n * If a prior visitor edits a node, no following visitors will see that node.\n */\n\nexport function visitInParallel(visitors) {\n  var skipping = new Array(visitors.length);\n  return {\n    enter: function enter(node) {\n      for (var i = 0; i < visitors.length; i++) {\n        if (skipping[i] == null) {\n          var fn = getVisitFn(visitors[i], node.kind,\n          /* isLeaving */\n          false);\n\n          if (fn) {\n            var result = fn.apply(visitors[i], arguments);\n\n            if (result === false) {\n              skipping[i] = node;\n            } else if (result === BREAK) {\n              skipping[i] = BREAK;\n            } else if (result !== undefined) {\n              return result;\n            }\n          }\n        }\n      }\n    },\n    leave: function leave(node) {\n      for (var i = 0; i < visitors.length; i++) {\n        if (skipping[i] == null) {\n          var fn = getVisitFn(visitors[i], node.kind,\n          /* isLeaving */\n          true);\n\n          if (fn) {\n            var result = fn.apply(visitors[i], arguments);\n\n            if (result === BREAK) {\n              skipping[i] = BREAK;\n            } else if (result !== undefined && result !== false) {\n              return result;\n            }\n          }\n        } else if (skipping[i] === node) {\n          skipping[i] = null;\n        }\n      }\n    }\n  };\n}\n/**\n * Given a visitor instance, if it is leaving or not, and a node kind, return\n * the function the visitor runtime should call.\n */\n\nexport function getVisitFn(visitor, kind, isLeaving) {\n  var kindVisitor = visitor[kind];\n\n  if (kindVisitor) {\n    if (!isLeaving && typeof kindVisitor === 'function') {\n      // { Kind() {} }\n      return kindVisitor;\n    }\n\n    var kindSpecificVisitor = isLeaving ? kindVisitor.leave : kindVisitor.enter;\n\n    if (typeof kindSpecificVisitor === 'function') {\n      // { Kind: { enter() {}, leave() {} } }\n      return kindSpecificVisitor;\n    }\n  } else {\n    var specificVisitor = isLeaving ? visitor.leave : visitor.enter;\n\n    if (specificVisitor) {\n      if (typeof specificVisitor === 'function') {\n        // { enter() {}, leave() {} }\n        return specificVisitor;\n      }\n\n      var specificKindVisitor = specificVisitor[kind];\n\n      if (typeof specificKindVisitor === 'function') {\n        // { enter: { Kind() {} }, leave: { Kind() {} } }\n        return specificKindVisitor;\n      }\n    }\n  }\n}\n", "import { visit } from \"./visitor.mjs\";\nimport { printBlockString } from \"./blockString.mjs\";\n/**\n * Converts an AST into a string, using one set of reasonable\n * formatting rules.\n */\n\nexport function print(ast) {\n  return visit(ast, {\n    leave: printDocASTReducer\n  });\n}\nvar MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 80; // TODO: provide better type coverage in future\n\nvar printDocASTReducer = {\n  Name: function Name(node) {\n    return node.value;\n  },\n  Variable: function Variable(node) {\n    return '$' + node.name;\n  },\n  // Document\n  Document: function Document(node) {\n    return join(node.definitions, '\\n\\n') + '\\n';\n  },\n  OperationDefinition: function OperationDefinition(node) {\n    var op = node.operation;\n    var name = node.name;\n    var varDefs = wrap('(', join(node.variableDefinitions, ', '), ')');\n    var directives = join(node.directives, ' ');\n    var selectionSet = node.selectionSet; // Anonymous queries with no directives or variable definitions can use\n    // the query short form.\n\n    return !name && !directives && !varDefs && op === 'query' ? selectionSet : join([op, join([name, varDefs]), directives, selectionSet], ' ');\n  },\n  VariableDefinition: function VariableDefinition(_ref) {\n    var variable = _ref.variable,\n        type = _ref.type,\n        defaultValue = _ref.defaultValue,\n        directives = _ref.directives;\n    return variable + ': ' + type + wrap(' = ', defaultValue) + wrap(' ', join(directives, ' '));\n  },\n  SelectionSet: function SelectionSet(_ref2) {\n    var selections = _ref2.selections;\n    return block(selections);\n  },\n  Field: function Field(_ref3) {\n    var alias = _ref3.alias,\n        name = _ref3.name,\n        args = _ref3.arguments,\n        directives = _ref3.directives,\n        selectionSet = _ref3.selectionSet;\n    var prefix = wrap('', alias, ': ') + name;\n    var argsLine = prefix + wrap('(', join(args, ', '), ')');\n\n    if (argsLine.length > MAX_LINE_LENGTH) {\n      argsLine = prefix + wrap('(\\n', indent(join(args, '\\n')), '\\n)');\n    }\n\n    return join([argsLine, join(directives, ' '), selectionSet], ' ');\n  },\n  Argument: function Argument(_ref4) {\n    var name = _ref4.name,\n        value = _ref4.value;\n    return name + ': ' + value;\n  },\n  // Fragments\n  FragmentSpread: function FragmentSpread(_ref5) {\n    var name = _ref5.name,\n        directives = _ref5.directives;\n    return '...' + name + wrap(' ', join(directives, ' '));\n  },\n  InlineFragment: function InlineFragment(_ref6) {\n    var typeCondition = _ref6.typeCondition,\n        directives = _ref6.directives,\n        selectionSet = _ref6.selectionSet;\n    return join(['...', wrap('on ', typeCondition), join(directives, ' '), selectionSet], ' ');\n  },\n  FragmentDefinition: function FragmentDefinition(_ref7) {\n    var name = _ref7.name,\n        typeCondition = _ref7.typeCondition,\n        variableDefinitions = _ref7.variableDefinitions,\n        directives = _ref7.directives,\n        selectionSet = _ref7.selectionSet;\n    return (// Note: fragment variable definitions are experimental and may be changed\n      // or removed in the future.\n      \"fragment \".concat(name).concat(wrap('(', join(variableDefinitions, ', '), ')'), \" \") + \"on \".concat(typeCondition, \" \").concat(wrap('', join(directives, ' '), ' ')) + selectionSet\n    );\n  },\n  // Value\n  IntValue: function IntValue(_ref8) {\n    var value = _ref8.value;\n    return value;\n  },\n  FloatValue: function FloatValue(_ref9) {\n    var value = _ref9.value;\n    return value;\n  },\n  StringValue: function StringValue(_ref10, key) {\n    var value = _ref10.value,\n        isBlockString = _ref10.block;\n    return isBlockString ? printBlockString(value, key === 'description' ? '' : '  ') : JSON.stringify(value);\n  },\n  BooleanValue: function BooleanValue(_ref11) {\n    var value = _ref11.value;\n    return value ? 'true' : 'false';\n  },\n  NullValue: function NullValue() {\n    return 'null';\n  },\n  EnumValue: function EnumValue(_ref12) {\n    var value = _ref12.value;\n    return value;\n  },\n  ListValue: function ListValue(_ref13) {\n    var values = _ref13.values;\n    return '[' + join(values, ', ') + ']';\n  },\n  ObjectValue: function ObjectValue(_ref14) {\n    var fields = _ref14.fields;\n    return '{' + join(fields, ', ') + '}';\n  },\n  ObjectField: function ObjectField(_ref15) {\n    var name = _ref15.name,\n        value = _ref15.value;\n    return name + ': ' + value;\n  },\n  // Directive\n  Directive: function Directive(_ref16) {\n    var name = _ref16.name,\n        args = _ref16.arguments;\n    return '@' + name + wrap('(', join(args, ', '), ')');\n  },\n  // Type\n  NamedType: function NamedType(_ref17) {\n    var name = _ref17.name;\n    return name;\n  },\n  ListType: function ListType(_ref18) {\n    var type = _ref18.type;\n    return '[' + type + ']';\n  },\n  NonNullType: function NonNullType(_ref19) {\n    var type = _ref19.type;\n    return type + '!';\n  },\n  // Type System Definitions\n  SchemaDefinition: addDescription(function (_ref20) {\n    var directives = _ref20.directives,\n        operationTypes = _ref20.operationTypes;\n    return join(['schema', join(directives, ' '), block(operationTypes)], ' ');\n  }),\n  OperationTypeDefinition: function OperationTypeDefinition(_ref21) {\n    var operation = _ref21.operation,\n        type = _ref21.type;\n    return operation + ': ' + type;\n  },\n  ScalarTypeDefinition: addDescription(function (_ref22) {\n    var name = _ref22.name,\n        directives = _ref22.directives;\n    return join(['scalar', name, join(directives, ' ')], ' ');\n  }),\n  ObjectTypeDefinition: addDescription(function (_ref23) {\n    var name = _ref23.name,\n        interfaces = _ref23.interfaces,\n        directives = _ref23.directives,\n        fields = _ref23.fields;\n    return join(['type', name, wrap('implements ', join(interfaces, ' & ')), join(directives, ' '), block(fields)], ' ');\n  }),\n  FieldDefinition: addDescription(function (_ref24) {\n    var name = _ref24.name,\n        args = _ref24.arguments,\n        type = _ref24.type,\n        directives = _ref24.directives;\n    return name + (hasMultilineItems(args) ? wrap('(\\n', indent(join(args, '\\n')), '\\n)') : wrap('(', join(args, ', '), ')')) + ': ' + type + wrap(' ', join(directives, ' '));\n  }),\n  InputValueDefinition: addDescription(function (_ref25) {\n    var name = _ref25.name,\n        type = _ref25.type,\n        defaultValue = _ref25.defaultValue,\n        directives = _ref25.directives;\n    return join([name + ': ' + type, wrap('= ', defaultValue), join(directives, ' ')], ' ');\n  }),\n  InterfaceTypeDefinition: addDescription(function (_ref26) {\n    var name = _ref26.name,\n        interfaces = _ref26.interfaces,\n        directives = _ref26.directives,\n        fields = _ref26.fields;\n    return join(['interface', name, wrap('implements ', join(interfaces, ' & ')), join(directives, ' '), block(fields)], ' ');\n  }),\n  UnionTypeDefinition: addDescription(function (_ref27) {\n    var name = _ref27.name,\n        directives = _ref27.directives,\n        types = _ref27.types;\n    return join(['union', name, join(directives, ' '), types && types.length !== 0 ? '= ' + join(types, ' | ') : ''], ' ');\n  }),\n  EnumTypeDefinition: addDescription(function (_ref28) {\n    var name = _ref28.name,\n        directives = _ref28.directives,\n        values = _ref28.values;\n    return join(['enum', name, join(directives, ' '), block(values)], ' ');\n  }),\n  EnumValueDefinition: addDescription(function (_ref29) {\n    var name = _ref29.name,\n        directives = _ref29.directives;\n    return join([name, join(directives, ' ')], ' ');\n  }),\n  InputObjectTypeDefinition: addDescription(function (_ref30) {\n    var name = _ref30.name,\n        directives = _ref30.directives,\n        fields = _ref30.fields;\n    return join(['input', name, join(directives, ' '), block(fields)], ' ');\n  }),\n  DirectiveDefinition: addDescription(function (_ref31) {\n    var name = _ref31.name,\n        args = _ref31.arguments,\n        repeatable = _ref31.repeatable,\n        locations = _ref31.locations;\n    return 'directive @' + name + (hasMultilineItems(args) ? wrap('(\\n', indent(join(args, '\\n')), '\\n)') : wrap('(', join(args, ', '), ')')) + (repeatable ? ' repeatable' : '') + ' on ' + join(locations, ' | ');\n  }),\n  SchemaExtension: function SchemaExtension(_ref32) {\n    var directives = _ref32.directives,\n        operationTypes = _ref32.operationTypes;\n    return join(['extend schema', join(directives, ' '), block(operationTypes)], ' ');\n  },\n  ScalarTypeExtension: function ScalarTypeExtension(_ref33) {\n    var name = _ref33.name,\n        directives = _ref33.directives;\n    return join(['extend scalar', name, join(directives, ' ')], ' ');\n  },\n  ObjectTypeExtension: function ObjectTypeExtension(_ref34) {\n    var name = _ref34.name,\n        interfaces = _ref34.interfaces,\n        directives = _ref34.directives,\n        fields = _ref34.fields;\n    return join(['extend type', name, wrap('implements ', join(interfaces, ' & ')), join(directives, ' '), block(fields)], ' ');\n  },\n  InterfaceTypeExtension: function InterfaceTypeExtension(_ref35) {\n    var name = _ref35.name,\n        interfaces = _ref35.interfaces,\n        directives = _ref35.directives,\n        fields = _ref35.fields;\n    return join(['extend interface', name, wrap('implements ', join(interfaces, ' & ')), join(directives, ' '), block(fields)], ' ');\n  },\n  UnionTypeExtension: function UnionTypeExtension(_ref36) {\n    var name = _ref36.name,\n        directives = _ref36.directives,\n        types = _ref36.types;\n    return join(['extend union', name, join(directives, ' '), types && types.length !== 0 ? '= ' + join(types, ' | ') : ''], ' ');\n  },\n  EnumTypeExtension: function EnumTypeExtension(_ref37) {\n    var name = _ref37.name,\n        directives = _ref37.directives,\n        values = _ref37.values;\n    return join(['extend enum', name, join(directives, ' '), block(values)], ' ');\n  },\n  InputObjectTypeExtension: function InputObjectTypeExtension(_ref38) {\n    var name = _ref38.name,\n        directives = _ref38.directives,\n        fields = _ref38.fields;\n    return join(['extend input', name, join(directives, ' '), block(fields)], ' ');\n  }\n};\n\nfunction addDescription(cb) {\n  return function (node) {\n    return join([node.description, cb(node)], '\\n');\n  };\n}\n/**\n * Given maybeArray, print an empty string if it is null or empty, otherwise\n * print all items together separated by separator if provided\n */\n\n\nfunction join(maybeArray) {\n  var _maybeArray$filter$jo;\n\n  var separator = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : '';\n  return (_maybeArray$filter$jo = maybeArray === null || maybeArray === void 0 ? void 0 : maybeArray.filter(function (x) {\n    return x;\n  }).join(separator)) !== null && _maybeArray$filter$jo !== void 0 ? _maybeArray$filter$jo : '';\n}\n/**\n * Given array, print each item on its own line, wrapped in an\n * indented \"{ }\" block.\n */\n\n\nfunction block(array) {\n  return wrap('{\\n', indent(join(array, '\\n')), '\\n}');\n}\n/**\n * If maybeString is not null or empty, then wrap with start and end, otherwise print an empty string.\n */\n\n\nfunction wrap(start, maybeString) {\n  var end = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : '';\n  return maybeString != null && maybeString !== '' ? start + maybeString + end : '';\n}\n\nfunction indent(str) {\n  return wrap('  ', str.replace(/\\n/g, '\\n  '));\n}\n\nfunction isMultiline(str) {\n  return str.indexOf('\\n') !== -1;\n}\n\nfunction hasMultilineItems(maybeArray) {\n  return maybeArray != null && maybeArray.some(isMultiline);\n}\n", "export { Source } from \"./source.mjs\";\nexport { getLocation } from \"./location.mjs\";\nexport { printLocation, printSourceLocation } from \"./printLocation.mjs\";\nexport { Kind } from \"./kinds.mjs\";\nexport { TokenKind } from \"./tokenKind.mjs\";\nexport { Lexer } from \"./lexer.mjs\";\nexport { parse, parseValue, parseType } from \"./parser.mjs\";\nexport { print } from \"./printer.mjs\";\nexport { visit, visitInParallel, getVisitFn, BREAK } from \"./visitor.mjs\";\nexport { Location, Token } from \"./ast.mjs\";\nexport { isDefinitionNode, isExecutableDefinitionNode, isSelectionNode, isValueNode, isTypeNode, isTypeSystemDefinitionNode, isTypeDefinitionNode, isTypeSystemExtensionNode, isTypeExtensionNode } from \"./predicates.mjs\";\nexport { DirectiveLocation } from \"./directiveLocation.mjs\";\n", "/**\n * GraphQL.js provides a reference implementation for the GraphQL specification\n * but is also a useful utility for operating on GraphQL files and building\n * sophisticated tools.\n *\n * This primary module exports a general purpose function for fulfilling all\n * steps of the GraphQL specification in a single operation, but also includes\n * utilities for every part of the GraphQL specification:\n *\n *   - Parsing the GraphQL language.\n *   - Building a GraphQL type schema.\n *   - Validating a GraphQL request against a type schema.\n *   - Executing a GraphQL request against a type schema.\n *\n * This also includes utility functions for operating on GraphQL types and\n * GraphQL documents to facilitate building tools.\n *\n * You may also import from each sub-directory directly. For example, the\n * following two import statements are equivalent:\n *\n *     import { parse } from 'graphql';\n *     import { parse } from 'graphql/language';\n */\n// The GraphQL.js version info.\nexport { version, versionInfo } from \"./version.mjs\"; // The primary entry point into fulfilling a GraphQL request.\n\nexport { graphql, graphqlSync } from \"./graphql.mjs\"; // Create and operate on GraphQL type definitions and schema.\n\nexport { // Definitions\nGraphQLSchema, GraphQLDirective, GraphQLScalarType, GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLInterfaceType, GraphQLUnionType, GraphQLEnumType, GraphQLInputObjectType, GraphQLList, GraphQLNonNull // Standard GraphQL Scalars\n, specifiedScalarTypes, GraphQLInt, GraphQLFloat, GraphQLString, GraphQLBoolean, GraphQLID // Built-in Directives defined by the Spec\n, specifiedDirectives, GraphQLIncludeDirective, GraphQLSkipDirective, GraphQLDeprecatedDirective, GraphQLSpecifiedByDirective // \"Enum\" of Type Kinds\n, TypeKind // Constant Deprecation Reason\n, DEFAULT_DEPRECATION_REASON // GraphQL Types for introspection.\n, introspectionTypes, __Schema, __Directive, __DirectiveLocation, __Type, __Field, __InputValue, __EnumValue, __TypeKind // Meta-field definitions.\n, SchemaMetaFieldDef, TypeMetaFieldDef, TypeNameMetaFieldDef // Predicates\n, isSchema, isDirective, isType, isScalarType, isObjectType, isInterfaceType, isUnionType, isEnumType, isInputObjectType, isListType, isNonNullType, isInputType, isOutputType, isLeafType, isCompositeType, isAbstractType, isWrappingType, isNullableType, isNamedType, isRequiredArgument, isRequiredInputField, isSpecifiedScalarType, isIntrospectionType, isSpecifiedDirective // Assertions\n, assertSchema, assertDirective, assertType, assertScalarType, assertObjectType, assertInterfaceType, assertUnionType, assertEnumType, assertInputObjectType, assertListType, assertNonNullType, assertInputType, assertOutputType, assertLeafType, assertCompositeType, assertAbstractType, assertWrappingType, assertNullableType, assertNamedType // Un-modifiers\n, getNullableType, getNamedType // Validate GraphQL schema.\n, validateSchema, assertValidSchema } from \"./type/index.mjs\";\n// Parse and operate on GraphQL language source files.\nexport { Token, Source, Location, getLocation // Print source location\n, printLocation, printSourceLocation // Lex\n, Lexer, TokenKind // Parse\n, parse, parseValue, parseType // Print\n, print // Visit\n, visit, visitInParallel, getVisitFn, BREAK, Kind, DirectiveLocation // Predicates\n, isDefinitionNode, isExecutableDefinitionNode, isSelectionNode, isValueNode, isTypeNode, isTypeSystemDefinitionNode, isTypeDefinitionNode, isTypeSystemExtensionNode, isTypeExtensionNode } from \"./language/index.mjs\";\n// Execute GraphQL queries.\nexport { execute, executeSync, defaultFieldResolver, defaultTypeResolver, responsePathAsArray, getDirectiveValues } from \"./execution/index.mjs\";\nexport { subscribe, createSourceEventStream } from \"./subscription/index.mjs\";\n// Validate GraphQL documents.\nexport { validate, ValidationContext // All validation rules in the GraphQL Specification.\n, specifiedRules // Individual validation rules.\n, ExecutableDefinitionsRule, FieldsOnCorrectTypeRule, FragmentsOnCompositeTypesRule, KnownArgumentNamesRule, KnownDirectivesRule, KnownFragmentNamesRule, KnownTypeNamesRule, LoneAnonymousOperationRule, NoFragmentCyclesRule, NoUndefinedVariablesRule, NoUnusedFragmentsRule, NoUnusedVariablesRule, OverlappingFieldsCanBeMergedRule, PossibleFragmentSpreadsRule, ProvidedRequiredArgumentsRule, ScalarLeafsRule, SingleFieldSubscriptionsRule, UniqueArgumentNamesRule, UniqueDirectivesPerLocationRule, UniqueFragmentNamesRule, UniqueInputFieldNamesRule, UniqueOperationNamesRule, UniqueVariableNamesRule, ValuesOfCorrectTypeRule, VariablesAreInputTypesRule, VariablesInAllowedPositionRule // SDL-specific validation rules\n, LoneSchemaDefinitionRule, UniqueOperationTypesRule, UniqueTypeNamesRule, UniqueEnumValueNamesRule, UniqueFieldDefinitionNamesRule, UniqueDirectiveNamesRule, PossibleTypeExtensionsRule // Custom validation rules\n, NoDeprecatedCustomRule, NoSchemaIntrospectionCustomRule } from \"./validation/index.mjs\";\n// Create, format, and print GraphQL errors.\nexport { GraphQLError, syntaxError, locatedError, printError, formatError } from \"./error/index.mjs\";\n// Utilities for operating on GraphQL type schema and parsed sources.\nexport { // Produce the GraphQL query recommended for a full schema introspection.\n// Accepts optional IntrospectionOptions.\ngetIntrospectionQuery // Gets the target Operation from a Document.\n, getOperationAST // Gets the Type for the target Operation AST.\n, getOperationRootType // Convert a GraphQLSchema to an IntrospectionQuery.\n, introspectionFromSchema // Build a GraphQLSchema from an introspection result.\n, buildClientSchema // Build a GraphQLSchema from a parsed GraphQL Schema language AST.\n, buildASTSchema // Build a GraphQLSchema from a GraphQL schema language document.\n, buildSchema // @deprecated: Get the description from a schema AST node and supports legacy\n// syntax for specifying descriptions - will be removed in v16.\n, getDescription // Extends an existing GraphQLSchema from a parsed GraphQL Schema\n// language AST.\n, extendSchema // Sort a GraphQLSchema.\n, lexicographicSortSchema // Print a GraphQLSchema to GraphQL Schema language.\n, printSchema // Print a GraphQLType to GraphQL Schema language.\n, printType // Prints the built-in introspection schema in the Schema Language\n// format.\n, printIntrospectionSchema // Create a GraphQLType from a GraphQL language AST.\n, typeFromAST // Create a JavaScript value from a GraphQL language AST with a Type.\n, valueFromAST // Create a JavaScript value from a GraphQL language AST without a Type.\n, valueFromASTUntyped // Create a GraphQL language AST from a JavaScript value.\n, astFromValue // A helper to use within recursive-descent visitors which need to be aware of\n// the GraphQL type system.\n, TypeInfo, visitWithTypeInfo // Coerces a JavaScript value to a GraphQL type, or produces errors.\n, coerceInputValue // Concatenates multiple AST together.\n, concatAST // Separates an AST into an AST per Operation.\n, separateOperations // Strips characters that are not significant to the validity or execution\n// of a GraphQL document.\n, stripIgnoredCharacters // Comparators for types\n, isEqualType, isTypeSubTypeOf, doTypesOverlap // Asserts a string is a valid GraphQL name.\n, assertValidName // Determine if a string is a valid GraphQL name.\n, isValidNameError // Compares two GraphQLSchemas and detects breaking changes.\n, BreakingChangeType, DangerousChangeType, findBreakingChanges, findDangerousChanges // @deprecated: Report all deprecated usage within a GraphQL document.\n, findDeprecatedUsages } from \"./utilities/index.mjs\";\n", "// Provides the methods that allow QueryManager to handle the `skip` and\n// `include` directives within GraphQL.\nimport {\n  SelectionNode,\n  VariableNode,\n  BooleanValueNode,\n  DirectiveNode,\n  DocumentNode,\n  ArgumentNode,\n  ValueNode,\n  ASTNode,\n  visit,\n} from 'graphql';\n\nimport { invariant } from 'ts-invariant';\n\nexport type DirectiveInfo = {\n  [fieldName: string]: { [argName: string]: any };\n};\n\nexport function shouldInclude(\n  { directives }: SelectionNode,\n  variables?: Record<string, any>,\n): boolean {\n  if (!directives || !directives.length) {\n    return true;\n  }\n  return getInclusionDirectives(\n    directives\n  ).every(({ directive, ifArgument }) => {\n    let evaledValue: boolean = false;\n    if (ifArgument.value.kind === 'Variable') {\n      evaledValue = variables && variables[(ifArgument.value as VariableNode).name.value];\n      invariant(\n        evaledValue !== void 0,\n        `Invalid variable referenced in @${directive.name.value} directive.`,\n      );\n    } else {\n      evaledValue = (ifArgument.value as BooleanValueNode).value;\n    }\n    return directive.name.value === 'skip' ? !evaledValue : evaledValue;\n  });\n}\n\nexport function getDirectiveNames(root: ASTNode) {\n  const names: string[] = [];\n\n  visit(root, {\n    Directive(node: DirectiveNode) {\n      names.push(node.name.value);\n    },\n  });\n\n  return names;\n}\n\nexport function hasDirectives(names: string[], root: ASTNode) {\n  return getDirectiveNames(root).some(\n    (name: string) => names.indexOf(name) > -1,\n  );\n}\n\nexport function hasClientExports(document: DocumentNode) {\n  return (\n    document &&\n    hasDirectives(['client'], document) &&\n    hasDirectives(['export'], document)\n  );\n}\n\nexport type InclusionDirectives = Array<{\n  directive: DirectiveNode;\n  ifArgument: ArgumentNode;\n}>;\n\nfunction isInclusionDirective({ name: { value } }: DirectiveNode): boolean {\n  return value === 'skip' || value === 'include';\n}\n\nexport function getInclusionDirectives(\n  directives: ReadonlyArray<DirectiveNode>,\n): InclusionDirectives {\n  const result: InclusionDirectives = [];\n\n  if (directives && directives.length) {\n    directives.forEach(directive => {\n      if (!isInclusionDirective(directive)) return;\n\n      const directiveArguments = directive.arguments;\n      const directiveName = directive.name.value;\n\n      invariant(\n        directiveArguments && directiveArguments.length === 1,\n        `Incorrect number of arguments for the @${directiveName} directive.`,\n      );\n\n      const ifArgument = directiveArguments![0];\n      invariant(\n        ifArgument.name && ifArgument.name.value === 'if',\n        `Invalid argument for the @${directiveName} directive.`,\n      );\n\n      const ifValue: ValueNode = ifArgument.value;\n\n      // means it has to be a variable value if this is a valid @skip or @include directive\n      invariant(\n        ifValue &&\n          (ifValue.kind === 'Variable' || ifValue.kind === 'BooleanValue'),\n        `Argument for the @${directiveName} directive must be a variable or a boolean value.`,\n      );\n\n      result.push({ directive, ifArgument });\n    });\n  }\n\n  return result;\n}\n\n", "import {\n  DocumentNode,\n  FragmentDefinitionNode,\n  InlineFragmentNode,\n  SelectionNode\n} from 'graphql';\nimport { invariant, InvariantError } from 'ts-invariant';\n\n/**\n * Returns a query document which adds a single query operation that only\n * spreads the target fragment inside of it.\n *\n * So for example a document of:\n *\n * ```graphql\n * fragment foo on Foo { a b c }\n * ```\n *\n * Turns into:\n *\n * ```graphql\n * { ...foo }\n *\n * fragment foo on Foo { a b c }\n * ```\n *\n * The target fragment will either be the only fragment in the document, or a\n * fragment specified by the provided `fragmentName`. If there is more than one\n * fragment, but a `fragmentName` was not defined then an error will be thrown.\n */\nexport function getFragmentQueryDocument(\n  document: DocumentNode,\n  fragmentName?: string,\n): DocumentNode {\n  let actualFragmentName = fragmentName;\n\n  // Build an array of all our fragment definitions that will be used for\n  // validations. We also do some validations on the other definitions in the\n  // document while building this list.\n  const fragments: Array<FragmentDefinitionNode> = [];\n  document.definitions.forEach(definition => {\n    // Throw an error if we encounter an operation definition because we will\n    // define our own operation definition later on.\n    if (definition.kind === 'OperationDefinition') {\n      throw new InvariantError(\n        `Found a ${definition.operation} operation${\n          definition.name ? ` named '${definition.name.value}'` : ''\n        }. ` +\n          'No operations are allowed when using a fragment as a query. Only fragments are allowed.',\n      );\n    }\n    // Add our definition to the fragments array if it is a fragment\n    // definition.\n    if (definition.kind === 'FragmentDefinition') {\n      fragments.push(definition);\n    }\n  });\n\n  // If the user did not give us a fragment name then let us try to get a\n  // name from a single fragment in the definition.\n  if (typeof actualFragmentName === 'undefined') {\n    invariant(\n      fragments.length === 1,\n      `Found ${\n        fragments.length\n      } fragments. \\`fragmentName\\` must be provided when there is not exactly 1 fragment.`,\n    );\n    actualFragmentName = fragments[0].name.value;\n  }\n\n  // Generate a query document with an operation that simply spreads the\n  // fragment inside of it.\n  const query: DocumentNode = {\n    ...document,\n    definitions: [\n      {\n        kind: 'OperationDefinition',\n        operation: 'query',\n        selectionSet: {\n          kind: 'SelectionSet',\n          selections: [\n            {\n              kind: 'FragmentSpread',\n              name: {\n                kind: 'Name',\n                value: actualFragmentName,\n              },\n            },\n          ],\n        },\n      },\n      ...document.definitions,\n    ],\n  };\n\n  return query;\n}\n\n/**\n * This is an interface that describes a map from fragment names to fragment definitions.\n */\nexport interface FragmentMap {\n  [fragmentName: string]: FragmentDefinitionNode;\n}\n\n// Utility function that takes a list of fragment definitions and makes a hash out of them\n// that maps the name of the fragment to the fragment definition.\nexport function createFragmentMap(\n  fragments: FragmentDefinitionNode[] = [],\n): FragmentMap {\n  const symTable: FragmentMap = {};\n  fragments.forEach(fragment => {\n    symTable[fragment.name.value] = fragment;\n  });\n  return symTable;\n}\n\nexport function getFragmentFromSelection(\n  selection: SelectionNode,\n  fragmentMap?: FragmentMap,\n): InlineFragmentNode | FragmentDefinitionNode | null {\n  switch (selection.kind) {\n    case 'InlineFragment':\n      return selection;\n    case 'FragmentSpread': {\n      const fragment = fragmentMap && fragmentMap[selection.name.value];\n      invariant(fragment, `No fragment named ${selection.name.value}.`);\n      return fragment!;\n    }\n    default:\n      return null;\n  }\n}\n", "'use strict';\n\nmodule.exports = function (data, opts) {\n    if (!opts) opts = {};\n    if (typeof opts === 'function') opts = { cmp: opts };\n    var cycles = (typeof opts.cycles === 'boolean') ? opts.cycles : false;\n\n    var cmp = opts.cmp && (function (f) {\n        return function (node) {\n            return function (a, b) {\n                var aobj = { key: a, value: node[a] };\n                var bobj = { key: b, value: node[b] };\n                return f(aobj, bobj);\n            };\n        };\n    })(opts.cmp);\n\n    var seen = [];\n    return (function stringify (node) {\n        if (node && node.toJSON && typeof node.toJSON === 'function') {\n            node = node.toJSON();\n        }\n\n        if (node === undefined) return;\n        if (typeof node == 'number') return isFinite(node) ? '' + node : 'null';\n        if (typeof node !== 'object') return JSON.stringify(node);\n\n        var i, out;\n        if (Array.isArray(node)) {\n            out = '[';\n            for (i = 0; i < node.length; i++) {\n                if (i) out += ',';\n                out += stringify(node[i]) || 'null';\n            }\n            return out + ']';\n        }\n\n        if (node === null) return 'null';\n\n        if (seen.indexOf(node) !== -1) {\n            if (cycles) return JSON.stringify('__cycle__');\n            throw new TypeError('Converting circular structure to JSON');\n        }\n\n        var seenIndex = seen.push(node) - 1;\n        var keys = Object.keys(node).sort(cmp && cmp(node));\n        out = '';\n        for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {\n            var key = keys[i];\n            var value = stringify(node[key]);\n\n            if (!value) continue;\n            if (out) out += ',';\n            out += JSON.stringify(key) + ':' + value;\n        }\n        seen.splice(seenIndex, 1);\n        return '{' + out + '}';\n    })(data);\n};\n", "import {\n  DirectiveNode,\n  FieldNode,\n  IntValueNode,\n  FloatValueNode,\n  StringValueNode,\n  BooleanValueNode,\n  ObjectValueNode,\n  ListValueNode,\n  EnumValueNode,\n  NullValueNode,\n  VariableNode,\n  InlineFragmentNode,\n  ValueNode,\n  SelectionNode,\n  NameNode,\n  SelectionSetNode,\n} from 'graphql';\n\nimport stringify from 'fast-json-stable-stringify';\nimport { InvariantError } from 'ts-invariant';\nimport { FragmentMap, getFragmentFromSelection } from './fragments';\n\nexport interface Reference {\n  readonly __ref: string;\n}\n\nexport function makeReference(id: string): Reference {\n  return { __ref: String(id) };\n}\n\nexport function isReference(obj: any): obj is Reference {\n  return Boolean(obj && typeof obj === 'object' && typeof obj.__ref === 'string');\n}\n\nexport type StoreValue =\n  | number\n  | string\n  | string[]\n  | Reference\n  | Reference[]\n  | null\n  | undefined\n  | void\n  | Object;\n\nexport interface StoreObject {\n  __typename?: string;\n  [storeFieldName: string]: StoreValue;\n}\n\nfunction isStringValue(value: ValueNode): value is StringValueNode {\n  return value.kind === 'StringValue';\n}\n\nfunction isBooleanValue(value: ValueNode): value is BooleanValueNode {\n  return value.kind === 'BooleanValue';\n}\n\nfunction isIntValue(value: ValueNode): value is IntValueNode {\n  return value.kind === 'IntValue';\n}\n\nfunction isFloatValue(value: ValueNode): value is FloatValueNode {\n  return value.kind === 'FloatValue';\n}\n\nfunction isVariable(value: ValueNode): value is VariableNode {\n  return value.kind === 'Variable';\n}\n\nfunction isObjectValue(value: ValueNode): value is ObjectValueNode {\n  return value.kind === 'ObjectValue';\n}\n\nfunction isListValue(value: ValueNode): value is ListValueNode {\n  return value.kind === 'ListValue';\n}\n\nfunction isEnumValue(value: ValueNode): value is EnumValueNode {\n  return value.kind === 'EnumValue';\n}\n\nfunction isNullValue(value: ValueNode): value is NullValueNode {\n  return value.kind === 'NullValue';\n}\n\nexport function valueToObjectRepresentation(\n  argObj: any,\n  name: NameNode,\n  value: ValueNode,\n  variables?: Object,\n) {\n  if (isIntValue(value) || isFloatValue(value)) {\n    argObj[name.value] = Number(value.value);\n  } else if (isBooleanValue(value) || isStringValue(value)) {\n    argObj[name.value] = value.value;\n  } else if (isObjectValue(value)) {\n    const nestedArgObj = {};\n    value.fields.map(obj =>\n      valueToObjectRepresentation(nestedArgObj, obj.name, obj.value, variables),\n    );\n    argObj[name.value] = nestedArgObj;\n  } else if (isVariable(value)) {\n    const variableValue = (variables || ({} as any))[value.name.value];\n    argObj[name.value] = variableValue;\n  } else if (isListValue(value)) {\n    argObj[name.value] = value.values.map(listValue => {\n      const nestedArgArrayObj = {};\n      valueToObjectRepresentation(\n        nestedArgArrayObj,\n        name,\n        listValue,\n        variables,\n      );\n      return (nestedArgArrayObj as any)[name.value];\n    });\n  } else if (isEnumValue(value)) {\n    argObj[name.value] = (value as EnumValueNode).value;\n  } else if (isNullValue(value)) {\n    argObj[name.value] = null;\n  } else {\n    throw new InvariantError(\n      `The inline argument \"${name.value}\" of kind \"${(value as any).kind}\"` +\n        'is not supported. Use variables instead of inline arguments to ' +\n        'overcome this limitation.',\n    );\n  }\n}\n\nexport function storeKeyNameFromField(\n  field: FieldNode,\n  variables?: Object,\n): string {\n  let directivesObj: any = null;\n  if (field.directives) {\n    directivesObj = {};\n    field.directives.forEach(directive => {\n      directivesObj[directive.name.value] = {};\n\n      if (directive.arguments) {\n        directive.arguments.forEach(({ name, value }) =>\n          valueToObjectRepresentation(\n            directivesObj[directive.name.value],\n            name,\n            value,\n            variables,\n          ),\n        );\n      }\n    });\n  }\n\n  let argObj: any = null;\n  if (field.arguments && field.arguments.length) {\n    argObj = {};\n    field.arguments.forEach(({ name, value }) =>\n      valueToObjectRepresentation(argObj, name, value, variables),\n    );\n  }\n\n  return getStoreKeyName(field.name.value, argObj, directivesObj);\n}\n\nexport type Directives = {\n  [directiveName: string]: {\n    [argName: string]: any;\n  };\n};\n\nconst KNOWN_DIRECTIVES: string[] = [\n  'connection',\n  'include',\n  'skip',\n  'client',\n  'rest',\n  'export',\n];\n\nexport function getStoreKeyName(\n  fieldName: string,\n  args?: Record<string, any> | null,\n  directives?: Directives,\n): string {\n  if (\n    args &&\n    directives &&\n    directives['connection'] &&\n    directives['connection']['key']\n  ) {\n    if (\n      directives['connection']['filter'] &&\n      (directives['connection']['filter'] as string[]).length > 0\n    ) {\n      const filterKeys = directives['connection']['filter']\n        ? (directives['connection']['filter'] as string[])\n        : [];\n      filterKeys.sort();\n\n      const filteredArgs = {} as { [key: string]: any };\n      filterKeys.forEach(key => {\n        filteredArgs[key] = args[key];\n      });\n\n      return `${directives['connection']['key']}(${JSON.stringify(\n        filteredArgs,\n      )})`;\n    } else {\n      return directives['connection']['key'];\n    }\n  }\n\n  let completeFieldName: string = fieldName;\n\n  if (args) {\n    // We can't use `JSON.stringify` here since it's non-deterministic,\n    // and can lead to different store key names being created even though\n    // the `args` object used during creation has the same properties/values.\n    const stringifiedArgs: string = stringify(args);\n    completeFieldName += `(${stringifiedArgs})`;\n  }\n\n  if (directives) {\n    Object.keys(directives).forEach(key => {\n      if (KNOWN_DIRECTIVES.indexOf(key) !== -1) return;\n      if (directives[key] && Object.keys(directives[key]).length) {\n        completeFieldName += `@${key}(${JSON.stringify(directives[key])})`;\n      } else {\n        completeFieldName += `@${key}`;\n      }\n    });\n  }\n\n  return completeFieldName;\n}\n\nexport function argumentsObjectFromField(\n  field: FieldNode | DirectiveNode,\n  variables?: Record<string, any>,\n): Object | null {\n  if (field.arguments && field.arguments.length) {\n    const argObj: Object = {};\n    field.arguments.forEach(({ name, value }) =>\n      valueToObjectRepresentation(argObj, name, value, variables),\n    );\n    return argObj;\n  }\n  return null;\n}\n\nexport function resultKeyNameFromField(field: FieldNode): string {\n  return field.alias ? field.alias.value : field.name.value;\n}\n\nexport function getTypenameFromResult(\n  result: Record<string, any>,\n  selectionSet: SelectionSetNode,\n  fragmentMap?: FragmentMap,\n): string | undefined {\n  if (typeof result.__typename === 'string') {\n    return result.__typename;\n  }\n\n  for (const selection of selectionSet.selections) {\n    if (isField(selection)) {\n      if (selection.name.value === '__typename') {\n        return result[resultKeyNameFromField(selection)];\n      }\n    } else {\n      const typename = getTypenameFromResult(\n        result,\n        getFragmentFromSelection(selection, fragmentMap)!.selectionSet,\n        fragmentMap,\n      );\n      if (typeof typename === 'string') {\n        return typename;\n      }\n    }\n  }\n}\n\nexport function isField(selection: SelectionNode): selection is FieldNode {\n  return selection.kind === 'Field';\n}\n\nexport function isInlineFragment(\n  selection: SelectionNode,\n): selection is InlineFragmentNode {\n  return selection.kind === 'InlineFragment';\n}\n\nexport type VariableValue = (node: VariableNode) => any;\n", "import {\n  DocumentNode,\n  OperationDefinitionNode,\n  FragmentDefinitionNode,\n  ValueNode,\n} from 'graphql';\n\nimport { invariant, InvariantError } from 'ts-invariant';\n\nimport { valueToObjectRepresentation } from './storeUtils';\n\n// Checks the document for errors and throws an exception if there is an error.\nexport function checkDocument(doc: DocumentNode) {\n  invariant(\n    doc && doc.kind === 'Document',\n    `Expecting a parsed GraphQL document. Perhaps you need to wrap the query \\\nstring in a \"gql\" tag? http://docs.apollostack.com/apollo-client/core.html#gql`,\n  );\n\n  const operations = doc.definitions\n    .filter(d => d.kind !== 'FragmentDefinition')\n    .map(definition => {\n      if (definition.kind !== 'OperationDefinition') {\n        throw new InvariantError(\n          `Schema type definitions not allowed in queries. Found: \"${\n            definition.kind\n          }\"`,\n        );\n      }\n      return definition;\n    });\n\n  invariant(\n    operations.length <= 1,\n    `Ambiguous GraphQL document: contains ${operations.length} operations`,\n  );\n\n  return doc;\n}\n\nexport function getOperationDefinition(\n  doc: DocumentNode,\n): OperationDefinitionNode | undefined {\n  checkDocument(doc);\n  return doc.definitions.filter(\n    definition => definition.kind === 'OperationDefinition',\n  )[0] as OperationDefinitionNode;\n}\n\nexport function getOperationName(doc: DocumentNode): string | null {\n  return (\n    doc.definitions\n      .filter(\n        definition =>\n          definition.kind === 'OperationDefinition' && definition.name,\n      )\n      .map((x: OperationDefinitionNode) => x!.name!.value)[0] || null\n  );\n}\n\n// Returns the FragmentDefinitions from a particular document as an array\nexport function getFragmentDefinitions(\n  doc: DocumentNode,\n): FragmentDefinitionNode[] {\n  return doc.definitions.filter(\n    definition => definition.kind === 'FragmentDefinition',\n  ) as FragmentDefinitionNode[];\n}\n\nexport function getQueryDefinition(doc: DocumentNode): OperationDefinitionNode {\n  const queryDef = getOperationDefinition(doc) as OperationDefinitionNode;\n\n  invariant(\n    queryDef && queryDef.operation === 'query',\n    'Must contain a query definition.',\n  );\n\n  return queryDef;\n}\n\nexport function getFragmentDefinition(\n  doc: DocumentNode,\n): FragmentDefinitionNode {\n  invariant(\n    doc.kind === 'Document',\n    `Expecting a parsed GraphQL document. Perhaps you need to wrap the query \\\nstring in a \"gql\" tag? http://docs.apollostack.com/apollo-client/core.html#gql`,\n  );\n\n  invariant(\n    doc.definitions.length <= 1,\n    'Fragment must have exactly one definition.',\n  );\n\n  const fragmentDef = doc.definitions[0] as FragmentDefinitionNode;\n\n  invariant(\n    fragmentDef.kind === 'FragmentDefinition',\n    'Must be a fragment definition.',\n  );\n\n  return fragmentDef as FragmentDefinitionNode;\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first operation definition found in this document.\n * If no operation definition is found, the first fragment definition will be returned.\n * If no definitions are found, an error will be thrown.\n */\nexport function getMainDefinition(\n  queryDoc: DocumentNode,\n): OperationDefinitionNode | FragmentDefinitionNode {\n  checkDocument(queryDoc);\n\n  let fragmentDefinition;\n\n  for (let definition of queryDoc.definitions) {\n    if (definition.kind === 'OperationDefinition') {\n      const operation = (definition as OperationDefinitionNode).operation;\n      if (\n        operation === 'query' ||\n        operation === 'mutation' ||\n        operation === 'subscription'\n      ) {\n        return definition as OperationDefinitionNode;\n      }\n    }\n    if (definition.kind === 'FragmentDefinition' && !fragmentDefinition) {\n      // we do this because we want to allow multiple fragment definitions\n      // to precede an operation definition.\n      fragmentDefinition = definition as FragmentDefinitionNode;\n    }\n  }\n\n  if (fragmentDefinition) {\n    return fragmentDefinition;\n  }\n\n  throw new InvariantError(\n    'Expected a parsed GraphQL query with a query, mutation, subscription, or a fragment.',\n  );\n}\n\nexport function getDefaultValues(\n  definition: OperationDefinitionNode | undefined,\n): Record<string, any> {\n  const defaultValues = Object.create(null);\n  const defs = definition && definition.variableDefinitions;\n  if (defs && defs.length) {\n    defs.forEach(def => {\n      if (def.defaultValue) {\n        valueToObjectRepresentation(\n          defaultValues,\n          def.variable.name,\n          def.defaultValue as ValueNode,\n        );\n      }\n    });\n  }\n  return defaultValues;\n}\n", "export function filterInPlace<T>(\n  array: T[],\n  test: (elem: T) => boolean,\n  context?: any,\n): T[] {\n  let target = 0;\n  array.forEach(function (elem, i) {\n    if (test.call(this, elem, i, array)) {\n      array[target++] = elem;\n    }\n  }, context);\n  array.length = target;\n  return array;\n}\n", "import {\n  DocumentNode,\n  SelectionNode,\n  SelectionSetNode,\n  OperationDefinitionNode,\n  FieldNode,\n  DirectiveNode,\n  FragmentDefinitionNode,\n  ArgumentNode,\n  FragmentSpreadNode,\n  VariableDefinitionNode,\n  VariableNode,\n  visit,\n} from 'graphql';\nimport { invariant } from 'ts-invariant';\n\nimport {\n  checkDocument,\n  getOperationDefinition,\n  getFragmentDefinition,\n  getFragmentDefinitions,\n  getMainDefinition,\n} from './getFromAST';\nimport { filterInPlace } from '../common/filterInPlace';\nimport { isField, isInlineFragment } from './storeUtils';\nimport {\n  createFragmentMap,\n  FragmentMap,\n} from './fragments';\n\nexport type RemoveNodeConfig<N> = {\n  name?: string;\n  test?: (node: N) => boolean;\n  remove?: boolean;\n};\n\nexport type GetNodeConfig<N> = {\n  name?: string;\n  test?: (node: N) => boolean;\n};\n\nexport type RemoveDirectiveConfig = RemoveNodeConfig<DirectiveNode>;\nexport type GetDirectiveConfig = GetNodeConfig<DirectiveNode>;\nexport type RemoveArgumentsConfig = RemoveNodeConfig<ArgumentNode>;\nexport type GetFragmentSpreadConfig = GetNodeConfig<FragmentSpreadNode>;\nexport type RemoveFragmentSpreadConfig = RemoveNodeConfig<FragmentSpreadNode>;\nexport type RemoveFragmentDefinitionConfig = RemoveNodeConfig<\n  FragmentDefinitionNode\n>;\nexport type RemoveVariableDefinitionConfig = RemoveNodeConfig<\n  VariableDefinitionNode\n>;\n\nconst TYPENAME_FIELD: FieldNode = {\n  kind: 'Field',\n  name: {\n    kind: 'Name',\n    value: '__typename',\n  },\n};\n\nfunction isEmpty(\n  op: OperationDefinitionNode | FragmentDefinitionNode,\n  fragments: FragmentMap,\n): boolean {\n  return op.selectionSet.selections.every(\n    selection =>\n      selection.kind === 'FragmentSpread' &&\n      isEmpty(fragments[selection.name.value], fragments),\n  );\n}\n\nfunction nullIfDocIsEmpty(doc: DocumentNode) {\n  return isEmpty(\n    getOperationDefinition(doc) || getFragmentDefinition(doc),\n    createFragmentMap(getFragmentDefinitions(doc)),\n  )\n    ? null\n    : doc;\n}\n\nfunction getDirectiveMatcher(\n  directives: (RemoveDirectiveConfig | GetDirectiveConfig)[],\n) {\n  return function directiveMatcher(directive: DirectiveNode) {\n    return directives.some(\n      dir =>\n        (dir.name && dir.name === directive.name.value) ||\n        (dir.test && dir.test(directive)),\n    );\n  };\n}\n\nexport function removeDirectivesFromDocument(\n  directives: RemoveDirectiveConfig[],\n  doc: DocumentNode,\n): DocumentNode | null {\n  const variablesInUse: Record<string, boolean> = Object.create(null);\n  let variablesToRemove: RemoveArgumentsConfig[] = [];\n\n  const fragmentSpreadsInUse: Record<string, boolean> = Object.create(null);\n  let fragmentSpreadsToRemove: RemoveFragmentSpreadConfig[] = [];\n\n  let modifiedDoc = nullIfDocIsEmpty(\n    visit(doc, {\n      Variable: {\n        enter(node, _key, parent) {\n          // Store each variable that's referenced as part of an argument\n          // (excluding operation definition variables), so we know which\n          // variables are being used. If we later want to remove a variable\n          // we'll first check to see if it's being used, before continuing with\n          // the removal.\n          if (\n            (parent as VariableDefinitionNode).kind !== 'VariableDefinition'\n          ) {\n            variablesInUse[node.name.value] = true;\n          }\n        },\n      },\n\n      Field: {\n        enter(node) {\n          if (directives && node.directives) {\n            // If `remove` is set to true for a directive, and a directive match\n            // is found for a field, remove the field as well.\n            const shouldRemoveField = directives.some(\n              directive => directive.remove,\n            );\n\n            if (\n              shouldRemoveField &&\n              node.directives &&\n              node.directives.some(getDirectiveMatcher(directives))\n            ) {\n              if (node.arguments) {\n                // Store field argument variables so they can be removed\n                // from the operation definition.\n                node.arguments.forEach(arg => {\n                  if (arg.value.kind === 'Variable') {\n                    variablesToRemove.push({\n                      name: (arg.value as VariableNode).name.value,\n                    });\n                  }\n                });\n              }\n\n              if (node.selectionSet) {\n                // Store fragment spread names so they can be removed from the\n                // document.\n                getAllFragmentSpreadsFromSelectionSet(node.selectionSet).forEach(\n                  frag => {\n                    fragmentSpreadsToRemove.push({\n                      name: frag.name.value,\n                    });\n                  },\n                );\n              }\n\n              // Remove the field.\n              return null;\n            }\n          }\n        },\n      },\n\n      FragmentSpread: {\n        enter(node) {\n          // Keep track of referenced fragment spreads. This is used to\n          // determine if top level fragment definitions should be removed.\n          fragmentSpreadsInUse[node.name.value] = true;\n        },\n      },\n\n      Directive: {\n        enter(node) {\n          // If a matching directive is found, remove it.\n          if (getDirectiveMatcher(directives)(node)) {\n            return null;\n          }\n        },\n      },\n    }),\n  );\n\n  // If we've removed fields with arguments, make sure the associated\n  // variables are also removed from the rest of the document, as long as they\n  // aren't being used elsewhere.\n  if (\n    modifiedDoc &&\n    filterInPlace(variablesToRemove, v => !!v.name && !variablesInUse[v.name]).length\n  ) {\n    modifiedDoc = removeArgumentsFromDocument(variablesToRemove, modifiedDoc);\n  }\n\n  // If we've removed selection sets with fragment spreads, make sure the\n  // associated fragment definitions are also removed from the rest of the\n  // document, as long as they aren't being used elsewhere.\n  if (\n    modifiedDoc &&\n    filterInPlace(fragmentSpreadsToRemove, fs => !!fs.name && !fragmentSpreadsInUse[fs.name])\n      .length\n  ) {\n    modifiedDoc = removeFragmentSpreadFromDocument(\n      fragmentSpreadsToRemove,\n      modifiedDoc,\n    );\n  }\n\n  return modifiedDoc;\n}\n\nexport function addTypenameToDocument(doc: DocumentNode): DocumentNode {\n  return visit(checkDocument(doc), {\n    SelectionSet: {\n      enter(node, _key, parent) {\n        // Don't add __typename to OperationDefinitions.\n        if (\n          parent &&\n          (parent as OperationDefinitionNode).kind === 'OperationDefinition'\n        ) {\n          return;\n        }\n\n        // No changes if no selections.\n        const { selections } = node;\n        if (!selections) {\n          return;\n        }\n\n        // If selections already have a __typename, or are part of an\n        // introspection query, do nothing.\n        const skip = selections.some(selection => {\n          return (\n            isField(selection) &&\n            (selection.name.value === '__typename' ||\n              selection.name.value.lastIndexOf('__', 0) === 0)\n          );\n        });\n        if (skip) {\n          return;\n        }\n\n        // If this SelectionSet is @export-ed as an input variable, it should\n        // not have a __typename field (see issue #4691).\n        const field = parent as FieldNode;\n        if (\n          isField(field) &&\n          field.directives &&\n          field.directives.some(d => d.name.value === 'export')\n        ) {\n          return;\n        }\n\n        // Create and return a new SelectionSet with a __typename Field.\n        return {\n          ...node,\n          selections: [...selections, TYPENAME_FIELD],\n        };\n      },\n    },\n  });\n}\n\nexport interface addTypenameToDocument {\n  added(field: FieldNode): boolean;\n}\naddTypenameToDocument.added = function (field: FieldNode) {\n  return field === TYPENAME_FIELD;\n};\n\nconst connectionRemoveConfig = {\n  test: (directive: DirectiveNode) => {\n    const willRemove = directive.name.value === 'connection';\n    if (willRemove) {\n      if (\n        !directive.arguments ||\n        !directive.arguments.some(arg => arg.name.value === 'key')\n      ) {\n        invariant.warn(\n          'Removing an @connection directive even though it does not have a key. ' +\n            'You may want to use the key parameter to specify a store key.',\n        );\n      }\n    }\n\n    return willRemove;\n  },\n};\n\nexport function removeConnectionDirectiveFromDocument(doc: DocumentNode) {\n  return removeDirectivesFromDocument(\n    [connectionRemoveConfig],\n    checkDocument(doc),\n  );\n}\n\nfunction hasDirectivesInSelectionSet(\n  directives: GetDirectiveConfig[],\n  selectionSet: SelectionSetNode | undefined,\n  nestedCheck = true,\n): boolean {\n  return (\n    !!selectionSet &&\n    selectionSet.selections &&\n    selectionSet.selections.some(selection =>\n      hasDirectivesInSelection(directives, selection, nestedCheck),\n    )\n  );\n}\n\nfunction hasDirectivesInSelection(\n  directives: GetDirectiveConfig[],\n  selection: SelectionNode,\n  nestedCheck = true,\n): boolean {\n  if (!isField(selection)) {\n    return true;\n  }\n\n  if (!selection.directives) {\n    return false;\n  }\n\n  return (\n    selection.directives.some(getDirectiveMatcher(directives)) ||\n    (nestedCheck &&\n      hasDirectivesInSelectionSet(\n        directives,\n        selection.selectionSet,\n        nestedCheck,\n      ))\n  );\n}\n\nfunction getArgumentMatcher(config: RemoveArgumentsConfig[]) {\n  return function argumentMatcher(argument: ArgumentNode) {\n    return config.some(\n      (aConfig: RemoveArgumentsConfig) =>\n        argument.value &&\n        argument.value.kind === 'Variable' &&\n        argument.value.name &&\n        (aConfig.name === argument.value.name.value ||\n          (aConfig.test && aConfig.test(argument))),\n    );\n  };\n}\n\nexport function removeArgumentsFromDocument(\n  config: RemoveArgumentsConfig[],\n  doc: DocumentNode,\n): DocumentNode | null {\n  const argMatcher = getArgumentMatcher(config);\n\n  return nullIfDocIsEmpty(\n    visit(doc, {\n      OperationDefinition: {\n        enter(node) {\n          return {\n            ...node,\n            // Remove matching top level variables definitions.\n            variableDefinitions: node.variableDefinitions ? node.variableDefinitions.filter(\n              varDef =>\n                !config.some(arg => arg.name === varDef.variable.name.value),\n            ) : [],\n          };\n        },\n      },\n\n      Field: {\n        enter(node) {\n          // If `remove` is set to true for an argument, and an argument match\n          // is found for a field, remove the field as well.\n          const shouldRemoveField = config.some(argConfig => argConfig.remove);\n\n          if (shouldRemoveField) {\n            let argMatchCount = 0;\n            if (node.arguments) {\n              node.arguments.forEach(arg => {\n                if (argMatcher(arg)) {\n                  argMatchCount += 1;\n                }\n              });\n            }\n\n            if (argMatchCount === 1) {\n              return null;\n            }\n          }\n        },\n      },\n\n      Argument: {\n        enter(node) {\n          // Remove all matching arguments.\n          if (argMatcher(node)) {\n            return null;\n          }\n        },\n      },\n    }),\n  );\n}\n\nexport function removeFragmentSpreadFromDocument(\n  config: RemoveFragmentSpreadConfig[],\n  doc: DocumentNode,\n): DocumentNode | null {\n  function enter(\n    node: FragmentSpreadNode | FragmentDefinitionNode,\n  ): null | void {\n    if (config.some(def => def.name === node.name.value)) {\n      return null;\n    }\n  }\n\n  return nullIfDocIsEmpty(\n    visit(doc, {\n      FragmentSpread: { enter },\n      FragmentDefinition: { enter },\n    }),\n  );\n}\n\nfunction getAllFragmentSpreadsFromSelectionSet(\n  selectionSet: SelectionSetNode,\n): FragmentSpreadNode[] {\n  const allFragments: FragmentSpreadNode[] = [];\n\n  selectionSet.selections.forEach(selection => {\n    if (\n      (isField(selection) || isInlineFragment(selection)) &&\n      selection.selectionSet\n    ) {\n      getAllFragmentSpreadsFromSelectionSet(selection.selectionSet).forEach(\n        frag => allFragments.push(frag),\n      );\n    } else if (selection.kind === 'FragmentSpread') {\n      allFragments.push(selection);\n    }\n  });\n\n  return allFragments;\n}\n\n// If the incoming document is a query, return it as is. Otherwise, build a\n// new document containing a query operation based on the selection set\n// of the previous main operation.\nexport function buildQueryFromSelectionSet(\n  document: DocumentNode,\n): DocumentNode {\n  const definition = getMainDefinition(document);\n  const definitionOperation = (<OperationDefinitionNode>definition).operation;\n\n  if (definitionOperation === 'query') {\n    // Already a query, so return the existing document.\n    return document;\n  }\n\n  // Build a new query using the selection set of the main operation.\n  const modifiedDoc = visit(document, {\n    OperationDefinition: {\n      enter(node) {\n        return {\n          ...node,\n          operation: 'query',\n        };\n      },\n    },\n  });\n  return modifiedDoc;\n}\n\n// Remove fields / selection sets that include an @client directive.\nexport function removeClientSetsFromDocument(\n  document: DocumentNode,\n): DocumentNode | null {\n  checkDocument(document);\n\n  let modifiedDoc = removeDirectivesFromDocument(\n    [\n      {\n        test: (directive: DirectiveNode) => directive.name.value === 'client',\n        remove: true,\n      },\n    ],\n    document,\n  );\n\n  // After a fragment definition has had its @client related document\n  // sets removed, if the only field it has left is a __typename field,\n  // remove the entire fragment operation to prevent it from being fired\n  // on the server.\n  if (modifiedDoc) {\n    modifiedDoc = visit(modifiedDoc, {\n      FragmentDefinition: {\n        enter(node) {\n          if (node.selectionSet) {\n            const isTypenameOnly = node.selectionSet.selections.every(\n              selection =>\n                isField(selection) && selection.name.value === '__typename',\n            );\n            if (isTypenameOnly) {\n              return null;\n            }\n          }\n        },\n      },\n    });\n  }\n\n  return modifiedDoc;\n}\n", "const { hasOwnProperty } = Object.prototype;\n\n// These mergeDeep and mergeDeepArray utilities merge any number of objects\n// together, sharing as much memory as possible with the source objects, while\n// remaining careful to avoid modifying any source objects.\n\n// Logically, the return type of mergeDeep should be the intersection of\n// all the argument types. The binary call signature is by far the most\n// common, but we support 0- through 5-ary as well. After that, the\n// resulting type is just the inferred array element type. Note to nerds:\n// there is a more clever way of doing this that converts the tuple type\n// first to a union type (easy enough: T[number]) and then converts the\n// union to an intersection type using distributive conditional type\n// inference, but that approach has several fatal flaws (boolean becomes\n// true & false, and the inferred type ends up as unknown in many cases),\n// in addition to being nearly impossible to explain/understand.\nexport type TupleToIntersection<T extends any[]> =\n  T extends [infer A] ? A :\n  T extends [infer A, infer B] ? A & B :\n  T extends [infer A, infer B, infer C] ? A & B & C :\n  T extends [infer A, infer B, infer C, infer D] ? A & B & C & D :\n  T extends [infer A, infer B, infer C, infer D, infer E] ? A & B & C & D & E :\n  T extends (infer U)[] ? U : any;\n\nexport function mergeDeep<T extends any[]>(\n  ...sources: T\n): TupleToIntersection<T> {\n  return mergeDeepArray(sources);\n}\n\n// In almost any situation where you could succeed in getting the\n// TypeScript compiler to infer a tuple type for the sources array, you\n// could just use mergeDeep instead of mergeDeepArray, so instead of\n// trying to convert T[] to an intersection type we just infer the array\n// element type, which works perfectly when the sources array has a\n// consistent element type.\nexport function mergeDeepArray<T>(sources: T[]): T {\n  let target = sources[0] || ({} as T);\n  const count = sources.length;\n  if (count > 1) {\n    const merger = new DeepMerger();\n    for (let i = 1; i < count; ++i) {\n      target = merger.merge(target, sources[i]);\n    }\n  }\n  return target;\n}\n\nfunction isObject(obj: any): obj is Record<string | number, any> {\n  return obj !== null && typeof obj === 'object';\n}\n\nexport type ReconcilerFunction<TContextArgs extends any[]> = (\n  this: DeepMerger<TContextArgs>,\n  target: Record<string | number, any>,\n  source: Record<string | number, any>,\n  property: string | number,\n  ...context: TContextArgs\n) => any;\n\nconst defaultReconciler: ReconcilerFunction<any[]> =\n  function (target, source, property) {\n    return this.merge(target[property], source[property]);\n  };\n\nexport class DeepMerger<TContextArgs extends any[]> {\n  constructor(\n    private reconciler: ReconcilerFunction<TContextArgs> = defaultReconciler,\n  ) {}\n\n  public merge(target: any, source: any, ...context: TContextArgs): any {\n    if (isObject(source) && isObject(target)) {\n      Object.keys(source).forEach(sourceKey => {\n        if (hasOwnProperty.call(target, sourceKey)) {\n          const targetValue = target[sourceKey];\n          if (source[sourceKey] !== targetValue) {\n            const result = this.reconciler(target, source, sourceKey, ...context);\n            // A well-implemented reconciler may return targetValue to indicate\n            // the merge changed nothing about the structure of the target.\n            if (result !== targetValue) {\n              target = this.shallowCopyForMerge(target);\n              target[sourceKey] = result;\n            }\n          }\n        } else {\n          // If there is no collision, the target can safely share memory with\n          // the source, and the recursion can terminate here.\n          target = this.shallowCopyForMerge(target);\n          target[sourceKey] = source[sourceKey];\n        }\n      });\n\n      return target;\n    }\n\n    // If source (or target) is not an object, let source replace target.\n    return source;\n  }\n\n  public isObject = isObject;\n\n  private pastCopies = new Set<any>();\n\n  public shallowCopyForMerge<T>(value: T): T {\n    if (isObject(value) && !this.pastCopies.has(value)) {\n      if (Array.isArray(value)) {\n        value = (value as any).slice(0);\n      } else {\n        value = {\n          __proto__: Object.getPrototypeOf(value),\n          ...value,\n        };\n      }\n      this.pastCopies.add(value);\n    }\n    return value;\n  }\n}\n", "import { __rest } from \"tslib\";\n\nimport { FieldPolicy, Reference } from '../../cache';\nimport { mergeDeep } from '../common/mergeDeep';\n\ntype KeyArgs = FieldPolicy<any>[\"keyArgs\"];\n\n// A very basic pagination field policy that always concatenates new\n// results onto the existing array, without examining options.args.\nexport function concatPagination<T = Reference>(\n  keyArgs: KeyArgs = false,\n): FieldPolicy<T[]> {\n  return {\n    keyArgs,\n    merge(existing, incoming) {\n      return existing ? [\n        ...existing,\n        ...incoming,\n      ] : incoming;\n    },\n  };\n}\n\n// A basic field policy that uses options.args.{offset,limit} to splice\n// the incoming data into the existing array. If your arguments are called\n// something different (like args.{start,count}), feel free to copy/paste\n// this implementation and make the appropriate changes.\nexport function offsetLimitPagination<T = Reference>(\n  keyArgs: KeyArgs = false,\n): FieldPolicy<T[]> {\n  return {\n    keyArgs,\n    merge(existing, incoming, { args }) {\n      const merged = existing ? existing.slice(0) : [];\n      if (args) {\n        // Assume an offset of 0 if args.offset omitted.\n        const { offset = 0 } = args;\n        for (let i = 0; i < incoming.length; ++i) {\n          merged[offset + i] = incoming[i];\n        }\n      } else {\n        // It's unusual (probably a mistake) for a paginated field not\n        // to receive any arguments, so you might prefer to throw an\n        // exception here, instead of recovering by appending incoming\n        // onto the existing array.\n        merged.push.apply(merged, incoming);\n      }\n      return merged;\n    },\n  };\n}\n\n// Whether TRelayEdge<TNode> is a normalized Reference or a non-normalized\n// object, it needs a .cursor property where the relayStylePagination\n// merge function can store cursor strings taken from pageInfo. Storing an\n// extra reference.cursor property should be safe, and is easier than\n// attempting to update the cursor field of the normalized StoreObject\n// that the reference refers to, or managing edge wrapper objects\n// (something I attempted in #7023, but abandoned because of #7088).\nexport type TRelayEdge<TNode> = {\n  cursor?: string;\n  node: TNode;\n} | (Reference & { cursor?: string });\n\nexport type TRelayPageInfo = {\n  hasPreviousPage: boolean;\n  hasNextPage: boolean;\n  startCursor: string;\n  endCursor: string;\n};\n\nexport type TExistingRelay<TNode> = Readonly<{\n  edges: TRelayEdge<TNode>[];\n  pageInfo: TRelayPageInfo;\n}>;\n\nexport type TIncomingRelay<TNode> = {\n  edges?: TRelayEdge<TNode>[];\n  pageInfo?: TRelayPageInfo;\n};\n\nexport type RelayFieldPolicy<TNode> = FieldPolicy<\n  TExistingRelay<TNode>,\n  TIncomingRelay<TNode>,\n  TIncomingRelay<TNode>\n>;\n\n// As proof of the flexibility of field policies, this function generates\n// one that handles Relay-style pagination, without Apollo Client knowing\n// anything about connections, edges, cursors, or pageInfo objects.\nexport function relayStylePagination<TNode = Reference>(\n  keyArgs: KeyArgs = false,\n): RelayFieldPolicy<TNode> {\n  return {\n    keyArgs,\n\n    read(existing, { canRead, readField }) {\n      if (!existing) return;\n\n      const edges: TRelayEdge<TNode>[] = [];\n      let startCursor = \"\";\n      let endCursor = \"\";\n      existing.edges.forEach(edge => {\n        // Edges themselves could be Reference objects, so it's important\n        // to use readField to access the edge.edge.node property.\n        if (canRead(readField(\"node\", edge))) {\n          edges.push(edge);\n          if (edge.cursor) {\n            startCursor = startCursor || edge.cursor;\n            endCursor = edge.cursor;\n          }\n        }\n      });\n\n      return {\n        // Some implementations return additional Connection fields, such\n        // as existing.totalCount. These fields are saved by the merge\n        // function, so the read function should also preserve them.\n        ...getExtras(existing),\n        edges,\n        pageInfo: {\n          ...existing.pageInfo,\n          startCursor,\n          endCursor,\n        },\n      };\n    },\n\n    merge(existing = makeEmptyData(), incoming, { args, isReference, readField }) {\n      const incomingEdges = incoming.edges ? incoming.edges.map(edge => {\n        if (isReference(edge = { ...edge })) {\n          // In case edge is a Reference, we read out its cursor field and\n          // store it as an extra property of the Reference object.\n          edge.cursor = readField<string>(\"cursor\", edge);\n        }\n        return edge;\n      }) : [];\n\n      if (incoming.pageInfo) {\n        const { pageInfo } = incoming;\n        const { startCursor, endCursor } = pageInfo;\n        const firstEdge = incomingEdges[0];\n        const lastEdge = incomingEdges[incomingEdges.length - 1];\n        // In case we did not request the cursor field for edges in this\n        // query, we can still infer cursors from pageInfo.\n        if (firstEdge && startCursor) {\n          firstEdge.cursor = startCursor;\n        }\n        if (lastEdge && endCursor) {\n          lastEdge.cursor = endCursor;\n        }\n        // Cursors can also come from edges, so we default\n        // pageInfo.{start,end}Cursor to {first,last}Edge.cursor.\n        const firstCursor = firstEdge && firstEdge.cursor;\n        if (firstCursor && !startCursor) {\n          incoming = mergeDeep(incoming, {\n            pageInfo: {\n              startCursor: firstCursor,\n            },\n          });\n        }\n        const lastCursor = lastEdge && lastEdge.cursor;\n        if (lastCursor && !endCursor) {\n          incoming = mergeDeep(incoming, {\n            pageInfo: {\n              endCursor: lastCursor,\n            },\n          });\n        }\n      }\n\n      let prefix = existing.edges;\n      let suffix: typeof prefix = [];\n\n      if (args && args.after) {\n        // This comparison does not need to use readField(\"cursor\", edge),\n        // because we stored the cursor field of any Reference edges as an\n        // extra property of the Reference object.\n        const index = prefix.findIndex(edge => edge.cursor === args.after);\n        if (index >= 0) {\n          prefix = prefix.slice(0, index + 1);\n          // suffix = []; // already true\n        }\n      } else if (args && args.before) {\n        const index = prefix.findIndex(edge => edge.cursor === args.before);\n        suffix = index < 0 ? prefix : prefix.slice(index);\n        prefix = [];\n      } else if (incoming.edges) {\n        // If we have neither args.after nor args.before, the incoming\n        // edges cannot be spliced into the existing edges, so they must\n        // replace the existing edges. See #6592 for a motivating example.\n        prefix = [];\n      }\n\n      const edges = [\n        ...prefix,\n        ...incomingEdges,\n        ...suffix,\n      ];\n\n      const pageInfo: TRelayPageInfo = {\n        // The ordering of these two ...spreads may be surprising, but it\n        // makes sense because we want to combine PageInfo properties with a\n        // preference for existing values, *unless* the existing values are\n        // overridden by the logic below, which is permitted only when the\n        // incoming page falls at the beginning or end of the data.\n        ...incoming.pageInfo,\n        ...existing.pageInfo,\n      };\n\n      if (incoming.pageInfo) {\n        const {\n          hasPreviousPage, hasNextPage,\n          startCursor, endCursor,\n          ...extras\n        } = incoming.pageInfo;\n\n        // If incoming.pageInfo had any extra non-standard properties,\n        // assume they should take precedence over any existing properties\n        // of the same name, regardless of where this page falls with\n        // respect to the existing data.\n        Object.assign(pageInfo, extras);\n\n        // Keep existing.pageInfo.has{Previous,Next}Page unless the\n        // placement of the incoming edges means incoming.hasPreviousPage\n        // or incoming.hasNextPage should become the new values for those\n        // properties in existing.pageInfo. Note that these updates are\n        // only permitted when the beginning or end of the incoming page\n        // coincides with the beginning or end of the existing data, as\n        // determined using prefix.length and suffix.length.\n        if (!prefix.length) {\n          if (void 0 !== hasPreviousPage) pageInfo.hasPreviousPage = hasPreviousPage;\n          if (void 0 !== startCursor) pageInfo.startCursor = startCursor;\n        }\n        if (!suffix.length) {\n          if (void 0 !== hasNextPage) pageInfo.hasNextPage = hasNextPage;\n          if (void 0 !== endCursor) pageInfo.endCursor = endCursor;\n        }\n      }\n\n      return {\n        ...getExtras(existing),\n        ...getExtras(incoming),\n        edges,\n        pageInfo,\n      };\n    },\n  };\n}\n\n// Returns any unrecognized properties of the given object.\nconst getExtras = (obj: Record<string, any>) => __rest(obj, notExtras);\nconst notExtras = [\"edges\", \"pageInfo\"];\n\nfunction makeEmptyData(): TExistingRelay<any> {\n  return {\n    edges: [],\n    pageInfo: {\n      hasPreviousPage: false,\n      hasNextPage: true,\n      startCursor: \"\",\n      endCursor: \"\",\n    },\n  };\n}\n", "\"use strict\";\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", {\n  value: true\n});\nexports.Observable = void 0;\n\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\n\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }\n\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }\n\n// === Symbol Support ===\nvar hasSymbols = function () {\n  return typeof Symbol === 'function';\n};\n\nvar hasSymbol = function (name) {\n  return hasSymbols() && Boolean(Symbol[name]);\n};\n\nvar getSymbol = function (name) {\n  return hasSymbol(name) ? Symbol[name] : '@@' + name;\n};\n\nif (hasSymbols() && !hasSymbol('observable')) {\n  Symbol.observable = Symbol('observable');\n}\n\nvar SymbolIterator = getSymbol('iterator');\nvar SymbolObservable = getSymbol('observable');\nvar SymbolSpecies = getSymbol('species'); // === Abstract Operations ===\n\nfunction getMethod(obj, key) {\n  var value = obj[key];\n  if (value == null) return undefined;\n  if (typeof value !== 'function') throw new TypeError(value + ' is not a function');\n  return value;\n}\n\nfunction getSpecies(obj) {\n  var ctor = obj.constructor;\n\n  if (ctor !== undefined) {\n    ctor = ctor[SymbolSpecies];\n\n    if (ctor === null) {\n      ctor = undefined;\n    }\n  }\n\n  return ctor !== undefined ? ctor : Observable;\n}\n\nfunction isObservable(x) {\n  return x instanceof Observable; // SPEC: Brand check\n}\n\nfunction hostReportError(e) {\n  if (hostReportError.log) {\n    hostReportError.log(e);\n  } else {\n    setTimeout(function () {\n      throw e;\n    });\n  }\n}\n\nfunction enqueue(fn) {\n  Promise.resolve().then(function () {\n    try {\n      fn();\n    } catch (e) {\n      hostReportError(e);\n    }\n  });\n}\n\nfunction cleanupSubscription(subscription) {\n  var cleanup = subscription._cleanup;\n  if (cleanup === undefined) return;\n  subscription._cleanup = undefined;\n\n  if (!cleanup) {\n    return;\n  }\n\n  try {\n    if (typeof cleanup === 'function') {\n      cleanup();\n    } else {\n      var unsubscribe = getMethod(cleanup, 'unsubscribe');\n\n      if (unsubscribe) {\n        unsubscribe.call(cleanup);\n      }\n    }\n  } catch (e) {\n    hostReportError(e);\n  }\n}\n\nfunction closeSubscription(subscription) {\n  subscription._observer = undefined;\n  subscription._queue = undefined;\n  subscription._state = 'closed';\n}\n\nfunction flushSubscription(subscription) {\n  var queue = subscription._queue;\n\n  if (!queue) {\n    return;\n  }\n\n  subscription._queue = undefined;\n  subscription._state = 'ready';\n\n  for (var i = 0; i < queue.length; ++i) {\n    notifySubscription(subscription, queue[i].type, queue[i].value);\n    if (subscription._state === 'closed') break;\n  }\n}\n\nfunction notifySubscription(subscription, type, value) {\n  subscription._state = 'running';\n  var observer = subscription._observer;\n\n  try {\n    var m = getMethod(observer, type);\n\n    switch (type) {\n      case 'next':\n        if (m) m.call(observer, value);\n        break;\n\n      case 'error':\n        closeSubscription(subscription);\n        if (m) m.call(observer, value);else throw value;\n        break;\n\n      case 'complete':\n        closeSubscription(subscription);\n        if (m) m.call(observer);\n        break;\n    }\n  } catch (e) {\n    hostReportError(e);\n  }\n\n  if (subscription._state === 'closed') cleanupSubscription(subscription);else if (subscription._state === 'running') subscription._state = 'ready';\n}\n\nfunction onNotify(subscription, type, value) {\n  if (subscription._state === 'closed') return;\n\n  if (subscription._state === 'buffering') {\n    subscription._queue.push({\n      type: type,\n      value: value\n    });\n\n    return;\n  }\n\n  if (subscription._state !== 'ready') {\n    subscription._state = 'buffering';\n    subscription._queue = [{\n      type: type,\n      value: value\n    }];\n    enqueue(function () {\n      return flushSubscription(subscription);\n    });\n    return;\n  }\n\n  notifySubscription(subscription, type, value);\n}\n\nvar Subscription =\n/*#__PURE__*/\nfunction () {\n  function Subscription(observer, subscriber) {\n    _classCallCheck(this, Subscription);\n\n    // ASSERT: observer is an object\n    // ASSERT: subscriber is callable\n    this._cleanup = undefined;\n    this._observer = observer;\n    this._queue = undefined;\n    this._state = 'initializing';\n    var subscriptionObserver = new SubscriptionObserver(this);\n\n    try {\n      this._cleanup = subscriber.call(undefined, subscriptionObserver);\n    } catch (e) {\n      subscriptionObserver.error(e);\n    }\n\n    if (this._state === 'initializing') this._state = 'ready';\n  }\n\n  _createClass(Subscription, [{\n    key: \"unsubscribe\",\n    value: function unsubscribe() {\n      if (this._state !== 'closed') {\n        closeSubscription(this);\n        cleanupSubscription(this);\n      }\n    }\n  }, {\n    key: \"closed\",\n    get: function () {\n      return this._state === 'closed';\n    }\n  }]);\n\n  return Subscription;\n}();\n\nvar SubscriptionObserver =\n/*#__PURE__*/\nfunction () {\n  function SubscriptionObserver(subscription) {\n    _classCallCheck(this, SubscriptionObserver);\n\n    this._subscription = subscription;\n  }\n\n  _createClass(SubscriptionObserver, [{\n    key: \"next\",\n    value: function next(value) {\n      onNotify(this._subscription, 'next', value);\n    }\n  }, {\n    key: \"error\",\n    value: function error(value) {\n      onNotify(this._subscription, 'error', value);\n    }\n  }, {\n    key: \"complete\",\n    value: function complete() {\n      onNotify(this._subscription, 'complete');\n    }\n  }, {\n    key: \"closed\",\n    get: function () {\n      return this._subscription._state === 'closed';\n    }\n  }]);\n\n  return SubscriptionObserver;\n}();\n\nvar Observable =\n/*#__PURE__*/\nfunction () {\n  function Observable(subscriber) {\n    _classCallCheck(this, Observable);\n\n    if (!(this instanceof Observable)) throw new TypeError('Observable cannot be called as a function');\n    if (typeof subscriber !== 'function') throw new TypeError('Observable initializer must be a function');\n    this._subscriber = subscriber;\n  }\n\n  _createClass(Observable, [{\n    key: \"subscribe\",\n    value: function subscribe(observer) {\n      if (typeof observer !== 'object' || observer === null) {\n        observer = {\n          next: observer,\n          error: arguments[1],\n          complete: arguments[2]\n        };\n      }\n\n      return new Subscription(observer, this._subscriber);\n    }\n  }, {\n    key: \"forEach\",\n    value: function forEach(fn) {\n      var _this = this;\n\n      return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\n        if (typeof fn !== 'function') {\n          reject(new TypeError(fn + ' is not a function'));\n          return;\n        }\n\n        function done() {\n          subscription.unsubscribe();\n          resolve();\n        }\n\n        var subscription = _this.subscribe({\n          next: function (value) {\n            try {\n              fn(value, done);\n            } catch (e) {\n              reject(e);\n              subscription.unsubscribe();\n            }\n          },\n          error: reject,\n          complete: resolve\n        });\n      });\n    }\n  }, {\n    key: \"map\",\n    value: function map(fn) {\n      var _this2 = this;\n\n      if (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError(fn + ' is not a function');\n      var C = getSpecies(this);\n      return new C(function (observer) {\n        return _this2.subscribe({\n          next: function (value) {\n            try {\n              value = fn(value);\n            } catch (e) {\n              return observer.error(e);\n            }\n\n            observer.next(value);\n          },\n          error: function (e) {\n            observer.error(e);\n          },\n          complete: function () {\n            observer.complete();\n          }\n        });\n      });\n    }\n  }, {\n    key: \"filter\",\n    value: function filter(fn) {\n      var _this3 = this;\n\n      if (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError(fn + ' is not a function');\n      var C = getSpecies(this);\n      return new C(function (observer) {\n        return _this3.subscribe({\n          next: function (value) {\n            try {\n              if (!fn(value)) return;\n            } catch (e) {\n              return observer.error(e);\n            }\n\n            observer.next(value);\n          },\n          error: function (e) {\n            observer.error(e);\n          },\n          complete: function () {\n            observer.complete();\n          }\n        });\n      });\n    }\n  }, {\n    key: \"reduce\",\n    value: function reduce(fn) {\n      var _this4 = this;\n\n      if (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError(fn + ' is not a function');\n      var C = getSpecies(this);\n      var hasSeed = arguments.length > 1;\n      var hasValue = false;\n      var seed = arguments[1];\n      var acc = seed;\n      return new C(function (observer) {\n        return _this4.subscribe({\n          next: function (value) {\n            var first = !hasValue;\n            hasValue = true;\n\n            if (!first || hasSeed) {\n              try {\n                acc = fn(acc, value);\n              } catch (e) {\n                return observer.error(e);\n              }\n            } else {\n              acc = value;\n            }\n          },\n          error: function (e) {\n            observer.error(e);\n          },\n          complete: function () {\n            if (!hasValue && !hasSeed) return observer.error(new TypeError('Cannot reduce an empty sequence'));\n            observer.next(acc);\n            observer.complete();\n          }\n        });\n      });\n    }\n  }, {\n    key: \"concat\",\n    value: function concat() {\n      var _this5 = this;\n\n      for (var _len = arguments.length, sources = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {\n        sources[_key] = arguments[_key];\n      }\n\n      var C = getSpecies(this);\n      return new C(function (observer) {\n        var subscription;\n        var index = 0;\n\n        function startNext(next) {\n          subscription = next.subscribe({\n            next: function (v) {\n              observer.next(v);\n            },\n            error: function (e) {\n              observer.error(e);\n            },\n            complete: function () {\n              if (index === sources.length) {\n                subscription = undefined;\n                observer.complete();\n              } else {\n                startNext(C.from(sources[index++]));\n              }\n            }\n          });\n        }\n\n        startNext(_this5);\n        return function () {\n          if (subscription) {\n            subscription.unsubscribe();\n            subscription = undefined;\n          }\n        };\n      });\n    }\n  }, {\n    key: \"flatMap\",\n    value: function flatMap(fn) {\n      var _this6 = this;\n\n      if (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError(fn + ' is not a function');\n      var C = getSpecies(this);\n      return new C(function (observer) {\n        var subscriptions = [];\n\n        var outer = _this6.subscribe({\n          next: function (value) {\n            if (fn) {\n              try {\n                value = fn(value);\n              } catch (e) {\n                return observer.error(e);\n              }\n            }\n\n            var inner = C.from(value).subscribe({\n              next: function (value) {\n                observer.next(value);\n              },\n              error: function (e) {\n                observer.error(e);\n              },\n              complete: function () {\n                var i = subscriptions.indexOf(inner);\n                if (i >= 0) subscriptions.splice(i, 1);\n                completeIfDone();\n              }\n            });\n            subscriptions.push(inner);\n          },\n          error: function (e) {\n            observer.error(e);\n          },\n          complete: function () {\n            completeIfDone();\n          }\n        });\n\n        function completeIfDone() {\n          if (outer.closed && subscriptions.length === 0) observer.complete();\n        }\n\n        return function () {\n          subscriptions.forEach(function (s) {\n            return s.unsubscribe();\n          });\n          outer.unsubscribe();\n        };\n      });\n    }\n  }, {\n    key: SymbolObservable,\n    value: function () {\n      return this;\n    }\n  }], [{\n    key: \"from\",\n    value: function from(x) {\n      var C = typeof this === 'function' ? this : Observable;\n      if (x == null) throw new TypeError(x + ' is not an object');\n      var method = getMethod(x, SymbolObservable);\n\n      if (method) {\n        var observable = method.call(x);\n        if (Object(observable) !== observable) throw new TypeError(observable + ' is not an object');\n        if (isObservable(observable) && observable.constructor === C) return observable;\n        return new C(function (observer) {\n          return observable.subscribe(observer);\n        });\n      }\n\n      if (hasSymbol('iterator')) {\n        method = getMethod(x, SymbolIterator);\n\n        if (method) {\n          return new C(function (observer) {\n            enqueue(function () {\n              if (observer.closed) return;\n              var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;\n              var _didIteratorError = false;\n              var _iteratorError = undefined;\n\n              try {\n                for (var _iterator = method.call(x)[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step = _iterator.next()).done); _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {\n                  var _item = _step.value;\n                  observer.next(_item);\n                  if (observer.closed) return;\n                }\n              } catch (err) {\n                _didIteratorError = true;\n                _iteratorError = err;\n              } finally {\n                try {\n                  if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return != null) {\n                    _iterator.return();\n                  }\n                } finally {\n                  if (_didIteratorError) {\n                    throw _iteratorError;\n                  }\n                }\n              }\n\n              observer.complete();\n            });\n          });\n        }\n      }\n\n      if (Array.isArray(x)) {\n        return new C(function (observer) {\n          enqueue(function () {\n            if (observer.closed) return;\n\n            for (var i = 0; i < x.length; ++i) {\n              observer.next(x[i]);\n              if (observer.closed) return;\n            }\n\n            observer.complete();\n          });\n        });\n      }\n\n      throw new TypeError(x + ' is not observable');\n    }\n  }, {\n    key: \"of\",\n    value: function of() {\n      for (var _len2 = arguments.length, items = new Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {\n        items[_key2] = arguments[_key2];\n      }\n\n      var C = typeof this === 'function' ? this : Observable;\n      return new C(function (observer) {\n        enqueue(function () {\n          if (observer.closed) return;\n\n          for (var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) {\n            observer.next(items[i]);\n            if (observer.closed) return;\n          }\n\n          observer.complete();\n        });\n      });\n    }\n  }, {\n    key: SymbolSpecies,\n    get: function () {\n      return this;\n    }\n  }]);\n\n  return Observable;\n}();\n\nexports.Observable = Observable;\n\nif (hasSymbols()) {\n  Object.defineProperty(Observable, Symbol('extensions'), {\n    value: {\n      symbol: SymbolObservable,\n      hostReportError: hostReportError\n    },\n    configurable: true\n  });\n}", "module.exports = require('./lib/Observable.js').Observable;\n", "export default function symbolObservablePonyfill(root) {\n\tvar result;\n\tvar Symbol = root.Symbol;\n\n\tif (typeof Symbol === 'function') {\n\t\tif (Symbol.observable) {\n\t\t\tresult = Symbol.observable;\n\t\t} else {\n\n\t\t\t// This just needs to be something that won't trample other user's Symbol.for use\n\t\t\t// It also will guide people to the source of their issues, if this is problematic.\n\t\t\t// META: It's a resource locator!\n\t\t\tresult = Symbol.for('https://github.com/benlesh/symbol-observable');\n\t\t\ttry {\n\t\t\t\tSymbol.observable = result;\n\t\t\t} catch (err) {\n\t\t\t\t// Do nothing. In some environments, users have frozen `Symbol` for security reasons,\n\t\t\t\t// if it is frozen assigning to it will throw. In this case, we don't care, because\n\t\t\t\t// they will need to use the returned value from the ponyfill.\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\tresult = '@@observable';\n\t}\n\n\treturn result;\n};\n", "/* global window */\nimport ponyfill from './ponyfill.js';\n\nvar root;\n\nif (typeof self !== 'undefined') {\n  root = self;\n} else if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {\n  root = window;\n} else if (typeof global !== 'undefined') {\n  root = global;\n} else if (typeof module !== 'undefined') {\n  root = module;\n} else {\n  root = Function('return this')();\n}\n\nvar result = ponyfill(root);\nexport default result;\n", "import Observable from 'zen-observable';\n\n// This simplified polyfill attempts to follow the ECMAScript Observable\n// proposal (https://github.com/zenparsing/es-observable)\nimport 'symbol-observable';\n\nexport type ObservableSubscription = ZenObservable.Subscription;\nexport type Observer<T> = ZenObservable.Observer<T>;\nexport type Subscriber<T> = ZenObservable.Subscriber<T>;\n\n// The zen-observable package defines Observable.prototype[Symbol.observable]\n// when Symbol is supported, but RxJS interop depends on also setting this fake\n// '@@observable' string as a polyfill for Symbol.observable.\nconst { prototype } = Observable;\nconst fakeObsSymbol = '@@observable' as keyof typeof prototype;\nif (!prototype[fakeObsSymbol]) {\n  prototype[fakeObsSymbol] = function () { return this; };\n}\n\nexport { Observable };\n", "const { toString } = Object.prototype;\n\n/**\n * Deeply clones a value to create a new instance.\n */\nexport function cloneDeep<T>(value: T): T {\n  return cloneDeepHelper(value);\n}\n\nfunction cloneDeepHelper<T>(val: T, seen?: Map<any, any>): T {\n  switch (toString.call(val)) {\n  case \"[object Array]\": {\n    seen = seen || new Map;\n    if (seen.has(val)) return seen.get(val);\n    const copy: T & any[] = (val as any).slice(0);\n    seen.set(val, copy);\n    copy.forEach(function (child, i) {\n      copy[i] = cloneDeepHelper(child, seen);\n    });\n    return copy;\n  }\n\n  case \"[object Object]\": {\n    seen = seen || new Map;\n    if (seen.has(val)) return seen.get(val);\n    // High fidelity polyfills of Object.create and Object.getPrototypeOf are\n    // possible in all JS environments, so we will assume they exist/work.\n    const copy = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(val));\n    seen.set(val, copy);\n    Object.keys(val).forEach(key => {\n      copy[key] = cloneDeepHelper((val as any)[key], seen);\n    });\n    return copy;\n  }\n\n  default:\n    return val;\n  }\n}\n", "export function getEnv(): string | undefined {\n  if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.env.NODE_ENV) {\n    return process.env.NODE_ENV;\n  }\n\n  // default environment\n  return 'development';\n}\n\nexport function isEnv(env: string): boolean {\n  return getEnv() === env;\n}\n\nexport function isDevelopment(): boolean {\n  return isEnv('development') === true;\n}\n\nexport function isTest(): boolean {\n  return isEnv('test') === true;\n}\n", "import { isDevelopment, isTest } from './environment';\n\nfunction isObject(value: any) {\n  return value !== null && typeof value === \"object\";\n}\n\nfunction deepFreeze(value: any) {\n  const workSet = new Set([value]);\n  workSet.forEach(obj => {\n    if (isObject(obj)) {\n      if (!Object.isFrozen(obj)) Object.freeze(obj);\n      Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).forEach(name => {\n        if (isObject(obj[name])) workSet.add(obj[name]);\n      });\n    }\n  });\n  return value;\n}\n\nexport function maybeDeepFreeze<T>(obj: T): T {\n  if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" && (isDevelopment() || isTest())) {\n    deepFreeze(obj);\n  }\n  return obj;\n}\n", "import { Observer } from \"./Observable\";\n\nexport function iterateObserversSafely<E, A>(\n  observers: Set<Observer<E>>,\n  method: keyof Observer<E>,\n  argument?: A,\n) {\n  // In case observers is modified during iteration, we need to commit to the\n  // original elements, which also provides an opportunity to filter them down\n  // to just the observers with the given method.\n  const observersWithMethod: Observer<E>[] = [];\n  observers.forEach(obs => obs[method] && observersWithMethod.push(obs));\n  observersWithMethod.forEach(obs => (obs as any)[method](argument));\n}\n", "import { Observable, Observer } from \"./Observable\";\n\n// Like Observable.prototype.map, except that the mapping function can\n// optionally return a Promise (or be async).\nexport function asyncMap<V, R>(\n  observable: Observable<V>,\n  mapFn: (value: V) => R | PromiseLike<R>,\n  catchFn?: (error: any) => R | PromiseLike<R>,\n): Observable<R> {\n  return new Observable<R>(observer => {\n    const { next, error, complete } = observer;\n    let activeCallbackCount = 0;\n    let completed = false;\n    let promiseQueue = {\n      // Normally we would initialize promiseQueue to Promise.resolve(), but\n      // in this case, for backwards compatibility, we need to be careful to\n      // invoke the first callback synchronously.\n      then(callback: () => any) {\n        return new Promise(resolve => resolve(callback()));\n      },\n    } as Promise<void>;\n\n    function makeCallback(\n      examiner: typeof mapFn | typeof catchFn,\n      delegate: typeof next | typeof error,\n    ): (arg: any) => void {\n      if (examiner) {\n        return arg => {\n          ++activeCallbackCount;\n          const both = () => examiner(arg);\n          promiseQueue = promiseQueue.then(both, both).then(\n            result => {\n              --activeCallbackCount;\n              next && next.call(observer, result);\n              if (completed) {\n                handler.complete!();\n              }\n            },\n            error => {\n              --activeCallbackCount;\n              throw error;\n            },\n          ).catch(caught => {\n            error && error.call(observer, caught);\n          });\n        };\n      } else {\n        return arg => delegate && delegate.call(observer, arg);\n      }\n    }\n\n    const handler: Observer<V> = {\n      next: makeCallback(mapFn, next),\n      error: makeCallback(catchFn, error),\n      complete() {\n        completed = true;\n        if (!activeCallbackCount) {\n          complete && complete.call(observer);\n        }\n      },\n    };\n\n    const sub = observable.subscribe(handler);\n    return () => sub.unsubscribe();\n  });\n}\n", "import { Observable } from \"./Observable\";\n\n// Generic implementations of Observable.prototype methods like map and\n// filter need to know how to create a new Observable from an Observable\n// subclass (like Concast or ObservableQuery). Those methods assume\n// (perhaps unwisely?) that they can call the subtype's constructor with a\n// Subscriber function, even though the subclass constructor might expect\n// different parameters. Defining this static Symbol.species property on\n// the subclass is a hint to generic Observable code to use the default\n// constructor instead of trying to do `new Subclass(observer => ...)`.\nexport function fixObservableSubclass<\n  S extends new (...args: any[]) => Observable<any>,\n>(subclass: S): S {\n  function set(key: symbol | string) {\n    // Object.defineProperty is necessary because the Symbol.species\n    // property is a getter by default in modern JS environments, so we\n    // can't assign to it with a normal assignment expression.\n    Object.defineProperty(subclass, key, { value: Observable });\n  }\n  if (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && Symbol.species) {\n    set(Symbol.species);\n  }\n  // The \"@@species\" string is used as a fake Symbol.species value in some\n  // polyfill systems (including the SymbolSpecies variable used by\n  // zen-observable), so we should set it as well, to be safe.\n  set(\"@@species\");\n  return subclass;\n}\n", "import { Observable, Observer, ObservableSubscription, Subscriber } from \"./Observable\";\nimport { iterateObserversSafely } from \"./iteration\";\nimport { fixObservableSubclass } from \"./subclassing\";\n\ntype MaybeAsync<T> = T | PromiseLike<T>;\n\nfunction isPromiseLike<T>(value: MaybeAsync<T>): value is PromiseLike<T> {\n  return value && typeof (value as any).then === \"function\";\n}\n\n// Any individual Source<T> can be an Observable<T> or a promise for one.\ntype Source<T> = MaybeAsync<Observable<T>>;\n\nexport type ConcastSourcesIterable<T> = Iterable<Source<T>>;\n\n// A Concast<T> observable concatenates the given sources into a single\n// non-overlapping sequence of Ts, automatically unwrapping any promises,\n// and broadcasts the T elements of that sequence to any number of\n// subscribers, all without creating a bunch of intermediary Observable\n// wrapper objects.\n//\n// Even though any number of observers can subscribe to the Concast, each\n// source observable is guaranteed to receive at most one subscribe call,\n// and the results are multicast to all observers.\n//\n// In addition to broadcasting every next/error message to this.observers,\n// the Concast stores the most recent message using this.latest, so any\n// new observers can immediately receive the latest message, even if it\n// was originally delivered in the past. This behavior means we can assume\n// every active observer in this.observers has received the same most\n// recent message.\n//\n// With the exception of this.latest replay, a Concast is a \"hot\"\n// observable in the sense that it does not replay past results from the\n// beginning of time for each new observer.\n//\n// Could we have used some existing RxJS class instead? Concast<T> is\n// similar to a BehaviorSubject<T>, because it is multicast and redelivers\n// the latest next/error message to new subscribers. Unlike Subject<T>,\n// Concast<T> does not expose an Observer<T> interface (this.handlers is\n// intentionally private), since Concast<T> gets its inputs from the\n// concatenated sources. If we ever switch to RxJS, there may be some\n// value in reusing their code, but for now we use zen-observable, which\n// does not contain any Subject implementations.\nexport class Concast<T> extends Observable<T> {\n  // Active observers receiving broadcast messages. Thanks to this.latest,\n  // we can assume all observers in this Set have received the same most\n  // recent message, though possibly at different times in the past.\n  private observers = new Set<Observer<T>>();\n\n  // This property starts off undefined to indicate the initial\n  // subscription has not yet begun, then points to each source\n  // subscription in turn, and finally becomes null after the sources have\n  // been exhausted. After that, it stays null.\n  private sub?: ObservableSubscription | null;\n\n  // Not only can the individual elements of the iterable be promises, but\n  // also the iterable itself can be wrapped in a promise.\n  constructor(sources: MaybeAsync<ConcastSourcesIterable<T>> | Subscriber<T>) {\n    super(observer => {\n      this.addObserver(observer);\n      return () => this.removeObserver(observer);\n    });\n\n    // Suppress rejection warnings for this.promise, since it's perfectly\n    // acceptable to pay no attention to this.promise if you're consuming\n    // the results through the normal observable API.\n    this.promise.catch(_ => {});\n\n    // If someone accidentally tries to create a Concast using a subscriber\n    // function, recover by creating an Observable from that subscriber and\n    // using it as the source.\n    if (typeof sources === \"function\") {\n      sources = [new Observable(sources)];\n    }\n\n    if (isPromiseLike(sources)) {\n      sources.then(\n        iterable => this.start(iterable),\n        this.handlers.error,\n      );\n    } else {\n      this.start(sources);\n    }\n  }\n\n  // A consumable array of source observables, incrementally consumed\n  // each time this.handlers.complete is called.\n  private sources: Source<T>[];\n\n  private start(sources: ConcastSourcesIterable<T>) {\n    if (this.sub !== void 0) return;\n\n    // In practice, sources is most often simply an Array of observables.\n    // TODO Consider using sources[Symbol.iterator]() to take advantage\n    // of the laziness of non-Array iterables.\n    this.sources = Array.from(sources);\n\n    // Calling this.handlers.complete() kicks off consumption of the first\n    // source observable. It's tempting to do this step lazily in\n    // addObserver, but this.promise can be accessed without calling\n    // addObserver, so consumption needs to begin eagerly.\n    this.handlers.complete();\n  }\n\n  private deliverLastMessage(observer: Observer<T>) {\n    if (this.latest) {\n      const nextOrError = this.latest[0];\n      const method = observer[nextOrError];\n      if (method) {\n        method.call(observer, this.latest[1]);\n      }\n      // If the subscription is already closed, and the last message was\n      // a 'next' message, simulate delivery of the final 'complete'\n      // message again.\n      if (this.sub === null &&\n          nextOrError === \"next\" &&\n          observer.complete) {\n        observer.complete();\n      }\n    }\n  }\n\n  // Note: cleanup observers do not count towards this total.\n  private addCount = 0;\n\n  public addObserver(observer: Observer<T>) {\n    if (!this.observers.has(observer)) {\n      // Immediately deliver the most recent message, so we can always\n      // be sure all observers have the latest information.\n      this.deliverLastMessage(observer);\n      this.observers.add(observer);\n      ++this.addCount;\n    }\n  }\n\n  public removeObserver(\n    observer: Observer<T>,\n    quietly?: boolean,\n  ) {\n    if (this.observers.delete(observer) &&\n        --this.addCount < 1 &&\n        !quietly) {\n      // In case there are still any cleanup observers in this.observers,\n      // and no error or completion has been broadcast yet, make sure\n      // those observers receive an error that terminates them.\n      this.handlers.error(new Error(\"Observable cancelled prematurely\"));\n    }\n  }\n\n  // Any Concast object can be trivially converted to a Promise, without\n  // having to create a new wrapper Observable. This promise provides an\n  // easy way to observe the final state of the Concast.\n  private resolve: (result?: T | PromiseLike<T>) => void;\n  private reject: (reason: any) => void;\n  public readonly promise = new Promise<T>((resolve, reject) => {\n    this.resolve = resolve;\n    this.reject = reject;\n  });\n\n  // Name and argument of the most recently invoked observer method, used\n  // to deliver latest results immediately to new observers.\n  private latest?: [\"next\" | \"error\", any];\n\n  // Bound handler functions that can be reused for every internal\n  // subscription.\n  private handlers = {\n    next: (result: T) => {\n      if (this.sub !== null) {\n        this.latest = [\"next\", result];\n        iterateObserversSafely(this.observers, \"next\", result);\n      }\n    },\n\n    error: (error: any) => {\n      const { sub } = this;\n      if (sub !== null) {\n        // Delay unsubscribing from the underlying subscription slightly,\n        // so that immediately subscribing another observer can keep the\n        // subscription active.\n        if (sub) Promise.resolve().then(() => sub.unsubscribe());\n        this.sub = null;\n        this.latest = [\"error\", error];\n        this.reject(error);\n        iterateObserversSafely(this.observers, \"error\", error);\n      }\n    },\n\n    complete: () => {\n      if (this.sub !== null) {\n        const value = this.sources.shift();\n        if (!value) {\n          this.sub = null;\n          if (this.latest &&\n              this.latest[0] === \"next\") {\n            this.resolve(this.latest[1]);\n          } else {\n            this.resolve();\n          }\n          // We do not store this.latest = [\"complete\"], because doing so\n          // discards useful information about the previous next (or\n          // error) message. Instead, if new observers subscribe after\n          // this Concast has completed, they will receive the final\n          // 'next' message (unless there was an error) immediately\n          // followed by a 'complete' message (see addObserver).\n          iterateObserversSafely(this.observers, \"complete\");\n        } else if (isPromiseLike(value)) {\n          value.then(obs => this.sub = obs.subscribe(this.handlers));\n        } else {\n          this.sub = value.subscribe(this.handlers);\n        }\n      }\n    },\n  };\n\n  public cleanup(callback: () => any) {\n    let called = false;\n    const once = () => {\n      if (!called) {\n        called = true;\n        // Removing a cleanup observer should not unsubscribe from the\n        // underlying Observable, so the only removeObserver behavior we\n        // need here is to delete observer from this.observers.\n        this.observers.delete(observer);\n        callback();\n      }\n    }\n    const observer = {\n      next: once,\n      error: once,\n      complete: once,\n    };\n    const count = this.addCount;\n    this.addObserver(observer);\n    // Normally addObserver increments this.addCount, but we can \"hide\"\n    // cleanup observers by restoring this.addCount to its previous value\n    // after adding any cleanup observer.\n    this.addCount = count;\n  }\n\n  // A public way to abort observation and broadcast.\n  public cancel = (reason: any) => {\n    this.reject(reason);\n    this.sources = [];\n    this.handlers.complete();\n  }\n}\n\n// Necessary because the Concast constructor has a different signature\n// than the Observable constructor.\nfixObservableSubclass(Concast);\n", "export function isNonEmptyArray<T>(value?: ArrayLike<T>): value is Array<T> {\n  return Array.isArray(value) && value.length > 0;\n}\n", "import { ExecutionResult } from 'graphql';\n\nexport function graphQLResultHasError(result: ExecutionResult): boolean {\n  return (result.errors && result.errors.length > 0) || false;\n}\n", "export const canUseWeakMap = typeof WeakMap === 'function' && !(\n  typeof navigator === 'object' &&\n  navigator.product === 'ReactNative'\n);\n", "import { TupleToIntersection } from './mergeDeep';\n\n/**\n * Merges the provided objects shallowly and removes\n * all properties with an `undefined` value\n */\nexport function compact<TArgs extends any[]>(\n  ...objects: TArgs\n): TupleToIntersection<TArgs> {\n  const result = Object.create(null);\n\n  objects.forEach(obj => {\n    if (!obj) return;\n    Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => {\n      const value = (obj as any)[key];\n      if (value !== void 0) {\n        result[key] = value;\n      }\n    });\n  });\n\n  return result;\n}\n", "export {\n  DirectiveInfo,\n  InclusionDirectives,\n  shouldInclude,\n  hasDirectives,\n  hasClientExports,\n  getDirectiveNames,\n  getInclusionDirectives,\n} from './graphql/directives';\n\nexport {\n  FragmentMap,\n  createFragmentMap,\n  getFragmentQueryDocument,\n  getFragmentFromSelection,\n} from './graphql/fragments';\n\nexport {\n  checkDocument,\n  getOperationDefinition,\n  getOperationName,\n  getFragmentDefinitions,\n  getQueryDefinition,\n  getFragmentDefinition,\n  getMainDefinition,\n  getDefaultValues,\n} from './graphql/getFromAST';\n\nexport {\n  StoreObject,\n  Reference,\n  StoreValue,\n  Directives,\n  VariableValue,\n  makeReference,\n  isReference,\n  isField,\n  isInlineFragment,\n  valueToObjectRepresentation,\n  storeKeyNameFromField,\n  argumentsObjectFromField,\n  resultKeyNameFromField,\n  getStoreKeyName,\n  getTypenameFromResult,\n} from './graphql/storeUtils';\n\nexport {\n  RemoveNodeConfig,\n  GetNodeConfig,\n  RemoveDirectiveConfig,\n  GetDirectiveConfig,\n  RemoveArgumentsConfig,\n  GetFragmentSpreadConfig,\n  RemoveFragmentSpreadConfig,\n  RemoveFragmentDefinitionConfig,\n  RemoveVariableDefinitionConfig,\n  addTypenameToDocument,\n  buildQueryFromSelectionSet,\n  removeDirectivesFromDocument,\n  removeConnectionDirectiveFromDocument,\n  removeArgumentsFromDocument,\n  removeFragmentSpreadFromDocument,\n  removeClientSetsFromDocument,\n} from './graphql/transform';\n\nexport {\n  concatPagination,\n  offsetLimitPagination,\n  relayStylePagination,\n} from './policies/pagination';\n\nexport {\n  Observable,\n  Observer,\n  ObservableSubscription\n} from './observables/Observable';\n\nexport * from './common/mergeDeep';\nexport * from './common/cloneDeep';\nexport * from './common/maybeDeepFreeze';\nexport * from './observables/iteration';\nexport * from './observables/asyncMap';\nexport * from './observables/Concast';\nexport * from './observables/subclassing';\nexport * from './common/arrays';\nexport * from './common/errorHandling';\nexport * from './common/canUse';\nexport * from './common/compact';\n", "import { Observable } from '../../utilities';\n\nexport function fromError<T>(errorValue: any): Observable<T> {\n  return new Observable<T>(observer => {\n    observer.error(errorValue);\n  });\n}\n", "import { invariant } from 'ts-invariant';\n\nimport { Observable } from '../../utilities';\n\nexport function toPromise<R>(observable: Observable<R>): Promise<R> {\n  let completed = false;\n  return new Promise<R>((resolve, reject) => {\n    observable.subscribe({\n      next: data => {\n        if (completed) {\n          invariant.warn(\n            `Promise Wrapper does not support multiple results from Observable`,\n          );\n        } else {\n          completed = true;\n          resolve(data);\n        }\n      },\n      error: reject,\n    });\n  });\n}\n", "import { Observable } from '../../utilities';\n\nexport function fromPromise<T>(promise: Promise<T>): Observable<T> {\n  return new Observable<T>(observer => {\n    promise\n      .then((value: T) => {\n        observer.next(value);\n        observer.complete();\n      })\n      .catch(observer.error.bind(observer));\n  });\n}\n", "export type ServerError = Error & {\n  response: Response;\n  result: Record<string, any>;\n  statusCode: number;\n};\n\nexport const throwServerError = (\n  response: Response,\n  result: any,\n  message: string\n) => {\n  const error = new Error(message) as ServerError;\n  error.name = 'ServerError';\n  error.response = response;\n  error.statusCode = response.status;\n  error.result = result;\n  throw error;\n};\n", "import { InvariantError } from 'ts-invariant';\n\nimport { GraphQLRequest } from '../core';\n\nexport function validateOperation(operation: GraphQLRequest): GraphQLRequest {\n  const OPERATION_FIELDS = [\n    'query',\n    'operationName',\n    'variables',\n    'extensions',\n    'context',\n  ];\n  for (let key of Object.keys(operation)) {\n    if (OPERATION_FIELDS.indexOf(key) < 0) {\n      throw new InvariantError(`illegal argument: ${key}`);\n    }\n  }\n\n  return operation;\n}\n", "import { GraphQLRequest, Operation } from '../core';\n\nexport function createOperation(\n  starting: any,\n  operation: GraphQLRequest,\n): Operation {\n  let context = { ...starting };\n  const setContext = (next: any) => {\n    if (typeof next === 'function') {\n      context = { ...context, ...next(context) };\n    } else {\n      context = { ...context, ...next };\n    }\n  };\n  const getContext = () => ({ ...context });\n\n  Object.defineProperty(operation, 'setContext', {\n    enumerable: false,\n    value: setContext,\n  });\n\n  Object.defineProperty(operation, 'getContext', {\n    enumerable: false,\n    value: getContext,\n  });\n\n  return operation as Operation;\n}\n", "import { GraphQLRequest, Operation } from '../core';\nimport { getOperationName } from '../../utilities';\n\nexport function transformOperation(operation: GraphQLRequest): GraphQLRequest {\n  const transformedOperation: GraphQLRequest = {\n    variables: operation.variables || {},\n    extensions: operation.extensions || {},\n    operationName: operation.operationName,\n    query: operation.query,\n  };\n\n  // Best guess at an operation name\n  if (!transformedOperation.operationName) {\n    transformedOperation.operationName =\n      typeof transformedOperation.query !== 'string'\n        ? getOperationName(transformedOperation.query) || undefined\n        : '';\n  }\n\n  return transformedOperation as Operation;\n}\n", "export { fromError } from './fromError';\nexport { toPromise } from './toPromise';\nexport { fromPromise } from './fromPromise';\nexport { ServerError, throwServerError } from './throwServerError';\nexport { validateOperation } from './validateOperation';\nexport { createOperation } from './createOperation';\nexport { transformOperation } from './transformOperation';\n", "import { InvariantError, invariant } from 'ts-invariant';\n\nimport { Observable } from '../../utilities';\nimport {\n  NextLink,\n  Operation,\n  RequestHandler,\n  FetchResult,\n  GraphQLRequest\n} from './types';\nimport {\n  validateOperation,\n  createOperation,\n  transformOperation,\n} from '../utils';\n\nfunction passthrough(op: Operation, forward: NextLink) {\n  return (forward ? forward(op) : Observable.of()) as Observable<FetchResult>;\n}\n\nfunction toLink(handler: RequestHandler | ApolloLink) {\n  return typeof handler === 'function' ? new ApolloLink(handler) : handler;\n}\n\nfunction isTerminating(link: ApolloLink): boolean {\n  return link.request.length <= 1;\n}\n\nclass LinkError extends Error {\n  public link?: ApolloLink;\n  constructor(message?: string, link?: ApolloLink) {\n    super(message);\n    this.link = link;\n  }\n}\n\nexport class ApolloLink {\n  public static empty(): ApolloLink {\n    return new ApolloLink(() => Observable.of());\n  }\n\n  public static from(links: (ApolloLink | RequestHandler)[]): ApolloLink {\n    if (links.length === 0) return ApolloLink.empty();\n    return links.map(toLink).reduce((x, y) => x.concat(y)) as ApolloLink;\n  }\n\n  public static split(\n    test: (op: Operation) => boolean,\n    left: ApolloLink | RequestHandler,\n    right?: ApolloLink | RequestHandler,\n  ): ApolloLink {\n    const leftLink = toLink(left);\n    const rightLink = toLink(right || new ApolloLink(passthrough));\n\n    if (isTerminating(leftLink) && isTerminating(rightLink)) {\n      return new ApolloLink(operation => {\n        return test(operation)\n          ? leftLink.request(operation) || Observable.of()\n          : rightLink.request(operation) || Observable.of();\n      });\n    } else {\n      return new ApolloLink((operation, forward) => {\n        return test(operation)\n          ? leftLink.request(operation, forward) || Observable.of()\n          : rightLink.request(operation, forward) || Observable.of();\n      });\n    }\n  }\n\n  public static execute(\n    link: ApolloLink,\n    operation: GraphQLRequest,\n  ): Observable<FetchResult> {\n    return (\n      link.request(\n        createOperation(\n          operation.context,\n          transformOperation(validateOperation(operation)),\n        ),\n      ) || Observable.of()\n    );\n  }\n\n  public static concat(\n    first: ApolloLink | RequestHandler,\n    second: ApolloLink | RequestHandler,\n  ) {\n    const firstLink = toLink(first);\n    if (isTerminating(firstLink)) {\n      invariant.warn(\n        new LinkError(\n          `You are calling concat on a terminating link, which will have no effect`,\n          firstLink,\n        ),\n      );\n      return firstLink;\n    }\n    const nextLink = toLink(second);\n\n    if (isTerminating(nextLink)) {\n      return new ApolloLink(\n        operation =>\n          firstLink.request(\n            operation,\n            op => nextLink.request(op) || Observable.of(),\n          ) || Observable.of(),\n      );\n    } else {\n      return new ApolloLink((operation, forward) => {\n        return (\n          firstLink.request(operation, op => {\n            return nextLink.request(op, forward) || Observable.of();\n          }) || Observable.of()\n        );\n      });\n    }\n  }\n\n  constructor(request?: RequestHandler) {\n    if (request) this.request = request;\n  }\n\n  public split(\n    test: (op: Operation) => boolean,\n    left: ApolloLink | RequestHandler,\n    right?: ApolloLink | RequestHandler,\n  ): ApolloLink {\n    return this.concat(\n      ApolloLink.split(test, left, right || new ApolloLink(passthrough))\n    );\n  }\n\n  public concat(next: ApolloLink | RequestHandler): ApolloLink {\n    return ApolloLink.concat(this, next);\n  }\n\n  public request(\n    operation: Operation,\n    forward?: NextLink,\n  ): Observable<FetchResult> | null {\n    throw new InvariantError('request is not implemented');\n  }\n\n  protected onError(\n    error: any,\n    observer?: ZenObservable.Observer<FetchResult>,\n  ): false | void {\n    if (observer && observer.error) {\n      observer.error(error);\n      // Returning false indicates that observer.error does not need to be\n      // called again, since it was already called (on the previous line).\n      // Calling observer.error again would not cause any real problems,\n      // since only the first call matters, but custom onError functions\n      // might have other reasons for wanting to prevent the default\n      // behavior by returning false.\n      return false;\n    }\n    // Throw errors will be passed to observer.error.\n    throw error;\n  }\n\n  public setOnError(fn: ApolloLink[\"onError\"]): this {\n    this.onError = fn;\n    return this;\n  }\n}\n", "import { ApolloLink } from './ApolloLink';\n\nexport const empty = ApolloLink.empty;\n", "import { ApolloLink } from './ApolloLink';\n\nexport const from = ApolloLink.from;\n", "import { ApolloLink } from './ApolloLink';\n\nexport const split = ApolloLink.split;\n", "import { ApolloLink } from './ApolloLink';\n\nexport const concat = ApolloLink.concat;\n", "import { ApolloLink } from './ApolloLink';\n\nexport const execute = ApolloLink.execute;\n", "import { DocumentNode, ExecutionResult } from 'graphql';\nexport { DocumentNode };\n\nimport { Observable } from '../../utilities';\n\nexport interface GraphQLRequest {\n  query: DocumentNode;\n  variables?: Record<string, any>;\n  operationName?: string;\n  context?: Record<string, any>;\n  extensions?: Record<string, any>;\n}\n\nexport interface Operation {\n  query: DocumentNode;\n  variables: Record<string, any>;\n  operationName: string;\n  extensions: Record<string, any>;\n  setContext: (context: Record<string, any>) => Record<string, any>;\n  getContext: () => Record<string, any>;\n}\n\nexport interface FetchResult<\n  TData = { [key: string]: any },\n  C = Record<string, any>,\n  E = Record<string, any>\n> extends ExecutionResult {\n  data?: TData | null;\n  extensions?: E;\n  context?: C;\n};\n\nexport type NextLink = (operation: Operation) => Observable<FetchResult>;\n\nexport type RequestHandler = (\n  operation: Operation,\n  forward: NextLink,\n) => Observable<FetchResult> | null;\n", "export { empty } from './empty';\nexport { from } from './from';\nexport { split } from './split';\nexport { concat } from './concat';\nexport { execute } from './execute';\nexport { ApolloLink } from './ApolloLink';\n\nexport * from './types';\n", "export const version = 'local';\n", "import { Operation } from '../core';\nimport { throwServerError } from '../utils';\n\nconst { hasOwnProperty } = Object.prototype;\n\nexport type ServerParseError = Error & {\n  response: Response;\n  statusCode: number;\n  bodyText: string;\n};\n\nexport function parseAndCheckHttpResponse(\n  operations: Operation | Operation[],\n) {\n  return (response: Response) => response\n    .text()\n    .then(bodyText => {\n      try {\n        return JSON.parse(bodyText);\n      } catch (err) {\n        const parseError = err as ServerParseError;\n        parseError.name = 'ServerParseError';\n        parseError.response = response;\n        parseError.statusCode = response.status;\n        parseError.bodyText = bodyText;\n        throw parseError;\n      }\n    })\n    .then((result: any) => {\n      if (response.status >= 300) {\n        // Network error\n        throwServerError(\n          response,\n          result,\n          `Response not successful: Received status code ${response.status}`,\n        );\n      }\n\n      if (\n        !Array.isArray(result) &&\n        !hasOwnProperty.call(result, 'data') &&\n        !hasOwnProperty.call(result, 'errors')\n      ) {\n        // Data error\n        throwServerError(\n          response,\n          result,\n          `Server response was missing for query '${\n            Array.isArray(operations)\n              ? operations.map(op => op.operationName)\n              : operations.operationName\n          }'.`,\n        );\n      }\n      return result;\n    });\n}\n", "import { InvariantError } from 'ts-invariant';\n\nexport type ClientParseError = InvariantError & {\n  parseError: Error;\n};\n\nexport const serializeFetchParameter = (p: any, label: string) => {\n  let serialized;\n  try {\n    serialized = JSON.stringify(p);\n  } catch (e) {\n    const parseError = new InvariantError(\n      `Network request failed. ${label} is not serializable: ${e.message}`,\n    ) as ClientParseError;\n    parseError.parseError = e;\n    throw parseError;\n  }\n  return serialized;\n};\n", "import { print } from 'graphql';\n\nimport { Operation } from '../core';\n\nexport interface UriFunction {\n  (operation: Operation): string;\n}\n\nexport interface Body {\n  query?: string;\n  operationName?: string;\n  variables?: Record<string, any>;\n  extensions?: Record<string, any>;\n}\n\nexport interface HttpOptions {\n  /**\n   * The URI to use when fetching operations.\n   *\n   * Defaults to '/graphql'.\n   */\n  uri?: string | UriFunction;\n\n  /**\n   * Passes the extensions field to your graphql server.\n   *\n   * Defaults to false.\n   */\n  includeExtensions?: boolean;\n\n  /**\n   * A `fetch`-compatible API to use when making requests.\n   */\n  fetch?: WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope['fetch'];\n\n  /**\n   * An object representing values to be sent as headers on the request.\n   */\n  headers?: any;\n\n  /**\n   * The credentials policy you want to use for the fetch call.\n   */\n  credentials?: string;\n\n  /**\n   * Any overrides of the fetch options argument to pass to the fetch call.\n   */\n  fetchOptions?: any;\n\n  /**\n   * If set to true, use the HTTP GET method for query operations. Mutations\n   * will still use the method specified in fetchOptions.method (which defaults\n   * to POST).\n   */\n  useGETForQueries?: boolean;\n\n  /**\n   * If set to true, the default behavior of stripping unused variables\n   * from the request will be disabled.\n   *\n   * Unused variables are likely to trigger server-side validation errors,\n   * per https://spec.graphql.org/draft/#sec-All-Variables-Used, but this\n   * includeUnusedVariables option can be useful if your server deviates\n   * from the GraphQL specification by not strictly enforcing that rule.\n   */\n  includeUnusedVariables?: boolean;\n}\n\nexport interface HttpQueryOptions {\n  includeQuery?: boolean;\n  includeExtensions?: boolean;\n}\n\nexport interface HttpConfig {\n  http?: HttpQueryOptions;\n  options?: any;\n  headers?: any;\n  credentials?: any;\n}\n\nconst defaultHttpOptions: HttpQueryOptions = {\n  includeQuery: true,\n  includeExtensions: false,\n};\n\nconst defaultHeaders = {\n  // headers are case insensitive (https://stackoverflow.com/a/5259004)\n  accept: '*/*',\n  'content-type': 'application/json',\n};\n\nconst defaultOptions = {\n  method: 'POST',\n};\n\nexport const fallbackHttpConfig = {\n  http: defaultHttpOptions,\n  headers: defaultHeaders,\n  options: defaultOptions,\n};\n\nexport const selectHttpOptionsAndBody = (\n  operation: Operation,\n  fallbackConfig: HttpConfig,\n  ...configs: Array<HttpConfig>\n) => {\n  let options: HttpConfig & Record<string, any> = {\n    ...fallbackConfig.options,\n    headers: fallbackConfig.headers,\n    credentials: fallbackConfig.credentials,\n  };\n  let http: HttpQueryOptions = fallbackConfig.http || {};\n\n  /*\n   * use the rest of the configs to populate the options\n   * configs later in the list will overwrite earlier fields\n   */\n  configs.forEach(config => {\n    options = {\n      ...options,\n      ...config.options,\n      headers: {\n        ...options.headers,\n        ...config.headers,\n      },\n    };\n    if (config.credentials) options.credentials = config.credentials;\n\n    http = {\n      ...http,\n      ...config.http,\n    };\n  });\n\n  //The body depends on the http options\n  const { operationName, extensions, variables, query } = operation;\n  const body: Body = { operationName, variables };\n\n  if (http.includeExtensions) (body as any).extensions = extensions;\n\n  // not sending the query (i.e persisted queries)\n  if (http.includeQuery) (body as any).query = print(query);\n\n  return {\n    options,\n    body,\n  };\n};\n", "import { InvariantError } from 'ts-invariant';\n\nexport const checkFetcher = (fetcher: WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope['fetch'] | undefined) => {\n  if (!fetcher && typeof fetch === 'undefined') {\n    throw new InvariantError(`\n\"fetch\" has not been found globally and no fetcher has been \\\nconfigured. To fix this, install a fetch package (like \\\nhttps://www.npmjs.com/package/cross-fetch), instantiate the \\\nfetcher, and pass it into your HttpLink constructor. For example:\n\nimport fetch from 'cross-fetch';\nimport { ApolloClient, HttpLink } from '@apollo/client';\nconst client = new ApolloClient({\n  link: new HttpLink({ uri: '/graphql', fetch })\n});\n    `);\n  }\n};\n", "export const createSignalIfSupported = () => {\n  if (typeof AbortController === 'undefined')\n    return { controller: false, signal: false };\n\n  const controller = new AbortController();\n  const signal = controller.signal;\n  return { controller, signal };\n};\n", "import { Operation } from '../core';\n\nexport const selectURI = (\n  operation: Operation,\n  fallbackURI?: string | ((operation: Operation) => string),\n) => {\n  const context = operation.getContext();\n  const contextURI = context.uri;\n\n  if (contextURI) {\n    return contextURI;\n  } else if (typeof fallbackURI === 'function') {\n    return fallbackURI(operation);\n  } else {\n    return (fallbackURI as string) || '/graphql';\n  }\n};\n", "import { serializeFetchParameter } from './serializeFetchParameter';\nimport { Body } from './selectHttpOptionsAndBody';\n\n// For GET operations, returns the given URI rewritten with parameters, or a\n// parse error.\nexport function rewriteURIForGET(chosenURI: string, body: Body) {\n  // Implement the standard HTTP GET serialization, plus 'extensions'. Note\n  // the extra level of JSON serialization!\n  const queryParams: string[] = [];\n  const addQueryParam = (key: string, value: string) => {\n    queryParams.push(`${key}=${encodeURIComponent(value)}`);\n  };\n\n  if ('query' in body) {\n    addQueryParam('query', body.query!);\n  }\n  if (body.operationName) {\n    addQueryParam('operationName', body.operationName);\n  }\n  if (body.variables) {\n    let serializedVariables;\n    try {\n      serializedVariables = serializeFetchParameter(\n        body.variables,\n        'Variables map',\n      );\n    } catch (parseError) {\n      return { parseError };\n    }\n    addQueryParam('variables', serializedVariables);\n  }\n  if (body.extensions) {\n    let serializedExtensions;\n    try {\n      serializedExtensions = serializeFetchParameter(\n        body.extensions,\n        'Extensions map',\n      );\n    } catch (parseError) {\n      return { parseError };\n    }\n    addQueryParam('extensions', serializedExtensions);\n  }\n\n  // Reconstruct the URI with added query params.\n  // XXX This assumes that the URI is well-formed and that it doesn't\n  //     already contain any of these query params. We could instead use the\n  //     URL API and take a polyfill (whatwg-url@6) for older browsers that\n  //     don't support URLSearchParams. Note that some browsers (and\n  //     versions of whatwg-url) support URL but not URLSearchParams!\n  let fragment = '',\n    preFragment = chosenURI;\n  const fragmentStart = chosenURI.indexOf('#');\n  if (fragmentStart !== -1) {\n    fragment = chosenURI.substr(fragmentStart);\n    preFragment = chosenURI.substr(0, fragmentStart);\n  }\n  const queryParamsPrefix = preFragment.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&';\n  const newURI =\n    preFragment + queryParamsPrefix + queryParams.join('&') + fragment;\n  return { newURI };\n}\n", "import { visit, DefinitionNode, VariableDefinitionNode } from 'graphql';\n\nimport { ApolloLink } from '../core';\nimport { Observable } from '../../utilities';\nimport { serializeFetchParameter } from './serializeFetchParameter';\nimport { selectURI } from './selectURI';\nimport { parseAndCheckHttpResponse } from './parseAndCheckHttpResponse';\nimport { checkFetcher } from './checkFetcher';\nimport {\n  selectHttpOptionsAndBody,\n  fallbackHttpConfig,\n  HttpOptions\n} from './selectHttpOptionsAndBody';\nimport { createSignalIfSupported } from './createSignalIfSupported';\nimport { rewriteURIForGET } from './rewriteURIForGET';\nimport { fromError } from '../utils';\n\nexport const createHttpLink = (linkOptions: HttpOptions = {}) => {\n  let {\n    uri = '/graphql',\n    // use default global fetch if nothing passed in\n    fetch: fetcher,\n    includeExtensions,\n    useGETForQueries,\n    includeUnusedVariables = false,\n    ...requestOptions\n  } = linkOptions;\n\n  // dev warnings to ensure fetch is present\n  checkFetcher(fetcher);\n\n  //fetcher is set here rather than the destructuring to ensure fetch is\n  //declared before referencing it. Reference in the destructuring would cause\n  //a ReferenceError\n  if (!fetcher) {\n    fetcher = fetch;\n  }\n\n  const linkConfig = {\n    http: { includeExtensions },\n    options: requestOptions.fetchOptions,\n    credentials: requestOptions.credentials,\n    headers: requestOptions.headers,\n  };\n\n  return new ApolloLink(operation => {\n    let chosenURI = selectURI(operation, uri);\n\n    const context = operation.getContext();\n\n    // `apollographql-client-*` headers are automatically set if a\n    // `clientAwareness` object is found in the context. These headers are\n    // set first, followed by the rest of the headers pulled from\n    // `context.headers`. If desired, `apollographql-client-*` headers set by\n    // the `clientAwareness` object can be overridden by\n    // `apollographql-client-*` headers set in `context.headers`.\n    const clientAwarenessHeaders: {\n      'apollographql-client-name'?: string;\n      'apollographql-client-version'?: string;\n    } = {};\n\n    if (context.clientAwareness) {\n      const { name, version } = context.clientAwareness;\n      if (name) {\n        clientAwarenessHeaders['apollographql-client-name'] = name;\n      }\n      if (version) {\n        clientAwarenessHeaders['apollographql-client-version'] = version;\n      }\n    }\n\n    const contextHeaders = { ...clientAwarenessHeaders, ...context.headers };\n\n    const contextConfig = {\n      http: context.http,\n      options: context.fetchOptions,\n      credentials: context.credentials,\n      headers: contextHeaders,\n    };\n\n    //uses fallback, link, and then context to build options\n    const { options, body } = selectHttpOptionsAndBody(\n      operation,\n      fallbackHttpConfig,\n      linkConfig,\n      contextConfig,\n    );\n\n    if (body.variables && !includeUnusedVariables) {\n      const unusedNames = new Set(Object.keys(body.variables));\n      visit(operation.query, {\n        Variable(node, _key, parent) {\n          // A variable type definition at the top level of a query is not\n          // enough to silence server-side errors about the variable being\n          // unused, so variable definitions do not count as usage.\n          // https://spec.graphql.org/draft/#sec-All-Variables-Used\n          if (parent && (parent as VariableDefinitionNode).kind !== 'VariableDefinition') {\n            unusedNames.delete(node.name.value);\n          }\n        },\n      });\n      if (unusedNames.size) {\n        // Make a shallow copy of body.variables (with keys in the same\n        // order) and then delete unused variables from the copy.\n        body.variables = { ...body.variables };\n        unusedNames.forEach(name => {\n          delete body.variables![name];\n        });\n      }\n    }\n\n    let controller: any;\n    if (!(options as any).signal) {\n      const { controller: _controller, signal } = createSignalIfSupported();\n      controller = _controller;\n      if (controller) (options as any).signal = signal;\n    }\n\n    // If requested, set method to GET if there are no mutations.\n    const definitionIsMutation = (d: DefinitionNode) => {\n      return d.kind === 'OperationDefinition' && d.operation === 'mutation';\n    };\n    if (\n      useGETForQueries &&\n      !operation.query.definitions.some(definitionIsMutation)\n    ) {\n      options.method = 'GET';\n    }\n\n    if (options.method === 'GET') {\n      const { newURI, parseError } = rewriteURIForGET(chosenURI, body);\n      if (parseError) {\n        return fromError(parseError);\n      }\n      chosenURI = newURI;\n    } else {\n      try {\n        (options as any).body = serializeFetchParameter(body, 'Payload');\n      } catch (parseError) {\n        return fromError(parseError);\n      }\n    }\n\n    return new Observable(observer => {\n      fetcher!(chosenURI, options)\n        .then(response => {\n          operation.setContext({ response });\n          return response;\n        })\n        .then(parseAndCheckHttpResponse(operation))\n        .then(result => {\n          // we have data and can send it to back up the link chain\n          observer.next(result);\n          observer.complete();\n          return result;\n        })\n        .catch(err => {\n          // fetch was cancelled so it's already been cleaned up in the unsubscribe\n          if (err.name === 'AbortError') return;\n          // if it is a network error, BUT there is graphql result info\n          // fire the next observer before calling error\n          // this gives apollo-client (and react-apollo) the `graphqlErrors` and `networErrors`\n          // to pass to UI\n          // this should only happen if we *also* have data as part of the response key per\n          // the spec\n          if (err.result && err.result.errors && err.result.data) {\n            // if we don't call next, the UI can only show networkError because AC didn't\n            // get any graphqlErrors\n            // this is graphql execution result info (i.e errors and possibly data)\n            // this is because there is no formal spec how errors should translate to\n            // http status codes. So an auth error (401) could have both data\n            // from a public field, errors from a private field, and a status of 401\n            // {\n            //  user { // this will have errors\n            //    firstName\n            //  }\n            //  products { // this is public so will have data\n            //    cost\n            //  }\n            // }\n            //\n            // the result of above *could* look like this:\n            // {\n            //   data: { products: [{ cost: \"$10\" }] },\n            //   errors: [{\n            //      message: 'your session has timed out',\n            //      path: []\n            //   }]\n            // }\n            // status code of above would be a 401\n            // in the UI you want to show data where you can, errors as data where you can\n            // and use correct http status codes\n            observer.next(err.result);\n          }\n          observer.error(err);\n        });\n\n      return () => {\n        // XXX support canceling this request\n        // https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/09/abortable-fetch\n        if (controller) controller.abort();\n      };\n    });\n  });\n};\n", "import { ApolloLink, RequestHandler } from '../core';\nimport { HttpOptions } from './selectHttpOptionsAndBody';\nimport { createHttpLink } from './createHttpLink';\n\nexport class HttpLink extends ApolloLink {\n  public requester: RequestHandler;\n  constructor(public options: HttpOptions = {}) {\n    super(createHttpLink(options).request);\n  }\n}\n", "export {\n  parseAndCheckHttpResponse,\n  ServerParseError\n} from './parseAndCheckHttpResponse';\nexport {\n  serializeFetchParameter,\n  ClientParseError\n} from './serializeFetchParameter';\nexport {\n  HttpOptions,\n  fallbackHttpConfig,\n  selectHttpOptionsAndBody,\n  UriFunction\n} from './selectHttpOptionsAndBody';\nexport { checkFetcher } from './checkFetcher';\nexport { createSignalIfSupported } from './createSignalIfSupported';\nexport { selectURI } from './selectURI';\nexport { createHttpLink } from './createHttpLink';\nexport { HttpLink } from './HttpLink';\nexport { rewriteURIForGET } from './rewriteURIForGET';\n", "const { toString, hasOwnProperty } = Object.prototype;\nconst fnToStr = Function.prototype.toString;\nconst previousComparisons = new Map<object, Set<object>>();\n\n/**\n * Performs a deep equality check on two JavaScript values, tolerating cycles.\n */\nexport function equal(a: any, b: any): boolean {\n  try {\n    return check(a, b);\n  } finally {\n    previousComparisons.clear();\n  }\n}\n\n// Allow default imports as well.\nexport default equal;\n\nfunction check(a: any, b: any): boolean {\n  // If the two values are strictly equal, our job is easy.\n  if (a === b) {\n    return true;\n  }\n\n  // Object.prototype.toString returns a representation of the runtime type of\n  // the given value that is considerably more precise than typeof.\n  const aTag = toString.call(a);\n  const bTag = toString.call(b);\n\n  // If the runtime types of a and b are different, they could maybe be equal\n  // under some interpretation of equality, but for simplicity and performance\n  // we just return false instead.\n  if (aTag !== bTag) {\n    return false;\n  }\n\n  switch (aTag) {\n    case '[object Array]':\n      // Arrays are a lot like other objects, but we can cheaply compare their\n      // lengths as a short-cut before comparing their elements.\n      if (a.length !== b.length) return false;\n      // Fall through to object case...\n    case '[object Object]': {\n      if (previouslyCompared(a, b)) return true;\n\n      const aKeys = definedKeys(a);\n      const bKeys = definedKeys(b);\n\n      // If `a` and `b` have a different number of enumerable keys, they\n      // must be different.\n      const keyCount = aKeys.length;\n      if (keyCount !== bKeys.length) return false;\n\n      // Now make sure they have the same keys.\n      for (let k = 0; k < keyCount; ++k) {\n        if (!hasOwnProperty.call(b, aKeys[k])) {\n          return false;\n        }\n      }\n\n      // Finally, check deep equality of all child properties.\n      for (let k = 0; k < keyCount; ++k) {\n        const key = aKeys[k];\n        if (!check(a[key], b[key])) {\n          return false;\n        }\n      }\n\n      return true;\n    }\n\n    case '[object Error]':\n      return a.name === b.name && a.message === b.message;\n\n    case '[object Number]':\n      // Handle NaN, which is !== itself.\n      if (a !== a) return b !== b;\n      // Fall through to shared +a === +b case...\n    case '[object Boolean]':\n    case '[object Date]':\n      return +a === +b;\n\n    case '[object RegExp]':\n    case '[object String]':\n      return a == `${b}`;\n\n    case '[object Map]':\n    case '[object Set]': {\n      if (a.size !== b.size) return false;\n      if (previouslyCompared(a, b)) return true;\n\n      const aIterator = a.entries();\n      const isMap = aTag === '[object Map]';\n\n      while (true) {\n        const info = aIterator.next();\n        if (info.done) break;\n\n        // If a instanceof Set, aValue === aKey.\n        const [aKey, aValue] = info.value;\n\n        // So this works the same way for both Set and Map.\n        if (!b.has(aKey)) {\n          return false;\n        }\n\n        // However, we care about deep equality of values only when dealing\n        // with Map structures.\n        if (isMap && !check(aValue, b.get(aKey))) {\n          return false;\n        }\n      }\n\n      return true;\n    }\n\n    case '[object AsyncFunction]':\n    case '[object GeneratorFunction]':\n    case '[object AsyncGeneratorFunction]':\n    case '[object Function]': {\n      const aCode = fnToStr.call(a);\n      if (aCode !== fnToStr.call(b)) {\n        return false;\n      }\n\n      // We consider non-native functions equal if they have the same code\n      // (native functions require === because their code is censored).\n      // Note that this behavior is not entirely sound, since !== function\n      // objects with the same code can behave differently depending on\n      // their closure scope. However, any function can behave differently\n      // depending on the values of its input arguments (including this)\n      // and its calling context (including its closure scope), even\n      // though the function object is === to itself; and it is entirely\n      // possible for functions that are not === to behave exactly the\n      // same under all conceivable circumstances. Because none of these\n      // factors are statically decidable in JavaScript, JS function\n      // equality is not well-defined. This ambiguity allows us to\n      // consider the best possible heuristic among various imperfect\n      // options, and equating non-native functions that have the same\n      // code has enormous practical benefits, such as when comparing\n      // functions that are repeatedly passed as fresh function\n      // expressions within objects that are otherwise deeply equal. Since\n      // any function created from the same syntactic expression (in the\n      // same code location) will always stringify to the same code\n      // according to fnToStr.call, we can reasonably expect these\n      // repeatedly passed function expressions to have the same code, and\n      // thus behave \"the same\" (with all the caveats mentioned above),\n      // even though the runtime function objects are !== to one another.\n      return !endsWith(aCode, nativeCodeSuffix);\n    }\n  }\n\n  // Otherwise the values are not equal.\n  return false;\n}\n\nfunction definedKeys<TObject extends object>(obj: TObject) {\n  // Remember that the second argument to Array.prototype.filter will be\n  // used as `this` within the callback function.\n  return Object.keys(obj).filter(isDefinedKey, obj);\n}\nfunction isDefinedKey<TObject extends object>(\n  this: TObject,\n  key: keyof TObject,\n) {\n  return this[key] !== void 0;\n}\n\nconst nativeCodeSuffix = \"{ [native code] }\";\n\nfunction endsWith(full: string, suffix: string) {\n  const fromIndex = full.length - suffix.length;\n  return fromIndex >= 0 &&\n    full.indexOf(suffix, fromIndex) === fromIndex;\n}\n\nfunction previouslyCompared(a: object, b: object): boolean {\n  // Though cyclic references can make an object graph appear infinite from the\n  // perspective of a depth-first traversal, the graph still contains a finite\n  // number of distinct object references. We use the previousComparisons cache\n  // to avoid comparing the same pair of object references more than once, which\n  // guarantees termination (even if we end up comparing every object in one\n  // graph to every object in the other graph, which is extremely unlikely),\n  // while still allowing weird isomorphic structures (like rings with different\n  // lengths) a chance to pass the equality test.\n  let bSet = previousComparisons.get(a);\n  if (bSet) {\n    // Return true here because we can be sure false will be returned somewhere\n    // else if the objects are not equivalent.\n    if (bSet.has(b)) return true;\n  } else {\n    previousComparisons.set(a, bSet = new Set);\n  }\n  bSet.add(b);\n  return false;\n}\n", "import { GraphQLError } from 'graphql';\n\nimport { isNonEmptyArray } from '../utilities';\nimport { ServerParseError } from '../link/http';\nimport { ServerError } from '../link/utils';\n\nexport function isApolloError(err: Error): err is ApolloError {\n  return err.hasOwnProperty('graphQLErrors');\n}\n\n// Sets the error message on this error according to the\n// the GraphQL and network errors that are present.\n// If the error message has already been set through the\n// constructor or otherwise, this function is a nop.\nconst generateErrorMessage = (err: ApolloError) => {\n  let message = '';\n  // If we have GraphQL errors present, add that to the error message.\n  if (isNonEmptyArray(err.graphQLErrors)) {\n    err.graphQLErrors.forEach((graphQLError: GraphQLError) => {\n      const errorMessage = graphQLError\n        ? graphQLError.message\n        : 'Error message not found.';\n      message += `${errorMessage}\\n`;\n    });\n  }\n\n  if (err.networkError) {\n    message += `${err.networkError.message}\\n`;\n  }\n\n  // strip newline from the end of the message\n  message = message.replace(/\\n$/, '');\n  return message;\n};\n\nexport class ApolloError extends Error {\n  public message: string;\n  public graphQLErrors: ReadonlyArray<GraphQLError>;\n  public networkError: Error | ServerParseError | ServerError | null;\n\n  // An object that can be used to provide some additional information\n  // about an error, e.g. specifying the type of error this is. Used\n  // internally within Apollo Client.\n  public extraInfo: any;\n\n  // Constructs an instance of ApolloError given a GraphQLError\n  // or a network error. Note that one of these has to be a valid\n  // value or the constructed error will be meaningless.\n  constructor({\n    graphQLErrors,\n    networkError,\n    errorMessage,\n    extraInfo,\n  }: {\n    graphQLErrors?: ReadonlyArray<GraphQLError>;\n    networkError?: Error | ServerParseError | ServerError | null;\n    errorMessage?: string;\n    extraInfo?: any;\n  }) {\n    super(errorMessage);\n    this.graphQLErrors = graphQLErrors || [];\n    this.networkError = networkError || null;\n    this.message = errorMessage || generateErrorMessage(this);\n    this.extraInfo = extraInfo;\n\n    // We're not using `Object.setPrototypeOf` here as it isn't fully\n    // supported on Android (see issue #3236).\n    (this as any).__proto__ = ApolloError.prototype;\n  }\n}\n", "/**\n * The current status of a query\u2019s execution in our system.\n */\nexport enum NetworkStatus {\n  /**\n   * The query has never been run before and the query is now currently running. A query will still\n   * have this network status even if a partial data result was returned from the cache, but a\n   * query was dispatched anyway.\n   */\n  loading = 1,\n\n  /**\n   * If `setVariables` was called and a query was fired because of that then the network status\n   * will be `setVariables` until the result of that query comes back.\n   */\n  setVariables = 2,\n\n  /**\n   * Indicates that `fetchMore` was called on this query and that the query created is currently in\n   * flight.\n   */\n  fetchMore = 3,\n\n  /**\n   * Similar to the `setVariables` network status. It means that `refetch` was called on a query\n   * and the refetch request is currently in flight.\n   */\n  refetch = 4,\n\n  /**\n   * Indicates that a polling query is currently in flight. So for example if you are polling a\n   * query every 10 seconds then the network status will switch to `poll` every 10 seconds whenever\n   * a poll request has been sent but not resolved.\n   */\n  poll = 6,\n\n  /**\n   * No request is in flight for this query, and no errors happened. Everything is OK.\n   */\n  ready = 7,\n\n  /**\n   * No request is in flight for this query, but one or more errors were detected.\n   */\n  error = 8,\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns true if there is currently a network request in flight according to a given network\n * status.\n */\nexport function isNetworkRequestInFlight(\n  networkStatus?: NetworkStatus,\n): boolean {\n  return networkStatus ? networkStatus < 7 : false;\n}\n", "import { WatchQueryOptions } from './watchQueryOptions';\nimport { NetworkStatus } from './networkStatus';\nimport { ApolloQueryResult } from './types';\nimport { Observer, Concast, compact } from '../utilities';\nimport { invariant } from 'ts-invariant';\n\n// Given that QueryManager#fetchQueryObservable returns only a single\n// query's worth of results, other code must be responsible for repeatedly\n// calling fetchQueryObservable, while ensuring that the ObservableQuery\n// consuming those results remains subscribed to the concatenation of all\n// the observables returned by fetchQueryObservable. That responsibility\n// falls to this Reobserver class. As a bonus, the Reobserver class is\n// perfectly poised to handle polling logic, since polling is essentially\n// repeated reobservation. In principle, this code could have remained in\n// the ObservableQuery class, but I felt it would be easier to explain and\n// understand reobservation if it was confined to a separate class.\nexport class Reobserver<TData, TVars> {\n  constructor(\n    private observer: Observer<ApolloQueryResult<TData>>,\n    private options: WatchQueryOptions<TVars, TData>,\n    // Almost certainly just a wrapper function around\n    // QueryManager#fetchQueryObservable, but this small dose of\n    // indirection means the Reobserver doesn't have to know/assume\n    // anything about the QueryManager class.\n    private fetch: (\n      options: WatchQueryOptions<TVars, TData>,\n      newNetworkStatus?: NetworkStatus,\n    ) => Concast<ApolloQueryResult<TData>>,\n    // If we're polling, there may be times when we should avoid fetching,\n    // such as when the query is already in flight, or polling has been\n    // completely disabled for server-side rendering. Passing false for\n    // this parameter disables polling completely, and passing a boolean\n    // function allows determining fetch safety dynamically.\n    private shouldFetch: false | (() => boolean),\n  ) {}\n\n  private concast?: Concast<ApolloQueryResult<TData>>;\n\n  public reobserve(\n    newOptions?: Partial<WatchQueryOptions<TVars, TData>>,\n    newNetworkStatus?: NetworkStatus,\n  ): Promise<ApolloQueryResult<TData>> {\n    if (newOptions) {\n      this.updateOptions(newOptions);\n    } else {\n      // When we call this.updateOptions(newOptions) in the branch above,\n      // it takes care of calling this.updatePolling(). In this branch, we\n      // still need to update polling, even if there were no newOptions.\n      this.updatePolling();\n    }\n\n    const concast = this.fetch(this.options, newNetworkStatus);\n\n    if (this.concast) {\n      // We use the {add,remove}Observer methods directly to avoid\n      // wrapping observer with an unnecessary SubscriptionObserver\n      // object, in part so that we can remove it here without triggering\n      // any unsubscriptions, because we just want to ignore the old\n      // observable, not prematurely shut it down, since other consumers\n      // may be awaiting this.concast.promise.\n      this.concast.removeObserver(this.observer, true);\n    }\n\n    concast.addObserver(this.observer);\n\n    return (this.concast = concast).promise;\n  }\n\n  public updateOptions(newOptions: Partial<WatchQueryOptions<TVars, TData>>) {\n    Object.assign(this.options, compact(newOptions));\n    this.updatePolling();\n    return this;\n  }\n\n  public stop() {\n    if (this.concast) {\n      this.concast.removeObserver(this.observer);\n      delete this.concast;\n    }\n\n    if (this.pollingInfo) {\n      clearTimeout(this.pollingInfo.timeout);\n      this.options.pollInterval = 0;\n      this.updatePolling();\n    }\n  }\n\n  private pollingInfo?: {\n    interval: number;\n    timeout: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout>;\n  };\n\n  // Turns polling on or off based on this.options.pollInterval.\n  private updatePolling() {\n    const {\n      pollingInfo,\n      options: {\n        pollInterval,\n      },\n    } = this;\n\n    if (!pollInterval) {\n      if (pollingInfo) {\n        clearTimeout(pollingInfo.timeout);\n        delete this.pollingInfo;\n      }\n      return;\n    }\n\n    if (pollingInfo &&\n        pollingInfo.interval === pollInterval) {\n      return;\n    }\n\n    invariant(\n      pollInterval,\n      'Attempted to start a polling query without a polling interval.',\n    );\n\n    // Go no further if polling is disabled.\n    if (this.shouldFetch === false) {\n      return;\n    }\n\n    const info = pollingInfo || (\n      this.pollingInfo = {} as Reobserver<TData, TVars>[\"pollingInfo\"]\n    )!;\n\n    info.interval = pollInterval;\n\n    const maybeFetch = () => {\n      if (this.pollingInfo) {\n        if (this.shouldFetch && this.shouldFetch()) {\n          this.reobserve({\n            fetchPolicy: \"network-only\",\n            nextFetchPolicy: this.options.fetchPolicy || \"cache-first\",\n          }, NetworkStatus.poll).then(poll, poll);\n        } else {\n          poll();\n        }\n      };\n    };\n\n    const poll = () => {\n      const info = this.pollingInfo;\n      if (info) {\n        clearTimeout(info.timeout);\n        info.timeout = setTimeout(maybeFetch, info.interval);\n      }\n    };\n\n    poll();\n  }\n}\n", "import { invariant } from 'ts-invariant';\nimport { equal } from '@wry/equality';\n\nimport { NetworkStatus, isNetworkRequestInFlight } from './networkStatus';\nimport {\n  cloneDeep,\n  getOperationDefinition,\n  Observable,\n  Observer,\n  ObservableSubscription,\n  iterateObserversSafely,\n  isNonEmptyArray,\n  fixObservableSubclass,\n} from '../utilities';\nimport { ApolloError } from '../errors';\nimport { QueryManager } from './QueryManager';\nimport { ApolloQueryResult, OperationVariables } from './types';\nimport {\n  WatchQueryOptions,\n  FetchMoreQueryOptions,\n  SubscribeToMoreOptions,\n} from './watchQueryOptions';\nimport { Reobserver } from './Reobserver';\nimport { QueryInfo } from './QueryInfo';\n\nexport interface FetchMoreOptions<\n  TData = any,\n  TVariables = OperationVariables\n> {\n  updateQuery?: (\n    previousQueryResult: TData,\n    options: {\n      fetchMoreResult?: TData;\n      variables?: TVariables;\n    },\n  ) => TData;\n}\n\nexport interface UpdateQueryOptions<TVariables> {\n  variables?: TVariables;\n}\n\nlet warnedAboutUpdateQuery = false;\n\nexport class ObservableQuery<\n  TData = any,\n  TVariables = OperationVariables\n> extends Observable<ApolloQueryResult<TData>> {\n  public readonly options: WatchQueryOptions<TVariables, TData>;\n  public readonly queryId: string;\n  public readonly queryName?: string;\n\n  // Computed shorthand for this.options.variables, preserved for\n  // backwards compatibility.\n  public get variables(): TVariables | undefined {\n    return this.options.variables;\n  }\n\n  private isTornDown: boolean;\n  private queryManager: QueryManager<any>;\n  private observers = new Set<Observer<ApolloQueryResult<TData>>>();\n  private subscriptions = new Set<ObservableSubscription>();\n\n  private lastResult: ApolloQueryResult<TData>;\n  private lastResultSnapshot: ApolloQueryResult<TData>;\n  private lastError: ApolloError;\n  private queryInfo: QueryInfo;\n\n  constructor({\n    queryManager,\n    queryInfo,\n    options,\n  }: {\n    queryManager: QueryManager<any>;\n    queryInfo: QueryInfo;\n    options: WatchQueryOptions<TVariables, TData>;\n  }) {\n    super((observer: Observer<ApolloQueryResult<TData>>) =>\n      this.onSubscribe(observer),\n    );\n\n    // active state\n    this.isTornDown = false;\n\n    // query information\n    this.options = options;\n    this.queryId = queryManager.generateQueryId();\n\n    const opDef = getOperationDefinition(options.query);\n    this.queryName = opDef && opDef.name && opDef.name.value;\n\n    // related classes\n    this.queryManager = queryManager;\n\n    this.queryInfo = queryInfo;\n  }\n\n  public result(): Promise<ApolloQueryResult<TData>> {\n    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n      const observer: Observer<ApolloQueryResult<TData>> = {\n        next: (result: ApolloQueryResult<TData>) => {\n          resolve(result);\n\n          // Stop the query within the QueryManager if we can before\n          // this function returns.\n          //\n          // We do this in order to prevent observers piling up within\n          // the QueryManager. Notice that we only fully unsubscribe\n          // from the subscription in a setTimeout(..., 0)  call. This call can\n          // actually be handled by the browser at a much later time. If queries\n          // are fired in the meantime, observers that should have been removed\n          // from the QueryManager will continue to fire, causing an unnecessary\n          // performance hit.\n          this.observers.delete(observer);\n          if (!this.observers.size) {\n            this.queryManager.removeQuery(this.queryId);\n          }\n\n          setTimeout(() => {\n            subscription.unsubscribe();\n          }, 0);\n        },\n        error: reject,\n      };\n      const subscription = this.subscribe(observer);\n    });\n  }\n\n  public getCurrentResult(saveAsLastResult = true): ApolloQueryResult<TData> {\n    const { lastResult } = this;\n\n    const networkStatus =\n      this.queryInfo.networkStatus ||\n      (lastResult && lastResult.networkStatus) ||\n      NetworkStatus.ready;\n\n    const result: ApolloQueryResult<TData> = {\n      ...lastResult,\n      loading: isNetworkRequestInFlight(networkStatus),\n      networkStatus,\n    };\n\n    if (this.isTornDown) {\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    const { fetchPolicy = 'cache-first' } = this.options;\n    if (fetchPolicy === 'no-cache' ||\n        fetchPolicy === 'network-only') {\n      // Similar to setting result.partial to false, but taking advantage\n      // of the falsiness of missing fields.\n      delete result.partial;\n    } else if (\n      !result.data ||\n      // If this.options.query has @client(always: true) fields, we cannot\n      // trust result.data, since it was read from the cache without\n      // running local resolvers (and it's too late to run resolvers now,\n      // since we must return a result synchronously). TODO In the future\n      // (after Apollo Client 3.0), we should find a way to trust\n      // this.lastResult in more cases, and read from the cache only in\n      // cases when no result has been received yet.\n      !this.queryManager.transform(this.options.query).hasForcedResolvers\n    ) {\n      const diff = this.queryInfo.getDiff();\n      result.data = (\n        diff.complete ||\n        this.options.returnPartialData\n      ) ? diff.result : void 0;\n      if (diff.complete) {\n        // If the diff is complete, and we're using a FetchPolicy that\n        // terminates after a complete cache read, we can assume the next\n        // result we receive will have NetworkStatus.ready and !loading.\n        if (result.networkStatus === NetworkStatus.loading &&\n            (fetchPolicy === 'cache-first' ||\n             fetchPolicy === 'cache-only')) {\n          result.networkStatus = NetworkStatus.ready;\n          result.loading = false;\n        }\n        delete result.partial;\n      } else {\n        result.partial = true;\n      }\n    }\n\n    if (saveAsLastResult) {\n      this.updateLastResult(result);\n    }\n\n    return result;\n  }\n\n  // Compares newResult to the snapshot we took of this.lastResult when it was\n  // first received.\n  public isDifferentFromLastResult(newResult: ApolloQueryResult<TData>) {\n    return !equal(this.lastResultSnapshot, newResult);\n  }\n\n  // Returns the last result that observer.next was called with. This is not the same as\n  // getCurrentResult! If you're not sure which you need, then you probably need getCurrentResult.\n  public getLastResult(): ApolloQueryResult<TData> {\n    return this.lastResult;\n  }\n\n  public getLastError(): ApolloError {\n    return this.lastError;\n  }\n\n  public resetLastResults(): void {\n    delete this.lastResult;\n    delete this.lastResultSnapshot;\n    delete this.lastError;\n    this.isTornDown = false;\n  }\n\n  public resetQueryStoreErrors() {\n    this.queryManager.resetErrors(this.queryId);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Update the variables of this observable query, and fetch the new results.\n   * This method should be preferred over `setVariables` in most use cases.\n   *\n   * @param variables: The new set of variables. If there are missing variables,\n   * the previous values of those variables will be used.\n   */\n  public refetch(variables?: Partial<TVariables>): Promise<ApolloQueryResult<TData>> {\n    const reobserveOptions: Partial<WatchQueryOptions<TVariables, TData>> = {\n      // Always disable polling for refetches.\n      pollInterval: 0,\n    };\n\n    // Unless the provided fetchPolicy always consults the network\n    // (no-cache, network-only, or cache-and-network), override it with\n    // network-only to force the refetch for this fetchQuery call.\n    const { fetchPolicy } = this.options;\n    if (fetchPolicy !== 'no-cache' &&\n        fetchPolicy !== 'cache-and-network') {\n      reobserveOptions.fetchPolicy = 'network-only';\n      // Go back to the original options.fetchPolicy after this refetch.\n      reobserveOptions.nextFetchPolicy = fetchPolicy || \"cache-first\";\n    }\n\n    if (variables && !equal(this.options.variables, variables)) {\n      // Update the existing options with new variables\n      reobserveOptions.variables = this.options.variables = {\n        ...this.options.variables,\n        ...variables,\n      } as TVariables;\n    }\n\n    return this.newReobserver(false).reobserve(\n      reobserveOptions,\n      NetworkStatus.refetch,\n    );\n  }\n\n  public fetchMore<K extends keyof TVariables>(\n    fetchMoreOptions: FetchMoreQueryOptions<TVariables, K, TData> &\n      FetchMoreOptions<TData, TVariables>,\n  ): Promise<ApolloQueryResult<TData>> {\n    const combinedOptions = {\n      ...(fetchMoreOptions.query ? fetchMoreOptions : {\n        ...this.options,\n        ...fetchMoreOptions,\n        variables: {\n          ...this.options.variables,\n          ...fetchMoreOptions.variables,\n        },\n      }),\n      // The fetchMore request goes immediately to the network and does\n      // not automatically write its result to the cache (hence no-cache\n      // instead of network-only), because we allow the caller of\n      // fetchMore to provide an updateQuery callback that determines how\n      // the data gets written to the cache.\n      fetchPolicy: \"no-cache\",\n    } as WatchQueryOptions;\n\n    const qid = this.queryManager.generateQueryId();\n\n    // Simulate a loading result for the original query with\n    // result.networkStatus === NetworkStatus.fetchMore.\n    if (combinedOptions.notifyOnNetworkStatusChange) {\n      this.queryInfo.networkStatus = NetworkStatus.fetchMore;\n      this.observe();\n    }\n\n    return this.queryManager.fetchQuery(\n      qid,\n      combinedOptions,\n      NetworkStatus.fetchMore,\n    ).then(fetchMoreResult => {\n      const data = fetchMoreResult.data as TData;\n      const { updateQuery } = fetchMoreOptions;\n\n      if (updateQuery) {\n        if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" &&\n            !warnedAboutUpdateQuery) {\n          invariant.warn(\n`The updateQuery callback for fetchMore is deprecated, and will be removed\nin the next major version of Apollo Client.\n\nPlease convert updateQuery functions to field policies with appropriate\nread and merge functions, or use/adapt a helper function (such as\nconcatPagination, offsetLimitPagination, or relayStylePagination) from\n@apollo/client/utilities.\n\nThe field policy system handles pagination more effectively than a\nhand-written updateQuery function, and you only need to define the policy\nonce, rather than every time you call fetchMore.`);\n          warnedAboutUpdateQuery = true;\n        }\n        this.updateQuery(previous => updateQuery(previous, {\n          fetchMoreResult: data,\n          variables: combinedOptions.variables as TVariables,\n        }));\n      } else {\n        // If we're using a field policy instead of updateQuery, the only\n        // thing we need to do is write the new data to the cache using\n        // combinedOptions.variables (instead of this.variables, which is\n        // what this.updateQuery uses, because it works by abusing the\n        // original field value, keyed by the original variables).\n        this.queryManager.cache.writeQuery({\n          query: combinedOptions.query,\n          variables: combinedOptions.variables,\n          data,\n        });\n      }\n\n      return fetchMoreResult as ApolloQueryResult<TData>;\n\n    }).finally(() => {\n      this.queryManager.stopQuery(qid);\n      this.reobserve();\n    });\n  }\n\n  // XXX the subscription variables are separate from the query variables.\n  // if you want to update subscription variables, right now you have to do that separately,\n  // and you can only do it by stopping the subscription and then subscribing again with new variables.\n  public subscribeToMore<\n    TSubscriptionData = TData,\n    TSubscriptionVariables = TVariables\n  >(\n    options: SubscribeToMoreOptions<\n      TData,\n      TSubscriptionVariables,\n      TSubscriptionData\n    >,\n  ) {\n    const subscription = this.queryManager\n      .startGraphQLSubscription({\n        query: options.document,\n        variables: options.variables,\n        context: options.context,\n      })\n      .subscribe({\n        next: (subscriptionData: { data: TSubscriptionData }) => {\n          const { updateQuery } = options;\n          if (updateQuery) {\n            this.updateQuery<TSubscriptionVariables>(\n              (previous, { variables }) =>\n                updateQuery(previous, {\n                  subscriptionData,\n                  variables,\n                }),\n            );\n          }\n        },\n        error: (err: any) => {\n          if (options.onError) {\n            options.onError(err);\n            return;\n          }\n          invariant.error('Unhandled GraphQL subscription error', err);\n        },\n      });\n\n    this.subscriptions.add(subscription);\n\n    return () => {\n      if (this.subscriptions.delete(subscription)) {\n        subscription.unsubscribe();\n      }\n    };\n  }\n\n  public setOptions(\n    newOptions: Partial<WatchQueryOptions<TVariables, TData>>,\n  ): Promise<ApolloQueryResult<TData>> {\n    return this.reobserve(newOptions);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * This is for *internal* use only. Most users should instead use `refetch`\n   * in order to be properly notified of results even when they come from cache.\n   *\n   * Update the variables of this observable query, and fetch the new results\n   * if they've changed. If you want to force new results, use `refetch`.\n   *\n   * Note: the `next` callback will *not* fire if the variables have not changed\n   * or if the result is coming from cache.\n   *\n   * Note: the promise will return the old results immediately if the variables\n   * have not changed.\n   *\n   * Note: the promise will return null immediately if the query is not active\n   * (there are no subscribers).\n   *\n   * @private\n   *\n   * @param variables: The new set of variables. If there are missing variables,\n   * the previous values of those variables will be used.\n   *\n   * @param tryFetch: Try and fetch new results even if the variables haven't\n   * changed (we may still just hit the store, but if there's nothing in there\n   * this will refetch)\n   */\n  public setVariables(\n    variables: TVariables,\n  ): Promise<ApolloQueryResult<TData> | void> {\n    if (equal(this.variables, variables)) {\n      // If we have no observers, then we don't actually want to make a network\n      // request. As soon as someone observes the query, the request will kick\n      // off. For now, we just store any changes. (See #1077)\n      return this.observers.size\n        ? this.result()\n        : Promise.resolve();\n    }\n\n    this.options.variables = variables;\n\n    // See comment above\n    if (!this.observers.size) {\n      return Promise.resolve();\n    }\n\n    let { fetchPolicy = 'cache-first' } = this.options;\n    const reobserveOptions: Partial<WatchQueryOptions<TVariables, TData>> = {\n      fetchPolicy,\n      variables,\n    };\n\n    if (fetchPolicy !== 'cache-first' &&\n        fetchPolicy !== 'no-cache' &&\n        fetchPolicy !== 'network-only') {\n      reobserveOptions.fetchPolicy = 'cache-and-network';\n      reobserveOptions.nextFetchPolicy = fetchPolicy;\n    }\n\n    return this.reobserve(\n      reobserveOptions,\n      NetworkStatus.setVariables,\n    );\n  }\n\n  public updateQuery<TVars = TVariables>(\n    mapFn: (\n      previousQueryResult: TData,\n      options: Pick<WatchQueryOptions<TVars, TData>, \"variables\">,\n    ) => TData,\n  ): void {\n    const { queryManager } = this;\n    const { result } = queryManager.cache.diff<TData>({\n      query: this.options.query,\n      variables: this.variables,\n      previousResult: this.lastResult?.data,\n      returnPartialData: true,\n      optimistic: false,\n    });\n\n    const newResult = mapFn(result!, {\n      variables: (this as any).variables,\n    });\n\n    if (newResult) {\n      queryManager.cache.writeQuery({\n        query: this.options.query,\n        data: newResult,\n        variables: this.variables,\n      });\n\n      queryManager.broadcastQueries();\n    }\n  }\n\n  public startPolling(pollInterval: number) {\n    this.getReobserver().updateOptions({ pollInterval });\n  }\n\n  public stopPolling() {\n    if (this.reobserver) {\n      this.reobserver.updateOptions({ pollInterval: 0 });\n    }\n  }\n\n  private updateLastResult(newResult: ApolloQueryResult<TData>) {\n    const previousResult = this.lastResult;\n    this.lastResult = newResult;\n    this.lastResultSnapshot = this.queryManager.assumeImmutableResults\n      ? newResult\n      : cloneDeep(newResult);\n    if (!isNonEmptyArray(newResult.errors)) {\n      delete this.lastError;\n    }\n    return previousResult;\n  }\n\n  private onSubscribe(observer: Observer<ApolloQueryResult<TData>>) {\n    // Subscribing using this.observer will create an infinite notificaion\n    // loop, but the intent of broadcasting results to all the other\n    // this.observers can be satisfied without doing anything, which is\n    // why we do not bother throwing an error here.\n    if (observer === this.observer) {\n      return () => {};\n    }\n\n    // Zen Observable has its own error function, so in order to log correctly\n    // we need to provide a custom error callback.\n    try {\n      var subObserver = (observer as any)._subscription._observer;\n      if (subObserver && !subObserver.error) {\n        subObserver.error = defaultSubscriptionObserverErrorCallback;\n      }\n    } catch {}\n\n    const first = !this.observers.size;\n    this.observers.add(observer);\n\n    // Deliver most recent error or result.\n    if (this.lastError) {\n      observer.error && observer.error(this.lastError);\n    } else if (this.lastResult) {\n      observer.next && observer.next(this.lastResult);\n    }\n\n    // Initiate observation of this query if it hasn't been reported to\n    // the QueryManager yet.\n    if (first) {\n      this.reobserve().catch(_ => {\n        // Blindly catching here prevents unhandled promise rejections,\n        // and is safe because the ObservableQuery handles this error with\n        // this.observer.error, so we're not just swallowing the error by\n        // ignoring it here.\n      });\n    }\n\n    return () => {\n      if (this.observers.delete(observer) && !this.observers.size) {\n        this.tearDownQuery();\n      }\n    };\n  }\n\n  private reobserver?: Reobserver<TData, TVariables>;\n\n  private getReobserver(): Reobserver<TData, TVariables> {\n    return this.reobserver || (this.reobserver = this.newReobserver(true));\n  }\n\n  private newReobserver(shareOptions: boolean) {\n    const { queryManager, queryId } = this;\n    queryManager.setObservableQuery(this);\n    return new Reobserver<TData, TVariables>(\n      this.observer,\n      // Sharing options allows this.reobserver.options to be ===\n      // this.options, so we don't have to worry about synchronizing the\n      // properties of two distinct objects.\n      shareOptions ? this.options : { ...this.options },\n      (currentOptions, newNetworkStatus) => {\n        queryManager.setObservableQuery(this);\n        return queryManager.fetchQueryObservable(\n          queryId,\n          currentOptions,\n          newNetworkStatus,\n        );\n      },\n      // Avoid polling during SSR and when the query is already in flight.\n      !queryManager.ssrMode && (\n        () => !isNetworkRequestInFlight(this.queryInfo.networkStatus))\n    );\n  }\n\n  public reobserve(\n    newOptions?: Partial<WatchQueryOptions<TVariables, TData>>,\n    newNetworkStatus?: NetworkStatus,\n  ): Promise<ApolloQueryResult<TData>> {\n    this.isTornDown = false;\n    return this.getReobserver().reobserve(newOptions, newNetworkStatus);\n  }\n\n  // Pass the current result to this.observer.next without applying any\n  // fetch policies, bypassing the Reobserver.\n  private observe() {\n    // Passing false is important so that this.getCurrentResult doesn't\n    // save the fetchMore result as this.lastResult, causing it to be\n    // ignored due to the this.isDifferentFromLastResult check in\n    // this.observer.next.\n    this.observer.next(this.getCurrentResult(false));\n  }\n\n  private observer = {\n    next: (result: ApolloQueryResult<TData>) => {\n      if (this.lastError || this.isDifferentFromLastResult(result)) {\n        this.updateLastResult(result);\n        iterateObserversSafely(this.observers, 'next', result);\n      }\n    },\n\n    error: (error: ApolloError) => {\n      // Since we don't get the current result on errors, only the error, we\n      // must mirror the updates that occur in QueryStore.markQueryError here\n      this.updateLastResult({\n        ...this.lastResult,\n        error,\n        errors: error.graphQLErrors,\n        networkStatus: NetworkStatus.error,\n        loading: false,\n      });\n\n      iterateObserversSafely(this.observers, 'error', this.lastError = error);\n    },\n  };\n\n  public hasObservers() {\n    return this.observers.size > 0;\n  }\n\n  private tearDownQuery() {\n    if (this.isTornDown) return;\n\n    if (this.reobserver) {\n      this.reobserver.stop();\n      delete this.reobserver;\n    }\n\n    // stop all active GraphQL subscriptions\n    this.subscriptions.forEach(sub => sub.unsubscribe());\n    this.subscriptions.clear();\n\n    this.queryManager.stopQuery(this.queryId);\n\n    this.observers.clear();\n\n    this.isTornDown = true;\n  }\n}\n\n// Necessary because the ObservableQuery constructor has a different\n// signature than the Observable constructor.\nfixObservableSubclass(ObservableQuery);\n\nfunction defaultSubscriptionObserverErrorCallback(error: ApolloError) {\n  invariant.error('Unhandled error', error.message, error.stack);\n}\n", "// A [trie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trie) data structure that holds\n// object keys weakly, yet can also hold non-object keys, unlike the\n// native `WeakMap`.\n\n// If no makeData function is supplied, the looked-up data will be an empty,\n// null-prototype Object.\nconst defaultMakeData = () => Object.create(null);\n\n// Useful for processing arguments objects as well as arrays.\nconst { forEach, slice } = Array.prototype;\n\nexport class Trie<Data> {\n  // Since a `WeakMap` cannot hold primitive values as keys, we need a\n  // backup `Map` instance to hold primitive keys. Both `this._weakMap`\n  // and `this._strongMap` are lazily initialized.\n  private weak?: WeakMap<any, Trie<Data>>;\n  private strong?: Map<any, Trie<Data>>;\n  private data?: Data;\n\n  constructor(\n    private weakness = true,\n    private makeData: (array: any[]) => Data = defaultMakeData,\n  ) {}\n\n  public lookup<T extends any[]>(...array: T): Data {\n    return this.lookupArray(array);\n  }\n\n  public lookupArray<T extends IArguments | any[]>(array: T): Data {\n    let node: Trie<Data> = this;\n    forEach.call(array, key => node = node.getChildTrie(key));\n    return node.data || (node.data = this.makeData(slice.call(array)));\n  }\n\n  private getChildTrie(key: any) {\n    const map = this.weakness && isObjRef(key)\n      ? this.weak || (this.weak = new WeakMap<any, Trie<Data>>())\n      : this.strong || (this.strong = new Map<any, Trie<Data>>());\n    let child = map.get(key);\n    if (!child) map.set(key, child = new Trie<Data>(this.weakness, this.makeData));\n    return child;\n  }\n}\n\nfunction isObjRef(value: any) {\n  switch (typeof value) {\n  case \"object\":\n    if (value === null) break;\n    // Fall through to return true...\n  case \"function\":\n    return true;\n  }\n  return false;\n}\n", "type Context = {\n  parent: Context | null;\n  slots: { [slotId: string]: any };\n}\n\n// This currentContext variable will only be used if the makeSlotClass\n// function is called, which happens only if this is the first copy of the\n// @wry/context package to be imported.\nlet currentContext: Context | null = null;\n\n// This unique internal object is used to denote the absence of a value\n// for a given Slot, and is never exposed to outside code.\nconst MISSING_VALUE: any = {};\n\nlet idCounter = 1;\n\n// Although we can't do anything about the cost of duplicated code from\n// accidentally bundling multiple copies of the @wry/context package, we can\n// avoid creating the Slot class more than once using makeSlotClass.\nconst makeSlotClass = () => class Slot<TValue> {\n  // If you have a Slot object, you can find out its slot.id, but you cannot\n  // guess the slot.id of a Slot you don't have access to, thanks to the\n  // randomized suffix.\n  public readonly id = [\n    \"slot\",\n    idCounter++,\n    Date.now(),\n    Math.random().toString(36).slice(2),\n  ].join(\":\");\n\n  public hasValue() {\n    for (let context = currentContext; context; context = context.parent) {\n      // We use the Slot object iself as a key to its value, which means the\n      // value cannot be obtained without a reference to the Slot object.\n      if (this.id in context.slots) {\n        const value = context.slots[this.id];\n        if (value === MISSING_VALUE) break;\n        if (context !== currentContext) {\n          // Cache the value in currentContext.slots so the next lookup will\n          // be faster. This caching is safe because the tree of contexts and\n          // the values of the slots are logically immutable.\n          currentContext!.slots[this.id] = value;\n        }\n        return true;\n      }\n    }\n    if (currentContext) {\n      // If a value was not found for this Slot, it's never going to be found\n      // no matter how many times we look it up, so we might as well cache\n      // the absence of the value, too.\n      currentContext.slots[this.id] = MISSING_VALUE;\n    }\n    return false;\n  }\n\n  public getValue(): TValue | undefined {\n    if (this.hasValue()) {\n      return currentContext!.slots[this.id] as TValue;\n    }\n  }\n\n  public withValue<TResult, TArgs extends any[], TThis = any>(\n    value: TValue,\n    callback: (this: TThis, ...args: TArgs) => TResult,\n    // Given the prevalence of arrow functions, specifying arguments is likely\n    // to be much more common than specifying `this`, hence this ordering:\n    args?: TArgs,\n    thisArg?: TThis,\n  ): TResult {\n    const slots = {\n      __proto__: null,\n      [this.id]: value,\n    };\n    const parent = currentContext;\n    currentContext = { parent, slots };\n    try {\n      // Function.prototype.apply allows the arguments array argument to be\n      // omitted or undefined, so args! is fine here.\n      return callback.apply(thisArg!, args!);\n    } finally {\n      currentContext = parent;\n    }\n  }\n\n  // Capture the current context and wrap a callback function so that it\n  // reestablishes the captured context when called.\n  static bind<TArgs extends any[], TResult>(\n    callback: (...args: TArgs) => TResult,\n  ) {\n    const context = currentContext;\n    return function (this: any) {\n      const saved = currentContext;\n      try {\n        currentContext = context;\n        return callback.apply(this, arguments as any);\n      } finally {\n        currentContext = saved;\n      }\n    } as typeof callback;\n  }\n\n  // Immediately run a callback function without any captured context.\n  static noContext<TResult, TArgs extends any[], TThis = any>(\n    callback: (this: TThis, ...args: TArgs) => TResult,\n    // Given the prevalence of arrow functions, specifying arguments is likely\n    // to be much more common than specifying `this`, hence this ordering:\n    args?: TArgs,\n    thisArg?: TThis,\n  ) {\n    if (currentContext) {\n      const saved = currentContext;\n      try {\n        currentContext = null;\n        // Function.prototype.apply allows the arguments array argument to be\n        // omitted or undefined, so args! is fine here.\n        return callback.apply(thisArg!, args!);\n      } finally {\n        currentContext = saved;\n      }\n    } else {\n      return callback.apply(thisArg!, args!);\n    }\n  }\n};\n\n// We store a single global implementation of the Slot class as a permanent\n// non-enumerable symbol property of the Array constructor. This obfuscation\n// does nothing to prevent access to the Slot class, but at least it ensures\n// the implementation (i.e. currentContext) cannot be tampered with, and all\n// copies of the @wry/context package (hopefully just one) will share the\n// same Slot implementation. Since the first copy of the @wry/context package\n// to be imported wins, this technique imposes a very high cost for any\n// future breaking changes to the Slot class.\nconst globalKey = \"@wry/context:Slot\";\nconst host = Array as any;\n\nexport const Slot: ReturnType<typeof makeSlotClass> = host[globalKey] || function () {\n  const Slot = makeSlotClass();\n  try {\n    Object.defineProperty(host, globalKey, {\n      value: host[globalKey] = Slot,\n      enumerable: false,\n      writable: false,\n      configurable: false,\n    });\n  } finally {\n    return Slot;\n  }\n}();\n", "import { Slot } from \"./slot\";\nexport { Slot }\nexport const { bind, noContext } = Slot;\n\n// Relying on the @types/node declaration of global.setTimeout can make\n// things tricky for dowstream projects (see PR #7).\ndeclare function setTimeout(\n  callback: (...args: any[]) => any,\n  ms?: number,\n  ...args: any[]\n): any;\n\n// Like global.setTimeout, except the callback runs with captured context.\nexport { setTimeoutWithContext as setTimeout };\nfunction setTimeoutWithContext(callback: () => any, delay: number) {\n  return setTimeout(bind(callback), delay);\n}\n\n// Turn any generator function into an async function (using yield instead\n// of await), with context automatically preserved across yields.\nexport function asyncFromGen<TArgs extends any[]>(\n  genFn: (...args: TArgs) => any\n) {\n  return function (this: any) {\n    const gen = genFn.apply(this, arguments as any);\n    const boundNext = bind(gen.next);\n    const boundThrow = bind(gen.throw!);\n    type Method = typeof boundNext | typeof boundThrow;\n\n    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n      function invoke(method: Method, argument: any) {\n        try {\n          var result: any = method.call(gen, argument);\n        } catch (error) {\n          return reject(error);\n        }\n        const next = result.done ? resolve : invokeNext;\n        if (isPromiseLike(result.value)) {\n          result.value.then(next, result.done ? reject : invokeThrow);\n        } else {\n          next(result.value);\n        }\n      }\n      const invokeNext = (value?: any) => invoke(boundNext, value);\n      const invokeThrow = (error: any) => invoke(boundThrow, error);\n      invokeNext();\n    });\n  } as (...args: TArgs) => Promise<any>;\n}\n\nfunction isPromiseLike(value: any): value is PromiseLike<any> {\n  return value && typeof value.then === \"function\";\n}\n\n// If you use the fibers npm package to implement coroutines in Node.js,\n// you should call this function at least once to ensure context management\n// remains coherent across any yields.\nconst wrappedFibers: Function[] = [];\nexport function wrapYieldingFiberMethods<F extends Function>(Fiber: F): F {\n  // There can be only one implementation of Fiber per process, so this array\n  // should never grow longer than one element.\n  if (wrappedFibers.indexOf(Fiber) < 0) {\n    const wrap = (obj: any, method: string) => {\n      const fn = obj[method];\n      obj[method] = function () {\n        return noContext(fn, arguments as any, this);\n      };\n    }\n    // These methods can yield, according to\n    // https://github.com/laverdet/node-fibers/blob/ddebed9b8ae3883e57f822e2108e6943e5c8d2a8/fibers.js#L97-L100\n    wrap(Fiber, \"yield\");\n    wrap(Fiber.prototype, \"run\");\n    wrap(Fiber.prototype, \"throwInto\");\n    wrappedFibers.push(Fiber);\n  }\n  return Fiber;\n}\n", "interface Node<K, V> {\n  key: K;\n  value: V;\n  newer: Node<K, V> | null;\n  older: Node<K, V> | null;\n}\n\nfunction defaultDispose() {}\n\nexport class Cache<K = any, V = any> {\n  private map = new Map<K, Node<K, V>>();\n  private newest: Node<K, V> | null = null;\n  private oldest: Node<K, V> | null = null;\n\n  constructor(\n    private max = Infinity,\n    public dispose: (value: V, key: K) => void = defaultDispose,\n  ) {}\n\n  public has(key: K): boolean {\n    return this.map.has(key);\n  }\n\n  public get(key: K): V | undefined {\n    const node = this.getNode(key);\n    return node && node.value;\n  }\n\n  private getNode(key: K): Node<K, V> | undefined {\n    const node = this.map.get(key);\n\n    if (node && node !== this.newest) {\n      const { older, newer } = node;\n\n      if (newer) {\n        newer.older = older;\n      }\n\n      if (older) {\n        older.newer = newer;\n      }\n\n      node.older = this.newest;\n      node.older!.newer = node;\n\n      node.newer = null;\n      this.newest = node;\n\n      if (node === this.oldest) {\n        this.oldest = newer;\n      }\n    }\n\n    return node;\n  }\n\n  public set(key: K, value: V): V {\n    let node = this.getNode(key);\n    if (node) {\n      return node.value = value;\n    }\n\n    node = {\n      key,\n      value,\n      newer: null,\n      older: this.newest\n    };\n\n    if (this.newest) {\n      this.newest.newer = node;\n    }\n\n    this.newest = node;\n    this.oldest = this.oldest || node;\n\n    this.map.set(key, node);\n\n    return node.value;\n  }\n\n  public clean() {\n    while (this.oldest && this.map.size > this.max) {\n      this.delete(this.oldest.key);\n    }\n  }\n\n  public delete(key: K): boolean {\n    const node = this.map.get(key);\n    if (node) {\n      if (node === this.newest) {\n        this.newest = node.older;\n      }\n\n      if (node === this.oldest) {\n        this.oldest = node.newer;\n      }\n\n      if (node.newer) {\n        node.newer.older = node.older;\n      }\n\n      if (node.older) {\n        node.older.newer = node.newer;\n      }\n\n      this.map.delete(key);\n      this.dispose(node.value, key);\n\n      return true;\n    }\n\n    return false;\n  }\n}\n", "import { AnyEntry } from \"./entry\";\nimport { Slot } from \"@wry/context\";\n\nexport const parentEntrySlot = new Slot<AnyEntry>();\n\nexport {\n  bind as bindContext,\n  noContext,\n  setTimeout,\n  asyncFromGen,\n} from \"@wry/context\";\n", "export type Unsubscribable = {\n  unsubscribe?: void | (() => any);\n}\n\nexport function maybeUnsubscribe(entryOrDep: Unsubscribable) {\n  const { unsubscribe } = entryOrDep;\n  if (typeof unsubscribe === \"function\") {\n    entryOrDep.unsubscribe = void 0;\n    unsubscribe();\n  }\n}\n", "import { parentEntrySlot } from \"./context\";\nimport { OptimisticWrapOptions } from \"./index\";\nimport { Dep } from \"./dep\";\nimport { maybeUnsubscribe, Unsubscribable } from \"./helpers\";\n\nconst emptySetPool: Set<any>[] = [];\nconst POOL_TARGET_SIZE = 100;\n\n// Since this package might be used browsers, we should avoid using the\n// Node built-in assert module.\nfunction assert(condition: any, optionalMessage?: string) {\n  if (! condition) {\n    throw new Error(optionalMessage || \"assertion failure\");\n  }\n}\n\n// Since exceptions are cached just like normal values, we need an efficient\n// way of representing unknown, ordinary, and exceptional values.\ntype Value<T> =\n  | []           // unknown\n  | [T]          // known value\n  | [void, any]; // known exception\n\nfunction valueIs(a: Value<any>, b: Value<any>) {\n  const len = a.length;\n  return (\n    // Unknown values are not equal to each other.\n    len > 0 &&\n    // Both values must be ordinary (or both exceptional) to be equal.\n    len === b.length &&\n    // The underlying value or exception must be the same.\n    a[len - 1] === b[len - 1]\n  );\n}\n\nfunction valueGet<T>(value: Value<T>): T {\n  switch (value.length) {\n    case 0: throw new Error(\"unknown value\");\n    case 1: return value[0];\n    case 2: throw value[1];\n  }\n}\n\nfunction valueCopy<T>(value: Value<T>): Value<T> {\n  return value.slice(0) as Value<T>;\n}\n\nexport type AnyEntry = Entry<any, any>;\n\nexport class Entry<TArgs extends any[], TValue> {\n  public static count = 0;\n\n  public subscribe: OptimisticWrapOptions<TArgs>[\"subscribe\"];\n  public unsubscribe: Unsubscribable[\"unsubscribe\"];\n\n  public readonly parents = new Set<AnyEntry>();\n  public readonly childValues = new Map<AnyEntry, Value<any>>();\n\n  // When this Entry has children that are dirty, this property becomes\n  // a Set containing other Entry objects, borrowed from emptySetPool.\n  // When the set becomes empty, it gets recycled back to emptySetPool.\n  public dirtyChildren: Set<AnyEntry> | null = null;\n\n  public dirty = true;\n  public recomputing = false;\n  public readonly value: Value<TValue> = [];\n\n  constructor(\n    public readonly fn: (...args: TArgs) => TValue,\n  ) {\n    ++Entry.count;\n  }\n\n  public peek(): TValue | undefined {\n    if (this.value.length === 1 && !mightBeDirty(this)) {\n      return this.value[0];\n    }\n  }\n\n  // This is the most important method of the Entry API, because it\n  // determines whether the cached this.value can be returned immediately,\n  // or must be recomputed. The overall performance of the caching system\n  // depends on the truth of the following observations: (1) this.dirty is\n  // usually false, (2) this.dirtyChildren is usually null/empty, and thus\n  // (3) valueGet(this.value) is usually returned without recomputation.\n  public recompute(args: TArgs): TValue {\n    assert(! this.recomputing, \"already recomputing\");\n    rememberParent(this);\n    return mightBeDirty(this)\n      ? reallyRecompute(this, args)\n      : valueGet(this.value);\n  }\n\n  public setDirty() {\n    if (this.dirty) return;\n    this.dirty = true;\n    this.value.length = 0;\n    reportDirty(this);\n    forgetChildren(this);\n    // We can go ahead and unsubscribe here, since any further dirty\n    // notifications we receive will be redundant, and unsubscribing may\n    // free up some resources, e.g. file watchers.\n    maybeUnsubscribe(this);\n  }\n\n  public dispose() {\n    forgetChildren(this);\n    maybeUnsubscribe(this);\n\n    // Because this entry has been kicked out of the cache (in index.js),\n    // we've lost the ability to find out if/when this entry becomes dirty,\n    // whether that happens through a subscription, because of a direct call\n    // to entry.setDirty(), or because one of its children becomes dirty.\n    // Because of this loss of future information, we have to assume the\n    // worst (that this entry might have become dirty very soon), so we must\n    // immediately mark this entry's parents as dirty. Normally we could\n    // just call entry.setDirty() rather than calling parent.setDirty() for\n    // each parent, but that would leave this entry in parent.childValues\n    // and parent.dirtyChildren, which would prevent the child from being\n    // truly forgotten.\n    this.parents.forEach(parent => {\n      parent.setDirty();\n      forgetChild(parent, this);\n    });\n  }\n\n  private deps: Set<Dep<any>> | null = null;\n\n  public dependOn(dep: Dep<any>) {\n    dep.add(this);\n    if (! this.deps) {\n      this.deps = emptySetPool.pop() || new Set<Set<AnyEntry>>();\n    }\n    this.deps.add(dep);\n  }\n\n  public forgetDeps() {\n    if (this.deps) {\n      this.deps.forEach(dep => dep.delete(this));\n      this.deps.clear();\n      emptySetPool.push(this.deps);\n      this.deps = null;\n    }\n  }\n}\n\nfunction rememberParent(child: AnyEntry) {\n  const parent = parentEntrySlot.getValue();\n  if (parent) {\n    child.parents.add(parent);\n\n    if (! parent.childValues.has(child)) {\n      parent.childValues.set(child, []);\n    }\n\n    if (mightBeDirty(child)) {\n      reportDirtyChild(parent, child);\n    } else {\n      reportCleanChild(parent, child);\n    }\n\n    return parent;\n  }\n}\n\nfunction reallyRecompute(entry: AnyEntry, args: any[]) {\n  forgetChildren(entry);\n\n  // Set entry as the parent entry while calling recomputeNewValue(entry).\n  parentEntrySlot.withValue(entry, recomputeNewValue, [entry, args]);\n\n  if (maybeSubscribe(entry, args)) {\n    // If we successfully recomputed entry.value and did not fail to\n    // (re)subscribe, then this Entry is no longer explicitly dirty.\n    setClean(entry);\n  }\n\n  return valueGet(entry.value);\n}\n\nfunction recomputeNewValue(entry: AnyEntry, args: any[]) {\n  entry.recomputing = true;\n  // Set entry.value as unknown.\n  entry.value.length = 0;\n  try {\n    // If entry.fn succeeds, entry.value will become a normal Value.\n    entry.value[0] = entry.fn.apply(null, args);\n  } catch (e) {\n    // If entry.fn throws, entry.value will become exceptional.\n    entry.value[1] = e;\n  }\n  // Either way, this line is always reached.\n  entry.recomputing = false;\n}\n\nfunction mightBeDirty(entry: AnyEntry) {\n  return entry.dirty || !!(entry.dirtyChildren && entry.dirtyChildren.size);\n}\n\nfunction setClean(entry: AnyEntry) {\n  entry.dirty = false;\n\n  if (mightBeDirty(entry)) {\n    // This Entry may still have dirty children, in which case we can't\n    // let our parents know we're clean just yet.\n    return;\n  }\n\n  reportClean(entry);\n}\n\nfunction reportDirty(child: AnyEntry) {\n  child.parents.forEach(parent => reportDirtyChild(parent, child));\n}\n\nfunction reportClean(child: AnyEntry) {\n  child.parents.forEach(parent => reportCleanChild(parent, child));\n}\n\n// Let a parent Entry know that one of its children may be dirty.\nfunction reportDirtyChild(parent: AnyEntry, child: AnyEntry) {\n  // Must have called rememberParent(child) before calling\n  // reportDirtyChild(parent, child).\n  assert(parent.childValues.has(child));\n  assert(mightBeDirty(child));\n\n  if (! parent.dirtyChildren) {\n    parent.dirtyChildren = emptySetPool.pop() || new Set;\n\n  } else if (parent.dirtyChildren.has(child)) {\n    // If we already know this child is dirty, then we must have already\n    // informed our own parents that we are dirty, so we can terminate\n    // the recursion early.\n    return;\n  }\n\n  parent.dirtyChildren.add(child);\n  reportDirty(parent);\n}\n\n// Let a parent Entry know that one of its children is no longer dirty.\nfunction reportCleanChild(parent: AnyEntry, child: AnyEntry) {\n  // Must have called rememberChild(child) before calling\n  // reportCleanChild(parent, child).\n  assert(parent.childValues.has(child));\n  assert(! mightBeDirty(child));\n\n  const childValue = parent.childValues.get(child)!;\n  if (childValue.length === 0) {\n    parent.childValues.set(child, valueCopy(child.value));\n  } else if (! valueIs(childValue, child.value)) {\n    parent.setDirty();\n  }\n\n  removeDirtyChild(parent, child);\n\n  if (mightBeDirty(parent)) {\n    return;\n  }\n\n  reportClean(parent);\n}\n\nfunction removeDirtyChild(parent: AnyEntry, child: AnyEntry) {\n  const dc = parent.dirtyChildren;\n  if (dc) {\n    dc.delete(child);\n    if (dc.size === 0) {\n      if (emptySetPool.length < POOL_TARGET_SIZE) {\n        emptySetPool.push(dc);\n      }\n      parent.dirtyChildren = null;\n    }\n  }\n}\n\n// Removes all children from this entry and returns an array of the\n// removed children.\nfunction forgetChildren(parent: AnyEntry) {\n  if (parent.childValues.size > 0) {\n    parent.childValues.forEach((_value, child) => {\n      forgetChild(parent, child);\n    });\n  }\n\n  // Remove this parent Entry from any sets to which it was added by the\n  // addToSet method.\n  parent.forgetDeps();\n\n  // After we forget all our children, this.dirtyChildren must be empty\n  // and therefore must have been reset to null.\n  assert(parent.dirtyChildren === null);\n}\n\nfunction forgetChild(parent: AnyEntry, child: AnyEntry) {\n  child.parents.delete(parent);\n  parent.childValues.delete(child);\n  removeDirtyChild(parent, child);\n}\n\nfunction maybeSubscribe(entry: AnyEntry, args: any[]) {\n  if (typeof entry.subscribe === \"function\") {\n    try {\n      maybeUnsubscribe(entry); // Prevent double subscriptions.\n      entry.unsubscribe = entry.subscribe.apply(null, args);\n    } catch (e) {\n      // If this Entry has a subscribe function and it threw an exception\n      // (or an unsubscribe function it previously returned now throws),\n      // return false to indicate that we were not able to subscribe (or\n      // unsubscribe), and this Entry should remain dirty.\n      entry.setDirty();\n      return false;\n    }\n  }\n\n  // Returning true indicates either that there was no entry.subscribe\n  // function or that it succeeded.\n  return true;\n}\n", "import { AnyEntry } from \"./entry\";\nimport { OptimisticWrapOptions } from \"./index\";\nimport { parentEntrySlot } from \"./context\";\nimport { Unsubscribable, maybeUnsubscribe } from \"./helpers\";\n\nexport type OptimisticDependencyFunction<TKey> =\n  ((key: TKey) => void) & {\n    dirty: (key: TKey) => void;\n  };\n\nexport type Dep<TKey> = Set<AnyEntry> & {\n  subscribe: OptimisticWrapOptions<[TKey]>[\"subscribe\"];\n} & Unsubscribable;\n\nexport function dep<TKey>(options?: {\n  subscribe: Dep<TKey>[\"subscribe\"];\n}) {\n  const depsByKey = new Map<TKey, Dep<TKey>>();\n  const subscribe = options && options.subscribe;\n\n  function depend(key: TKey) {\n    const parent = parentEntrySlot.getValue();\n    if (parent) {\n      let dep = depsByKey.get(key);\n      if (!dep) {\n        depsByKey.set(key, dep = new Set as Dep<TKey>);\n      }\n      parent.dependOn(dep);\n      if (typeof subscribe === \"function\") {\n        maybeUnsubscribe(dep);\n        dep.unsubscribe = subscribe(key);\n      }\n    }\n  }\n\n  depend.dirty = function dirty(key: TKey) {\n    const dep = depsByKey.get(key);\n    if (dep) {\n      dep.forEach(entry => entry.setDirty());\n      depsByKey.delete(key);\n      maybeUnsubscribe(dep);\n    }\n  };\n\n  return depend as OptimisticDependencyFunction<TKey>;\n}\n", "import { Trie } from \"@wry/trie\";\n\nimport { Cache } from \"./cache\";\nimport { Entry, AnyEntry } from \"./entry\";\nimport { parentEntrySlot } from \"./context\";\n\n// These helper functions are important for making optimism work with\n// asynchronous code. In order to register parent-child dependencies,\n// optimism needs to know about any currently active parent computations.\n// In ordinary synchronous code, the parent context is implicit in the\n// execution stack, but asynchronous code requires some extra guidance in\n// order to propagate context from one async task segment to the next.\nexport {\n  bindContext,\n  noContext,\n  setTimeout,\n  asyncFromGen,\n} from \"./context\";\n\n// A lighter-weight dependency, similar to OptimisticWrapperFunction, except\n// with only one argument, no makeCacheKey, no wrapped function to recompute,\n// and no result value. Useful for representing dependency leaves in the graph\n// of computation. Subscriptions are supported.\nexport { dep, OptimisticDependencyFunction } from \"./dep\";\n\n// Since the Cache uses a Map internally, any value or object reference can\n// be safely used as a key, though common types include object and string.\nexport type TCacheKey = any;\n\n// The defaultMakeCacheKey function is remarkably powerful, because it gives\n// a unique object for any shallow-identical list of arguments. If you need\n// to implement a custom makeCacheKey function, you may find it helpful to\n// delegate the final work to defaultMakeCacheKey, which is why we export it\n// here. However, you may want to avoid defaultMakeCacheKey if your runtime\n// does not support WeakMap, or you have the ability to return a string key.\n// In those cases, just write your own custom makeCacheKey functions.\nconst keyTrie = new Trie<TCacheKey>(typeof WeakMap === \"function\");\nexport function defaultMakeCacheKey(...args: any[]) {\n  return keyTrie.lookupArray(args);\n}\n\n// If you're paranoid about memory leaks, or you want to avoid using WeakMap\n// under the hood, but you still need the behavior of defaultMakeCacheKey,\n// import this constructor to create your own tries.\nexport { Trie as KeyTrie }\n\nexport type OptimisticWrapperFunction<\n  TArgs extends any[],\n  TResult,\n  TKeyArgs extends any[] = TArgs,\n> = ((...args: TArgs) => TResult) & {\n  // The .dirty(...) method of an optimistic function takes exactly the\n  // same parameter types as the original function.\n  dirty: (...args: TKeyArgs) => void;\n  // Examine the current value without recomputing it.\n  peek: (...args: TKeyArgs) => TResult | undefined;\n  // Remove the entry from the cache, dirtying any parent entries.\n  forget: (...args: TKeyArgs) => boolean;\n};\n\nexport type OptimisticWrapOptions<\n  TArgs extends any[],\n  TKeyArgs extends any[] = TArgs,\n> = {\n  // The maximum number of cache entries that should be retained before the\n  // cache begins evicting the oldest ones.\n  max?: number;\n  // Transform the raw arguments to some other type of array, which will then\n  // be passed to makeCacheKey.\n  keyArgs?: (...args: TArgs) => TKeyArgs;\n  // The makeCacheKey function takes the same arguments that were passed to\n  // the wrapper function and returns a single value that can be used as a key\n  // in a Map to identify the cached result.\n  makeCacheKey?: (...args: TKeyArgs) => TCacheKey;\n  // If provided, the subscribe function should either return an unsubscribe\n  // function or return nothing.\n  subscribe?: (...args: TArgs) => void | (() => any);\n};\n\nconst caches = new Set<Cache<TCacheKey, AnyEntry>>();\n\nexport function wrap<\n  TArgs extends any[],\n  TResult,\n  TKeyArgs extends any[] = TArgs,\n>(\n  originalFunction: (...args: TArgs) => TResult,\n  options: OptimisticWrapOptions<TArgs, TKeyArgs> = Object.create(null),\n) {\n  const cache = new Cache<TCacheKey, Entry<TArgs, TResult>>(\n    options.max || Math.pow(2, 16),\n    entry => entry.dispose(),\n  );\n\n  const keyArgs = options.keyArgs;\n  const makeCacheKey = options.makeCacheKey || defaultMakeCacheKey;\n\n  function optimistic(): TResult {\n    const key = makeCacheKey.apply(\n      null,\n      keyArgs ? keyArgs.apply(null, arguments as any) : arguments as any\n    );\n\n    if (key === void 0) {\n      return originalFunction.apply(null, arguments as any);\n    }\n\n    let entry = cache.get(key)!;\n    if (!entry) {\n      cache.set(key, entry = new Entry(originalFunction));\n      entry.subscribe = options.subscribe;\n    }\n\n    const value = entry.recompute(\n      Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments) as TArgs,\n    );\n\n    // Move this entry to the front of the least-recently used queue,\n    // since we just finished computing its value.\n    cache.set(key, entry);\n\n    caches.add(cache);\n\n    // Clean up any excess entries in the cache, but only if there is no\n    // active parent entry, meaning we're not in the middle of a larger\n    // computation that might be flummoxed by the cleaning.\n    if (! parentEntrySlot.hasValue()) {\n      caches.forEach(cache => cache.clean());\n      caches.clear();\n    }\n\n    return value;\n  }\n\n  function lookup(): Entry<TArgs, TResult> | undefined {\n    const key = makeCacheKey.apply(null, arguments as any);\n    if (key !== void 0) {\n      return cache.get(key);\n    }\n  }\n\n  optimistic.dirty = function () {\n    const entry = lookup.apply(null, arguments as any);\n    if (entry) {\n      entry.setDirty();\n    }\n  };\n\n  optimistic.peek = function () {\n    const entry = lookup.apply(null, arguments as any);\n    if (entry) {\n      return entry.peek();\n    }\n  };\n\n  optimistic.forget = function () {\n    const key = makeCacheKey.apply(null, arguments as any);\n    return key !== void 0 && cache.delete(key);\n  };\n\n  return optimistic as OptimisticWrapperFunction<TArgs, TResult, TKeyArgs>;\n}\n", "import { DocumentNode } from 'graphql';\nimport { wrap } from 'optimism';\n\nimport {\n  StoreObject,\n  Reference,\n  getFragmentQueryDocument,\n} from '../../utilities';\nimport { DataProxy } from './types/DataProxy';\nimport { Cache } from './types/Cache';\n\nexport type Transaction<T> = (c: ApolloCache<T>) => void;\n\nexport abstract class ApolloCache<TSerialized> implements DataProxy {\n  // required to implement\n  // core API\n  public abstract read<T, TVariables = any>(\n    query: Cache.ReadOptions<TVariables, T>,\n  ): T | null;\n  public abstract write<TResult = any, TVariables = any>(\n    write: Cache.WriteOptions<TResult, TVariables>,\n  ): Reference | undefined;\n  public abstract diff<T>(query: Cache.DiffOptions): Cache.DiffResult<T>;\n  public abstract watch(watch: Cache.WatchOptions): () => void;\n  public abstract reset(): Promise<void>;\n\n  // Remove whole objects from the cache by passing just options.id, or\n  // specific fields by passing options.field and/or options.args. If no\n  // options.args are provided, all fields matching options.field (even\n  // those with arguments) will be removed. Returns true iff any data was\n  // removed from the cache.\n  public abstract evict(options: Cache.EvictOptions): boolean;\n\n  // intializer / offline / ssr API\n  /**\n   * Replaces existing state in the cache (if any) with the values expressed by\n   * `serializedState`.\n   *\n   * Called when hydrating a cache (server side rendering, or offline storage),\n   * and also (potentially) during hot reloads.\n   */\n  public abstract restore(\n    serializedState: TSerialized,\n  ): ApolloCache<TSerialized>;\n\n  /**\n   * Exposes the cache's complete state, in a serializable format for later restoration.\n   */\n  public abstract extract(optimistic?: boolean): TSerialized;\n\n  // Optimistic API\n\n  public abstract removeOptimistic(id: string): void;\n\n  // Transactional API\n\n  public abstract performTransaction(\n    transaction: Transaction<TSerialized>,\n    // Although subclasses may implement recordOptimisticTransaction\n    // however they choose, the default implementation simply calls\n    // performTransaction with a string as the second argument, allowing\n    // performTransaction to handle both optimistic and non-optimistic\n    // (broadcast-batching) transactions. Passing null for optimisticId is\n    // also allowed, and indicates that performTransaction should apply\n    // the transaction non-optimistically (ignoring optimistic data).\n    optimisticId?: string | null,\n  ): void;\n\n  public recordOptimisticTransaction(\n    transaction: Transaction<TSerialized>,\n    optimisticId: string,\n  ) {\n    this.performTransaction(transaction, optimisticId);\n  }\n\n  // Optional API\n\n  public transformDocument(document: DocumentNode): DocumentNode {\n    return document;\n  }\n\n  public identify(object: StoreObject | Reference): string | undefined {\n    return;\n  }\n\n  public gc(): string[] {\n    return [];\n  }\n\n  public modify(options: Cache.ModifyOptions): boolean {\n    return false;\n  }\n\n  // Experimental API\n\n  public transformForLink(document: DocumentNode): DocumentNode {\n    return document;\n  }\n\n  // DataProxy API\n  /**\n   *\n   * @param options\n   * @param optimistic\n   */\n  public readQuery<QueryType, TVariables = any>(\n    options: Cache.ReadQueryOptions<QueryType, TVariables>,\n    optimistic = !!options.optimistic,\n  ): QueryType | null {\n    return this.read({\n      rootId: options.id || 'ROOT_QUERY',\n      query: options.query,\n      variables: options.variables,\n      returnPartialData: options.returnPartialData,\n      optimistic,\n    });\n  }\n\n  // Make sure we compute the same (===) fragment query document every\n  // time we receive the same fragment in readFragment.\n  private getFragmentDoc = wrap(getFragmentQueryDocument);\n\n  public readFragment<FragmentType, TVariables = any>(\n    options: Cache.ReadFragmentOptions<FragmentType, TVariables>,\n    optimistic = !!options.optimistic,\n  ): FragmentType | null {\n    return this.read({\n      query: this.getFragmentDoc(options.fragment, options.fragmentName),\n      variables: options.variables,\n      rootId: options.id,\n      returnPartialData: options.returnPartialData,\n      optimistic,\n    });\n  }\n\n  public writeQuery<TData = any, TVariables = any>(\n    options: Cache.WriteQueryOptions<TData, TVariables>,\n  ): Reference | undefined {\n    return this.write({\n      dataId: options.id || 'ROOT_QUERY',\n      result: options.data,\n      query: options.query,\n      variables: options.variables,\n      broadcast: options.broadcast,\n    });\n  }\n\n  public writeFragment<TData = any, TVariables = any>(\n    options: Cache.WriteFragmentOptions<TData, TVariables>,\n  ): Reference | undefined {\n    return this.write({\n      dataId: options.id,\n      result: options.data,\n      variables: options.variables,\n      query: this.getFragmentDoc(options.fragment, options.fragmentName),\n      broadcast: options.broadcast,\n    });\n  }\n}\n", "import { DataProxy } from './DataProxy';\nimport { Modifier, Modifiers } from './common';\n\nexport namespace Cache {\n  export type WatchCallback = (diff: Cache.DiffResult<any>) => void;\n\n  export interface ReadOptions<TVariables = any, TData = any>\n    extends DataProxy.Query<TVariables, TData> {\n    rootId?: string;\n    previousResult?: any;\n    optimistic: boolean;\n    returnPartialData?: boolean;\n  }\n\n  export interface WriteOptions<TResult = any, TVariables = any>\n    extends DataProxy.Query<TVariables, TResult> {\n    dataId?: string;\n    result: TResult;\n    broadcast?: boolean;\n  }\n\n  export interface DiffOptions extends ReadOptions {\n    // The DiffOptions interface is currently just an alias for\n    // ReadOptions, though DiffOptions used to be responsible for\n    // declaring the returnPartialData option.\n  }\n\n  export interface WatchOptions extends ReadOptions {\n    immediate?: boolean;\n    callback: WatchCallback;\n  }\n\n  export interface EvictOptions {\n    id?: string;\n    fieldName?: string;\n    args?: Record<string, any>;\n    broadcast?: boolean;\n  }\n\n  export interface ModifyOptions {\n    id?: string;\n    fields: Modifiers | Modifier<any>;\n    optimistic?: boolean;\n    broadcast?: boolean;\n  }\n\n  export import DiffResult = DataProxy.DiffResult;\n  export import ReadQueryOptions = DataProxy.ReadQueryOptions;\n  export import ReadFragmentOptions = DataProxy.ReadFragmentOptions;\n  export import WriteQueryOptions = DataProxy.WriteQueryOptions;\n  export import WriteFragmentOptions = DataProxy.WriteFragmentOptions;\n  export import Fragment = DataProxy.Fragment;\n}\n", "import { FieldNode } from 'graphql';\n\nimport {\n  Reference,\n  StoreObject,\n  StoreValue,\n  isReference,\n} from '../../../utilities';\n\nimport { StorageType } from '../../inmemory/policies';\n\n// The Readonly<T> type only really works for object types, since it marks\n// all of the object's properties as readonly, but there are many cases when\n// a generic type parameter like TExisting might be a string or some other\n// primitive type, in which case we need to avoid wrapping it with Readonly.\n// SafeReadonly<string> collapses to just string, which makes string\n// assignable to SafeReadonly<any>, whereas string is not assignable to\n// Readonly<any>, somewhat surprisingly.\nexport type SafeReadonly<T> = T extends object ? Readonly<T> : T;\n\nexport class MissingFieldError {\n  constructor(\n    public readonly message: string,\n    public readonly path: (string | number)[],\n    public readonly query: import('graphql').DocumentNode,\n    public readonly clientOnly: boolean,\n    public readonly variables?: Record<string, any>,\n  ) {}\n}\n\nexport interface FieldSpecifier {\n  typename?: string;\n  fieldName: string;\n  field?: FieldNode;\n  args?: Record<string, any>;\n  variables?: Record<string, any>;\n}\n\nexport interface ReadFieldOptions extends FieldSpecifier {\n  from?: StoreObject | Reference;\n}\n\nexport interface ReadFieldFunction {\n  <V = StoreValue>(options: ReadFieldOptions): SafeReadonly<V> | undefined;\n  <V = StoreValue>(\n    fieldName: string,\n    from?: StoreObject | Reference,\n  ): SafeReadonly<V> | undefined;\n}\n\nexport type ToReferenceFunction = (\n  objOrIdOrRef: StoreObject | string | Reference,\n  mergeIntoStore?: boolean,\n) => Reference | undefined;\n\nexport type CanReadFunction = (value: StoreValue) => boolean;\n\nexport type Modifier<T> = (value: T, details: {\n  DELETE: any;\n  INVALIDATE: any;\n  fieldName: string;\n  storeFieldName: string;\n  readField: ReadFieldFunction;\n  canRead: CanReadFunction;\n  isReference: typeof isReference;\n  toReference: ToReferenceFunction;\n  storage: StorageType;\n}) => T;\n\nexport type Modifiers = {\n  [fieldName: string]: Modifier<any>;\n};\n", "//# sourceMappingURL=fixPolyfills.js.map", "import { SelectionSetNode } from 'graphql';\n\nimport { NormalizedCache } from './types';\nimport {\n  Reference,\n  isReference,\n  StoreValue,\n  StoreObject,\n  isField,\n  DeepMerger,\n  resultKeyNameFromField,\n  shouldInclude,\n} from '../../utilities';\n\nexport const hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\n\nexport function getTypenameFromStoreObject(\n  store: NormalizedCache,\n  objectOrReference: StoreObject | Reference,\n): string | undefined {\n  return isReference(objectOrReference)\n    ? store.get(objectOrReference.__ref, \"__typename\") as string\n    : objectOrReference && objectOrReference.__typename;\n}\n\nexport const TypeOrFieldNameRegExp = /^[_a-z][_0-9a-z]*/i;\n\nexport function fieldNameFromStoreName(storeFieldName: string): string {\n  const match = storeFieldName.match(TypeOrFieldNameRegExp);\n  return match ? match[0] : storeFieldName;\n}\n\nexport function selectionSetMatchesResult(\n  selectionSet: SelectionSetNode,\n  result: Record<string, any>,\n  variables?: Record<string, any>,\n): boolean {\n  if (result && typeof result === \"object\") {\n    return Array.isArray(result)\n      ? result.every(item => selectionSetMatchesResult(selectionSet, item, variables))\n      : selectionSet.selections.every(field => {\n        if (isField(field) && shouldInclude(field, variables)) {\n          const key = resultKeyNameFromField(field);\n          return hasOwn.call(result, key) &&\n            (!field.selectionSet ||\n             selectionSetMatchesResult(field.selectionSet, result[key], variables));\n        }\n        // If the selection has been skipped with @skip(true) or\n        // @include(false), it should not count against the matching. If\n        // the selection is not a field, it must be a fragment (inline or\n        // named). We will determine if selectionSetMatchesResult for that\n        // fragment when we get to it, so for now we return true.\n        return true;\n      });\n  }\n  return false;\n}\n\nexport function storeValueIsStoreObject(\n  value: StoreValue,\n): value is StoreObject {\n  return value !== null &&\n    typeof value === \"object\" &&\n    !isReference(value) &&\n    !Array.isArray(value);\n}\n\nexport function makeProcessedFieldsMerger() {\n  return new DeepMerger;\n}\n", "import { dep, OptimisticDependencyFunction, KeyTrie } from 'optimism';\nimport { equal } from '@wry/equality';\n\nimport {\n  isReference,\n  StoreValue,\n  StoreObject,\n  Reference,\n  makeReference,\n  DeepMerger,\n  maybeDeepFreeze,\n  canUseWeakMap,\n} from '../../utilities';\nimport { NormalizedCache, NormalizedCacheObject } from './types';\nimport { hasOwn, fieldNameFromStoreName } from './helpers';\nimport { Policies, StorageType } from './policies';\nimport { Cache } from '../core/types/Cache';\nimport {\n  SafeReadonly,\n  Modifier,\n  Modifiers,\n  ReadFieldOptions,\n  ToReferenceFunction,\n  CanReadFunction,\n} from '../core/types/common';\n\nconst DELETE: any = Object.create(null);\nconst delModifier: Modifier<any> = () => DELETE;\nconst INVALIDATE: any = Object.create(null);\n\nexport abstract class EntityStore implements NormalizedCache {\n  protected data: NormalizedCacheObject = Object.create(null);\n\n  constructor(\n    public readonly policies: Policies,\n    public readonly group: CacheGroup,\n  ) {}\n\n  public abstract addLayer(\n    layerId: string,\n    replay: (layer: EntityStore) => any,\n  ): Layer;\n\n  public abstract removeLayer(layerId: string): EntityStore;\n\n  // Although the EntityStore class is abstract, it contains concrete\n  // implementations of the various NormalizedCache interface methods that\n  // are inherited by the Root and Layer subclasses.\n\n  public toObject(): NormalizedCacheObject {\n    return { ...this.data };\n  }\n\n  public has(dataId: string): boolean {\n    return this.lookup(dataId, true) !== void 0;\n  }\n\n  public get(dataId: string, fieldName: string): StoreValue {\n    this.group.depend(dataId, fieldName);\n    if (hasOwn.call(this.data, dataId)) {\n      const storeObject = this.data[dataId];\n      if (storeObject && hasOwn.call(storeObject, fieldName)) {\n        return storeObject[fieldName];\n      }\n    }\n    if (fieldName === \"__typename\" &&\n        hasOwn.call(this.policies.rootTypenamesById, dataId)) {\n      return this.policies.rootTypenamesById[dataId];\n    }\n    if (this instanceof Layer) {\n      return this.parent.get(dataId, fieldName);\n    }\n  }\n\n  protected lookup(dataId: string, dependOnExistence?: boolean): StoreObject | undefined {\n    // The has method (above) calls lookup with dependOnExistence = true, so\n    // that it can later be invalidated when we add or remove a StoreObject for\n    // this dataId. Any consumer who cares about the contents of the StoreObject\n    // should not rely on this dependency, since the contents could change\n    // without the object being added or removed.\n    if (dependOnExistence) this.group.depend(dataId, \"__exists\");\n\n    if (hasOwn.call(this.data, dataId)) {\n      return this.data[dataId];\n    }\n\n    if (this instanceof Layer) {\n      return this.parent.lookup(dataId, dependOnExistence);\n    }\n\n    if (this.policies.rootTypenamesById[dataId]) {\n      return Object.create(null);\n    }\n  }\n\n  public merge(dataId: string, incoming: StoreObject): void {\n    const existing = this.lookup(dataId);\n    const merged: StoreObject =\n      new DeepMerger(storeObjectReconciler).merge(existing, incoming);\n    // Even if merged === existing, existing may have come from a lower\n    // layer, so we always need to set this.data[dataId] on this level.\n    this.data[dataId] = merged;\n    if (merged !== existing) {\n      delete this.refs[dataId];\n      if (this.group.caching) {\n        const fieldsToDirty: Record<string, 1> = Object.create(null);\n\n        // If we added a new StoreObject where there was previously none, dirty\n        // anything that depended on the existence of this dataId, such as the\n        // EntityStore#has method.\n        if (!existing) fieldsToDirty.__exists = 1;\n\n        // Now invalidate dependents who called getFieldValue for any fields\n        // that are changing as a result of this merge.\n        Object.keys(incoming).forEach(storeFieldName => {\n          if (!existing || existing[storeFieldName] !== merged[storeFieldName]) {\n            // Always dirty the full storeFieldName, which may include\n            // serialized arguments following the fieldName prefix.\n            fieldsToDirty[storeFieldName] = 1;\n\n            // Also dirty fieldNameFromStoreName(storeFieldName) if it's\n            // different from storeFieldName and this field does not have\n            // keyArgs configured, because that means the cache can't make\n            // any assumptions about how field values with the same field\n            // name but different arguments might be interrelated, so it\n            // must err on the side of invalidating all field values that\n            // share the same short fieldName, regardless of arguments.\n            const fieldName = fieldNameFromStoreName(storeFieldName);\n            if (fieldName !== storeFieldName &&\n                !this.policies.hasKeyArgs(merged.__typename, fieldName)) {\n              fieldsToDirty[fieldName] = 1;\n            }\n\n            // If merged[storeFieldName] has become undefined, and this is the\n            // Root layer, actually delete the property from the merged object,\n            // which is guaranteed to have been created fresh in this method.\n            if (merged[storeFieldName] === void 0 && !(this instanceof Layer)) {\n              delete merged[storeFieldName];\n            }\n          }\n        });\n\n        Object.keys(fieldsToDirty).forEach(\n          fieldName => this.group.dirty(dataId, fieldName));\n      }\n    }\n  }\n\n  public modify(\n    dataId: string,\n    fields: Modifier<any> | Modifiers,\n  ): boolean {\n    const storeObject = this.lookup(dataId);\n\n    if (storeObject) {\n      const changedFields: Record<string, any> = Object.create(null);\n      let needToMerge = false;\n      let allDeleted = true;\n\n      const sharedDetails = {\n        DELETE,\n        INVALIDATE,\n        isReference,\n        toReference: this.toReference,\n        canRead: this.canRead,\n        readField: <V = StoreValue>(\n          fieldNameOrOptions: string | ReadFieldOptions,\n          from?: StoreObject | Reference,\n        ) => this.policies.readField<V>(\n          typeof fieldNameOrOptions === \"string\" ? {\n            fieldName: fieldNameOrOptions,\n            from: from || makeReference(dataId),\n          } : fieldNameOrOptions,\n          { store: this },\n        ),\n      };\n\n      Object.keys(storeObject).forEach(storeFieldName => {\n        const fieldName = fieldNameFromStoreName(storeFieldName);\n        let fieldValue = storeObject[storeFieldName];\n        if (fieldValue === void 0) return;\n        const modify: Modifier<StoreValue> = typeof fields === \"function\"\n          ? fields\n          : fields[storeFieldName] || fields[fieldName];\n        if (modify) {\n          let newValue = modify === delModifier ? DELETE :\n            modify(maybeDeepFreeze(fieldValue), {\n              ...sharedDetails,\n              fieldName,\n              storeFieldName,\n              storage: this.getStorage(dataId, storeFieldName),\n            });\n          if (newValue === INVALIDATE) {\n            this.group.dirty(dataId, storeFieldName);\n          } else {\n            if (newValue === DELETE) newValue = void 0;\n            if (newValue !== fieldValue) {\n              changedFields[storeFieldName] = newValue;\n              needToMerge = true;\n              fieldValue = newValue;\n            }\n          }\n        }\n        if (fieldValue !== void 0) {\n          allDeleted = false;\n        }\n      });\n\n      if (needToMerge) {\n        this.merge(dataId, changedFields);\n\n        if (allDeleted) {\n          if (this instanceof Layer) {\n            this.data[dataId] = void 0;\n          } else {\n            delete this.data[dataId];\n          }\n          this.group.dirty(dataId, \"__exists\");\n        }\n\n        return true;\n      }\n    }\n\n    return false;\n  }\n\n  // If called with only one argument, removes the entire entity\n  // identified by dataId. If called with a fieldName as well, removes all\n  // fields of that entity whose names match fieldName according to the\n  // fieldNameFromStoreName helper function. If called with a fieldName\n  // and variables, removes all fields of that entity whose names match fieldName\n  // and whose arguments when cached exactly match the variables passed.\n  public delete(\n    dataId: string,\n    fieldName?: string,\n    args?: Record<string, any>,\n  ) {\n    const storeObject = this.lookup(dataId);\n    if (storeObject) {\n      const typename = this.getFieldValue<string>(storeObject, \"__typename\");\n      const storeFieldName = fieldName && args\n        ? this.policies.getStoreFieldName({ typename, fieldName, args })\n        : fieldName;\n      return this.modify(dataId, storeFieldName ? {\n        [storeFieldName]: delModifier,\n      } : delModifier);\n    }\n    return false;\n  }\n\n  public evict(options: Cache.EvictOptions): boolean {\n    let evicted = false;\n    if (options.id) {\n      if (hasOwn.call(this.data, options.id)) {\n        evicted = this.delete(options.id, options.fieldName, options.args);\n      }\n      if (this instanceof Layer) {\n        evicted = this.parent.evict(options) || evicted;\n      }\n      // Always invalidate the field to trigger rereading of watched\n      // queries, even if no cache data was modified by the eviction,\n      // because queries may depend on computed fields with custom read\n      // functions, whose values are not stored in the EntityStore.\n      if (options.fieldName || evicted) {\n        this.group.dirty(options.id, options.fieldName || \"__exists\");\n      }\n    }\n    return evicted;\n  }\n\n  public clear(): void {\n    this.replace(null);\n  }\n\n  public extract(): NormalizedCacheObject {\n    const obj = this.toObject();\n    const extraRootIds: string[] = [];\n    this.getRootIdSet().forEach(id => {\n      if (!hasOwn.call(this.policies.rootTypenamesById, id)) {\n        extraRootIds.push(id);\n      }\n    });\n    if (extraRootIds.length) {\n      obj.__META = { extraRootIds: extraRootIds.sort() };\n    }\n    return obj;\n  }\n\n  public replace(newData: NormalizedCacheObject | null): void {\n    Object.keys(this.data).forEach(dataId => {\n      if (!(newData && hasOwn.call(newData, dataId))) {\n        this.delete(dataId);\n      }\n    });\n    if (newData) {\n      const { __META, ...rest } = newData;\n      Object.keys(rest).forEach(dataId => {\n        this.merge(dataId, rest[dataId] as StoreObject);\n      });\n      if (__META) {\n        __META.extraRootIds.forEach(this.retain, this);\n      }\n    }\n  }\n\n  public abstract getStorage(\n    idOrObj: string | StoreObject,\n    ...storeFieldNames: (string | number)[]\n  ): StorageType;\n\n  // Maps root entity IDs to the number of times they have been retained, minus\n  // the number of times they have been released. Retained entities keep other\n  // entities they reference (even indirectly) from being garbage collected.\n  private rootIds: {\n    [rootId: string]: number;\n  } = Object.create(null);\n\n  public retain(rootId: string): number {\n    return this.rootIds[rootId] = (this.rootIds[rootId] || 0) + 1;\n  }\n\n  public release(rootId: string): number {\n    if (this.rootIds[rootId] > 0) {\n      const count = --this.rootIds[rootId];\n      if (!count) delete this.rootIds[rootId];\n      return count;\n    }\n    return 0;\n  }\n\n  // Return a Set<string> of all the ID strings that have been retained by\n  // this layer/root *and* any layers/roots beneath it.\n  public getRootIdSet(ids = new Set<string>()) {\n    Object.keys(this.rootIds).forEach(ids.add, ids);\n    if (this instanceof Layer) {\n      this.parent.getRootIdSet(ids);\n    } else {\n      // Official singleton IDs like ROOT_QUERY and ROOT_MUTATION are\n      // always considered roots for garbage collection, regardless of\n      // their retainment counts in this.rootIds.\n      Object.keys(this.policies.rootTypenamesById).forEach(ids.add, ids);\n    }\n    return ids;\n  }\n\n  // The goal of garbage collection is to remove IDs from the Root layer of the\n  // store that are no longer reachable starting from any IDs that have been\n  // explicitly retained (see retain and release, above). Returns an array of\n  // dataId strings that were removed from the store.\n  public gc() {\n    const ids = this.getRootIdSet();\n    const snapshot = this.toObject();\n    ids.forEach(id => {\n      if (hasOwn.call(snapshot, id)) {\n        // Because we are iterating over an ECMAScript Set, the IDs we add here\n        // will be visited in later iterations of the forEach loop only if they\n        // were not previously contained by the Set.\n        Object.keys(this.findChildRefIds(id)).forEach(ids.add, ids);\n        // By removing IDs from the snapshot object here, we protect them from\n        // getting removed from the root store layer below.\n        delete snapshot[id];\n      }\n    });\n    const idsToRemove = Object.keys(snapshot);\n    if (idsToRemove.length) {\n      let root: EntityStore = this;\n      while (root instanceof Layer) root = root.parent;\n      idsToRemove.forEach(id => root.delete(id));\n    }\n    return idsToRemove;\n  }\n\n  // Lazily tracks { __ref: <dataId> } strings contained by this.data[dataId].\n  private refs: {\n    [dataId: string]: Record<string, true>;\n  } = Object.create(null);\n\n  public findChildRefIds(dataId: string): Record<string, true> {\n    if (!hasOwn.call(this.refs, dataId)) {\n      const found = this.refs[dataId] = Object.create(null);\n      const workSet = new Set([this.data[dataId]]);\n      // Within the store, only arrays and objects can contain child entity\n      // references, so we can prune the traversal using this predicate:\n      const canTraverse = (obj: any) => obj !== null && typeof obj === 'object';\n      workSet.forEach(obj => {\n        if (isReference(obj)) {\n          found[obj.__ref] = true;\n        } else if (canTraverse(obj)) {\n          Object.values(obj!)\n            // No need to add primitive values to the workSet, since they cannot\n            // contain reference objects.\n            .filter(canTraverse)\n            .forEach(workSet.add, workSet);\n        }\n      });\n    }\n    return this.refs[dataId];\n  }\n\n  // Used to compute cache keys specific to this.group.\n  public makeCacheKey(...args: any[]) {\n    return this.group.keyMaker.lookupArray(args);\n  }\n\n  // Bound function that can be passed around to provide easy access to fields\n  // of Reference objects as well as ordinary objects.\n  public getFieldValue = <T = StoreValue>(\n    objectOrReference: StoreObject | Reference | undefined,\n    storeFieldName: string,\n  ) => maybeDeepFreeze(\n    isReference(objectOrReference)\n      ? this.get(objectOrReference.__ref, storeFieldName)\n      : objectOrReference && objectOrReference[storeFieldName]\n  ) as SafeReadonly<T>;\n\n  // Returns true for non-normalized StoreObjects and non-dangling\n  // References, indicating that readField(name, objOrRef) has a chance of\n  // working. Useful for filtering out dangling references from lists.\n  public canRead: CanReadFunction = objOrRef => {\n    return isReference(objOrRef)\n      ? this.has(objOrRef.__ref)\n      : typeof objOrRef === \"object\";\n  };\n\n  // Bound function that converts an id or an object with a __typename and\n  // primary key fields to a Reference object. If called with a Reference object,\n  // that same Reference object is returned. Pass true for mergeIntoStore to persist\n  // an object into the store.\n  public toReference: ToReferenceFunction = (\n    objOrIdOrRef,\n    mergeIntoStore,\n  ) => {\n    if (typeof objOrIdOrRef === \"string\") {\n      return makeReference(objOrIdOrRef);\n    }\n\n    if (isReference(objOrIdOrRef)) {\n      return objOrIdOrRef;\n    }\n\n    const [id] = this.policies.identify(objOrIdOrRef);\n\n    if (id) {\n      const ref = makeReference(id);\n      if (mergeIntoStore) {\n        this.merge(id, objOrIdOrRef);\n      }\n      return ref;\n    }\n  };\n}\n\nexport type FieldValueGetter = EntityStore[\"getFieldValue\"];\n\n// A single CacheGroup represents a set of one or more EntityStore objects,\n// typically the Root store in a CacheGroup by itself, and all active Layer\n// stores in a group together. A single EntityStore object belongs to only\n// one CacheGroup, store.group. The CacheGroup is responsible for tracking\n// dependencies, so store.group is helpful for generating unique keys for\n// cached results that need to be invalidated when/if those dependencies\n// change. If we used the EntityStore objects themselves as cache keys (that\n// is, store rather than store.group), the cache would become unnecessarily\n// fragmented by all the different Layer objects. Instead, the CacheGroup\n// approach allows all optimistic Layer objects in the same linked list to\n// belong to one CacheGroup, with the non-optimistic Root object belonging\n// to another CacheGroup, allowing resultCaching dependencies to be tracked\n// separately for optimistic and non-optimistic entity data.\nclass CacheGroup {\n  private d: OptimisticDependencyFunction<string> | null = null;\n\n  constructor(public readonly caching: boolean) {\n    this.d = caching ? dep<string>() : null;\n  }\n\n  public depend(dataId: string, storeFieldName: string) {\n    if (this.d) {\n      this.d(makeDepKey(dataId, storeFieldName));\n      const fieldName = fieldNameFromStoreName(storeFieldName);\n      if (fieldName !== storeFieldName) {\n        // Fields with arguments that contribute extra identifying\n        // information to the fieldName (thus forming the storeFieldName)\n        // depend not only on the full storeFieldName but also on the\n        // short fieldName, so the field can be invalidated using either\n        // level of specificity.\n        this.d(makeDepKey(dataId, fieldName));\n      }\n    }\n  }\n\n  public dirty(dataId: string, storeFieldName: string) {\n    if (this.d) {\n      this.d.dirty(makeDepKey(dataId, storeFieldName));\n    }\n  }\n\n  // Used by the EntityStore#makeCacheKey method to compute cache keys\n  // specific to this CacheGroup.\n  public readonly keyMaker = new KeyTrie<object>(canUseWeakMap);\n}\n\nfunction makeDepKey(dataId: string, storeFieldName: string) {\n  // Since field names cannot have '#' characters in them, this method\n  // of joining the field name and the ID should be unambiguous, and much\n  // cheaper than JSON.stringify([dataId, fieldName]).\n  return storeFieldName + '#' + dataId;\n}\n\nexport namespace EntityStore {\n  // Refer to this class as EntityStore.Root outside this namespace.\n  export class Root extends EntityStore {\n    // Although each Root instance gets its own unique CacheGroup object,\n    // any Layer instances created by calling addLayer need to share a\n    // single distinct CacheGroup object. Since this shared object must\n    // outlast the Layer instances themselves, it needs to be created and\n    // owned by the Root instance.\n    private sharedLayerGroup: CacheGroup;\n\n    constructor({\n      policies,\n      resultCaching = true,\n      seed,\n    }: {\n      policies: Policies;\n      resultCaching?: boolean;\n      seed?: NormalizedCacheObject;\n    }) {\n      super(policies, new CacheGroup(resultCaching));\n      this.sharedLayerGroup = new CacheGroup(resultCaching);\n      if (seed) this.replace(seed);\n    }\n\n    public addLayer(\n      layerId: string,\n      replay: (layer: EntityStore) => any,\n    ): Layer {\n      // The replay function will be called in the Layer constructor.\n      return new Layer(layerId, this, replay, this.sharedLayerGroup);\n    }\n\n    public removeLayer(): Root {\n      // Never remove the root layer.\n      return this;\n    }\n\n    public readonly storageTrie = new KeyTrie<StorageType>(canUseWeakMap);\n    public getStorage(): StorageType {\n      return this.storageTrie.lookupArray(arguments);\n    }\n  }\n}\n\n// Not exported, since all Layer instances are created by the addLayer method\n// of the EntityStore.Root class.\nclass Layer extends EntityStore {\n  constructor(\n    public readonly id: string,\n    public readonly parent: EntityStore,\n    public readonly replay: (layer: EntityStore) => any,\n    public readonly group: CacheGroup,\n  ) {\n    super(parent.policies, group);\n    replay(this);\n  }\n\n  public addLayer(\n    layerId: string,\n    replay: (layer: EntityStore) => any,\n  ): Layer {\n    return new Layer(layerId, this, replay, this.group);\n  }\n\n  public removeLayer(layerId: string): EntityStore {\n    // Remove all instances of the given id, not just the first one.\n    const parent = this.parent.removeLayer(layerId);\n\n    if (layerId === this.id) {\n      // Dirty every ID we're removing.\n      if (this.group.caching) {\n        Object.keys(this.data).forEach(dataId => {\n          // If this.data[dataId] contains nothing different from what\n          // lies beneath, we can avoid dirtying this dataId and all of\n          // its fields, and simply discard this Layer. The only reason we\n          // call this.delete here is to dirty the removed fields.\n          if (this.data[dataId] !== (parent as Layer).lookup(dataId)) {\n            this.delete(dataId);\n          }\n        });\n      }\n      return parent;\n    }\n\n    // No changes are necessary if the parent chain remains identical.\n    if (parent === this.parent) return this;\n\n    // Recreate this layer on top of the new parent.\n    return parent.addLayer(this.id, this.replay);\n  }\n\n  public toObject(): NormalizedCacheObject {\n    return {\n      ...this.parent.toObject(),\n      ...this.data,\n    };\n  }\n\n  public findChildRefIds(dataId: string): Record<string, true> {\n    const fromParent = this.parent.findChildRefIds(dataId);\n    return hasOwn.call(this.data, dataId) ? {\n      ...fromParent,\n      ...super.findChildRefIds(dataId),\n    } : fromParent;\n  }\n\n  public getStorage(): StorageType {\n    let p: EntityStore = this.parent;\n    while ((p as Layer).parent) p = (p as Layer).parent;\n    return p.getStorage.apply(p, arguments);\n  }\n}\n\nfunction storeObjectReconciler(\n  existingObject: StoreObject,\n  incomingObject: StoreObject,\n  property: string,\n): StoreValue {\n  const existingValue = existingObject[property];\n  const incomingValue = incomingObject[property];\n  // Wherever there is a key collision, prefer the incoming value, unless\n  // it is deeply equal to the existing value. It's worth checking deep\n  // equality here (even though blindly returning incoming would be\n  // logically correct) because preserving the referential identity of\n  // existing data can prevent needless rereading and rerendering.\n  return equal(existingValue, incomingValue) ? existingValue : incomingValue;\n}\n\nexport function supportsResultCaching(store: any): store is EntityStore {\n  // When result caching is disabled, store.depend will be null.\n  return !!(store instanceof EntityStore && store.group.caching);\n}\n", "import {\n  DocumentNode,\n  FieldNode,\n  SelectionSetNode,\n} from 'graphql';\nimport { wrap, OptimisticWrapperFunction } from 'optimism';\nimport { invariant, InvariantError } from 'ts-invariant';\n\nimport {\n  isField,\n  resultKeyNameFromField,\n  Reference,\n  isReference,\n  makeReference,\n  StoreObject,\n  createFragmentMap,\n  FragmentMap,\n  shouldInclude,\n  addTypenameToDocument,\n  getDefaultValues,\n  getFragmentDefinitions,\n  getMainDefinition,\n  getQueryDefinition,\n  maybeDeepFreeze,\n  mergeDeepArray,\n  getFragmentFromSelection,\n} from '../../utilities';\nimport { Cache } from '../core/types/Cache';\nimport {\n  DiffQueryAgainstStoreOptions,\n  NormalizedCache,\n  ReadMergeModifyContext,\n} from './types';\nimport { supportsResultCaching } from './entityStore';\nimport { getTypenameFromStoreObject } from './helpers';\nimport { Policies } from './policies';\nimport { InMemoryCache } from './inMemoryCache';\nimport { MissingFieldError } from '../core/types/common';\n\nexport type VariableMap = { [name: string]: any };\n\ninterface ReadContext extends ReadMergeModifyContext {\n  query: DocumentNode;\n  policies: Policies;\n  fragmentMap: FragmentMap;\n  path: (string | number)[];\n  clientOnly: boolean;\n};\n\nexport type ExecResult<R = any> = {\n  result: R;\n  missing?: MissingFieldError[];\n};\n\nfunction missingFromInvariant(\n  err: InvariantError,\n  context: ReadContext,\n) {\n  return new MissingFieldError(\n    err.message,\n    context.path.slice(),\n    context.query,\n    context.clientOnly,\n    context.variables,\n  );\n}\n\ntype ExecSelectionSetOptions = {\n  selectionSet: SelectionSetNode;\n  objectOrReference: StoreObject | Reference;\n  context: ReadContext;\n};\n\ntype ExecSubSelectedArrayOptions = {\n  field: FieldNode;\n  array: any[];\n  context: ReadContext;\n};\n\nexport interface StoreReaderConfig {\n  cache: InMemoryCache,\n  addTypename?: boolean;\n}\n\nexport class StoreReader {\n  constructor(private config: StoreReaderConfig) {\n    this.config = { addTypename: true, ...config };\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Given a store and a query, return as much of the result as possible and\n   * identify if any data was missing from the store.\n   * @param  {DocumentNode} query A parsed GraphQL query document\n   * @param  {Store} store The Apollo Client store object\n   * @return {result: Object, complete: [boolean]}\n   */\n  public diffQueryAgainstStore<T>({\n    store,\n    query,\n    rootId = 'ROOT_QUERY',\n    variables,\n    returnPartialData = true,\n  }: DiffQueryAgainstStoreOptions): Cache.DiffResult<T> {\n    const policies = this.config.cache.policies;\n\n    variables = {\n      ...getDefaultValues(getQueryDefinition(query)),\n      ...variables,\n    };\n\n    const execResult = this.executeSelectionSet({\n      selectionSet: getMainDefinition(query).selectionSet,\n      objectOrReference: makeReference(rootId),\n      context: {\n        store,\n        query,\n        policies,\n        variables,\n        varString: JSON.stringify(variables),\n        fragmentMap: createFragmentMap(getFragmentDefinitions(query)),\n        path: [],\n        clientOnly: false,\n      },\n    });\n\n    const hasMissingFields =\n      execResult.missing && execResult.missing.length > 0;\n    if (hasMissingFields && !returnPartialData) {\n      throw execResult.missing![0];\n    }\n\n    return {\n      result: execResult.result,\n      missing: execResult.missing,\n      complete: !hasMissingFields,\n    };\n  }\n\n  public isFresh(\n    result: Record<string, any>,\n    parent: StoreObject | Reference,\n    selectionSet: SelectionSetNode,\n    context: ReadMergeModifyContext,\n  ): boolean {\n    if (supportsResultCaching(context.store) &&\n        this.knownResults.get(result) === selectionSet) {\n      const latest = this.executeSelectionSet.peek(selectionSet, parent, context);\n      if (latest && result === latest.result) {\n        return true;\n      }\n    }\n    return false;\n  }\n\n  // Cached version of execSelectionSetImpl.\n  private executeSelectionSet: OptimisticWrapperFunction<\n    [ExecSelectionSetOptions], // Actual arguments tuple type.\n    ExecResult, // Actual return type.\n    // Arguments type after keyArgs translation.\n    [SelectionSetNode, StoreObject | Reference, ReadMergeModifyContext]\n  > = wrap(options => this.execSelectionSetImpl(options), {\n    keyArgs(options) {\n      return [\n        options.selectionSet,\n        options.objectOrReference,\n        options.context,\n      ];\n    },\n    // Note that the parameters of makeCacheKey are determined by the\n    // array returned by keyArgs.\n    makeCacheKey(selectionSet, parent, context) {\n      if (supportsResultCaching(context.store)) {\n        return context.store.makeCacheKey(\n          selectionSet,\n          isReference(parent) ? parent.__ref : parent,\n          context.varString,\n        );\n      }\n    }\n  });\n\n  // Uncached version of executeSelectionSet.\n  private execSelectionSetImpl({\n    selectionSet,\n    objectOrReference,\n    context,\n  }: ExecSelectionSetOptions): ExecResult {\n    if (isReference(objectOrReference) &&\n        !context.policies.rootTypenamesById[objectOrReference.__ref] &&\n        !context.store.has(objectOrReference.__ref)) {\n      return {\n        result: {},\n        missing: [missingFromInvariant(\n          new InvariantError(\n            `Dangling reference to missing ${objectOrReference.__ref} object`\n          ),\n          context,\n        )],\n      };\n    }\n\n    const { variables, policies, store } = context;\n    const objectsToMerge: { [key: string]: any }[] = [];\n    const finalResult: ExecResult = { result: null };\n    const typename = store.getFieldValue<string>(objectOrReference, \"__typename\");\n\n    if (this.config.addTypename &&\n        typeof typename === \"string\" &&\n        !policies.rootIdsByTypename[typename]) {\n      // Ensure we always include a default value for the __typename\n      // field, if we have one, and this.config.addTypename is true. Note\n      // that this field can be overridden by other merged objects.\n      objectsToMerge.push({ __typename: typename });\n    }\n\n    function getMissing() {\n      return finalResult.missing || (finalResult.missing = []);\n    }\n\n    function handleMissing<T>(result: ExecResult<T>): T {\n      if (result.missing) getMissing().push(...result.missing);\n      return result.result;\n    }\n\n    const workSet = new Set(selectionSet.selections);\n\n    workSet.forEach(selection => {\n      // Omit fields with directives @skip(if: <truthy value>) or\n      // @include(if: <falsy value>).\n      if (!shouldInclude(selection, variables)) return;\n\n      if (isField(selection)) {\n        let fieldValue = policies.readField({\n          fieldName: selection.name.value,\n          field: selection,\n          variables: context.variables,\n          from: objectOrReference,\n        }, context);\n\n        const resultName = resultKeyNameFromField(selection);\n        context.path.push(resultName);\n\n        // If this field has an @client directive, then the field and\n        // everything beneath it is client-only, meaning it will never be\n        // sent to the server.\n        const wasClientOnly = context.clientOnly;\n        // Once we enter a client-only subtree of the query, we can avoid\n        // repeatedly checking selection.directives.\n        context.clientOnly = wasClientOnly || !!(\n          // We don't use the hasDirectives helper here, because it looks\n          // for directives anywhere inside the AST node, whereas we only\n          // care about directives directly attached to this field.\n          selection.directives &&\n          selection.directives.some(d => d.name.value === \"client\")\n        );\n\n        if (fieldValue === void 0) {\n          if (!addTypenameToDocument.added(selection)) {\n            getMissing().push(\n              missingFromInvariant(\n                new InvariantError(`Can't find field '${\n                  selection.name.value\n                }' on ${\n                  isReference(objectOrReference)\n                    ? objectOrReference.__ref + \" object\"\n                    : \"object \" + JSON.stringify(objectOrReference, null, 2)\n                }`),\n                context,\n              ),\n            );\n          }\n\n        } else if (Array.isArray(fieldValue)) {\n          fieldValue = handleMissing(this.executeSubSelectedArray({\n            field: selection,\n            array: fieldValue,\n            context,\n          }));\n\n        } else if (!selection.selectionSet) {\n          // If the field does not have a selection set, then we handle it\n          // as a scalar value. However, that value should not contain any\n          // Reference objects, and should be frozen in development, if it\n          // happens to be an object that is mutable.\n          if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n            assertSelectionSetForIdValue(\n              context.store,\n              selection,\n              fieldValue,\n            );\n            maybeDeepFreeze(fieldValue);\n          }\n\n        } else if (fieldValue != null) {\n          // In this case, because we know the field has a selection set,\n          // it must be trying to query a GraphQLObjectType, which is why\n          // fieldValue must be != null.\n          fieldValue = handleMissing(this.executeSelectionSet({\n            selectionSet: selection.selectionSet,\n            objectOrReference: fieldValue as StoreObject | Reference,\n            context,\n          }));\n        }\n\n        if (fieldValue !== void 0) {\n          objectsToMerge.push({ [resultName]: fieldValue });\n        }\n\n        context.clientOnly = wasClientOnly;\n\n        invariant(context.path.pop() === resultName);\n\n      } else {\n        const fragment = getFragmentFromSelection(\n          selection,\n          context.fragmentMap,\n        );\n\n        if (fragment && policies.fragmentMatches(fragment, typename)) {\n          fragment.selectionSet.selections.forEach(workSet.add, workSet);\n        }\n      }\n    });\n\n    // Perform a single merge at the end so that we can avoid making more\n    // defensive shallow copies than necessary.\n    finalResult.result = mergeDeepArray(objectsToMerge);\n\n    if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n      Object.freeze(finalResult.result);\n    }\n\n    // Store this result with its selection set so that we can quickly\n    // recognize it again in the StoreReader#isFresh method.\n    this.knownResults.set(finalResult.result, selectionSet);\n\n    return finalResult;\n  }\n\n  private knownResults = new WeakMap<Record<string, any>, SelectionSetNode>();\n\n  // Cached version of execSubSelectedArrayImpl.\n  private executeSubSelectedArray = wrap((options: ExecSubSelectedArrayOptions) => {\n    return this.execSubSelectedArrayImpl(options);\n  }, {\n    makeCacheKey({ field, array, context }) {\n      if (supportsResultCaching(context.store)) {\n        return context.store.makeCacheKey(\n          field,\n          array,\n          context.varString,\n        );\n      }\n    }\n  });\n\n  // Uncached version of executeSubSelectedArray.\n  private execSubSelectedArrayImpl({\n    field,\n    array,\n    context,\n  }: ExecSubSelectedArrayOptions): ExecResult {\n    let missing: MissingFieldError[] | undefined;\n\n    function handleMissing<T>(childResult: ExecResult<T>, i: number): T {\n      if (childResult.missing) {\n        missing = missing || [];\n        missing.push(...childResult.missing);\n      }\n\n      invariant(context.path.pop() === i);\n\n      return childResult.result;\n    }\n\n    if (field.selectionSet) {\n      array = array.filter(context.store.canRead);\n    }\n\n    array = array.map((item, i) => {\n      // null value in array\n      if (item === null) {\n        return null;\n      }\n\n      context.path.push(i);\n\n      // This is a nested array, recurse\n      if (Array.isArray(item)) {\n        return handleMissing(this.executeSubSelectedArray({\n          field,\n          array: item,\n          context,\n        }), i);\n      }\n\n      // This is an object, run the selection set on it\n      if (field.selectionSet) {\n        return handleMissing(this.executeSelectionSet({\n          selectionSet: field.selectionSet,\n          objectOrReference: item,\n          context,\n        }), i);\n      }\n\n      if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n        assertSelectionSetForIdValue(context.store, field, item);\n      }\n\n      invariant(context.path.pop() === i);\n\n      return item;\n    });\n\n    if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n      Object.freeze(array);\n    }\n\n    return { result: array, missing };\n  }\n}\n\nfunction assertSelectionSetForIdValue(\n  store: NormalizedCache,\n  field: FieldNode,\n  fieldValue: any,\n) {\n  if (!field.selectionSet) {\n    const workSet = new Set([fieldValue]);\n    workSet.forEach(value => {\n      if (value && typeof value === \"object\") {\n        invariant(\n          !isReference(value),\n          `Missing selection set for object of type ${\n            getTypenameFromStoreObject(store, value)\n          } returned for query field ${field.name.value}`,\n        );\n        Object.values(value).forEach(workSet.add, workSet);\n      }\n    });\n  }\n}\n", "import { SelectionSetNode, FieldNode, DocumentNode } from 'graphql';\nimport { invariant, InvariantError } from 'ts-invariant';\nimport { equal } from '@wry/equality';\n\nimport {\n  createFragmentMap,\n  FragmentMap,\n  getFragmentFromSelection,\n  getDefaultValues,\n  getFragmentDefinitions,\n  getOperationDefinition,\n  getTypenameFromResult,\n  makeReference,\n  isField,\n  resultKeyNameFromField,\n  StoreValue,\n  StoreObject,\n  Reference,\n  isReference,\n  shouldInclude,\n  hasDirectives,\n  cloneDeep,\n} from '../../utilities';\n\nimport { NormalizedCache, ReadMergeModifyContext, MergeTree } from './types';\nimport { makeProcessedFieldsMerger, fieldNameFromStoreName, storeValueIsStoreObject } from './helpers';\nimport { StoreReader } from './readFromStore';\nimport { InMemoryCache } from './inMemoryCache';\nimport { EntityStore } from './entityStore';\n\nexport interface WriteContext extends ReadMergeModifyContext {\n  readonly written: {\n    [dataId: string]: SelectionSetNode[];\n  };\n  readonly fragmentMap?: FragmentMap;\n  // General-purpose deep-merge function for use during writes.\n  merge<T>(existing: T, incoming: T): T;\n};\n\ninterface ProcessSelectionSetOptions {\n  dataId?: string,\n  result: Record<string, any>;\n  selectionSet: SelectionSetNode;\n  context: WriteContext;\n  mergeTree: MergeTree;\n}\n\nexport interface WriteToStoreOptions {\n  query: DocumentNode;\n  result: Object;\n  dataId?: string;\n  store: NormalizedCache;\n  variables?: Object;\n}\n\nexport class StoreWriter {\n  constructor(\n    public readonly cache: InMemoryCache,\n    private reader?: StoreReader,\n  ) {}\n\n  /**\n   * Writes the result of a query to the store.\n   *\n   * @param result The result object returned for the query document.\n   *\n   * @param query The query document whose result we are writing to the store.\n   *\n   * @param store The {@link NormalizedCache} used by Apollo for the `data` portion of the store.\n   *\n   * @param variables A map from the name of a variable to its value. These variables can be\n   * referenced by the query document.\n   *\n   * @return A `Reference` to the written object.\n   */\n  public writeToStore({\n    query,\n    result,\n    dataId,\n    store,\n    variables,\n  }: WriteToStoreOptions): Reference | undefined {\n    const operationDefinition = getOperationDefinition(query)!;\n    const merger = makeProcessedFieldsMerger();\n\n    variables = {\n      ...getDefaultValues(operationDefinition),\n      ...variables!,\n    };\n\n    const ref = this.processSelectionSet({\n      result: result || Object.create(null),\n      dataId,\n      selectionSet: operationDefinition.selectionSet,\n      mergeTree: { map: new Map },\n      context: {\n        store,\n        written: Object.create(null),\n        merge<T>(existing: T, incoming: T) {\n          return merger.merge(existing, incoming) as T;\n        },\n        variables,\n        varString: JSON.stringify(variables),\n        fragmentMap: createFragmentMap(getFragmentDefinitions(query)),\n      },\n    });\n\n    if (!isReference(ref)) {\n      throw new InvariantError(`Could not identify object ${JSON.stringify(result)}`);\n    }\n\n    // Any IDs written explicitly to the cache will be retained as\n    // reachable root IDs for garbage collection purposes. Although this\n    // logic includes root IDs like ROOT_QUERY and ROOT_MUTATION, their\n    // retainment counts are effectively ignored because cache.gc() always\n    // includes them in its root ID set.\n    store.retain(ref.__ref);\n\n    return ref;\n  }\n\n  private processSelectionSet({\n    dataId,\n    result,\n    selectionSet,\n    context,\n    // This object allows processSelectionSet to report useful information\n    // to its callers without explicitly returning that information.\n    mergeTree,\n  }: ProcessSelectionSetOptions): StoreObject | Reference {\n    const { policies } = this.cache;\n\n    // Identify the result object, even if dataId was already provided,\n    // since we always need keyObject below.\n    const [id, keyObject] = policies.identify(\n      result, selectionSet, context.fragmentMap);\n\n    // If dataId was not provided, fall back to the id just generated by\n    // policies.identify.\n    dataId = dataId || id;\n\n    if (\"string\" === typeof dataId) {\n      // Avoid processing the same entity object using the same selection\n      // set more than once. We use an array instead of a Set since most\n      // entity IDs will be written using only one selection set, so the\n      // size of this array is likely to be very small, meaning indexOf is\n      // likely to be faster than Set.prototype.has.\n      const sets = context.written[dataId] || (context.written[dataId] = []);\n      const ref = makeReference(dataId);\n      if (sets.indexOf(selectionSet) >= 0) return ref;\n      sets.push(selectionSet);\n\n      // If we're about to write a result object into the store, but we\n      // happen to know that the exact same (===) result object would be\n      // returned if we were to reread the result with the same inputs,\n      // then we can skip the rest of the processSelectionSet work for\n      // this object, and immediately return a Reference to it.\n      if (this.reader && this.reader.isFresh(\n        result,\n        ref,\n        selectionSet,\n        context,\n      )) {\n        return ref;\n      }\n    }\n\n    // This variable will be repeatedly updated using context.merge to\n    // accumulate all fields that need to be written into the store.\n    let incomingFields: StoreObject = Object.create(null);\n\n    // Write any key fields that were used during identification, even if\n    // they were not mentioned in the original query.\n    if (keyObject) {\n      incomingFields = context.merge(incomingFields, keyObject);\n    }\n\n    // If typename was not passed in, infer it. Note that typename is\n    // always passed in for tricky-to-infer cases such as \"Query\" for\n    // ROOT_QUERY.\n    const typename: string | undefined =\n      (dataId && policies.rootTypenamesById[dataId]) ||\n      getTypenameFromResult(result, selectionSet, context.fragmentMap) ||\n      (dataId && context.store.get(dataId, \"__typename\") as string);\n\n    if (\"string\" === typeof typename) {\n      incomingFields.__typename = typename;\n    }\n\n    const workSet = new Set(selectionSet.selections);\n\n    workSet.forEach(selection => {\n      if (!shouldInclude(selection, context.variables)) return;\n\n      if (isField(selection)) {\n        const resultFieldKey = resultKeyNameFromField(selection);\n        const value = result[resultFieldKey];\n\n        if (typeof value !== 'undefined') {\n          const storeFieldName = policies.getStoreFieldName({\n            typename,\n            fieldName: selection.name.value,\n            field: selection,\n            variables: context.variables,\n          });\n\n          const childTree = getChildMergeTree(mergeTree, storeFieldName);\n\n          let incomingValue =\n            this.processFieldValue(value, selection, context, childTree);\n\n          const childTypename = selection.selectionSet\n            && context.store.getFieldValue<string>(incomingValue as StoreObject, \"__typename\")\n            || void 0;\n\n          const merge = policies.getMergeFunction(\n            typename,\n            selection.name.value,\n            childTypename,\n          );\n\n          if (merge) {\n            childTree.info = {\n              // TODO Check compatibility against any existing\n              // childTree.field?\n              field: selection,\n              typename,\n              merge,\n            };\n          } else {\n            maybeRecycleChildMergeTree(mergeTree, storeFieldName);\n          }\n\n          incomingFields = context.merge(incomingFields, {\n            [storeFieldName]: incomingValue,\n          });\n\n        } else if (\n          policies.usingPossibleTypes &&\n          !hasDirectives([\"defer\", \"client\"], selection)\n        ) {\n          throw new InvariantError(\n            `Missing field '${resultFieldKey}' in ${JSON.stringify(\n              result,\n              null,\n              2,\n            ).substring(0, 100)}`,\n          );\n        }\n      } else {\n        // This is not a field, so it must be a fragment, either inline or named\n        const fragment = getFragmentFromSelection(\n          selection,\n          context.fragmentMap,\n        );\n\n        if (fragment &&\n            // By passing result and context.variables, we enable\n            // policies.fragmentMatches to bend the rules when typename is\n            // not a known subtype of the fragment type condition, but the\n            // result object contains all the keys requested by the\n            // fragment, which strongly suggests the fragment probably\n            // matched. This fuzzy matching behavior must be enabled by\n            // including a regular expression string (such as \".*\" or\n            // \"Prefix.*\" or \".*Suffix\") in the possibleTypes array for\n            // specific supertypes; otherwise, all matching remains exact.\n            // Fuzzy matches are remembered by the Policies object and\n            // later used when reading from the cache. Since there is no\n            // incoming result object to check when reading, reading does\n            // not involve the same fuzzy inference, so the StoreReader\n            // class calls policies.fragmentMatches without passing result\n            // or context.variables. The flexibility of fuzzy matching\n            // allows existing clients to accommodate previously unknown\n            // __typename strings produced by server/schema changes, which\n            // would otherwise be breaking changes.\n            policies.fragmentMatches(fragment, typename, result, context.variables)) {\n          fragment.selectionSet.selections.forEach(workSet.add, workSet);\n        }\n      }\n    });\n\n    if (\"string\" === typeof dataId) {\n      const entityRef = makeReference(dataId);\n\n      if (mergeTree.map.size) {\n        incomingFields = this.applyMerges(mergeTree, entityRef, incomingFields, context);\n      }\n\n      if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\") {\n        const hasSelectionSet = (storeFieldName: string) =>\n          fieldsWithSelectionSets.has(fieldNameFromStoreName(storeFieldName));\n        const fieldsWithSelectionSets = new Set<string>();\n        workSet.forEach(selection => {\n          if (isField(selection) && selection.selectionSet) {\n            fieldsWithSelectionSets.add(selection.name.value);\n          }\n        });\n\n        const hasMergeFunction = (storeFieldName: string) => {\n          const childTree = mergeTree.map.get(storeFieldName);\n          return Boolean(childTree && childTree.info && childTree.info.merge);\n        };\n\n        Object.keys(incomingFields).forEach(storeFieldName => {\n          // If a merge function was defined for this field, trust that it\n          // did the right thing about (not) clobbering data. If the field\n          // has no selection set, it's a scalar field, so it doesn't need\n          // a merge function (even if it's an object, like JSON data).\n          if (hasSelectionSet(storeFieldName) &&\n              !hasMergeFunction(storeFieldName)) {\n            warnAboutDataLoss(\n              entityRef,\n              incomingFields,\n              storeFieldName,\n              context.store,\n            );\n          }\n        });\n      }\n\n      context.store.merge(dataId, incomingFields);\n\n      return entityRef;\n    }\n\n    return incomingFields;\n  }\n\n  private processFieldValue(\n    value: any,\n    field: FieldNode,\n    context: WriteContext,\n    mergeTree: MergeTree,\n  ): StoreValue {\n    if (!field.selectionSet || value === null) {\n      // In development, we need to clone scalar values so that they can be\n      // safely frozen with maybeDeepFreeze in readFromStore.ts. In production,\n      // it's cheaper to store the scalar values directly in the cache.\n      return process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? value : cloneDeep(value);\n    }\n\n    if (Array.isArray(value)) {\n      return value.map((item, i) => {\n        const value = this.processFieldValue(\n          item, field, context, getChildMergeTree(mergeTree, i));\n        maybeRecycleChildMergeTree(mergeTree, i);\n        return value;\n      });\n    }\n\n    return this.processSelectionSet({\n      result: value,\n      selectionSet: field.selectionSet,\n      context,\n      mergeTree,\n    });\n  }\n\n  private applyMerges<T extends StoreValue>(\n    mergeTree: MergeTree,\n    existing: StoreValue,\n    incoming: T,\n    context: ReadMergeModifyContext,\n    getStorageArgs?: Parameters<EntityStore[\"getStorage\"]>,\n  ): T {\n    if (mergeTree.map.size && !isReference(incoming)) {\n      const e: StoreObject | Reference | undefined = (\n        // Items in the same position in different arrays are not\n        // necessarily related to each other, so when incoming is an array\n        // we process its elements as if there was no existing data.\n        !Array.isArray(incoming) &&\n        // Likewise, existing must be either a Reference or a StoreObject\n        // in order for its fields to be safe to merge with the fields of\n        // the incoming object.\n        (isReference(existing) || storeValueIsStoreObject(existing))\n      ) ? existing : void 0;\n\n      // This narrowing is implied by mergeTree.map.size > 0 and\n      // !isReference(incoming), though TypeScript understandably cannot\n      // hope to infer this type.\n      const i = incoming as StoreObject | StoreValue[];\n\n      // The options.storage objects provided to read and merge functions\n      // are derived from the identity of the parent object plus a\n      // sequence of storeFieldName strings/numbers identifying the nested\n      // field name path of each field value to be merged.\n      if (e && !getStorageArgs) {\n        getStorageArgs = [isReference(e) ? e.__ref : e];\n      }\n\n      // It's possible that applying merge functions to this subtree will\n      // not change the incoming data, so this variable tracks the fields\n      // that did change, so we can create a new incoming object when (and\n      // only when) at least one incoming field has changed. We use a Map\n      // to preserve the type of numeric keys.\n      let changedFields: Map<string | number, StoreValue> | undefined;\n\n      const getValue = (\n        from: typeof e | typeof i,\n        name: string | number,\n      ): StoreValue => {\n        return Array.isArray(from)\n          ? (typeof name === \"number\" ? from[name] : void 0)\n          : context.store.getFieldValue(from, String(name))\n      };\n\n      mergeTree.map.forEach((childTree, storeFieldName) => {\n        if (getStorageArgs) {\n          getStorageArgs.push(storeFieldName);\n        }\n        const eVal = getValue(e, storeFieldName);\n        const iVal = getValue(i, storeFieldName);\n        const aVal = this.applyMerges(\n          childTree,\n          eVal,\n          iVal,\n          context,\n          getStorageArgs,\n        );\n        if (aVal !== iVal) {\n          changedFields = changedFields || new Map;\n          changedFields.set(storeFieldName, aVal);\n        }\n        if (getStorageArgs) {\n          invariant(getStorageArgs.pop() === storeFieldName);\n        }\n      });\n\n      if (changedFields) {\n        // Shallow clone i so we can add changed fields to it.\n        incoming = (Array.isArray(i) ? i.slice(0) : { ...i }) as T;\n        changedFields.forEach((value, name) => {\n          (incoming as any)[name] = value;\n        });\n      }\n    }\n\n    if (mergeTree.info) {\n      return this.cache.policies.runMergeFunction(\n        existing,\n        incoming,\n        mergeTree.info,\n        context,\n        getStorageArgs && context.store.getStorage(...getStorageArgs),\n      );\n    }\n\n    return incoming;\n  }\n}\n\nconst emptyMergeTreePool: MergeTree[] = [];\n\nfunction getChildMergeTree(\n  { map }: MergeTree,\n  name: string | number,\n): MergeTree {\n  if (!map.has(name)) {\n    map.set(name, emptyMergeTreePool.pop() || { map: new Map });\n  }\n  return map.get(name)!;\n}\n\nfunction maybeRecycleChildMergeTree(\n  { map }: MergeTree,\n  name: string | number,\n) {\n  const childTree = map.get(name);\n  if (childTree &&\n      !childTree.info &&\n      !childTree.map.size) {\n    emptyMergeTreePool.push(childTree);\n    map.delete(name);\n  }\n}\n\nconst warnings = new Set<string>();\n\n// Note that this function is unused in production, and thus should be\n// pruned by any well-configured minifier.\nfunction warnAboutDataLoss(\n  existingRef: Reference,\n  incomingObj: StoreObject,\n  storeFieldName: string,\n  store: NormalizedCache,\n) {\n  const getChild = (objOrRef: StoreObject | Reference): StoreObject | false => {\n    const child = store.getFieldValue<StoreObject>(objOrRef, storeFieldName);\n    return typeof child === \"object\" && child;\n  };\n\n  const existing = getChild(existingRef);\n  if (!existing) return;\n\n  const incoming = getChild(incomingObj);\n  if (!incoming) return;\n\n  // It's always safe to replace a reference, since it refers to data\n  // safely stored elsewhere.\n  if (isReference(existing)) return;\n\n  // If the values are structurally equivalent, we do not need to worry\n  // about incoming replacing existing.\n  if (equal(existing, incoming)) return;\n\n  // If we're replacing every key of the existing object, then the\n  // existing data would be overwritten even if the objects were\n  // normalized, so warning would not be helpful here.\n  if (Object.keys(existing).every(\n    key => store.getFieldValue(incoming, key) !== void 0)) {\n    return;\n  }\n\n  const parentType =\n    store.getFieldValue<string>(existingRef, \"__typename\") ||\n    store.getFieldValue<string>(incomingObj, \"__typename\");\n  const fieldName = fieldNameFromStoreName(storeFieldName);\n  const typeDotName = `${parentType}.${fieldName}`;\n  // Avoid warning more than once for the same type and field name.\n  if (warnings.has(typeDotName)) return;\n  warnings.add(typeDotName);\n\n  const childTypenames: string[] = [];\n  // Arrays do not have __typename fields, and always need a custom merge\n  // function, even if their elements are normalized entities.\n  if (!Array.isArray(existing) &&\n      !Array.isArray(incoming)) {\n    [existing, incoming].forEach(child => {\n      const typename = store.getFieldValue(child, \"__typename\");\n      if (typeof typename === \"string\" &&\n          !childTypenames.includes(typename)) {\n        childTypenames.push(typename);\n      }\n    });\n  }\n\n  invariant.warn(\n`Cache data may be lost when replacing the ${fieldName} field of a ${parentType} object.\n\nTo address this problem (which is not a bug in Apollo Client), ${\n  childTypenames.length\n    ? \"either ensure all objects of type \" +\n        childTypenames.join(\" and \") + \" have an ID or a custom merge function, or \"\n    : \"\"\n}define a custom merge function for the ${\n  typeDotName\n} field, so InMemoryCache can safely merge these objects:\n\n  existing: ${JSON.stringify(existing).slice(0, 1000)}\n  incoming: ${JSON.stringify(incoming).slice(0, 1000)}\n\nFor more information about these options, please refer to the documentation:\n\n  * Ensuring entity objects have IDs: https://go.apollo.dev/c/generating-unique-identifiers\n  * Defining custom merge functions: https://go.apollo.dev/c/merging-non-normalized-objects\n`);\n}\n", "import { dep, OptimisticDependencyFunction } from \"optimism\";\nimport { Slot } from \"@wry/context\";\nimport { InMemoryCache } from \"./inMemoryCache\";\nimport { ApolloCache } from '../../core';\n\nexport interface ReactiveVar<T> {\n  (newValue?: T): T;\n  onNextChange(listener: ReactiveListener<T>): () => void;\n  attachCache(cache: ApolloCache<any>): this;\n  forgetCache(cache: ApolloCache<any>): boolean;\n}\n\nexport type ReactiveListener<T> = (value: T) => any;\n\n// Contextual Slot that acquires its value when custom read functions are\n// called in Policies#readField.\nexport const cacheSlot = new Slot<ApolloCache<any>>();\n\n// A listener function could in theory cause another listener to be added\n// to the set while we're iterating over it, so it's important to commit\n// to the original elements of the set before we begin iterating. See\n// iterateObserversSafely for another example of this pattern.\nfunction consumeAndIterate<T>(set: Set<T>, callback: (item: T) => any) {\n  if (set.size) {\n    const items: T[] = [];\n    set.forEach(item => items.push(item));\n    set.clear();\n    items.forEach(callback);\n  }\n}\n\nconst cacheInfoMap = new WeakMap<ApolloCache<any>, {\n  vars: Set<ReactiveVar<any>>;\n  dep: OptimisticDependencyFunction<ReactiveVar<any>>;\n}>();\n\nfunction getCacheInfo(cache: ApolloCache<any>) {\n  let info = cacheInfoMap.get(cache)!;\n  if (!info) {\n    cacheInfoMap.set(cache, info = {\n      vars: new Set,\n      dep: dep(),\n    });\n  }\n  return info;\n}\n\nexport function forgetCache(cache: ApolloCache<any>) {\n  getCacheInfo(cache).vars.forEach(rv => rv.forgetCache(cache));\n}\n\n// Calling forgetCache(cache) serves to silence broadcasts and allows the\n// cache to be garbage collected. However, the varsByCache WeakMap\n// preserves the set of reactive variables that were previously associated\n// with this cache, which makes it possible to \"recall\" the cache at a\n// later time, by reattaching it to those variables. If the cache has been\n// garbage collected in the meantime, because it is no longer reachable,\n// you won't be able to call recallCache(cache), and the cache will\n// automatically disappear from the varsByCache WeakMap.\nexport function recallCache(cache: ApolloCache<any>) {\n  getCacheInfo(cache).vars.forEach(rv => rv.attachCache(cache));\n}\n\nexport function makeVar<T>(value: T): ReactiveVar<T> {\n  const caches = new Set<ApolloCache<any>>();\n  const listeners = new Set<ReactiveListener<T>>();\n\n  const rv: ReactiveVar<T> = function (newValue) {\n    if (arguments.length > 0) {\n      if (value !== newValue) {\n        value = newValue!;\n        caches.forEach(cache => {\n          // Invalidate any fields with custom read functions that\n          // consumed this variable, so query results involving those\n          // fields will be recomputed the next time we read them.\n          getCacheInfo(cache).dep.dirty(rv);\n          // Broadcast changes to any caches that have previously read\n          // from this variable.\n          broadcast(cache);\n        });\n        // Finally, notify any listeners added via rv.onNextChange.\n        consumeAndIterate(listeners, listener => listener(value));\n      }\n    } else {\n      // When reading from the variable, obtain the current cache from\n      // context via cacheSlot. This isn't entirely foolproof, but it's\n      // the same system that powers varDep.\n      const cache = cacheSlot.getValue();\n      if (cache) {\n        attach(cache);\n        getCacheInfo(cache).dep(rv);\n      }\n    }\n\n    return value;\n  };\n\n  rv.onNextChange = listener => {\n    listeners.add(listener);\n    return () => {\n      listeners.delete(listener);\n    };\n  };\n\n  const attach = rv.attachCache = cache => {\n    caches.add(cache);\n    getCacheInfo(cache).vars.add(rv);\n    return rv;\n  };\n\n  rv.forgetCache = cache => caches.delete(cache);\n\n  return rv;\n}\n\ntype Broadcastable = ApolloCache<any> & {\n  // This method is protected in InMemoryCache, which we are ignoring, but\n  // we still want some semblance of type safety when we call it.\n  broadcastWatches?: InMemoryCache[\"broadcastWatches\"];\n};\n\nfunction broadcast(cache: Broadcastable) {\n  if (cache.broadcastWatches) {\n    cache.broadcastWatches();\n  }\n}\n", "import {\n  InlineFragmentNode,\n  FragmentDefinitionNode,\n  SelectionSetNode,\n  FieldNode,\n} from 'graphql';\n\nimport { KeyTrie } from 'optimism';\nimport { invariant, InvariantError } from 'ts-invariant';\n\nimport {\n  FragmentMap,\n  getFragmentFromSelection,\n  isField,\n  getTypenameFromResult,\n  storeKeyNameFromField,\n  StoreValue,\n  StoreObject,\n  argumentsObjectFromField,\n  Reference,\n  isReference,\n  getStoreKeyName,\n  canUseWeakMap,\n  compact,\n} from '../../utilities';\nimport { IdGetter, ReadMergeModifyContext, MergeInfo } from \"./types\";\nimport {\n  hasOwn,\n  fieldNameFromStoreName,\n  storeValueIsStoreObject,\n  selectionSetMatchesResult,\n  TypeOrFieldNameRegExp,\n} from './helpers';\nimport { cacheSlot } from './reactiveVars';\nimport { InMemoryCache } from './inMemoryCache';\nimport {\n  SafeReadonly,\n  FieldSpecifier,\n  ToReferenceFunction,\n  ReadFieldFunction,\n  ReadFieldOptions,\n  CanReadFunction,\n} from '../core/types/common';\nimport { FieldValueGetter } from './entityStore';\n\nexport type TypePolicies = {\n  [__typename: string]: TypePolicy;\n}\n\n// TypeScript 3.7 will allow recursive type aliases, so this should work:\n// type KeySpecifier = (string | KeySpecifier)[]\ntype KeySpecifier = (string | any[])[];\n\ntype KeyFieldsContext = {\n  typename?: string;\n  selectionSet?: SelectionSetNode;\n  fragmentMap?: FragmentMap;\n  // May be set by the KeyFieldsFunction to report fields that were involved\n  // in computing the ID. Never passed in by the caller.\n  keyObject?: Record<string, any>;\n};\n\nexport type KeyFieldsFunction = (\n  object: Readonly<StoreObject>,\n  context: KeyFieldsContext,\n) => KeySpecifier | false | ReturnType<IdGetter>;\n\ntype KeyFieldsResult = Exclude<ReturnType<KeyFieldsFunction>, KeySpecifier>;\n\n// TODO Should TypePolicy be a generic type, with a TObject or TEntity\n// type parameter?\nexport type TypePolicy = {\n  // Allows defining the primary key fields for this type, either using an\n  // array of field names or a function that returns an arbitrary string.\n  keyFields?: KeySpecifier | KeyFieldsFunction | false;\n\n  // Allows defining a merge function (or merge:true/false shorthand) to\n  // be used for merging objects of this type wherever they appear, unless\n  // the parent field also defines a merge function/boolean (that is,\n  // parent field merge functions take precedence over type policy merge\n  // functions). In many cases, defining merge:true for a given type\n  // policy can save you from specifying merge:true for all the field\n  // policies where that type might be encountered.\n  merge?: FieldMergeFunction | boolean;\n\n  // In the rare event that your schema happens to use a different\n  // __typename for the root Query, Mutation, and/or Schema types, you can\n  // express your deviant preferences by enabling one of these options.\n  queryType?: true,\n  mutationType?: true,\n  subscriptionType?: true,\n\n  fields?: {\n    [fieldName: string]:\n      | FieldPolicy<any>\n      | FieldReadFunction<any>;\n  }\n};\n\nexport type KeyArgsFunction = (\n  args: Record<string, any> | null,\n  context: {\n    typename: string;\n    fieldName: string;\n    field: FieldNode | null;\n    variables?: Record<string, any>;\n  },\n) => KeySpecifier | false | ReturnType<IdGetter>;\n\ntype KeyArgsResult = Exclude<ReturnType<KeyArgsFunction>, KeySpecifier>;\n\nexport type FieldPolicy<\n  // The internal representation used to store the field's data in the\n  // cache. Must be JSON-serializable if you plan to serialize the result\n  // of cache.extract() using JSON.\n  TExisting = any,\n  // The type of the incoming parameter passed to the merge function,\n  // typically matching the GraphQL response format, but with Reference\n  // objects substituted for any identifiable child objects. Often the\n  // same as TExisting, but not necessarily.\n  TIncoming = TExisting,\n  // The type that the read function actually returns, using TExisting\n  // data and options.args as input. Usually the same as TIncoming.\n  TReadResult = TIncoming,\n> = {\n  keyArgs?: KeySpecifier | KeyArgsFunction | false;\n  read?: FieldReadFunction<TExisting, TReadResult>;\n  merge?: FieldMergeFunction<TExisting, TIncoming> | boolean;\n};\n\nexport type StorageType = Record<string, any>;\n\nfunction argsFromFieldSpecifier(spec: FieldSpecifier) {\n  return spec.args !== void 0 ? spec.args :\n    spec.field ? argumentsObjectFromField(spec.field, spec.variables) : null;\n}\n\nexport interface FieldFunctionOptions<\n  TArgs = Record<string, any>,\n  TVars = Record<string, any>,\n> {\n  args: TArgs | null;\n\n  // The name of the field, equal to options.field.name.value when\n  // options.field is available. Useful if you reuse the same function for\n  // multiple fields, and you need to know which field you're currently\n  // processing. Always a string, even when options.field is null.\n  fieldName: string;\n\n  // The full field key used internally, including serialized key arguments.\n  storeFieldName: string;\n\n  // The FieldNode object used to read this field. Useful if you need to\n  // know about other attributes of the field, such as its directives. This\n  // option will be null when a string was passed to options.readField.\n  field: FieldNode | null;\n\n  variables?: TVars;\n\n  // Utilities for dealing with { __ref } objects.\n  isReference: typeof isReference;\n  toReference: ToReferenceFunction;\n\n  // A handy place to put field-specific data that you want to survive\n  // across multiple read function calls. Useful for field-level caching,\n  // if your read function does any expensive work.\n  storage: StorageType;\n\n  cache: InMemoryCache;\n\n  // Helper function for reading other fields within the current object.\n  // If a foreign object or reference is provided, the field will be read\n  // from that object instead of the current object, so this function can\n  // be used (together with isReference) to examine the cache outside the\n  // current object. If a FieldNode is passed instead of a string, and\n  // that FieldNode has arguments, the same options.variables will be used\n  // to compute the argument values. Note that this function will invoke\n  // custom read functions for other fields, if defined. Always returns\n  // immutable data (enforced with Object.freeze in development).\n  readField: ReadFieldFunction;\n\n  // Returns true for non-normalized StoreObjects and non-dangling\n  // References, indicating that readField(name, objOrRef) has a chance of\n  // working. Useful for filtering out dangling references from lists.\n  canRead: CanReadFunction;\n\n  // Instead of just merging objects with { ...existing, ...incoming }, this\n  // helper function can be used to merge objects in a way that respects any\n  // custom merge functions defined for their fields.\n  mergeObjects: MergeObjectsFunction;\n}\n\ntype MergeObjectsFunction = <T extends StoreObject | Reference>(\n  existing: T,\n  incoming: T,\n) => T;\n\nexport type FieldReadFunction<TExisting = any, TReadResult = TExisting> = (\n  // When reading a field, one often needs to know about any existing\n  // value stored for that field. If the field is read before any value\n  // has been written to the cache, this existing parameter will be\n  // undefined, which makes it easy to use a default parameter expression\n  // to supply the initial value. This parameter is positional (rather\n  // than one of the named options) because that makes it possible for the\n  // developer to annotate it with a type, without also having to provide\n  // a whole new type for the options object.\n  existing: SafeReadonly<TExisting> | undefined,\n  options: FieldFunctionOptions,\n) => TReadResult | undefined;\n\nexport type FieldMergeFunction<TExisting = any, TIncoming = TExisting> = (\n  existing: SafeReadonly<TExisting> | undefined,\n  // The incoming parameter needs to be positional as well, for the same\n  // reasons discussed in FieldReadFunction above.\n  incoming: SafeReadonly<TIncoming>,\n  options: FieldFunctionOptions,\n) => SafeReadonly<TExisting>;\n\nexport const defaultDataIdFromObject = (\n  { __typename, id, _id }: Readonly<StoreObject>,\n  context?: KeyFieldsContext,\n) => {\n  if (typeof __typename === \"string\") {\n    if (context) {\n      context.keyObject =\n         id !== void 0 ? {  id } :\n        _id !== void 0 ? { _id } :\n        void 0;\n    }\n    // If there is no object.id, fall back to object._id.\n    if (id === void 0) id = _id;\n    if (id !== void 0) {\n      return `${__typename}:${(\n        typeof id === \"number\" ||\n        typeof id === \"string\"\n      ) ? id : JSON.stringify(id)}`;\n    }\n  }\n};\n\nconst nullKeyFieldsFn: KeyFieldsFunction = () => void 0;\nconst simpleKeyArgsFn: KeyArgsFunction = (_args, context) => context.fieldName;\n\n// These merge functions can be selected by specifying merge:true or\n// merge:false in a field policy.\nconst mergeTrueFn: FieldMergeFunction<any> =\n  (existing, incoming, { mergeObjects }) => mergeObjects(existing, incoming);\nconst mergeFalseFn: FieldMergeFunction<any> = (_, incoming) => incoming;\n\nexport type PossibleTypesMap = {\n  [supertype: string]: string[];\n};\n\nexport class Policies {\n  private typePolicies: {\n    [__typename: string]: {\n      keyFn?: KeyFieldsFunction;\n      merge?: FieldMergeFunction<any>;\n      fields: {\n        [fieldName: string]: {\n          keyFn?: KeyArgsFunction;\n          read?: FieldReadFunction<any>;\n          merge?: FieldMergeFunction<any>;\n        };\n      };\n    };\n  } = Object.create(null);\n\n  private toBeAdded: {\n    [__typename: string]: TypePolicy[];\n  } = Object.create(null);\n\n  // Map from subtype names to sets of supertype names. Note that this\n  // representation inverts the structure of possibleTypes (whose keys are\n  // supertypes and whose values are arrays of subtypes) because it tends\n  // to be much more efficient to search upwards than downwards.\n  private supertypeMap = new Map<string, Set<string>>();\n\n  // Any fuzzy subtypes specified by possibleTypes will be converted to\n  // RegExp objects and recorded here. Every key of this map can also be\n  // found in supertypeMap. In many cases this Map will be empty, which\n  // means no fuzzy subtype checking will happen in fragmentMatches.\n  private fuzzySubtypes = new Map<string, RegExp>();\n\n  public readonly cache: InMemoryCache;\n\n  public readonly rootIdsByTypename: Record<string, string> = Object.create(null);\n  public readonly rootTypenamesById: Record<string, string> = Object.create(null);\n\n  public readonly usingPossibleTypes = false;\n\n  constructor(private config: {\n    cache: InMemoryCache;\n    dataIdFromObject?: KeyFieldsFunction;\n    possibleTypes?: PossibleTypesMap;\n    typePolicies?: TypePolicies;\n  }) {\n    this.config = {\n      dataIdFromObject: defaultDataIdFromObject,\n      ...config,\n    };\n\n    this.cache = this.config.cache;\n\n    this.setRootTypename(\"Query\");\n    this.setRootTypename(\"Mutation\");\n    this.setRootTypename(\"Subscription\");\n\n    if (config.possibleTypes) {\n      this.addPossibleTypes(config.possibleTypes);\n    }\n\n    if (config.typePolicies) {\n      this.addTypePolicies(config.typePolicies);\n    }\n  }\n\n  public identify(\n    object: StoreObject,\n    selectionSet?: SelectionSetNode,\n    fragmentMap?: FragmentMap,\n  ): [string?, StoreObject?] {\n    // TODO Use an AliasMap here?\n    const typename = selectionSet && fragmentMap\n      ? getTypenameFromResult(object, selectionSet, fragmentMap)\n      : object.__typename;\n\n    // It should be possible to write root Query fields with\n    // writeFragment, using { __typename: \"Query\", ... } as the data, but\n    // it does not make sense to allow the same identification behavior\n    // for the Mutation and Subscription types, since application code\n    // should never be writing directly to (or reading directly from)\n    // those root objects.\n    if (typename === this.rootTypenamesById.ROOT_QUERY) {\n      return [\"ROOT_QUERY\"];\n    }\n\n    const context: KeyFieldsContext = {\n      typename,\n      selectionSet,\n      fragmentMap,\n    };\n\n    let id: KeyFieldsResult;\n\n    const policy = typename && this.getTypePolicy(typename);\n    let keyFn = policy && policy.keyFn || this.config.dataIdFromObject;\n    while (keyFn) {\n      const specifierOrId = keyFn(object, context);\n      if (Array.isArray(specifierOrId)) {\n        keyFn = keyFieldsFnFromSpecifier(specifierOrId);\n      } else {\n        id = specifierOrId;\n        break;\n      }\n    }\n\n    id = id ? String(id) : void 0;\n    return context.keyObject ? [id, context.keyObject] : [id];\n  }\n\n  public addTypePolicies(typePolicies: TypePolicies) {\n    Object.keys(typePolicies).forEach(typename => {\n      const {\n        queryType,\n        mutationType,\n        subscriptionType,\n        ...incoming\n      } = typePolicies[typename];\n\n      // Though {query,mutation,subscription}Type configurations are rare,\n      // it's important to call setRootTypename as early as possible,\n      // since these configurations should apply consistently for the\n      // entire lifetime of the cache. Also, since only one __typename can\n      // qualify as one of these root types, these three properties cannot\n      // be inherited, unlike the rest of the incoming properties. That\n      // restriction is convenient, because the purpose of this.toBeAdded\n      // is to delay the processing of type/field policies until the first\n      // time they're used, allowing policies to be added in any order as\n      // long as all relevant policies (including policies for supertypes)\n      // have been added by the time a given policy is used for the first\n      // time. In other words, since inheritance doesn't matter for these\n      // properties, there's also no need to delay their processing using\n      // the this.toBeAdded queue.\n      if (queryType) this.setRootTypename(\"Query\", typename);\n      if (mutationType) this.setRootTypename(\"Mutation\", typename);\n      if (subscriptionType) this.setRootTypename(\"Subscription\", typename);\n\n      if (hasOwn.call(this.toBeAdded, typename)) {\n        this.toBeAdded[typename].push(incoming);\n      } else {\n        this.toBeAdded[typename] = [incoming];\n      }\n    });\n  }\n\n  private updateTypePolicy(typename: string, incoming: TypePolicy) {\n    const existing = this.getTypePolicy(typename);\n    const { keyFields, fields } = incoming;\n\n    function setMerge(\n      existing: { merge?: FieldMergeFunction | boolean; },\n      merge?: FieldMergeFunction | boolean,\n    ) {\n      existing.merge =\n        typeof merge === \"function\" ? merge :\n        // Pass merge:true as a shorthand for a merge implementation\n        // that returns options.mergeObjects(existing, incoming).\n        merge === true ? mergeTrueFn :\n        // Pass merge:false to make incoming always replace existing\n        // without any warnings about data clobbering.\n        merge === false ? mergeFalseFn :\n        existing.merge;\n    }\n\n    // Type policies can define merge functions, as an alternative to\n    // using field policies to merge child objects.\n    setMerge(existing, incoming.merge);\n\n    existing.keyFn =\n      // Pass false to disable normalization for this typename.\n      keyFields === false ? nullKeyFieldsFn :\n      // Pass an array of strings to use those fields to compute a\n      // composite ID for objects of this typename.\n      Array.isArray(keyFields) ? keyFieldsFnFromSpecifier(keyFields) :\n      // Pass a function to take full control over identification.\n      typeof keyFields === \"function\" ? keyFields :\n      // Leave existing.keyFn unchanged if above cases fail.\n      existing.keyFn;\n\n    if (fields) {\n      Object.keys(fields).forEach(fieldName => {\n        const existing = this.getFieldPolicy(typename, fieldName, true)!;\n        const incoming = fields[fieldName];\n\n        if (typeof incoming === \"function\") {\n          existing.read = incoming;\n        } else {\n          const { keyArgs, read, merge } = incoming;\n\n          existing.keyFn =\n            // Pass false to disable argument-based differentiation of\n            // field identities.\n            keyArgs === false ? simpleKeyArgsFn :\n            // Pass an array of strings to use named arguments to\n            // compute a composite identity for the field.\n            Array.isArray(keyArgs) ? keyArgsFnFromSpecifier(keyArgs) :\n            // Pass a function to take full control over field identity.\n            typeof keyArgs === \"function\" ? keyArgs :\n            // Leave existing.keyFn unchanged if above cases fail.\n            existing.keyFn;\n\n          if (typeof read === \"function\") {\n            existing.read = read;\n          }\n\n          setMerge(existing, merge);\n        }\n\n        if (existing.read && existing.merge) {\n          // If we have both a read and a merge function, assume\n          // keyArgs:false, because read and merge together can take\n          // responsibility for interpreting arguments in and out. This\n          // default assumption can always be overridden by specifying\n          // keyArgs explicitly in the FieldPolicy.\n          existing.keyFn = existing.keyFn || simpleKeyArgsFn;\n        }\n      });\n    }\n  }\n\n  private setRootTypename(\n    which: \"Query\" | \"Mutation\" | \"Subscription\",\n    typename: string = which,\n  ) {\n    const rootId = \"ROOT_\" + which.toUpperCase();\n    const old = this.rootTypenamesById[rootId];\n    if (typename !== old) {\n      invariant(!old || old === which, `Cannot change root ${which} __typename more than once`);\n      // First, delete any old __typename associated with this rootId from\n      // rootIdsByTypename.\n      if (old) delete this.rootIdsByTypename[old];\n      // Now make this the only __typename that maps to this rootId.\n      this.rootIdsByTypename[typename] = rootId;\n      // Finally, update the __typename associated with this rootId.\n      this.rootTypenamesById[rootId] = typename;\n    }\n  }\n\n  public addPossibleTypes(possibleTypes: PossibleTypesMap) {\n    (this.usingPossibleTypes as boolean) = true;\n    Object.keys(possibleTypes).forEach(supertype => {\n      // Make sure all types have an entry in this.supertypeMap, even if\n      // their supertype set is empty, so we can return false immediately\n      // from policies.fragmentMatches for unknown supertypes.\n      this.getSupertypeSet(supertype, true);\n\n      possibleTypes[supertype].forEach(subtype => {\n        this.getSupertypeSet(subtype, true)!.add(supertype);\n        const match = subtype.match(TypeOrFieldNameRegExp);\n        if (!match || match[0] !== subtype) {\n          // TODO Don't interpret just any invalid typename as a RegExp.\n          this.fuzzySubtypes.set(subtype, new RegExp(subtype));\n        }\n      });\n    });\n  }\n\n  private getTypePolicy(typename: string): Policies[\"typePolicies\"][string] {\n    if (!hasOwn.call(this.typePolicies, typename)) {\n      const policy: Policies[\"typePolicies\"][string] =\n        this.typePolicies[typename] = Object.create(null);\n      policy.fields = Object.create(null);\n\n      // When the TypePolicy for typename is first accessed, instead of\n      // starting with an empty policy object, inherit any properties or\n      // fields from the type policies of the supertypes of typename.\n      //\n      // Any properties or fields defined explicitly within the TypePolicy\n      // for typename will take precedence, and if there are multiple\n      // supertypes, the properties of policies whose types were added\n      // later via addPossibleTypes will take precedence over those of\n      // earlier supertypes. TODO Perhaps we should warn about these\n      // conflicts in development, and recommend defining the property\n      // explicitly in the subtype policy?\n      //\n      // Field policy inheritance is atomic/shallow: you can't inherit a\n      // field policy and then override just its read function, since read\n      // and merge functions often need to cooperate, so changing only one\n      // of them would be a recipe for inconsistency.\n      //\n      // Once the TypePolicy for typename has been accessed, its\n      // properties can still be updated directly using addTypePolicies,\n      // but future changes to supertype policies will not be reflected in\n      // this policy, because this code runs at most once per typename.\n      const supertypes = this.supertypeMap.get(typename);\n      if (supertypes && supertypes.size) {\n        supertypes.forEach(supertype => {\n          const { fields, ...rest } = this.getTypePolicy(supertype);\n          Object.assign(policy, rest);\n          Object.assign(policy.fields, fields);\n        });\n      }\n    }\n\n    const inbox = this.toBeAdded[typename];\n    if (inbox && inbox.length) {\n      this.updateTypePolicy(typename, compact(...inbox.splice(0)));\n    }\n\n    return this.typePolicies[typename];\n  }\n\n  private getFieldPolicy(\n    typename: string | undefined,\n    fieldName: string,\n    createIfMissing: boolean,\n  ): {\n    keyFn?: KeyArgsFunction;\n    read?: FieldReadFunction<any>;\n    merge?: FieldMergeFunction<any>;\n  } | undefined {\n    if (typename) {\n      const fieldPolicies = this.getTypePolicy(typename).fields;\n      return fieldPolicies[fieldName] || (\n        createIfMissing && (fieldPolicies[fieldName] = Object.create(null)));\n    }\n  }\n\n  private getSupertypeSet(\n    subtype: string,\n    createIfMissing: boolean,\n  ): Set<string> | undefined {\n    let supertypeSet = this.supertypeMap.get(subtype);\n    if (!supertypeSet && createIfMissing) {\n      this.supertypeMap.set(subtype, supertypeSet = new Set<string>());\n    }\n    return supertypeSet;\n  }\n\n  public fragmentMatches(\n    fragment: InlineFragmentNode | FragmentDefinitionNode,\n    typename: string | undefined,\n    result?: Record<string, any>,\n    variables?: Record<string, any>,\n  ): boolean {\n    if (!fragment.typeCondition) return true;\n\n    // If the fragment has a type condition but the object we're matching\n    // against does not have a __typename, the fragment cannot match.\n    if (!typename) return false;\n\n    const supertype = fragment.typeCondition.name.value;\n    // Common case: fragment type condition and __typename are the same.\n    if (typename === supertype) return true;\n\n    if (this.usingPossibleTypes &&\n        this.supertypeMap.has(supertype)) {\n      const typenameSupertypeSet = this.getSupertypeSet(typename, true)!;\n      const workQueue = [typenameSupertypeSet];\n      const maybeEnqueue = (subtype: string) => {\n        const supertypeSet = this.getSupertypeSet(subtype, false);\n        if (supertypeSet &&\n            supertypeSet.size &&\n            workQueue.indexOf(supertypeSet) < 0) {\n          workQueue.push(supertypeSet);\n        }\n      };\n\n      // We need to check fuzzy subtypes only if we encountered fuzzy\n      // subtype strings in addPossibleTypes, and only while writing to\n      // the cache, since that's when selectionSetMatchesResult gives a\n      // strong signal of fragment matching. The StoreReader class calls\n      // policies.fragmentMatches without passing a result object, so\n      // needToCheckFuzzySubtypes is always false while reading.\n      let needToCheckFuzzySubtypes = !!(result && this.fuzzySubtypes.size);\n      let checkingFuzzySubtypes = false;\n\n      // It's important to keep evaluating workQueue.length each time through\n      // the loop, because the queue can grow while we're iterating over it.\n      for (let i = 0; i < workQueue.length; ++i) {\n        const supertypeSet = workQueue[i];\n\n        if (supertypeSet.has(supertype)) {\n          if (!typenameSupertypeSet.has(supertype)) {\n            if (checkingFuzzySubtypes) {\n              invariant.warn(`Inferring subtype ${typename} of supertype ${supertype}`);\n            }\n            // Record positive results for faster future lookup.\n            // Unfortunately, we cannot safely cache negative results,\n            // because new possibleTypes data could always be added to the\n            // Policies class.\n            typenameSupertypeSet.add(supertype);\n          }\n          return true;\n        }\n\n        supertypeSet.forEach(maybeEnqueue);\n\n        if (needToCheckFuzzySubtypes &&\n            // Start checking fuzzy subtypes only after exhausting all\n            // non-fuzzy subtypes (after the final iteration of the loop).\n            i === workQueue.length - 1 &&\n            // We could wait to compare fragment.selectionSet to result\n            // after we verify the supertype, but this check is often less\n            // expensive than that search, and we will have to do the\n            // comparison anyway whenever we find a potential match.\n            selectionSetMatchesResult(fragment.selectionSet, result!, variables)) {\n          // We don't always need to check fuzzy subtypes (if no result\n          // was provided, or !this.fuzzySubtypes.size), but, when we do,\n          // we only want to check them once.\n          needToCheckFuzzySubtypes = false;\n          checkingFuzzySubtypes = true;\n\n          // If we find any fuzzy subtypes that match typename, extend the\n          // workQueue to search through the supertypes of those fuzzy\n          // subtypes. Otherwise the for-loop will terminate and we'll\n          // return false below.\n          this.fuzzySubtypes.forEach((regExp, fuzzyString) => {\n            const match = typename.match(regExp);\n            if (match && match[0] === typename) {\n              maybeEnqueue(fuzzyString);\n            }\n          });\n        }\n      }\n    }\n\n    return false;\n  }\n\n  public hasKeyArgs(typename: string | undefined, fieldName: string) {\n    const policy = this.getFieldPolicy(typename, fieldName, false);\n    return !!(policy && policy.keyFn);\n  }\n\n  public getStoreFieldName(fieldSpec: FieldSpecifier): string {\n    const { typename, fieldName } = fieldSpec;\n    const policy = this.getFieldPolicy(typename, fieldName, false);\n    let storeFieldName: KeyArgsResult;\n\n    let keyFn = policy && policy.keyFn;\n    if (keyFn && typename) {\n      const context: Parameters<KeyArgsFunction>[1] = {\n        typename,\n        fieldName,\n        field: fieldSpec.field || null,\n        variables: fieldSpec.variables,\n      };\n      const args = argsFromFieldSpecifier(fieldSpec);\n      while (keyFn) {\n        const specifierOrString = keyFn(args, context);\n        if (Array.isArray(specifierOrString)) {\n          keyFn = keyArgsFnFromSpecifier(specifierOrString);\n        } else {\n          // If the custom keyFn returns a falsy value, fall back to\n          // fieldName instead.\n          storeFieldName = specifierOrString || fieldName;\n          break;\n        }\n      }\n    }\n\n    if (storeFieldName === void 0) {\n      storeFieldName = fieldSpec.field\n        ? storeKeyNameFromField(fieldSpec.field, fieldSpec.variables)\n        : getStoreKeyName(fieldName, argsFromFieldSpecifier(fieldSpec));\n    }\n\n    // Returning false from a keyArgs function is like configuring\n    // keyArgs: false, but more dynamic.\n    if (storeFieldName === false) {\n      return fieldName;\n    }\n\n    // Make sure custom field names start with the actual field.name.value\n    // of the field, so we can always figure out which properties of a\n    // StoreObject correspond to which original field names.\n    return fieldName === fieldNameFromStoreName(storeFieldName)\n      ? storeFieldName\n      : fieldName + \":\" + storeFieldName;\n  }\n\n  public readField<V = StoreValue>(\n    options: ReadFieldOptions,\n    context: ReadMergeModifyContext,\n  ): SafeReadonly<V> | undefined {\n    const objectOrReference = options.from;\n    if (!objectOrReference) return;\n\n    const nameOrField = options.field || options.fieldName;\n    if (!nameOrField) return;\n\n    if (options.typename === void 0) {\n      const typename = context.store.getFieldValue<string>(objectOrReference, \"__typename\");\n      if (typename) options.typename = typename;\n    }\n\n    const storeFieldName = this.getStoreFieldName(options);\n    const fieldName = fieldNameFromStoreName(storeFieldName);\n    const existing = context.store.getFieldValue<V>(objectOrReference, storeFieldName);\n    const policy = this.getFieldPolicy(options.typename, fieldName, false);\n    const read = policy && policy.read;\n\n    if (read) {\n      const readOptions = makeFieldFunctionOptions(\n        this,\n        objectOrReference,\n        options,\n        context,\n        context.store.getStorage(\n          isReference(objectOrReference)\n            ? objectOrReference.__ref\n            : objectOrReference,\n          storeFieldName,\n        ),\n      );\n\n      // Call read(existing, readOptions) with cacheSlot holding this.cache.\n      return cacheSlot.withValue(\n        this.cache,\n        read,\n        [existing, readOptions],\n      ) as SafeReadonly<V>;\n    }\n\n    return existing;\n  }\n\n  public getMergeFunction(\n    parentTypename: string | undefined,\n    fieldName: string,\n    childTypename: string | undefined,\n  ): FieldMergeFunction | undefined {\n    let policy:\n      | Policies[\"typePolicies\"][string]\n      | Policies[\"typePolicies\"][string][\"fields\"][string]\n      | undefined =\n      this.getFieldPolicy(parentTypename, fieldName, false);\n    let merge = policy && policy.merge;\n    if (!merge && childTypename) {\n      policy = this.getTypePolicy(childTypename);\n      merge = policy && policy.merge;\n    }\n    return merge;\n  }\n\n  public runMergeFunction(\n    existing: StoreValue,\n    incoming: StoreValue,\n    { field, typename, merge }: MergeInfo,\n    context: ReadMergeModifyContext,\n    storage?: StorageType,\n  ) {\n    if (merge === mergeTrueFn) {\n      // Instead of going to the trouble of creating a full\n      // FieldFunctionOptions object and calling mergeTrueFn, we can\n      // simply call mergeObjects, as mergeTrueFn would.\n      return makeMergeObjectsFunction(\n        context.store.getFieldValue\n      )(existing as StoreObject,\n        incoming as StoreObject);\n    }\n\n    if (merge === mergeFalseFn) {\n      // Likewise for mergeFalseFn, whose implementation is even simpler.\n      return incoming;\n    }\n\n    return merge(existing, incoming, makeFieldFunctionOptions(\n      this,\n      // Unlike options.readField for read functions, we do not fall\n      // back to the current object if no foreignObjOrRef is provided,\n      // because it's not clear what the current object should be for\n      // merge functions: the (possibly undefined) existing object, or\n      // the incoming object? If you think your merge function needs\n      // to read sibling fields in order to produce a new value for\n      // the current field, you might want to rethink your strategy,\n      // because that's a recipe for making merge behavior sensitive\n      // to the order in which fields are written into the cache.\n      // However, readField(name, ref) is useful for merge functions\n      // that need to deduplicate child objects and references.\n      void 0,\n      { typename,\n        fieldName: field.name.value,\n        field,\n        variables: context.variables },\n      context,\n      storage || Object.create(null),\n    ));\n  }\n}\n\nfunction makeFieldFunctionOptions(\n  policies: Policies,\n  objectOrReference: StoreObject | Reference | undefined,\n  fieldSpec: FieldSpecifier,\n  context: ReadMergeModifyContext,\n  storage: StorageType,\n): FieldFunctionOptions {\n  const storeFieldName = policies.getStoreFieldName(fieldSpec);\n  const fieldName = fieldNameFromStoreName(storeFieldName);\n  const variables = fieldSpec.variables || context.variables;\n  const { getFieldValue, toReference, canRead } = context.store;\n\n  return {\n    args: argsFromFieldSpecifier(fieldSpec),\n    field: fieldSpec.field || null,\n    fieldName,\n    storeFieldName,\n    variables,\n    isReference,\n    toReference,\n    storage,\n    cache: policies.cache,\n    canRead,\n\n    readField<T>(\n      fieldNameOrOptions: string | ReadFieldOptions,\n      from?: StoreObject | Reference,\n    ) {\n      const options: ReadFieldOptions =\n        typeof fieldNameOrOptions === \"string\" ? {\n          fieldName: fieldNameOrOptions,\n          from,\n        } : { ...fieldNameOrOptions };\n\n      if (void 0 === options.from) {\n        options.from = objectOrReference;\n      }\n\n      if (void 0 === options.variables) {\n        options.variables = variables;\n      }\n\n      return policies.readField<T>(options, context);\n    },\n\n    mergeObjects: makeMergeObjectsFunction(getFieldValue),\n  };\n}\n\nfunction makeMergeObjectsFunction(\n  getFieldValue: FieldValueGetter,\n): MergeObjectsFunction {\n  return function mergeObjects(existing, incoming) {\n    if (Array.isArray(existing) || Array.isArray(incoming)) {\n      throw new InvariantError(\"Cannot automatically merge arrays\");\n    }\n\n    // These dynamic checks are necessary because the parameters of a\n    // custom merge function can easily have the any type, so the type\n    // system cannot always enforce the StoreObject | Reference parameter\n    // types of options.mergeObjects.\n    if (existing && typeof existing === \"object\" &&\n        incoming && typeof incoming === \"object\") {\n      const eType = getFieldValue(existing, \"__typename\");\n      const iType = getFieldValue(incoming, \"__typename\");\n      const typesDiffer = eType && iType && eType !== iType;\n\n      if (typesDiffer ||\n          !storeValueIsStoreObject(existing) ||\n          !storeValueIsStoreObject(incoming)) {\n        return incoming;\n      }\n\n      return { ...existing, ...incoming };\n    }\n\n    return incoming;\n  };\n}\n\nfunction keyArgsFnFromSpecifier(\n  specifier: KeySpecifier,\n): KeyArgsFunction {\n  return (args, context) => {\n    return args ? `${context.fieldName}:${\n      JSON.stringify(computeKeyObject(args, specifier, false))\n    }` : context.fieldName;\n  };\n}\n\nfunction keyFieldsFnFromSpecifier(\n  specifier: KeySpecifier,\n): KeyFieldsFunction {\n  const trie = new KeyTrie<{\n    aliasMap?: AliasMap;\n  }>(canUseWeakMap);\n\n  return (object, context) => {\n    let aliasMap: AliasMap | undefined;\n    if (context.selectionSet && context.fragmentMap) {\n      const info = trie.lookupArray([\n        context.selectionSet,\n        context.fragmentMap,\n      ]);\n      aliasMap = info.aliasMap || (\n        info.aliasMap = makeAliasMap(context.selectionSet, context.fragmentMap)\n      );\n    }\n\n    const keyObject = context.keyObject =\n      computeKeyObject(object, specifier, true, aliasMap);\n\n    return `${context.typename}:${JSON.stringify(keyObject)}`;\n  };\n}\n\ntype AliasMap = {\n  // Map from store key to corresponding response key. Undefined when there are\n  // no aliased fields in this selection set.\n  aliases?: Record<string, string>;\n  // Map from store key to AliasMap correponding to a child selection set.\n  // Undefined when there are no child selection sets.\n  subsets?: Record<string, AliasMap>;\n};\n\nfunction makeAliasMap(\n  selectionSet: SelectionSetNode,\n  fragmentMap: FragmentMap,\n): AliasMap {\n  let map: AliasMap = Object.create(null);\n  // TODO Cache this work, perhaps by storing selectionSet._aliasMap?\n  const workQueue = new Set([selectionSet]);\n  workQueue.forEach(selectionSet => {\n    selectionSet.selections.forEach(selection => {\n      if (isField(selection)) {\n        if (selection.alias) {\n          const responseKey = selection.alias.value;\n          const storeKey = selection.name.value;\n          if (storeKey !== responseKey) {\n            const aliases = map.aliases || (map.aliases = Object.create(null));\n            aliases[storeKey] = responseKey;\n          }\n        }\n        if (selection.selectionSet) {\n          const subsets = map.subsets || (map.subsets = Object.create(null));\n          subsets[selection.name.value] =\n            makeAliasMap(selection.selectionSet, fragmentMap);\n        }\n      } else {\n        const fragment = getFragmentFromSelection(selection, fragmentMap);\n        if (fragment) {\n          workQueue.add(fragment.selectionSet);\n        }\n      }\n    });\n  });\n  return map;\n}\n\nfunction computeKeyObject(\n  response: Record<string, any>,\n  specifier: KeySpecifier,\n  strict: boolean,\n  aliasMap?: AliasMap,\n): Record<string, any> {\n  // The order of adding properties to keyObj affects its JSON serialization,\n  // so we are careful to build keyObj in the order of keys given in\n  // specifier.\n  const keyObj = Object.create(null);\n  let prevKey: string | undefined;\n  specifier.forEach(s => {\n    if (Array.isArray(s)) {\n      if (typeof prevKey === \"string\") {\n        const subsets = aliasMap && aliasMap.subsets;\n        const subset = subsets && subsets[prevKey];\n        keyObj[prevKey] = computeKeyObject(response[prevKey], s, strict, subset);\n      }\n    } else {\n      const aliases = aliasMap && aliasMap.aliases;\n      const responseName = aliases && aliases[s] || s;\n      if (hasOwn.call(response, responseName)) {\n        keyObj[prevKey = s] = response[responseName];\n      } else {\n        invariant(!strict, `Missing field '${responseName}' while computing key fields`);\n        prevKey = void 0;\n      }\n    }\n  });\n  return keyObj;\n}\n", "// Make builtins like Map and Set safe to use with non-extensible objects.\nimport './fixPolyfills';\n\nimport { DocumentNode } from 'graphql';\nimport { dep, wrap } from 'optimism';\n\nimport { ApolloCache } from '../core/cache';\nimport { Cache } from '../core/types/Cache';\nimport { MissingFieldError } from '../core/types/common';\nimport {\n  addTypenameToDocument,\n  StoreObject,\n  Reference,\n  isReference,\n} from '../../utilities';\nimport {\n  ApolloReducerConfig,\n  NormalizedCacheObject,\n} from './types';\nimport { StoreReader } from './readFromStore';\nimport { StoreWriter } from './writeToStore';\nimport { EntityStore, supportsResultCaching } from './entityStore';\nimport { makeVar, forgetCache, recallCache } from './reactiveVars';\nimport {\n  defaultDataIdFromObject,\n  PossibleTypesMap,\n  Policies,\n  TypePolicies,\n} from './policies';\nimport { hasOwn } from './helpers';\n\nexport interface InMemoryCacheConfig extends ApolloReducerConfig {\n  resultCaching?: boolean;\n  possibleTypes?: PossibleTypesMap;\n  typePolicies?: TypePolicies;\n}\n\nconst defaultConfig: InMemoryCacheConfig = {\n  dataIdFromObject: defaultDataIdFromObject,\n  addTypename: true,\n  resultCaching: true,\n  typePolicies: {},\n};\n\nexport class InMemoryCache extends ApolloCache<NormalizedCacheObject> {\n  private data: EntityStore;\n  private optimisticData: EntityStore;\n\n  protected config: InMemoryCacheConfig;\n  private watches = new Set<Cache.WatchOptions>();\n  private addTypename: boolean;\n\n  private typenameDocumentCache = new Map<DocumentNode, DocumentNode>();\n  private storeReader: StoreReader;\n  private storeWriter: StoreWriter;\n\n  // Dynamically imported code can augment existing typePolicies or\n  // possibleTypes by calling cache.policies.addTypePolicies or\n  // cache.policies.addPossibletypes.\n  public readonly policies: Policies;\n\n  public readonly makeVar = makeVar;\n\n  constructor(config: InMemoryCacheConfig = {}) {\n    super();\n    this.config = { ...defaultConfig, ...config };\n    this.addTypename = !!this.config.addTypename;\n\n    this.policies = new Policies({\n      cache: this,\n      dataIdFromObject: this.config.dataIdFromObject,\n      possibleTypes: this.config.possibleTypes,\n      typePolicies: this.config.typePolicies,\n    });\n\n    // Passing { resultCaching: false } in the InMemoryCache constructor options\n    // will completely disable dependency tracking, which will improve memory\n    // usage but worsen the performance of repeated reads.\n    this.data = new EntityStore.Root({\n      policies: this.policies,\n      resultCaching: this.config.resultCaching,\n    });\n\n    // When no optimistic writes are currently active, cache.optimisticData ===\n    // cache.data, so there are no additional layers on top of the actual data.\n    // When an optimistic update happens, this.optimisticData will become a\n    // linked list of OptimisticCacheLayer objects that terminates with the\n    // original this.data cache object.\n    this.optimisticData = this.data;\n\n    this.storeWriter = new StoreWriter(\n      this,\n      this.storeReader = new StoreReader({\n        cache: this,\n        addTypename: this.addTypename,\n      }),\n    );\n  }\n\n  public restore(data: NormalizedCacheObject): this {\n    if (data) this.data.replace(data);\n    return this;\n  }\n\n  public extract(optimistic: boolean = false): NormalizedCacheObject {\n    return (optimistic ? this.optimisticData : this.data).extract();\n  }\n\n  public read<T>(options: Cache.ReadOptions): T | null {\n    const {\n      // Since read returns data or null, without any additional metadata\n      // about whether/where there might have been missing fields, the\n      // default behavior cannot be returnPartialData = true (like it is\n      // for the diff method), since defaulting to true would violate the\n      // integrity of the T in the return type. However, partial data may\n      // be useful in some cases, so returnPartialData:true may be\n      // specified explicitly.\n      returnPartialData = false,\n    } = options;\n    try {\n      return this.storeReader.diffQueryAgainstStore<T>({\n        store: options.optimistic ? this.optimisticData : this.data,\n        query: options.query,\n        variables: options.variables,\n        rootId: options.rootId,\n        config: this.config,\n        returnPartialData,\n      }).result || null;\n    } catch (e) {\n      if (e instanceof MissingFieldError) {\n        // Swallow MissingFieldError and return null, so callers do not\n        // need to worry about catching \"normal\" exceptions resulting from\n        // incomplete cache data. Unexpected errors will be re-thrown. If\n        // you need more information about which fields were missing, use\n        // cache.diff instead, and examine diffResult.missing.\n        return null;\n      }\n      throw e;\n    }\n  }\n\n  public write(options: Cache.WriteOptions): Reference | undefined {\n    try {\n      ++this.txCount;\n      return this.storeWriter.writeToStore({\n        store: this.data,\n        query: options.query,\n        result: options.result,\n        dataId: options.dataId,\n        variables: options.variables,\n      });\n    } finally {\n      if (!--this.txCount && options.broadcast !== false) {\n        this.broadcastWatches();\n      }\n    }\n  }\n\n  public modify(options: Cache.ModifyOptions): boolean {\n    if (hasOwn.call(options, \"id\") && !options.id) {\n      // To my knowledge, TypeScript does not currently provide a way to\n      // enforce that an optional property?:type must *not* be undefined\n      // when present. That ability would be useful here, because we want\n      // options.id to default to ROOT_QUERY only when no options.id was\n      // provided. If the caller attempts to pass options.id with a\n      // falsy/undefined value (perhaps because cache.identify failed), we\n      // should not assume the goal was to modify the ROOT_QUERY object.\n      // We could throw, but it seems natural to return false to indicate\n      // that nothing was modified.\n      return false;\n    }\n    const store = options.optimistic // Defaults to false.\n      ? this.optimisticData\n      : this.data;\n    try {\n      ++this.txCount;\n      return store.modify(options.id || \"ROOT_QUERY\", options.fields);\n    } finally {\n      if (!--this.txCount && options.broadcast !== false) {\n        this.broadcastWatches();\n      }\n    }\n  }\n\n  public diff<T>(options: Cache.DiffOptions): Cache.DiffResult<T> {\n    return this.storeReader.diffQueryAgainstStore({\n      store: options.optimistic ? this.optimisticData : this.data,\n      rootId: options.id || \"ROOT_QUERY\",\n      query: options.query,\n      variables: options.variables,\n      returnPartialData: options.returnPartialData,\n      config: this.config,\n    });\n  }\n\n  public watch(watch: Cache.WatchOptions): () => void {\n    if (!this.watches.size) {\n      // In case we previously called forgetCache(this) because\n      // this.watches became empty (see below), reattach this cache to any\n      // reactive variables on which it previously depended. It might seem\n      // paradoxical that we're able to recall something we supposedly\n      // forgot, but the point of calling forgetCache(this) is to silence\n      // useless broadcasts while this.watches is empty, and to allow the\n      // cache to be garbage collected. If, however, we manage to call\n      // recallCache(this) here, this cache object must not have been\n      // garbage collected yet, and should resume receiving updates from\n      // reactive variables, now that it has a watcher to notify.\n      recallCache(this);\n    }\n    this.watches.add(watch);\n    if (watch.immediate) {\n      this.maybeBroadcastWatch(watch);\n    }\n    return () => {\n      // Once we remove the last watch from this.watches, cache.broadcastWatches\n      // no longer does anything, so we preemptively tell the reactive variable\n      // system to exclude this cache from future broadcasts.\n      if (this.watches.delete(watch) && !this.watches.size) {\n        forgetCache(this);\n      }\n      this.watchDep.dirty(watch);\n      // Remove this watch from the LRU cache managed by the\n      // maybeBroadcastWatch OptimisticWrapperFunction, to prevent memory\n      // leaks involving the closure of watch.callback.\n      this.maybeBroadcastWatch.forget(watch);\n    };\n  }\n\n  // Request garbage collection of unreachable normalized entities.\n  public gc() {\n    return this.optimisticData.gc();\n  }\n\n  // Call this method to ensure the given root ID remains in the cache after\n  // garbage collection, along with its transitive child entities. Note that\n  // the cache automatically retains all directly written entities. By default,\n  // the retainment persists after optimistic updates are removed. Pass true\n  // for the optimistic argument if you would prefer for the retainment to be\n  // discarded when the top-most optimistic layer is removed. Returns the\n  // resulting (non-negative) retainment count.\n  public retain(rootId: string, optimistic?: boolean): number {\n    return (optimistic ? this.optimisticData : this.data).retain(rootId);\n  }\n\n  // Call this method to undo the effect of the retain method, above. Once the\n  // retainment count falls to zero, the given ID will no longer be preserved\n  // during garbage collection, though it may still be preserved by other safe\n  // entities that refer to it. Returns the resulting (non-negative) retainment\n  // count, in case that's useful.\n  public release(rootId: string, optimistic?: boolean): number {\n    return (optimistic ? this.optimisticData : this.data).release(rootId);\n  }\n\n  // Returns the canonical ID for a given StoreObject, obeying typePolicies\n  // and keyFields (and dataIdFromObject, if you still use that). At minimum,\n  // the object must contain a __typename and any primary key fields required\n  // to identify entities of that type. If you pass a query result object, be\n  // sure that none of the primary key fields have been renamed by aliasing.\n  // If you pass a Reference object, its __ref ID string will be returned.\n  public identify(object: StoreObject | Reference): string | undefined {\n    return isReference(object) ? object.__ref :\n      this.policies.identify(object)[0];\n  }\n\n  public evict(options: Cache.EvictOptions): boolean {\n    if (!options.id) {\n      if (hasOwn.call(options, \"id\")) {\n        // See comment in modify method about why we return false when\n        // options.id exists but is falsy/undefined.\n        return false;\n      }\n      options = { ...options, id: \"ROOT_QUERY\" };\n    }\n    try {\n      // It's unlikely that the eviction will end up invoking any other\n      // cache update operations while it's running, but {in,de}crementing\n      // this.txCount still seems like a good idea, for uniformity with\n      // the other update methods.\n      ++this.txCount;\n      return this.optimisticData.evict(options);\n    } finally {\n      if (!--this.txCount && options.broadcast !== false) {\n        this.broadcastWatches();\n      }\n    }\n  }\n\n  public reset(): Promise<void> {\n    this.data.clear();\n    this.optimisticData = this.data;\n    this.broadcastWatches();\n    return Promise.resolve();\n  }\n\n  public removeOptimistic(idToRemove: string) {\n    const newOptimisticData = this.optimisticData.removeLayer(idToRemove);\n    if (newOptimisticData !== this.optimisticData) {\n      this.optimisticData = newOptimisticData;\n      this.broadcastWatches();\n    }\n  }\n\n  private txCount = 0;\n\n  public performTransaction(\n    transaction: (cache: InMemoryCache) => any,\n    optimisticId?: string | null,\n  ) {\n    const perform = (layer?: EntityStore) => {\n      const { data, optimisticData } = this;\n      ++this.txCount;\n      if (layer) {\n        this.data = this.optimisticData = layer;\n      }\n      try {\n        transaction(this);\n      } finally {\n        --this.txCount;\n        this.data = data;\n        this.optimisticData = optimisticData;\n      }\n    };\n\n    let fromOptimisticTransaction = false;\n\n    if (typeof optimisticId === 'string') {\n      // Note that there can be multiple layers with the same optimisticId.\n      // When removeOptimistic(id) is called for that id, all matching layers\n      // will be removed, and the remaining layers will be reapplied.\n      this.optimisticData = this.optimisticData.addLayer(optimisticId, perform);\n      fromOptimisticTransaction = true;\n    } else if (optimisticId === null) {\n      // Ensure both this.data and this.optimisticData refer to the root\n      // (non-optimistic) layer of the cache during the transaction. Note\n      // that this.data could be a Layer if we are currently executing an\n      // optimistic transaction function, but otherwise will always be an\n      // EntityStore.Root instance.\n      perform(this.data);\n    } else {\n      // Otherwise, leave this.data and this.optimisticData unchanged and\n      // run the transaction with broadcast batching.\n      perform();\n    }\n\n    // This broadcast does nothing if this.txCount > 0.\n    this.broadcastWatches(fromOptimisticTransaction);\n  }\n\n  public transformDocument(document: DocumentNode): DocumentNode {\n    if (this.addTypename) {\n      let result = this.typenameDocumentCache.get(document);\n      if (!result) {\n        result = addTypenameToDocument(document);\n        this.typenameDocumentCache.set(document, result);\n        // If someone calls transformDocument and then mistakenly passes the\n        // result back into an API that also calls transformDocument, make sure\n        // we don't keep creating new query documents.\n        this.typenameDocumentCache.set(result, result);\n      }\n      return result;\n    }\n    return document;\n  }\n\n  protected broadcastWatches(fromOptimisticTransaction?: boolean) {\n    if (!this.txCount) {\n      this.watches.forEach(c => this.maybeBroadcastWatch(c, fromOptimisticTransaction));\n    }\n  }\n\n  private maybeBroadcastWatch = wrap((\n    c: Cache.WatchOptions,\n    fromOptimisticTransaction?: boolean,\n  ) => {\n    return this.broadcastWatch.call(this, c, !!fromOptimisticTransaction);\n  }, {\n    makeCacheKey: (c: Cache.WatchOptions) => {\n      // Return a cache key (thus enabling result caching) only if we're\n      // currently using a data store that can track cache dependencies.\n      const store = c.optimistic ? this.optimisticData : this.data;\n      if (supportsResultCaching(store)) {\n        const { optimistic, rootId, variables } = c;\n        return store.makeCacheKey(\n          c.query,\n          // Different watches can have the same query, optimistic\n          // status, rootId, and variables, but if their callbacks are\n          // different, the (identical) result needs to be delivered to\n          // each distinct callback. The easiest way to achieve that\n          // separation is to include c.callback in the cache key for\n          // maybeBroadcastWatch calls. See issue #5733.\n          c.callback,\n          JSON.stringify({ optimistic, rootId, variables }),\n        );\n      }\n    }\n  });\n\n  private watchDep = dep<Cache.WatchOptions>();\n\n  // This method is wrapped by maybeBroadcastWatch, which is called by\n  // broadcastWatches, so that we compute and broadcast results only when\n  // the data that would be broadcast might have changed. It would be\n  // simpler to check for changes after recomputing a result but before\n  // broadcasting it, but this wrapping approach allows us to skip both\n  // the recomputation and the broadcast, in most cases.\n  private broadcastWatch(\n    c: Cache.WatchOptions,\n    fromOptimisticTransaction: boolean,\n  ) {\n    // First, invalidate any other maybeBroadcastWatch wrapper functions\n    // currently depending on this Cache.WatchOptions object (including\n    // the one currently calling broadcastWatch), so they will be included\n    // in the next broadcast, even if the result they receive is the same\n    // as the previous result they received. This is important because we\n    // are about to deliver a different result to c.callback, so any\n    // previous results should have a chance to be redelivered.\n    this.watchDep.dirty(c);\n\n    // Next, re-depend on this.watchDep for just this invocation of\n    // maybeBroadcastWatch (this is a no-op if broadcastWatch was not\n    // called by maybeBroadcastWatch). This allows only the most recent\n    // maybeBroadcastWatch invocation for this watcher to remain cached,\n    // enabling re-broadcast of previous results even if they have not\n    // changed since they were previously delivered.\n    this.watchDep(c);\n\n    const diff = this.diff<any>({\n      query: c.query,\n      variables: c.variables,\n      optimistic: c.optimistic,\n    });\n\n    if (c.optimistic && fromOptimisticTransaction) {\n      diff.fromOptimisticTransaction = true;\n    }\n\n    c.callback(diff);\n  }\n}\n", "import { DocumentNode, FieldNode } from 'graphql';\n\nimport { Transaction } from '../core/cache';\nimport {\n  StoreObject,\n  StoreValue,\n  Reference,\n} from '../../utilities';\nimport { FieldValueGetter } from './entityStore';\nimport { KeyFieldsFunction, StorageType, FieldMergeFunction } from './policies';\nimport {\n  Modifier,\n  Modifiers,\n  ToReferenceFunction,\n  CanReadFunction,\n} from '../core/types/common';\nexport { StoreObject, StoreValue, Reference }\n\nexport interface IdGetterObj extends Object {\n  __typename?: string;\n  id?: string;\n  _id?: string;\n}\n\nexport declare type IdGetter = (\n  value: IdGetterObj,\n) => string | undefined;\n\n/**\n * This is an interface used to access, set and remove\n * StoreObjects from the cache\n */\nexport interface NormalizedCache {\n  has(dataId: string): boolean;\n  get(dataId: string, fieldName: string): StoreValue;\n  merge(dataId: string, incoming: StoreObject): void;\n  modify(dataId: string, fields: Modifiers | Modifier<any>): boolean;\n  delete(dataId: string, fieldName?: string): boolean;\n  clear(): void;\n\n  // non-Map elements:\n  /**\n   * returns an Object with key-value pairs matching the contents of the store\n   */\n  toObject(): NormalizedCacheObject;\n  /**\n   * replace the state of the store\n   */\n  replace(newData: NormalizedCacheObject): void;\n\n  /**\n   * Retain (or release) a given root ID to protect (or expose) it and its\n   * transitive child entities from (or to) garbage collection. The current\n   * retainment count is returned by both methods. Note that releasing a root\n   * ID does not cause that entity to be garbage collected, but merely removes\n   * it from the set of root IDs that will be considered during the next\n   * mark-and-sweep collection.\n   */\n  retain(rootId: string): number;\n  release(rootId: string): number;\n\n  getFieldValue: FieldValueGetter;\n  toReference: ToReferenceFunction;\n  canRead: CanReadFunction;\n\n  getStorage(\n    idOrObj: string | StoreObject,\n    ...storeFieldNames: (string | number)[]\n  ): StorageType;\n}\n\n/**\n * This is a normalized representation of the Apollo query result cache. It consists of\n * a flattened representation of query result trees.\n */\nexport interface NormalizedCacheObject {\n  __META?: {\n    // Well-known singleton IDs like ROOT_QUERY and ROOT_MUTATION are\n    // always considered to be root IDs during cache.gc garbage\n    // collection, but other IDs can become roots if they are written\n    // directly with cache.writeFragment or retained explicitly with\n    // cache.retain. When such IDs exist, we include them in the __META\n    // section so that they can survive cache.{extract,restore}.\n    extraRootIds: string[];\n  };\n  [dataId: string]: StoreObject | undefined;\n}\n\nexport type OptimisticStoreItem = {\n  id: string;\n  data: NormalizedCacheObject;\n  transaction: Transaction<NormalizedCacheObject>;\n};\n\nexport type ReadQueryOptions = {\n  store: NormalizedCache;\n  query: DocumentNode;\n  variables?: Object;\n  previousResult?: any;\n  rootId?: string;\n  config?: ApolloReducerConfig;\n};\n\nexport type DiffQueryAgainstStoreOptions = ReadQueryOptions & {\n  returnPartialData?: boolean;\n};\n\nexport type ApolloReducerConfig = {\n  dataIdFromObject?: KeyFieldsFunction;\n  addTypename?: boolean;\n};\n\nexport interface MergeInfo {\n  field: FieldNode;\n  typename: string | undefined;\n  merge: FieldMergeFunction;\n};\n\nexport interface MergeTree {\n  info?: MergeInfo;\n  map: Map<string | number, MergeTree>;\n};\n\nexport interface ReadMergeModifyContext {\n  store: NormalizedCache;\n  variables?: Record<string, any>;\n  // A JSON.stringify-serialized version of context.variables.\n  varString?: string;\n}\n", "export { Transaction, ApolloCache } from './core/cache';\nexport { Cache } from './core/types/Cache';\nexport { DataProxy } from './core/types/DataProxy';\nexport { MissingFieldError } from './core/types/common';\n\nexport {\n  Reference,\n  isReference,\n  makeReference,\n} from '../utilities';\n\nexport {\n  InMemoryCache,\n  InMemoryCacheConfig,\n} from './inmemory/inMemoryCache';\n\nexport {\n  ReactiveVar,\n  makeVar,\n  cacheSlot,\n} from './inmemory/reactiveVars';\n\nexport {\n  defaultDataIdFromObject,\n  TypePolicies,\n  TypePolicy,\n  FieldPolicy,\n  FieldReadFunction,\n  FieldMergeFunction,\n  FieldFunctionOptions,\n  PossibleTypesMap,\n} from './inmemory/policies';\n\nexport * from './inmemory/types';\n", "import {\n  DocumentNode,\n  OperationDefinitionNode,\n  SelectionSetNode,\n  SelectionNode,\n  InlineFragmentNode,\n  FragmentDefinitionNode,\n  FieldNode,\n  ASTNode,\n  visit,\n  BREAK,\n} from 'graphql';\nimport { invariant } from 'ts-invariant';\n\nimport { ApolloCache } from '../cache';\nimport {\n  FragmentMap,\n  StoreObject,\n  argumentsObjectFromField,\n  buildQueryFromSelectionSet,\n  createFragmentMap,\n  getFragmentDefinitions,\n  getMainDefinition,\n  hasDirectives,\n  isField,\n  isInlineFragment,\n  mergeDeep,\n  mergeDeepArray,\n  removeClientSetsFromDocument,\n  resultKeyNameFromField,\n  shouldInclude,\n} from '../utilities';\nimport { ApolloClient } from './ApolloClient';\nimport { Resolvers, OperationVariables } from './types';\nimport { FetchResult } from '../link/core';\nimport { cacheSlot } from '../cache';\n\nexport type Resolver = (\n  rootValue?: any,\n  args?: any,\n  context?: any,\n  info?: {\n    field: FieldNode;\n    fragmentMap: FragmentMap;\n  },\n) => any;\n\nexport type VariableMap = { [name: string]: any };\n\nexport type FragmentMatcher = (\n  rootValue: any,\n  typeCondition: string,\n  context: any,\n) => boolean;\n\nexport type ExecContext = {\n  fragmentMap: FragmentMap;\n  context: any;\n  variables: VariableMap;\n  fragmentMatcher: FragmentMatcher;\n  defaultOperationType: string;\n  exportedVariables: Record<string, any>;\n  onlyRunForcedResolvers: boolean;\n};\n\nexport type LocalStateOptions<TCacheShape> = {\n  cache: ApolloCache<TCacheShape>;\n  client?: ApolloClient<TCacheShape>;\n  resolvers?: Resolvers | Resolvers[];\n  fragmentMatcher?: FragmentMatcher;\n};\n\nexport class LocalState<TCacheShape> {\n  private cache: ApolloCache<TCacheShape>;\n  private client: ApolloClient<TCacheShape>;\n  private resolvers?: Resolvers;\n  private fragmentMatcher: FragmentMatcher;\n\n  constructor({\n    cache,\n    client,\n    resolvers,\n    fragmentMatcher,\n  }: LocalStateOptions<TCacheShape>) {\n    this.cache = cache;\n\n    if (client) {\n      this.client = client;\n    }\n\n    if (resolvers) {\n      this.addResolvers(resolvers);\n    }\n\n    if (fragmentMatcher) {\n      this.setFragmentMatcher(fragmentMatcher);\n    }\n  }\n\n  public addResolvers(resolvers: Resolvers | Resolvers[]) {\n    this.resolvers = this.resolvers || {};\n    if (Array.isArray(resolvers)) {\n      resolvers.forEach(resolverGroup => {\n        this.resolvers = mergeDeep(this.resolvers, resolverGroup);\n      });\n    } else {\n      this.resolvers = mergeDeep(this.resolvers, resolvers);\n    }\n  }\n\n  public setResolvers(resolvers: Resolvers | Resolvers[]) {\n    this.resolvers = {};\n    this.addResolvers(resolvers);\n  }\n\n  public getResolvers() {\n    return this.resolvers || {};\n  }\n\n  // Run local client resolvers against the incoming query and remote data.\n  // Locally resolved field values are merged with the incoming remote data,\n  // and returned. Note that locally resolved fields will overwrite\n  // remote data using the same field name.\n  public async runResolvers<TData>({\n    document,\n    remoteResult,\n    context,\n    variables,\n    onlyRunForcedResolvers = false,\n  }: {\n    document: DocumentNode | null;\n    remoteResult: FetchResult<TData>;\n    context?: Record<string, any>;\n    variables?: Record<string, any>;\n    onlyRunForcedResolvers?: boolean;\n  }): Promise<FetchResult<TData>> {\n    if (document) {\n      return this.resolveDocument(\n        document,\n        remoteResult.data,\n        context,\n        variables,\n        this.fragmentMatcher,\n        onlyRunForcedResolvers,\n      ).then(localResult => ({\n        ...remoteResult,\n        data: localResult.result,\n      }));\n    }\n\n    return remoteResult;\n  }\n\n  public setFragmentMatcher(fragmentMatcher: FragmentMatcher) {\n    this.fragmentMatcher = fragmentMatcher;\n  }\n\n  public getFragmentMatcher(): FragmentMatcher {\n    return this.fragmentMatcher;\n  }\n\n  // Client queries contain everything in the incoming document (if a @client\n  // directive is found).\n  public clientQuery(document: DocumentNode) {\n    if (hasDirectives(['client'], document)) {\n      if (this.resolvers) {\n        return document;\n      }\n    }\n    return null;\n  }\n\n  // Server queries are stripped of all @client based selection sets.\n  public serverQuery(document: DocumentNode) {\n    return removeClientSetsFromDocument(document);\n  }\n\n  public prepareContext(context?: Record<string, any>) {\n    const { cache } = this;\n    return {\n      ...context,\n      cache,\n      // Getting an entry's cache key is useful for local state resolvers.\n      getCacheKey(obj: StoreObject) {\n        return cache.identify(obj);\n      },\n    };\n  }\n\n  // To support `@client @export(as: \"someVar\")` syntax, we'll first resolve\n  // @client @export fields locally, then pass the resolved values back to be\n  // used alongside the original operation variables.\n  public async addExportedVariables(\n    document: DocumentNode,\n    variables: OperationVariables = {},\n    context = {},\n  ) {\n    if (document) {\n      return this.resolveDocument(\n        document,\n        this.buildRootValueFromCache(document, variables) || {},\n        this.prepareContext(context),\n        variables,\n      ).then(data => ({\n        ...variables,\n        ...data.exportedVariables,\n      }));\n    }\n\n    return {\n      ...variables,\n    };\n  }\n\n  public shouldForceResolvers(document: ASTNode) {\n    let forceResolvers = false;\n    visit(document, {\n      Directive: {\n        enter(node) {\n          if (node.name.value === 'client' && node.arguments) {\n            forceResolvers = node.arguments.some(\n              arg =>\n                arg.name.value === 'always' &&\n                arg.value.kind === 'BooleanValue' &&\n                arg.value.value === true,\n            );\n            if (forceResolvers) {\n              return BREAK;\n            }\n          }\n        },\n      },\n    });\n    return forceResolvers;\n  }\n\n  // Query the cache and return matching data.\n  private buildRootValueFromCache(\n    document: DocumentNode,\n    variables?: Record<string, any>,\n  ) {\n    return this.cache.diff({\n      query: buildQueryFromSelectionSet(document),\n      variables,\n      returnPartialData: true,\n      optimistic: false,\n    }).result;\n  }\n\n  private async resolveDocument<TData>(\n    document: DocumentNode,\n    rootValue: TData,\n    context: any = {},\n    variables: VariableMap = {},\n    fragmentMatcher: FragmentMatcher = () => true,\n    onlyRunForcedResolvers: boolean = false,\n  ) {\n    const mainDefinition = getMainDefinition(document);\n    const fragments = getFragmentDefinitions(document);\n    const fragmentMap = createFragmentMap(fragments);\n\n    const definitionOperation = (mainDefinition as OperationDefinitionNode)\n      .operation;\n\n    const defaultOperationType = definitionOperation\n      ? definitionOperation.charAt(0).toUpperCase() +\n        definitionOperation.slice(1)\n      : 'Query';\n\n    const { cache, client } = this;\n    const execContext: ExecContext = {\n      fragmentMap,\n      context: {\n        ...context,\n        cache,\n        client,\n      },\n      variables,\n      fragmentMatcher,\n      defaultOperationType,\n      exportedVariables: {},\n      onlyRunForcedResolvers,\n    };\n\n    return this.resolveSelectionSet(\n      mainDefinition.selectionSet,\n      rootValue,\n      execContext,\n    ).then(result => ({\n      result,\n      exportedVariables: execContext.exportedVariables,\n    }));\n  }\n\n  private async resolveSelectionSet<TData>(\n    selectionSet: SelectionSetNode,\n    rootValue: TData,\n    execContext: ExecContext,\n  ) {\n    const { fragmentMap, context, variables } = execContext;\n    const resultsToMerge: TData[] = [rootValue];\n\n    const execute = async (selection: SelectionNode): Promise<void> => {\n      if (!shouldInclude(selection, variables)) {\n        // Skip this entirely.\n        return;\n      }\n\n      if (isField(selection)) {\n        return this.resolveField(selection, rootValue, execContext).then(\n          fieldResult => {\n            if (typeof fieldResult !== 'undefined') {\n              resultsToMerge.push({\n                [resultKeyNameFromField(selection)]: fieldResult,\n              } as TData);\n            }\n          },\n        );\n      }\n\n      let fragment: InlineFragmentNode | FragmentDefinitionNode;\n\n      if (isInlineFragment(selection)) {\n        fragment = selection;\n      } else {\n        // This is a named fragment.\n        fragment = fragmentMap[selection.name.value];\n        invariant(fragment, `No fragment named ${selection.name.value}`);\n      }\n\n      if (fragment && fragment.typeCondition) {\n        const typeCondition = fragment.typeCondition.name.value;\n        if (execContext.fragmentMatcher(rootValue, typeCondition, context)) {\n          return this.resolveSelectionSet(\n            fragment.selectionSet,\n            rootValue,\n            execContext,\n          ).then(fragmentResult => {\n            resultsToMerge.push(fragmentResult);\n          });\n        }\n      }\n    };\n\n    return Promise.all(selectionSet.selections.map(execute)).then(function() {\n      return mergeDeepArray(resultsToMerge);\n    });\n  }\n\n  private async resolveField(\n    field: FieldNode,\n    rootValue: any,\n    execContext: ExecContext,\n  ): Promise<any> {\n    const { variables } = execContext;\n    const fieldName = field.name.value;\n    const aliasedFieldName = resultKeyNameFromField(field);\n    const aliasUsed = fieldName !== aliasedFieldName;\n    const defaultResult = rootValue[aliasedFieldName] || rootValue[fieldName];\n    let resultPromise = Promise.resolve(defaultResult);\n\n    // Usually all local resolvers are run when passing through here, but\n    // if we've specifically identified that we only want to run forced\n    // resolvers (that is, resolvers for fields marked with\n    // `@client(always: true)`), then we'll skip running non-forced resolvers.\n    if (\n      !execContext.onlyRunForcedResolvers ||\n      this.shouldForceResolvers(field)\n    ) {\n      const resolverType =\n        rootValue.__typename || execContext.defaultOperationType;\n      const resolverMap = this.resolvers && this.resolvers[resolverType];\n      if (resolverMap) {\n        const resolve = resolverMap[aliasUsed ? fieldName : aliasedFieldName];\n        if (resolve) {\n          resultPromise = Promise.resolve(\n            // In case the resolve function accesses reactive variables,\n            // set cacheSlot to the current cache instance.\n            cacheSlot.withValue(this.cache, resolve, [\n              rootValue,\n              argumentsObjectFromField(field, variables),\n              execContext.context,\n              { field, fragmentMap: execContext.fragmentMap },\n            ])\n          );\n        }\n      }\n    }\n\n    return resultPromise.then((result = defaultResult) => {\n      // If an @export directive is associated with the current field, store\n      // the `as` export variable name and current result for later use.\n      if (field.directives) {\n        field.directives.forEach(directive => {\n          if (directive.name.value === 'export' && directive.arguments) {\n            directive.arguments.forEach(arg => {\n              if (arg.name.value === 'as' && arg.value.kind === 'StringValue') {\n                execContext.exportedVariables[arg.value.value] = result;\n              }\n            });\n          }\n        });\n      }\n\n      // Handle all scalar types here.\n      if (!field.selectionSet) {\n        return result;\n      }\n\n      // From here down, the field has a selection set, which means it's trying\n      // to query a GraphQLObjectType.\n      if (result == null) {\n        // Basically any field in a GraphQL response can be null, or missing\n        return result;\n      }\n\n      if (Array.isArray(result)) {\n        return this.resolveSubSelectedArray(field, result, execContext);\n      }\n\n      // Returned value is an object, and the query has a sub-selection. Recurse.\n      if (field.selectionSet) {\n        return this.resolveSelectionSet(\n          field.selectionSet,\n          result,\n          execContext,\n        );\n      }\n    });\n  }\n\n  private resolveSubSelectedArray(\n    field: FieldNode,\n    result: any[],\n    execContext: ExecContext,\n  ): any {\n    return Promise.all(\n      result.map(item => {\n        if (item === null) {\n          return null;\n        }\n\n        // This is a nested array, recurse.\n        if (Array.isArray(item)) {\n          return this.resolveSubSelectedArray(field, item, execContext);\n        }\n\n        // This is an object, run the selection set on it.\n        if (field.selectionSet) {\n          return this.resolveSelectionSet(field.selectionSet, item, execContext);\n        }\n      }),\n    );\n  }\n}\n", "import { DocumentNode, GraphQLError } from 'graphql';\nimport { equal } from \"@wry/equality\";\n\nimport { Cache, ApolloCache } from '../cache';\nimport { WatchQueryOptions, ErrorPolicy } from './watchQueryOptions';\nimport { ObservableQuery } from './ObservableQuery';\nimport { QueryListener } from './types';\nimport { FetchResult } from '../link/core';\nimport {\n  ObservableSubscription,\n  isNonEmptyArray,\n  graphQLResultHasError,\n  canUseWeakMap,\n} from '../utilities';\nimport {\n  NetworkStatus,\n  isNetworkRequestInFlight,\n} from './networkStatus';\nimport { ApolloError } from '../errors';\n\nexport type QueryStoreValue = Pick<QueryInfo,\n  | \"variables\"\n  | \"networkStatus\"\n  | \"networkError\"\n  | \"graphQLErrors\"\n  >;\n\nconst destructiveMethodCounts = new (\n  canUseWeakMap ? WeakMap : Map\n)<ApolloCache<any>, number>();\n\nfunction wrapDestructiveCacheMethod(\n  cache: ApolloCache<any>,\n  methodName: keyof ApolloCache<any>,\n) {\n  const original = cache[methodName];\n  if (typeof original === \"function\") {\n    cache[methodName] = function () {\n      destructiveMethodCounts.set(\n        cache,\n        // The %1e15 allows the count to wrap around to 0 safely every\n        // quadrillion evictions, so there's no risk of overflow. To be\n        // clear, this is more of a pedantic principle than something\n        // that matters in any conceivable practical scenario.\n        (destructiveMethodCounts.get(cache)! + 1) % 1e15,\n      );\n      return original.apply(this, arguments);\n    };\n  }\n}\n\nfunction cancelNotifyTimeout(info: QueryInfo) {\n  if (info[\"notifyTimeout\"]) {\n    clearTimeout(info[\"notifyTimeout\"]);\n    info[\"notifyTimeout\"] = void 0;\n  }\n}\n\n// A QueryInfo object represents a single query managed by the\n// QueryManager, which tracks all QueryInfo objects by queryId in its\n// this.queries Map. QueryInfo objects store the latest results and errors\n// for the given query, and are responsible for reporting those results to\n// the corresponding ObservableQuery, via the QueryInfo.notify method.\n// Results are reported asynchronously whenever setDiff marks the\n// QueryInfo object as dirty, though a call to the QueryManager's\n// broadcastQueries method may trigger the notification before it happens\n// automatically. This class used to be a simple interface type without\n// any field privacy or meaningful methods, which is why it still has so\n// many public fields. The effort to lock down and simplify the QueryInfo\n// interface is ongoing, and further improvements are welcome.\nexport class QueryInfo {\n  listeners = new Set<QueryListener>();\n  document: DocumentNode | null = null;\n  lastRequestId = 1;\n  subscriptions = new Set<ObservableSubscription>();\n  variables?: Record<string, any>;\n  networkStatus?: NetworkStatus;\n  networkError?: Error | null;\n  graphQLErrors?: ReadonlyArray<GraphQLError>;\n  stopped = false;\n\n  constructor(private cache: ApolloCache<any>) {\n    // Track how often cache.evict is called, since we want eviction to\n    // override the feud-stopping logic in the markResult method, by\n    // causing shouldWrite to return true. Wrapping the cache.evict method\n    // is a bit of a hack, but it saves us from having to make eviction\n    // counting an official part of the ApolloCache API.\n    if (!destructiveMethodCounts.has(cache)) {\n      destructiveMethodCounts.set(cache, 0);\n      wrapDestructiveCacheMethod(cache, \"evict\");\n      wrapDestructiveCacheMethod(cache, \"modify\");\n      wrapDestructiveCacheMethod(cache, \"reset\");\n    }\n  }\n\n  public init(query: {\n    document: DocumentNode;\n    variables: Record<string, any> | undefined,\n    // The initial networkStatus for this fetch, most often\n    // NetworkStatus.loading, but also possibly fetchMore, poll, refetch,\n    // or setVariables.\n    networkStatus?: NetworkStatus,\n    observableQuery?: ObservableQuery<any>;\n    lastRequestId?: number;\n  }): this {\n    let networkStatus = query.networkStatus || NetworkStatus.loading;\n    if (this.variables &&\n        this.networkStatus !== NetworkStatus.loading &&\n        !equal(this.variables, query.variables)) {\n      networkStatus = NetworkStatus.setVariables;\n    }\n\n    if (!equal(query.variables, this.variables)) {\n      this.diff = null;\n    }\n\n    Object.assign(this, {\n      document: query.document,\n      variables: query.variables,\n      networkError: null,\n      graphQLErrors: this.graphQLErrors || [],\n      networkStatus,\n    });\n\n    if (query.observableQuery) {\n      this.setObservableQuery(query.observableQuery);\n    }\n\n    if (query.lastRequestId) {\n      this.lastRequestId = query.lastRequestId;\n    }\n\n    return this;\n  }\n\n  private dirty: boolean = false;\n\n  private notifyTimeout?: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout>;\n\n  private diff: Cache.DiffResult<any> | null = null;\n\n  reset() {\n    cancelNotifyTimeout(this);\n    this.diff = null;\n    this.dirty = false;\n  }\n\n  getDiff(variables = this.variables): Cache.DiffResult<any> {\n    if (this.diff && equal(variables, this.variables)) {\n      return this.diff;\n    }\n\n    this.updateWatch(this.variables = variables);\n\n    return this.diff = this.cache.diff({\n      query: this.document!,\n      variables,\n      returnPartialData: true,\n      optimistic: true,\n    });\n  }\n\n  setDiff(diff: Cache.DiffResult<any> | null) {\n    const oldDiff = this.diff;\n    this.diff = diff;\n    if (!this.dirty &&\n        (diff && diff.result) !== (oldDiff && oldDiff.result)) {\n      this.dirty = true;\n      if (!this.notifyTimeout) {\n        this.notifyTimeout = setTimeout(() => this.notify(), 0);\n      }\n    }\n  }\n\n  public readonly observableQuery: ObservableQuery<any> | null = null;\n  private oqListener?: QueryListener;\n\n  setObservableQuery(oq: ObservableQuery<any> | null) {\n    if (oq === this.observableQuery) return;\n\n    if (this.oqListener) {\n      this.listeners.delete(this.oqListener);\n    }\n\n    (this as any).observableQuery = oq;\n\n    if (oq) {\n      oq[\"queryInfo\"] = this;\n      this.listeners.add(this.oqListener = () => {\n        // If this.diff came from an optimistic transaction, deliver the\n        // current cache data to the ObservableQuery, but don't perform a\n        // full reobservation, since oq.reobserve might make a network\n        // request, and we don't want to trigger network requests for\n        // optimistic updates.\n        if (this.getDiff().fromOptimisticTransaction) {\n          oq[\"observe\"]();\n        } else {\n          oq.reobserve();\n        }\n      });\n    } else {\n      delete this.oqListener;\n    }\n  }\n\n  notify() {\n    cancelNotifyTimeout(this);\n\n    if (this.shouldNotify()) {\n      this.listeners.forEach(listener => listener(this));\n    }\n\n    this.dirty = false;\n  }\n\n  private shouldNotify() {\n    if (!this.dirty || !this.listeners.size) {\n      return false;\n    }\n\n    if (isNetworkRequestInFlight(this.networkStatus) &&\n        this.observableQuery) {\n      const { fetchPolicy } = this.observableQuery.options;\n      if (fetchPolicy !== \"cache-only\" &&\n          fetchPolicy !== \"cache-and-network\") {\n        return false;\n      }\n    }\n\n    return true;\n  }\n\n  public stop() {\n    if (!this.stopped) {\n      this.stopped = true;\n\n      // Cancel the pending notify timeout\n      this.reset();\n      \n      this.cancel();\n      // Revert back to the no-op version of cancel inherited from\n      // QueryInfo.prototype.\n      delete this.cancel;\n\n      this.subscriptions.forEach(sub => sub.unsubscribe());\n\n      const oq = this.observableQuery;\n      if (oq) oq.stopPolling();\n    }\n  }\n\n  // This method is a no-op by default, until/unless overridden by the\n  // updateWatch method.\n  private cancel() {}\n\n  private lastWatch?: Cache.WatchOptions;\n\n  private updateWatch(variables = this.variables) {\n    const oq = this.observableQuery;\n    if (oq && oq.options.fetchPolicy === \"no-cache\") {\n      return;\n    }\n    if (!this.lastWatch ||\n        this.lastWatch.query !== this.document ||\n        !equal(variables, this.lastWatch.variables)) {\n      this.cancel();\n      this.cancel = this.cache.watch(this.lastWatch = {\n        query: this.document!,\n        variables,\n        optimistic: true,\n        callback: diff => this.setDiff(diff),\n      });\n    }\n  }\n\n  private lastWrite?: {\n    result: FetchResult<any>;\n    variables: WatchQueryOptions[\"variables\"];\n    dmCount: number | undefined;\n  };\n\n  private shouldWrite(\n    result: FetchResult<any>,\n    variables: WatchQueryOptions[\"variables\"],\n  ) {\n    const { lastWrite } = this;\n    return !(\n      lastWrite &&\n      // If cache.evict has been called since the last time we wrote this\n      // data into the cache, there's a chance writing this result into\n      // the cache will repair what was evicted.\n      lastWrite.dmCount === destructiveMethodCounts.get(this.cache) &&\n      equal(variables, lastWrite.variables) &&\n      equal(result.data, lastWrite.result.data)\n    );\n  }\n\n  public markResult<T>(\n    result: FetchResult<T>,\n    options: Pick<WatchQueryOptions,\n      | \"variables\"\n      | \"fetchPolicy\"\n      | \"errorPolicy\">,\n    allowCacheWrite: boolean,\n  ) {\n    this.graphQLErrors = isNonEmptyArray(result.errors) ? result.errors : [];\n\n    // Cancel the pending notify timeout (if it exists) to prevent extraneous network\n    // requests. To allow future notify timeouts, diff and dirty are reset as well.\n    this.reset();\n\n    if (options.fetchPolicy === 'no-cache') {\n      this.diff = { result: result.data, complete: true };\n\n    } else if (!this.stopped && allowCacheWrite) {\n      if (shouldWriteResult(result, options.errorPolicy)) {\n        // Using a transaction here so we have a chance to read the result\n        // back from the cache before the watch callback fires as a result\n        // of writeQuery, so we can store the new diff quietly and ignore\n        // it when we receive it redundantly from the watch callback.\n        this.cache.performTransaction(cache => {\n          if (this.shouldWrite(result, options.variables)) {\n            cache.writeQuery({\n              query: this.document!,\n              data: result.data as T,\n              variables: options.variables,\n            });\n\n            this.lastWrite = {\n              result,\n              variables: options.variables,\n              dmCount: destructiveMethodCounts.get(this.cache),\n            };\n          } else {\n            // If result is the same as the last result we received from\n            // the network (and the variables match too), avoid writing\n            // result into the cache again. The wisdom of skipping this\n            // cache write is far from obvious, since any cache write\n            // could be the one that puts the cache back into a desired\n            // state, fixing corruption or missing data. However, if we\n            // always write every network result into the cache, we enable\n            // feuds between queries competing to update the same data in\n            // incompatible ways, which can lead to an endless cycle of\n            // cache broadcasts and useless network requests. As with any\n            // feud, eventually one side must step back from the brink,\n            // letting the other side(s) have the last word(s). There may\n            // be other points where we could break this cycle, such as\n            // silencing the broadcast for cache.writeQuery (not a good\n            // idea, since it just delays the feud a bit) or somehow\n            // avoiding the network request that just happened (also bad,\n            // because the server could return useful new data). All\n            // options considered, skipping this cache write seems to be\n            // the least damaging place to break the cycle, because it\n            // reflects the intuition that we recently wrote this exact\n            // result into the cache, so the cache *should* already/still\n            // contain this data. If some other query has clobbered that\n            // data in the meantime, that's too bad, but there will be no\n            // winners if every query blindly reverts to its own version\n            // of the data. This approach also gives the network a chance\n            // to return new data, which will be written into the cache as\n            // usual, notifying only those queries that are directly\n            // affected by the cache updates, as usual. In the future, an\n            // even more sophisticated cache could perhaps prevent or\n            // mitigate the clobbering somehow, but that would make this\n            // particular cache write even less important, and thus\n            // skipping it would be even safer than it is today.\n            if (this.diff && this.diff.complete) {\n              // Reuse data from the last good (complete) diff that we\n              // received, when possible.\n              result.data = this.diff.result;\n              return;\n            }\n            // If the previous this.diff was incomplete, fall through to\n            // re-reading the latest data with cache.diff, below.\n          }\n\n          const diff = cache.diff<T>({\n            query: this.document!,\n            variables: options.variables,\n            returnPartialData: true,\n            optimistic: true,\n          });\n\n          // In case the QueryManager stops this QueryInfo before its\n          // results are delivered, it's important to avoid restarting the\n          // cache watch when markResult is called.\n          if (!this.stopped) {\n            // Any time we're about to update this.diff, we need to make\n            // sure we've started watching the cache.\n            this.updateWatch(options.variables);\n          }\n\n          // If we're allowed to write to the cache, and we can read a\n          // complete result from the cache, update result.data to be the\n          // result from the cache, rather than the raw network result.\n          // Set without setDiff to avoid triggering a notify call, since\n          // we have other ways of notifying for this result.\n          this.diff = diff;\n          if (diff.complete) {\n            result.data = diff.result;\n          }\n        });\n\n      } else {\n        this.lastWrite = void 0;\n      }\n    }\n  }\n\n  public markReady() {\n    this.networkError = null;\n    return this.networkStatus = NetworkStatus.ready;\n  }\n\n  public markError(error: ApolloError) {\n    this.networkStatus = NetworkStatus.error;\n    this.lastWrite = void 0;\n\n    this.reset();\n\n    if (error.graphQLErrors) {\n      this.graphQLErrors = error.graphQLErrors;\n    }\n\n    if (error.networkError) {\n      this.networkError = error.networkError;\n    }\n\n    return error;\n  }\n}\n\nexport function shouldWriteResult<T>(\n  result: FetchResult<T>,\n  errorPolicy: ErrorPolicy = \"none\",\n) {\n  const ignoreErrors =\n    errorPolicy === \"ignore\" ||\n    errorPolicy === \"all\";\n  let writeWithErrors = !graphQLResultHasError(result);\n  if (!writeWithErrors && ignoreErrors && result.data) {\n    writeWithErrors = true;\n  }\n  return writeWithErrors;\n}\n", "import { DocumentNode } from 'graphql';\nimport { invariant, InvariantError } from 'ts-invariant';\nimport { equal } from '@wry/equality';\n\nimport { ApolloLink, execute, FetchResult } from '../link/core';\nimport { Cache, ApolloCache } from '../cache';\n\nimport {\n  getDefaultValues,\n  getOperationDefinition,\n  getOperationName,\n  hasClientExports,\n  graphQLResultHasError,\n  removeConnectionDirectiveFromDocument,\n  canUseWeakMap,\n  ObservableSubscription,\n  Observable,\n  asyncMap,\n  isNonEmptyArray,\n  Concast,\n  ConcastSourcesIterable,\n} from '../utilities';\nimport { ApolloError, isApolloError } from '../errors';\nimport {\n  QueryOptions,\n  WatchQueryOptions,\n  SubscriptionOptions,\n  MutationOptions,\n  WatchQueryFetchPolicy,\n  ErrorPolicy,\n} from './watchQueryOptions';\nimport { ObservableQuery } from './ObservableQuery';\nimport { NetworkStatus, isNetworkRequestInFlight } from './networkStatus';\nimport {\n  ApolloQueryResult,\n  OperationVariables,\n} from './types';\nimport { LocalState } from './LocalState';\n\nimport { QueryInfo, QueryStoreValue, shouldWriteResult } from './QueryInfo';\n\nconst { hasOwnProperty } = Object.prototype;\n\ninterface MutationStoreValue {\n  mutation: DocumentNode;\n  variables: Record<string, any>;\n  loading: boolean;\n  error: Error | null;\n}\n\nexport class QueryManager<TStore> {\n  public cache: ApolloCache<TStore>;\n  public link: ApolloLink;\n  public readonly assumeImmutableResults: boolean;\n  public readonly ssrMode: boolean;\n\n  private queryDeduplication: boolean;\n  private clientAwareness: Record<string, string> = {};\n  private localState: LocalState<TStore>;\n\n  private onBroadcast?: () => void;\n  public mutationStore?: {\n    [mutationId: string]: MutationStoreValue;\n  };\n\n  // All the queries that the QueryManager is currently managing (not\n  // including mutations and subscriptions).\n  private queries = new Map<string, QueryInfo>();\n\n  // Maps from queryId strings to Promise rejection functions for\n  // currently active queries and fetches.\n  private fetchCancelFns = new Map<string, (error: any) => any>();\n\n  constructor({\n    cache,\n    link,\n    queryDeduplication = false,\n    onBroadcast,\n    ssrMode = false,\n    clientAwareness = {},\n    localState,\n    assumeImmutableResults,\n  }: {\n    cache: ApolloCache<TStore>;\n    link: ApolloLink;\n    queryDeduplication?: boolean;\n    onBroadcast?: () => void;\n    ssrMode?: boolean;\n    clientAwareness?: Record<string, string>;\n    localState?: LocalState<TStore>;\n    assumeImmutableResults?: boolean;\n  }) {\n    this.cache = cache;\n    this.link = link;\n    this.queryDeduplication = queryDeduplication;\n    this.clientAwareness = clientAwareness;\n    this.localState = localState || new LocalState({ cache });\n    this.ssrMode = ssrMode;\n    this.assumeImmutableResults = !!assumeImmutableResults;\n    if ((this.onBroadcast = onBroadcast)) {\n      this.mutationStore = Object.create(null);\n    }\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Call this method to terminate any active query processes, making it safe\n   * to dispose of this QueryManager instance.\n   */\n  public stop() {\n    this.queries.forEach((_info, queryId) => {\n      this.stopQueryNoBroadcast(queryId);\n    });\n\n    this.cancelPendingFetches(\n      new InvariantError('QueryManager stopped while query was in flight'),\n    );\n  }\n\n  private cancelPendingFetches(error: Error) {\n    this.fetchCancelFns.forEach(cancel => cancel(error));\n    this.fetchCancelFns.clear();\n  }\n\n  public async mutate<T>({\n    mutation,\n    variables,\n    optimisticResponse,\n    updateQueries,\n    refetchQueries = [],\n    awaitRefetchQueries = false,\n    update: updateWithProxyFn,\n    errorPolicy = 'none',\n    fetchPolicy,\n    context = {},\n  }: MutationOptions): Promise<FetchResult<T>> {\n    invariant(\n      mutation,\n      'mutation option is required. You must specify your GraphQL document in the mutation option.',\n    );\n\n    invariant(\n      !fetchPolicy || fetchPolicy === 'no-cache',\n      \"Mutations only support a 'no-cache' fetchPolicy. If you don't want to disable the cache, remove your fetchPolicy setting to proceed with the default mutation behavior.\"\n    );\n\n    const mutationId = this.generateMutationId();\n    mutation = this.transform(mutation).document;\n\n    variables = this.getVariables(mutation, variables);\n\n    if (this.transform(mutation).hasClientExports) {\n      variables = await this.localState.addExportedVariables(mutation, variables, context);\n    }\n\n    const mutationStoreValue =\n      this.mutationStore &&\n      (this.mutationStore[mutationId] = {\n        mutation,\n        variables,\n        loading: true,\n        error: null,\n      } as MutationStoreValue);\n\n    if (optimisticResponse) {\n      this.markMutationOptimistic<T>(optimisticResponse, {\n        mutationId,\n        document: mutation,\n        variables,\n        errorPolicy,\n        updateQueries,\n        update: updateWithProxyFn,\n      });\n    }\n\n    this.broadcastQueries();\n\n    const self = this;\n\n    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n      let storeResult: FetchResult<T> | null;\n      let error: ApolloError;\n\n      self.getObservableFromLink(\n        mutation,\n        {\n          ...context,\n          optimisticResponse,\n        },\n        variables,\n        false,\n      ).subscribe({\n        next(result: FetchResult<T>) {\n          if (graphQLResultHasError(result) && errorPolicy === 'none') {\n            error = new ApolloError({\n              graphQLErrors: result.errors,\n            });\n            return;\n          }\n\n          if (mutationStoreValue) {\n            mutationStoreValue.loading = false;\n            mutationStoreValue.error = null;\n          }\n\n          if (fetchPolicy !== 'no-cache') {\n            try {\n              self.markMutationResult<T>({\n                mutationId,\n                result,\n                document: mutation,\n                variables,\n                errorPolicy,\n                updateQueries,\n                update: updateWithProxyFn,\n              });\n            } catch (e) {\n              error = new ApolloError({\n                networkError: e,\n              });\n              return;\n            }\n          }\n\n          storeResult = result;\n        },\n\n        error(err: Error) {\n          if (mutationStoreValue) {\n            mutationStoreValue.loading = false;\n            mutationStoreValue.error = err;\n          }\n          if (optimisticResponse) {\n            self.cache.removeOptimistic(mutationId);\n          }\n          self.broadcastQueries();\n          reject(\n            new ApolloError({\n              networkError: err,\n            }),\n          );\n        },\n\n        complete() {\n          if (error && mutationStoreValue) {\n            mutationStoreValue.loading = false;\n            mutationStoreValue.error = error;\n          }\n\n          if (optimisticResponse) {\n            self.cache.removeOptimistic(mutationId);\n          }\n\n          self.broadcastQueries();\n\n          if (error) {\n            reject(error);\n            return;\n          }\n\n          // allow for conditional refetches\n          // XXX do we want to make this the only API one day?\n          if (typeof refetchQueries === 'function') {\n            refetchQueries = refetchQueries(storeResult!);\n          }\n\n          const refetchQueryPromises: Promise<\n            ApolloQueryResult<any>[] | ApolloQueryResult<{}>\n          >[] = [];\n\n          if (isNonEmptyArray(refetchQueries)) {\n            refetchQueries.forEach(refetchQuery => {\n              if (typeof refetchQuery === 'string') {\n                self.queries.forEach(({ observableQuery }) => {\n                  if (observableQuery &&\n                      observableQuery.hasObservers() &&\n                      observableQuery.queryName === refetchQuery) {\n                    refetchQueryPromises.push(observableQuery.refetch());\n                  }\n                });\n              } else {\n                const queryOptions: QueryOptions = {\n                  query: refetchQuery.query,\n                  variables: refetchQuery.variables,\n                  fetchPolicy: 'network-only',\n                };\n\n                if (refetchQuery.context) {\n                  queryOptions.context = refetchQuery.context;\n                }\n\n                refetchQueryPromises.push(self.query(queryOptions));\n              }\n            });\n          }\n\n          Promise.all(\n            awaitRefetchQueries ? refetchQueryPromises : [],\n          ).then(() => {\n            if (\n              errorPolicy === 'ignore' &&\n              storeResult &&\n              graphQLResultHasError(storeResult)\n            ) {\n              delete storeResult.errors;\n            }\n\n            resolve(storeResult!);\n          }, reject);\n        },\n      });\n    });\n  }\n\n  public markMutationResult<TData>(\n    mutation: {\n      mutationId: string;\n      result: FetchResult<TData>;\n      document: DocumentNode;\n      variables?: OperationVariables;\n      errorPolicy: ErrorPolicy;\n      updateQueries: MutationOptions<TData>[\"updateQueries\"],\n      update?: (\n        cache: ApolloCache<TStore>,\n        result: FetchResult<TData>,\n      ) => void;\n    },\n    cache = this.cache,\n  ) {\n    if (shouldWriteResult(mutation.result, mutation.errorPolicy)) {\n      const cacheWrites: Cache.WriteOptions[] = [{\n        result: mutation.result.data,\n        dataId: 'ROOT_MUTATION',\n        query: mutation.document,\n        variables: mutation.variables,\n      }];\n\n      const { updateQueries } = mutation;\n      if (updateQueries) {\n        this.queries.forEach(({ observableQuery }, queryId) => {\n          const queryName = observableQuery && observableQuery.queryName;\n          if (!queryName || !hasOwnProperty.call(updateQueries, queryName)) {\n            return;\n          }\n          const updater = updateQueries[queryName];\n          const { document, variables } = this.queries.get(queryId)!;\n\n          // Read the current query result from the store.\n          const { result: currentQueryResult, complete } = cache.diff<TData>({\n            query: document!,\n            variables,\n            returnPartialData: true,\n            optimistic: false,\n          });\n\n          if (complete && currentQueryResult) {\n            // Run our reducer using the current query result and the mutation result.\n            const nextQueryResult = updater(currentQueryResult, {\n              mutationResult: mutation.result,\n              queryName: document && getOperationName(document) || void 0,\n              queryVariables: variables!,\n            });\n\n            // Write the modified result back into the store if we got a new result.\n            if (nextQueryResult) {\n              cacheWrites.push({\n                result: nextQueryResult,\n                dataId: 'ROOT_QUERY',\n                query: document!,\n                variables,\n              });\n            }\n          }\n        });\n      }\n\n      cache.performTransaction(c => {\n        cacheWrites.forEach(write => c.write(write));\n\n        // If the mutation has some writes associated with it then we need to\n        // apply those writes to the store by running this reducer again with a\n        // write action.\n        const { update } = mutation;\n        if (update) {\n          update(c, mutation.result);\n        }\n      }, /* non-optimistic transaction: */ null);\n    }\n  }\n\n  public markMutationOptimistic<TData>(\n    optimisticResponse: any,\n    mutation: {\n      mutationId: string;\n      document: DocumentNode;\n      variables?: OperationVariables;\n      errorPolicy: ErrorPolicy;\n      updateQueries: MutationOptions<TData>[\"updateQueries\"],\n      update?: (\n        cache: ApolloCache<TStore>,\n        result: FetchResult<TData>,\n      ) => void;\n    },\n  ) {\n    const data = typeof optimisticResponse === \"function\"\n      ? optimisticResponse(mutation.variables)\n      : optimisticResponse;\n\n    return this.cache.recordOptimisticTransaction(cache => {\n      try {\n        this.markMutationResult<TData>({\n          ...mutation,\n          result: { data },\n        }, cache);\n      } catch (error) {\n        invariant.error(error);\n      }\n    }, mutation.mutationId);\n  }\n\n  public fetchQuery<TData, TVars>(\n    queryId: string,\n    options: WatchQueryOptions<TVars, TData>,\n    networkStatus?: NetworkStatus,\n  ): Promise<ApolloQueryResult<TData>> {\n    return this.fetchQueryObservable<TData, TVars>(\n      queryId,\n      options,\n      networkStatus,\n    ).promise;\n  }\n\n  public getQueryStore() {\n    const store: Record<string, QueryStoreValue> = Object.create(null);\n    this.queries.forEach((info, queryId) => {\n      store[queryId] = {\n        variables: info.variables,\n        networkStatus: info.networkStatus,\n        networkError: info.networkError,\n        graphQLErrors: info.graphQLErrors,\n      };\n    });\n    return store;\n  }\n\n  public resetErrors(queryId: string) {\n    const queryInfo = this.queries.get(queryId);\n    if (queryInfo) {\n      queryInfo.networkError = undefined;\n      queryInfo.graphQLErrors = [];\n    }\n  }\n\n  private transformCache = new (canUseWeakMap ? WeakMap : Map)<\n    DocumentNode,\n    Readonly<{\n      document: Readonly<DocumentNode>;\n      hasClientExports: boolean;\n      hasForcedResolvers: boolean;\n      clientQuery: Readonly<DocumentNode> | null;\n      serverQuery: Readonly<DocumentNode> | null;\n      defaultVars: Readonly<OperationVariables>;\n    }>\n  >();\n\n  public transform(document: DocumentNode) {\n    const { transformCache } = this;\n\n    if (!transformCache.has(document)) {\n      const transformed = this.cache.transformDocument(document);\n      const forLink = removeConnectionDirectiveFromDocument(\n        this.cache.transformForLink(transformed));\n\n      const clientQuery = this.localState.clientQuery(transformed);\n      const serverQuery = forLink && this.localState.serverQuery(forLink);\n\n      const cacheEntry = {\n        document: transformed,\n        // TODO These two calls (hasClientExports and shouldForceResolvers)\n        // could probably be merged into a single traversal.\n        hasClientExports: hasClientExports(transformed),\n        hasForcedResolvers: this.localState.shouldForceResolvers(transformed),\n        clientQuery,\n        serverQuery,\n        defaultVars: getDefaultValues(\n          getOperationDefinition(transformed)\n        ) as OperationVariables,\n      };\n\n      const add = (doc: DocumentNode | null) => {\n        if (doc && !transformCache.has(doc)) {\n          transformCache.set(doc, cacheEntry);\n        }\n      }\n      // Add cacheEntry to the transformCache using several different keys,\n      // since any one of these documents could end up getting passed to the\n      // transform method again in the future.\n      add(document);\n      add(transformed);\n      add(clientQuery);\n      add(serverQuery);\n    }\n\n    return transformCache.get(document)!;\n  }\n\n  private getVariables(\n    document: DocumentNode,\n    variables?: OperationVariables,\n  ): OperationVariables {\n    return {\n      ...this.transform(document).defaultVars,\n      ...variables,\n    };\n  }\n\n  public watchQuery<T, TVariables = OperationVariables>(\n    options: WatchQueryOptions<TVariables, T>,\n  ): ObservableQuery<T, TVariables> {\n    // assign variable default values if supplied\n    options = {\n      ...options,\n      variables: this.getVariables(\n        options.query,\n        options.variables,\n      ) as TVariables,\n    };\n\n    if (typeof options.notifyOnNetworkStatusChange === 'undefined') {\n      options.notifyOnNetworkStatusChange = false;\n    }\n\n    const queryInfo = new QueryInfo(this.cache);\n    const observable = new ObservableQuery<T, TVariables>({\n      queryManager: this,\n      queryInfo,\n      options,\n    });\n\n    this.queries.set(observable.queryId, queryInfo);\n\n    queryInfo.init({\n      document: options.query,\n      observableQuery: observable,\n      variables: options.variables,\n    });\n\n    return observable;\n  }\n\n  public query<TData, TVars = OperationVariables>(\n    options: QueryOptions<TVars, TData>,\n  ): Promise<ApolloQueryResult<TData>> {\n    invariant(\n      options.query,\n      'query option is required. You must specify your GraphQL document ' +\n        'in the query option.',\n    );\n\n    invariant(\n      options.query.kind === 'Document',\n      'You must wrap the query string in a \"gql\" tag.',\n    );\n\n    invariant(\n      !(options as any).returnPartialData,\n      'returnPartialData option only supported on watchQuery.',\n    );\n\n    invariant(\n      !(options as any).pollInterval,\n      'pollInterval option only supported on watchQuery.',\n    );\n\n    const queryId = this.generateQueryId();\n    return this.fetchQuery<TData, TVars>(\n      queryId,\n      options,\n    ).finally(() => this.stopQuery(queryId));\n  }\n\n  private queryIdCounter = 1;\n  public generateQueryId() {\n    return String(this.queryIdCounter++);\n  }\n\n  private requestIdCounter = 1;\n  public generateRequestId() {\n    return this.requestIdCounter++;\n  }\n\n  private mutationIdCounter = 1;\n  public generateMutationId() {\n    return String(this.mutationIdCounter++);\n  }\n\n  public stopQueryInStore(queryId: string) {\n    this.stopQueryInStoreNoBroadcast(queryId);\n    this.broadcastQueries();\n  }\n\n  private stopQueryInStoreNoBroadcast(queryId: string) {\n    const queryInfo = this.queries.get(queryId);\n    if (queryInfo) queryInfo.stop();\n  }\n\n  public clearStore(): Promise<void> {\n    // Before we have sent the reset action to the store, we can no longer\n    // rely on the results returned by in-flight requests since these may\n    // depend on values that previously existed in the data portion of the\n    // store. So, we cancel the promises and observers that we have issued\n    // so far and not yet resolved (in the case of queries).\n    this.cancelPendingFetches(new InvariantError(\n      'Store reset while query was in flight (not completed in link chain)',\n    ));\n\n    this.queries.forEach(queryInfo => {\n      if (queryInfo.observableQuery) {\n        // Set loading to true so listeners don't trigger unless they want\n        // results with partial data.\n        queryInfo.networkStatus = NetworkStatus.loading;\n      } else {\n        queryInfo.stop();\n      }\n    });\n\n    if (this.mutationStore) {\n      this.mutationStore = Object.create(null);\n    }\n\n    // begin removing data from the store\n    return this.cache.reset();\n  }\n\n  public resetStore(): Promise<ApolloQueryResult<any>[]> {\n    // Similarly, we have to have to refetch each of the queries currently being\n    // observed. We refetch instead of error'ing on these since the assumption is that\n    // resetting the store doesn't eliminate the need for the queries currently being\n    // watched. If there is an existing query in flight when the store is reset,\n    // the promise for it will be rejected and its results will not be written to the\n    // store.\n    return this.clearStore().then(() => {\n      return this.reFetchObservableQueries();\n    });\n  }\n\n  public reFetchObservableQueries(\n    includeStandby: boolean = false,\n  ): Promise<ApolloQueryResult<any>[]> {\n    const observableQueryPromises: Promise<ApolloQueryResult<any>>[] = [];\n\n    this.queries.forEach(({ observableQuery }, queryId) => {\n      if (observableQuery && observableQuery.hasObservers()) {\n        const fetchPolicy = observableQuery.options.fetchPolicy;\n\n        observableQuery.resetLastResults();\n        if (\n          fetchPolicy !== 'cache-only' &&\n          (includeStandby || fetchPolicy !== 'standby')\n        ) {\n          observableQueryPromises.push(observableQuery.refetch());\n        }\n\n        this.getQuery(queryId).setDiff(null);\n      }\n    });\n\n    this.broadcastQueries();\n\n    return Promise.all(observableQueryPromises);\n  }\n\n  public setObservableQuery(observableQuery: ObservableQuery<any, any>) {\n    this.getQuery(observableQuery.queryId).setObservableQuery(observableQuery);\n  }\n\n  public startGraphQLSubscription<T = any>({\n    query,\n    fetchPolicy,\n    errorPolicy,\n    variables,\n    context = {},\n  }: SubscriptionOptions): Observable<FetchResult<T>> {\n    query = this.transform(query).document;\n    variables = this.getVariables(query, variables);\n\n    const makeObservable = (variables: OperationVariables) =>\n      this.getObservableFromLink<T>(\n        query,\n        context,\n        variables,\n        false,\n      ).map(result => {\n        if (fetchPolicy !== 'no-cache') {\n          // the subscription interface should handle not sending us results we no longer subscribe to.\n          // XXX I don't think we ever send in an object with errors, but we might in the future...\n          if (shouldWriteResult(result, errorPolicy)) {\n            this.cache.write({\n              query,\n              result: result.data,\n              dataId: 'ROOT_SUBSCRIPTION',\n              variables: variables,\n            });\n          }\n\n          this.broadcastQueries();\n        }\n\n        if (graphQLResultHasError(result)) {\n          throw new ApolloError({\n            graphQLErrors: result.errors,\n          });\n        }\n\n        return result;\n      });\n\n    if (this.transform(query).hasClientExports) {\n      const observablePromise = this.localState.addExportedVariables(\n        query,\n        variables,\n        context,\n      ).then(makeObservable);\n\n      return new Observable<FetchResult<T>>(observer => {\n        let sub: ObservableSubscription | null = null;\n        observablePromise.then(\n          observable => sub = observable.subscribe(observer),\n          observer.error,\n        );\n        return () => sub && sub.unsubscribe();\n      });\n    }\n\n    return makeObservable(variables);\n  }\n\n  public stopQuery(queryId: string) {\n    this.stopQueryNoBroadcast(queryId);\n    this.broadcastQueries();\n  }\n\n  private stopQueryNoBroadcast(queryId: string) {\n    this.stopQueryInStoreNoBroadcast(queryId);\n    this.removeQuery(queryId);\n  }\n\n  public removeQuery(queryId: string) {\n    // teardown all links\n    // Both `QueryManager.fetchRequest` and `QueryManager.query` create separate promises\n    // that each add their reject functions to fetchCancelFns.\n    // A query created with `QueryManager.query()` could trigger a `QueryManager.fetchRequest`.\n    // The same queryId could have two rejection fns for two promises\n    this.fetchCancelFns.delete(queryId);\n    this.getQuery(queryId).stop();\n    this.queries.delete(queryId);\n  }\n\n  public broadcastQueries() {\n    if (this.onBroadcast) this.onBroadcast();\n    this.queries.forEach(info => info.notify());\n  }\n\n  public getLocalState(): LocalState<TStore> {\n    return this.localState;\n  }\n\n  private inFlightLinkObservables = new Map<\n    DocumentNode,\n    Map<string, Observable<FetchResult>>\n  >();\n\n  private getObservableFromLink<T = any>(\n    query: DocumentNode,\n    context: any,\n    variables?: OperationVariables,\n    deduplication: boolean =\n      // Prefer context.queryDeduplication if specified.\n      context?.queryDeduplication ??\n      this.queryDeduplication,\n  ): Observable<FetchResult<T>> {\n    let observable: Observable<FetchResult<T>>;\n\n    const { serverQuery } = this.transform(query);\n    if (serverQuery) {\n      const { inFlightLinkObservables, link } = this;\n\n      const operation = {\n        query: serverQuery,\n        variables,\n        operationName: getOperationName(serverQuery) || void 0,\n        context: this.prepareContext({\n          ...context,\n          forceFetch: !deduplication\n        }),\n      };\n\n      context = operation.context;\n\n      if (deduplication) {\n        const byVariables = inFlightLinkObservables.get(serverQuery) || new Map();\n        inFlightLinkObservables.set(serverQuery, byVariables);\n\n        const varJson = JSON.stringify(variables);\n        observable = byVariables.get(varJson);\n\n        if (!observable) {\n          const concast = new Concast([\n            execute(link, operation) as Observable<FetchResult<T>>\n          ]);\n\n          byVariables.set(varJson, observable = concast);\n\n          concast.cleanup(() => {\n            if (byVariables.delete(varJson) &&\n                byVariables.size < 1) {\n              inFlightLinkObservables.delete(serverQuery);\n            }\n          });\n        }\n\n      } else {\n        observable = new Concast([\n          execute(link, operation) as Observable<FetchResult<T>>\n        ]);\n      }\n    } else {\n      observable = new Concast([\n        Observable.of({ data: {} } as FetchResult<T>)\n      ]);\n      context = this.prepareContext(context);\n    }\n\n    const { clientQuery } = this.transform(query);\n    if (clientQuery) {\n      observable = asyncMap(observable, result => {\n        return this.localState.runResolvers({\n          document: clientQuery,\n          remoteResult: result,\n          context,\n          variables,\n        });\n      });\n    }\n\n    return observable;\n  }\n\n  private getResultsFromLink<TData, TVars>(\n    queryInfo: QueryInfo,\n    allowCacheWrite: boolean,\n    options: Pick<WatchQueryOptions<TVars, TData>,\n      | \"variables\"\n      | \"context\"\n      | \"fetchPolicy\"\n      | \"errorPolicy\">,\n  ): Observable<ApolloQueryResult<TData>> {\n    const { lastRequestId } = queryInfo;\n\n    return asyncMap(\n      this.getObservableFromLink(\n        queryInfo.document!,\n        options.context,\n        options.variables,\n      ),\n\n      result => {\n        const hasErrors = isNonEmptyArray(result.errors);\n\n        if (lastRequestId >= queryInfo.lastRequestId) {\n          if (hasErrors && options.errorPolicy === \"none\") {\n            // Throwing here effectively calls observer.error.\n            throw queryInfo.markError(new ApolloError({\n              graphQLErrors: result.errors,\n            }));\n          }\n          queryInfo.markResult(result, options, allowCacheWrite);\n          queryInfo.markReady();\n        }\n\n        const aqr: ApolloQueryResult<TData> = {\n          data: result.data,\n          loading: false,\n          networkStatus: queryInfo.networkStatus || NetworkStatus.ready,\n        };\n\n        if (hasErrors && options.errorPolicy !== \"ignore\") {\n          aqr.errors = result.errors;\n        }\n\n        return aqr;\n      },\n\n      networkError => {\n        const error = isApolloError(networkError)\n          ? networkError\n          : new ApolloError({ networkError });\n\n        if (lastRequestId >= queryInfo.lastRequestId) {\n          queryInfo.markError(error);\n        }\n\n        throw error;\n      },\n    );\n  }\n\n  public fetchQueryObservable<TData, TVars>(\n    queryId: string,\n    options: WatchQueryOptions<TVars, TData>,\n    // The initial networkStatus for this fetch, most often\n    // NetworkStatus.loading, but also possibly fetchMore, poll, refetch,\n    // or setVariables.\n    networkStatus = NetworkStatus.loading,\n  ): Concast<ApolloQueryResult<TData>> {\n    const query = this.transform(options.query).document;\n    const variables = this.getVariables(query, options.variables) as TVars;\n    const queryInfo = this.getQuery(queryId);\n    const oldNetworkStatus = queryInfo.networkStatus;\n\n    let {\n      fetchPolicy = \"cache-first\" as WatchQueryFetchPolicy,\n      errorPolicy = \"none\" as ErrorPolicy,\n      returnPartialData = false,\n      notifyOnNetworkStatusChange = false,\n      context = {},\n    } = options;\n\n    const mightUseNetwork =\n      fetchPolicy === \"cache-first\" ||\n      fetchPolicy === \"cache-and-network\" ||\n      fetchPolicy === \"network-only\" ||\n      fetchPolicy === \"no-cache\";\n\n    if (mightUseNetwork &&\n        notifyOnNetworkStatusChange &&\n        typeof oldNetworkStatus === \"number\" &&\n        oldNetworkStatus !== networkStatus &&\n        isNetworkRequestInFlight(networkStatus)) {\n      // In order to force delivery of an incomplete cache result with\n      // loading:true, we tweak the fetchPolicy to include the cache, and\n      // pretend that returnPartialData was enabled.\n      if (fetchPolicy !== \"cache-first\") {\n        fetchPolicy = \"cache-and-network\";\n      }\n      returnPartialData = true;\n    }\n\n    const normalized = Object.assign({}, options, {\n      query,\n      variables,\n      fetchPolicy,\n      errorPolicy,\n      returnPartialData,\n      notifyOnNetworkStatusChange,\n      context,\n    });\n\n    const fromVariables = (variables: TVars) => {\n      // Since normalized is always a fresh copy of options, it's safe to\n      // modify its properties here, rather than creating yet another new\n      // WatchQueryOptions object.\n      normalized.variables = variables;\n      return this.fetchQueryByPolicy<TData, TVars>(\n        queryInfo,\n        normalized,\n        networkStatus,\n      );\n    };\n\n    // This cancel function needs to be set before the concast is created,\n    // in case concast creation synchronously cancels the request.\n    this.fetchCancelFns.set(queryId, reason => {\n      // Delaying the cancellation using a Promise ensures that the\n      // concast variable has been initialized.\n      Promise.resolve().then(() => concast.cancel(reason));\n    });\n\n    // A Concast<T> can be created either from an Iterable<Observable<T>>\n    // or from a PromiseLike<Iterable<Observable<T>>>, where T in this\n    // case is ApolloQueryResult<TData>.\n    const concast = new Concast(\n      // If the query has @export(as: ...) directives, then we need to\n      // process those directives asynchronously. When there are no\n      // @export directives (the common case), we deliberately avoid\n      // wrapping the result of this.fetchQueryByPolicy in a Promise,\n      // since the timing of result delivery is (unfortunately) important\n      // for backwards compatibility. TODO This code could be simpler if\n      // we deprecated and removed LocalState.\n      this.transform(normalized.query).hasClientExports\n        ? this.localState.addExportedVariables(\n          normalized.query,\n          normalized.variables,\n          normalized.context,\n        ).then(fromVariables)\n        : fromVariables(normalized.variables!)\n    );\n\n    concast.cleanup(() => {\n      this.fetchCancelFns.delete(queryId);\n\n      const { nextFetchPolicy } = options;\n      if (nextFetchPolicy) {\n        // The options.nextFetchPolicy transition should happen only once,\n        // but it should be possible for a nextFetchPolicy function to set\n        // this.nextFetchPolicy to perform an additional transition.\n        options.nextFetchPolicy = void 0;\n\n        // When someone chooses cache-and-network or network-only as their\n        // initial FetchPolicy, they often do not want future cache updates to\n        // trigger unconditional network requests, which is what repeatedly\n        // applying the cache-and-network or network-only policies would seem\n        // to imply. Instead, when the cache reports an update after the\n        // initial network request, it may be desirable for subsequent network\n        // requests to be triggered only if the cache result is incomplete.\n        // The options.nextFetchPolicy option provides an easy way to update\n        // options.fetchPolicy after the intial network request, without\n        // having to call observableQuery.setOptions.\n        options.fetchPolicy = typeof nextFetchPolicy === \"function\"\n          ? nextFetchPolicy.call(options, options.fetchPolicy || \"cache-first\")\n          : nextFetchPolicy;\n      }\n    });\n\n    return concast;\n  }\n\n  private fetchQueryByPolicy<TData, TVars>(\n    queryInfo: QueryInfo,\n    options: WatchQueryOptions<TVars, TData>,\n    // The initial networkStatus for this fetch, most often\n    // NetworkStatus.loading, but also possibly fetchMore, poll, refetch,\n    // or setVariables.\n    networkStatus: NetworkStatus,\n  ): ConcastSourcesIterable<ApolloQueryResult<TData>> {\n    const {\n      query,\n      variables,\n      fetchPolicy,\n      errorPolicy,\n      returnPartialData,\n      context,\n    } = options;\n\n    queryInfo.init({\n      document: query,\n      variables,\n      lastRequestId: this.generateRequestId(),\n      networkStatus,\n    });\n\n    const readCache = () => queryInfo.getDiff(variables);\n\n    const resultsFromCache = (\n      diff: Cache.DiffResult<TData>,\n      networkStatus = queryInfo.networkStatus || NetworkStatus.loading,\n    ) => {\n      const data = diff.result as TData;\n\n      if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' &&\n          isNonEmptyArray(diff.missing) &&\n          !equal(data, {}) &&\n          !returnPartialData) {\n        invariant.warn(`Missing cache result fields: ${\n          diff.missing.map(m => m.path.join('.')).join(', ')\n        }`, diff.missing);\n      }\n\n      const fromData = (data: TData) => Observable.of({\n        data,\n        loading: isNetworkRequestInFlight(networkStatus),\n        networkStatus,\n        ...(diff.complete ? null : { partial: true }),\n      } as ApolloQueryResult<TData>);\n\n      if (this.transform(query).hasForcedResolvers) {\n        return this.localState.runResolvers({\n          document: query,\n          remoteResult: { data },\n          context,\n          variables,\n          onlyRunForcedResolvers: true,\n        }).then(resolved => fromData(resolved.data!));\n      }\n\n      return fromData(data);\n    };\n\n    const resultsFromLink = (allowCacheWrite: boolean) =>\n      this.getResultsFromLink<TData, TVars>(queryInfo, allowCacheWrite, {\n        variables,\n        context,\n        fetchPolicy,\n        errorPolicy,\n      });\n\n    switch (fetchPolicy) {\n    default: case \"cache-first\": {\n      const diff = readCache();\n\n      if (diff.complete) {\n        return [\n          resultsFromCache(diff, queryInfo.markReady()),\n        ];\n      }\n\n      if (returnPartialData) {\n        return [\n          resultsFromCache(diff),\n          resultsFromLink(true),\n        ];\n      }\n\n      return [\n        resultsFromLink(true),\n      ];\n    }\n\n    case \"cache-and-network\": {\n      const diff = readCache();\n\n      if (diff.complete || returnPartialData) {\n        return [\n          resultsFromCache(diff),\n          resultsFromLink(true),\n        ];\n      }\n\n      return [\n        resultsFromLink(true),\n      ];\n    }\n\n    case \"cache-only\":\n      return [\n        resultsFromCache(readCache(), queryInfo.markReady()),\n      ];\n\n    case \"network-only\":\n      return [resultsFromLink(true)];\n\n    case \"no-cache\":\n      return [resultsFromLink(false)];\n\n    case \"standby\":\n      return [];\n    }\n  }\n\n  private getQuery(queryId: string): QueryInfo {\n    if (queryId && !this.queries.has(queryId)) {\n      this.queries.set(queryId, new QueryInfo(this.cache));\n    }\n    return this.queries.get(queryId)!;\n  }\n\n  private prepareContext(context = {}) {\n    const newContext = this.localState.prepareContext(context);\n    return {\n      ...newContext,\n      clientAwareness: this.clientAwareness,\n    };\n  }\n}\n", "import { ExecutionResult, DocumentNode } from 'graphql';\nimport { invariant, InvariantError } from 'ts-invariant';\n\nimport { ApolloLink, FetchResult, GraphQLRequest, execute } from '../link/core';\nimport { ApolloCache, DataProxy } from '../cache';\nimport { Observable, compact } from '../utilities';\nimport { version } from '../version';\nimport { HttpLink, UriFunction } from '../link/http';\n\nimport { QueryManager } from './QueryManager';\nimport { ObservableQuery } from './ObservableQuery';\n\nimport {\n  ApolloQueryResult,\n  OperationVariables,\n  Resolvers,\n} from './types';\n\nimport {\n  QueryOptions,\n  WatchQueryOptions,\n  MutationOptions,\n  SubscriptionOptions,\n  WatchQueryFetchPolicy,\n} from './watchQueryOptions';\n\nimport {\n  LocalState,\n  FragmentMatcher,\n} from './LocalState';\n\nexport interface DefaultOptions {\n  watchQuery?: Partial<WatchQueryOptions<any, any>>;\n  query?: Partial<QueryOptions<any, any>>;\n  mutate?: Partial<MutationOptions<any, any>>;\n}\n\nlet hasSuggestedDevtools = false;\n\nexport type ApolloClientOptions<TCacheShape> = {\n  uri?: string | UriFunction;\n  credentials?: string;\n  headers?: Record<string, string>;\n  link?: ApolloLink;\n  cache: ApolloCache<TCacheShape>;\n  ssrForceFetchDelay?: number;\n  ssrMode?: boolean;\n  connectToDevTools?: boolean;\n  queryDeduplication?: boolean;\n  defaultOptions?: DefaultOptions;\n  assumeImmutableResults?: boolean;\n  resolvers?: Resolvers | Resolvers[];\n  typeDefs?: string | string[] | DocumentNode | DocumentNode[];\n  fragmentMatcher?: FragmentMatcher;\n  name?: string;\n  version?: string;\n};\n\ntype OptionsUnion<TData, TVariables> =\n  | WatchQueryOptions<TVariables, TData>\n  | QueryOptions<TVariables, TData>\n  | MutationOptions<TData, TVariables>;\n\nexport function mergeOptions<\n  TOptions extends OptionsUnion<any, any>\n>(\n  defaults: Partial<TOptions>,\n  options: TOptions,\n): TOptions {\n  return compact(defaults, options, options.variables && {\n    variables: {\n      ...defaults.variables,\n      ...options.variables,\n    },\n  });\n}\n\n/**\n * This is the primary Apollo Client class. It is used to send GraphQL documents (i.e. queries\n * and mutations) to a GraphQL spec-compliant server over a {@link NetworkInterface} instance,\n * receive results from the server and cache the results in a store. It also delivers updates\n * to GraphQL queries through {@link Observable} instances.\n */\nexport class ApolloClient<TCacheShape> implements DataProxy {\n  public link: ApolloLink;\n  public cache: ApolloCache<TCacheShape>;\n  public disableNetworkFetches: boolean;\n  public version: string;\n  public queryDeduplication: boolean;\n  public defaultOptions: DefaultOptions = {};\n  public readonly typeDefs: ApolloClientOptions<TCacheShape>['typeDefs'];\n\n  private queryManager: QueryManager<TCacheShape>;\n  private devToolsHookCb: Function;\n  private resetStoreCallbacks: Array<() => Promise<any>> = [];\n  private clearStoreCallbacks: Array<() => Promise<any>> = [];\n  private localState: LocalState<TCacheShape>;\n\n  /**\n   * Constructs an instance of {@link ApolloClient}.\n   *\n   * @param uri The GraphQL endpoint that Apollo Client will connect to. If\n   *            `link` is configured, this option is ignored.\n   * @param link The {@link ApolloLink} over which GraphQL documents will be resolved into a response.\n   *\n   * @param cache The initial cache to use in the data store.\n   *\n   * @param ssrMode Determines whether this is being run in Server Side Rendering (SSR) mode.\n   *\n   * @param ssrForceFetchDelay Determines the time interval before we force fetch queries for a\n   * server side render.\n   *\n   * @param queryDeduplication If set to false, a query will still be sent to the server even if a query\n   * with identical parameters (query, variables, operationName) is already in flight.\n   *\n   * @param defaultOptions Used to set application wide defaults for the\n   *                       options supplied to `watchQuery`, `query`, or\n   *                       `mutate`.\n   *\n   * @param assumeImmutableResults When this option is true, the client will assume results\n   *                               read from the cache are never mutated by application code,\n   *                               which enables substantial performance optimizations. Passing\n   *                               `{ freezeResults: true }` to the `InMemoryCache` constructor\n   *                               can help enforce this immutability.\n   *\n   * @param name A custom name that can be used to identify this client, when\n   *             using Apollo client awareness features. E.g. \"iOS\".\n   *\n   * @param version A custom version that can be used to identify this client,\n   *                when using Apollo client awareness features. This is the\n   *                version of your client, which you may want to increment on\n   *                new builds. This is NOT the version of Apollo Client that\n   *                you are using.\n   */\n  constructor(options: ApolloClientOptions<TCacheShape>) {\n    const {\n      uri,\n      credentials,\n      headers,\n      cache,\n      ssrMode = false,\n      ssrForceFetchDelay = 0,\n      connectToDevTools =\n        // Expose the client instance as window.__APOLLO_CLIENT__ and call\n        // onBroadcast in queryManager.broadcastQueries to enable browser\n        // devtools, but disable them by default in production.\n        typeof window === 'object' &&\n        !(window as any).__APOLLO_CLIENT__ &&\n        process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production',\n      queryDeduplication = true,\n      defaultOptions,\n      assumeImmutableResults = false,\n      resolvers,\n      typeDefs,\n      fragmentMatcher,\n      name: clientAwarenessName,\n      version: clientAwarenessVersion,\n    } = options;\n\n    let { link } = options;\n\n    if (!link) {\n      link = uri\n        ? new HttpLink({ uri, credentials, headers })\n        : ApolloLink.empty();\n    }\n\n    if (!cache) {\n      throw new InvariantError(\n        \"To initialize Apollo Client, you must specify a 'cache' property \" +\n        \"in the options object. \\n\" +\n        \"For more information, please visit: https://go.apollo.dev/c/docs\"\n      );\n    }\n\n    this.link = link;\n    this.cache = cache;\n    this.disableNetworkFetches = ssrMode || ssrForceFetchDelay > 0;\n    this.queryDeduplication = queryDeduplication;\n    this.defaultOptions = defaultOptions || {};\n    this.typeDefs = typeDefs;\n\n    if (ssrForceFetchDelay) {\n      setTimeout(\n        () => (this.disableNetworkFetches = false),\n        ssrForceFetchDelay,\n      );\n    }\n\n    this.watchQuery = this.watchQuery.bind(this);\n    this.query = this.query.bind(this);\n    this.mutate = this.mutate.bind(this);\n    this.resetStore = this.resetStore.bind(this);\n    this.reFetchObservableQueries = this.reFetchObservableQueries.bind(this);\n\n    if (connectToDevTools && typeof window === 'object') {\n      (window as any).__APOLLO_CLIENT__ = this;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Suggest installing the devtools for developers who don't have them\n     */\n    if (!hasSuggestedDevtools && process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n      hasSuggestedDevtools = true;\n      if (\n        typeof window !== 'undefined' &&\n        window.document &&\n        window.top === window.self &&\n        !(window as any).__APOLLO_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__\n      ) {\n        const nav = window.navigator;\n        const ua = nav && nav.userAgent;\n        let url: string | undefined;\n        if (typeof ua === \"string\") {\n          if (ua.indexOf(\"Chrome/\") > -1) {\n            url = \"https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/\" +\n              \"apollo-client-developer-t/jdkknkkbebbapilgoeccciglkfbmbnfm\";\n          } else if (ua.indexOf(\"Firefox/\") > -1) {\n            url = \"https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/apollo-developer-tools/\";\n          }\n        }\n        if (url) {\n          invariant.log(\n            \"Download the Apollo DevTools for a better development \" +\n              \"experience: \" + url\n          );\n        }\n      }\n    }\n\n    this.version = version;\n\n    this.localState = new LocalState({\n      cache,\n      client: this,\n      resolvers,\n      fragmentMatcher,\n    });\n\n    this.queryManager = new QueryManager({\n      cache: this.cache,\n      link: this.link,\n      queryDeduplication,\n      ssrMode,\n      clientAwareness: {\n        name: clientAwarenessName!,\n        version: clientAwarenessVersion!,\n      },\n      localState: this.localState,\n      assumeImmutableResults,\n      onBroadcast: connectToDevTools ? () => {\n        if (this.devToolsHookCb) {\n          this.devToolsHookCb({\n            action: {},\n            state: {\n              queries: this.queryManager.getQueryStore(),\n              mutations: this.queryManager.mutationStore || {},\n            },\n            dataWithOptimisticResults: this.cache.extract(true),\n          });\n        }\n      } : void 0,\n    });\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Call this method to terminate any active client processes, making it safe\n   * to dispose of this `ApolloClient` instance.\n   */\n  public stop() {\n    this.queryManager.stop();\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * This watches the cache store of the query according to the options specified and\n   * returns an {@link ObservableQuery}. We can subscribe to this {@link ObservableQuery} and\n   * receive updated results through a GraphQL observer when the cache store changes.\n   * <p /><p />\n   * Note that this method is not an implementation of GraphQL subscriptions. Rather,\n   * it uses Apollo's store in order to reactively deliver updates to your query results.\n   * <p /><p />\n   * For example, suppose you call watchQuery on a GraphQL query that fetches a person's\n   * first and last name and this person has a particular object identifer, provided by\n   * dataIdFromObject. Later, a different query fetches that same person's\n   * first and last name and the first name has now changed. Then, any observers associated\n   * with the results of the first query will be updated with a new result object.\n   * <p /><p />\n   * Note that if the cache does not change, the subscriber will *not* be notified.\n   * <p /><p />\n   * See [here](https://medium.com/apollo-stack/the-concepts-of-graphql-bc68bd819be3#.3mb0cbcmc) for\n   * a description of store reactivity.\n   */\n  public watchQuery<T = any, TVariables = OperationVariables>(\n    options: WatchQueryOptions<TVariables, T>,\n  ): ObservableQuery<T, TVariables> {\n    if (this.defaultOptions.watchQuery) {\n      options = mergeOptions(this.defaultOptions.watchQuery, options);\n    }\n\n    // XXX Overwriting options is probably not the best way to do this long term...\n    if (\n      this.disableNetworkFetches &&\n      (options.fetchPolicy === 'network-only' ||\n        options.fetchPolicy === 'cache-and-network')\n    ) {\n      options = { ...options, fetchPolicy: 'cache-first' };\n    }\n\n    return this.queryManager.watchQuery<T, TVariables>(options);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * This resolves a single query according to the options specified and\n   * returns a {@link Promise} which is either resolved with the resulting data\n   * or rejected with an error.\n   *\n   * @param options An object of type {@link QueryOptions} that allows us to\n   * describe how this query should be treated e.g. whether it should hit the\n   * server at all or just resolve from the cache, etc.\n   */\n  public query<T = any, TVariables = OperationVariables>(\n    options: QueryOptions<TVariables, T>,\n  ): Promise<ApolloQueryResult<T>> {\n    if (this.defaultOptions.query) {\n      options = mergeOptions(this.defaultOptions.query, options);\n    }\n\n    invariant(\n      (options.fetchPolicy as WatchQueryFetchPolicy) !== 'cache-and-network',\n      'The cache-and-network fetchPolicy does not work with client.query, because ' +\n      'client.query can only return a single result. Please use client.watchQuery ' +\n      'to receive multiple results from the cache and the network, or consider ' +\n      'using a different fetchPolicy, such as cache-first or network-only.'\n    );\n\n    if (this.disableNetworkFetches && options.fetchPolicy === 'network-only') {\n      options = { ...options, fetchPolicy: 'cache-first' };\n    }\n\n    return this.queryManager.query<T, TVariables>(options);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * This resolves a single mutation according to the options specified and returns a\n   * {@link Promise} which is either resolved with the resulting data or rejected with an\n   * error.\n   *\n   * It takes options as an object with the following keys and values:\n   */\n  public mutate<T = any, TVariables = OperationVariables>(\n    options: MutationOptions<T, TVariables>,\n  ): Promise<FetchResult<T>> {\n    if (this.defaultOptions.mutate) {\n      options = mergeOptions(this.defaultOptions.mutate, options);\n    }\n    return this.queryManager.mutate<T>(options);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * This subscribes to a graphql subscription according to the options specified and returns an\n   * {@link Observable} which either emits received data or an error.\n   */\n  public subscribe<T = any, TVariables = OperationVariables>(\n    options: SubscriptionOptions<TVariables, T>,\n  ): Observable<FetchResult<T>> {\n    return this.queryManager.startGraphQLSubscription<T>(options);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Tries to read some data from the store in the shape of the provided\n   * GraphQL query without making a network request. This method will start at\n   * the root query. To start at a specific id returned by `dataIdFromObject`\n   * use `readFragment`.\n   *\n   * @param optimistic Set to `true` to allow `readQuery` to return\n   * optimistic results. Is `false` by default.\n   */\n  public readQuery<T = any, TVariables = OperationVariables>(\n    options: DataProxy.Query<TVariables, T>,\n    optimistic: boolean = false,\n  ): T | null {\n    return this.cache.readQuery<T, TVariables>(options, optimistic);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Tries to read some data from the store in the shape of the provided\n   * GraphQL fragment without making a network request. This method will read a\n   * GraphQL fragment from any arbitrary id that is currently cached, unlike\n   * `readQuery` which will only read from the root query.\n   *\n   * You must pass in a GraphQL document with a single fragment or a document\n   * with multiple fragments that represent what you are reading. If you pass\n   * in a document with multiple fragments then you must also specify a\n   * `fragmentName`.\n   *\n   * @param optimistic Set to `true` to allow `readFragment` to return\n   * optimistic results. Is `false` by default.\n   */\n  public readFragment<T = any, TVariables = OperationVariables>(\n    options: DataProxy.Fragment<TVariables, T>,\n    optimistic: boolean = false,\n  ): T | null {\n    return this.cache.readFragment<T, TVariables>(options, optimistic);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Writes some data in the shape of the provided GraphQL query directly to\n   * the store. This method will start at the root query. To start at a\n   * specific id returned by `dataIdFromObject` then use `writeFragment`.\n   */\n  public writeQuery<TData = any, TVariables = OperationVariables>(\n    options: DataProxy.WriteQueryOptions<TData, TVariables>,\n  ): void {\n    this.cache.writeQuery<TData, TVariables>(options);\n    this.queryManager.broadcastQueries();\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Writes some data in the shape of the provided GraphQL fragment directly to\n   * the store. This method will write to a GraphQL fragment from any arbitrary\n   * id that is currently cached, unlike `writeQuery` which will only write\n   * from the root query.\n   *\n   * You must pass in a GraphQL document with a single fragment or a document\n   * with multiple fragments that represent what you are writing. If you pass\n   * in a document with multiple fragments then you must also specify a\n   * `fragmentName`.\n   */\n  public writeFragment<TData = any, TVariables = OperationVariables>(\n    options: DataProxy.WriteFragmentOptions<TData, TVariables>,\n  ): void {\n    this.cache.writeFragment<TData, TVariables>(options);\n    this.queryManager.broadcastQueries();\n  }\n\n  public __actionHookForDevTools(cb: () => any) {\n    this.devToolsHookCb = cb;\n  }\n\n  public __requestRaw(payload: GraphQLRequest): Observable<ExecutionResult> {\n    return execute(this.link, payload);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Resets your entire store by clearing out your cache and then re-executing\n   * all of your active queries. This makes it so that you may guarantee that\n   * there is no data left in your store from a time before you called this\n   * method.\n   *\n   * `resetStore()` is useful when your user just logged out. You\u2019ve removed the\n   * user session, and you now want to make sure that any references to data you\n   * might have fetched while the user session was active is gone.\n   *\n   * It is important to remember that `resetStore()` *will* refetch any active\n   * queries. This means that any components that might be mounted will execute\n   * their queries again using your network interface. If you do not want to\n   * re-execute any queries then you should make sure to stop watching any\n   * active queries.\n   */\n  public resetStore(): Promise<ApolloQueryResult<any>[] | null> {\n    return Promise.resolve()\n      .then(() => this.queryManager.clearStore())\n      .then(() => Promise.all(this.resetStoreCallbacks.map(fn => fn())))\n      .then(() => this.reFetchObservableQueries());\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Remove all data from the store. Unlike `resetStore`, `clearStore` will\n   * not refetch any active queries.\n   */\n  public clearStore(): Promise<any[]> {\n    return Promise.resolve()\n      .then(() => this.queryManager.clearStore())\n      .then(() => Promise.all(this.clearStoreCallbacks.map(fn => fn())));\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Allows callbacks to be registered that are executed when the store is\n   * reset. `onResetStore` returns an unsubscribe function that can be used\n   * to remove registered callbacks.\n   */\n  public onResetStore(cb: () => Promise<any>): () => void {\n    this.resetStoreCallbacks.push(cb);\n    return () => {\n      this.resetStoreCallbacks = this.resetStoreCallbacks.filter(c => c !== cb);\n    };\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Allows callbacks to be registered that are executed when the store is\n   * cleared. `onClearStore` returns an unsubscribe function that can be used\n   * to remove registered callbacks.\n   */\n  public onClearStore(cb: () => Promise<any>): () => void {\n    this.clearStoreCallbacks.push(cb);\n    return () => {\n      this.clearStoreCallbacks = this.clearStoreCallbacks.filter(c => c !== cb);\n    };\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Refetches all of your active queries.\n   *\n   * `reFetchObservableQueries()` is useful if you want to bring the client back to proper state in case of a network outage\n   *\n   * It is important to remember that `reFetchObservableQueries()` *will* refetch any active\n   * queries. This means that any components that might be mounted will execute\n   * their queries again using your network interface. If you do not want to\n   * re-execute any queries then you should make sure to stop watching any\n   * active queries.\n   * Takes optional parameter `includeStandby` which will include queries in standby-mode when refetching.\n   */\n  public reFetchObservableQueries(\n    includeStandby?: boolean,\n  ): Promise<ApolloQueryResult<any>[]> {\n    return this.queryManager.reFetchObservableQueries(includeStandby);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Exposes the cache's complete state, in a serializable format for later restoration.\n   */\n  public extract(optimistic?: boolean): TCacheShape {\n    return this.cache.extract(optimistic);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Replaces existing state in the cache (if any) with the values expressed by\n   * `serializedState`.\n   *\n   * Called when hydrating a cache (server side rendering, or offline storage),\n   * and also (potentially) during hot reloads.\n   */\n  public restore(serializedState: TCacheShape): ApolloCache<TCacheShape> {\n    return this.cache.restore(serializedState);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Add additional local resolvers.\n   */\n  public addResolvers(resolvers: Resolvers | Resolvers[]) {\n    this.localState.addResolvers(resolvers);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Set (override existing) local resolvers.\n   */\n  public setResolvers(resolvers: Resolvers | Resolvers[]) {\n    this.localState.setResolvers(resolvers);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Get all registered local resolvers.\n   */\n  public getResolvers() {\n    return this.localState.getResolvers();\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Set a custom local state fragment matcher.\n   */\n  public setLocalStateFragmentMatcher(fragmentMatcher: FragmentMatcher) {\n    this.localState.setFragmentMatcher(fragmentMatcher);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Define a new ApolloLink (or link chain) that Apollo Client will use.\n   */\n  public setLink(newLink: ApolloLink) {\n    this.link = this.queryManager.link = newLink;\n  }\n}\n", "//# sourceMappingURL=types.js.map", "/*! *****************************************************************************\r\nCopyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\r\n\r\nPermission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any\r\npurpose with or without fee is hereby granted.\r\n\r\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH\r\nREGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY\r\nAND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT,\r\nINDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM\r\nLOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR\r\nOTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR\r\nPERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE.\r\n***************************************************************************** */\r\n/* global global, define, System, Reflect, Promise */\r\nvar __extends;\r\nvar __assign;\r\nvar __rest;\r\nvar __decorate;\r\nvar __param;\r\nvar __metadata;\r\nvar __awaiter;\r\nvar __generator;\r\nvar __exportStar;\r\nvar __values;\r\nvar __read;\r\nvar __spread;\r\nvar __spreadArrays;\r\nvar __spreadArray;\r\nvar __await;\r\nvar __asyncGenerator;\r\nvar __asyncDelegator;\r\nvar __asyncValues;\r\nvar __makeTemplateObject;\r\nvar __importStar;\r\nvar __importDefault;\r\nvar __classPrivateFieldGet;\r\nvar __classPrivateFieldSet;\r\nvar __createBinding;\r\n(function (factory) {\r\n    var root = typeof global === \"object\" ? global : typeof self === \"object\" ? self : typeof this === \"object\" ? this : {};\r\n    if (typeof define === \"function\" && define.amd) {\r\n        define(\"tslib\", [\"exports\"], function (exports) { factory(createExporter(root, createExporter(exports))); });\r\n    }\r\n    else if (typeof module === \"object\" && typeof module.exports === \"object\") {\r\n        factory(createExporter(root, createExporter(module.exports)));\r\n    }\r\n    else {\r\n        factory(createExporter(root));\r\n    }\r\n    function createExporter(exports, previous) {\r\n        if (exports !== root) {\r\n            if (typeof Object.create === \"function\") {\r\n                Object.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\n            }\r\n            else {\r\n                exports.__esModule = true;\r\n            }\r\n        }\r\n        return function (id, v) { return exports[id] = previous ? previous(id, v) : v; };\r\n    }\r\n})\r\n(function (exporter) {\r\n    var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||\r\n        ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||\r\n        function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, p)) d[p] = b[p]; };\r\n\r\n    __extends = function (d, b) {\r\n        if (typeof b !== \"function\" && b !== null)\r\n            throw new TypeError(\"Class extends value \" + String(b) + \" is not a constructor or null\");\r\n        extendStatics(d, b);\r\n        function __() { this.constructor = d; }\r\n        d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __assign = Object.assign || function (t) {\r\n        for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {\r\n            s = arguments[i];\r\n            for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];\r\n        }\r\n        return t;\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __rest = function (s, e) {\r\n        var t = {};\r\n        for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)\r\n            t[p] = s[p];\r\n        if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === \"function\")\r\n            for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {\r\n                if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, p[i]))\r\n                    t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];\r\n            }\r\n        return t;\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __decorate = function (decorators, target, key, desc) {\r\n        var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;\r\n        if (typeof Reflect === \"object\" && typeof Reflect.decorate === \"function\") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);\r\n        else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;\r\n        return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __param = function (paramIndex, decorator) {\r\n        return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); }\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __metadata = function (metadataKey, metadataValue) {\r\n        if (typeof Reflect === \"object\" && typeof Reflect.metadata === \"function\") return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue);\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __awaiter = function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n        function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n        return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n            function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n            function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n            function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n            step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n        });\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __generator = function (thisArg, body) {\r\n        var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g;\r\n        return g = { next: verb(0), \"throw\": verb(1), \"return\": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === \"function\" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g;\r\n        function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; }\r\n        function step(op) {\r\n            if (f) throw new TypeError(\"Generator is already executing.\");\r\n            while (_) try {\r\n                if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y[\"return\"] : op[0] ? y[\"throw\"] || ((t = y[\"return\"]) && t.call(y), 0) : y.next) && !(t = t.call(y, op[1])).done) return t;\r\n                if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];\r\n                switch (op[0]) {\r\n                    case 0: case 1: t = op; break;\r\n                    case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false };\r\n                    case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue;\r\n                    case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue;\r\n                    default:\r\n                        if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; }\r\n                        if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; }\r\n                        if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; }\r\n                        if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; }\r\n                        if (t[2]) _.ops.pop();\r\n                        _.trys.pop(); continue;\r\n                }\r\n                op = body.call(thisArg, _);\r\n            } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; }\r\n            if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };\r\n        }\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __exportStar = function(m, o) {\r\n        for (var p in m) if (p !== \"default\" && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, p)) __createBinding(o, m, p);\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __createBinding = Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n        if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n        Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n    }) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n        if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n        o[k2] = m[k];\r\n    });\r\n\r\n    __values = function (o) {\r\n        var s = typeof Symbol === \"function\" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0;\r\n        if (m) return m.call(o);\r\n        if (o && typeof o.length === \"number\") return {\r\n            next: function () {\r\n                if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;\r\n                return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };\r\n            }\r\n        };\r\n        throw new TypeError(s ? \"Object is not iterable.\" : \"Symbol.iterator is not defined.\");\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __read = function (o, n) {\r\n        var m = typeof Symbol === \"function\" && o[Symbol.iterator];\r\n        if (!m) return o;\r\n        var i = m.call(o), r, ar = [], e;\r\n        try {\r\n            while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) ar.push(r.value);\r\n        }\r\n        catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }\r\n        finally {\r\n            try {\r\n                if (r && !r.done && (m = i[\"return\"])) m.call(i);\r\n            }\r\n            finally { if (e) throw e.error; }\r\n        }\r\n        return ar;\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    /** @deprecated */\r\n    __spread = function () {\r\n        for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)\r\n            ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));\r\n        return ar;\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    /** @deprecated */\r\n    __spreadArrays = function () {\r\n        for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length;\r\n        for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++)\r\n            for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++)\r\n                r[k] = a[j];\r\n        return r;\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __spreadArray = function (to, from) {\r\n        for (var i = 0, il = from.length, j = to.length; i < il; i++, j++)\r\n            to[j] = from[i];\r\n        return to;\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __await = function (v) {\r\n        return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = v, this) : new __await(v);\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __asyncGenerator = function (thisArg, _arguments, generator) {\r\n        if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError(\"Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.\");\r\n        var g = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || []), i, q = [];\r\n        return i = {}, verb(\"next\"), verb(\"throw\"), verb(\"return\"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i;\r\n        function verb(n) { if (g[n]) i[n] = function (v) { return new Promise(function (a, b) { q.push([n, v, a, b]) > 1 || resume(n, v); }); }; }\r\n        function resume(n, v) { try { step(g[n](v)); } catch (e) { settle(q[0][3], e); } }\r\n        function step(r) { r.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(fulfill, reject) : settle(q[0][2], r);  }\r\n        function fulfill(value) { resume(\"next\", value); }\r\n        function reject(value) { resume(\"throw\", value); }\r\n        function settle(f, v) { if (f(v), q.shift(), q.length) resume(q[0][0], q[0][1]); }\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __asyncDelegator = function (o) {\r\n        var i, p;\r\n        return i = {}, verb(\"next\"), verb(\"throw\", function (e) { throw e; }), verb(\"return\"), i[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }, i;\r\n        function verb(n, f) { i[n] = o[n] ? function (v) { return (p = !p) ? { value: __await(o[n](v)), done: n === \"return\" } : f ? f(v) : v; } : f; }\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __asyncValues = function (o) {\r\n        if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError(\"Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.\");\r\n        var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i;\r\n        return m ? m.call(o) : (o = typeof __values === \"function\" ? __values(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb(\"next\"), verb(\"throw\"), verb(\"return\"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i);\r\n        function verb(n) { i[n] = o[n] && function (v) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); }); }; }\r\n        function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { Promise.resolve(v).then(function(v) { resolve({ value: v, done: d }); }, reject); }\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __makeTemplateObject = function (cooked, raw) {\r\n        if (Object.defineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(cooked, \"raw\", { value: raw }); } else { cooked.raw = raw; }\r\n        return cooked;\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    var __setModuleDefault = Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n        Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n    }) : function(o, v) {\r\n        o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __importStar = function (mod) {\r\n        if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n        var result = {};\r\n        if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== \"default\" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n        __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n        return result;\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __importDefault = function (mod) {\r\n        return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __classPrivateFieldGet = function (receiver, state, kind, f) {\r\n        if (kind === \"a\" && !f) throw new TypeError(\"Private accessor was defined without a getter\");\r\n        if (typeof state === \"function\" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError(\"Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it\");\r\n        return kind === \"m\" ? f : kind === \"a\" ? f.call(receiver) : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver);\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    __classPrivateFieldSet = function (receiver, state, value, kind, f) {\r\n        if (kind === \"m\") throw new TypeError(\"Private method is not writable\");\r\n        if (kind === \"a\" && !f) throw new TypeError(\"Private accessor was defined without a setter\");\r\n        if (typeof state === \"function\" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError(\"Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it\");\r\n        return (kind === \"a\" ? f.call(receiver, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value)), value;\r\n    };\r\n\r\n    exporter(\"__extends\", __extends);\r\n    exporter(\"__assign\", __assign);\r\n    exporter(\"__rest\", __rest);\r\n    exporter(\"__decorate\", __decorate);\r\n    exporter(\"__param\", __param);\r\n    exporter(\"__metadata\", __metadata);\r\n    exporter(\"__awaiter\", __awaiter);\r\n    exporter(\"__generator\", __generator);\r\n    exporter(\"__exportStar\", __exportStar);\r\n    exporter(\"__createBinding\", __createBinding);\r\n    exporter(\"__values\", __values);\r\n    exporter(\"__read\", __read);\r\n    exporter(\"__spread\", __spread);\r\n    exporter(\"__spreadArrays\", __spreadArrays);\r\n    exporter(\"__spreadArray\", __spreadArray);\r\n    exporter(\"__await\", __await);\r\n    exporter(\"__asyncGenerator\", __asyncGenerator);\r\n    exporter(\"__asyncDelegator\", __asyncDelegator);\r\n    exporter(\"__asyncValues\", __asyncValues);\r\n    exporter(\"__makeTemplateObject\", __makeTemplateObject);\r\n    exporter(\"__importStar\", __importStar);\r\n    exporter(\"__importDefault\", __importDefault);\r\n    exporter(\"__classPrivateFieldGet\", __classPrivateFieldGet);\r\n    exporter(\"__classPrivateFieldSet\", __classPrivateFieldSet);\r\n});\r\n", "import tslib from '../tslib.js';\r\nconst {\r\n    __extends,\r\n    __assign,\r\n    __rest,\r\n    __decorate,\r\n    __param,\r\n    __metadata,\r\n    __awaiter,\r\n    __generator,\r\n    __exportStar,\r\n    __createBinding,\r\n    __values,\r\n    __read,\r\n    __spread,\r\n    __spreadArrays,\r\n    __spreadArray,\r\n    __await,\r\n    __asyncGenerator,\r\n    __asyncDelegator,\r\n    __asyncValues,\r\n    __makeTemplateObject,\r\n    __importStar,\r\n    __importDefault,\r\n    __classPrivateFieldGet,\r\n    __classPrivateFieldSet,\r\n} = tslib;\r\nexport {\r\n    __extends,\r\n    __assign,\r\n    __rest,\r\n    __decorate,\r\n    __param,\r\n    __metadata,\r\n    __awaiter,\r\n    __generator,\r\n    __exportStar,\r\n    __createBinding,\r\n    __values,\r\n    __read,\r\n    __spread,\r\n    __spreadArrays,\r\n    __spreadArray,\r\n    __await,\r\n    __asyncGenerator,\r\n    __asyncDelegator,\r\n    __asyncValues,\r\n    __makeTemplateObject,\r\n    __importStar,\r\n    __importDefault,\r\n    __classPrivateFieldGet,\r\n    __classPrivateFieldSet,\r\n};\r\n", null, "/* Core */\n\nexport {\n  ApolloClient,\n  ApolloClientOptions,\n  DefaultOptions,\n  mergeOptions,\n} from './ApolloClient';\nexport {\n  ObservableQuery,\n  FetchMoreOptions,\n  UpdateQueryOptions,\n} from './ObservableQuery';\nexport {\n  QueryOptions,\n  WatchQueryOptions,\n  MutationOptions,\n  SubscriptionOptions,\n  FetchPolicy,\n  WatchQueryFetchPolicy,\n  ErrorPolicy,\n  FetchMoreQueryOptions,\n  SubscribeToMoreOptions,\n  MutationUpdaterFn,\n} from './watchQueryOptions';\nexport { NetworkStatus } from './networkStatus';\nexport * from './types';\nexport {\n  Resolver,\n  FragmentMatcher,\n} from './LocalState';\nexport { isApolloError, ApolloError } from '../errors';\n\n/* Cache */\n\nexport {\n  // All the exports (types and values) from ../cache, minus cacheSlot,\n  // which we want to keep semi-private.\n  Cache,\n  ApolloCache,\n  Transaction,\n  DataProxy,\n  InMemoryCache,\n  InMemoryCacheConfig,\n  MissingFieldError,\n  defaultDataIdFromObject,\n  ReactiveVar,\n  makeVar,\n  TypePolicies,\n  TypePolicy,\n  FieldPolicy,\n  FieldReadFunction,\n  FieldMergeFunction,\n  FieldFunctionOptions,\n  PossibleTypesMap,\n} from '../cache';\n\nexport * from '../cache/inmemory/types';\n\n/* Link */\n\nexport * from '../link/core';\nexport * from '../link/http';\nexport {\n  fromError,\n  toPromise,\n  fromPromise,\n  ServerError,\n  throwServerError,\n} from '../link/utils';\n\n/* Utilities */\n\nexport {\n  Observable,\n  Observer,\n  ObservableSubscription,\n  Reference,\n  isReference,\n  makeReference,\n  StoreObject,\n} from '../utilities';\n\n/* Supporting */\n\n// The verbosity of invariant.{log,warn,error} can be controlled globally\n// (for anyone using the same ts-invariant package) by passing \"log\",\n// \"warn\", \"error\", or \"silent\" to setVerbosity (\"log\" is the default).\n// Note that all invariant.* logging is hidden in production.\nimport { setVerbosity } from \"ts-invariant\";\nexport { setVerbosity as setLogVerbosity }\nsetVerbosity(\"log\");\n\n// Note that importing `gql` by itself, then destructuring\n// additional properties separately before exporting, is intentional.\n// Due to the way the `graphql-tag` library is setup, certain bundlers\n// can't find the properties added to the exported `gql` function without\n// additional guidance (e.g. Rollup - see\n// https://rollupjs.org/guide/en/#error-name-is-not-exported-by-module).\n// Instead of having people that are using bundlers with `@apollo/client` add\n// extra bundler config to help `graphql-tag` exports be found (which would be\n// awkward since they aren't importing `graphql-tag` themselves), this\n// workaround of pulling the extra properties off the `gql` function,\n// then re-exporting them separately, helps keeps bundlers happy without any\n// additional config changes.\nimport gql from 'graphql-tag';\nexport const {\n  resetCaches,\n  disableFragmentWarnings,\n  enableExperimentalFragmentVariables,\n  disableExperimentalFragmentVariables\n} = gql;\nexport { gql };\n", "import type { DefinitionNode, OperationDefinitionNode, VariableDefinitionNode } from 'graphql';\nimport type { Operation } from '@apollo/client/core';\n\n/** isOperationDefinition :: DefinitionNode -> Boolean */\nfunction isOperationDefinition(definition: DefinitionNode): definition is OperationDefinitionNode {\n  return definition.kind === 'OperationDefinition';\n}\n\n/** isNonNullType :: a -> Boolean */\nfunction isNonNullType<T extends { type: { kind: string } }>(x: T) {\n  return x?.type?.kind === 'NonNullType';\n}\n\n/** hasNonNullValue :: keyof TVariables VariableName => TVariables -> VariableName -> Boolean */\nfunction hasNonNullValue<T>(x: T) {\n  return (prop: string): boolean =>\n    x?.[prop as keyof T] != null; /* c8 ignore next */ // covered\n}\n\nfunction isTrue(x: boolean): x is true {\n  return x;\n}\n\n/** getVariableDefinitions :: OperationDefinitionNode -> [VariableDefinitionNode] */\nfunction getVariableDefinitions(\n  x: OperationDefinitionNode\n): readonly VariableDefinitionNode[] {\n  return x.variableDefinitions ?? []; /* c8 ignore next */ // couldn't repro\n}\n\n/** getVariableValue :: VariableDefinitionNode -> a */\nfunction getVariableValue(x: VariableDefinitionNode) {\n  return x.variable.name.value;\n}\n\n/**\n * Checks whether an operation includes all its non-nullable variables.\n * Note that this can't check properties of Input types defined in schema,\n * only top-level variables.\n *\n * ```haskell\n * hasAllVariables :: Operation -> Bool\n * ```\n *\n * @param operation The GraphQL operation to validate.\n * @return Whether the operation has all it's required variables.\n */\nexport function hasAllVariables(operation: Partial<Operation>): boolean {\n  try {\n    return operation.query?.definitions\n      ?.filter(isOperationDefinition)\n      ?.flatMap(getVariableDefinitions)\n      ?.filter(isNonNullType)\n      ?.map(getVariableValue)\n      ?.map(hasNonNullValue(operation.variables))\n      ?.every(isTrue) ?? false; /* c8 ignore next */ // this is covered\n  } catch {\n    return false;\n  }\n}\n", "import type { NormalizedCacheObject, TypePolicies } from '@apollo/client/core';\n\nimport { ApolloClient, ApolloLink, HttpLink, InMemoryCache } from '@apollo/client/core';\n\nimport { hasAllVariables } from './has-all-variables';\n\ninterface Options {\n  /** URI to the client's GraphQL endpoint. */\n  uri?: string;\n  /** The client's [type policies](https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/caching/cache-configuration/#typepolicy-fields). */\n  typePolicies?: TypePolicies;\n  /** When true, client will not fetch operations that do not have all their non-nullable variables set. */\n  validateVariables?: boolean;\n}\n\nexport type SimpleApolloClient =\n  ApolloClient<NormalizedCacheObject> & { cache: InMemoryCache };\n\nconst validateVariablesLink =\n  new ApolloLink((operation, forward) =>\n    hasAllVariables(operation) ? forward(operation) : null); /* c8 ignore next */ // this is called\n\n/**\n * Creates a simple ApolloClient\n * @param options Limited configuration options for the client.\n * @returns A simple Apollo client instance.\n */\nexport function createApolloClient(options: Options): ApolloClient<NormalizedCacheObject> {\n  const { uri, typePolicies, validateVariables } = options;\n  const cache = new InMemoryCache({ typePolicies });\n  const httpLink = new HttpLink({ uri });\n  const link = !validateVariables ? httpLink : ApolloLink.from([validateVariablesLink, httpLink]);\n  return new ApolloClient({ cache, link });\n}\n", "import type {\n  ApolloClient,\n  InMemoryCache,\n  NormalizedCacheObject,\n  TypePolicies,\n} from '@apollo/client/core';\n\nimport type {\n  ApolloElementElement,\n  ApolloQueryElement,\n  ApolloSubscriptionElement,\n} from '@apollo-elements/interfaces';\nimport type { ApolloElementEvent } from '@apollo-elements/mixins/apollo-element-mixin';\n\ndeclare global { interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { 'apollo-client': ApolloClientElement; } }\n\nconst template = document.createElement('template');\ntemplate.innerHTML = /* html */`\n  <style>:host { display: block; }</style>\n  <slot></slot>\n`;\n\nconst DOCUMENT_TYPES = ['document', 'query', 'mutation', 'subscription'];\n\nfunction isInMemoryCache(\n  cache?: ApolloClient<NormalizedCacheObject>['cache']\n): cache is InMemoryCache {\n  return !!cache && ('policies' in cache);\n}\n\nfunction isApolloElement(element: Node): element is ApolloElementElement {\n  return element instanceof HTMLElement && (\n    // @ts-expect-error: it's fine\n    DOCUMENT_TYPES.includes(element.constructor.documentType)\n  );\n}\n\nfunction hasShadowRoot(node: Node): node is HTMLElement & { shadowRoot: ShadowRoot } {\n  return node instanceof HTMLElement && !!node.shadowRoot;\n}\n\nfunction isApolloQuery(e: EventTarget): e is ApolloQueryElement|ApolloSubscriptionElement {\n  // @ts-expect-error: disambiguating\n  return typeof e.shouldSubscribe === 'function' && typeof e.subscribe === 'function';\n}\n\nfunction claimApolloElement(\n  event: ApolloElementEvent\n): ApolloElementElement | void {\n  event.stopPropagation();\n  if (isApolloElement(event.detail))\n    return event.detail;\n}\n\nfunction isSubscribable(\n  element: ApolloElementElement\n): element is ApolloQueryElement|ApolloSubscriptionElement {\n  return (\n    isApolloQuery(element) && element.canAutoSubscribe\n  );\n}\n\n/**\n * @element apollo-client\n *\n * Provides an ApolloClient instance to all nested ApolloElement children,\n * even across (open) shadow boundaries.\n *\n * @example\n * Generate a simple ApolloClient instance\n * ```html\n * <apollo-client uri=\"/graphql\"></apollo-client>\n * ```\n *\n * @example\n * Prevent network calls when required variables are absent\n * ```html\n * <apollo-client uri=\"/graphql\" validate-variables></apollo-client>\n * ```\n *\n * @example\n * Providing a client to a tree of Nodes\n * ```html\n * <apollo-client id=\"client-a\">\n *   <apollo-mutation>\n *     <!--...-->\n *   </apollo-mutation>\n * </apollo-client>\n * ```\n *\n * @example\n * Nesting separate clients\n * ```html\n * <apollo-client id=\"client-a\">\n *   <query-element>\n *     <!-- This element queries from client-a's endpoint -->\n *   </query-element>\n *   <apollo-client id=\"client-b\">\n *     <query-element>\n *       <!-- This element queries from client-b's endpoint -->\n *     </query-element>\n *   </apollo-client>\n * </apollo-client>\n * ```\n */\nexport class ApolloClientElement extends HTMLElement {\n  static readonly observedAttributes = ['uri'];\n\n  /** Private reference to the `ApolloClient` instance */\n  #client: ApolloClient<NormalizedCacheObject> | null = null;\n\n  /** Private cache of child `ApolloElement`s */\n  #instances: Set<ApolloElementElement> = new Set();\n\n  #typePolicies: TypePolicies | undefined = undefined;\n\n  /**\n   * Reference to the `ApolloClient` instance.\n   */\n  get client(): ApolloClient<NormalizedCacheObject> | null {\n    return this.#client;\n  }\n\n  set client(value: ApolloClient<NormalizedCacheObject> | null) {\n    this.#client = value;\n    this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('client-changed', { detail: { value, client: value } }));\n    for (const instance of this.#instances)\n      this.initialize(instance);\n  }\n\n  /** List of all ApolloElements registered to this client. */\n  get elements(): readonly ApolloElementElement[] {\n    return [...this.#instances];\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Type Policies for the client.\n   */\n  get typePolicies(): TypePolicies | undefined {\n    return this.#typePolicies ?? undefined;\n  }\n\n  set typePolicies(typePolicies: TypePolicies | undefined) {\n    this.#typePolicies = typePolicies;\n    if (typePolicies && this.client && isInMemoryCache(this.client?.cache))\n      this.client.cache.policies.addTypePolicies(typePolicies);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * When the URI attribute is set, `<apollo-client>` will asynchronously\n   * create a new ApolloClient instance with some default parameters\n   * @attr uri\n   */\n  get uri(): string | undefined {\n    return this.getAttribute('uri') ?? undefined;\n  }\n\n  set uri(uri: string | undefined) {\n    if (typeof uri !== 'string') return;\n    this.setAttribute('uri', uri);\n    this.createApolloClient();\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * When true, client will not fetch operations that do not have all their non-nullable variables set.\n   * @attr validate-variables\n   */\n  get validateVariables(): boolean {\n    return this.hasAttribute('validate-variables');\n  }\n\n  constructor() {\n    super();\n    this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' }).append(template.content.cloneNode(true));\n    this.addEventListener('apollo-element-connected', this.onElementConnected.bind(this));\n    this.addEventListener('apollo-element-disconnected', this.onElementDisconnected.bind(this));\n    window.addEventListener('apollo-element-disconnected', this.onElementDisconnected.bind(this));\n  }\n\n  attributeChangedCallback(attr: string, oldValue: string, newValue: string): void {\n    if (oldValue === newValue) return;\n    switch (attr) {\n      case 'uri': this.uri = newValue;\n    }\n  }\n\n  connectedCallback(): void {\n    this.findDeepInstances();\n  }\n\n  async createApolloClient(): Promise<ApolloClientElement['client']> {\n    const { typePolicies, validateVariables } = this;\n    const { uri } = this;\n    const { createApolloClient } = await import('@apollo-elements/lib/create-apollo-client');\n    this.client = createApolloClient({ uri, typePolicies, validateVariables });\n    return this.client;\n  }\n\n  private findDeepInstances(): void {\n    for (const child of this.children)\n      this.addDeepInstance(child);\n  }\n\n  private async addDeepInstance(child: Node): Promise<void> {\n    await new Promise(requestAnimationFrame);\n    if (isApolloElement(child))\n      this.#instances.add(child);\n    if (!hasShadowRoot(child)) return;\n    for (const grandchild of child.shadowRoot.children)\n      this.addDeepInstance(grandchild);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Assigns the element's client instance to the child,\n   * and registers the child to receive the element's new client when its set.\n   */\n  private onElementConnected(event: ApolloElementEvent): void {\n    const target = claimApolloElement(event);\n    if (!target) return;\n    this.#instances.add(target);\n    this.initialize(target);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Performs clean up when the child disconnects\n   */\n  private onElementDisconnected(event: ApolloElementEvent): void {\n    const target = event.detail;\n    if (!this.#instances.has(target)) return;\n    this.#instances.delete(target);\n    target.client = null;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Set the client on the element, and if it's a query or subscription element, attemp to subscribe\n   */\n  private initialize(element: ApolloElementElement): void {\n    element.client = this.client;\n    if (isSubscribable(element))\n      element.subscribe();\n  }\n}\n\ncustomElements.define('apollo-client', ApolloClientElement);\n", "import type {\n  ApolloError,\n  ApolloQueryResult,\n  DocumentNode,\n  FetchPolicy,\n  ObservableQuery,\n  OperationVariables,\n  QueryOptions,\n  SubscribeToMoreOptions,\n  SubscriptionOptions,\n  WatchQueryOptions,\n} from '@apollo/client/core';\n\nimport type {\n  ApolloQueryInterface,\n  ComponentDocument,\n  Constructor,\n  Data,\n  FetchMoreParams,\n  RefetchQueriesType,\n  Variables,\n} from '@apollo-elements/interfaces';\n\nimport { NetworkStatus } from '@apollo/client/core';\n\nimport { dedupeMixin } from '@open-wc/dedupe-mixin';\n\nimport { ApolloElementMixin } from './apollo-element-mixin';\n\nimport { booleanAttr, effect, gqlDocument, writable } from '@apollo-elements/lib/descriptors';\n\ntype ApolloQueryResultEvent<TData = unknown> =\n  CustomEvent<ApolloQueryResult<TData>>;\n\ndeclare global {\n  interface HTMLElementEventMap {\n    'apollo-query-result': ApolloQueryResultEvent;\n  }\n}\n\ntype MixinInstance = {\n  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\n  new <D = unknown, V = Record<string, any>>(...a: any[]): ApolloQueryInterface<D, V>;\n  documentType: 'query',\n}\n\nfunction ApolloQueryMixinImpl<B extends Constructor>(superclass: B): MixinInstance & B {\n  class ApolloQueryElement<D = unknown, V = OperationVariables>\n    extends ApolloElementMixin(superclass)\n    implements Omit<ApolloQueryInterface<D, V>, 'shouldSubscribe'> {\n    static documentType = 'query' as const;\n\n    static get observedAttributes(): string[] {\n      return [\n        // exists on ApolloElement\n        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion\n        ...super.observedAttributes!,\n        'next-fetch-policy',\n      ];\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The latest query data.\n     */\n    declare data: Data<D> | null;\n\n    /**\n     * An object map from variable name to variable value, where the variables are used within the GraphQL query.\n     *\n     * Setting variables will initiate the query, unless [`noAutoSubscribe`](#noautosubscribe) is also set.\n     *\n     * @summary Query variables.\n     */\n    declare variables: Variables<D, V> | null;\n\n    declare query: DocumentNode | ComponentDocument<D> | null;\n\n    declare fetchPolicy?: FetchPolicy;\n\n    declare partial?: boolean;\n\n    declare partialRefetch?: boolean;\n\n    declare refetchQueries: RefetchQueriesType<D> | null;\n\n    declare returnPartialData?: boolean;\n\n    declare nextFetchPolicy?: FetchPolicy;\n\n    declare networkStatus: NetworkStatus;\n\n    declare observableQuery?: ObservableQuery<Data<D>, Variables<D, V>>;\n\n    declare options: Partial<WatchQueryOptions<Variables<D, V>, Data<D>>> | null;\n\n    declare noAutoSubscribe: boolean;\n\n    declare notifyOnNetworkStatusChange: boolean;\n\n    declare pollInterval?: number;\n\n    onData?(_result: ApolloQueryResult<Data<D>>): void\n\n    onError?(_error: Error): void\n\n    public get canAutoSubscribe() {\n      return (\n        !!this.client &&\n        !this.noAutoSubscribe &&\n        this.shouldSubscribe()\n      );\n    }\n\n    constructor(...a: any[]) { super(...a); }\n\n    attributeChangedCallback(name: string, oldVal: string, newVal: string): void {\n      super.attributeChangedCallback?.(name, oldVal, newVal);\n      // @ts-expect-error: ts is not tracking the static side\n      if (super.constructor?.observedAttributes?.includes?.(name))\n        return;\n\n      switch (name) {\n        case 'next-fetch-policy':\n          this.nextFetchPolicy = newVal as ApolloQueryElement<D, V>['nextFetchPolicy'];\n          break;\n      }\n    }\n\n    connectedCallback(): void {\n      super.connectedCallback();\n      this.documentChanged(this.query);\n    }\n\n    documentChanged(query: DocumentNode | ComponentDocument<D> | null): void {\n      if (!query) return; /* c8 ignore next */ // all covered\n      if (this.canSubscribe({ query }) && this.shouldSubscribe({ query })) /* c8 ignore next */ // all covered\n        this.subscribe({ query }); /* c8 ignore next */ // all covered\n    }\n\n    variablesChanged(variables: Variables<D, V>): void {\n      if (this.observableQuery)\n        this.refetch(variables);\n      else if (this.canSubscribe({ variables }) && this.shouldSubscribe({ variables }))\n        this.subscribe({ variables });\n      else\n        return;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Exposes the [`ObservableQuery#refetch`](https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/apollo-client.html#ObservableQuery.refetch) method.\n     *\n     * @param variables The new set of variables. If there are missing variables, the previous values of those variables will be used..\n     */\n    async refetch(variables: Variables<D, V>): Promise<ApolloQueryResult<Data<D>>> {\n      if (!this.observableQuery)\n        throw new Error('Cannot refetch without an ObservableQuery');\n      return this.observableQuery.refetch(variables);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Determines whether the element is able to automatically subscribe\n     * @private\n     */\n    canSubscribe(options?: Partial<SubscriptionOptions<Variables<D, V> | null, Data<D>>>): boolean {\n      /* c8 ignore next 4 */\n      return (\n        !this.noAutoSubscribe &&\n        !!this.client &&\n        !!(options?.query ?? this.document)\n      );\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Determines whether the element should attempt to automatically subscribe i.e. begin querying\n     *\n     * Override to prevent subscribing unless your conditions are met.\n     */\n    shouldSubscribe(options?: Partial<SubscriptionOptions<Variables<D, V>, Data<D>>>): boolean {\n      return (void options, true);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Resets the observableQuery and subscribes.\n     * @param params options for controlling how the subscription subscribes\n     */\n    subscribe(\n      params?: Partial<SubscriptionOptions<Variables<D, V>, Data<D>>>\n    ): ZenObservable.Subscription {\n      const options: SubscriptionOptions<Variables<D, V>, Data<D>> = {\n        /* c8 ignore start */ // covered\n        // It's better to let Apollo client throw this error\n        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion\n        query: params?.query ?? this.query!,\n        context: params?.context ?? this.context,\n        errorPolicy: params?.errorPolicy ?? this.errorPolicy,\n        fetchPolicy: params?.fetchPolicy ?? this.fetchPolicy,\n        variables: params?.variables ?? this.variables ?? undefined,\n        /* c8 ignore stop */\n      };\n\n      if (this.observableQuery)\n        this.observableQuery.stopPolling(); /* c8 ignore next */ // covered\n\n      this.observableQuery = this.watchQuery(options);\n\n      this.loading = true;\n\n      return this.observableQuery?.subscribe({\n        next: this.nextData.bind(this),\n        error: this.nextError.bind(this),\n      });\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Lets you pass a GraphQL subscription and updateQuery function\n     * to subscribe to more updates for your query.\n     *\n     * The `updateQuery` parameter is a function that takes the previous query data,\n     * then a `{ subscriptionData: TSubscriptionResult }` object,\n     * and returns an object with updated query data based on the new results.\n     */\n    subscribeToMore(\n      options: SubscribeToMoreOptions<Data<D>, Variables<D, V>>\n    ): (() => void) | void {\n      return this.observableQuery?.subscribeToMore(options);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Executes a Query once and updates the component with the result\n     */\n    async executeQuery(\n      params?: Partial<QueryOptions<Variables<D, V>>>\n    ): Promise<ApolloQueryResult<Data<D>>> {\n      if (!this.client)\n        throw new TypeError('No Apollo client. See https://apolloelements.dev/guides/getting-started/apollo-client/'); /* c8 ignore next */ // it's covered\n\n      const { context, errorPolicy, fetchPolicy } = this;\n\n      const options: QueryOptions<Variables<D, V>> = {\n        context, errorPolicy, fetchPolicy,\n        ...params,\n        // It's better to let Apollo client throw this error\n        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion\n        query: params?.query ?? this.query!,\n        variables: params?.variables ?? this.variables ?? undefined,\n      };\n\n      this.loading = true;\n\n      try {\n        const result = await this.client.query(options);\n        if (result) // NB: not sure why, but sometimes this returns undefined\n          this.nextData(result);\n        return result;\n      } catch (error) {\n        this.nextError(error);\n        throw error;\n      }\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Exposes the `ObservableQuery#fetchMore` method.\n     * https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/core/ObservableQuery/#ObservableQuery.fetchMore\n     *\n     * The optional `updateQuery` parameter is a function that takes the previous query data,\n     * then a `{ subscriptionData: TSubscriptionResult }` object,\n     * and returns an object with updated query data based on the new results.\n     *\n     * The optional `variables` parameter is an optional new variables object.\n     */\n    fetchMore(params?: Partial<FetchMoreParams<D, V>>): Promise<ApolloQueryResult<Data<D>>> {\n      const options: typeof params = {\n        // It's better to let Apollo client throw this error\n        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion\n        query: params?.query ?? this.query!,\n        updateQuery: params?.updateQuery,\n        /* c8 ignore start */ // covered\n        variables: params?.variables ?? this.variables ?? undefined,\n        context: params?.context ?? this.context,\n        /* c8 ignore stop */\n      };\n\n      this.loading = true;\n\n      this.observableQuery ??=\n        this.watchQuery(options as WatchQueryOptions<Variables<D, V>, Data<V>>);\n\n      return this.observableQuery?.fetchMore(options).then(x => {\n        this.loading = false;\n        return x;\n      });\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an instance of ObservableQuery with the options provided by the element.\n     * - `context` Context to be passed to link execution chain\n     * - `errorPolicy` Specifies the ErrorPolicy to be used for this query\n     * - `fetchPolicy` Specifies the FetchPolicy to be used for this query\n     * - `fetchResults` Whether or not to fetch results\n     * - `metadata` Arbitrary metadata stored in the store with this query. Designed for debugging, developer tools, etc.\n     * - `notifyOnNetworkStatusChange` Whether or not updates to the network status should trigger next on the observer of this query\n     * - `pollInterval` The time interval (in milliseconds) on which this query should be refetched from the server.\n     * - `query` A GraphQL document that consists of a single query to be sent down to the server.\n     * - `variables` A map going from variable name to variable value, where the variables are used within the GraphQL query.\n     */\n    watchQuery(\n      params?: Partial<WatchQueryOptions<Variables<D, V>, Data<D>>>\n    ): ObservableQuery<Data<D>, Variables<D, V>> {\n      if (!this.client)\n        throw new TypeError('No Apollo client. See https://apolloelements.dev/guides/getting-started/apollo-client/'); /* c8 ignore next */ // it's covered\n\n      const options: WatchQueryOptions<Variables<D, V>, Data<D>> = {\n        context: this.context,\n        errorPolicy: this.errorPolicy,\n        fetchPolicy: this.fetchPolicy,\n        notifyOnNetworkStatusChange: this.notifyOnNetworkStatusChange,\n        partialRefetch: this.partialRefetch,\n        pollInterval: this.pollInterval,\n        returnPartialData: this.returnPartialData,\n        nextFetchPolicy: this.nextFetchPolicy,\n        ...params,\n        // It's better to let Apollo client throw this error\n        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion\n        query: params?.query ?? this.query!, /* c8 ignore next */ // it's covered\n        variables: params?.variables ?? this.variables ?? undefined,\n      };\n\n      return this.client.watchQuery(options);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Sets `data`, `loading`, and `error` on the instance when new subscription results arrive.\n     * @private\n     */\n    nextData(result: ApolloQueryResult<Data<D>>): void {\n      this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('apollo-query-result', { detail: result }));\n      this.data = result.data;\n      this.error = result.error ?? null;\n      this.errors = result.errors ?? null;\n      this.loading = result.loading;\n      this.networkStatus = result.networkStatus;\n      this.partial = result.partial;\n      this.onData?.(result); /* c8 ignore next */ // it's covered\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Sets `error` and `loading` on the instance when the subscription errors.\n     * @private\n     */\n    nextError(error: ApolloError): void {\n      this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('apollo-error', { detail: error }));\n      this.error = error;\n      this.loading = false;\n      this.onError?.(error); /* c8 ignore next */ // covered\n    }\n  }\n\n  Object.defineProperties(ApolloQueryElement.prototype, {\n    query: gqlDocument(),\n    networkStatus: writable(NetworkStatus.ready),\n    noAutoSubscribe: booleanAttr('no-auto-subscribe'),\n    /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */\n    options: effect<ApolloQueryElement<any, any>>({\n      name: 'options',\n      init: null,\n      onSet(options: ApolloQueryElement<any, any>['options']) {\n        if (!options) return;\n        this.observableQuery?.setOptions(options);\n      },\n    }),\n    /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */\n  });\n\n  return ApolloQueryElement;\n}\n\n\n/**\n * `ApolloQueryMixin`: class mixin for apollo-query elements.\n */\nexport const ApolloQueryMixin =\n  dedupeMixin(ApolloQueryMixinImpl);\n", "const appliedClassMixins = new WeakMap();\n\n/** Vefify if the Mixin was previously applyed\n * @private\n * @param {function} mixin      Mixin being applyed\n * @param {object} superClass   Class receiving the new mixin\n * @returns {boolean}\n */\nfunction wasMixinPreviouslyApplied(mixin, superClass) {\n  let klass = superClass;\n  while (klass) {\n    if (appliedClassMixins.get(klass) === mixin) {\n      return true;\n    }\n    klass = Object.getPrototypeOf(klass);\n  }\n  return false;\n}\n\n/** Apply each mixin in the chain to make sure they are not applied more than once to the final class.\n * @export\n * @param {function} mixin      Mixin to be applyed\n * @returns {object}            Mixed class with mixin applied\n */\nexport function dedupeMixin(mixin) {\n  return superClass => {\n    if (wasMixinPreviouslyApplied(mixin, superClass)) {\n      return superClass;\n    }\n    const mixedClass = mixin(superClass);\n    appliedClassMixins.set(mixedClass, mixin);\n    return mixedClass;\n  };\n}\n", "import type {\n  ApolloClient,\n  ApolloError,\n  DocumentNode,\n  ErrorPolicy,\n  NormalizedCacheObject,\n  TypedDocumentNode,\n} from '@apollo/client/core';\n\nimport type {\n  ApolloElementElement,\n  ApolloElementInterface,\n  Constructor,\n  GraphQLError,\n} from '@apollo-elements/interfaces';\n\nimport { gql } from '@apollo/client/core';\n\nimport { isValidGql } from '@apollo-elements/lib/is-valid-gql';\nimport { dedupeMixin } from '@open-wc/dedupe-mixin';\nimport { effect, writable } from '@apollo-elements/lib/descriptors';\nimport { stripHTMLComments } from '@apollo-elements/lib/helpers';\n\ndeclare global {\n  interface WindowEventMap {\n    'apollo-element-disconnected': ApolloElementEvent;\n  }\n  interface HTMLElementEventMap {\n    'apollo-element-connected': ApolloElementEvent;\n    'apollo-element-disconnected': ApolloElementEvent;\n    'apollo-error': CustomEvent<ApolloError>;\n  }\n}\n\nconst SCRIPT_SELECTOR =\n  'script[type=\"application/graphql\"]';\n\nfunction capital(string: string): string {\n  return `${string.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase()}${string.substr(1)}`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Fired when an element connects to or disconnects from the DOM\n */\nexport class ApolloElementEvent<T = ApolloElementElement> extends CustomEvent<T> {\n  declare type: 'apollo-element-connected'|'apollo-element-disconnected';\n\n  constructor(type: 'apollo-element-connected'|'apollo-element-disconnected', detail: T) {\n    super(type, {\n      bubbles: true,\n      composed: true,\n      detail,\n    });\n  }\n}\n\ntype MixinInstance =\n  Constructor<ApolloElementInterface> &\n  Pick<typeof ApolloElementInterface, keyof typeof ApolloElementInterface> & {\n    observedAttributes?: string[];\n  };\n\nfunction ApolloElementMixinImplementation<B extends Constructor>(superclass: B): MixinInstance & B {\n  abstract class ApolloElement extends superclass implements Omit<ApolloElementInterface, 'mo'> {\n    static documentType: 'document'|'query'|'mutation'|'subscription' = 'document';\n\n    static get observedAttributes(): string[] {\n      // @ts-expect-error: it might not, but it might\n      const superAttrs = super.observedAttributes ?? []; /* c8 ignore next */ // it's covered\n      return [\n        ...(superAttrs),\n        'error-policy',\n        'fetch-policy',\n      ];\n    }\n\n    /** @summary The Apollo Client instance. */\n    client: ApolloClient<NormalizedCacheObject> | null = window.__APOLLO_CLIENT__ ?? null; /* c8 ignore next */ // covered\n\n    /** @summary Latest data */\n    declare abstract data: unknown | null;\n\n    /**\n     * @summary Operation variables.\n     * An object that maps from the name of a variable as used in the operation's GraphQL document to that variable's value.\n     */\n    declare abstract variables: unknown | null;\n\n    /** @summary Fetch Policy for the operation. */\n    declare abstract fetchPolicy?: string;\n\n    /** @summary Latest error. */\n    declare error: Error | ApolloError | null;\n\n    /** @summary Latest errors. */\n    declare errors: readonly GraphQLError[] | null;\n\n    /** @summary Whether a request is in-flight. */\n    declare loading: boolean;\n\n    /** @summary Context passed to the link execution chain. */\n    declare context?: Record<string, unknown>;\n\n    /** @summary Error Policy for the operation. */\n    declare errorPolicy?: ErrorPolicy;\n\n    private _document: this['document'] = null;\n\n    private _documentSetByJS = false;\n\n    private _variables: this['variables'] = null;\n\n    private _variablesSetByJS = false;\n\n    protected mo?: MutationObserver;\n\n    /**\n     * @summary Operation document.\n     * A GraphQL document containing a single query, mutation, or subscription.\n     * You can set it as a JavaScript property or by appending a GraphQL script to the element (light DOM).\n     */\n    get document(): DocumentNode | TypedDocumentNode | null {\n      return this._document ?? this.getDOMGraphQLDocument(); /* c8 ignore next */ // it's covered\n    }\n\n    set document(document) {\n      this._documentSetByJS = false;\n      if (!document)\n        this._document = null; /* c8 ignore next */ // it's covered\n      else if (!isValidGql(document))\n        throw new TypeError(`${capital((this.constructor as typeof ApolloElementInterface).documentType ?? 'document')} must be a gql-parsed DocumentNode`); /* c8 ignore next */\n      else {\n        this._document = document;\n        this._documentSetByJS = true;\n        if (this.mo) // `isConnected` is unreliable in this case\n          this.documentChanged?.(document); /* c8 ignore next */ // it's covered\n      }\n    }\n\n    constructor(...a: any[]) { super(...a); }\n\n    attributeChangedCallback(name: string, oldVal: string, newVal: string): void {\n      super.attributeChangedCallback?.(name, oldVal, newVal);\n      // @ts-expect-error: ts is not tracking the static side\n      if (super.constructor?.observedAttributes?.includes?.(name))\n        return; /* c8 ignore next */\n\n      switch (name) { /* c8 ignore next */\n        case 'error-policy':\n          this.errorPolicy = newVal as ErrorPolicy;\n          break;/* c8 ignore next */\n        case 'fetch-policy':\n          this.fetchPolicy = newVal as this['fetchPolicy'];\n          break;\n      }\n    }\n\n    connectedCallback(): void {\n      super.connectedCallback?.();\n\n      this.mo = new MutationObserver(this.onDOMMutation.bind(this));\n\n      this.mo.observe(this, { characterData: true, childList: true, subtree: true });\n\n      this._document = this._document ?? this.getDOMGraphQLDocument();\n      this._variables = this._variables ?? this.getDOMVariables();\n\n      this.dispatchEvent(new ApolloElementEvent('apollo-element-connected', this));\n    }\n\n    disconnectedCallback(): void {\n      this.dispatchEvent(new ApolloElementEvent('apollo-element-disconnected', this));\n      window.dispatchEvent(new ApolloElementEvent('apollo-element-disconnected', this));\n      this.mo?.disconnect();\n      super.disconnectedCallback?.();\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Lifecycle callback that reacts to changes in the GraphQL document.\n     * @param document The GraphQL document.\n     */\n    protected documentChanged?(document: this['document']): void\n\n    /**\n     * Lifecycle callback that reacts to changes in the operation variables.\n     * @param variables The variables.\n     */\n    protected variablesChanged?(variables: this['variables']): void\n\n    private onDOMMutation(records: MutationRecord[]): void {\n      const isGQLScriptChanged = (record: MutationRecord) =>\n        [...record?.addedNodes].some(node =>\n          node === this.querySelector(SCRIPT_SELECTOR));\n\n      if (!this._documentSetByJS) {\n        this._document = this.getDOMGraphQLDocument();\n        // notify when the first script child element changes\n        if (records.some(isGQLScriptChanged))\n          this.documentChanged?.(this.document);\n      }\n\n      if (!this._variablesSetByJS)\n        this._variables = this.getDOMVariables();\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Get a GraphQL DocumentNode from the element's GraphQL script child\n     */\n    protected getDOMGraphQLDocument(): this['document'] {\n      const script = this.querySelector<HTMLScriptElement>(SCRIPT_SELECTOR);\n      const text = script?.innerText;\n      if (!text)\n        return null; /* c8 ignore next */ // covered\n      else {\n        try {\n          // admittedly, we have to trust the user here.\n          return gql(stripHTMLComments(text)) as this['document']; /* c8 ignore next */ // covered\n        } catch (err) {\n          this.error = err;\n          return null;\n        }\n      }\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Gets operation variables from the element's JSON script child\n     */\n    protected getDOMVariables(): this['variables'] {\n      const script = this.querySelector<HTMLScriptElement>('script[type=\"application/json\"]');\n      if (!script) return null; /* c8 ignore next */ // covered\n      try {\n        return JSON.parse(script.innerText); /* c8 ignore next */ // covered\n      } catch {\n        return null;\n      }\n    }\n  }\n\n  Object.defineProperties(ApolloElement.prototype, {\n    data: writable(null),\n    error: writable(null),\n    errors: writable(null),\n    loading: writable(false),\n    variables: effect<ApolloElement>({\n      name: 'variables',\n      init: null,\n      onSet(variables: unknown) {\n        // @ts-expect-error: This is essentially a class accessor, I'm working around some TS limitations\n        if (this.mo) // element is connected\n        // @ts-expect-error: This is essentially a class accessor, I'm working around some TS limitations\n          this.variablesChanged?.(variables);\n      },\n    }),\n  });\n\n  // @ts-expect-error: let's pretend it is\n  return ApolloElement;\n}\n\n/**\n * `ApolloElementMixin`: class mixin for apollo custom elements.\n */\nexport const ApolloElementMixin =\n  dedupeMixin(ApolloElementMixinImplementation);\n", "import type { DocumentNode } from '@apollo/client/core';\n\n/**\n * Validates a graphql document node.\n *\n * ```haskell\n * isValidGql :: DocumentNode a => a -> Bool\n * ```\n * @param doc Maybe a DocumentNode\n * @return Whether the argument is a DocumentNode\n */\nexport function isValidGql(doc: any): doc is DocumentNode {\n  return !!(\n    doc &&\n    typeof doc === 'object' &&\n    'kind' in doc &&\n    'definitions' in doc\n  );\n}\n", "import type { ApolloElementInterface } from '@apollo-elements/interfaces/apollo-element';\nimport type { DocumentNode } from '@apollo/client/core';\n\ninterface PropertyEffectOptions<C extends HTMLElement> {\n  /** Name of the property. */\n  name: keyof C,\n  /** The property's initial value. */\n  init?: C[keyof C];\n  /**\n   * Side effect to run when setting the property.\n   *\n   * @this bound to the element instance.\n   * @param value The new value.\n   */\n  onSet(this: C, value: C[keyof C]): void;\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a `PropertyDescriptor` for a boolean property that reflects to a boolean attribute\n *\n * @param  attr Attribute name\n */\nexport function booleanAttr<C extends ApolloElementInterface>(attr: string): PropertyDescriptor {\n  return {\n    configurable: true,\n    enumerable: true,\n\n    get(this: C): boolean {\n      return this.hasAttribute(attr);\n    },\n\n    set(this: C, v: boolean) {\n      if (v)\n        this.setAttribute(attr, ''); /* c8 ignore next */ // ??\n      else\n        this.removeAttribute(attr);\n    },\n\n  };\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a `PropertyDescriptor` for a property that runs a given side effect when set.\n *\n * @param options Configuration for the property: it's name, initial value, and setter side-effect.\n */\nexport function effect<C extends HTMLElement>(\n  options: PropertyEffectOptions<C>\n): PropertyDescriptor {\n  const { name, init, onSet } = options;\n  const privateName = `_${name}` as typeof name; // little white lies\n  return {\n    configurable: true,\n    enumerable: true,\n\n    get(this: C) {\n      return this[privateName] ?? init;\n    },\n\n    set(this: C, value) {\n      this[privateName] = value;\n      onSet.call(this, value);\n    },\n  };\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a `PropertyDescriptor` for an `ApolloElement`'s `document` property.\n */\nexport function gqlDocument<C extends ApolloElementInterface>(): PropertyDescriptor {\n  return {\n    configurable: true,\n    enumerable: true,\n\n    get(this: C): DocumentNode | null {\n      return this.document;\n    },\n\n    set(this: C, document) {\n      this.document = document;\n    },\n\n  };\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a `PropertyDescriptor` for a writable property.\n *\n * @param  init The property's initial value.\n */\nexport function writable(init?: unknown): PropertyDescriptor {\n  return {\n    configurable: true,\n    enumerable: true,\n    writable: true,\n    value: init,\n  };\n}\n", "/** Splits a string by `,` then trims each of the results */\nexport function splitCommasAndTrim(value: string): string[] {\n  return value\n    .split(',')\n    .map(x => x.trim())\n    .filter(Boolean);\n}\n\nexport function stripHTMLComments(string: string): string {\n  return string.replace?.(/<!---->/g, '');\n}\n\n/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/ban-types, @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */\ntype ObjectOrArray = object | any[];\n/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/ban-types, @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */\n\n/**\n * Is an object or array empty?\n * @param  x object or array\n */\nexport function isEmpty(x: ObjectOrArray): boolean {\n  const { length } = Array.isArray(x) ? x : Object.keys(x);\n  return !length;\n}\n", "import type { ApolloError, OperationVariables } from '@apollo/client/core';\nimport type {\n  ApolloQueryInterface,\n  Constructor,\n  Data,\n  GraphQLError,\n} from '@apollo-elements/interfaces';\n\nimport { ApolloQueryMixin } from '@apollo-elements/mixins/apollo-query-mixin';\nimport { NetworkStatus } from '@apollo/client/core';\n\nimport { StampinoRender, property } from './stampino-render';\n\ndeclare global { interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { 'apollo-query': ApolloQueryElement } }\n\nexport type ApolloQueryModel<D, V> = Pick<ApolloQueryElement<D, V>,\n  | 'data'\n  | 'error'\n  | 'errors'\n  | 'loading'\n  | 'networkStatus'\n>;\n\n/**\n * @element apollo-query\n *\n * Render a GraphQL query to the DOM\n *\n * @example Render a query to Shadow DOM\n * ```html\n * <apollo-query>\n *   <script type=\"application/graphql\">\n *     query MyProfile {\n *       profile { name picture }\n *     }\n *   </script>\n *   <template>\n *     <img loading=\"lazy\" src=\"{{ data.profile.picture }}\" alt=\"{{ data.profile.name }}\"/>\n *   </template>\n * </apollo-query>\n * ```\n *\n * @example Setting query and variables using the DOM\n * ```html\n * <apollo-query id=\"query-element\" template=\"avatar-template\"></apollo-query>\n *\n * <template id=\"avatar-template\">\n *   <img loading=\"lazy\" src=\"{{ data.profile.picture }}\" alt=\"{{ data.profile.name }}\"/>\n * </template>\n *\n * <script type=\"module\">\n *   import { gql } from '@apollo/client/core';\n *   const el = document.getElementById('query-element');\n *   el.query = gql`\n *     query MyProfile($size: Int) {\n *       profile { name picture(size: $size) }\n *     }\n *   `;\n *   el.variables = { size: 48 };\n * </script>\n * ```\n */\nexport class ApolloQueryElement<D = unknown, V = OperationVariables>\n  extends ApolloQueryMixin<Constructor<StampinoRender & HTMLElement>>(StampinoRender)<D, V>\n  implements ApolloQueryInterface<D, V> {\n  static get is(): 'apollo-query' { return 'apollo-query'; }\n\n  @property() data: Data<D>|null = null;\n\n  @property() error: Error|ApolloError|null = null;\n\n  @property() errors: readonly GraphQLError[] = [];\n\n  @property({ reflect: true, init: false }) loading = false;\n\n  @property({ reflect: true, init: NetworkStatus.ready }) networkStatus = NetworkStatus.ready;\n\n  protected get model(): ApolloQueryModel<D, V> {\n    const { data, error, errors, loading, networkStatus } = this;\n    return { data, error, errors, loading, networkStatus };\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Call to render the element's template using the query result.\n   * Templates can access `data`, `error`, `errors`, `loading`, and `networkStatus` properties.\n   * Rendering is synchronous and incremental.\n   *\n   * @summary Render the template with the query result.\n   */\n  public render(): void {\n    super.render();\n  }\n}\n\ncustomElements.define(ApolloQueryElement.is, ApolloQueryElement);\n", "/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2017 Google LLC\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause\n */\n\n// IMPORTANT: these imports must be type-only\nimport type {Directive, DirectiveResult, PartInfo} from './directive.js';\n\nconst DEV_MODE = true;\nconst ENABLE_EXTRA_SECURITY_HOOKS = true;\nconst ENABLE_SHADYDOM_NOPATCH = true;\n\nif (DEV_MODE) {\n  console.warn('lit-html is in dev mode. Not recommended for production!');\n}\n\nconst wrap =\n  ENABLE_SHADYDOM_NOPATCH &&\n  window.ShadyDOM?.inUse &&\n  window.ShadyDOM?.noPatch === true\n    ? window.ShadyDOM!.wrap\n    : (node: Node) => node;\n\n/**\n * Used to sanitize any value before it is written into the DOM. This can be\n * used to implement a security policy of allowed and disallowed values in\n * order to prevent XSS attacks.\n *\n * One way of using this callback would be to check attributes and properties\n * against a list of high risk fields, and require that values written to such\n * fields be instances of a class which is safe by construction. Closure's Safe\n * HTML Types is one implementation of this technique (\n * https://github.com/google/safe-html-types/blob/master/doc/safehtml-types.md).\n * The TrustedTypes polyfill in API-only mode could also be used as a basis\n * for this technique (https://github.com/WICG/trusted-types).\n *\n * @param node The HTML node (usually either a #text node or an Element) that\n *     is being written to. Note that this is just an exemplar node, the write\n *     may take place against another instance of the same class of node.\n * @param name The name of an attribute or property (for example, 'href').\n * @param type Indicates whether the write that's about to be performed will\n *     be to a property or a node.\n * @return A function that will sanitize this class of writes.\n */\nexport type SanitizerFactory = (\n  node: Node,\n  name: string,\n  type: 'property' | 'attribute'\n) => ValueSanitizer;\n\n/**\n * A function which can sanitize values that will be written to a specific kind\n * of DOM sink.\n *\n * See SanitizerFactory.\n *\n * @param value The value to sanitize. Will be the actual value passed into\n *     the lit-html template literal, so this could be of any type.\n * @return The value to write to the DOM. Usually the same as the input value,\n *     unless sanitization is needed.\n */\nexport type ValueSanitizer = (value: unknown) => unknown;\n\nconst identityFunction: ValueSanitizer = (value: unknown) => value;\nconst noopSanitizer: SanitizerFactory = (\n  _node: Node,\n  _name: string,\n  _type: 'property' | 'attribute'\n) => identityFunction;\n\n/** Sets the global sanitizer factory. */\nconst setSanitizer = (newSanitizer: SanitizerFactory) => {\n  if (!ENABLE_EXTRA_SECURITY_HOOKS) {\n    return;\n  }\n  if (sanitizerFactoryInternal !== noopSanitizer) {\n    throw new Error(\n      `Attempted to overwrite existing lit-html security policy.` +\n        ` setSanitizeDOMValueFactory should be called at most once.`\n    );\n  }\n  sanitizerFactoryInternal = newSanitizer;\n};\n\n/**\n * Only used in internal tests, not a part of the public API.\n */\nconst _testOnlyClearSanitizerFactoryDoNotCallOrElse = () => {\n  sanitizerFactoryInternal = noopSanitizer;\n};\n\nconst createSanitizer: SanitizerFactory = (node, name, type) => {\n  return sanitizerFactoryInternal(node, name, type);\n};\n\n// Added to an attribute name to mark the attribute as bound so we can find\n// it easily.\nconst boundAttributeSuffix = '$lit$';\n\n// This marker is used in many syntactic positions in HTML, so it must be\n// a valid element name and attribute name. We don't support dynamic names (yet)\n// but this at least ensures that the parse tree is closer to the template\n// intention.\nconst marker = `lit$${String(Math.random()).slice(9)}$`;\n\n// String used to tell if a comment is a marker comment\nconst markerMatch = '?' + marker;\n\n// Text used to insert a comment marker node. We use processing instruction\n// syntax because it's slightly smaller, but parses as a comment node.\nconst nodeMarker = `<${markerMatch}>`;\n\nconst d = document;\n\n// Creates a dynamic marker. We never have to search for these in the DOM.\nconst createMarker = (v = '') => d.createComment(v);\n\n// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-typeof-operator\ntype Primitive = null | undefined | boolean | number | string | symbol | bigint;\nconst isPrimitive = (value: unknown): value is Primitive =>\n  value === null || (typeof value != 'object' && typeof value != 'function');\nconst isArray = Array.isArray;\nconst isIterable = (value: unknown): value is Iterable<unknown> =>\n  isArray(value) ||\n  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\n  typeof (value as any)?.[Symbol.iterator] === 'function';\n\nconst SPACE_CHAR = `[ \\t\\n\\f\\r]`;\nconst ATTR_VALUE_CHAR = `[^ \\t\\n\\f\\r\"'\\`<>=]`;\nconst NAME_CHAR = `[^\\\\s\"'>=/]`;\n\n// These regexes represent the five parsing states that we care about in the\n// Template's HTML scanner. They match the *end* of the state they're named\n// after.\n// Depending on the match, we transition to a new state. If there's no match,\n// we stay in the same state.\n// Note that the regexes are stateful. We utilize lastIndex and sync it\n// across the multiple regexes used. In addition to the five regexes below\n// we also dynamically create a regex to find the matching end tags for raw\n// text elements.\n\n/**\n * End of text is: `<` followed by:\n *   (comment start) or (tag) or (dynamic tag binding)\n */\nconst textEndRegex = /<(?:(!--|\\/[^a-zA-Z])|(\\/?[a-zA-Z][^>\\s]*)|(\\/?$))/g;\nconst COMMENT_START = 1;\nconst TAG_NAME = 2;\nconst DYNAMIC_TAG_NAME = 3;\n\nconst commentEndRegex = /-->/g;\n/**\n * Comments not started with <!--, like </{, can be ended by a single `>`\n */\nconst comment2EndRegex = />/g;\n\n/**\n * The tagEnd regex matches the end of the \"inside an opening\" tag syntax\n * position. It either matches a `>`, an attribute-like sequence, or the end\n * of the string after a space (attribute-name position ending).\n *\n * See attributes in the HTML spec:\n * https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#elements-attributes\n *\n * \" \\t\\n\\f\\r\" are HTML space characters:\n * https://infra.spec.whatwg.org/#ascii-whitespace\n *\n * So an attribute is:\n *  * The name: any character except a whitespace character, (\"), ('), \">\",\n *    \"=\", or \"/\". Note: this is different from the HTML spec which also excludes control characters.\n *  * Followed by zero or more space characters\n *  * Followed by \"=\"\n *  * Followed by zero or more space characters\n *  * Followed by:\n *    * Any character except space, ('), (\"), \"<\", \">\", \"=\", (`), or\n *    * (\") then any non-(\"), or\n *    * (') then any non-(')\n */\nconst tagEndRegex = new RegExp(\n  `>|${SPACE_CHAR}(?:(${NAME_CHAR}+)(${SPACE_CHAR}*=${SPACE_CHAR}*(?:${ATTR_VALUE_CHAR}|(\"|')|))|$)`,\n  'g'\n);\nconst ENTIRE_MATCH = 0;\nconst ATTRIBUTE_NAME = 1;\nconst SPACES_AND_EQUALS = 2;\nconst QUOTE_CHAR = 3;\n\nconst singleQuoteAttrEndRegex = /'/g;\nconst doubleQuoteAttrEndRegex = /\"/g;\n/**\n * Matches the raw text elements.\n *\n * Comments are not parsed within raw text elements, so we need to search their\n * text content for marker strings.\n */\nconst rawTextElement = /^(?:script|style|textarea)$/i;\n\n/** TemplateResult types */\nconst HTML_RESULT = 1;\nconst SVG_RESULT = 2;\n\ntype ResultType = typeof HTML_RESULT | typeof SVG_RESULT;\n\n// TemplatePart types\n// IMPORTANT: these must match the values in PartType\nconst ATTRIBUTE_PART = 1;\nconst CHILD_PART = 2;\nconst PROPERTY_PART = 3;\nconst BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTE_PART = 4;\nconst EVENT_PART = 5;\nconst ELEMENT_PART = 6;\nconst COMMENT_PART = 7;\n\n/**\n * The return type of the template tag functions.\n */\nexport type TemplateResult<T extends ResultType = ResultType> = {\n  _$litType$: T;\n  // TODO (justinfagnani): consider shorter names, like `s` and `v`. This is a\n  // semi-public API though. We can't just let Terser rename them for us,\n  // because we need TemplateResults to work between compatible versions of\n  // lit-html.\n  strings: TemplateStringsArray;\n  values: unknown[];\n};\n\nexport type SVGTemplateResult = TemplateResult<typeof SVG_RESULT>;\n\nexport interface CompiledTemplateResult {\n  // This is a factory in order to make template initialization lazy\n  // and allow ShadyRenderOptions scope to be passed in.\n  _$litType$: CompiledTemplate;\n  values: unknown[];\n}\n\nexport interface CompiledTemplate extends Omit<Template, 'el'> {\n  // el is overridden to be optional. We initialize it on first render\n  el?: HTMLTemplateElement;\n\n  // The prepared HTML string to create a template element from.\n  h: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Generates a template literal tag function that returns a TemplateResult with\n * the given result type.\n */\nconst tag = <T extends ResultType>(_$litType$: T) => (\n  strings: TemplateStringsArray,\n  ...values: unknown[]\n): TemplateResult<T> => ({\n  _$litType$,\n  strings,\n  values,\n});\n\n/**\n * Interprets a template literal as an HTML template that can efficiently\n * render to and update a container.\n */\nexport const html = tag(HTML_RESULT);\n\n/**\n * Interprets a template literal as an SVG template that can efficiently\n * render to and update a container.\n */\nexport const svg = tag(SVG_RESULT);\n\n/**\n * A sentinel value that signals that a value was handled by a directive and\n * should not be written to the DOM.\n */\nexport const noChange = Symbol.for('lit-noChange');\n\n/**\n * A sentinel value that signals a ChildPart to fully clear its content.\n */\nexport const nothing = Symbol.for('lit-nothing');\n\n/**\n * The cache of prepared templates, keyed by the tagged TemplateStringsArray\n * and _not_ accounting for the specific template tag used. This means that\n * template tags cannot be dynamic - the must statically be one of html, svg,\n * or attr. This restriction simplifies the cache lookup, which is on the hot\n * path for rendering.\n */\nconst templateCache = new WeakMap<TemplateStringsArray, Template>();\n\nexport interface RenderOptions {\n  /**\n   * An object to use as the `this` value for event listeners. It's often\n   * useful to set this to the host component rendering a template.\n   */\n  host?: object;\n  /**\n   * A DOM node before which to render content in the container.\n   */\n  renderBefore?: ChildNode | null;\n  /**\n   * Node used for cloning the template (`importNode` will be called on this\n   * node). This controls the `ownerDocument` of the rendered DOM, along with\n   * any inherited context. Defaults to the global `document`.\n   */\n  creationScope?: {importNode(node: Node, deep?: boolean): Node};\n}\n\n/**\n * Renders a value, usually a lit-html TemplateResult, to the container.\n * @param value\n * @param container\n * @param options\n */\nexport const render = (\n  value: unknown,\n  container: HTMLElement | DocumentFragment,\n  options?: RenderOptions\n): ChildPart => {\n  const partOwnerNode = options?.renderBefore ?? container;\n  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\n  let part: ChildPart = (partOwnerNode as any)._$litPart$;\n  if (part === undefined) {\n    const endNode = options?.renderBefore ?? null;\n    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\n    (partOwnerNode as any)._$litPart$ = part = new ChildPartImpl(\n      container.insertBefore(createMarker(), endNode),\n      endNode,\n      undefined,\n      options\n    );\n  }\n  part._$setValue(value);\n  return part;\n};\n\nif (ENABLE_EXTRA_SECURITY_HOOKS) {\n  render.setSanitizer = setSanitizer;\n  render.createSanitizer = createSanitizer;\n  if (DEV_MODE) {\n    render._testOnlyClearSanitizerFactoryDoNotCallOrElse = _testOnlyClearSanitizerFactoryDoNotCallOrElse;\n  }\n}\n\nconst walker = d.createTreeWalker(\n  d,\n  133 /* NodeFilter.SHOW_{ELEMENT|COMMENT|TEXT} */,\n  null,\n  false\n);\n\nlet sanitizerFactoryInternal: SanitizerFactory = noopSanitizer;\n\n//\n// Classes only below here, const variable declarations only above here...\n//\n// Keeping variable declarations and classes together improves minification.\n// Interfaces and type aliases can be interleaved freely.\n//\n\n// Type for classes that have a `_directive` or `_directives[]` field, used by\n// `resolveDirective`\nexport interface DirectiveParent {\n  _$parent?: DirectiveParent;\n  __directive?: Directive;\n  __directives?: Array<Directive | undefined>;\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an HTML string for the given TemplateStringsArray and result type\n * (HTML or SVG), along with the case-sensitive bound attribute names in\n * template order. The HTML contains comment comment markers denoting the\n * `ChildPart`s and suffixes on bound attributes denoting the `AttributeParts`.\n *\n * @param strings template strings array\n * @param type HTML or SVG\n * @return Array containing `[html, attrNames]` (array returned for terseness,\n *     to avoid object fields since this code is shared with non-minified SSR\n *     code)\n */\nconst getTemplateHtml = (\n  strings: TemplateStringsArray,\n  type: ResultType\n): [string, Array<string | undefined>] => {\n  // Insert makers into the template HTML to represent the position of\n  // bindings. The following code scans the template strings to determine the\n  // syntactic position of the bindings. They can be in text position, where\n  // we insert an HTML comment, attribute value position, where we insert a\n  // sentinel string and re-write the attribute name, or inside a tag where\n  // we insert the sentinel string.\n  const l = strings.length - 1;\n  // Stores the case-sensitive bound attribute names in the order of their\n  // parts. ElementParts are also reflected in this array as undefined\n  // rather than a string, to disambiguate from attribute bindings.\n  const attrNames: Array<string | undefined> = [];\n  let html = type === SVG_RESULT ? '<svg>' : '';\n\n  // When we're inside a raw text tag (not it's text content), the regex\n  // will still be tagRegex so we can find attributes, but will switch to\n  // this regex when the tag ends.\n  let rawTextEndRegex: RegExp | undefined;\n\n  // The current parsing state, represented as a reference to one of the\n  // regexes\n  let regex = textEndRegex;\n\n  for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) {\n    const s = strings[i];\n    // The index of the end of the last attribute name. When this is\n    // positive at end of a string, it means we're in an attribute value\n    // position and need to rewrite the attribute name.\n    // We also use a special value of -2 to indicate that we encountered\n    // the end of a string in attribute name position.\n    let attrNameEndIndex = -1;\n    let attrName: string | undefined;\n    let lastIndex = 0;\n    let match!: RegExpExecArray | null;\n\n    // The conditions in this loop handle the current parse state, and the\n    // assignments to the `regex` variable are the state transitions.\n    while (lastIndex < s.length) {\n      // Make sure we start searching from where we previously left off\n      regex.lastIndex = lastIndex;\n      match = regex.exec(s);\n      if (match === null) {\n        break;\n      }\n      lastIndex = regex.lastIndex;\n      if (regex === textEndRegex) {\n        if (match[COMMENT_START] === '!--') {\n          regex = commentEndRegex;\n        } else if (match[COMMENT_START] !== undefined) {\n          // We started a weird comment, like </{\n          regex = comment2EndRegex;\n        } else if (match[TAG_NAME] !== undefined) {\n          if (rawTextElement.test(match[TAG_NAME])) {\n            // Record if we encounter a raw-text element. We'll switch to\n            // this regex at the end of the tag.\n            rawTextEndRegex = new RegExp(`</${match[TAG_NAME]}`, 'g');\n          }\n          regex = tagEndRegex;\n        } else if (match[DYNAMIC_TAG_NAME] !== undefined) {\n          // dynamic tag name\n          regex = tagEndRegex;\n        }\n      } else if (regex === tagEndRegex) {\n        if (match[ENTIRE_MATCH] === '>') {\n          // End of a tag. If we had started a raw-text element, use that\n          // regex\n          regex = rawTextEndRegex ?? textEndRegex;\n          // We may be ending an unquoted attribute value, so make sure we\n          // clear any pending attrNameEndIndex\n          attrNameEndIndex = -1;\n        } else if (match[ATTRIBUTE_NAME] === undefined) {\n          // Attribute name position\n          attrNameEndIndex = -2;\n        } else {\n          attrNameEndIndex = regex.lastIndex - match[SPACES_AND_EQUALS].length;\n          attrName = match[ATTRIBUTE_NAME];\n          regex =\n            match[QUOTE_CHAR] === undefined\n              ? tagEndRegex\n              : match[QUOTE_CHAR] === '\"'\n              ? doubleQuoteAttrEndRegex\n              : singleQuoteAttrEndRegex;\n        }\n      } else if (\n        regex === doubleQuoteAttrEndRegex ||\n        regex === singleQuoteAttrEndRegex\n      ) {\n        regex = tagEndRegex;\n      } else if (regex === commentEndRegex || regex === comment2EndRegex) {\n        regex = textEndRegex;\n      } else {\n        // Not one of the five state regexes, so it must be the dynamically\n        // created raw text regex and we're at the close of that element.\n        regex = tagEndRegex;\n        rawTextEndRegex = undefined;\n      }\n    }\n\n    if (DEV_MODE) {\n      // If we have a attrNameEndIndex, which indicates that we should\n      // rewrite the attribute name, assert that we're in a valid attribute\n      // position - either in a tag, or a quoted attribute value.\n      console.assert(\n        attrNameEndIndex === -1 ||\n          regex === tagEndRegex ||\n          regex === singleQuoteAttrEndRegex ||\n          regex === doubleQuoteAttrEndRegex,\n        'unexpected parse state B'\n      );\n    }\n\n    // We have four cases:\n    //  1. We're in text position, and not in a raw text element\n    //     (regex === textEndRegex): insert a comment marker.\n    //  2. We have a non-negative attrNameEndIndex which means we need to\n    //     rewrite the attribute name to add a bound attribute suffix.\n    //  3. We're at the non-first binding in a multi-binding attribute, use a\n    //     plain marker.\n    //  4. We're somewhere else inside the tag. If we're in attribute name\n    //     position (attrNameEndIndex === -2), add a sequential suffix to\n    //     generate a unique attribute name.\n\n    // Detect a binding next to self-closing tag end and insert a space to\n    // separate the marker from the tag end:\n    const end =\n      regex === tagEndRegex && strings[i + 1].startsWith('/>') ? ' ' : '';\n    html +=\n      regex === textEndRegex\n        ? s + nodeMarker\n        : attrNameEndIndex >= 0\n        ? (attrNames.push(attrName!),\n          s.slice(0, attrNameEndIndex) +\n            boundAttributeSuffix +\n            s.slice(attrNameEndIndex)) +\n          marker +\n          end\n        : s +\n          marker +\n          (attrNameEndIndex === -2 ? (attrNames.push(undefined), i) : end);\n  }\n\n  // Returned as an array for terseness\n  return [\n    // We don't technically need to close the SVG tag since the parser will\n    // handle it for us, but the SSR parser doesn't like that.\n    // Note that the html must end with a node after the final expression to\n    // ensure the last ChildPart has an end node, hence adding a comment if the\n    // last string was empty.\n    html + (strings[l] || '<?>') + (type === SVG_RESULT ? '</svg>' : ''),\n    attrNames,\n  ];\n};\n\nexport type {Template};\nclass Template {\n  /** @internal */\n  el!: HTMLTemplateElement;\n  /** @internal */\n  parts: Array<TemplatePart> = [];\n\n  constructor(\n    {strings, _$litType$: type}: TemplateResult,\n    options?: RenderOptions\n  ) {\n    let node: Node | null;\n    let nodeIndex = 0;\n    let bindingIndex = 0;\n    let attrNameIndex = 0;\n    const l = strings.length - 1;\n\n    // Create template element\n    const [html, attrNames] = getTemplateHtml(strings, type);\n    this.el = Template.createElement(html, options);\n    walker.currentNode = this.el.content;\n\n    // Reparent SVG nodes into template root\n    if (type === SVG_RESULT) {\n      const content = this.el.content;\n      const svgElement = content.firstChild!;\n      svgElement.remove();\n      content.append(...svgElement.childNodes);\n    }\n\n    // Walk the template to find binding markers and create TemplateParts\n    while ((node = walker.nextNode()) !== null && bindingIndex < l) {\n      if (node.nodeType === 1) {\n        // TODO (justinfagnani): for attempted dynamic tag names, we don't\n        // increment the bindingIndex, and it'll be off by 1 in the element\n        // and off by two after it.\n        if ((node as Element).hasAttributes()) {\n          // We defer removing bound attributes because on IE we might not be\n          // iterating attributes in their template order, and would sometimes\n          // remove an attribute that we still need to create a part for.\n          const attrsToRemove = [];\n          for (const name of (node as Element).getAttributeNames()) {\n            // `name` is the name of the attribute we're iterating over, but not\n            // _neccessarily_ the name of the attribute we will create a part\n            // for. They can be different in browsers that don't iterate on\n            // attributes in source order. In that case the attrNames array\n            // contains the attribute name we'll process next. We only need the\n            // attribute name here to know if we should process a bound attribute\n            // on this element.\n            if (\n              name.endsWith(boundAttributeSuffix) ||\n              name.startsWith(marker)\n            ) {\n              const realName = attrNames[attrNameIndex++];\n              attrsToRemove.push(name);\n              if (realName !== undefined) {\n                // Lowercase for case-sensitive SVG attributes like viewBox\n                const value = (node as Element).getAttribute(\n                  realName.toLowerCase() + boundAttributeSuffix\n                )!;\n                const statics = value.split(marker);\n                const m = /([.?@])?(.*)/.exec(realName)!;\n                this.parts.push({\n                  type: ATTRIBUTE_PART,\n                  index: nodeIndex,\n                  name: m[2],\n                  strings: statics,\n                  ctor:\n                    m[1] === '.'\n                      ? PropertyPartImpl\n                      : m[1] === '?'\n                      ? BooleanAttributePartImpl\n                      : m[1] === '@'\n                      ? EventPartImpl\n                      : AttributePartImpl,\n                });\n                bindingIndex += statics.length - 1;\n              } else {\n                this.parts.push({\n                  type: ELEMENT_PART,\n                  index: nodeIndex,\n                });\n              }\n            }\n          }\n          for (const name of attrsToRemove) {\n            (node as Element).removeAttribute(name);\n          }\n        }\n        // TODO (justinfagnani): benchmark the regex against testing for each\n        // of the 3 raw text element names.\n        if (rawTextElement.test((node as Element).tagName)) {\n          // For raw text elements we need to split the text content on\n          // markers, create a Text node for each segment, and create\n          // a TemplatePart for each marker.\n          const strings = (node as Element).textContent!.split(marker);\n          const lastIndex = strings.length - 1;\n          if (lastIndex > 0) {\n            (node as Element).textContent = '';\n            // Generate a new text node for each literal section\n            // These nodes are also used as the markers for node parts\n            // We can't use empty text nodes as markers because they're\n            // normalized in some browsers (TODO: check)\n            for (let i = 0; i < lastIndex; i++) {\n              (node as Element).append(strings[i] || createMarker());\n              this.parts.push({type: CHILD_PART, index: ++nodeIndex});\n              bindingIndex++;\n            }\n            (node as Element).append(strings[lastIndex] || createMarker());\n          }\n        }\n      } else if (node.nodeType === 8) {\n        const data = (node as Comment).data;\n        if (data === markerMatch) {\n          bindingIndex++;\n          this.parts.push({type: CHILD_PART, index: nodeIndex});\n        } else {\n          let i = -1;\n          while ((i = (node as Comment).data.indexOf(marker, i + 1)) !== -1) {\n            // Comment node has a binding marker inside, make an inactive part\n            // The binding won't work, but subsequent bindings will\n            // TODO (justinfagnani): consider whether it's even worth it to\n            // make bindings in comments work\n            this.parts.push({type: COMMENT_PART, index: nodeIndex});\n            bindingIndex++;\n            // Move to the end of the match\n            i += marker.length - 1;\n          }\n        }\n      }\n      nodeIndex++;\n    }\n  }\n\n  // Overridden via `litHtmlPlatformSupport` to provide platform support.\n  static createElement(html: string, _options?: RenderOptions) {\n    const el = d.createElement('template');\n    el.innerHTML = html;\n    return el;\n  }\n}\n\nexport interface Disconnectable {\n  _$parent?: Disconnectable;\n  _$disconnetableChildren?: Set<Disconnectable>;\n}\n\nfunction resolveDirective(\n  part: ChildPart | AttributePart | ElementPart,\n  value: unknown,\n  parent: DirectiveParent = part,\n  attributeIndex?: number\n): unknown {\n  // Bail early if the value is explicitly noChange. Note, this means any\n  // nested directive is still attached and is not run.\n  if (value === noChange) {\n    return value;\n  }\n  let currentDirective =\n    attributeIndex !== undefined\n      ? (parent as AttributePart).__directives?.[attributeIndex]\n      : (parent as ChildPart | ElementPart | Directive).__directive;\n  const nextDirectiveConstructor = isPrimitive(value)\n    ? undefined\n    : (value as DirectiveResult)._$litDirective$;\n  if (currentDirective?.constructor !== nextDirectiveConstructor) {\n    currentDirective?._$setDirectiveConnected?.(false);\n    if (nextDirectiveConstructor === undefined) {\n      currentDirective = undefined;\n    } else {\n      currentDirective = new nextDirectiveConstructor(part as PartInfo);\n      currentDirective._$initialize(part, parent, attributeIndex);\n    }\n    if (attributeIndex !== undefined) {\n      ((parent as AttributePart).__directives ??= [])[\n        attributeIndex\n      ] = currentDirective;\n    } else {\n      (parent as ChildPart | Directive).__directive = currentDirective;\n    }\n  }\n  if (currentDirective !== undefined) {\n    value = resolveDirective(\n      part,\n      currentDirective._$resolve(part, (value as DirectiveResult).values),\n      currentDirective,\n      attributeIndex\n    );\n  }\n  return value;\n}\n\n/**\n * An updateable instance of a Template. Holds references to the Parts used to\n * update the template instance.\n */\nclass TemplateInstance {\n  /** @internal */\n  _$template: Template;\n  /** @internal */\n  _parts: Array<Part | undefined> = [];\n\n  /** @internal */\n  _$parent: Disconnectable;\n  /** @internal */\n  _$disconnetableChildren?: Set<Disconnectable> = undefined;\n\n  constructor(template: Template, parent: ChildPart) {\n    this._$template = template;\n    this._$parent = parent;\n  }\n\n  // This method is separate from the constructor because we need to return a\n  // DocumentFragment and we don't want to hold onto it with an instance field.\n  _clone(options: RenderOptions | undefined) {\n    const {\n      el: {content},\n      parts: parts,\n    } = this._$template;\n    const fragment = (options?.creationScope ?? d).importNode(content, true);\n    walker.currentNode = fragment;\n\n    let node = walker.nextNode();\n    let nodeIndex = 0;\n    let partIndex = 0;\n    let templatePart = parts[0];\n\n    while (templatePart !== undefined && node !== null) {\n      if (nodeIndex === templatePart.index) {\n        let part: Part | undefined;\n        if (templatePart.type === CHILD_PART) {\n          part = new ChildPartImpl(\n            node as HTMLElement,\n            node.nextSibling,\n            this,\n            options\n          );\n        } else if (templatePart.type === ATTRIBUTE_PART) {\n          part = new templatePart.ctor(\n            node as HTMLElement,\n            templatePart.name,\n            templatePart.strings,\n            this,\n            options\n          );\n        } else if (templatePart.type === ELEMENT_PART) {\n          part = new ElementPartImpl(node as HTMLElement, this, options);\n        }\n        this._parts.push(part);\n        templatePart = parts[++partIndex];\n      }\n      if (templatePart !== undefined && nodeIndex !== templatePart.index) {\n        node = walker.nextNode();\n        nodeIndex++;\n      }\n    }\n    return fragment;\n  }\n\n  _update(values: Array<unknown>) {\n    let i = 0;\n    for (const part of this._parts) {\n      if (part !== undefined) {\n        if ((part as AttributePart).strings !== undefined) {\n          (part as AttributePart)._$setValue(values, part as AttributePart, i);\n          // The number of values the part consumes is part.strings.length - 1\n          // since values are in between template spans. We increment i by 1\n          // later in the loop, so increment it by part.strings.length - 2 here\n          i += (part as AttributePart).strings!.length - 2;\n        } else {\n          part._$setValue(values[i]);\n        }\n      }\n      i++;\n    }\n  }\n}\n\n/*\n * Parts\n */\ntype AttributePartConstructor = {\n  new (\n    element: HTMLElement,\n    name: string,\n    strings: ReadonlyArray<string>,\n    parent: Disconnectable | undefined,\n    options: RenderOptions | undefined\n  ): AttributePart;\n};\ntype AttributeTemplatePart = {\n  readonly type: typeof ATTRIBUTE_PART;\n  readonly index: number;\n  readonly name: string;\n  /** @internal */\n  readonly ctor: AttributePartConstructor;\n  /** @internal */\n  readonly strings: ReadonlyArray<string>;\n};\ntype NodeTemplatePart = {\n  readonly type: typeof CHILD_PART;\n  readonly index: number;\n};\ntype ElementPartConstructor = {\n  new (\n    element: HTMLElement,\n    parent: Disconnectable | undefined,\n    options: RenderOptions | undefined\n  ): ElementPart;\n};\ntype ElementTemplatePart = {\n  readonly type: typeof ELEMENT_PART;\n  readonly index: number;\n};\ntype CommentTemplatePart = {\n  readonly type: typeof COMMENT_PART;\n  readonly index: number;\n};\n\n/**\n * A TemplatePart represents a dynamic part in a template, before the template\n * is instantiated. When a template is instantiated Parts are created from\n * TemplateParts.\n */\ntype TemplatePart =\n  | NodeTemplatePart\n  | AttributeTemplatePart\n  | ElementTemplatePart\n  | CommentTemplatePart;\n\nexport type Part =\n  | ChildPart\n  | AttributePart\n  | PropertyPart\n  | BooleanAttributePart\n  | ElementPart\n  | EventPart;\n\ntype Interface<T> = {[P in keyof T]: T[P]};\n\nexport type ChildPart = Interface<ChildPartImpl>;\nclass ChildPartImpl {\n  readonly type = CHILD_PART;\n  readonly options: RenderOptions | undefined;\n  _$committedValue: unknown;\n  /** @internal */\n  __directive?: Directive;\n  /** @internal */\n  _$startNode: ChildNode;\n  /** @internal */\n  _$endNode: ChildNode | null;\n  private _textSanitizer: ValueSanitizer | undefined;\n  /** @internal */\n  _$parent: Disconnectable | undefined;\n\n  // The following fields will be patched onto ChildParts when required by\n  // AsyncDirective\n  /** @internal */\n  _$disconnetableChildren?: Set<Disconnectable> = undefined;\n  /** @internal */\n  _$setChildPartConnected?(\n    isConnected: boolean,\n    removeFromParent?: boolean,\n    from?: number\n  ): void;\n  /** @internal */\n  _$reparentDisconnectables?(parent: Disconnectable): void;\n\n  constructor(\n    startNode: ChildNode,\n    endNode: ChildNode | null,\n    parent: TemplateInstance | ChildPart | undefined,\n    options: RenderOptions | undefined\n  ) {\n    this._$startNode = startNode;\n    this._$endNode = endNode;\n    this._$parent = parent;\n    this.options = options;\n    if (ENABLE_EXTRA_SECURITY_HOOKS) {\n      // Explicitly initialize for consistent class shape.\n      this._textSanitizer = undefined;\n    }\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Sets the connection state for any `AsyncDirectives` contained\n   * within this part and runs their `disconnected` or `reconnected`, according\n   * to the `isConnected` argument.\n   */\n  setConnected(isConnected: boolean) {\n    this._$setChildPartConnected?.(isConnected);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * The parent node into which the part renders its content.\n   *\n   * A ChildPart's content consists of a range of adjacent child nodes of\n   * `.parentNode`, possibly bordered by 'marker nodes' (`.startNode` and\n   * `.endNode`).\n   *\n   * - If both `.startNode` and `.endNode` are non-null, then the part's content\n   * consists of all siblings between `.startNode` and `.endNode`, exclusively.\n   *\n   * - If `.startNode` is non-null but `.endNode` is null, then the part's\n   * content consists of all siblings following `.startNode`, up to and\n   * including the last child of `.parentNode`. If `.endNode` is non-null, then\n   * `.startNode` will always be non-null.\n   *\n   * - If both `.endNode` and `.startNode` are null, then the part's content\n   * consists of all child nodes of `.parentNode`.\n   */\n  get parentNode(): Node {\n    return wrap(this._$startNode).parentNode!;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * The part's leading marker node, if any. See `.parentNode` for more\n   * information.\n   */\n  get startNode(): Node | null {\n    return this._$startNode;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * The part's trailing marker node, if any. See `.parentNode` for more\n   * information.\n   */\n  get endNode(): Node | null {\n    return this._$endNode;\n  }\n\n  _$setValue(value: unknown, directiveParent: DirectiveParent = this): void {\n    value = resolveDirective(this, value, directiveParent);\n    if (isPrimitive(value)) {\n      // Non-rendering child values. It's important that these do not render\n      // empty text nodes to avoid issues with preventing default <slot>\n      // fallback content.\n      if (value === nothing || value == null || value === '') {\n        if (this._$committedValue !== nothing) {\n          this._$clear();\n        }\n        this._$committedValue = nothing;\n      } else if (value !== this._$committedValue && value !== noChange) {\n        this._commitText(value);\n      }\n    } else if ((value as TemplateResult)._$litType$ !== undefined) {\n      this._commitTemplateResult(value as TemplateResult);\n    } else if ((value as Node).nodeType !== undefined) {\n      this._commitNode(value as Node);\n    } else if (isIterable(value)) {\n      this._commitIterable(value);\n    } else {\n      // Fallback, will render the string representation\n      this._commitText(value);\n    }\n  }\n\n  private _insert<T extends Node>(node: T, ref = this._$endNode) {\n    return wrap(wrap(this._$startNode).parentNode!).insertBefore(node, ref);\n  }\n\n  private _commitNode(value: Node): void {\n    if (this._$committedValue !== value) {\n      this._$clear();\n      if (\n        ENABLE_EXTRA_SECURITY_HOOKS &&\n        sanitizerFactoryInternal !== noopSanitizer\n      ) {\n        const parentNodeName = this._$startNode.parentNode?.nodeName;\n        if (parentNodeName === 'STYLE' || parentNodeName === 'SCRIPT') {\n          this._insert(\n            new Text(\n              '/* lit-html will not write ' +\n                'TemplateResults to scripts and styles */'\n            )\n          );\n          return;\n        }\n      }\n      this._$committedValue = this._insert(value);\n    }\n  }\n\n  private _commitText(value: unknown): void {\n    const node = wrap(this._$startNode).nextSibling;\n    // TODO(justinfagnani): Can we just check if this._$committedValue is primitive?\n    if (\n      node !== null &&\n      node.nodeType === 3 /* Node.TEXT_NODE */ &&\n      (this._$endNode === null\n        ? wrap(node).nextSibling === null\n        : node === wrap(this._$endNode).previousSibling)\n    ) {\n      if (ENABLE_EXTRA_SECURITY_HOOKS) {\n        if (this._textSanitizer === undefined) {\n          this._textSanitizer = createSanitizer(node, 'data', 'property');\n        }\n        value = this._textSanitizer(value);\n      }\n      // If we only have a single text node between the markers, we can just\n      // set its value, rather than replacing it.\n      (node as Text).data = value as string;\n    } else {\n      if (ENABLE_EXTRA_SECURITY_HOOKS) {\n        const textNode = document.createTextNode('');\n        this._commitNode(textNode);\n        // When setting text content, for security purposes it matters a lot\n        // what the parent is. For example, <style> and <script> need to be\n        // handled with care, while <span> does not. So first we need to put a\n        // text node into the document, then we can sanitize its contentx.\n        if (this._textSanitizer === undefined) {\n          this._textSanitizer = createSanitizer(textNode, 'data', 'property');\n        }\n        value = this._textSanitizer(value);\n        textNode.data = value as string;\n      } else {\n        this._commitNode(d.createTextNode(value as string));\n      }\n    }\n    this._$committedValue = value;\n  }\n\n  private _commitTemplateResult(\n    result: TemplateResult | CompiledTemplateResult\n  ): void {\n    const {values, _$litType$} = result;\n    // If $litType$ is a number, result is a plain TemplateResult and we get\n    // the template from the template cache. If not, result is a\n    // CompiledTemplateResult and _$litType$ is a CompiledTemplate and we need\n    // to create the <template> element the first time we see it.\n    const template: Template | CompiledTemplate =\n      typeof _$litType$ === 'number'\n        ? this._$getTemplate(result as TemplateResult)\n        : (_$litType$.el === undefined &&\n            (_$litType$.el = Template.createElement(\n              _$litType$.h,\n              this.options\n            )),\n          _$litType$);\n\n    if ((this._$committedValue as TemplateInstance)?._$template === template) {\n      (this._$committedValue as TemplateInstance)._update(values);\n    } else {\n      const instance = new TemplateInstance(template as Template, this);\n      const fragment = instance._clone(this.options);\n      instance._update(values);\n      this._commitNode(fragment);\n      this._$committedValue = instance;\n    }\n  }\n\n  // Overridden via `litHtmlPlatformSupport` to provide platform support.\n  /** @internal */\n  _$getTemplate(result: TemplateResult) {\n    let template = templateCache.get(result.strings);\n    if (template === undefined) {\n      templateCache.set(result.strings, (template = new Template(result)));\n    }\n    return template;\n  }\n\n  private _commitIterable(value: Iterable<unknown>): void {\n    // For an Iterable, we create a new InstancePart per item, then set its\n    // value to the item. This is a little bit of overhead for every item in\n    // an Iterable, but it lets us recurse easily and efficiently update Arrays\n    // of TemplateResults that will be commonly returned from expressions like:\n    // array.map((i) => html`${i}`), by reusing existing TemplateInstances.\n\n    // If value is an array, then the previous render was of an\n    // iterable and value will contain the ChildParts from the previous\n    // render. If value is not an array, clear this part and make a new\n    // array for ChildParts.\n    if (!isArray(this._$committedValue)) {\n      this._$committedValue = [];\n      this._$clear();\n    }\n\n    // Lets us keep track of how many items we stamped so we can clear leftover\n    // items from a previous render\n    const itemParts = this._$committedValue as ChildPartImpl[];\n    let partIndex = 0;\n    let itemPart: ChildPartImpl | undefined;\n\n    for (const item of value) {\n      if (partIndex === itemParts.length) {\n        // If no existing part, create a new one\n        // TODO (justinfagnani): test perf impact of always creating two parts\n        // instead of sharing parts between nodes\n        // https://github.com/Polymer/lit-html/issues/1266\n        itemParts.push(\n          (itemPart = new ChildPartImpl(\n            this._insert(createMarker()),\n            this._insert(createMarker()),\n            this,\n            this.options\n          ))\n        );\n      } else {\n        // Reuse an existing part\n        itemPart = itemParts[partIndex];\n      }\n      itemPart._$setValue(item);\n      partIndex++;\n    }\n\n    if (partIndex < itemParts.length) {\n      // itemParts always have end nodes\n      this._$clear(\n        itemPart && wrap(itemPart._$endNode!).nextSibling,\n        partIndex\n      );\n      // Truncate the parts array so _value reflects the current state\n      itemParts.length = partIndex;\n    }\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Removes the nodes contained within this Part from the DOM.\n   *\n   * @param start Start node to clear from, for clearing a subset of the part's\n   *     DOM (used when truncating iterables)\n   * @param from  When `start` is specified, the index within the iterable from\n   *     which ChildParts are being removed, used for disconnecting directives in\n   *     those Parts.\n   *\n   * @internal\n   */\n  _$clear(\n    start: ChildNode | null = wrap(this._$startNode).nextSibling,\n    from?: number\n  ) {\n    this._$setChildPartConnected?.(false, true, from);\n    while (start && start !== this._$endNode) {\n      const n = wrap(start!).nextSibling;\n      (wrap(start!) as Element).remove();\n      start = n;\n    }\n  }\n}\n\nexport type AttributePart = Interface<AttributePartImpl>;\nclass AttributePartImpl {\n  readonly type = ATTRIBUTE_PART as\n    | typeof ATTRIBUTE_PART\n    | typeof PROPERTY_PART\n    | typeof BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTE_PART\n    | typeof EVENT_PART;\n  readonly element: HTMLElement;\n  readonly name: string;\n  readonly options: RenderOptions | undefined;\n\n  /**\n   * If this attribute part represents an interpolation, this contains the\n   * static strings of the interpolation. For single-value, complete bindings,\n   * this is undefined.\n   */\n  readonly strings?: ReadonlyArray<string>;\n  /** @internal */\n  _$committedValue: unknown | Array<unknown> = nothing;\n  /** @internal */\n  __directives?: Array<Directive | undefined>;\n  /** @internal */\n  _$parent: Disconnectable | undefined;\n  /** @internal */\n  _$disconnetableChildren?: Set<Disconnectable> = undefined;\n\n  protected _sanitizer: ValueSanitizer | undefined;\n  /** @internal */\n  _setDirectiveConnected?: (\n    directive: Directive | undefined,\n    isConnected: boolean,\n    removeFromParent?: boolean\n  ) => void = undefined;\n\n  get tagName() {\n    return this.element.tagName;\n  }\n\n  constructor(\n    element: HTMLElement,\n    name: string,\n    strings: ReadonlyArray<string>,\n    parent: Disconnectable | undefined,\n    options: RenderOptions | undefined\n  ) {\n    this.element = element;\n    this.name = name;\n    this._$parent = parent;\n    this.options = options;\n    if (strings.length > 2 || strings[0] !== '' || strings[1] !== '') {\n      this._$committedValue = new Array(strings.length - 1).fill(nothing);\n      this.strings = strings;\n    } else {\n      this._$committedValue = nothing;\n    }\n    if (ENABLE_EXTRA_SECURITY_HOOKS) {\n      this._sanitizer = undefined;\n    }\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Sets the value of this part by resolving the value from possibly multiple\n   * values and static strings and committing it to the DOM.\n   * If this part is single-valued, `this._strings` will be undefined, and the\n   * method will be called with a single value argument. If this part is\n   * multi-value, `this._strings` will be defined, and the method is called\n   * with the value array of the part's owning TemplateInstance, and an offset\n   * into the value array from which the values should be read.\n   * This method is overloaded this way to eliminate short-lived array slices\n   * of the template instance values, and allow a fast-path for single-valued\n   * parts.\n   *\n   * @param value The part value, or an array of values for multi-valued parts\n   * @param valueIndex the index to start reading values from. `undefined` for\n   *   single-valued parts\n   * @param noCommit causes the part to not commit its value to the DOM. Used\n   *   in hydration to prime attribute parts with their first-rendered value,\n   *   but not set the attribute, and in SSR to no-op the DOM operation and\n   *   capture the value for serialization.\n   *\n   * @internal\n   */\n  _$setValue(\n    value: unknown | Array<unknown>,\n    directiveParent: DirectiveParent = this,\n    valueIndex?: number,\n    noCommit?: boolean\n  ) {\n    const strings = this.strings;\n\n    // Whether any of the values has changed, for dirty-checking\n    let change = false;\n\n    if (strings === undefined) {\n      // Single-value binding case\n      value = resolveDirective(this, value, directiveParent, 0);\n      change =\n        !isPrimitive(value) ||\n        (value !== this._$committedValue && value !== noChange);\n      if (change) {\n        this._$committedValue = value;\n      }\n    } else {\n      // Interpolation case\n      const values = value as Array<unknown>;\n      value = strings[0];\n\n      let i, v;\n      for (i = 0; i < strings.length - 1; i++) {\n        v = resolveDirective(this, values[valueIndex! + i], directiveParent, i);\n\n        if (v === noChange) {\n          // If the user-provided value is `noChange`, use the previous value\n          v = (this._$committedValue as Array<unknown>)[i];\n        }\n        change ||=\n          !isPrimitive(v) || v !== (this._$committedValue as Array<unknown>)[i];\n        if (v === nothing) {\n          value = nothing;\n        } else if (value !== nothing) {\n          value += (v ?? '') + strings[i + 1];\n        }\n        // We always record each value, even if one is `nothing`, for future\n        // change detection.\n        (this._$committedValue as Array<unknown>)[i] = v;\n      }\n    }\n    if (change && !noCommit) {\n      this._commitValue(value);\n    }\n  }\n\n  /** @internal */\n  _commitValue(value: unknown) {\n    if (value === nothing) {\n      (wrap(this.element) as Element).removeAttribute(this.name);\n    } else {\n      if (ENABLE_EXTRA_SECURITY_HOOKS) {\n        if (this._sanitizer === undefined) {\n          this._sanitizer = sanitizerFactoryInternal(\n            this.element,\n            this.name,\n            'attribute'\n          );\n        }\n        value = this._sanitizer(value ?? '');\n      }\n      (wrap(this.element) as Element).setAttribute(\n        this.name,\n        (value ?? '') as string\n      );\n    }\n  }\n}\n\nexport type PropertyPart = Interface<PropertyPartImpl>;\nclass PropertyPartImpl extends AttributePartImpl {\n  readonly type = PROPERTY_PART;\n\n  /** @internal */\n  _commitValue(value: unknown) {\n    if (ENABLE_EXTRA_SECURITY_HOOKS) {\n      if (this._sanitizer === undefined) {\n        this._sanitizer = sanitizerFactoryInternal(\n          this.element,\n          this.name,\n          'property'\n        );\n      }\n      value = this._sanitizer(value);\n    }\n    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\n    (this.element as any)[this.name] = value === nothing ? undefined : value;\n  }\n}\n\nexport type BooleanAttributePart = Interface<BooleanAttributePartImpl>;\nclass BooleanAttributePartImpl extends AttributePartImpl {\n  readonly type = BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTE_PART;\n\n  /** @internal */\n  _commitValue(value: unknown) {\n    if (value && value !== nothing) {\n      (wrap(this.element) as Element).setAttribute(this.name, '');\n    } else {\n      (wrap(this.element) as Element).removeAttribute(this.name);\n    }\n  }\n}\n\ntype EventListenerWithOptions = EventListenerOrEventListenerObject &\n  Partial<AddEventListenerOptions>;\n\n/**\n * An AttributePart that manages an event listener via add/removeEventListener.\n *\n * This part works by adding itself as the event listener on an element, then\n * delegating to the value passed to it. This reduces the number of calls to\n * add/removeEventListener if the listener changes frequently, such as when an\n * inline function is used as a listener.\n *\n * Because event options are passed when adding listeners, we must take case\n * to add and remove the part as a listener when the event options change.\n */\nexport type EventPart = Interface<EventPartImpl>;\nclass EventPartImpl extends AttributePartImpl {\n  readonly type = EVENT_PART;\n\n  // EventPart does not use the base _$setValue/_resolveValue implementation\n  // since the dirty checking is more complex\n  /** @internal */\n  _$setValue(newListener: unknown, directiveParent: DirectiveParent = this) {\n    newListener =\n      resolveDirective(this, newListener, directiveParent, 0) ?? nothing;\n    if (newListener === noChange) {\n      return;\n    }\n    const oldListener = this._$committedValue;\n\n    // If the new value is nothing or any options change we have to remove the\n    // part as a listener.\n    const shouldRemoveListener =\n      (newListener === nothing && oldListener !== nothing) ||\n      (newListener as EventListenerWithOptions).capture !==\n        (oldListener as EventListenerWithOptions).capture ||\n      (newListener as EventListenerWithOptions).once !==\n        (oldListener as EventListenerWithOptions).once ||\n      (newListener as EventListenerWithOptions).passive !==\n        (oldListener as EventListenerWithOptions).passive;\n\n    // If the new value is not nothing and we removed the listener, we have\n    // to add the part as a listener.\n    const shouldAddListener =\n      newListener !== nothing &&\n      (oldListener === nothing || shouldRemoveListener);\n\n    if (shouldRemoveListener) {\n      this.element.removeEventListener(\n        this.name,\n        this,\n        oldListener as EventListenerWithOptions\n      );\n    }\n    if (shouldAddListener) {\n      // Beware: IE11 and Chrome 41 don't like using the listener as the\n      // options object. Figure out how to deal w/ this in IE11 - maybe\n      // patch addEventListener?\n      this.element.addEventListener(\n        this.name,\n        this,\n        newListener as EventListenerWithOptions\n      );\n    }\n    this._$committedValue = newListener;\n  }\n\n  handleEvent(event: Event) {\n    if (typeof this._$committedValue === 'function') {\n      // TODO (justinfagnani): do we need to default to this.element?\n      // It'll always be the same as `e.currentTarget`.\n      this._$committedValue.call(this.options?.host ?? this.element, event);\n    } else {\n      (this._$committedValue as EventListenerObject).handleEvent(event);\n    }\n  }\n}\n\nexport type ElementPart = Interface<ElementPartImpl>;\nclass ElementPartImpl {\n  readonly type = ELEMENT_PART;\n\n  /** @internal */\n  __directive?: Directive;\n\n  // This is to ensure that every Part has a _$committedValue\n  _$committedValue: undefined;\n\n  /** @internal */\n  _$parent: Disconnectable | undefined;\n\n  /** @internal */\n  _$disconnetableChildren?: Set<Disconnectable> = undefined;\n\n  /** @internal */\n  _setDirectiveConnected?: (\n    directive: Directive | undefined,\n    isConnected: boolean,\n    removeFromParent?: boolean\n  ) => void = undefined;\n\n  options: RenderOptions | undefined;\n\n  constructor(\n    public element: Element,\n    parent: Disconnectable,\n    options: RenderOptions | undefined\n  ) {\n    this._$parent = parent;\n    this.options = options;\n  }\n\n  _$setValue(value: unknown): void {\n    resolveDirective(this, value);\n  }\n}\n\n/**\n * END USERS SHOULD NOT RELY ON THIS OBJECT.\n *\n * Private exports for use by other Lit packages, not intended for use by\n * external users.\n *\n * We currently do not make a mangled rollup build of the lit-ssr code. In order\n * to keep a number of (otherwise private) top-level exports  mangled in the\n * client side code, we export a _\u03A3 object containing those members (or\n * helper methods for accessing private fields of those members), and then\n * re-export them for use in lit-ssr. This keeps lit-ssr agnostic to whether the\n * client-side code is being used in `dev` mode or `prod` mode.\n *\n * This has a unique name, to disambiguate it from private exports in\n * lit-element, which re-exports all of lit-html.\n *\n * @private\n */\nexport const _\u03A3 = {\n  // Used in lit-ssr\n  _boundAttributeSuffix: boundAttributeSuffix,\n  _marker: marker,\n  _markerMatch: markerMatch,\n  _HTML_RESULT: HTML_RESULT,\n  _getTemplateHtml: getTemplateHtml,\n  // Used in hydrate\n  _TemplateInstance: TemplateInstance,\n  _isIterable: isIterable,\n  _resolveDirective: resolveDirective,\n  // Used in tests and private-ssr-support\n  _ChildPart: ChildPartImpl,\n  _AttributePart: AttributePartImpl as AttributePartConstructor,\n  _BooleanAttributePart: BooleanAttributePartImpl as AttributePartConstructor,\n  _EventPart: EventPartImpl as AttributePartConstructor,\n  _PropertyPart: PropertyPartImpl as AttributePartConstructor,\n  _ElementPart: ElementPartImpl as ElementPartConstructor,\n};\n\n// Apply polyfills if available\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\n(globalThis as any)['litHtmlPlatformSupport']?.(Template, ChildPartImpl);\n\n// IMPORTANT: do not change the property name or the assignment expression.\n// This line will be used in regexes to search for lit-html usage.\n// TODO(justinfagnani): inject version number at build time\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\n((globalThis as any)['litHtmlVersions'] ??= []).push('2.0.0-pre.7');\n", null, null, null, null, null, "/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2019 Google LLC\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause\n */\n\nimport {Directive, PartInfo} from './directive.js';\nimport {_\u03A3 as p, AttributePart, noChange, Part} from './lit-html.js';\nexport type {Template} from './lit-html.js';\n\n/**\n * END USERS SHOULD NOT RELY ON THIS OBJECT.\n *\n * We currently do not make a mangled rollup build of the lit-ssr code. In order\n * to keep a number of (otherwise private) top-level exports mangled in the\n * client side code, we export a _\u03A3 object containing those members (or\n * helper methods for accessing private fields of those members), and then\n * re-export them for use in lit-ssr. This keeps lit-ssr agnostic to whether the\n * client-side code is being used in `dev` mode or `prod` mode.\n * @private\n */\nexport const _\u03A3 = {\n  boundAttributeSuffix: p._boundAttributeSuffix,\n  marker: p._marker,\n  markerMatch: p._markerMatch,\n  HTML_RESULT: p._HTML_RESULT,\n  getTemplateHtml: p._getTemplateHtml,\n  overrideDirectiveResolve: (\n    directiveClass: new (part: PartInfo) => Directive & {render(): unknown},\n    resolveOverrideFn: (directive: Directive, values: unknown[]) => unknown\n  ) =>\n    class extends directiveClass {\n      _$resolve(this: Directive, _part: Part, values: unknown[]): unknown {\n        return resolveOverrideFn(this, values);\n      }\n    },\n  getAttributePartCommittedValue: (\n    part: AttributePart,\n    value: unknown,\n    index: number | undefined\n  ) => {\n    // Use the part setter to resolve directives/concatenate multiple parts\n    // into a final value (captured by passing in a commitValue override)\n    let committedValue: unknown = noChange;\n    // Note that _commitValue need not be in `stableProperties` because this\n    // method is only run on `AttributePart`s created by lit-ssr using the same\n    // version of the library as this file\n    part._commitValue = (value: unknown) => (committedValue = value);\n    part._$setValue(value, part, index);\n    return committedValue;\n  },\n  resolveDirective: p._resolveDirective,\n  AttributePart: p._AttributePart,\n  PropertyPart: p._PropertyPart,\n  BooleanAttributePart: p._BooleanAttributePart,\n  EventPart: p._EventPart,\n  ElementPart: p._ElementPart,\n};\n", null, "/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, @typescript-eslint/ban-types */\nimport type { TemplateHandlers } from 'stampino';\nimport { render } from 'stampino';\nimport { effect } from '@apollo-elements/lib/descriptors';\n\ninterface PropertyOptions {\n  attribute?: string,\n  reflect?: boolean,\n  init?: any\n}\n\n/**\n * @element\n *\n * @attr {Boolean|string} 'no-shadow' - When set, the element will render to a `<div>` in its light DOM. If set with a string, the string will be the div's class name.\n */\nexport class StampinoRender<Model extends object = any> extends HTMLElement {\n  private static isQueryable(node: Node): node is (ShadowRoot|Document) {\n    return 'getElementById' in node;\n  }\n\n  declare templateHandlers: TemplateHandlers;\n\n  #extras: Partial<Model>|null = null;\n\n  public get extras(): Partial<Model>|null {\n    return this.#extras;\n  }\n\n  public set extras(extras: Partial<Model>|null) {\n    this.#extras = extras;\n    this.render();\n  }\n\n  /** The Node that this element will render its template to. */\n  protected declare renderRoot: ShadowRoot|HTMLElement;\n\n  #model: Model|null = null;\n\n  #renderProps: Model & this;\n\n  protected get model(): Model {\n    return ({ ...this.#model, ...this.#extras } as Model);\n  }\n\n  protected set model(x: Model) {\n    this.setModel(x);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Template element to render. Can either be a light-DOM child of the element,\n   * or referenced by ID with the `template` attribute.\n   *\n   * Templates are [stampino](https://npm.im/stampino) templates using [jexpr](https://npm.im/jexpr)\n   * @attr template\n   * @example Referencing a template by ID\n   * ```html\n   * <stampino-render template=\"tpl\"></stampino-render>\n   * <template id=\"tpl\">\n   *   <p>Hi, {{ data.name }}</p>\n   * </template>\n   * ```\n   */\n  get template(): HTMLTemplateElement | null {\n    if (!this.hasAttribute('template'))\n      return this.querySelector('template'); /* c8 ignore next */\n    else\n      return this.getTemplateFromRoot();\n  }\n\n  constructor() {\n    super();\n    this.#renderProps = { ...this, ...this.#model } as Model & this;\n    this.createRenderRoot();\n  }\n\n  connectedCallback(): void {\n    this.render();\n  }\n\n  private getElementByIdFromRoot(id: string|null): HTMLElement | null {\n    // TODO: make actually private in TS 4.3\n    const root = this.getRootNode();\n    if (!id || !StampinoRender.isQueryable(root))\n      return null;\n    else\n      return root.getElementById(id);\n  }\n\n  private getTemplateFromRoot(): HTMLTemplateElement | null {\n    // TODO: make actually private in TS 4.3\n    const maybeTemplate =\n      this.getElementByIdFromRoot(this.getAttribute('template'));\n    if (maybeTemplate instanceof HTMLTemplateElement)\n      return maybeTemplate;\n    else\n      return null;\n  }\n\n  protected createRenderRoot(): ShadowRoot|HTMLElement {\n    if (!this.hasAttribute('no-shadow'))\n      this.renderRoot = this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });\n    else {\n      this.renderRoot = this.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));\n      this.renderRoot.classList.add(this.getAttribute('no-shadow') || 'output');\n    }\n    return this.renderRoot;\n  }\n\n  private setModel(x: Model) {\n    this.#model = x;\n    this.#renderProps = { ...this, ...this.#model, ...this.#extras };\n    this.render();\n  }\n\n  public update(model: Model, { overwrite = false } = { }): void {\n    if (overwrite)\n      this.setModel(model);\n    else\n      this.setModel({ ...this.model, ...model });\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Call to render the element's template using the model.\n   * Rendering is synchronous and incremental.\n   *\n   * @summary Render the element's template with its model.\n   */\n  public render(): void {\n    if (this.template && this.renderRoot) {\n      render(\n        this.template,\n        this.renderRoot as HTMLElement,\n        this.#renderProps,\n        this.templateHandlers\n      );\n    }\n  }\n\n  /** `querySelector` within the render root. */\n  public $<E extends Element = Element>(selector: string): E | null\n\n  public $<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>(selector: K): SVGElementTagNameMap[K] | null;\n\n  public $<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selector: K): HTMLElementTagNameMap[K] | null {\n    return this.renderRoot.querySelector(selector);\n  }\n\n  /** `querySelectorAll` within the render root. */\n\n  public $$<E extends Element = Element>(selector: string): NodeListOf<E>;\n\n  public $$<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>(selector: K): NodeListOf<SVGElementTagNameMap[K]>;\n\n  public $$<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(\n    selector: K\n  ): NodeListOf<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]> {\n    return this.renderRoot.querySelectorAll(selector);\n  }\n}\n\n/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */\n\nexport function property({ attribute, reflect = false, init = null }: PropertyOptions = {}) {\n  return function<T extends StampinoRender & { render(): void }>(\n    target: T,\n    name: keyof T extends string ? keyof T : never,\n  ): void {\n    Object.defineProperty(target, name, effect<T>({\n      name,\n      init,\n      onSet(value: any) {\n        const attr = attribute ?? name;\n        if (reflect) {\n          if (typeof value === 'boolean') {\n            if (value)\n              this.setAttribute(attr, '');\n            else\n              this.removeAttribute(attr); /* c8 ignore next */\n          } else {\n            if (value != null)\n              this.setAttribute(attr, value.toString()); /* c8 ignore next */\n            else\n              this.removeAttribute(attr);\n          }\n        }\n        this.update({ [name]: value });\n      },\n    }));\n  };\n}\n", "import type {\n  ApolloError,\n  DocumentNode,\n  FetchPolicy,\n  FetchResult,\n  MutationOptions,\n  MutationUpdaterFn,\n  OperationVariables,\n} from '@apollo/client/core';\n\nimport { gqlDocument, writable } from '@apollo-elements/lib/descriptors';\n\nimport type {\n  ApolloMutationInterface,\n  ComponentDocument,\n  Constructor,\n  Data,\n  OptimisticResponseType,\n  RefetchQueriesType,\n  Variables,\n} from '@apollo-elements/interfaces';\n\nimport { dedupeMixin } from '@open-wc/dedupe-mixin';\nimport { ApolloElementMixin } from './apollo-element-mixin';\n\ntype ApolloMutationResultEvent<TData = unknown> =\n  CustomEvent<FetchResult<TData>>;\n\ndeclare global {\n  interface HTMLElementEventMap {\n    'apollo-mutation-result': ApolloMutationResultEvent;\n  }\n}\n\ntype MixinInstance = {\n  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\n  new <D, V = Record<string, any>>(): ApolloMutationInterface<D, V>;\n  documentType: 'mutation';\n  observedAttributes?: string[];\n}\n\nfunction ApolloMutationMixinImpl<B extends Constructor>(base: B): B & MixinInstance {\n  class ApolloMutationElement<D, V = OperationVariables>\n    extends ApolloElementMixin(base)\n    implements ApolloMutationInterface<D, V> {\n    static documentType = 'mutation' as const;\n\n    static get observedAttributes(): string[] {\n      return [\n        ...(super.observedAttributes ?? []), /* c8 ignore next */\n        'await-refetch-queries',\n        'refetch-queries',\n      ];\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Latest mutation data.\n     */\n    declare data: Data<D> | null;\n\n    /**\n     * An object that maps from the name of a variable as used in the mutation GraphQL document to that variable's value.\n     *\n     * @summary Mutation variables.\n     */\n    declare variables: Variables<D, V> | null;\n\n    declare mutation: DocumentNode | ComponentDocument<D> | null;\n\n    declare refetchQueries: RefetchQueriesType<D> | null;\n\n    declare called: boolean;\n\n    declare context?: Record<string, unknown>;\n\n    declare optimisticResponse?: OptimisticResponseType<D, V>;\n\n    declare fetchPolicy?: Extract<FetchPolicy, 'no-cache'>;\n\n    declare awaitRefetchQueries?: boolean;\n\n    onCompleted?(_data: Data<D>): void;\n\n    onError?(_error: Error): void;\n\n    updater?(\n      ...params: Parameters<MutationUpdaterFn<Data<D>>>\n    ): ReturnType<MutationUpdaterFn<Data<D>>>;\n\n    ignoreResults = false;\n\n    /**\n     * The ID number of the most recent mutation since the element was instantiated.\n     */\n    private mostRecentMutationId = 0;\n\n    constructor(...a: any[]) {\n      super(...a);\n      this.variables ??= null;\n      this.loading ??= false;\n    }\n\n    attributeChangedCallback(name: string, oldVal: string, newVal: string): void {\n      super.attributeChangedCallback?.(name, oldVal, newVal);\n      /* c8 ignore start */\n      // @ts-expect-error: ts is not tracking the static side\n      if ((super.constructor?.observedAttributes ?? []).includes(name))\n        return;\n      /* c8 ignore stop */\n\n      switch (name) { /* c8 ignore next */\n        case 'await-refetch-queries':\n          this.awaitRefetchQueries =\n            this.hasAttribute('await-refetch-queries');\n          break; /* c8 ignore next */\n\n        case 'refetch-queries':\n          this.refetchQueries =\n            !newVal ? null : newVal\n              .split(',')\n              .map(x => x.trim());\n          break; /* c8 ignore next */\n      }\n    }\n\n    connectedCallback() {\n      super.connectedCallback?.();\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This resolves a single mutation according to the options specified and returns a Promise which is either resolved with the resulting data or rejected with an error.\n     */\n    public async mutate(\n      params?: Partial<MutationOptions<Data<D>, Variables<D, V>>>\n    ): Promise<FetchResult<Data<D>>> {\n      if (!this.client)\n        throw new TypeError('No Apollo client. See https://apolloelements.dev/guides/getting-started/apollo-client/'); /* c8 ignore next */ // covered\n      const options: MutationOptions<Data<D>, Variables<D, V>> = {\n        // all covered\n        /* c8 ignore start */\n        // It's better to let Apollo client throw this error\n        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion\n        mutation: params?.mutation ?? this.mutation!,\n\n        awaitRefetchQueries: params?.awaitRefetchQueries ?? this.awaitRefetchQueries,\n        context: params?.context ?? this.context,\n        errorPolicy: params?.errorPolicy ?? this.errorPolicy,\n        fetchPolicy: params?.fetchPolicy ?? this.fetchPolicy,\n        optimisticResponse: params?.optimisticResponse ?? this.optimisticResponse,\n        refetchQueries: params?.refetchQueries ?? this.refetchQueries ?? undefined,\n        update: params?.update ?? this.updater,\n        variables: params?.variables ?? this.variables ?? undefined,\n        /* c8 ignore stop */\n      };\n\n      const mutationId = this.generateMutationId();\n\n      this.loading = true;\n      this.error = null;\n      this.data = null;\n      this.called = true;\n\n      return this.client.mutate<Data<D>, Variables<D, V>>(options)\n        .then(this.onCompletedMutation.bind(this, mutationId))\n        .catch(this.onMutationError.bind(this, mutationId));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Increments and returns the most recent mutation id.\n     */\n    private generateMutationId(): number {\n      this.mostRecentMutationId += 1;\n      return this.mostRecentMutationId;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Returns true when an ID matches the most recent mutation id.\n     */\n    private isMostRecentMutation(mutationId: number): boolean {\n      return this.mostRecentMutationId === mutationId;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Callback for when a mutation is completed.\n     */\n    private onCompletedMutation(\n      mutationId: number,\n      response: FetchResult<Data<D>>\n    ): FetchResult<Data<D>> {\n      const { data } = response;\n      this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('apollo-mutation-result', { detail: response }));\n      if (this.isMostRecentMutation(mutationId) && !this.ignoreResults) {\n        this.loading = false;\n        this.error = null;\n        this.data = data ?? null; /* c8 ignore next */\n        this.errors = response.errors ?? null;\n        if (data)\n          this.onCompleted?.(data);\n      }\n      return response;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Callback for when a mutation fails.\n     */\n    private onMutationError(mutationId: number, error: ApolloError): never {\n      this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('apollo-error', { detail: error }));\n      if (this.isMostRecentMutation(mutationId)) {\n        this.loading = false;\n        this.data = null;\n        this.error = error;\n      }\n      this.onError?.(error);\n      throw error;\n    }\n  }\n\n  Object.defineProperties(ApolloMutationElement.prototype, {\n    called: writable(false),\n    mutation: gqlDocument(),\n    optimisticResponse: writable(),\n    refetchQueries: writable(null),\n  });\n\n  return ApolloMutationElement;\n}\n\n/**\n * `ApolloMutationMixin`: class mixin for apollo-mutation elements.\n */\nexport const ApolloMutationMixin =\n  dedupeMixin(ApolloMutationMixinImpl);\n", "import { Data, Variables } from '@apollo-elements/interfaces/operation';\nimport type { ApolloError, DocumentNode } from '@apollo/client/core';\nimport type { ApolloMutationElement } from './apollo-mutation';\n\nexport type MutationEventType = (\n    'mutation-completed'\n  | 'mutation-error'\n  | 'will-mutate'\n  | 'will-navigate'\n);\n\nexport interface MutationEventDetail<D, V> {\n  data?: Data<D> | null;\n  error?: Error | ApolloError | null;\n  variables?: Variables<D, V> | null;\n  element: ApolloMutationElement<D, V>;\n  mutation: DocumentNode | null;\n}\n\nexport class MutationEvent<D, V> extends CustomEvent<MutationEventDetail<D, V>> {\n  declare type: MutationEventType;\n\n  declare detail: MutationEventDetail<D, V>;\n\n  constructor(type: MutationEventType, init: CustomEventInit) {\n    super(type, {\n      ...init,\n      bubbles: true,\n      composed: true,\n    });\n  }\n}\n\n/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */\n\n/**\n * Fired when the element is about to mutate.\n * Useful for setting variables or cancelling the mutation by calling `preventDefault`\n * Prevent default to prevent mutation. Detail is `{ element: this }`\n * @typeParam Data Element's Data type\n * @typeParam Variables Element's Variables type\n */\nexport class WillMutateEvent<D = any, V = any> extends MutationEvent<D, V> {\n  static type: 'will-mutate' = 'will-mutate';\n\n  constructor(element: ApolloMutationElement<D, V>) {\n    const { mutation, variables } = element;\n    super(WillMutateEvent.type, {\n      cancelable: true,\n      detail: {\n        element,\n        mutation,\n        variables,\n      },\n    });\n  }\n}\n\n/**\n * Fired when a mutation completes.\n * `detail` is the mutation data.\n * @typeParam Data Element's Data type\n * @typeParam Variables Element's Variables type\n */\nexport class MutationCompletedEvent<D = any, V = any> extends MutationEvent<D, V> {\n  static type: 'mutation-completed' = 'mutation-completed';\n\n  constructor(element: ApolloMutationElement<D, V>) {\n    const { data, mutation, variables } = element;\n    super(MutationCompletedEvent.type, {\n      detail: {\n        data,\n        element,\n        mutation,\n        variables,\n      },\n    });\n  }\n}\n\n/**\n * Fired before an <apollo-element> with a link trigger mutates.\n * Cancel the event with `event.preventDefault()` to prevent navigation.\n * @typeParam Data Element's Data type\n * @typeParam Variables Element's Variables type\n */\nexport class WillNavigateEvent<D = any, V = any> extends MutationEvent<D, V> {\n  static type: 'will-navigate' = 'will-navigate'\n\n  constructor(element: ApolloMutationElement<D, V>) {\n    const { data, mutation, variables } = element;\n    super(WillNavigateEvent.type, {\n      cancelable: true,\n      detail: {\n        data,\n        element,\n        mutation,\n        variables,\n      },\n    });\n  }\n}\n\n/**\n * Fired when the mutation rejects.\n * @typeParam Data Element's Data type\n * @typeParam Variables Element's Variables type\n */\nexport class MutationErrorEvent<D = any, V = any> extends MutationEvent<D, V> {\n  static type: 'mutation-error' = 'mutation-error';\n\n  constructor(element: ApolloMutationElement<D, V>) {\n    const { mutation, variables, error } = element;\n    super(MutationErrorEvent.type, {\n      detail: {\n        element,\n        error,\n        mutation,\n        variables,\n      },\n    });\n  }\n}\n\ndeclare global {\n  interface HTMLElementEventMap {\n    'will-mutate': WillMutateEvent;\n    'will-navigate': WillNavigateEvent;\n    'mutation-completed': MutationCompletedEvent;\n    'mutation-error': MutationErrorEvent;\n  }\n}\n", "import type { ApolloError, OperationVariables } from '@apollo/client/core';\n\nimport type { Constructor } from '@apollo-elements/interfaces';\n\nimport type {\n  ApolloMutationInterface,\n  Data,\n  GraphQLError,\n  Variables,\n  VariablesOf,\n} from '@apollo-elements/interfaces';\n\nimport { ApolloMutationMixin } from '@apollo-elements/mixins/apollo-mutation-mixin';\nimport { StampinoRender, property } from './stampino-render';\n\nimport {\n  MutationCompletedEvent,\n  MutationErrorEvent,\n  WillMutateEvent,\n  WillNavigateEvent,\n} from './events';\nimport { isEmpty } from '@apollo-elements/lib/helpers';\n\nexport * from './events';\n\nexport type ApolloMutationModel<D, V> = Pick<ApolloMutationElement<D, V>,\n  | 'called'\n  | 'data'\n  | 'error'\n  | 'errors'\n  | 'loading'\n>;\n\n\n/** @noInheritDoc */\ninterface ButtonLikeElement extends HTMLElement {\n  disabled: boolean;\n}\n\n/** @noInheritDoc */\ninterface InputLikeElement extends HTMLElement {\n  value: string;\n  disabled: boolean;\n}\n\n/** @ignore */\nexport class WillMutateError extends Error {}\n\n/**\n * Simple Mutation component that takes a button or link-wrapped button as it's trigger.\n * When loading, it disables the button.\n * On error, it toasts a snackbar with the error message.\n * You can pass a `variables` object property,\n * or if all your variables properties are strings,\n * you can use the element's data attributes\n *\n * @fires will-mutate When the element is about to mutate. Useful for setting variables. Prevent default to prevent mutation. Detail is `{ element: this }`\n * @fires will-navigate When the mutation resolves and the element is about to navigate. cancel the event to handle navigation yourself e.g. using a client-side router. . `detail` is `{ data: Data, element: this }`\n * @fires mutation-completed When the mutation resolves. `detail` is `{ data: Data, element: this }`\n * @fires mutation-error When the mutation is rejected. `detail` is `{ error: ApolloError, element: this }`\n * @fires 'apollo-element-disconnected' when the element disconnects from the dom\n * @fires 'apollo-element-connected' when the element connects to the dom\n *\n * @slot - Mutations typically trigger when clicking a button. Slot in an element with a `trigger` attribute to assign it as the element's trigger. The triggering element. Must be a button or and anchor that wraps a button.\\n\\nYou may also slot in input elements with the `data-variable=\\\"variableName\\\"` attribute. It's `value` property gets the value for the corresponding variable.\n *\n * See [`ApolloMutationInterface`](https://apolloelements.dev/api/interfaces/mutation) for more information on events\n *\n * @example\n * Using data attributes\n * ```html\n * <apollo-mutation data-type=\"Type\" data-action=\"ACTION\">\n *   <mwc-button trigger>OK</mwc-button>\n * </apollo-mutation>\n * ```\n * Will mutate with the following as `variables`:\n * ```json\n * {\n *   \"type\": \"Type\",\n *   \"action\": \"ACTION\"\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * @example\n * Using data attributes and variables\n * ```html\n * <apollo-mutation data-type=\"Quote\" data-action=\"FLUB\">\n *   <mwc-button trigger label=\"OK\"></mwc-button>\n *   <mwc-textfield\n *       data-variable=\"name\"\n *       value=\"Neil\"\n *       label=\"Name\"></mwc-textfield>\n *   <mwc-textarea\n *       data-variable=\"comment\"\n *       value=\"That's one small step...\"\n *       label=\"comment\"></mwc-textarea>\n * </apollo-mutation>\n * ```\n * Will mutate with the following as `variables`:\n * ```json\n * {\n *   \"name\": \"Neil\",\n *   \"comment\": \"That's one small step...\",\n *   \"type\": \"Quote\",\n *   \"action\": \"FLUB\"\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * @example\n * Using data attributes and variables with input property\n * ```html\n * <apollo-mutation data-type=\"Type\" data-action=\"ACTION\" input-key=\"actionInput\">\n *   <mwc-button trigger label=\"OK\"></mwc-button>\n *   <mwc-textfield\n *       data-variable=\"comment\"\n *       value=\"Hey!\"\n *       label=\"comment\"></mwc-textfield>\n * </apollo-mutation>\n * ```\n * Will mutate with the following as `variables`:\n * ```json\n * {\n *   \"actionInput\": {\n *     \"comment\": \"Hey!\",\n *     \"type\": \"Type\",\n *     \"action\": \"ACTION\"\n *   }\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * @example\n * Using DOM properties\n * ```html\n * <apollo-mutation id=\"mutation\">\n *   <mwc-button trigger label=\"OK\"></mwc-button>\n * </apollo-mutation>\n * <script>\n *   document.getElementById('mutation').mutation = SomeMutation;\n *   document.getElementById('mutation').variables = {\n *     type: \"Type\",\n *     action: \"ACTION\"\n *   };\n * </script>\n * ```\n *\n * Will mutate with the following as `variables`:\n *\n * ```json\n * {\n *   \"type\": \"Type\",\n *   \"action\": \"ACTION\"\n * }\n * ```\n */\nexport class ApolloMutationElement<D = unknown, V = OperationVariables>\n  extends ApolloMutationMixin<Constructor<StampinoRender & HTMLElement>>(StampinoRender)<D, V>\n  implements ApolloMutationInterface<D, V> {\n  static readonly is = 'apollo-mutation';\n\n  /**\n   * False when the element is a link.\n   * @param node\n   */\n  private static isButton(node: Element|null): node is ButtonLikeElement {\n    return node?.tagName !== 'A';\n  }\n\n  private static isLink(node: Element|null): node is HTMLAnchorElement {\n    return node instanceof HTMLAnchorElement;\n  }\n\n  private static toVariables<T>(acc: T, element: InputLikeElement): T {\n    // querySelectorAll ensures the data-variable attr exists\n    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion\n    return { ...acc, [element.dataset.variable!]: element.value };\n  }\n\n  private static isTriggerNode(node: Node): node is HTMLElement {\n    return node instanceof HTMLElement && node.hasAttribute('trigger');\n  }\n\n  static get observedAttributes(): string[] { return ['input-key']; }\n\n  /**\n   * When set, variable data attributes will be packed into an\n   * object property with the name of this property\n   * @example\n   * ```html\n   * <apollo-mutation id=\"a\" data-variable=\"var\"></apollo-mutation>\n   * <apollo-mutation id=\"b\" input-key=\"input\" data-variable=\"var\"></apollo-mutation>\n   * <script>\n   *   console.log(a.variables) // { variable: 'var' }\n   *   console.log(b.variables) // { input: { variable: 'var' } }\n   * </script>\n   * ```\n   */\n  get inputKey(): string|null {\n    return this.getAttribute('input-key');\n  }\n\n  set inputKey(key: string|null) {\n    if (!key)\n      this.removeAttribute('input-key');\n    else if (this.getAttribute('input-key') !== key)\n      this.setAttribute('input-key', key);\n  }\n\n  @property() data: Data<D>|null = null;\n\n  @property() error: Error|ApolloError|null = null;\n\n  @property() errors: readonly GraphQLError[] = [];\n\n  @property({ reflect: true, init: false }) loading = false;\n\n  /**\n   * Define this function to determine the URL to navigate to after a mutation.\n   * Function can be synchronous or async.\n   * If this function is not defined, will navigate to the `href` property of the link trigger.\n   * @example Navigate to a post's page after creating it\n   * ```html\n   * <apollo-mutation id=\"mutation\">\n   *   <script type=\"application/graphql\">\n   *     mutation CreatePostMutation($title: String, $content: String) {\n   *       createPost(title: $title, content: $content) {\n   *         slug\n   *       }\n   *     }\n   *   </script>\n   *   <mwc-textfield label=\"Post title\" data-variable=\"title\"></mwc-textfield>\n   *   <mwc-textarea label=\"Post Content\" data-variable=\"content\"></mwc-textarea>\n   * </apollo-mutation>\n   *\n   * <script>\n   *   document.getElementById('mutation').resolveURL =\n   *     data => `/posts/${data.createPost.slug}/`;\n   * </script>\n   * ```\n   * @param data mutation data\n   * @returns url to navigate to\n   */\n  resolveURL?(data: Data<D>): string | Promise<string>;\n\n  private inFlight = false;\n\n  protected __variables: Variables<D, V> | null = null;\n\n  /**\n   * Slotted trigger node\n   */\n  protected get trigger(): HTMLElement | null {\n    return this.querySelector<HTMLElement>('[trigger]');\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * If the slotted trigger node is a button, the trigger\n   * If the slotted trigger node is a link with a button as it's first child, the button\n   */\n  protected get button(): ButtonLikeElement | null {\n    const { isButton, isLink } = ApolloMutationElement;\n    if (isButton(this.trigger))\n      return this.trigger;\n    else if (isLink(this.trigger) && isButton(this.trigger.firstElementChild))\n      /* c8 ignore next 3 */\n      return this.trigger.firstElementChild;\n    else\n      return null;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Variable input nodes\n   */\n  protected get inputs(): InputLikeElement[] {\n    return Array.from(this.querySelectorAll<InputLikeElement>('[data-variable]'));\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * The `href` attribute of the link trigger\n   */\n  protected get href(): string|undefined {\n    const link = ApolloMutationElement.isLink(this.trigger) ? this.trigger : null;\n    return link?.href;\n  }\n\n  protected get model(): ApolloMutationModel<D, V> {\n    const { called, data, error, errors, loading } = this;\n    return { called, data, error, errors, loading };\n  }\n\n  constructor() {\n    super();\n    this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this);\n    this.onSlotchange();\n  }\n\n  declare private __buttonMO?: MutationObserver;\n\n  private listeners = new WeakMap<HTMLElement, boolean>();\n\n  protected createRenderRoot(): ShadowRoot|HTMLElement {\n    this.renderRoot = super.createRenderRoot();\n    if (!this.hasAttribute('no-shadow')) {\n      this.renderRoot.append(document.createElement('slot'));\n      // The shadow case guarantees that slot exists\n      // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion\n      this.$('slot')!.addEventListener('slotchange', () => this.onSlotchange());\n    } else {\n      (this.renderRoot as HTMLDivElement)\n        .classList\n        .add(this.getAttribute('no-shadow') || 'output');\n      this.__buttonMO = new MutationObserver(records => this.onLightDomMutation(records));\n      this.__buttonMO.observe(this, { childList: true, attributes: false, characterData: false });\n    }\n    return this.renderRoot;\n  }\n\n  private onLightDomMutation(records: MutationRecord[]) {\n    /* eslint-disable easy-loops/easy-loops */\n    for (const record of records) {\n      for (const node of record.removedNodes) {\n        this.listeners.delete(node as HTMLElement);\n        if (node.isConnected && !this.contains(node))\n          node.removeEventListener('click', this.onClick);\n      }\n\n      added:\n      for (const node of record.addedNodes) {\n        if (ApolloMutationElement.isTriggerNode(node)) {\n          this.onSlotchange();\n          break added;\n        }\n      }\n    }\n    /* eslint-enable easy-loops/easy-loops */\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Constructs a variables object from the element's data-attributes and any slotted variable inputs.\n   */\n  protected getVariablesFromInputs(): Variables<D, V> | null {\n    if (isEmpty(this.dataset) && isEmpty(this.inputs))\n      return null;\n\n    const input = {\n      ...this.dataset,\n      ...this.inputs.reduce(ApolloMutationElement.toVariables, {}),\n    };\n\n    if (this.inputKey)\n      return { [this.inputKey]: input } as unknown as Variables<D, V>;\n    else\n      return input as Variables<D, V>;\n  }\n\n  private onSlotchange(): void {\n    if (this.button)\n      this.addClickListener(this.button);\n    else if (this.trigger)\n      this.addClickListener(this.trigger);\n  }\n\n  private addClickListener(element: HTMLElement) {\n    if (!this.listeners.get(element)) {\n      element.addEventListener('click', this.onClick);\n      this.listeners.set(element, true);\n    }\n  }\n\n  private willMutate(): void {\n    if (!this.dispatchEvent(new WillMutateEvent<D, V>(this)))\n      throw new WillMutateError('mutation was canceled');\n\n    this.inFlight = true;\n\n    if (this.button)\n      this.button.disabled = true;\n\n    for (const input of this.inputs)\n      input.disabled = true;\n  }\n\n  private async willNavigate(data: Data<D>): Promise<void> {\n    if (!this.dispatchEvent(new WillNavigateEvent<D, V>(this)))\n      return;\n\n    const url =\n        typeof this.resolveURL !== 'function' ? this.href\n        // If we get here without `data`, it's due to user error\n      : await this.resolveURL(this.data!); // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion\n\n    history.replaceState(data, WillNavigateEvent.type, url);\n  }\n\n  private didMutate(): void {\n    this.inFlight = false;\n    if (this.button)\n      this.button.disabled = false;\n\n    for (const input of this.inputs)\n      input.disabled = false;\n  }\n\n  private async onClick(event: Event): Promise<void> {\n    event.preventDefault();\n    if (this.inFlight)\n      return;\n\n    try {\n      this.willMutate();\n    } catch (e) {\n      return;\n    }\n\n    await this.mutate().catch(() => void null);\n  }\n\n  /** @private */\n  onCompleted(data: Data<D>): void {\n    this.didMutate();\n    this.dispatchEvent(new MutationCompletedEvent<D, V>(this));\n\n    if (ApolloMutationElement.isLink(this.trigger))\n      this.willNavigate(data);\n  }\n\n  /** @private */\n  onError(): void {\n    this.didMutate();\n    this.dispatchEvent(new MutationErrorEvent<D, V>(this));\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Call to render the element's template using the mutation result.\n   * Templates can access `called`, `data`, `error`, `errors`, and `loading` properties.\n   * Rendering is synchronous and incremental.\n   *\n   * @summary Render the template with the query result.\n   */\n  public render(): void {\n    super.render();\n  }\n}\n\nObject.defineProperties(ApolloMutationElement.prototype, {\n  variables: {\n    configurable: true,\n    enumerable: true,\n\n    get(this: ApolloMutationElement): VariablesOf<ApolloMutationElement> | null {\n      if (this.__variables)\n        return this.__variables;\n      else\n        return this.getVariablesFromInputs() ?? this.getDOMVariables();\n    },\n\n    set(this: ApolloMutationElement, v: VariablesOf<ApolloMutationElement> | null) {\n      this.__variables = v;\n      if (this.mo) // element is connected\n        this.variablesChanged?.(v); /* c8 ignore next */ // covered\n    },\n\n  },\n});\n\ncustomElements.define(ApolloMutationElement.is, ApolloMutationElement);\n", "import type {\n  ApolloError,\n  DocumentNode,\n  FetchPolicy,\n  FetchResult,\n  Observable,\n  SubscriptionOptions,\n} from '@apollo/client/core';\n\nimport type {\n  ApolloSubscriptionInterface,\n  ComponentDocument,\n  Constructor,\n  Data,\n  OnSubscriptionDataParams,\n  SubscriptionDataOptions,\n  Variables,\n} from '@apollo-elements/interfaces';\n\nimport { dedupeMixin } from '@open-wc/dedupe-mixin';\n\nimport { ApolloElementMixin } from './apollo-element-mixin';\nimport { booleanAttr, gqlDocument } from '@apollo-elements/lib/descriptors';\n\ntype ApolloSubscriptionResultEvent<TData = unknown> =\n  CustomEvent<OnSubscriptionDataParams<TData>>;\n\ndeclare global {\n  interface HTMLElementEventMap {\n    'apollo-subscription-result': ApolloSubscriptionResultEvent;\n  }\n}\n\ntype MixinInstance = {\n  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\n  new <D = unknown, V = Record<string, any>>(...a: any[]): ApolloSubscriptionInterface<D, V>;\n  documentType: 'subscription';\n}\n\nfunction ApolloSubscriptionMixinImpl<B extends Constructor>(base: B): MixinInstance & B {\n  class ApolloSubscriptionElement<D, V>\n    extends ApolloElementMixin(base)\n    implements Omit<ApolloSubscriptionInterface<D, V>, 'canSubscribe'> {\n    static documentType = 'subscription' as const;\n\n    declare subscription: DocumentNode | ComponentDocument<D> | null;\n\n    /**\n     * Latest subscription data.\n     */\n    declare data: Data<D> | null;\n\n    /**\n     * An object map from variable name to variable value, where the variables are used within the GraphQL subscription.\n     *\n     * Setting variables will initiate the subscription, unless [`noAutoSubscribe`](#noautosubscribe) is also set.\n     *\n     * @summary Subscription variables.\n     */\n    declare variables: Variables<D, V> | null;\n\n    declare context?: Record<string, unknown>;\n\n    declare fetchPolicy?: FetchPolicy;\n\n    declare pollInterval?: number;\n\n    declare noAutoSubscribe: boolean;\n\n    declare observable?: Observable<FetchResult<Data<D>>>;\n\n    declare observableSubscription?: ZenObservable.Subscription;\n\n    notifyOnNetworkStatusChange = false;\n\n    shouldResubscribe: SubscriptionDataOptions['shouldResubscribe'] = false;\n\n    skip = false;\n\n    onSubscriptionData?(_result: OnSubscriptionDataParams<Data<D>>): void\n\n    onSubscriptionComplete?(): void\n\n    onError?(error: ApolloError): void\n\n    public get canAutoSubscribe() {\n      return (\n        !!this.client &&\n        !this.noAutoSubscribe &&\n        this.shouldSubscribe()\n      );\n    }\n\n    constructor(...a: any[]) { super(...a); }\n\n    connectedCallback(): void {\n      super.connectedCallback?.();\n      if (!this.canSubscribe() || !this.shouldSubscribe()) return;\n      this.initObservable();\n      this.subscribe();\n    }\n\n    disconnectedCallback(): void {\n      super.disconnectedCallback?.();\n      this.cancel();\n    }\n\n    documentChanged(document: DocumentNode | ComponentDocument<D>): void {\n      this.cancel();\n\n      const query = document;\n\n      if (this.canSubscribe({ query }) && this.shouldSubscribe({ query }))\n        this.subscribe();\n    }\n\n    variablesChanged(variables: Variables<D, V> | null): void {\n      this.cancel();\n      if (this.canSubscribe({ variables }) && this.shouldSubscribe({ variables }))\n        this.subscribe();\n    }\n\n    public subscribe(params?: Partial<SubscriptionDataOptions<D, V>>) {\n      this.initObservable(params);\n\n      if (this.observableSubscription && !(params?.shouldResubscribe ?? this.shouldResubscribe))\n        return; /* c8 ignore next */\n\n      this.loading = true;\n\n      this.observableSubscription =\n        this.observable?.subscribe({\n          next: this.nextData.bind(this),\n          error: this.nextError.bind(this),\n          complete: this.onComplete.bind(this),\n        });\n    }\n\n    public cancel(): void {\n      this.endSubscription();\n      this.observableSubscription = undefined;\n      this.observable = undefined;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Determines whether the element is able to automatically subscribe\n     */\n    protected canSubscribe(params?: Partial<SubscriptionOptions<this['variables']>>): boolean {\n      return (\n        !this.noAutoSubscribe &&\n        !!this.client &&\n        !!(params?.query ?? this.document)\n      );\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Determines whether the element should attempt to automatically subscribe i.e. begin querying\n     *\n     * Override to prevent subscribing unless your conditions are met.\n     */\n    shouldSubscribe(params?: Partial<SubscriptionOptions<this['variables']>>): boolean {\n      return (void params, true);\n    }\n\n    private initObservable(params?: Partial<SubscriptionDataOptions<D, V>>): void {\n      const shouldResubscribe = params?.shouldResubscribe ?? this.shouldResubscribe;\n      const client = params?.client ?? this.client;\n      const skip = params?.skip ?? this.skip;\n      const context = params?.context ?? this.context;\n      const errorPolicy = params?.errorPolicy ?? this.errorPolicy;\n      const fetchPolicy = params?.fetchPolicy ?? this.fetchPolicy;\n      // It's better to let Apollo client throw this error\n      // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion\n      const query = params?.subscription ?? this.subscription!;\n      const variables = params?.variables ?? this.variables ?? undefined;\n\n      if (!client)\n        throw new TypeError('No Apollo client. See https://apolloelements.dev/guides/getting-started/apollo-client/');\n\n      if ((this.observable && !shouldResubscribe) || skip)\n        return;\n\n      this.observable =\n        client.subscribe<Data<D>, Variables<D, V>>({\n          context,\n          errorPolicy,\n          fetchPolicy,\n          query,\n          variables,\n        });\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Sets `data`, `loading`, and `error` on the instance when new subscription results arrive.\n     */\n    private nextData(result: FetchResult<Data<D>>) {\n      const data = result.data ?? null; /* c8 ignore next */\n      // If we got to this line without a client, it's because of user error\n      const client = this.client!; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion\n      const loading = false;\n      const error = null;\n      const subscriptionData = { data, loading, error };\n      const detail = { client, subscriptionData };\n      this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('apollo-subscription-result', { detail }));\n      this.data = data;\n      this.loading = loading;\n      this.error = error;\n      this.onSubscriptionData?.(detail); /* c8 ignore next */ // covered\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Sets `error` and `loading` on the instance when the subscription errors.\n     */\n    private nextError(error: ApolloError) {\n      this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('apollo-error', { detail: error }));\n      this.error = error;\n      this.loading = false;\n      this.onError?.(error); /* c8 ignore next */ // covered\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Shuts down the subscription\n     */\n    private onComplete(): void {\n      this.onSubscriptionComplete?.(); /* c8 ignore next */ // covered\n      this.endSubscription();\n    }\n\n    private endSubscription() {\n      if (this.observableSubscription) {\n        this.observableSubscription.unsubscribe();\n        this.observableSubscription = undefined;\n      }\n    }\n  }\n\n  Object.defineProperties(ApolloSubscriptionElement.prototype, {\n    subscription: gqlDocument(),\n    noAutoSubscribe: booleanAttr('no-auto-subscribe'),\n  });\n\n  // @ts-expect-error: it is though\n  return ApolloSubscriptionElement;\n}\n\n/**\n * `ApolloSubscriptionMixin`: class mixin for apollo-subscription elements.\n */\nexport const ApolloSubscriptionMixin =\n  dedupeMixin(ApolloSubscriptionMixinImpl);\n", "import type { ApolloError, OperationVariables } from '@apollo/client/core';\nimport type {\n  ApolloSubscriptionInterface,\n  Constructor,\n  Data,\n  GraphQLError,\n} from '@apollo-elements/interfaces';\n\nimport { ApolloSubscriptionMixin } from '@apollo-elements/mixins/apollo-subscription-mixin';\nimport { NetworkStatus } from '@apollo/client/core';\n\nimport { StampinoRender, property } from './stampino-render';\n\ndeclare global {\n  interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {\n    'apollo-subscription': ApolloSubscriptionElement\n  }\n}\n\nexport type ApolloSubscriptionModel<D, V> = Pick<ApolloSubscriptionElement<D, V>,\n  | 'data'\n  | 'error'\n  | 'errors'\n  | 'loading'\n  | 'networkStatus'\n>;\n\n/**\n * @element apollo-subscription\n *\n * Render a GraphQL subscription to the DOM\n *\n * @example Render a subscription to Shadow DOM\n * ```html\n * <apollo-subscription>\n *   <script type=\"application/graphql\">\n *     subscription NewMessages {\n *       messageAdded { id author content }\n *     }\n *   </script>\n *   <template>\n *     <article>\n *       <span class=\"author-name\">{{ data.author.name }}</span>\n *       <mark-down>{{ data.content }}</mark-down>\n *     </article>\n *   </template>\n * </apollo-subscription>\n * ```\n *\n * @example Setting subscription and variables using the DOM\n * ```html\n * <apollo-subscription id=\"subscription-element\" template=\"message-template\"></apollo-subscription>\n *\n * <template id=\"message-template\">\n *   <article>\n *     <span class=\"author-name\">{{ data.author.name }}</span>\n *     <mark-down>{{ data.content }}</mark-down>\n *   </article>\n * </template>\n *\n * <script type=\"module\">\n *   import { gql } from '@apollo/client/core';\n *   const el = document.getElementById('subscription-element');\n *   el.subscription = gql`\n *     subscription NewMessages($limit: Int) {\n *       messagesAdded {\n *         messages { id author content }\n *         hasMore\n *       }\n *     }\n *   `;\n *   el.variables = { limit: 10 };\n * </script>\n * ```\n */\nexport class ApolloSubscriptionElement<D = unknown, V = OperationVariables>\n  extends ApolloSubscriptionMixin<Constructor<StampinoRender>>(StampinoRender)<D, V>\n  implements ApolloSubscriptionInterface<D, V> {\n  static get is(): 'apollo-subscription' { return 'apollo-subscription'; }\n\n  @property() data: Data<D>|null = null;\n\n  @property() error: Error|ApolloError|null = null;\n\n  @property() errors: readonly GraphQLError[] = [];\n\n  @property({ reflect: true, init: false }) loading = false;\n\n  @property({ reflect: true, init: NetworkStatus.ready }) networkStatus = NetworkStatus.ready;\n\n  protected get model(): ApolloSubscriptionModel<D, V> {\n    const { data, error, errors, loading, networkStatus } = this;\n    return { data, error, errors, loading, networkStatus };\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Call to render the element's template using the subscription result.\n   * Templates can access `data`, `error`, `errors`, `loading`, and `networkStatus` properties.\n   * Rendering is synchronous and incremental.\n   *\n   * @summary Render the template with the subscription result.\n   */\n  public render(): void {\n    super.render();\n  }\n}\n\ncustomElements.define(ApolloSubscriptionElement.is, ApolloSubscriptionElement);\n"],
  "names": []