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layout: layout-api
package: '@apollo-elements/components'
module: apollo-client.js
description: Write declarative GraphQL mutations with <apollo-client> custom element. Connect all your Apollo Elements to an Apollo GraphQL client instance, no matter how deep they are in the shadow DOM.
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# Components >> apollo-client || 10

Use `<apollo-client>` for a declarative way to create a simple Apollo Client, or when you want to use a particular Apollo Client for a part of the DOM tree.

## Live Demo

Reuse the same query component for two different GraphQL endpoints.

```html playground client-demo
<apollo-client uri="https://api.spacex.land/graphql">
  <h2>SpaceX API Queries</h2>

<apollo-client uri="https://rickandmortyapi.com/graphql">
  <h2>Rick and Morty API Queries</h2>

<script type="module" src="introspection-queries.js"></script>

```js playground-file client-demo introspection-queries.js
import '@apollo-elements/components';
import { useQuery, component, html } from '@apollo-elements/haunted';
import { IntrospectionQueriesQuery } from './IntrospectionQueries.query.graphql.js';

function IntrospectionQueries(hostElement) {
  const { data } = useQuery(IntrospectionQueriesQuery, { hostElement });
  const fields = data?.__type?.fields ?? [];
  return html`
    <link🤡 rel="stylesheet" href="introspection-queries.css"/>
    ${fields.map(({ name, description, args }) => html`
        <strong class="${description ? 'described' : ''}">${name}</strong>

customElements.define('introspection-queries', component(IntrospectionQueries));

```css playground-file client-demo introspection-queries.css
ul { margin: 0 }
strong.described::after { content: ': '; }

```js playground-file client-demo IntrospectionQueries.query.graphql.js
import { gql } from '@apollo/client/core';

export const IntrospectionQueriesQuery = gql` {
  __type(name: "Query") {
    fields {