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layout: layout-api
package: '@apollo-elements/lit-apollo'
module: apollo-query.js
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# Web Component Libraries >> lit-apollo >> ApolloQuery || 20

<inline-notification type="tip" title="Looking for Controllers?">

Looking for reactive Apollo query controllers? See [`@apollo-elements/core/apollo-query-controller`](/api/core/controllers/query/).


`ApolloQuery` inherits from `ApolloElement` and implements the [`ApolloQueryInterface`](/api/core/interfaces/query/).

## Demo

```ts playground lit-apollo-query launches.ts
import { ApolloQuery, html } from '@apollo-elements/lit-apollo';
import { customElement } from 'lit/decorators.js';
import { LaunchesQuery } from './Launches.query.graphql.js';
import { style } from './SpacexLaunches.css.js';
import '@apollo-elements/components/apollo-client';

class SpacexLaunches extends ApolloQuery<typeof LaunchesQuery> {
  static readonly styles = style;

  variables = { limit: 3 };

  query = LaunchesQuery;

  render() {
    const launches = this.data?.launchesPast ?? [];
    return html`
      <ol>${launches.map(x => html`
            <span>${x.mission_name ?? ''}</span>
            <img .src="${x.links?.mission_patch_small}" alt="Badge" role="presentation"/>

```graphql playground-file lit-apollo-query Launches.query.graphql.ts
{% include ../_assets/Launches.query.graphql.ts %}

```js playground-file lit-apollo-query SpacexLaunches.css.js
import { css } from 'lit';
export const style = css`
{% include ../_assets/SpacexLaunches.css %}`;

```html playground-file lit-apollo-query index.html
{% include ../_assets/index.spacex-launches.html %}

Read the [query component guides](../../../../guides/usage/queries/) for more examples and tips.