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layout: layout-api
package: '@apollo-elements/mixins'
module: controller-host-mixin.js
templateEngineOverride: njk,md
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# Web Component Libraries >> Class Mixins >> ControllerHostMixin

Mixin which adds the `ReactiveController` interface to your element. You can use this to render updates from your controllers by implementing an `update` method that calls `super.update()`.

```js playground mouse-controller color-picker.js
{% include './_assets/color-picker.js' %}

```css playground-file mouse-controller color-picker.css
{% include './_assets/color-picker.css' %}

```js playground-file mouse-controller mouse-controller.js
{% include './_assets/mouse-controller.js' %}

```html playground-file mouse-controller index.html
{% include './_assets/index.html' %}

```css playground-file mouse-controller style.css
{% include './_assets/style.css' %}