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Test Coverage
layout: layout-api
package: '@apollo-elements/polymer'
module: polymer-apollo-query.js
templateEngineOverride: njk,md
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# Web Component Libraries >> Polymer >> polymer-apollo-query || 10

## Demo

{% set query %}{% include '../_assets/Launches.query.graphql' %}{% endset %}
{% set style %}{% include '../_assets/SpacexLaunches.css' %}{% endset %}

```ts playground gluon-query launches.js
import { PolymerElement, html } from '@polymer/polymer';
import '@polymer/polymer/lib/elements/dom-repeat.js'
import '@apollo-elements/polymer/polymer-apollo-query';
import '@apollo-elements/components/apollo-client';

class SpacexLaunches extends PolymerElement {
  static get is() { return 'spacex-launches'; }

  static get template() {
    return html`
        {{ style | trim | indent(8) }}
      <polymer-apollo-query data="{%raw%}{{ data }}{%endraw%}">
        <script type="application/graphql">
          {{ query | trim | indent(10) }}
        <script type="application/json">
          { "limit": 3 }
        <dom-repeat items="[[ data.launchesPast ]]" as="launch">
                <span>[[ launch.mission_name ]]</span>
                <img src="[[ launch.links.mission_patch_small ]]" alt="Badge" role="presentation"/>

customElements.define(SpacexLaunches.is, SpacexLaunches);

```html playground-file gluon-query index.html
{% include '../_assets/index.spacex-launches.html' %}

Read the [query component guides](../../../../guides/usage/queries/) for more examples and tips.