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description: Strongly typed GraphQL operation components with less boilerplate

# Getting Started >> Codegen >> TypedDocumentNode || 50

[TypedDocumentNode](https://the-guild.dev/blog/typed-document-node) is a new technique where the `query`, `mutation`, or `subscription` object for your components comes with it's `data` and `variables` types built in. Before `TypedDocumentNode`, if you wanted to strongly type your GraphQL operations, you would need to define the `data` and `variables` types manually, or use `graphql-codegen` to create those types, which you could manually apply to operations.

```graphql copy
query TypedQuery($var: String) {
  typed {

### Generating `TypedDocumentNode`s
Using `TypedDocumentNode` and [graphql-codegen](https://graphql-code-generator.com/docs/plugins/typed-document-node), you can somewhat simplify the process. You can take a variety of approaches here.

## Transpile `.graphql` to `.ts` in-place
Under this approach, you configure `graphql-codegen` to generate a single TypeScript files corresponding to each of your GraphQL operations, e.g. `src/components/typed/TypedQuery.query.graphql` -> `src/components/types/TypedQuery.query.graphql.ts`

```ts copy
import { TypedQuery } from './TypedQuery.query.graphql';

- ✅ Single import per operation aids code splitting
- ❌ Requires another file watcher for development

## Bundle `.graphql` operations into a single `operations.ts` file
Under this approach, you configure `graphql-codegen` to create a single TypeScript file that exports runtime objects for each operation. e.g. `src/components/**/*.{query,mutation,subscription}.graphql` -> `src/codegen/operations.ts`

```ts copy
import { TypedQuery } from '../../codegen/operations';

- ✅ Keeps code-generated files in one place
- ❌ Monolithic file for operations could be a bundle-size concern

## Generate a single `operations.d.ts`

Under this approach, you configure `graphql-codegen` to output a single, types-only TypeScript file. You would then use a [build tool](../building-for-production.md) and/or [dev-server plugin](../buildless-development.md) to import the GraphQL files. This approach is most like the old `graphql-codegen` workflow that did not use `TypedDocumentNode`.

```ts copy
import type { TypedQueryDocument } from '../../codegen/operations';
import TypedQuery from './Typed.query.graphql';

- ✅ Simpler migration from old workflow
- ❌ Requires tooling to load GraphQL files

## Using them in Components

When you pass your `TypedDocumentNode` to a controller (or haunted hook, or hybrids factory), TypeScript will infer the return type. If you're using a component class (e.g. `class extends ApolloQuery`), pass the `TypedDocumentNode` objects' type as the first type argument to your component constructors.

These examples assume you followed the first approach outlined above. If you are generating types, omit the `typeof` operator.

<code-tabs collection="libraries" default-tab="lit">

  ```ts tab html
  import type { ApolloQueryElement } from '@apollo-elements/components';

  import { TypedQuery } from './Typed.query.graphql';

  import '@apollo-elements/components';

  type TypedHTMLQueryElement = ApolloQueryElement<typeof TypedQuery>;

  const typedHTMLQueryElement =

  typedHTMLQueryElement.query = TypedQuery;

  type DataType = (typeof typedHTMLQueryElement)['data'];

  ```ts tab mixins
  import { ApolloQueryMixin } from '@apollo-elements/mixins';
  import { TypedQuery } from './Typed.query.graphql';

  class TypedQueryElement
  extends ApolloQueryMixin(HTMLElement)<typeof TypedQuery> {
    query = TypedQuery;

    #data: this['data'];

    get data(): this['data'] { return this.#data; }

    set data(value: this['data']) {
      this.#data = value;
      if (data !== null)
        console.assert(typeof this.#data.name === 'string');
      return this.#data;

  ```ts tab lit
  import { LitElement, PropertyValues } from 'lit';
  import { ApolloQueryController } from '@apollo-elements/core';
  import { TypedQuery } from './Typed.query.graphql';

  class TypedQueryElement extends LitElement {
    query = new ApolloQueryController(this, TypedQuery, {
      onData: (data) => {
        if (data)
          console.assert(typeof this.query.data.name === 'string');

  ```ts tab fast
  import { FASTElement, customElement, html } from '@microsoft/fast-element';
  import { ApolloQueryBehavior } from '@apollo-elements/fast';
  import { TypedQuery } from './Typed.query.graphql';

  @customElement({ name: 'typed-element' })
  class TypedQueryElement extends FASTElement {
    query = new ApolloQueryBehavior(this, TypedQuery, {
      onData(data) {
        if (newValue !== null)
          console.assert(typeof newValue.name === 'string');

  ```ts tab haunted
  import { useQuery } from '@apollo-elements/haunted';
  import { TypedQuery } from './Typed.query.graphql';

  function TypedQueryElement() {
    const { data } = useQuery(TypedQuery);

    if (data !== null)
      console.assert(typeof data.name === 'string');

  ```tsx tab atomico
  import { useQuery } from '@apollo-elements/atomico';
  import { TypedQuery } from './Typed.query.graphql';

  function TypedQueryElement() {
    const { data } = useQuery(TypedQuery);

    if (data !== null)
      console.assert(typeof data.name === 'string');
    return <host>...</host>;

  ```ts tab hybrids
  import { define, query, html } from '@apollo-elements/hybrids';
  import { TypedQuery } from './Typed.query.graphql';

  type ApolloQueryElement<T extends TypedDocumentNode> =
    HTMLElement & { query: ApolloQueryController<T> };

  define<ApolloQueryElement<typeof TypedQuery>>('typed-query', {
    query: query(TypedQuery),
    render: ({ query: { data } }) => {
      if (data !== null)
        console.assert(typeof data.name === 'string');
