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Test Coverage
description: Build a high-performance GraphQL web app with Apollo Elements

# Getting Started || 10

<style data-helmett>
  #apollo-elements-cycle-diagram .entity {
    letter-spacing: -2.6px;
    fill: var(--text-color);
    font-family: Recursive;
    font-size: 48px;
        "MONO" 1,
        "CASL" 0.5,
        "wght" 500,
        "slnt" -7,
        "CRSV" 0.5;

  #apollo-elements-cycle-diagram .arrow { fill: var(--page-background); }
  #apollo-elements-cycle-diagram .venn { opacity: 0.5; }
  #apollo-client-venn-region { fill: var(--pink-a200); }
  #apollo-elements-venn-region { fill: var(--purple-a400); }
  body[theme="dark"] #apollo-elements-cycle-diagram .venn { opacity: 0.5; }
  @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
    #apollo-elements-cycle-diagram .venn { opacity: 0.5; }

Apollo Elements apps use GraphQL and Apollo Client to manage their state. Each component in your app reads it's data from the graph with a [query](../usage/queries/), and can change the state of the app with [mutations](../usage/mutations/) or through one of the [local state](../usage/local-state/) techniques.


{% include ./cycle.svg | safe %}


Circular flow chart showing the essential UI loop for Apollo Elements apps: [Queries](../usage/queries/) fetch data from the server, render them via component templates to the DOM, where [mutation components](../usage/mutations/) fire in response to user events, and update the Apollo cache, which in turn notifies connected query elements.


## App Generator

Apollo Elements comes with an app and component generator. Start the generator with this command:

<code-tabs collection="package-managers" default-tab="npm" align="end">

```bash tab npm
npm init @apollo-elements

```bash tab yarn
npm init @apollo-elements -- app --pkg-manager yarn

```bash tab pnpm
pnpm init @apollo-elements


This starts a CLI wizard that asks you some questions about your app, then scaffold the project for you. The generated app comes with plenty of bells-and-whistles:

- TypeScript
- Linting with eslint and an opinionated ruleset
- [Buildless development](./buildless-development.md) workflow with `@web/dev-server`
  - support for importing GraphQL files with `import MyQuery from './My.query.graphql'`
  - support for importing CSS with `import styles from './my-element.css'`
- Optimized [production bundle](./building-for-production.md)
- A basic Apollo Client instance
- Simple, unopinionated SPA routing
- Code-generated TypeScript typings for GraphQL documents

Check out the [`@apollo-elements/create` documentation](/api/create/) for more info.

### `package.json` Scripts

These npm scripts help you get your work done in style:

### start

Runs the code generator, the type checker, and the development server in watch mode

```bash copy
npm start

### build

Bundles the app into `/build`. The production bundle is tree-shaken and code-split, and it minifies your javascript and HTML. Upload the `/build` directory to a static file host and you're good.

```bash copy
npm run build

### lint

Lints your app with an opinionated set of rules for JavaScript and TypeScript

```bash copy
npm run lint

### test

The generator doesn't currently offer strong opinions on testing your UI components, so `npm test` exits with an error code. For unit testing business logic (i.e. typePolicies), we recommend [@web/test-runner](https://modern-web.dev/guides/test-runner/getting-started/)