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# Usage >> Subscriptions >> apollo-subscription Element || 20

Use the `<apollo-subscription>` element from `@apollo-elements/components` to write declarative subscription elements in HTML. You can mix-and-match these elements in your app, e.g. writing some subscription components using JavaScript and various web components libraries, and other components using `<apollo-subscription>` and HTML templates.

<inline-notification type="tip">

This page is a HOW-TO guide. For detailed docs on the `<apollo-subscription>` element's API, see the [API docs](/api/components/apollo-subscription/)


Templates use [stampino](https://npm.im/stampino) and [jexpr](https://npm.im/jexpr) for efficiently updating data expressions. See their respective READMEs for more information.

<inline-notification type="tip">

`jexpr` expressions are like handlebars, nunjucks, polymer, etc. expressions. You can do most things you can do in JavaScript using `jexpr`. Try it out for yourself on the [Stampino REPL](https://github.com/justinfagnani/stampino/issues/14)


What that means is you can define the element's dynamic template using good-old HTML:

```html copy
  <script type="application/json">
    subscription Notifications {
      newNotifications { href title }

      :host([loading]) {
        opacity: 0;

    <linkšŸ¤” rel="stylesheet" href="/components/notifications.css">

    <ol class="notifications-list">
      <template type="repeat" repeat="{%raw%}{{ data.notifications }}{%endraw%}">
          <a href="{%raw%}{{ item.href }}{%endraw%}">{%raw%}{{ item.title }}{%endraw%}</a>

## Data Templates

Learn more about template expressions and bindings in the [`<apollo-query>` HTML element guide](/guides/usage/queries/html/#template-expressions)

## Next Steps
- Learn how to [manage client-side state using Apollo Elements](/guides/usage/local-state/)