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Test Coverage
  publish = "_site/"
  command = "npm run postinstall && npm run docs"

  package = "netlify-plugin-a11y"

    # all inputs are optional, we just show you the defaults below

    resultMode = "warn" # is "error" by default

# Docs shuffle
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  to = "/api/core/interfaces/mutation/lifecycle/"
  from = "/guides/usage/subscriptions/lifecycle/*"
  to = "/api/core/interfaces/subscription/lifecycle/"
  from = "/guides/usage/mutations/apollo-mutation-component/*"
  to = "/guides/usage/mutations/html/*"
  from = "/api/libraries/lib/*"
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  from = "/api/core/interfaces/*"
  to = "/api/core/interfaces/*"

# Redirects from typedoc site
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  to = "/api/libraries/fast/"
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  to = "/api/libraries/gluon/"
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  to = "/api/libraries/haunted/"
  from = "/modules/_apollo_elements_hybrids.html"
  to = "/api/libraries/hybrids/"
  from = "/modules/_apollo_elements_lib.html"
  to = "/api/libraries/lib/"
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  to = "/api/libraries/lit-apollo/"
  from = "/modules/_apollo_elements_mixins.html"
  to = "/api/libraries/mixins/"
  from = "/modules/_apollo_elements_polymer.html"
  to = "/api/libraries/polymer/"
  from = "/modules/_apollo_elements_components.html"
  to = "/api/components/"
  from = "/pages/Guides/getting-started.html"
  to = "/guides/getting-started/"
  from = "/pages/Guides/migrating.html"
  to = "/guides/getting-started/migrating/"
  from = "/pages/Using%20Apollo/local-state.html"
  to = "/guides/usage/local-state/"
  from = "/pages/Using%20Apollo/mutations.html"
  to = "/guides/usage/mutations/"
  from = "/pages/Using%20Apollo/queries.html"
  to = "/guides/usage/queries/"
  from = "/pages/Using%20Apollo/subscriptions.html"
  to = "/guides/usage/subscriptions/"
  from = "/pages/using%20apollo/queries"
  to = "/guides/usage/queries/"

# slides
  from = "decks/graphql-berlin-meetup-03-2021/*"
  to = "/decks/graphql-berlin-meetup-03-2021/"

# fixes annoying errors from @netlify/plugin-no-more-404
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