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# @apollo-elements/components

## 3.0.5

### Patch Changes

- c95e8fb: Remove static blocks from build artifacts

## 3.0.4

### Patch Changes

- 187b8dc: Use `as const` for static types in `events.js`

## 3.0.3

### Patch Changes

- 1bb1428: Compiles away [class static blocks](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Classes/Class_static_initialization_blocks)
- Updated dependencies [1bb1428]
  - @apollo-elements/core@2.1.2
  - @apollo-elements/mixins@5.0.3

## 3.0.2

### Patch Changes

- 468912b: Update dependencies
- Updated dependencies [468912b]
  - @apollo-elements/mixins@5.0.2

## 3.0.1

### Patch Changes

- bc9ebd8: Fix build scripts
- 987c2cd: Update TypeScript to 4.6

  Note, previous major versions did not generate github releases
  due to problems with changesets. Their breaking change was to no longer
  transpile class private fields, so if you use webpack or other bundlers
  which don't support private fields, you'll need to use babel.

- Updated dependencies [bc9ebd8]
- Updated dependencies [987c2cd]
  - @apollo-elements/core@2.0.1
  - @apollo-elements/mixins@5.0.1

## 3.0.0

### Major Changes

- 68670e5a: No longer transpiles class private fields

### Patch Changes

- 5b77eb2f: Source linting
- d3e93926: Pre-bundled stampino

  This release pre-bundles a copy of stampino to improve stability.

- 4345e6a2: Improvements to the internal type system makes working with query data easier

  This release makes some breaking changes to internal types. If for some reason you were importing
  those types from core, your code may break. However, normal usage should not be affected.

- Updated dependencies [5b77eb2f]
- Updated dependencies [4345e6a2]
- Updated dependencies [5b77eb2f]
- Updated dependencies [68670e5a]
  - @apollo-elements/core@2.0.0
  - @apollo-elements/mixins@5.0.0

## 3.0.0-next.1

### Major Changes

- 68670e5: No longer transpiles class private fields

### Patch Changes

- 5b77eb2: Source linting
- Updated dependencies [5b77eb2]
- Updated dependencies [5b77eb2]
- Updated dependencies [68670e5]
  - @apollo-elements/core@2.0.0-next.1
  - @apollo-elements/mixins@5.0.0-next.1

## 2.1.2-next.0

### Patch Changes

- d3e9392: Pre-bundled stampino

  This release pre-bundles a copy of stampino to improve stability.

- 4345e6a: Improvements to the internal type system makes working with query data easier

  This release makes some breaking changes to internal types. If for some reason you were importing
  those types from core, your code may break. However, normal usage should not be affected.

- Updated dependencies [4345e6a]
  - @apollo-elements/core@1.1.1-next.0
  - @apollo-elements/mixins@4.1.1-next.0

## 2.1.1

### Patch Changes

- Fixed custom-elements manifest

## 2.1.0

### Minor Changes

- da301f4: Update `@apollo/client` to support `grahpql` v16

### Patch Changes

- Updated dependencies [da301f4]
  - @apollo-elements/core@1.1.0
  - @apollo-elements/mixins@4.1.0

## 2.0.0

### Major Changes

- 96576f26: Adds a `debounce` attribute and property to `<apollo-mutation>`

  To [debounce](https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/javascript-debounce-example/) a mutation call, set the `debounce` attribute to the number of milliseconds you want to delay firing by, e.g. `debounce="500"` for every half-second.

  <apollo-mutation debounce="500">
    <label>Name <input trigger="keyup" data-variable="name"/></label>

  You can also set the `passive` attribute on triggers to make their listeners passive. Use this in combination with the `trigger` attribute to add passive mutating listeners to a stream of events. For example, passively listen for `slide` events on this imaginary slider element, and mutate each time.

    <silly-slider trigger="slide" passive data-variable="pitch"></silly-slider>

- 96576f26: Removes `variables` and `trigger` named slots from `<apollo-mutation>`

  This release replaces the `variables` and `trigger` slots on `<apollo-mutation>` with a single anonymous slot. This gives users more control over their mutation components.

  The previous named-slot-based API assumed that the user wanted the trigger to appear in the DOM after the variable-inputs, but this isn't always what the user wants. Users also had to make their inputs and triggers direct children of the mutation element - it would not work if they nested them in `<label>` or `<header>` elements, for example.

  ### Migrating

  > **TL;DR:** `s/slot="trigger"/trigger`, `s/slot="variable"//`

  Instead of using `slot="variable"` add a `data-variable` attribute to any input-like element that represents a variable, e.g. `<input data-variable="varName"\>` would represent the value of the `varName` variable.

  Similarly, to assign a button-like element as the trigger, add a `trigger` attribute to it.

  #### Before:

  <apollo-mutation input-key="input">
    <!-- Oops! appears after `a-input` in shadow DOM -->
    <button slot="trigger">Mutate!</button>

      <!-- Oops! Not slotted into `<apollo-mutation>`! -->
      <input slot="variable" data-variable="name" />

  #### After:

  <apollo-mutation input-key="input">
    <button trigger>Mutate!</button>

      <input data-variable="name" />

  The default template contains a single anonymous slot element. If you do provide a result template, make sure to add at least one slot for the mutation content, if you want your mutation controls to appear after the mutation completes or errors.

### Minor Changes

- a40197f5: Add default template to mutation component.
- 96576f26: Adds `<apollo-query>` and `<apollo-subscription>` to the `@apollo-elements/components` package. These elements use [stampino](https://github.com/justinfagnani/stampino) to render a declarative, dynamic HTML template to their shadow roots (or, optionally, to a light DOM child div).
- 96576f26: Adds [stampino](https://github.com/justinfagnani/stampino) templates to `<apollo-mutation>`.

  Like `<apollo-query>`, this lets you render the mutation result as a dynamic HTML template to either the shadow or light DOM.

- 96576f26: Adds an optional value to the `trigger` attribute on `<apollo-mutation>` to specify the event to trigger the mutation.

  Previously, the triggering element would fire the mutation on click. Now, `click` is the default event, but you can specify which event to mutate on. This lets you use an input as both a variable and a mutation trigger, by setting the value of the `trigger` attribute to `change`.

    <script type="application/graphql">
      query MyProfile {
        me {
          id name

        data-user-id="{{ data.me.id }}"
          value="{{ data.me.name }}"

        <script type="application/graphql">
          mutation UpdateUserName($userId: ID!, $name: String!) {
            updateUserName(userId: $userId, name: $name) {
              id name

  Removes the protected `trigger` and `button` accessors, and replaces them with `triggers` and `buttons`, which return `NodeList`s.

- bdfef368: `<apollo-mutation>` now picks up variables and triggers from sibling nodes with `variable-for="<id>"` or `trigger-for="<id>"` attributes.

  <figcaption>Example of sibling nodes to apollo-mutation</figcaption>

  <label>Name <input variable-for="add-user" data-variable="name"/></label>
  <button trigger-for="add-user">Add</button>
  <apollo-mutation id="add-user">
    <script type="application/graphql" src="AddUser.mutation.graphql"></script>
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="add-user.css" />
      <output class="{{ data ? 'resolved' : 'transparent' }}">
        <p>You have added {{ data.addUser.name }}</p>


- ea45702b: Adds `optionsChanged` callback. This protected, optional callback allows for setting the `options` property on an ApolloQueryController to set options on the internal `ObservableQuery`. Use it by setting the options property. Setting internal properties will not initiate side effects.

  class QueryElement extends ReactiveElement {
    query = new ApolloQueryController(this, SomeQuery);

  const el = new QueryElement();
  el.query.options = { refetchWritePolicy: "merge" }; // will trigger `setOptions`
  el.query.options.refetchWritePolicy = "merge"; // will *not* trigger `setOptions`

### Patch Changes

- 620341dc: Update manifests
- 713637cd: Updates to `lit` npm package.

  To migrate,

  npm r -S lit-element lit-html
  npm i -S @apollo-elements/lit-apollo@next

  yarn remove lit-element lit-html
  yarn add @apollo-elements/lit-apollo@next

- cf46feee: Include all components in docs
- bf812f89: Fix generated custom elements manifest
- 7665aba5: Add missing custom-elements.json to package file manifest
- fa75511d: Removed references to deprecated interfaces package
- df7e254d: Fix $ and $\$ override signatures. Affects TypeScript types only.
- 0a6152e6: fix homepage link in package.json
- abb2e5ec: Allow for 3.4.0-rc clients
- 5e59f87d: Fix TS types for cross-compatibility with client 3.3 and 3.4
- Updated dependencies [620341dc]
- Updated dependencies [bf812f89]
- Updated dependencies [7665aba5]
- Updated dependencies [fa75511d]
- Updated dependencies [6321c8b2]
- Updated dependencies [0a6152e6]
- Updated dependencies [4cb497a4]
- Updated dependencies [undefined]
- Updated dependencies [ea45702b]
- Updated dependencies [abb2e5ec]
- Updated dependencies [5e59f87d]
- Updated dependencies [792008ea]
  - @apollo-elements/core@1.0.0
  - @apollo-elements/mixins@4.0.0

## 2.0.0-next.11

### Minor Changes

- 32b6c3d: `<apollo-mutation>` now picks up variables and triggers from sibling nodes with `variable-for="<id>"` or `trigger-for="<id>"` attributes.

  <figcaption>Example of sibling nodes to apollo-mutation</figcaption>

  <label>Name <input variable-for="add-user" data-variable="name"/></label>
  <button trigger-for="add-user">Add</button>
  <apollo-mutation id="add-user">
    <script type="application/graphql" src="AddUser.mutation.graphql"></script>
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="add-user.css" />
      <output class="{{ data ? 'resolved' : 'transparent' }}">
        <p>You have added {{ data.addUser.name }}</p>


## 2.0.0-next.10

### Minor Changes

- 8d0b2cb: Add default template to mutation component.

## 2.0.0-next.9

### Minor Changes

- 702a304: Adds `optionsChanged` callback. This protected, optional callback allows for setting the `options` property on an ApolloQueryController to set options on the internal `ObservableQuery`. Use it by setting the options property. Setting internal properties will not initiate side effects.

  class QueryElement extends ReactiveElement {
    query = new ApolloQueryController(this, SomeQuery);

  const el = new QueryElement();
  el.query.options = { refetchWritePolicy: "merge" }; // will trigger `setOptions`
  el.query.options.refetchWritePolicy = "merge"; // will *not* trigger `setOptions`

### Patch Changes

- Updated dependencies [702a304]
  - @apollo-elements/core@0.1.0-next.7
  - @apollo-elements/mixins@4.0.0-next.7

## 2.0.0-next.8

### Patch Changes

- 30a31ea: Fix TS types for cross-compatibility with client 3.3 and 3.4
- Updated dependencies [30a31ea]
  - @apollo-elements/core@0.0.1-next.6
  - @apollo-elements/mixins@4.0.0-next.6

## 2.0.0-next.7

### Patch Changes

- cd972e5: Allow for 3.4.0-rc clients
- Updated dependencies [cd972e5]
  - @apollo-elements/core@0.0.1-next.5
  - @apollo-elements/mixins@4.0.0-next.5

## 2.0.0-next.6

### Patch Changes

- 41bc768c: fix homepage link in package.json
- Updated dependencies [41bc768c]
  - @apollo-elements/mixins@4.0.0-next.4

## 2.0.0-next.5

### Patch Changes

- 87a0e907: Update manifests
- Updated dependencies [87a0e907]
  - @apollo-elements/core@0.0.1-next.3
  - @apollo-elements/mixins@4.0.0-next.3

## 2.0.0-next.4

### Patch Changes

- 91d03c60: Removed references to deprecated interfaces package
- f167041b: Fix $ and $\$ override signatures. Affects TypeScript types only.
- Updated dependencies [91d03c60]
  - @apollo-elements/core@0.0.1-next.2
  - @apollo-elements/mixins@4.0.0-next.2

## 2.0.0-next.3

### Patch Changes

- 408641da: Fix generated custom elements manifest
- Updated dependencies [408641da]
  - @apollo-elements/core@0.0.1-next.1

## 2.0.0-next.2

### Patch Changes

- 55990659: Add missing custom-elements.json to package file manifest
- Updated dependencies [55990659]
  - @apollo-elements/core@0.0.1-next.0
  - @apollo-elements/mixins@4.0.0-next.1

## 2.0.0-next.1

### Patch Changes

- b388f60b: Include all components in docs

## 2.0.0-next.0

### Major Changes

- 496415d4: Adds a `debounce` attribute and property to `<apollo-mutation>`

  To [debounce](https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/javascript-debounce-example/) a mutation call, set the `debounce` attribute to the number of milliseconds you want to delay firing by, e.g. `debounce="500"` for every half-second.

  <apollo-mutation debounce="500">
    <label>Name <input trigger="keyup" data-variable="name"/></label>

  You can also set the `passive` attribute on triggers to make their listeners passive. Use this in combination with the `trigger` attribute to add passive mutating listeners to a stream of events. For example, passively listen for `slide` events on this imaginary slider element, and mutate each time.

    <silly-slider trigger="slide" passive data-variable="pitch"></silly-slider>

- 496415d4: Removes `variables` and `trigger` named slots from `<apollo-mutation>`

  This release replaces the `variables` and `trigger` slots on `<apollo-mutation>` with a single anonymous slot. This gives users more control over their mutation components.

  The previous named-slot-based API assumed that the user wanted the trigger to appear in the DOM after the variable-inputs, but this isn't always what the user wants. Users also had to make their inputs and triggers direct children of the mutation element - it would not work if they nested them in `<label>` or `<header>` elements, for example.

  ### Migrating

  > **TL;DR:** `s/slot="trigger"/trigger`, `s/slot="variable"//`

  Instead of using `slot="variable"` add a `data-variable` attribute to any input-like element that represents a variable, e.g. `<input data-variable="varName"\>` would represent the value of the `varName` variable.

  Similarly, to assign a button-like element as the trigger, add a `trigger` attribute to it.

  #### Before:

  <apollo-mutation input-key="input">
    <!-- Oops! appears after `a-input` in shadow DOM -->
    <button slot="trigger">Mutate!</button>

      <!-- Oops! Not slotted into `<apollo-mutation>`! -->
      <input slot="variable" data-variable="name" />

  #### After:

  <apollo-mutation input-key="input">
    <button trigger>Mutate!</button>

      <input data-variable="name" />

### Minor Changes

- 496415d4: Adds `<apollo-query>` and `<apollo-subscription>` to the `@apollo-elements/components` package. These elements use [stampino](https://github.com/justinfagnani/stampino) to render a declarative, dynamic HTML template to their shadow roots (or, optionally, to a light DOM child div).
- 496415d4: Adds [stampino](https://github.com/justinfagnani/stampino) templates to `<apollo-mutation>`.

  Like `<apollo-query>`, this lets you render the mutation result as a dynamic HTML template to either the shadow or light DOM.

- 496415d4: Adds an optional value to the `trigger` attribute on `<apollo-mutation>` to specify the event to trigger the mutation.

  Previously, the triggering element would fire the mutation on click. Now, `click` is the default event, but you can specify which event to mutate on. This lets you use an input as both a variable and a mutation trigger, by setting the value of the `trigger` attribute to `change`.

    <script type="application/graphql">
      query MyProfile {
        me {
          id name

        data-user-id="{{ data.me.id }}"
          value="{{ data.me.name }}"

        <script type="application/graphql">
          mutation UpdateUserName($userId: ID!, $name: String!) {
            updateUserName(userId: $userId, name: $name) {
              id name

  Removes the protected `trigger` and `button` accessors, and replaces them with `triggers` and `buttons`, which return `NodeList`s.

### Patch Changes

- bc48777f: Updates to `lit` npm package.

  To migrate,

  npm r -S lit-element lit-html
  npm i -S @apollo-elements/lit-apollo

  yarn remove lit-element lit-html
  yarn add @apollo-elements/lit-apollo

- Updated dependencies [0ccd5682]
- Updated dependencies [b5f2502f]
  - @apollo-elements/mixins@4.0.0-next.0