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import type {
} from '@apollo/client/core';

import type { ApolloController, ApolloEvent, ApolloElementElement } from '@apollo-elements/core';

import { bound } from '@apollo-elements/core/lib/bound';

declare global { interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { 'apollo-client': ApolloClientElement; } }

const template = document.createElement('template');
template.innerHTML = /* html */`
  <style>:host { display: block; }</style>

const DOCUMENT_TYPES = ['document', 'query', 'mutation', 'subscription'];

function isInMemoryCache(
  cache?: ApolloClient<NormalizedCacheObject>['cache']
): cache is InMemoryCache {
  return !!cache && ('policies' in cache);

function isApolloElement(element: Node): element is ApolloElementElement {
  return element instanceof HTMLElement && (
    DOCUMENT_TYPES.includes((element.constructor as typeof ApolloElementElement).documentType)

function hasShadowRoot(node: Node): node is HTMLElement & { shadowRoot: ShadowRoot } {
  return node instanceof HTMLElement && !!node.shadowRoot;

function claimApolloElement(event: ApolloEvent): ApolloController | void {
  if (event.controller)
    return event.controller;
  else if (isApolloElement(event.detail))
    return event.detail.controller;

 * Provides an ApolloClient instance to all nested ApolloElement children,
 * even across (open) shadow boundaries.
 * @element apollo-client
 * @fires {CustomEvent<{ client: ApolloClient<NormalizedCacheObject> }>} client-changed - The client changed
 * @example <caption>Generate a simple ApolloClient instance</caption>
 * ```html
 *          <apollo-client uri="/graphql"></apollo-client>
 * ```
 * @example <caption>Prevent network calls when required variables are absent</caption>
 * ```html
 *          <apollo-client uri="/graphql" validate-variables></apollo-client>
 * ```
 * @example <caption>Providing a client to a tree of Nodes</caption>
 * ```html
 *          <apollo-client id="client-a">
 *            <apollo-mutation>
 *              <!--...-->
 *            </apollo-mutation>
 *          </apollo-client>
 * ```
 * @example <caption>Nesting separate clients</caption>
 * ```html
 *          <apollo-client id="client-a">
 *            <query-element>
 *              <!-- This element queries from client-a's endpoint -->
 *            </query-element>
 *            <apollo-client id="client-b">
 *              <query-element>
 *                <!-- This element queries from client-b's endpoint -->
 *              </query-element>
 *            </apollo-client>
 *          </apollo-client>
 * ```
export class ApolloClientElement extends HTMLElement {
  static readonly is: 'apollo-client' = 'apollo-client';

  static readonly observedAttributes = [

  /** @summary Private reference to the `ApolloClient` instance */
  #client: ApolloClient<NormalizedCacheObject> | null = null;

  /** @summary Private storage of child `ApolloController`s */
  #instances: Set<ApolloController> = new Set();

  /** @summary Private storage for the Type Policies */
  #typePolicies: TypePolicies | undefined = undefined;

   * @summary Reference to the `ApolloClient` instance.
   * Set the `client` property to update all of this element's deep children.
  get client(): ApolloClient<NormalizedCacheObject> | null {
    return this.#client;

  set client(client: ApolloClient<NormalizedCacheObject> | null) {
    this.#client = client;
    this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('client-changed', { detail: {
      // to support Polymer-style 2-way binding
      value: client,
    } }));
    for (const instance of this.#instances)

  /** @summary List of all Apollo Controllers registered to this client. */
  get controllers(): readonly (ApolloController)[] {
    return [...this.#instances];

   * @summary Type Policies for the client.
   * Set this property with a `TypePolicies` object to add them to the cache.
  get typePolicies(): TypePolicies | undefined {
    return this.#typePolicies ?? undefined;

  set typePolicies(typePolicies: TypePolicies | undefined) {
    this.#typePolicies = typePolicies;
    if (typePolicies && this.client && isInMemoryCache(this.client?.cache))

   * When the URI attribute is set, `<apollo-client>` will asynchronously
   * create a new ApolloClient instance with some default parameters
   * @summary URI to the GraphQL server.
   * @attr uri
  get uri(): string | undefined {
    return this.getAttribute('uri') ?? undefined;

  set uri(uri: string | undefined) {
    if (typeof uri !== 'string') return;
    this.setAttribute('uri', uri);

   * When true, client will not fetch operations that do not have all their non-nullable variables set.
   * @summary Whether to try to validate operations
   * @attr validate-variables
  get validateVariables(): boolean {
    return this.hasAttribute('validate-variables');

  set validateVariables(v: boolean) {
    this.toggleAttribute('validate-variables', !!v);

  constructor() {
    this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' }).append(template.content.cloneNode(true));
    this.addEventListener('apollo-element-connected', this.onElementConnected);
    this.addEventListener('apollo-controller-connected', this.onElementConnected);
    this.addEventListener('apollo-element-disconnected', this.onElementDisconnected);
    window.addEventListener('apollo-element-disconnected', this.onElementDisconnected);
    window.addEventListener('apollo-controller-disconnected', this.onElementDisconnected);

  attributeChangedCallback(attr: string, oldValue: string, newValue: string): void {
    if (oldValue === newValue) return;
    switch (attr) {
      case 'uri': this.uri = newValue; break;
      case 'validate-variables': this.validateVariables = newValue !== null; break;

  connectedCallback(): void {

   * @summary Creates an Apollo client and assigns it to child elements
   * @return An `ApolloClient` instance.
  public async createApolloClient(): Promise<ApolloClient<NormalizedCacheObject>> {
    const { typePolicies, validateVariables } = this;
    const { uri } = this;
    const { createApolloClient } = await import('@apollo-elements/core/lib/create-apollo-client');
    this.client = createApolloClient({ uri, typePolicies, validateVariables });
    return this.client;

  private findDeepInstances(): void {
    for (const child of this.children)

  private async addDeepInstance(child: Node): Promise<void> {
    await new Promise(requestAnimationFrame);
    if (isApolloElement(child))
    if (!hasShadowRoot(child)) return;
    for (const grandchild of child.shadowRoot.children)

   * Assigns the element controller's client instance to the child,
   * and registers the child to receive the element's new client when its set.
  @bound private onElementConnected(event: ApolloEvent): void {
    const controller = claimApolloElement(event);
    if (!controller) return;

   * Performs clean up when the child disconnects
  @bound private onElementDisconnected(event: ApolloEvent): void {
    const controller = event.controller ?? event.detail.controller;
    if (!controller || !this.#instances.has(controller)) return;
    controller.client = null;

   * Set the client on the element's controller,
   * and if it's a query or subscription controller, attempt to subscribe
  private initialize(controller: ApolloController): void {
    controller.client = this.client;

customElements.define(ApolloClientElement.is, ApolloClientElement);