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# @apollo-elements/fast

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<strong>🚀 FASTElement base classes that connect to your Apollo cache 🌜</strong>

<strong>👩‍🚀 Launch your app at escape velocity! 👨‍🚀</strong>

> 🔎 Read the [Full API Docs](https://apolloelements.dev/api/libraries/fast/) 🔎

## 📓 Contents
- [🔧 Installation](#-installation)
- [👩‍🚀 Usage](#-usage)
- [📚 Other Libraries](#-other-libraries)
- [👷‍♂️ Maintainers](#-maintainers)

## 🔧 Installation
Apollo elements' `fast` is distributed through `npm`, the node package manager. To install a copy of the latest version in your project's `node_modules` directory, [install npm on your computer](https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm) then run the following command in your project's root directory:

npm install --save @apollo-elements/fast

## 👩‍🚀 Usage
> See our [docs on setting up Apollo client](https://apolloelements.dev/guides/getting-started/apollo-client/) so your components can fetch their data.

First, let's define our component's [GraphQL query](https://graphql.org/learn/queries/).

query HelloQuery {
  helloWorld {

> Read our [docs on working with GraphQL files during development](https://apolloelements.dev/guides/getting-started/buildless-development/) and [in production](https://apolloelements.dev/guides/getting-started/building-for-production/) for more info, and be sure to read about [generating TypeScript types from GraphQL](https://apolloelements.dev/guides/getting-started/codegen/) to enhance your developer experience and reduce bugs.

Next, we'll define our UI component. Import the base class and helpers, query, and types, then define your component's template. Add an `ApolloQueryBehavior` with a query to automatically subscribe when your element connects.

> Read more about [working with Queries](https://apolloelements.dev/guides/usage/queries)


import type { Binding, ViewTemplate } from '@apollo-elements/fast';

import { ApolloQueryBehavior } from '@apollo-elements/fast';
import { FASTElement, customElement, html, when } from '@apollo-elements/fast';

import { HelloQuery } from './Hello.query.graphql';

import { not } from 'fp-ts/function';

type B = Binding<HelloQueryElement>;
const isLoading: B = x => x.hello.loading;
const hasError: B = x => !!x.hello.error;
const getErrorMessage: B = x => x.hello.error.message;
const getDataPropOr = (prop: string, or: string): B => x =>
  x.hello.data?.helloWorld?.[prop] ?? or;

const template: ViewTemplate<HelloQueryElement> = html`
  <what-spin-such-loader ?active="${isLoading}"></what-spin-such-loader>
  ${when(hasError, html`
    <h1>😢 Such Sad, Very Error! 😰</h1>
  ${when(not(hasError), html`
      ${getDataPropOr('greeting', 'Hello')},
      ${getDataPropOr('name', 'Friend')}!

@customElement({ name: 'hello-query', template })
export class HelloQueryElement extends FASTElement {
  hello = new ApolloQueryBehavior(this, HelloQuery);


## 📚 Other Libraries
Looking for other libraries? Want to use Apollo with vanilla `extends HTMLElement` components? Check out our [docs site](https://apolloelements.dev/)

## 👷‍♂️ Maintainers
`apollo-elements` is a community project maintained by Benny Powers.

[![Contact me on Codementor](https://cdn.codementor.io/badges/contact_me_github.svg)](https://www.codementor.io/bennyp?utm_source=github&utm_medium=button&utm_term=bennyp&utm_campaign=github)