namespace numphp\Random;
use numphp\np_array;
abstract class Random
public static function rand($size=null)
if ($size < 0)
throw new \Exception("size value must be greater than 0");
if (!$size)
return static::getRandFloat();
$list = [];
for ($i=0; $i < $size; $i++)
$list[] = static::getRandFloat();
return new np_array($list);
public static function randint($low, $high=0, $size=null)
if ($size < 0)
throw new \Exception("size value must be greater than 0");
if (!$high)
$size = $high;
$high = $low;
$low = 0;
// return single value
if (!$size)
return rand($low, $high);
$list = [];
for ($i=0; $i < $size; $i++)
$list[] = rand($low, $high);
return new np_array($list);
private static function getRandFloat()
return mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax();