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4 hrs
Test Coverage
package main

import (

    v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"

type Config struct {
    Nodes struct {
        AWS struct {
            Region        string   `yaml:"region"`
            InstanceTypes []string `yaml:"instanceTypes"`
        } `yaml:"aws"`
    } `yaml:"nodes"`
    Pods string `yaml:"pods"`

type Result struct {
    InstanceType       string
    NodeCount          int
    TotalPricePerMonth float64

func main() {
    // Read argument
    if len(os.Args) != 2 {
        fmt.Println("USAGE: ./kubesurvival <YAML_CONFIG_PATH>")

    // Read config file
    configFile, err := ioutil.ReadFile(os.Args[1])
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("[!] Could not read config file: %s\n", err)

    // Parse config file
    config := &Config{}
    err = yaml.Unmarshal(configFile, config)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("[!] Could not deserialize config file: %s\n", err)

    // Parse & generate pods
    exp, parseErrors := parser.Parse(config.Pods)
    if len(parseErrors) > 0 {
        for _, parseError := range parseErrors {
            fmt.Printf("[!] Parse error: %s\n", parseError.Error())

    pods, podgenErrors := podgen.Podgen(exp)
    if len(podgenErrors) > 0 {
        for _, podgenError := range podgenErrors {
            fmt.Printf("[!] PodGen error: %s\n", podgenError.Error())

    // Generate nodes
    ns := &nodesource.AWSNodeSource{
        AWSRegion:     config.Nodes.AWS.Region,
        InstanceTypes: config.Nodes.AWS.InstanceTypes,

    nodeTypes, err := ns.GetNodes()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Could not get node types: %s\n", err)

    // Remove node types if there's a pod with more resources than it
    filteredNodeTypes := filterNodeTypes(nodeTypes, pods)
    if len(filteredNodeTypes) == 0 {
        fmt.Printf("[!] No nodes are available for simulation.\n")

    // Main loop
    var result *Result
    for _, nodeType := range filteredNodeTypes {
        // We never want a cluster with only 1 node
        nodeCount := 2

        for {
            // Calculate total price per month
            totalPricePerMonth := float64(nodeCount) * nodeType.GetHourlyPrice() * 24 * 31

            // Do we even need to simulate?
            if result != nil && totalPricePerMonth > result.TotalPricePerMonth {

            // Generate a list of nodes from this type
            nodes := []nodesource.Node{}
            for i := 0; i < nodeCount; i++ {
                nodes = append(nodes, nodeType)

            // Simulate cluster
            simulator := &kubesimulator.KubernetesSimulator{}
            isSimulationSuccessful, err := simulator.Simulate(pods, nodes)
            if err != nil {
                fmt.Printf("[!] Failed to simulate a Kubernetes cluster: %s\n", err)

            if isSimulationSuccessful {
                result = &Result{
                    InstanceType:       nodeType.InstanceType,
                    NodeCount:          nodeCount,
                    TotalPricePerMonth: totalPricePerMonth,


            // Simple heuristic as an alternative to nodeCount++ to make convergence faster.
            nodeCount += int(math.Max(float64(nodeCount)/15, 1))

    if result != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Instance type: %s\n", result.InstanceType)
        fmt.Printf("Node count: %d\n", result.NodeCount)
        fmt.Printf("Total Price per Month: USD $%.2f\n", result.TotalPricePerMonth)
    } else {
        fmt.Printf("[!] Could not converge to a solution.\n")

func filterNodeTypes(nodeTypes []*nodesource.AWSNode, pods []*v1.Pod) []*nodesource.AWSNode {
    result := []*nodesource.AWSNode{}
    for _, nodeType := range nodeTypes {
        nodeHasEnoughResources := true

        for _, pod := range pods {
            // Is Pod CPU > Node CPU?
            nodeCpu := resource.MustParse(nodeType.GetNodeConfig("node").Status.Allocatable["cpu"])
            podCpu := pod.Spec.Containers[0].Resources.Requests.Cpu()
            if podCpu.Cmp(nodeCpu) > 0 {
                fmt.Printf("WARNING: Ignoring node type %s with %s CPU because there's a pod with more CPU: %s\n",
                    nodeType.InstanceType, nodeCpu.String(), podCpu.String())
                nodeHasEnoughResources = false

            // Is Pod Memory > Node Memory?
            nodeMemory := resource.MustParse(nodeType.GetNodeConfig("node").Status.Allocatable["memory"])
            podMemory := pod.Spec.Containers[0].Resources.Requests.Memory()
            if podMemory.Cmp(nodeMemory) > 0 {
                fmt.Printf("WARNING: Ignoring node type %s with %s memory because there's a pod with more memory: %s\n",
                    nodeType.InstanceType, nodeMemory.String(), podMemory.String())
                nodeHasEnoughResources = false

            // Is Pod Memory > Node Memory?
            nodeGpu := resource.MustParse(nodeType.GetNodeConfig("node").Status.Allocatable["nvidia.com/gpu"])
            podGpu := pod.Spec.Containers[0].Resources.Requests["nvidia.com/gpu"]
            if podGpu.Cmp(nodeGpu) > 0 {
                fmt.Printf("WARNING: Ignoring node type %s with %s GPU because there's a pod with more GPU: %s\n",
                    nodeType.InstanceType, nodeGpu.String(), podGpu.String())
                nodeHasEnoughResources = false

        if nodeHasEnoughResources {
            result = append(result, nodeType)

    return result