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Test Coverage
package lexer

import (

// Scanner represents a lexical scanner.
type Scanner struct {
    Reader      *bufio.Reader
    position    Position
    eof         bool
    bufferIndex int
    bufferSize  int
    buffer      [1024]struct {
        ch       rune
        position Position
    DisablePositions bool // for testing.

// NewScanner returns a new instance of Scanner.
func NewScanner(reader io.Reader) *Scanner {
    return &Scanner{
        Reader: bufio.NewReader(reader),

// Scan returns the next token and literal value.
func (s *Scanner) Scan() Token {
    // Read the next rune.
    ch, pos := s.read()

    for {
        // Skip comments and whitespaces.
        if ch == '#' {
            if err := s.skipUntilEndComment(); err != nil {
                return Token{TokenType: ILLEGAL, Lexeme: "", Position: pos}
        } else if isWhitespace(ch) {
        } else {

        ch, pos = s.read()

    // If we see a letter then consume as an keyword.
    if isLetter(ch) {
        return s.scanKeyword()
    } else if isDigit(ch) {
        return s.scanInteger()

    // Otherwise read the individual character.
    switch ch {
    case eof:
        return Token{TokenType: EOF, Lexeme: "EOF", Position: pos}

    case '"':
        return s.scanString()

    case '(':
        return Token{TokenType: LPAREN, Lexeme: string(ch), Position: pos}

    case ')':
        return Token{TokenType: RPAREN, Lexeme: string(ch), Position: pos}

    case ',':
        return Token{TokenType: COMMA, Lexeme: string(ch), Position: pos}

    case ':':
        return Token{TokenType: COLON, Lexeme: string(ch), Position: pos}

    case '+':
        return Token{TokenType: ADD, Lexeme: string(ch), Position: pos}

    case '*':
        return Token{TokenType: MUL, Lexeme: string(ch), Position: pos}

    return Token{TokenType: ILLEGAL, Lexeme: string(ch), Position: pos}

// scanWhitespace consumes the current rune and all contiguous whitespace.
func (s *Scanner) scanWhitespace() {
    // Read every subsequent whitespace character into the buffer.
    // Non-whitespace characters and EOF will cause the loop to exit.
    for {
        if ch, _ := s.read(); ch == eof {
        } else if !isWhitespace(ch) {

// scanKeyword consumes the current rune and all contiguous identifier runes.
func (s *Scanner) scanKeyword() Token {
    ch, pos := s.read()

    // Create a buffer and read the current character into it.
    var buf bytes.Buffer

    // Read every subsequent ident character into the buffer.
    // Non-ident characters and EOF will cause the loop to exit.
    for {
        if ch, _ = s.read(); ch == eof {
        } else if !isLetter(ch) && !isDigit(ch) && ch != '_' {
        } else {
            _, _ = buf.WriteRune(ch)

    // If the string matches a keyword then return that keyword.
    switch buf.String() {
    case "pod":
        return Token{TokenType: POD, Lexeme: buf.String(), Position: pos}
    case "cpu":
        return Token{TokenType: CPU, Lexeme: buf.String(), Position: pos}
    case "memory":
        return Token{TokenType: MEMORY, Lexeme: buf.String(), Position: pos}
    case "gpu":
        return Token{TokenType: GPU, Lexeme: buf.String(), Position: pos}

    return Token{TokenType: ILLEGAL, Lexeme: buf.String(), Position: pos}

// scanInteger consumes a contiguous series of digits.
func (s *Scanner) scanInteger() Token {
    var buf bytes.Buffer
    ch, pos := s.read()

    for {
        if !isDigit(ch) {
        _, _ = buf.WriteRune(ch)
        ch, _ = s.read()

    return Token{TokenType: INTEGER, Lexeme: buf.String(), Position: pos}

// scanString consumes a contiguous string of non-quote characters.
// Quote characters can be consumed if they're first escaped with a backslash.
func (s *Scanner) scanString() Token {
    var buf strings.Builder
    ch, pos := s.read()

    for {
        if ch == '"' {
            return Token{TokenType: STRING, Lexeme: buf.String(), Position: pos}
        } else if ch == eof || ch == '\n' {
            return Token{TokenType: BADSTRING, Lexeme: buf.String(), Position: pos}
        } else {
            _, _ = buf.WriteRune(ch)

        ch, _ = s.read()

// skipUntilEndComment skips characters until it reaches the end of the line.
func (s *Scanner) skipUntilEndComment() error {
    for {
        if ch, _ := s.read(); ch == '\n' {
            return nil
        } else if ch == eof {
            return io.EOF

// read reads the next rune from the bufferred reader.
// Returns the rune(0) if an error occurs (or io.EOF is returned).
func (s *Scanner) read() (rune, Position) {
    // If we have unread characters then read them off the buffer first.
    if s.bufferSize > 0 {
        return s.curr()

    // Read next rune from underlying reader.
    // Any error (including io.EOF) should return as EOF.
    ch, _, err := s.Reader.ReadRune()
    if err != nil {
        ch = eof
    } else if ch == '\r' {
        if ch, _, err := s.Reader.ReadRune(); err != nil {
            // nop
        } else if ch != '\n' {
            _ = s.Reader.UnreadRune()
        ch = '\n'

    // Save character and position to the buffer.
    s.bufferIndex = (s.bufferIndex + 1) % len(s.buffer)
    buffer := &s.buffer[s.bufferIndex]
    buffer.ch, buffer.position = ch, s.position

    // Update position.
    // Only count EOF once.
    if ch == '\n' {
        s.position.Column = 0
    } else if !s.eof {

    // Mark the reader as EOF.
    // This is used so we don't double count EOF characters.
    if ch == eof {
        s.eof = true

    return s.curr()

// curr returns the last read character and position.
func (s *Scanner) curr() (ch rune, pos Position) {
    bufferIndex := (s.bufferIndex - s.bufferSize + len(s.buffer)) % len(s.buffer)
    buffer := &s.buffer[bufferIndex]

    if s.DisablePositions {
        return buffer.ch, Position{}

    return buffer.ch, buffer.position

// Unscan pushes the previously token back onto the buffer.
func (s *Scanner) Unscan() {

var errBadString = errors.New("bad string")
var errBadEscape = errors.New("bad escape")