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Test Coverage
    "GENERAL": {
        "BACK": "Go back",
        "DISMISS": "Dismiss",
        "ERROR_MESSAGE": "Occurred an error",
        "LOADING": "Loading",
        "TRY_AGAIN": "Try again",
        "APP_SHORT_DESCRIPTION": "A universal Linux app store. Find Snaps, Flatpaks and AppImages!",
        "APP_IMAGE": "AppImage",
        "FLATPAK": "Flatpak",
        "SNAP": "Snap"
    "PAGES": {
        "INITIAL_SETUP": {
            "GREETINGS": "Welcome to App Outlet",
            "CHECKING_REQUIREMENTS": "We are checking if your system has all the requirements",
            "INSTALL_SNAPD": "Install snapd",
            "INSTALL_FLATPAK": "Install flatpak",
            "TAKE_ME_TO_THE_APP": "Take me to the app!",
            "PROCEED_ANYWAY": "Proceed anyway",
            "RESTART_MODAL_TEXT": "The flatpak and flathub was installed and you probably need to restart your computer to finish the flatpak setup",
            "RESTART_NOW": "Restart now",
            "DO_IT_LATER": "Do it later",
            "DISMISS": "Dismiss",
            "CHECK_PACKAGES_MODAL_TITLE": "Snapd and flatpak packages are required to install snap and flatpak applications respectively.",
            "CHECK_PACKAGES_MODAL_TEXT": "Are you sure you want to proceed without installing these packages?"
        "APP_DETAIL": {
            "ACTIONS": "Actions",
            "DONATE": "Donate",
            "HOW_TO_SETUP": "How to set up?",
            "INSTALL": "Install",
            "NO_SUPPORT_ERROR_MESSAGE": "Looks like you did not configure support to {{type}} packages. Please, verify your setup.",
            "PROJECT_HOMEPAGE": "Project homepage",
            "REPORT_ISSUE": "Report issue",
            "RUN": "Run",
            "STORE_PAGE": "Store page",
            "UNINSTALL": "Uninstall",
            "INSTALLING": "Installing",
            "UNINSTALLING": "Uninstalling",
            "DEVELOPED_BY": "Developed by {{developer}}",
            "DOWNLOAD": "Download"
        "HOME": {
            "NEW_RELEASES": "New releases",
            "POPULAR": "Popular apps",
            "RECENTLY_UPDATED": "Recently updated",
            "TITLE": "Home",
            "SEE_MORE": "See more"
        "MAIN": {
            "CATEGORIES": "Categories",
            "TAGS": "Tags",
            "TITLE": "Main",
            "SEARCH": "Search",
            "BACK_TO_MENU": "Back to menu",
            "CATEGORY": {
                "OFFICE": "Office",
                "AUDIO": "Audio",
                "VIDEO": "Video",
                "GAMES": "Games",
                "DEVELOPMENT": "Development",
                "FINANCE": "Finance",
                "GRAPHICS": "Graphics",
                "SCIENCE": "Science and Education",
                "INTERNET": "Internet and Communication",
                "UTILITY": "Utility and Productivity",
                "MISC": "Miscellaneous"
            "SYNCHRONIZATION_MESSAGE": "App Outlet is synchronizing its database. It can affect search performance. When synchronization ends, it will back to normal"
        "SEARCH": {
            "NO_RESULTS_FOUND": "No results found",
            "QUERY_TITLE": "Results for '{{query}}'",
            "SEGMENT": {
                "ALL_TYPES": "All types"
        "SETTINGS": {
            "TITLE": "Settings",
            "APPEARANCE": {
                "TITLE": "Appearance",
                "THEME": "Theme",
                "UI_MODE": "UI Mode",
                "UI_MODE_CHANGED_MESSAGE_TITLE": "The UI Mode was changed",
                "UI_MODE_CHANGED_MESSAGE_BODY": "The application must be restarted to show the changes",
                "USE_SYSTEM_THEME": "Use system theme"
        "GET_INVOLVED": {
            "TITLE": "Get involved",
            "CALL_TO_ACTION": "There are too many ways to get involved in the App Outlet project and help us to build the software that you use and love.",
            "BUGS": {
                "TITLE": "Reporting bugs",
                "DESCRIPTION": "If something is wrong when you are using App Outlet you can report it to us on our Github repository.",
                "DESCRIPTION_2": "Feel free to report bugs, instabilities, spelling errors or even make suggestions. We carefully evaluate each one of them.",
                "REPORT_AN_ISSUE": "Report an issue"
            "COMMUNITY": {
                "TITLE": "Being active in the App Outlet community",
                "DESCRIPTION": "We love the interaction. Please follow us on Twitter to get some news about us. Create a discussion on our discussions page if you prefer.",
                "TWITTER": "App Outlet on Twitter",
                "DISCUSSIONS": "Discussions page"
            "CODING": {
                "TITLE": "Coding",
                "DESCRIPTION": "Help us to improve the features and stability of our beloved app. All you need is love and a little bit of Javascript.",
                "REPOSITORY": "Github repository"
            "DONATING": {
                "TITLE": "Donating",
                "DESCRIPTION": "We need help to maintain the infrastructure and we don't have sponsors. Feel free to support us on the platforms above"
            "TRANSLATING": {
                "TITLE": "Translating",
                "DESCRIPTION": "You can join us on the App Outlet project on Transifex. There you can help App Outlet to reach more people doing translations to your mother language",
                "TRANSIFEX": "Transifex"
        "ABOUT": {
            "AUTHORS": "Authors"