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# About apparat/object

Purpose of this module:

1. **Mapping between objects and their file resources**
    * Instantiation of objects from persisted resources
    * Creation of resources from new / unpersisted objects
        * FrontMark resources for text-based objects
        * Pairs of binary and meta data resources for binary objects
    * Object publication, un-publication and re-publication
    * [Object revision]( management
    * Object ID assignment & incrementation
    * Object localization (?)
2. **Object API**
    * Implementation of different [object types](
    * [Object property]( getters & setters
    * Object payload getters & setters
    * Handling of [object states](
    * Handling of object privacy
    * [Object references & involvement handling](
        * Extraction of references from text-based resources
        * Involvement signalling to other objects
3. **Utility functions**
    * [Object identifier & URL]( handling (composition, decomposition)
    * `aprt://` and `aprts://` URL handling

# Object repositories

Objects are stored in object repositories.

# Environment variables

Variable                       | Description
`APPARAT_BASE_URL`             | Absolute base URL of the apparat instance (including optional path component)
`APPARAT_DOCUMENT_ROOT`        | Absolute root directory in the file system for apparat repositories
`OBJECT_DATE_PRECISION`        | Precision for creation date encoding in object URLs, ranging from `0` (no dates in URLs) to `6`q ("`Y/m/d/H/i/s`"). Typical would be `3` ("`Y/m/d`").
`OBJECT_RESOURCE_EXTENSION`    | File extension for object text resources (e.g. "`md`")
`OBJECT_ENABLE_TYPES`          | Enabled object types (e.g. "`article,contact`")

# Documentation

I recommend reading [the project documentation]( on *Read the Docs*.

[![Documentation Status](](