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# Dev Setup

## Starting dev server

1. Clone this repo or create your own fork and clone it if you want to send PRs
2. Do the following steps:
   `cd dejavu`
   `git submodule init`
   `git submodule sync`
   `git submodule update --recursive --remote`
3. Run `yarn` after cloning the repo to install dependencies
4. Run `yarn dev:browser` which starts the `watcher` under `packages/browser` package i.e. `@appbaseio/dejavu-browser`.
5. Run `yarn dev:dejavu` which starts the `webpack-dev-server` on port `1358`

## Code Formatting

Run `yarn format` to run prettier on `*.js` files.

> **Tip**
> Install the recommended extensions for your editor

## Troubleshooting

While installing dependencies with `yarn` you might run into an issue with `libpng`. On Fedora linux you would need the `libpng-devel` installed for the dependency to compile:

sudo dnf install libpng-devel pngquant gcc make libpng12 libpng12-devel