# ReactiveSearch Contribution Guide 🔍
Welcome to the contribution guide! We welcome all contributions. A list of issues is present [here](https://github.com/appbaseio/reactivesearch/issues). If you're interested in picking up something, feel free to start a discussion 😺
The reactivesearch monorepo contains the code for [web](../packages/web), [vue](../packages/vue) and [native](../packages/native) libraries. Both uses a common [core](https://github.com/appbaseio/reactivecore/) architecture. Project specific readme files are available inside each package.
## Initial setup
Currently the initial setup is a bit manual which we're planning to improve. We also recommend to have [SSH setup](https://help.github.com/articles/connecting-to-github-with-ssh/) for GitHub.
1. Fork the repo in order to send PRs
2. Clone the repo from your profile, use SSH if possible
3. `cd` into the project directory
4. Checkout the `dev` branch (should be default)
5. Fetch the submodules. In case you don't have `ssh` setup for github, change the URLs in `.gitmodules` to use `https` instead
git submodule init
git submodule sync
git submodule update --remote
6. The submodules will be fetched into `/packages`. Defaults to `dev` in `/packages/playground` and `master` in `/packages/reactivecore` & `/packages/vue-playground`.
7. You can then install the dependencies, we recommend `yarn`. Run this from the project root:
## Web
1. You can run the following command from `reactivesearch` root which will start the babel watchers inside `/reactivecore` and `/web`. This will let you make changes to these projects on the fly and the files will be transpiled and updated instantly:
yarn dev:web
Alternatively the manual approach would be to open the sub-projects for `/web` and `/reactivecore` and start the watchers inside their respective directories.
2. You can try the examples for any of the `web` components inside `/packages/web/examples` which will also pick the updated code as and when you make changes to the `/packages/web/src` files.
3. Another way to try out the components is by checking into `/packages/playground` and running the storybook which also updates itself from the components inside `/packages/web/src`.
yarn storybook
**Note:** If you see any errors about missing dependencies, please try running `yarn` inside the sub-directory you're at.
## Vue
1. You can run the following command from `reactivesearch` root which will start the babel watchers inside `/reactivecore` and `/vue`. This will let you make changes to these projects on the fly and the files will be transpiled and updated instantly:
yarn dev:vue
Alternatively the manual approach would be to open the sub-projects for `/vue` and `/reactivecore` and start the watchers inside their respective directories.
2. You can try the examples for any of the `vue` components inside `/packages/vue/examples` which will also pick the updated code as and when you make changes to the `/packages/vue/src` files.
3. Another way to try out the components is by checking into `/packages/vue-playground` and running the storybook which also updates itself from the components inside `/packages/vue/src`.
yarn storybook
**Note:** We have used jsx for building vue components using [babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx](https://github.com/vuejs/babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx) which compiles the .jsx files to .vue.
## Native
1. `cd` into the `/packages/native` directory and install dependencies if not done already by running `yarn`.
2. You can try the example app which would also get updated from the native components source from `/packages/native/src`. Run the example in Expo from `/packages/native/example` using:
yarn start
3. You can also try the native storybook from `/packages/native/example` by:
yarn storybook
and in a new terminal:
yarn start-storybook
4. You may browse the stories using the Expo app on your phone or on the browser at http://localhost:7007
**Troubleshooting:** You might need to add a flag `--reset-cache` to the above commands if you're seeing stale builds.
5. The individual components examples for native are present in `/packages/native/examples` in order to test the components.
## Native Debugging
The simplest way to debug the app is using [React Native Debugger](https://github.com/jhen0409/react-native-debugger).
## Site
The website source code is available in `/site` which also includes the demo apps in `/site/demos`. Each demo app can be used as a standalone app and would also update from the `/packages/web/src` files as long as the watcher is running at the project root.
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If you run into any problems please feel free to reach out to us 🙂