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import theme from './../../theme/web';
import baseConfig from './../base/web';

const { primary, primaryDark } = theme;

const baseConfigHeader = {
    links: [
            description: 'examples',
            href: '#examples',
export default {
    header: baseConfigHeader,
    banner1: {
        title: 'React + ElasticSearch = ❤️',
        description: 'UI components for building data-driven search experiences.',
        image: {
            src: '../../reactivesearch/images/browser.png',
            alt: 'Reactive Search Components',
        button: {
            title: 'Get Started',
            href: './quickstart',
        link: {
            title: 'Docs',
    banner2: {
        image: {
            src: '../../reactivesearch/images/components.png',
            alt: 'Components',
            mobile: {
                src: '../../reactivesearch/images/components.png',
                srcSet: '../../reactivesearch/images/components.png',
        title: 'Components for every occasion',
            'Build the perfect search experience using our UI components or by creating your own. 30+ pre-built components with customizable queries and configurable styles.',
        button: {
            title: 'View Components',
        link: {
            title: 'Creating your components',
            href: '',
        sketch: {
    banner3: {
        title: 'Up to 10x Time Savings',
        description: 'Focus on design and user experience as ReactiveSearch handles the details.',
        cards: [
                image: {
                    src: '../../reactivesearch/images/rocket.png',
                    alt: 'Launch and iterate faster',
                title: 'Launch and iterate faster',
                    '30+ well-designed and performance optimized UI components. Ship faster and solve fewer edge cases.',
                image: {
                    src: '../../reactivesearch/icons/1.png',
                    alt: 'Works with existing UIs',
                title: 'Works with existing UIs',
                description: 'Already have your own components? Bring them to ReactiveSearch.',
                image: {
                    src: '../../reactivesearch/icons/2.png',
                    alt: 'Configurable styles',
                title: 'Configurable styles',
                description: 'Styled components with rich theming and CSS class-injection support.',
                href: '',
                image: {
                    src: '../../reactivesearch/icons/3.png',
                    alt: 'Create cross-platform apps',
                title: 'Create cross-platform apps',
                description: 'Reactivesearch components can be ported to create native mobile UIs.',
                href: '',
                image: {
                    src: '../../reactivesearch/icons/4.png',
                    alt: 'Elasticsearch compatible',
                title: 'Elasticsearch compatible',
                description: 'Connect to an ES index hosted anywhere. Supports v2, v5 and v6.',
                image: {
                    src: '../../reactivesearch/icons/5.png',
                    alt: 'Customizable queries',
                title: 'Customizable queries',
                    'Components come with good query defaults, that can be customized with Elasticsearch query DSL.',
                href: '',
    banner5: [
            backgroundColor: primary,
            title: 'Build a live app in 5 easy steps',
                'Go from scratch to creating a data-driven search app with our beginner friendly quick start guide.',
            button: {
                title: 'Get Started',
                href: './quickstart',
            link: {
                title: 'Docs',
                href: '',
            backgroundColor: primaryDark,
            title: 'Get dedicated support',
                'We offer production support for ReactiveSearch. Work with us to bring your dream project to life.',
            button: {
                title: 'SUPPORT PLANS',
                href: '',
            link: {
                title: 'Get in touch',
                href: '',
    banner6: {
        title: 'Check starter apps',
        button: {
            title: 'See more',
            href: '/reactivesearch/demo',
        demos: [
                src: '../../reactivesearch/images/apps/airbeds.png',
                title: 'Airbeds',
                href: '',
                description: 'An airbnb inspired app for browsing housing areas in Seattle.',
                src: '../../reactivesearch/images/apps/productsearch.png',
                title: 'Product Search',
                href: '',
                description: 'A Product Hunt inspired search experience.',
                src: '../../reactivesearch/images/apps/gitxplore.png',
                title: 'GitHub Search',
                href: '',
                    'Explore top 30K Github repositories by various filters like stars, forks, topics.',
            // {
            //     src: '../../reactivesearch/images/apps/carstore.png',
            //     title: 'Car Store',
            //     href: '',
            //     description: 'An e-commerce search experience for a car store.',
            // },
                src: '../../reactivesearch/images/apps/goodbooks.png',
                title: 'Book Search',
                href: '',
                description: 'An e-commerce search experience for a books dataset.',
            // {
            //     src: '../../reactivesearch/images/apps/technews.png',
            //     title: 'Tech News Search',
            //     href: '',
            //     description: '',
            // },