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###############  .gitignore   ##################
# This file is only relevant if you are using git.
# Files which match the splat patterns below will
# be ignored by git.  This keeps random crap and
# and sensitive credentials from being uploaded to 
# your repository.  It allows you to configure your
# app for your machine without accidentally
# committing settings which will smash the local 
# settings of  other developers on your team. 
# Some reasonable defaults are included below,
# but, of course, you should modify/extend/prune
# to fit your needs!

# Local Configuration
# Explicitly ignore files which contain:
# 1. Sensitive information you'd rather not push to
#    your git repository.
#    e.g., your personal API keys or passwords.
# 2. Environment-specific configuration
#    Basically, anything that would be annoying
#    to have to change every time you do a 
#    `git pull`
#    e.g., your local development database, or
#    the S3 bucket you're using for file uploads
#    development.


# Dependencies
# When releasing a production app, you may 
# consider including your node_modules and
# bower_components directory in your git repo,
# but during development, its best to exclude it,
# since different developers may be working on
# different kernels, where dependencies would
# need to be recompiled anyway.
# More on that here about node_modules dir:
# (credit Mikeal Rogers, @mikeal)
# About bower_components dir, you can see this:
# (credit Addy Osmani, @addyosmani)


# Sails.js / Waterline / Grunt
# Files generated by Sails and Grunt, or related
# tasks and adapters.

# Node.js / NPM
# Common files generated by Node, NPM, and the
# related ecosystem.

# Miscellaneous
# Common files generated by text editors,
# operating systems, file systems, etc.
