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Test Coverage
package tailscaleupdater

import (

    corev1 ""
    ctrl ""

// TailscaleAdvertisementUpdater keeps track of the routes which are
// advertised through the Tailscale client.
type TailscaleAdvertisementUpdater struct {
    URL    string
    routes map[string]struct{}
    logger logr.Logger

// New creates a new updater with the given URL if a GET request to the root
// path returns StatusOK
func New(namespaces []string, url string) (*TailscaleAdvertisementUpdater, error) {
    resp, err := http.Get(url)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error querying Tailscale API at %s: %v", url, err)
    defer resp.Body.Close()
    if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("Tailscale API at %s responded with status '%s'", url, resp.Status)
    return &TailscaleAdvertisementUpdater{
        URL:    url,
        routes: map[string]struct{}{},
        logger: ctrl.Log.WithName("tailscaleUpdater").WithValues("API URL", url, "namespaces", strings.Join(namespaces, ",")),
    }, nil

// NewUnchecked creates a new updater without validating the provided
// configuration. Primarily intended for tests
func NewUnchecked(namespaces []string, url string, l logr.Logger) *TailscaleAdvertisementUpdater {
    return &TailscaleAdvertisementUpdater{
        URL:    url,
        routes: map[string]struct{}{},
        logger: l,

// SetupInformer creates a services informer on the given informer factory,
// and sets up a handler which updates the Tailscale route advertisements
func (t *TailscaleAdvertisementUpdater) SetupInformer(informerFactory informers.SharedInformerFactory) cache.SharedIndexInformer {
    servicesInformer := informerFactory.Core().V1().Services().Informer()

    handler := cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{
        AddFunc:    t.informerAddHandler,
        UpdateFunc: t.informerUpdateHandler,
        DeleteFunc: t.informerDeleteHandler,


    return servicesInformer

// AddRoute adds the provided route to the internal state and updates the
// advertised routes in the Tailscale client if necesseary.
func (t *TailscaleAdvertisementUpdater) AddRoute(route string) error {
    if t.addRoute(route) {
    return nil

// GetRoutes returns the currently registered routes
func (t *TailscaleAdvertisementUpdater) GetRoutes() map[string]struct{} {
    return t.routes

func (t *TailscaleAdvertisementUpdater) informerAddHandler(obj interface{}) {
    svc, ok := obj.(*corev1.Service)
    if !ok {
        t.logger.V(1).Info("add: got non-service object")
    svcIP := svc.Spec.ClusterIP
    t.logger.Info("discovered service", "name", svc.Name, "ip", svcIP)
    err := t.ensureRouteForIP(svcIP)
    if err != nil {
        t.logger.Error(err, "adding route for service")

func (t *TailscaleAdvertisementUpdater) informerUpdateHandler(old, new interface{}) {
    oldsvc, ok := old.(*corev1.Service)
    if !ok {
        t.logger.V(1).Info("update: got old non-service")
    newsvc, ok := new.(*corev1.Service)
    if !ok {
        t.logger.V(1).Info("update: got new non-service")
    if oldsvc.Spec.ClusterIP != newsvc.Spec.ClusterIP {
        oldIP := oldsvc.Spec.ClusterIP
        newIP := newsvc.Spec.ClusterIP
        t.logger.Info("ip updated for service", "name", oldsvc.Name, "old ip", oldIP, "new ip", newIP)
        err := t.updateRoute(oldIP, newIP)
        if err != nil {
            t.logger.Error(err, "updating route for service")

func (t *TailscaleAdvertisementUpdater) informerDeleteHandler(obj interface{}) {
    svc, ok := obj.(*corev1.Service)
    if !ok {
        t.logger.V(1).Info("delete: non-service object")
    svcIP := svc.Spec.ClusterIP
    t.logger.Info("service removed", "name", svc.Name, "ip", svcIP)
    err := t.removeRouteForIP(svcIP)
    if err != nil {
        t.logger.Error(err, "removing route for service")

// ensureRouteForIP registers a /32 route for the provided ip if it doesn't
// exist in the updater, and posts the new advertisments to the tailscale API.
func (t *TailscaleAdvertisementUpdater) ensureRouteForIP(ip string) error {
    if t.addRouteForIP(ip) {
    return nil

// removeRouteForIP removes the /32 route for the provided ip if it's
// registered in the updater, and posts the new advertisements to the
// tailscale API.
func (t *TailscaleAdvertisementUpdater) removeRouteForIP(ip string) error {
    if t.removeRoute(ip) {
    return nil

// updateRoute removes the route for oldip if it exists in the state, adds the
// route for newip if it's missing in the state, and posts the new
// advertisements if the internal state changed
func (t *TailscaleAdvertisementUpdater) updateRoute(oldip string, newip string) error {
    removed := t.removeRoute(oldip)
    added := t.addRouteForIP(newip)
    if removed || added {
    return nil

// addRouteForIP adds route for ip to internal state, returns true if
// advertisements need to be updated
func (t *TailscaleAdvertisementUpdater) addRouteForIP(ip string) bool {
    newRoute := ip + "/32"
    return t.addRoute(newRoute)

// addRoute adds a route to the internal state, returns true if
// advertisements need to be updated
func (t *TailscaleAdvertisementUpdater) addRoute(route string) bool {
    if _, ok := t.routes[route]; ok {
        return false
    t.logger.Info("adding", "route", route)
    t.routes[route] = struct{}{}
    return true

// removeRoute removes route for ip from internal state, returns true if
// advertisements need to be updated
func (t *TailscaleAdvertisementUpdater) removeRoute(ip string) bool {
    route := ip + "/32"
    if _, ok := t.routes[route]; ok {
        t.logger.Info("removing", "route", route)
        delete(t.routes, route)
        return true
    return false

// post generates the API request payload and posts the current
// routeAdvertisements to the Tailscale API
func (t *TailscaleAdvertisementUpdater) post() error {
    routes := []string{}
    for r := range t.routes {
        routes = append(routes, r)
    payload := struct {
        AdvertiseRoutes string `json:"advertiseRoutes"`
        AdvertiseRoutes: strings.Join(routes, ","),
    body, err := json.Marshal(payload)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    resp, err := http.Post(t.URL, "application/json", bytes.NewReader(body))
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer resp.Body.Close()
    return nil