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import {JAnnotatedElement} from '@j2se-js/java.lang.reflect';

 * A common interface for all entities that declare type variables.
 * @since 1.5
export interface JGenericDeclaration extends JAnnotatedElement {
   * Returns an array of {@code TypeVariable} objects that
   * represent the type variables declared by the generic
   * declaration represented by this {@code GenericDeclaration}
   * object, in declaration order.  Returns an array of length 0 if
   * the underlying generic declaration declares no type variables.
   * @return an array of {@code TypeVariable} objects that represent
   *     the type variables declared by this generic declaration
   * @throws GenericSignatureFormatError if the generic
   *     signature of this generic declaration does not conform to
   *     the format specified in
   *     <cite>The Java&trade; Virtual Machine Specification</cite>
  // getTypeParameters(): Jarray<JTypeVariable<?>>