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'use strict';

//TODO: почистить код

 * Module dependencies.

var EmbeddedDocument = require('./embedded');
var Document = require('../document');
var ObjectId = require('./objectid');

 * Storage Array constructor.
 * ####NOTE:
 * _Values always have to be passed to the constructor to initialize, otherwise `StorageArray#push` will mark the array as modified._
 * @param {Array} values
 * @param {String} path
 * @param {Document} doc parent document
 * @api private
 * @inherits Array
function StorageArray (values, path, doc) {
  var arr = [].concat(values);
  _.mixin( arr, StorageArray.mixin );

  arr.validators = [];
  arr._path = path;
  arr.isStorageArray = true;

  if (doc) {
    arr._parent = doc;
    arr._schema = doc.schema.path(path);

  return arr;

StorageArray.mixin = {
   * Parent owner document
   * @property _parent
   * @api private
  _parent: undefined,

   * Casts a member based on this arrays schema.
   * @param {*} value
   * @return value the casted value
   * @api private
  _cast: function ( value ) {
    var owner = this._owner;
    var populated = false;

    if (this._parent) {
      // if a populated array, we must cast to the same model
      // instance as specified in the original query.
      if (!owner) {
        owner = this._owner = this._parent.ownerDocument
          ? this._parent.ownerDocument()
          : this._parent;

      populated = owner.populated(this._path, true);

    if (populated && null != value) {
      // cast to the populated Models schema
      var Model = populated.options.model;

      // only objects are permitted so we can safely assume that
      // non-objects are to be interpreted as _id
      if ( value instanceof ObjectId || !_.isObject(value) ) {
        value = { _id: value };

      // gh-2399
      // we should cast model only when it's not a discriminator
      var isDisc = value.schema && value.schema.discriminatorMapping &&
        value.schema.discriminatorMapping.key !== undefined;
      if (!isDisc) {
        value = new Model(value);
      return this._schema.caster.cast(value, this._parent, true);

    return this._schema.caster.cast(value, this._parent, false);

   * Marks this array as modified.
   * If it bubbles up from an embedded document change, then it takes the following arguments (otherwise, takes 0 arguments)
   * @param {EmbeddedDocument} embeddedDoc the embedded doc that invoked this method on the Array
   * @param {String} embeddedPath the path which changed in the embeddedDoc
   * @api private
  _markModified: function (elem, embeddedPath) {
    var parent = this._parent
      , dirtyPath;

    if (parent) {
      dirtyPath = this._path;

      if (arguments.length) {
        if (null != embeddedPath) {
          // an embedded doc bubbled up the change
          dirtyPath = dirtyPath + '.' + this.indexOf(elem) + '.' + embeddedPath;
        } else {
          // directly set an index
          dirtyPath = dirtyPath + '.' + elem;


    return this;

   * Wraps [`Array#push`]( with proper change tracking.
   * @param {Object} [args...]
   * @api public
  push: function () {
    var values = [], this._cast, this)
      , ret = [].push.apply(this, values);

    return ret;

   * Wraps [`Array#pop`]( with proper change tracking.
   * ####Note:
   * _marks the entire array as modified which will pass the entire thing to $set potentially overwritting any changes that happen between when you retrieved the object and when you save it._
   * @see StorageArray#$pop #types_array_StorageArray-%24pop
   * @api public
  pop: function () {
    var ret = [];

    return ret;

   * Wraps [`Array#shift`]( with proper change tracking.
   * ####Example:
   *     doc.array = [2,3];
   *     var res = doc.array.shift();
   *     console.log(res) // 2
   *     console.log(doc.array) // [3]
   * ####Note:
   * _marks the entire array as modified, which if saved, will store it as a `$set` operation, potentially overwritting any changes that happen between when you retrieved the object and when you save it._
   * @api public
  shift: function () {
    var ret = [];

    return ret;

   * Pulls items from the array atomically.
   * ####Examples:
   *     doc.array.pull(ObjectId)
   *     doc.array.pull({ _id: 'someId' })
   *     doc.array.pull(36)
   *     doc.array.pull('tag 1', 'tag 2')
   * To remove a document from a subdocument array we may pass an object with a matching `_id`.
   *     doc.subdocs.push({ _id: 4815162342 })
   *     doc.subdocs.pull({ _id: 4815162342 }) // removed
   * Or we may passing the _id directly and let storage take care of it.
   *     doc.subdocs.push({ _id: 4815162342 })
   *     doc.subdocs.pull(4815162342); // works
   * @param {*} arguments
   * @see mongodb
   * @api public
  pull: function () {
    var values = [], this._cast, this)
      , cur = this._parent.get(this._path)
      , i = cur.length
      , mem;

    while (i--) {
      mem = cur[i];
      if (mem instanceof EmbeddedDocument) {
        if (values.some(function (v) { return v.equals(mem); } )) {
          [], i, 1);
      } else if (, mem)) {
        [], i, 1);

    return this;

   * Wraps [`Array#splice`]( with proper change tracking and casting.
   * ####Note:
   * _marks the entire array as modified, which if saved, will store it as a `$set` operation, potentially overwritting any changes that happen between when you retrieved the object and when you save it._
   * @api public
  splice: function splice () {
    var ret, vals, i;

    if (arguments.length) {
      vals = [];
      for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
        vals[i] = i < 2
          ? arguments[i]
          : this._cast(arguments[i]);
      ret = [].splice.apply(this, vals);


    return ret;

   * Wraps [`Array#unshift`]( with proper change tracking.
   * ####Note:
   * _marks the entire array as modified, which if saved, will store it as a `$set` operation, potentially overwritting any changes that happen between when you retrieved the object and when you save it._
   * @api public
  unshift: function () {
    var values = [], this._cast, this);
    [].unshift.apply(this, values);

    return this.length;

   * Wraps [`Array#sort`]( with proper change tracking.
   * ####NOTE:
   * _marks the entire array as modified, which if saved, will store it as a `$set` operation, potentially overwritting any changes that happen between when you retrieved the object and when you save it._
   * @api public
  sort: function () {
    var ret = [].sort.apply(this, arguments);

    return ret;

   * Adds values to the array if not already present.
   * ####Example:
   *     console.log(doc.array) // [2,3,4]
   *     var added = doc.array.addToSet(4,5);
   *     console.log(doc.array) // [2,3,4,5]
   *     console.log(added)     // [5]
   * @param {*} arguments
   * @return {Array} the values that were added
   * @api public
  addToSet: function addToSet () {
    var values = [], this._cast, this)
      , added = []
      , type = values[0] instanceof EmbeddedDocument ? 'doc' :
               values[0] instanceof Date ? 'date' :

    values.forEach(function (v) {
      var found;
      switch (type) {
        case 'doc':
          found = this.some(function(doc){ return doc.equals(v); });
        case 'date':
          var val = +v;
          found = this.some(function(d){ return +d === val; });
          found = ~this.indexOf(v);

      if (!found) {
        [], v);

        [], v);
    }, this);

    return added;

   * Sets the casted `val` at index `i` and marks the array modified.
   * ####Example:
   *     // given documents based on the following
   *     var docs = storage.createCollection('Doc', new Schema({ array: [Number] }));
   *     var doc = docs.add({ array: [2,3,4] })
   *     console.log(doc.array) // [2,3,4]
   *     doc.array.set(1,"5");
   *     console.log(doc.array); // [2,5,4] // properly cast to number
   * // the change is saved
   *     // VS not using array#set
   *     doc.array[1] = "5";
   *     console.log(doc.array); // [2,"5",4] // no casting
   * // change is not saved
   * @return {Array} this
   * @api public
  set: function (i, val) {
    this[i] = this._cast(val);
    return this;

   * Returns a native js Array.
   * @param {Object} options
   * @return {Array}
   * @api public
  toObject: function (options) {
    if (options && options.depopulate) {
      return (doc) {
        return doc instanceof Document
          ? doc.toObject(options)
          : doc;

    return this.slice();

   * Return the index of `obj` or `-1` if not found.
   * @param {Object} obj the item to look for
   * @return {Number}
   * @api public
  indexOf: function indexOf (obj) {
    if (obj instanceof ObjectId) obj = obj.toString();
    for (var i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; ++i) {
      if (obj == this[i])
        return i;
    return -1;

 * Alias of [pull](#types_array_StorageArray-pull)
 * @see StorageArray#pull #types_array_StorageArray-pull
 * @see mongodb
 * @api public
 * @memberOf StorageArray
 * @method remove
StorageArray.mixin.remove = StorageArray.mixin.pull;

 * Module exports.

module.exports = StorageArray;