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require 'sinatra/base'
require 'json'
require 'sinatra/cross_origin'
require 'base64'

require_relative '../lib/sinatra/swagger-exposer/swagger-exposer'

class Petstore < Sinatra::Base

  set :logging, true

  register Sinatra::CrossOrigin
  set :allow_origin, :any
  enable :cross_origin

  register Sinatra::SwaggerExposer

      :version => '1.0.0',
      :title => 'Swagger Petstore',
      :description => 'A sample API that uses a petstore as an example to demonstrate features in the swagger-2.0 specification',
      :termsOfService => '',
      :contact => {:name => 'Swagger API Team',
                   :email => '',
                   :url => ''
      :license => {
        :name => 'Apache 2.0',
        :url => ''

  type 'Error', {
    :required => [:code, :message],
    :properties => {
      :code => {
        :type => Integer,
        :example => 404,
        :description => 'The error code',
      :message => {
        :type => String,
        :example => 'Pet not found',
        :description => 'The error message',

  type 'Pet', {
    :required => [:id, :name],
    :properties => {
      :id => {
        :type => Integer,
        :format => 'int64',
      :name => {
        :type => String,
        :example => 'doggie',
        :description => 'The pet name',
        :maxLength => 2048,
      :photoUrls => {
        :type => [String],
      :tags => {
        :type => [String],
        :description => 'The pet\'s tags',
      :status => {
        :type => String,
        :description => 'pet status in the store',
        :example => 'sleepy',
  type 'Cat', {
    # Not yet supported in swagger-ui, see
    :extends => 'Pet',
    :properties => {
      :fluffy => {
        :type => TrueClass,
        :description => 'is this cat fluffy ?',
        :example => true,
        :default => false

  type 'CatRoot',
         :properties => {
           :cat => {
             :type => 'Cat',
             :description => 'A cat',
         :required => [:cat],

  response_header 'X-Total-Count', Integer, 'The total count in a paginate response'

  endpoint_summary 'Finds all the pets'
  endpoint_description 'Returns all pets from the system that the user has access to'
  endpoint_tags 'Pets'
  endpoint_response 200, ['Pet'], 'Standard response', ['X-Total-Count']
  endpoint_parameter :size, 'The number of pets to return', :query, false, Integer,
                       :example => 100,
                       :default => 20, # If the caller send no value the default value will be set in the params
                       :maximum => 100,
                       :minimum => 0,
                       :exclusiveMinimum => true,
  get '/pet' do
    content_type :json
    halt 200, {'X-Total-Count' => 0.to_s}, [].to_json

  endpoint_summary 'Create a pet'
  endpoint_tags 'Pets'
  endpoint_response 200, 'Pet', 'Standard response'
  endpoint_parameter :name, 'The pet name', :body, true, String, {
    :minLength => 1,
    :maxLength => 255,
  endpoint_parameter :status, 'The pet status', :body, false, String
  post '/pet' do
    # As some parameters are in the body
    # the parsed param body is available in params['parsed_body']
    name = params['parsed_body']['name']

    # Create the pet ...
    content_type :json
    {:id => 0, :name => name}.to_json

  endpoint_summary 'Finds all the cats'
  endpoint_description 'Returns all cats from the system that the user has access to'
  endpoint_tags 'Cats'
  endpoint_response 200, ['Cat'], 'Standard response'
  endpoint_parameter :size, 'The number of cats to return', :query, false, Integer,
                       :example => 100,
                       :default => 20, # If the caller send no value the default value will be set in the params
                       :maximum => 100,
                       :minimum => 0,
                       :exclusiveMinimum => true,
  get '/cat' do
    content_type :json

  endpoint_summary 'Finds a pet by its id'
  endpoint_description 'Finds a pet by its id, or 404 if the user does not have access to the pet'
  endpoint_tags 'Pets'
  endpoint_response 200, 'Pet', 'Standard response'
  endpoint_response 404, 'Error', 'Pet not found'
  endpoint_parameter :id, 'The pet id', :path, true, Integer, # Will fail if a non-numerical value is used
                       :example => 1234,
  endpoint_path '/pet/{id}'
  get %r{/pet/(\d+)\z} do |id|
    content_type :json
    [404, {:code => 404, :message => 'Pet not found'}.to_json]

  endpoint_summary 'Get a pet image'
  endpoint_description 'Get a pet image from its id'
  endpoint_tags 'Pets'
  endpoint_produces 'image/gif', 'application/json'
  endpoint_response 200, 'file', 'Standard response'
  endpoint_response 404, 'Error', 'Pet not found'
  endpoint_parameter :id, 'The pet id', :path, true, Integer, # Will fail if a non-numerical value is used
                       :example => 1234,
  endpoint_path '/pet/{id}/image'
  get %r{/pet/(\d+)/image\z} do |id|
    if id == '0'
      # a 1x1 image
      content_type :gif
      content_type :json
      [404, {:code => 404, :message => 'Pet not found'}.to_json]

  endpoint_summary 'Create a cat'
  endpoint_tags 'Cats'
  endpoint_response 200, 'CatRoot', 'Standard response'
  endpoint_parameter :cat, 'The cat', :body, true, 'CatRoot'
  post '/cat' do
    # As some parameters are in the body
    # the parsed param body is available in params['parsed_body']
    name = params['parsed_body']['cat']['name']

    # Create the cat ...
    content_type :json
    {:cat => {:id => 0, :name => name}}.to_json

  # See
  options '*' do
    response.headers['Allow'] = 'HEAD,GET,PUT,POST,DELETE,OPTIONS'
    response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'X-Requested-With, X-HTTP-Method-Override, Content-Type, Cache-Control, Accept'
