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  <h4 align="center">JavaScript client to get recent blog posts from your blogging platforms.</h4>

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**blog.js** is a JavaScript client designed to fetch recent blog posts from popular blogging platforms such as Dev and Medium. By providing a username, users can easily retrieve and showcase their most recent posts on their website or portfolio.

## Installation

Install via <a href="">NPM</a>.

npm install @arifszn/blog-js

Or install via <a href="">Yarn</a>.

yarn add @arifszn/blog-js

## Usage

- **`getDevPost()`**: Get 10 recent posts from [dev](

  const { getDevPost } = require('@arifszn/blog-js');

    user: 'yourusername',
  }).then((res) => {

- **`getMediumPost()`**: Get 10 recent posts from [medium](

  const { getMediumPost } = require('@arifszn/blog-js');

    user: 'yourusername',
  }).then((res) => {

Try it **[online](**.

## Sample Response

        title: "Why Enhancing Virtual Reality is Important",
        description: "Virtual reality is seen as a “fun” technology to some without much...",
        thumbnail: "*kz30LOdXT8CyOymh",
        link: "",
        categories: ["vr", "technology", "virtual-reality", "engineering", "artificial-intelligence"],
        publishedAt: Wed Aug 11 2021 18:43:34 GMT+0600
        title: "How to Get Started With Data Science: a Brief Guide",
        description: "You’ve heard about data science and machine learning, and you want to get started. Maybe you hear...",
        thumbnail: "*Ah0vLtsvxqUvRWuS",
        link: "",
        categories: ["beginner-coding", "data-science-training", "machine-learning-course"],
        publishedAt: Mon Jul 26 2021 22:55:26 GMT+0600

## Support

<p>You can show your support by starring this project.</p>
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## Contribute

To contribute, see the [contributing guide](

## License

[MIT License](