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Test Coverage
## Roadmap

**Version 0.4:** The Azure release

 - ✓ Azure: More useful (stack traces) error reporting on frontend.
 - ✓ Azure: Clean up the Cicero frontend API.
 - ✓ Azure: More complete local testing and deployment instructions.
 - Azure: Add support for custom Java packages.
 - Azure: It works using local storage, after Chris confirmation.
 - Azure: Do logging in the code, not in the service definition.
 - ✓ Azure: Test suite for Python app.
 - ✓ Azure: Test suite for Java app.
 - ✓ Azure: Test suite for Python harness.
 - ✓ Azure: Test suite for Java harness.

**Version 0.5:** The AppEngine release
 - ✓ AppEngine: Clean up the Cicero frontend API.
 - ✓ AppEngine: Support for Java.
 - AppEngine: Add a with instructions (or a link).
 - ✓ AppEngine: Test suite for apps.
 - Both: Document the Cicero frontend API in oration/

**Version 1.0**

 - Azure: Upload logging to a service like [Logentries][] (they have native
   support for Python and Java) [Loggly][], or [PaperTrail][].
 - Both: Support `stdout`-based apps with wrapper that modifies `sys.argv`,
   uses StringIO, and [reloads the module][] (Python), or supplies arguments
   to `main()` and uses `System.setOut()` (Java).
 - Both: Automatically choose appid from file name and choose output
   directory from file directory (add -azure or -appengine).
 - Both: Add a -f option that deletes output directory before recreating it.
 - Both: Replace '/' route with status (connections, background process) page.

  [reloads the module]:

**Some time, maybe**

 - Both: Add debugging instructions to READMEs.
 - Both: Store errors from user's code into task status.
 - Both: Allow mix-and-matching queue, storage, and compute services.
 - Both: Authentication (AppEngine can maybe use Google, what about Azure? Use
   custom scheme?)
 - Azure: Cache Java/Python distributables.
 - Azure: Use pre-built role (like [Smarx Role][]) or Linux VMs.

  [smarx role]: