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**First,** Get on Windows and install the [Windows Azure SDK for "Other" languages][sdk]. 
Note that any language SDK will work.


## Run locally

 1. **You only need to do this once per computer:** Install [Python 2.x][] and add the
    installation and scripts directory (e.g. C:\Python27;C:\Python27\Scripts) to your path.

    > To add a directory to your path, click on the Start menu, right click on Computer, and then
    click on Properties > Advanced system settings > Environment Variables. Add or edit an
    environment variable called "PATH" (case insensitive).

  [python 2.x]:

 2. **You only need to do this once per computer:** In the notification area, right click on the
    Azure icon (blue Windows icon), click on Show Storage Emulator UI, and finally make sure the
    checkboxes for Blob and Queue storage are marked.

 3. In a Windows Azure Command Prompt, run

        cd my\generated\app\directory

Your app will be accessible at <http://localhost:81/>. Try using [rest-client][] to test it.


When you want to shut down the app, go to a Windows Azure Command Prompt and run

    csrun /devfabric:shutdown
    csrun /devstore:shutdown

## Deploy to Azure

 1. If necessary, [create a Storage Account][portal storage].

  [portal storage]:

 2. Insert your storage account credentials into ServiceDefinition.csdef. Look
    for the following lines:

        <Variable name="AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME" value="" />
        <Variable name="AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY" value="" />

 3. In a Windows Azure Command Prompt, run


 4. [Create a cloud service][portal service] and upload the service package (.cspkg)
    and service configuration (ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg).

  [portal service]:

Wait around 10 minutes, and your app will be deployed!