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 * Creates and validates field parameters.
 * @package     Kirki
 * @category    Core
 * @author      Ari Stathopoulos (@aristath)
 * @copyright   Copyright (c) 2020, David Vongries
 * @license
 * @since       1.0

namespace Kirki\Compatibility;

use Kirki\Compatibility\Kirki;

 * Please do not use this class directly.
 * You should instead extend it per-field-type.
class Field {

     * An array of the field arguments.
     * @access protected
     * @var array
    protected $args = [];

     * The ID of the kirki_config we're using.
     * @see Kirki\Compatibility\Config
     * @access protected
     * @var string
    protected $kirki_config = 'global';

     * The capability required so that users can edit this field.
     * @access protected
     * @var string
    protected $capability = 'edit_theme_options';

     * If we're using options instead of theme_mods
     * and we want them serialized, this is the option that
     * will saved in the db.
     * @access protected
     * @var string
    protected $option_name = '';

     * Custom input attributes (defined as an array).
     * @access protected
     * @var array
    protected $input_attrs = [];

     * Preset choices.
     * @access protected
     * @var array
    protected $preset = [];

     * CSS Variables.
     * @access protected
     * @var array
    protected $css_vars = [];

     * Use "theme_mod" or "option".
     * @access protected
     * @var string
    protected $option_type = 'theme_mod';

     * The name of this setting (id for the db).
     * @access protected
     * @var string|array
    protected $settings = '';

     * Set to true if you want to disable all CSS output for this field.
     * @access protected
     * @var bool
    protected $disable_output = false;

     * The field type.
     * @access protected
     * @var string
    protected $type = 'kirki-generic';

     * Some fields require options to be set.
     * We're whitelisting the property here
     * and suggest you validate this in a child class.
     * @access protected
     * @var array
    protected $choices = [];

     * Assign this field to a section.
     * Fields not assigned to a section will not be displayed in the customizer.
     * @access protected
     * @var string
    protected $section = '';

     * The default value for this field.
     * @access protected
     * @var string|array|bool
    protected $default = '';

     * Priority determines the position of a control inside a section.
     * Lower priority numbers move the control to the top.
     * @access protected
     * @var int
    protected $priority = 10;

     * Unique ID for this field.
     * This is auto-calculated from the $settings argument.
     * @access protected
     * @var string
    protected $id = '';

     * Use if you want to automatically generate CSS from this field's value.
     * @see
     * @access protected
     * @var array
    protected $output = [];

     * Use to automatically generate postMessage scripts.
     * Not necessary to use if you use 'transport' => 'auto'
     * and have already set an array for the 'output' argument.
     * @see
     * @access protected
     * @var array
    protected $js_vars = [];

     * If you want to use a CSS compiler, then use this to set the variable names.
     * @see
     * @access protected
     * @var array
    protected $variables = [];

     * Text that will be used in a tooltip to provide extra info for this field.
     * @access protected
     * @var string
    protected $tooltip = '';

     * A custom callback to determine if the field should be visible or not.
     * @access protected
     * @var string|array
    protected $active_callback = '__return_true';

     * A custom sanitize callback that will be used to properly save the values.
     * @access protected
     * @var string|array
    protected $sanitize_callback = '';

     * Use 'refresh', 'postMessage' or 'auto'.
     * 'auto' will automatically geberate any 'js_vars' from the 'output' argument.
     * @access protected
     * @var string
    protected $transport = 'refresh';

     * Define dependencies to show/hide this field based on the values of other fields.
     * @access protected
     * @var array
    protected $required = [];

     * Partial Refreshes array.
     * @access protected
     * @var array
    protected $partial_refresh = [];

     * The class constructor.
     * Parses and sanitizes all field arguments.
     * Then it adds the field to Kirki::$fields.
     * @access public
     * @param string $config_id    The ID of the config we want to use.
     *                             Defaults to "global".
     *                             Configs are handled by the Kirki\Compatibility\Config class.
     * @param array  $args         The arguments of the field.
    public function __construct( $config_id = 'global', $args = [] ) {

        // In case the user only provides 1 argument,
        // assume that the provided argument is $args and set $config_id = 'global'.
        if ( is_array( $config_id ) && empty( $args ) ) {
            $args      = $config_id;
            $config_id = isset( $args['kirki_config'] ) ? $args['kirki_config'] : 'global';

        if ( isset( $args['setting'] ) && ! empty( $args['setting'] ) && ( ! isset( $args['settings'] ) || empty( $args['settings'] ) ) ) {
            /* translators: %s represents the field ID where the error occurs. */
            _doing_it_wrong( __METHOD__, sprintf( esc_html__( 'Typo found in field %s - setting instead of settings.', 'kirki' ), esc_html( $args['settings'] ) ), '3.0.10' );
            $args['settings'] = $args['setting'];
            unset( $args['setting'] );

        $args['kirki_config'] = $config_id;

        $this->kirki_config = $config_id;
        if ( '' === $config_id ) {
            /* translators: %1$s represents the field ID where the error occurs. %2$s is the URL in the documentation site. */
            _doing_it_wrong( __METHOD__, sprintf( esc_html__( 'Config not defined for field %1$s - See %2$s for details on how to properly add fields.', 'kirki' ), esc_html( $args['settings'] ), '' ), '3.0.10' );
            $this->kirki_config = 'global';

        // Get defaults from the class.
        $defaults = get_class_vars( __CLASS__ );

        // Get the config arguments, and merge them with the defaults.
        $config_defaults = ( isset( Kirki::$config['global'] ) ) ? Kirki::$config['global'] : [];
        if ( 'global' !== $this->kirki_config && isset( Kirki::$config[ $this->kirki_config ] ) ) {
            $config_defaults = Kirki::$config[ $this->kirki_config ];
        $config_defaults = ( is_array( $config_defaults ) ) ? $config_defaults : [];
        foreach ( $config_defaults as $key => $value ) {
            if ( isset( $defaults[ $key ] ) && ! empty( $value ) && $value !== $defaults[ $key ] ) {
                $defaults[ $key ] = $value;

        // Merge our args with the defaults.
        $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );

        // Set the class properties using the parsed args.
        foreach ( $args as $key => $value ) {
            $this->$key = $value;

        $this->args = $args;


        // Instantiate the \Kirki\Field to apply hooks.
        new \Kirki\Field\None( $this->args );

     * Processes the field arguments
     * @access protected
    protected function set_field() {

        $properties = get_class_vars( __CLASS__ );

        // Some things must run before the others.

        // Sanitize the properties, skipping the ones that have already run above.
        foreach ( array_keys( $properties ) as $property ) {
            if ( in_array( $property, [ 'option_name', 'option_type', 'settings' ], true ) ) {
            if ( method_exists( $this, 'set_' . $property ) ) {
                $method_name = 'set_' . $property;

        // Get all arguments with their values.
        $args = get_object_vars( $this );
        foreach ( array_keys( $args ) as $key ) {
            $args[ $key ] = $this->$key;

        // Add the field to the static $fields variable properly indexed.
        Kirki::$fields[ $this->settings ] = $args;


     * Escape the $section.
     * @access protected
    protected function set_input_attrs() {
        $this->input_attrs = (array) $this->input_attrs;

     * Make sure we're using the correct option_type
     * @access protected
    protected function set_option_type() {

        // Take care of common typos.
        if ( 'options' === $this->option_type ) {
            $this->option_type = 'option';

        // Take care of common typos.
        if ( 'theme_mods' === $this->option_type ) {
            /* translators: %1$s represents the field ID where the error occurs. */
            _doing_it_wrong( __METHOD__, sprintf( esc_html( 'Typo found in field %s - "theme_mods" vs "theme_mod"', 'kirki' ), esc_html( $this->settings ) ), '3.0.10' );
            $this->option_type = 'theme_mod';

     * Modifications for partial refreshes.
     * @access protected
    protected function set_partial_refresh() {
        if ( ! is_array( $this->partial_refresh ) ) {
            $this->partial_refresh = [];
        foreach ( $this->partial_refresh as $id => $args ) {
            if ( ! is_array( $args ) || ! isset( $args['selector'] ) || ! isset( $args['render_callback'] ) || ! is_callable( $args['render_callback'] ) ) {
                /* translators: %1$s represents the field ID where the error occurs. */
                _doing_it_wrong( __METHOD__, sprintf( esc_html__( '"partial_refresh" invalid entry in field %s', 'kirki' ), esc_html( $this->settings ) ), '3.0.10' );
                unset( $this->partial_refresh[ $id ] );
        if ( ! empty( $this->partial_refresh ) ) {
            $this->transport = 'postMessage';

     * Sets the settings.
     * If we're using serialized options it makes sure that settings are properly formatted.
     * We'll also be escaping all setting names here for consistency.
     * @access protected
    protected function set_settings() {

        // If settings is not an array, temporarily convert it to an array.
        // This is just to allow us to process everything the same way and avoid code duplication.
        // if settings is not an array then it will not be set as an array in the end.
        if ( ! is_array( $this->settings ) ) {
            $this->settings = [
                'kirki_placeholder_setting' => $this->settings,
        $settings = [];
        foreach ( $this->settings as $setting_key => $setting_value ) {
            $settings[ $setting_key ] = $setting_value;

            // If we're using serialized options then we need to spice this up.
            if ( 'option' === $this->option_type && '' !== $this->option_name && ( false === strpos( $setting_key, '[' ) ) ) {
                $settings[ $setting_key ] = "{$this->option_name}[{$setting_value}]";
        $this->settings = $settings;
        if ( isset( $this->settings['kirki_placeholder_setting'] ) ) {
            $this->settings = $this->settings['kirki_placeholder_setting'];

     * Sets the active_callback
     * If we're using the $required argument,
     * Then this is where the switch is made to our evaluation method.
     * @access protected
    protected function set_active_callback() {
        if ( is_array( $this->active_callback ) ) {
            if ( ! is_callable( $this->active_callback ) ) {

                // Bugfix for
                foreach ( $this->active_callback as $key => $val ) {
                    if ( is_callable( $val ) ) {
                        unset( $this->active_callback[ $key ] );
                if ( isset( $this->active_callback[0] ) ) {
                    $this->required = $this->active_callback;

        if ( ! empty( $this->required ) ) {
            $this->active_callback = '__return_true';
        // No need to proceed any further if we're using the default value.
        if ( '__return_true' === $this->active_callback ) {

        // Make sure the function is callable, otherwise fallback to __return_true.
        if ( ! is_callable( $this->active_callback ) ) {
            $this->active_callback = '__return_true';

     * Sets the $id.
     * Setting the ID should happen after the 'settings' sanitization.
     * This way we can also properly handle cases where the option_type is set to 'option'
     * and we're using an array instead of individual options.
     * @access protected
    protected function set_id() {
        $this->id = sanitize_key( str_replace( '[', '-', str_replace( ']', '', $this->settings ) ) );

     * Sets the $choices.
     * @access protected
    protected function set_choices() {
        if ( ! is_array( $this->choices ) ) {
            $this->choices = [];

     * Escapes the $disable_output.
     * @access protected
    protected function set_disable_output() {
        $this->disable_output = (bool) $this->disable_output;

     * Sets the $sanitize_callback
     * @access protected
    protected function set_output() {
        if ( empty( $this->output ) ) {
        if ( ! is_array( $this->output ) ) {
            /* translators: The field ID where the error occurs. */
            _doing_it_wrong( __METHOD__, sprintf( esc_html__( '"output" invalid format in field %s. The "output" argument should be defined as an array of arrays.', 'kirki' ), esc_html( $this->settings ) ), '3.0.10' );
            $this->output = [
                    'element' => $this->output,

        // Convert to array of arrays if needed.
        if ( isset( $this->output['element'] ) ) {
            /* translators: The field ID where the error occurs. */
            _doing_it_wrong( __METHOD__, sprintf( esc_html__( '"output" invalid format in field %s. The "output" argument should be defined as an array of arrays.', 'kirki' ), esc_html( $this->settings ) ), '3.0.10' );
            $this->output = [ $this->output ];

        foreach ( $this->output as $key => $output ) {
            if ( empty( $output ) || ! isset( $output['element'] ) ) {
                unset( $this->output[ $key ] );
            if ( ! isset( $output['sanitize_callback'] ) && isset( $output['callback'] ) ) {
                $this->output[ $key ]['sanitize_callback'] = $output['callback'];

            // Convert element arrays to strings.
            if ( isset( $output['element'] ) && is_array( $output['element'] ) ) {
                $this->output[ $key ]['element'] = array_unique( $this->output[ $key ]['element'] );
                sort( $this->output[ $key ]['element'] );

                // Trim each element in the array.
                foreach ( $this->output[ $key ]['element'] as $index => $element ) {
                    $this->output[ $key ]['element'][ $index ] = trim( $element );
                $this->output[ $key ]['element'] = implode( ',', $this->output[ $key ]['element'] );

            // Fix for
            $this->output[ $key ]['element'] = str_replace( [ "\t", "\n", "\r", "\0", "\x0B" ], ' ', $this->output[ $key ]['element'] );
            $this->output[ $key ]['element'] = trim( preg_replace( '/\s+/', ' ', $this->output[ $key ]['element'] ) );

     * Sets the $js_vars
     * @access protected
    protected function set_js_vars() {
        if ( ! is_array( $this->js_vars ) ) {
            $this->js_vars = [];

        // Check if transport is set to auto.
        // If not, then skip the auto-calculations and exit early.
        if ( 'auto' !== $this->transport ) {

        // Set transport to refresh initially.
        // Serves as a fallback in case we failt to auto-calculate js_vars.
        $this->transport = 'refresh';

        $js_vars = [];

        // Try to auto-generate js_vars.
        // First we need to check if js_vars are empty, and that output is not empty.
        if ( empty( $this->js_vars ) && ! empty( $this->output ) ) {

            // Start going through each item in the $output array.
            foreach ( $this->output as $output ) {
                $output['function'] = ( isset( $output['function'] ) ) ? $output['function'] : 'style';

                // If 'element' is not defined, skip this.
                if ( ! isset( $output['element'] ) ) {
                if ( is_array( $output['element'] ) ) {
                    $output['element'] = implode( ',', $output['element'] );

                // If there's a sanitize_callback defined skip this, unless we also have a js_callback defined.
                if ( isset( $output['sanitize_callback'] ) && ! empty( $output['sanitize_callback'] ) && ! isset( $output['js_callback'] ) ) {

                // If we got this far, it's safe to add this.
                $js_vars[] = $output;

            // Did we manage to get all the items from 'output'?
            // If not, then we're missing something so don't add this.
            if ( count( $js_vars ) !== count( $this->output ) ) {
            $this->js_vars   = $js_vars;
            $this->transport = 'postMessage';

     * Sets the $variables
     * @access protected
    protected function set_variables() {
        if ( ! is_array( $this->variables ) ) {
            $variable        = ( is_string( $this->variables ) && ! empty( $this->variables ) ) ? $this->variables : false;
            $this->variables = [];
            if ( $variable && empty( $this->variables ) ) {
                $this->variables[0]['name'] = $variable;

     * Sets the $transport
     * @access protected
    protected function set_transport() {
        if ( 'postmessage' === trim( strtolower( $this->transport ) ) ) {
            $this->transport = 'postMessage';

     * Sets the $required
     * @access protected
    protected function set_required() {
        if ( ! is_array( $this->required ) ) {
            $this->required = [];

     * Sets the $priority
     * @access protected
    protected function set_priority() {
        $this->priority = absint( $this->priority );

     * Sets the $css_vars
     * @access protected
    protected function set_css_vars() {
        if ( is_string( $this->css_vars ) ) {
            $this->css_vars = [ $this->css_vars ];
        if ( isset( $this->css_vars[0] ) && is_string( $this->css_vars[0] ) ) {
            $this->css_vars = [ $this->css_vars ];
        foreach ( $this->css_vars as $key => $val ) {
            if ( ! isset( $val[1] ) ) {
                $this->css_vars[ $key ][1] = '$';