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/* global kirkiPostMessageFields */
/* eslint max-depth: off */
var kirkiPostMessage = {

     * The fields.
     * @since 1.0.0
    fields: {},

     * A collection of methods for the <style> tags.
     * @since 1.0.0
    styleTag: {

         * Add a <style> tag in <head> if it doesn't already exist.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param {string} id - The field-ID.
         * @returns {void}
        add: function( id ) {
            id = id.replace( /[^\w\s]/gi, '-' );
            if ( null === document.getElementById( 'kirki-postmessage-' + id ) || 'undefined' === typeof document.getElementById( 'kirki-postmessage-' + id ) ) {
                jQuery( 'head' ).append( '<style id="kirki-postmessage-' + id + '"></style>' );

         * Add a <style> tag in <head> if it doesn't already exist,
         * by calling the this.add method, and then add styles inside it.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param {string} id - The field-ID.
         * @param {string} styles - The styles to add.
         * @returns {void}
        addData: function( id, styles ) {
            id = id.replace( '[', '-' ).replace( ']', '' );
            kirkiPostMessage.styleTag.add( id );
            jQuery( '#kirki-postmessage-' + id ).text( styles );

     * Common utilities.
     * @since 1.0.0
    util: {

         * Processes the value and applies any replacements and/or additions.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param {Object} output - The output (js_vars) argument.
         * @param {mixed}  value - The value.
         * @param {string} controlType - The control-type.
         * @returns {string|false} - Returns false if value is excluded, otherwise a string.
        processValue: function( output, value ) {
            var self     = this,
                settings = window.parent.wp.customize.get(),
                excluded = false;

            if ( 'object' === typeof value ) {
                _.each( value, function( subValue, key ) {
                    value[ key ] = self.processValue( output, subValue );
                } );
                return value;
            output = _.defaults( output, {
                prefix: '',
                units: '',
                suffix: '',
                value_pattern: '$',
                pattern_replace: {},
                exclude: []
            } );

            if ( 1 <= output.exclude.length ) {
                _.each( output.exclude, function( exclusion ) {
                    if ( value == exclusion ) {
                        excluded = true;
                } );

            if ( excluded ) {
                return false;

            value = output.value_pattern.replace( new RegExp( '\\$', 'g' ), value );
            _.each( output.pattern_replace, function( id, placeholder ) {
                if ( ! _.isUndefined( settings[ id ] ) ) {
                    value = value.replace( placeholder, settings[ id ] );
            } );
            return output.prefix + value + output.units + output.suffix;

         * Make sure urls are properly formatted for background-image properties.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param {string} url - The URL.
         * @returns {string} - Returns the URL.
        backgroundImageValue: function( url ) {
            return ( -1 === url.indexOf( 'url(' ) ) ? 'url(' + url + ')' : url;

     * A collection of utilities for CSS generation.
     * @since 1.0.0
    css: {

         * Generates the CSS from the output (js_vars) parameter.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param {Object} output - The output (js_vars) argument.
         * @param {mixed}  value - The value.
         * @param {string} controlType - The control-type.
         * @returns {string} - Returns CSS as a string.
        fromOutput: function( output, value, controlType ) {
            var styles      = '',
                mediaQuery  = false,

            try {
                value = JSON.parse( value );
            } catch ( e ) {} // eslint-disable-line no-empty

            if ( output.js_callback && 'function' === typeof window[ output.js_callback ] ) {
                value = window[ output.js_callback[0] ]( value, output.js_callback[1] );

            // Apply the kirkiPostMessageStylesOutput filter.
            styles = wp.hooks.applyFilters( 'kirkiPostMessageStylesOutput', styles, value, output, controlType );

            if ( '' === styles ) {
                switch ( controlType ) {
                    case 'kirki-multicolor':
                    case 'kirki-sortable':
                        styles += output.element + '{';
                        _.each( value, function( val, key ) {
                            if ( output.choice && key !== output.choice ) {
                            processedValue = kirkiPostMessage.util.processValue( output, val );

                            if ( '' === processedValue ) {
                                if ( 'background-color' === ) {
                                    processedValue = 'unset';
                                } else if ( 'background-image' === ) {
                                    processedValue = 'none';

                            if ( false !== processedValue ) {
                                styles += ? + '-' + key + ':' + processedValue + ';' : key + ':' + processedValue + ';';
                        } );
                        styles += '}';
                        if ( 'kirki-image' === controlType ) {
                            value = ( ! _.isUndefined( value.url ) ) ? kirkiPostMessage.util.backgroundImageValue( value.url ) : kirkiPostMessage.util.backgroundImageValue( value );
                        if ( _.isObject( value ) ) {
                            styles += output.element + '{';
                            _.each( value, function( val, key ) {
                                var property;
                                if ( output.choice && key !== output.choice ) {
                                processedValue = kirkiPostMessage.util.processValue( output, val );
                                property       = ? : key;

                                if ( '' === processedValue ) {
                                    if ( 'background-color' === property ) {
                                        processedValue = 'unset';
                                    } else if ( 'background-image' === property ) {
                                        processedValue = 'none';

                                if ( false !== processedValue ) {
                                    styles += property + ':' + processedValue + ';';
                            } );
                            styles += '}';
                        } else {
                            processedValue = kirkiPostMessage.util.processValue( output, value );
                            if ( '' === processedValue ) {
                                if ( 'background-color' === ) {
                                    processedValue = 'unset';
                                } else if ( 'background-image' === ) {
                                    processedValue = 'none';

                            if ( false !== processedValue ) {
                                styles += output.element + '{' + + ':' + processedValue + ';}';

            // Get the media-query.
            if ( output.media_query && 'string' === typeof output.media_query && ! _.isEmpty( output.media_query ) ) {
                mediaQuery = output.media_query;
                if ( -1 === mediaQuery.indexOf( '@media' ) ) {
                    mediaQuery = '@media ' + mediaQuery;

            // If we have a media-query, add it and return.
            if ( mediaQuery ) {
                return mediaQuery + '{' + styles + '}';

            // Return the styles.
            return styles;

     * A collection of utilities to change the HTML in the document.
     * @since 1.0.0
    html: {

         * Modifies the HTML from the output (js_vars) parameter.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param {Object} output - The output (js_vars) argument.
         * @param {mixed}  value - The value.
         * @returns {void}
        fromOutput: function( output, value ) {

            if ( output.js_callback && 'function' === typeof window[ output.js_callback ] ) {
                value = window[ output.js_callback[0] ]( value, output.js_callback[1] );

            if ( _.isObject( value ) || _.isArray( value ) ) {
                if ( ! output.choice ) {
                _.each( value, function( val, key ) {
                    if ( output.choice && key !== output.choice ) {
                    value = val;
                } );
            value = kirkiPostMessage.util.processValue( output, value );

            if ( output.attr ) {
                jQuery( output.element ).attr( output.attr, value );
            } else {
                jQuery( output.element ).html( value );

     * A collection of utilities to allow toggling a CSS class.
     * @since 1.0.0
    toggleClass: {

         * Toggles a CSS class from the output (js_vars) parameter.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param {Object} output - The output (js_vars) argument.
         * @param {mixed}  value - The value.
         * @returns {void}
        fromOutput: function( output, value ) {
            if ( 'undefined' === typeof output.class || 'undefined' === typeof output.value ) {
            if ( value === output.value && ! jQuery( output.element ).hasClass( output.class ) ) {
                jQuery( output.element ).addClass( output.class );
            } else {
                jQuery( output.element ).removeClass( output.class );

jQuery( document ).ready( function() {
    var styles;

    _.each( kirkiPostMessageFields, function( field ) {

        // Take care of styles on initial load and page-refreshes.
        styles = '';
        _.each( field.js_vars, function( output ) {
            output.function = ( ! output.function || 'undefined' === typeof kirkiPostMessage[ output.function ] ) ? 'css' : output.function;
            field.type = ( field.choices && field.choices.parent_type ) ? field.choices.parent_type : field.type;

            if ( 'css' === output.function ) {
                styles += kirkiPostMessage.css.fromOutput( output, wp.customize( field.settings ).get(), field.type );
            } else {
                kirkiPostMessage[ output.function ].fromOutput( output, wp.customize( field.settings ).get(), field.type );
        } );
        kirkiPostMessage.styleTag.addData( field.settings, styles );

        wp.customize( field.settings, function( value ) {
            value.bind( function( newVal ) {
                styles = '';
                _.each( field.js_vars, function( output ) {
                    output.function = ( ! output.function || 'undefined' === typeof kirkiPostMessage[ output.function ] ) ? 'css' : output.function;
                    field.type = ( field.choices && field.choices.parent_type ) ? field.choices.parent_type : field.type;

                    if ( 'css' === output.function ) {
                        styles += kirkiPostMessage.css.fromOutput( output, newVal, field.type );
                    } else {
                        kirkiPostMessage[ output.function ].fromOutput( output, newVal, field.type );
                } );
                kirkiPostMessage.styleTag.addData( field.settings, styles );
            } );
        } );
    } );
} );