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## template-sync

Keep repository in sync with its template.

Generates pull requests to bring a repository back in sync with its template.

So by making changes to the template and applying template-sync the target project will be updated accoring to the template.

Works with github and bitbucket.

This is the engine for cli operation please see [template-tools/template-sync-cli](

Merges contents from template branch into destination branch handling some special cases for:

*   Licenses - rewriting license years
*   line set files like .npmignore and .gitignore - by merging both sets together
*   package.json - merge (.\*)\[Dd]ependencies, engines and scripts
*   rollup.conf.\*js - copy / rewrite + detect dev dependencies
*   [\*.yaml - merge](doc/yaml/
*   [.travis.yml - merge with hints](doc/travis/
*   [\*.toml - merge](doc/toml/
*   [\*.ini - merge](doc/ini/
*   [\*.json - merge](doc/json/
* - merge badges

![generated pull request](doc/pr_sample.png)

## Some templates

*   [arlac77/template-cli-app]( *rollup* *ava* *travis*
*   [arlac77/template-esm-only]( *ava* *travis*
*   [arlac77/template-svelte-component]( *svelte* *rollup* *testcafe* *travis*
*   [arlac77/template-svelte-app]( *svelte* *rollup* *pkgbuild* *travis*
*   [arlac77/template-kronos-component]( template-esm-only with node 14
*   [arlac77/template-kronos-app]( node 14 + systemd


<!-- Generated by documentation.js. Update this documentation by updating the source code. -->

### Table of Contents

*   [Delete](#delete)
*   [Merger](#merger)
    *   [properties](#properties)
        *   [Parameters](#parameters)
    *   [commits](#commits)
        *   [Parameters](#parameters-1)
*   [INI](#ini)
*   [normalizeTemplateSources](#normalizetemplatesources)
    *   [Parameters](#parameters-2)
*   [jspath](#jspath)
    *   [Parameters](#parameters-3)
*   [actions2message](#actions2message)
    *   [Parameters](#parameters-4)
*   [actions2messages](#actions2messages)
    *   [Parameters](#parameters-5)
*   [MergeLineSet](#mergelineset)
*   [sortedKeys](#sortedkeys)
*   [exportsConditionOrder](#exportsconditionorder)
*   [Package](#package)
    *   [properties](#properties-1)
        *   [Parameters](#parameters-6)
*   [Readme](#readme)
*   [ReplaceIfEmpty](#replaceifempty)
*   [Replace](#replace)
*   [Skip](#skip)

## Delete

**Extends Merger**

Delete entry.

## Merger

Mergable content

### properties

Deliver some key properties.

#### Parameters

*   `entry` **ContentEntry**&#x20;

Returns **[Object](** extracted properties

### commits

Generate commits as result of merging two entries.

#### Parameters

*   `context` &#x20;
*   `destinationEntry` &#x20;
*   `sourceEntry` &#x20;
*   `options` &#x20;

## INI

**Extends Merger**

Merge ini entries

## normalizeTemplateSources

Remove duplicate sources.
Sources staring with '-' will be removed

### Parameters

*   `sources` **[Array](<[string](>**&#x20;
*   `remove` **[Array](<[string](>**  (optional, default `[]`)

Returns **[Array](<[string](>** normalized sources

## jspath

### Parameters

*   `object` &#x20;
*   `path` &#x20;
*   `cb` &#x20;

## actions2message

### Parameters

*   `actions` &#x20;
*   `prefix` **[string](**&#x20;
*   `name` **[string](**&#x20;

Returns **any** actions as one string lines ordered by scope

## actions2messages

### Parameters

*   `actions` &#x20;
*   `prefix` **[string](**&#x20;
*   `name` **[string](**&#x20;

## MergeLineSet

**Extends Merger**

## sortedKeys

order in which json keys are written

## exportsConditionOrder

*   **See**: {<}>

Order in which exports are searched

## Package

**Extends Merger**

Merger for package.json

### properties

Deliver some key properties.

*   name
*   version
*   description
*   main

#### Parameters

*   `entry` **ContentEntry**&#x20;

Returns **[Promise](<[Object](>**&#x20;

## Readme

**Extends Merger**

Injects badges into

## ReplaceIfEmpty

**Extends Merger**

Overwrites none existing entries from template.

## Replace

**Extends Merger**

Always overwrite entry from template

## Skip

**Extends Merger**

Does not generate destination entry

# install

With [npm]( do:

npm install -g @template-tools/sync-cli

# license
