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import { EOL } from "node:os";

export function encode(obj, opt) {
  const children = [];
  let out = "";

  // opt.section is passed in recursively. If passed in on top-level, it'll affect both the top-level ini keys, and any children
  if (typeof opt === "string") {
    opt = {
      section: opt,
      whitespace: false,
      inlineArrays: false
  } else {
    opt = opt || {};
    opt.whitespace = opt.whitespace === true;
  const separator = opt.whitespace ? " = " : "=";

  for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(obj)) {
    if (val && Array.isArray(val)) {
      val.forEach(function (item) {
        out +=
          safe(opt.inlineArrays ? key : key + "[]") +
          separator +
          safe(item) +
    } else if (val && typeof val === "object") {
    } else {
      out += safe(key) + separator + safe(val) + EOL;

  if (opt.section && out.length) {
    out = "[" + safe(opt.section) + "]" + EOL + out;

  children.forEach(function (key) {
    const parsedSection = dotSplit(key).join("\\.");
    const section = (opt.section ? opt.section + "." : "") + parsedSection;
    const child = encode(obj[key], {
      section: section,
      whitespace: opt.whitespace,
      inlineArrays: opt.inlineArrays
    if (out.length && child.length) {
      out += EOL;
    out += child;

  return out;

function dotSplit(str) {
  return str
    .replace(/\1/g, "\u0002LITERAL\\1LITERAL\u0002")
    .replace(/\\\./g, "\u0001")
    .map(function (part) {
      return part
        .replace(/\1/g, "\\.")
        .replace(/\2LITERAL\\1LITERAL\2/g, "\u0001");

export function decode(str, opt = {}) {
  const out = {};
  let ref = out;
  let section = null;
  //          section       |key        = value
  const re = /^\[([^\]]*)\]$|^([^=]+)(?:=(.*))?$/i;
  const lines = str.split(/[\r\n]+/g);
  const commentMatch = /^\s*[;#]/;
  lines.forEach(function (line) {
    if (!line || line.match(commentMatch)) {
    const match = line.match(re);
    if (!match) {
    if (match[1] !== undefined) {
      section = unsafe(match[1]);
      ref = out[section] = out[section] || {};
    let key = unsafe(match[2]);
    let value = match[3] ? unsafe(match[3]) : true;
    switch (value) {
      case "true":
      case "false":
      case "null":
        value = JSON.parse(value);

    // Convert keys with '[]' suffix to an array
    if (key.length > 2 && key.slice(-2) === "[]") {
      key = key.slice(0, key.length - 2);
      if (!ref[key]) {
        ref[key] = [];
      } else if (!Array.isArray(ref[key])) {
        ref[key] = [ref[key]];
    } else if (
      opt.inlineArrays &&
      typeof ref[key] !== "undefined" &&
    ) {
      ref[key] = [ref[key]];

    // safeguard against resetting a previously defined
    // array by accidentally forgetting the brackets
    if (Array.isArray(ref[key])) {
    } else {
      ref[key] = value;

  // {a:{y:1},"a.b":{x:2}} --> {a:{y:1,b:{x:2}}}
  // use a filter to return the keys that have to be deleted.
    .filter(function (key) {
      if (
        !out[key] ||
        typeof out[key] !== "object" ||
      ) {
        return false;
      // see if the parent section is also an object.
      // if so, add it to that, and mark this one for deletion
      const parts = dotSplit(key);
      let p = out;
      const lastKey = parts.pop();
      const unescapedLastKey = lastKey.replace(/\\\./g, ".");
      parts.forEach(function (part) {
        if (!p[part] || typeof p[part] !== "object") {
          p[part] = {};
        p = p[part];
      if (p === out && unescapedLastKey === lastKey) {
        return false;
      p[unescapedLastKey] = out[key];
      return true;
    .forEach(function (del) {
      delete out[del];

  return out;

// determines if string is encased in quotes
function isQuoted(val) {
  return (
    (val.startsWith('"') && val.endsWith('"')) ||
    (val.startsWith("'") && val.endsWith("'"))

// escapes the string val such that it is safe to be used as a key or value in an ini-file. Basically escapes quotes
function safe(val) {
  // all kinds of values and keys
  if (
    typeof val !== "string" ||
    val.match(/[\r\n]/) ||
    val.match(/^\[/) ||
    (val.length > 1 && isQuoted(val)) ||
    val !== val.trim()
  ) {
    return JSON.stringify(val);
  // comments
  return val.replace(/;/g, "\\;").replace(/#/g, "\\#");

// unescapes the string val
function unsafe(val) {
  const escapableChars = "\\;#",
    commentChars = ";#";

  val = (val || "").trim();
  if (isQuoted(val)) {
    // remove the single quotes before calling JSON.parse
    if (val.charAt(0) === "'") {
      val = val.substr(1, val.length - 2);
    try {
      val = JSON.parse(val);
    } catch (e) {
      // we tried :(
    return val;
  // walk the val to find the first not-escaped ; character
  let isEscaping = false;
  let escapedVal = "";
  for (let i = 0, l = val.length; i < l; i++) {
    const c = val.charAt(i);
    if (isEscaping) {
      // check if this character is an escapable character like \ or ; or #
      if (escapableChars.indexOf(c) !== -1) {
        escapedVal += c;
      } else {
        escapedVal += "\\" + c;
      isEscaping = false;
    } else if (commentChars.indexOf(c) !== -1) {
    } else if (c === "\\") {
      isEscaping = true;
    } else {
      escapedVal += c;
  // we're still escaping - something isn't right. Close out with an escaped escape char
  if (isEscaping) {
    escapedVal += "\\";
  return escapedVal.trim();